Slavic-Aryan gods. Slavic Vedism (Veda, Vedas - Knowledge)

The second half of the 20th century was marked by the revival of Vedic culture and its penetration into Western countries. This began to happen due to the popularization of the works of Roerich and Blavatsky. It is also connected with the spread of teachings originating in the Vedas.

supreme god

God in has a collective image. Unlike other religious cultures, the Vedas clearly state who God is and what manifestations he has.

The first, most understandable manifestation is the Absolute. It is the totality of all things. That which can be seen with the help of the senses and that which is not manifested. In Sanskrit, this divine expression is called Brahman.

The second manifestation is the oversoul or superconsciousness. In Sanskrit, it is called paramatma, which means the Supreme Soul. According to the scriptures, superconsciousness operates in the world of matter and enters into every atom. The heart of every living being is pervaded by this divine consciousness. Therefore, there is an aphorism that God is in the heart of a person and in order to find Him, you need to look inside.

The third manifestation of the Divine consciousness is His personal expression. Supreme Lord. In this guise, the Absolute enjoys showing the world many amazing and beautiful games. The scriptures say that the personal manifestations of the Absolute are innumerable, like waves on the surface of the ocean.

Divine incarnations

The Vedic literature describes several incarnations of the Supreme Lord in the world of matter. Each incarnation of Him had certain goals and harmoniously fit into the plan of the divine game. Here are some of them:

Brief description of the creation of the world

The literature of the Vedas says that beyond the world of matter lies a spiritual reality, stretching to infinity, where there is neither decay nor death. In Sanskrit, this transcendental world is called Vaikuntha, the place where there is no anxiety. Time does not affect the local inhabitants - they are forever beautiful and young. Their every step is a dance, and every word is a song. The Vedas say that this is our home, where every soul aspires.

The main characteristic of the living beings of the spiritual world is complete disinterestedness. To live for God and for others is the meaning of their existence.

But what about those who want to live for themselves? A world full of enmity and deprivation is prepared for them - the world of matter. Here everyone can satisfy their egoistic desires and fully experience their consequences.

From the pores of the divine body, myriads of material universes emerge, destined for souls desiring to live for themselves. But so that these souls are not left without spiritual guidance, the Lord, through His expansion, enters this world. And His name is Vishnu, which means all-pervading. He creates the first living being in the universe - Brahma, on whom he entrusts the mission of the creator of the material world.

Pantheon of the Vedic gods, their names and power

Let us analyze in more detail the hierarchy of the gods, reflected in the Vedic scriptures. Vedic gods are directly related to Vishnu. They obey Him as the supreme controller and guardian of this universe.

At the top of the hierarchy are three Vishnu and Shiva, who are responsible for the creation, maintenance and destruction of everything in this world. They also represent irresistible forces: passion, goodness and ignorance. The more goodness in a person's life, the more enlightened he is and the closer he is to the realization of his divine nature.

A lower level is occupied by deities who control any aspects of creation. Conventionally, matter can be divided into elements: ether, fire, air, water, earth. Combinations of these primary elements serve as the basis for everything that surrounds us.

The sacred texts describe 33 million Vedic gods. Not all of them are known, but here are the names of those who are mentioned in the sacred hymns of the Rig Veda:

  1. Indra is the king of the gods in the Vedic religion. He rules over the heavens and all the gods of the heavenly realm. It is noteworthy that Indra is not a name. This is the job title. The scriptures say that he obtained this post as a result of his great piety.
  2. Agni is the god of fire in the Vedic religion. It is responsible for the element of fire in our universe.
  3. Varuna is the god of water. Lord of the element of water.
  4. Vivasvan is the god of the sun.
  5. Kubera is the keeper of countless treasures. Treasurer of the gods. Many evil spirits, who are called yakshas, ​​obey him.
  6. Yama is the god of death. He is also called the god of justice. It is he who determines what a person deserves after the end of his life.

God of fire

Agni - the Vedic god of fire, occupied one of the central roles in people's lives. When worshiping the Lord, people always mentioned Agni first, because. he, personifying the sacrificial fire, was the mouth of the Supreme Commander. Therefore, the hymns of the sacred Rigveda begin with the praise of Agni.

People who belonged to the Aryan culture were accompanied by fire from birth to death. All the rites of that time were fire sacrifices, whether it was: birth, marriage or death. It was said that a person whose body was burned in the sacred fire would not be born again in the world of death.

Ayurveda also gave the Vedic god of fire an important place in people's health. It is believed that the element of fire is responsible for the power of thought, as well as for the digestive processes. The weakening of Agni in the human body causes serious ailments.

The influence of the gods on human life

In Aryan culture, the Vedic gods personified various aspects of people's lives. Such an ancient science as astrology also considered the influence of the gods on human destiny. The fact is that in Vedic astrology each planet has a personal personification with a certain set of qualities.

For example, just as Vivasvan is the god of the Sun, so each planet has its own ruling deity:

  • Moon - Chandra;
  • Mercury - Budha;
  • Venus - Shukra;
  • Mars - Mangala;
  • Jupiter - Guru;
  • Saturn - Shani;
  • North lunar node - Rahu. In Western astrology it is called the head of the dragon.
  • The south lunar node is Ketu. They call it the dragon's tail.

All of these deities were also Vedic gods. All of them were worshiped for specific purposes. The horoscope was considered as a plan of lessons that the soul, incarnated in the human body, had to go through.

The negative periods of a person's life associated with the influence of certain planets were reduced or eliminated with the help of rituals associated with the worship of these deities. Such methods were called upayas.

Divine personification of nature and its manifestations

The Vedic gods mentioned above are male in nature. What about female divine manifestations?

According to sacred traditions, each divine personal incarnation has a companion who personifies feminine energy(shakti).

For example, Vishnu's wife is Lakshmi, the goddess of good luck and prosperity. Outwardly, she is very beautiful, dresses in red. In his hands he holds a lotus and a jug of gold coins. It is believed that she favors the one who worships her spouse.

Saraswati is the goddess of wisdom and the wife of Lord Brahma. She is worshiped to gain knowledge and wisdom.

Parvati - mother nature, is the eternal companion of Shiva and has many guises. Personifying nature, she can be both an infinitely beautiful creator and a terrible destroyer. She is often depicted with various weapons and a bloodied head in her hands. By analogy, Parvati relieves a person walking along the spiritual path from attachment to matter.

The influence of the gods on the acquisition of the meaning of human life

According to the Vedic texts, the meaning lies in 4 purposes:

  1. Dharma is the fulfillment of one's duty by following one's own nature.
  2. Artha - maintaining one's economic well-being.
  3. Kama - getting pleasure and enjoyment.
  4. Moksha is liberation from Samsara (the cycle of birth and death).

The activity of the gods of the Vedic period also consists in providing conditions for a person to achieve 4 life goals. With their invisible actions, sometimes gently, sometimes rudely, they push people to understand that the material world is not their home and there will always be some kind of anxiety. This is how a person is led to an understanding of the highest meaning of existence — the acquisition of love for God.

Vedic gods of the Slavs

The Slavic Vedas profess a monotheistic religion that the world was created by a single creator, from whom all things came.

They call him Svarog. A shattered world. Also called Rod. Sometimes He sends His sons so that in time the divine law will not be lost.

The Vedic gods of Russia are the sons of Svarog: Kryshen, Vyshen, Dazhbog, Kolyada.

According to Slavic legends, Kryshen is the heavenly patron of earthly people. In the material world, He incarnates to restore ancient knowledge and teach people religious rituals. The story of Kryshen's adventure is described in the Slavic book of Kolyada.

Parallels of cultures

Today there is a lot of controversy on the topic, whose Vedas are more true. Slavic or Indian. And these disputes give rise only to interethnic enmity. But if you look closely at the pantheon of the Vedic gods of the Slavs and the gods of the Indian Vedas, it becomes clear that the same personalities are described:

If you look with an open mind, it is easy to understand that there is only one source of knowledge. The only question is where this knowledge is most fully represented.


There is no number of divine incarnations and manifestations. In different cultures, the Supreme Lord is described in his own way, but, nevertheless, the principles and laws of spiritual development are given alone. A person who has raised his consciousness sees a single divine nature in every living being, considering everyone to be the Son of God.

The Slavic Gods are the progenitors of the Great Slavic Family, and everyone who feels a kindred spiritual connection with the faith of wise ancestors is intuitively drawn to the origins of the Native Faith.

Should we say that the heavenly patrons of the Russian people are always nearby? From a small drop of dew in the morning to the cosmic solar wind, from a fleeting thought of each of us to great achievements for the race - all this is under the close attention of the Slavic Gods and Goddesses, who give reliable protection for all time to those who live according to the precepts of the great Gods and Ancestors. If you need the help of the Native Gods, you need to learn how to respect all living things, because all living things are a continuation of life.

The gods of Slavic mythology support the life of all kinds of matter, maintaining harmony in their life, based on the uniform laws of the heritage of the great Creator. Each of them is in charge of his inherent mission, from the understanding of which the meanings of the Slavic Gods are formed. An unshakable respectful attitude towards the Native Gods will become during a difficult life, and, receiving warnings and tips, you will be able to follow the right Path.

The pantheon of the Slavic Gods is immense, and it is impossible to name all the names, since each name is a great deed in the vastness of the Universe. You will learn about the most striking and extant knowledge on the Slavic information portal Veles. And also you can buy from wood.

God Rod

God Rod- the personification of the multitude of all the Light Gods and our many-wise Ancestors.

The Supreme God Rod is One and Many at the same time.

When we talk about all the Ancient Gods and our Great and Wise Ancestors: Ancestors, Great-Grandfathers, Grandfathers and Fathers, - we say - this is my KIND.

We turn to him when the Spiritual and Soul support of the Light Gods and Ancestors is needed, for our Gods are our Fathers, and we are their children.

The Supreme God Rod is the eternal symbol of consanguinity, the embodiment of the inviolability of all Slavic and Aryan Clans and Tribes, their constant interaction and mutual assistance to each other.

At the birth on Midgard-Earth of a person from the Great Race or a descendant of the Heavenly Clan, his future destiny is recorded in the Santii or Harati of the God of Clan, also called the Book of Clan.

Therefore, in all Clans of Orthodox ancestors they say: “What is written in the Family, no one can escape!” or “What is written in the Haratya of the God of the Kind with a pen, you cannot cut it out with an ax”

The Supreme God Rod is the Patron God of the Hall of Busla (Stork) in the Svarog Circle. This served to create a folk allegorical Image that Busel

(Stork) from Svarga the Most Pure brings children to prolong our Slavic and Aryan Clans.


Great God Rod, You are our Patron! Glorious and Trislaven wake up! We eternally magnify you, to all our births we glorify! May Your help not run out in all our GOOD and creative deeds, now and forever and from Circle to Circle! Taco be, taco be, taco be!

Mother of God Rozhana

Mother of God Rozhana- (Mother Rodiha, Rozhanitsa). Forever young Heavenly Mother of God.

Goddess of family wealth, spiritual wealth and comfort. Mother of God Rozhana made special food sacrifices: pancakes, pancakes, breads, cereals, honey and honey kvass.

The ancient Slavic-Aryan cult of the Virgin Rozhana, like other cults dedicated to the Virgins and Goddesses, is associated with female ideas about the continuation of the Family and the fate of a newborn baby, to whom the Fate is determined.

The Heavenly Mother of God Rozhana at all times Patronized not only pregnant women, but also young girls, until they passed the rites of Adulthood and Naming at the age of twelve *.

* at the age of twelve - the age of 12 was not chosen by our Ancestors by chance, it is 108 months of the Slavic-Aryan calendar, the period of growing up and gaining the initial life experience. In addition, the growth of the child by this age reached 124 cm, or, as they said in ancient times, seven spans in the forehead. Before the passage of the Rites, any child, regardless of gender, was called a child and was under the protective protection of his parents, who were responsible for him. After going through the Rites of Age and Naming at the age of 12, the child became a full member of the Community and was responsible for all his words and deeds.

The Patron Goddess of the Hall of the Pike in the Svarog Circle. It is believed that when the Yarilo-Sun is in the Heavenly Hall of the Pike, people are born who feel everywhere like a fish in water.


Trisvetla Rozhana-Mother! Do not let our Family become impoverished, sanctify the womb of all our wives and brides, with your grace-filled power, now and forever and from Circle to Circle!

God Vyshen

God Vyshen- The Patron God of our Universe in the Light Worlds of Navi, i.e. in the Worlds of Glory. Caring and mighty Father of God Svarog. A fair judge, resolving any disputes that arise between the Gods of different Worlds or between people.

He patronized our Wise Ancestors in their desire to advance along the Path Spiritual Development and Perfection, and also patronizes all Orthodox ancestors when they follow in the footsteps of their Great Ancestors.

God Vyshen is the Patron God of the Hall of Finist in the Svarog Circle.

The Higher is strict in relation to those who seek to distort the Ways of Spiritual Development and Perfection, to those who pass off Falsehood as the Truth, vile for the Divine and black for white. But at the same time, He is kind to those who observe the Heavenly Laws of the Universe and do not allow others to violate them. It helps the steadfast to win in the fight against the dark forces that bring evil and ignorance, flattery and deceit, the desire of someone else and the humiliation of one living being by another to all the Worlds.

God the Highest endows people advancing along the Path of Spiritual Development and Perfection with the ability to reflect on various aspects of Life, both Earthly and subsequent, and draw the correct appropriate conclusions; feel when people speak insincerely or intentionally, pursuing some selfish interests, lie.


Great Vyshen, Glory to all Patron! Hear our call, You glorifying! Help us in our deeds and resolve our disputes, for You are good to our Clans, now and forever and from Circle to Circle!

Goddess Lada

Goddess Lada - Mother(Mother Swa) - Great Heavenly Mother, Mother of God.

Loving and tender Mother of the Most Light Gods of the Great Race, the Mother of God-Patron of all the Peoples of the Great Rasseniya (territories in which the Great Race settled, i.e. Slavic and Aryan tribes and peoples) and the Hall of the Elk in the Svarog Circle.

The Heavenly Mother of God Lada - Mother - is the Goddess of Beauty and Love, protecting the Family Unions of the Clans of the Great Race and the Families of all the descendants of the Heavenly Clan.

In order to receive constant care and heartfelt attention from Mother Lada, each couple of newlyweds brings the brightest and fragrant flowers, honey and various flowers as a gift to the Heavenly Mother of God. berries, as well as young spouses bake pancakes for Lada with berry filling, honey pancakes and lay in front of the Idol or Her Image.

The Supreme Mother of God Lada always grants young spouses everything they ask for to start a happy life together.

She brings into people's lives home comfort, friendliness, mutual understanding, love, continuation of the Family, many children, mutual assistance, family life, mutual respect and mutual reverence. Therefore, they said about such Unions that only Concord and Love reign in them.


Oh, you, Mother Lada! Holy Mother of God! Do not leave us carrying love and happiness! Send your grace to us, as we, honor and glorify Thee, now and forever and from Circle to Circle, until the end of Time, while the Yarilo-Sun shines on us!

God Svarog

God Svarog- The Supreme Heavenly God, who controls the course of our Life and the entire World Order of the Universe in the Explicit World.

The Great God Svarog is the Father for many ancient Light Gods and Goddesses, therefore the Orthodox ancestors called all of them Svarozhichs, i.e. Children of God Svarog.

God Svarog, as a loving Father, takes care not only of his Heavenly children and grandchildren, but also of people from all Clans of the Great Race, who are descendants of the Ancient Svarozhichs, Light Heavenly Gods on Midgard-Earth.

But our Great and wise Ancestors, in addition to the Children and Grandchildren of the Supreme God Svarog, also called the Celestial Luminaries - the Suns and Stars *, as well as any Celestial body that appeared in the Sky and sometimes fell from Heaven to Earth (meteorites, fireballs, etc.) d.).

* Suns and Stars - among the Slavs and Aryans, these two concepts were different. Suns were called Luminaries, around which more than 8 Earths (planets) revolved in their orbits, and Stars were called Luminaries, around which no more than 7 Earths (planets) or small Luminaries (dwarf Stars) revolved in their orbits.

The Supreme God Svarog loves wildlife very much and protects various plants and the most beautiful, rare flowers.

God Svarog is the Keeper and Patron of the Heavenly Vyriya (Slavic-Aryan Garden of Eden), planted around the Heavenly Asgard (City of the Gods), in which all kinds of trees, plants and the most beautiful, rarest flowers from all the spectator (i.e. controlled ) to him the universe.

But Svarog cares not only about Heavenly Vyriya, and about Heavenly Asgard, but also takes care of the Nature of Midgard-Earth and other Light Lands similar to it, located at the Boundary between the Light and Dark Worlds, on which He created beautiful Gardens similar to Heavenly Vyriya.

The fruitful power of the rays of the Yarila-Sun and rain showers sent by Svarog to Midgard-Earth warms and nourishes the flora and fauna of the earthly Garden-Vyriya near Asgard Iriysky, and also warms and nourishes the flora and fauna of the entire Midgard.

The Supreme God Svarog gives the necessary plant food to birds and animals. He pointed out to people what kind of food they need to grow to feed their Clans and what kind of food they need to feed tamed birds and animals.

Vyriy Sad adjoins the Heavenly Asgard (City of the Gods), in the center of which are the Majestic Mansions of Svarog.

The Great God Svarog is the permanent Keeper of the Heavenly Hall of the Bear in the Svarog Circle.

The Supreme God Svarog established the Heavenly Laws of ascent along the Golden Path of Spiritual Development. All Light Harmonious Worlds follow these laws.


Svarog the Progenitor, all Svarga the Most Pure Guardian! Glorious and Trislaven wake up! We glorify you all-kindly, we call upon your image! May You be inseparable with us, now and forever, and from Circle to Circle! Taco be, taco be, taco be!

Goddess Makosh

Goddess Makosh- Heavenly (Sva) Mother of God, Fair Goddess of a happy lot and Fate.

Together with his daughters, Share and Nedolya, he determines the Fates of the Heavenly Gods, as well as the fate of all people from the Great Race and all the descendants of the Heavenly Clan living on our Midgard-Earth and on all other beautiful Lands of Svarga the Most Pure, weaving for each of them the Threads of Fate .

Therefore, many people turned to the Goddess Makosha to entrust her to weave the Thread of Fate into a ball of her youngest daughter, the Goddess Dole.

Goddess Makosh at all times was a very attentive and caring Patron of weaving and all kinds of needlework, and also made sure that a good harvest grew in the fields where orachi (peasants) put their Soul into their hard work.

It should be remembered that the great Heavenly Goddess Makosh is not only the Patron Goddess of growth and fertility, as many might think, but the Goddess who gives hardworking and diligent people a good harvest.

To those Clans from the Great Race and to all the descendants of the Heavenly Clan, who were not lazy, but worked in the fields, in gardens and gardens in the sweat of their brow, putting their Soul into their hard work, the Goddess Makosh sent her youngest daughter - the blond Goddess of Share.

The same people who worked poorly and negligently in their fields (no matter what kind he was from), got a bad harvest. Therefore, the people said that "from Makosh Dolya came to measure the harvest" or "Makosh Nedolya sent the harvest to measure."

For hardworking people, the Goddess Makosh is the giver of all blessings, therefore, on the Images and Idols of the Goddess Makosh, she was very often depicted with the Horn of Plenty or its symbolic image in the form of a Heavenly Bucket of Seven Stars *.

* The Heavenly Bucket of Seven Stars is the constellation Ursa Major, in the Slavic-Aryan cosmogonic system this constellation is called Makosh, i.e. Bucket's mother.

Orthodox ancestors, invariably following all the instructions of the Goddess Makosh, strive for a calm and measured life, for the ancient traditional way of life, for sensual empathy and hard work.

Goddess Makosh controls the Hall of the Heavenly Swan in the Svarog Circle. Therefore, the Goddess Makosh is very often depicted as a White Swan floating on the boundless Sea-Ocean, i.e. in the sky.

In honor of the Wise Heavenly Mother of God, the Slavs and Arias erected the Great Joys and Temples, for the Goddess Makosh personified not only fate, good luck, prosperity in the Slavic Clans that observe the laws and commandments of the Ancient Light Gods, people also turned to her with a request to increase their Ancient Race, t .e. asked for more children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.


Empress Makosh-Mother! Heavenly Mother, Mother of God, weave for us a structured life, a communal life, a great glorious one. We praise Thee, Mother-mentor, virtuous and diligent, now and forever and from Circle to Circle! Taco be, taco be, taco be!

God Veles

God Veles- The Patron God of pastoralists and livestock breeders, as well as the Family Patron of the Western Slavs - the Scotts (Scots), which is why they told everyone from time immemorial that "Veles the cattle God."

Having moved to the British Isles, the ancient Clans of the Slavs - Scotts called all the inhabited provinces - the Land of the Scotts - Scotland (Scotland), and in honor of their Ancestral Patron God Veles they named the lands with the best pastures after him - Wales (Wales, i.e. Veles ).

Since Veles is the Patron God and Governor of the Heavenly Hall of the Wolf in the Svarog Circle, which is located next to the Heavenly Boundary that separates the Worlds of Light and Darkness, the Higher Gods entrusted Veles to be the supreme Guardian of the Heavenly Gates of the Interworld. These Heavenly Gates are located on the Golden Path of Spiritual Development, which leads to the Heavenly Asgard, as well as to the Heavenly Vyry and the Light Halls of Volhalla.

God Veles always personifies all-round caring, painstaking creative diligence, honesty and determination, perseverance, constancy and master's wisdom, the ability to be responsible for all his deeds, spoken words and committed deeds.

God Veles, guarding the Heavenly Gates of the Interworld, lets only those deceased into Svarga, the Most Pure Souls, who did not spare their lives in defense of their Clans, in defense of the lands of the Fathers and Grandfathers, in defense of the ancient Faith, who worked diligently and creatively for the prosperity of their Clans and who wholeheartedly fulfilled the Two Great Principles: It is sacred to honor our Gods and Ancestors and those who lived according to Conscience in harmony with Mother Nature.


Velese Bose-Patron! Svarga Dvara guardian! And we glorify Thee, all-kind, for You are our intercessor and support! And do not leave us carrying a prisoner, and protect our fat flocks from pestilence, and fill our granaries with good. Yes, Be with You in one, now and forever, and from Circle to Circle! Taco be, taco be, taco be!

Goddess Marena (Mara)

Goddess Marena (Mara)- The Great Goddess of Winter, Night and Eternal Sleep and Eternal Life.

Goddess Marena, or Marena Svarogovna, is one of the three named sisters of the Wise God Perun.

Very often she is called the Goddess of Death, terminating the earthly life of a person in the Explicit World, but this is not entirely true.

The Goddess Marena does not stop human life, but gives the people of the Race Eternal Life in the World of Glory.

It is believed that the Great Goddess Marena has Ice Halls in the far north of Midgard-Earth, in which She likes to rest after wandering around Svarga the Most Pure.

When the Goddess Madder comes to Midgard-Earth, all Nature falls asleep, goes to rest, plunging into a long three-month sleep, for it is said in the Santiy of the Veda of Perun: with his White Cloak” (Santia 5, sloka 3).

And when Marena Svarogovna leaves for her Ice Halls, on the second day after the day of the Spring Equinox, Nature and diverse life awaken. In honor of the seeing off of the Goddess Madder to the North, the Krasnogor holiday, Maslenitsa-Marena Day, is also celebrated annually, also called the Seeing of the Goddess of Winter (the modern name is Seeing the Russian Winter).

On this day, a doll made of straw is burned, symbolizing not the Goddess Marena, as many people think, but the snowy Winter. After the ritual of burning a straw doll, a handful of ashes were scattered over a field, garden or vegetable garden so that a good, rich harvest would grow. For, as our Ancestors said: “The goddess Vesta came to Midgard-Earth, to Krasnogor new life brought, lit the fire and melted the winter snows, gave the whole earth to drink with living power and woke Marena from sleep. Mother Earth Cheese will give life-giving power to our fields, selective grain will sprout in our fields, so that all our Clans will have a good harvest.

But the Goddess Marena, in addition to observing the rest of Nature on Midgard-Earth, when Mother Nature is gaining life-giving forces for the spring awakening and the life of plants and animals, also observes the life of people. And when the time comes for people from the Clans of the Great Race to go on a long journey along the Golden Path, the Goddess Marena gives instructions to each deceased person in accordance with his earthly Spiritual and worldly life, and also in accordance with the creative experience gained, in which direction he should continue his posthumous The path to the World of Navi or the World of Glory.

The Goddess Marena is the Patroness of the Hall of the Fox in the Svarog Circle.


Madder-Mother, Glorious and Trislavna wake up! We eternally magnify Thee, bloodless Requirements and Gifts for Thee all kindly kindle! Grant us prosperity in all our deeds, and save our cattle from pestilence, and do not let our granaries be empty, for Your generosity is great, now and forever, and from Circle to Circle! Taco be, taco be, taco be!

God Roof

God Roof- Heavenly God-Patron of Ancient Wisdom. He is the God who governs the performance of ancient Rites, Rituals and Holidays, observing that during the offerings of bloodless Treasures and Gifts for burnt offerings there were no bloody sacrifices.

In peaceful times, Kryshen preaches Ancient Wisdom in various Lands of the Most Pure Svarga, and in difficult times for the Clans of the Great Race, He takes up arms and acts as a Warrior God, protecting women, the elderly, children, as well as all the weak and destitute.

Since Kryshen is the Patron God of the Hall of the Tour in the Svarog Circle, He is called the Heavenly Shepherd, who grazes the herds of Heavenly Cows and Tours.


Bose Spade, Great Roof! You, the Light Lands of all in Svarga, the Patron! We glorify Thee, we call to ourselves, may Your Wisdom come with all our Ancient Clans, now and forever and from Circle to Circle!

Goddess Rada

Goddess Rada– Goddess of memory, happiness and joy, spiritual bliss, Divine Love, beauty, wisdom and prosperity. One of its meanings is the gift of the sun. Hara is another name of the Goddess Rada, personifying the energy of love, joy and loving service to Krishna.

It helps to achieve internal and external balance, to adjust all spheres of human life, to find the balance of the Soul. Rada, the daughter of the Lady of the Sea and the God of the Sun Ra, lived on the Sun Island. Rada was so beautiful that they began to say that she was prettier than the brightest Sun. Upon learning of this, the Sun God Ra arranged a competition with his daughter - who shines brighter? And after the competition, everyone decided that the Sun shines brighter in the sky, and Rada on Earth.

Rada can be seen after heavy summer rains and thunderstorms in the blue sky - at these moments Rada comes for a short time in one of her most important and vivid images, in the form of a seven-color rainbow stretching half the sky and delighting with its beauty all those who look at the rainbow.

I must say that the main vocation of the Rada is to bring joy to people. And her very name subsequently gave rise to this word - “joy”. And yet, the rainbow is not the true appearance of this bright goddess. The true appearance of Rada is a beautiful young girl. It usually appears somewhere in a forest or meadow, often near a river or lake, which emphasizes the proximity of the water element, at dawn or before sunset. Rada smiles at everyone she meets during her walks.

God Yarilo-Sun (Yarila)

God Yarilo-Sun (Yarila)- The Most Serene Heavenly God-Patron of Earthly Life. Yarila is the patron of All Bright, Pure, Kind, Heart Thoughts and Thoughts of people.

Yarila is the keeper of Good and Pure Hearts and our day Luminary, which bestows warming warmth, love and full life on all those living on Midgard-Earth. The image of Yarila-Sun is often depicted in everyday life in the form of various swastika symbols and horses.

God Horse

God Horse- The Sun God-Patron of good weather, giving the grain growers a rich Harvest. cattle breeders a healthy offspring of livestock, hunters a successful hunt, fishermen a plentiful catch. God Horse patronized versatile trade and exchange between Clans and tribes. Horse is the God-Guardian of the Earth of Horse (planet Mercury).

God Indra

God Indra- Supreme God. Gromovnik, assistant of the Supreme God Perun in the Heavenly battles during the protection of Svarga the Most Pure and all the Starry Heavens from the forces of Darkness.

Indra is the Thousand-Eyed Guardian God of the Light Heavens and Heavenly Halls of the Highest Gods on.

He is the keeper of the Divine Swords and the Sacred Divine Weapon of Just Retribution, which are given to him by the thirty Protector Gods of the Light Worlds when they rest from the Heavenly battles with the Dark Forces.

These thirty Light Protector Gods make up the mighty Heavenly team of the Thunder God Indra, the purpose of which is to protect the Borders of the Light Worlds.

The Supreme God Indra has always been a patron for the won-defenders of the Fatherland, as well as for all the Priests-Priests from ancient Clans in which the Ancient Sacred Vedas are stored.

Indra participates not only in Heavenly battles with the Dark Forces - in ancient times He helped the Slavic and Aryan armies and squads in fair battles with enemy forces that attacked various cities and villages of the Great Race.

In addition, it is believed that God Indra brings down swift streams of rain from the cloudy mountains and, collecting them in special receptacles, creates earthly sources, streams and rivers, multiplies their waters, the growth for them wide channels and directs their course.


O Indra! Listen to those who call Thee! Glorious and Trislaven wake up! And help us in battles with our enemies! And grant us help in the deeds of the exiles! And we speak Glory to Thee and say, Great Indra! And the greatness of Glory, may it be the lot of the Thunderer, now and forever, and from Circle to Circle! Taco be, taco be, taco be!

God Perun

God Perun(Perkunas, Perkon, Perk, Purusha) - the Patron God of all warriors and many Clans from the Great Race, the protector of the Lands and the Svyatorus Clan (Russians, Belarusians, Estonians, Litas, Lats, Latgals, Zemgals, Glades, Serbs, etc.) from Dark forces, God the Thunderer, who controls Lightning, the son of God Svarog and Lada the Mother of God, the grandson of God Almighty. Patron God of the Hall of the Eagle in the Svarog Circle. God Perun has already arrived to Midgard-Earth three times to protect it and the Clans of the Great Race from the dark forces of the Hellish World.

Dark forces come from different Halls of the Hellish World in order to deceive, flatter and cunning to lure people from the Clans of the Great Race to their place, and if this does not help, then they kidnap people in order to turn them all into obedient slaves in their dark World and not give opportunities to develop spiritually and advance along the Golden Path, as established by God Svarog.

Dark forces penetrate not only to Midgard-Earth, but also to other Light Earths in Svarga the Most Pure. And then there is a battle between the forces of Light and Darkness. Perun already once freed our Ancestors from the Hell captivity and filled up the Gates of the Interworld leading to Hell on Midgard-Earth with the Caucasian mountains.

These battles of Light and Darkness took place at certain intervals: “After the expiration of the Svarozh Circle and Ninety-Nine Circles of Life”, those. after 40,176 years.

After the first three Heavenly Battles between Light and Darkness, when the Light Forces won, God Perun descended to Midgard-Earth to tell people about the events that had taken place and what awaits the Earth in the future, about the onset of dark times and the upcoming Great Asses, t .e. Heavenly Battles.

Fluctuations in time between the Third and the forthcoming decisive Fourth Battle of Light and Darkness can be, in addition to the time indicated by Perun, only one Circle of Life, i.e. 144 Years.

There are also Traditions that God Perun visited Midgard-Earth several more times in order to tell the Hidden Wisdom to the Priests and Elders of the Clans of the Holy Race, how to prepare for dark, hard times, when the Arm of our swastika galaxy will pass through spaces subject to forces from Dark Worlds of Hell.

The dark forces that secretly penetrated Midgard-Earth create all kinds of false religious Cults and specifically try to destroy or denigrate the Cult of God Perun, erase it from the memory of peoples, so that by the time of the Fourth, decisive battle between Light and Darkness, when Perun arrives on Midgard-Earth , people did not know who He was and for what purpose He came.

In our time, a large number of “true” prophecies about the End of the World or the End of Times have appeared, especially in Lunar Cults, about the coming to Midgard-Earth of the Supreme God the Savior. Followers of one world religion call him Christ, and other religions - Messiah, Mosheah, Buddha, Matreya, etc. All this is done so that during the coming of Perun to Earth, white people do not recognize in Him their Supreme God and reject His help, and thereby doom themselves to complete humiliation and death.

During his Third visit to Midgard-Earth, about 40,000 years ago, Perun told people from various Clans of the Great Race and the descendants of the Heavenly Clan in Asgard Iriysk about the future, which the Priests of Belovodye wrote down with Kh'Aryan Runes and preserved for posterity in the Nine Circles " Santii of the Vedas of Perun" (in nine "Books of the Wisdom of God Perun").

Anthem-Pravslav leniye:

Perun! Listen to those who call Thee! Glorious and Trislaven wake up! Blessings of the Light of Peace throughout the Holy Race give! Reveal your beautiful face to your descendants! Instruct us on good deeds, grant the mushrooms More Glory, courage. Turn us away from the lesson of debauchery, give our Clans a multitude of people, now and forever, and from Circle to Circle! Taco be, taco be, taco be!

Goddess Dodola-Virgo

Goddess Dodola-Virgo (Perunitsa)- The Heavenly Goddess of abundant Fertility, who controls rain, thunderstorms and lightning, the wife and assistant of the Supreme God Perun.

The Heavenly Goddess Dodola-Virgo had the right to apply with requests only to female Priestesses serving Her. Therefore, when people needed rain to water fields and meadows, representatives of different Clans brought rich Gifts to the Temple of Dodola-Virgo so that the Priestesses performed the ancient Rite of rain.

During the performance of the ancient Rite of Appeal to the Goddess, the Priestesses put on their white dresses with a special ornament and with a golden fringe at the bottom and performed an ancient ritual rain dance, asking the great Goddess Dodola-Virgo to send down blessed rain on the fields and meadows. And never in my life there was not a single case when the Goddess Dodola-Virgo refused her faithful Priestesses.


Dazhdbog- God Tarkh Perunovich, God-Keeper of the ancient Great Wisdom.

He was named Dazhdbog (giving God) for giving the people of the Great Race and the descendants of the Heavenly Clan, Nine Santi (Books).

These Santias, written down by ancient Runes, contain the Sacred Ancient Vedas, the Commandments of Tarkh Perunovich and his instructions. There are various Idols and Images depicting God Tarkh.

On many Images, he holds a gaitan with a Swastika in his hand.

Tarkh is very often called the wise son of God Perun, the grandson of God Svarog, the great-grandson of God Vyshen, which corresponds to the truth *.

* corresponds to the truth - although there is an erroneous opinion: Tarkh Dazhdbog in many ancient sources is very often called Svarozhich, i.e. Heavenly God, and many researchers of antiquity interpret this in such a way that Dazhdbog is the son of God Svarog.

Dazhdbog is the giver of all blessings, happiness and prosperity. Tarkh Dazhdbog was glorified in sacred and folk chants and hymns not only for happy and decent life Childbirth of the Great Race, as well as for getting rid of the forces of the Dark World. Tarkh did not allow the dark forces from the Pekelny World, who were gathered by Koshchei on the nearest Moon - Lele, to capture Midgard-Earth to win.

Tarkh Dazhdbog destroyed the Moon along with all the dark forces that were on it. It is reported "Santii of the Vedas of Perun. Circle One”: “You live quietly on Midgard, since ancient times, when the world was established… Remembering from the Vedas about the deeds of Dazhdbog, how he destroyed the strongholds of the Koshcheevs that were on the nearest moon… Tarkh did not allow the insidious Koshchei to destroy Midgard, as they destroyed Deya… These Koshchei, the rulers of the Grays, perished along with the Moon in a half hour ... But Midgard paid for freedom, Daaria hidden by the Great Flood ... The waters of the Moon created that Flood, they fell to Earth from Heaven like a rainbow, for the Moon split into parts and an army of welders descended to Midgard "(Santia 9, slokas 11-12). In memory of this event, a kind of Rite with a deep meaning ** performed by all Orthodox people every Summer, on the great spring Slavic-Aryan holiday - Easter.

** A rite with a deep meaning - this rite is well known to everyone. On Easter (Easter), colored eggs hit each other, checking whose egg is stronger. The broken egg was called the Koshcheev Egg, i.e. the destroyed Moon (Lelei), and the whole egg was called the Power of Tarkh Dazhdbog.

Dazhdbog Tarkh Perunovich is the Patron God of the Hall of the Race in the Svarog Circle.

Very often, in various ancient Vedic texts, Tarkh Perunovich asks his beautiful sister, the golden-haired Goddess Tara, to help people from the Clans of the Great Race. Together they performed good deeds, helped people settle in the endless expanses of Midgard-Earth. God Tarkh indicated where it would be best to place a settlement and build a Temple or Sanctuary, and his sister, the Goddess Tara, told people from the Great Race which trees should be used for construction. In addition, she taught people to plant new forest plantations in place of cut down trees, so that new trees needed for construction would grow for their descendants. Subsequently, many Clans began to call themselves the grandchildren of Tarkh and Tara, and the territories in which these Clans settled were called Great Tartaria, i.e. the land of Tarh and Tara.


Dazhdbog Tarkh Perunovich! Glorious and Trislaven wake up! We thank You, the giver of all blessings, happiness and prosperity. And we proclaim great Glory to You for help in our good deeds, and for help in our military deeds, but against dark enemies and all unrighteous evil. May Your Great Power come with all our Clans, now and forever and from Circle to Circle! Taco be, taco be, taco be!

Goddess Zhiva (Virgo Jiva, Diva)

Goddess Zhiva (Virgo Jiva, Diva)- Goddess of Eternal Universal Life, Goddess of young and pure Human Souls.

The Goddess Jiva gives each person from the Great Race, or a descendant of the Heavenly Clan, at birth in the World of Reveal a pure and bright Soul, and after a righteous earthly life, she gives a person to drink the Divine Suritsa from the Chalice of Eternal Life.

The Goddess Alive is the personification of the fruitful power of Life, eternal youth, youth and love, as well as the highest Beauty of all Nature and man.

The Patron Goddess of the Hall of the Virgin in the Svarog Circle. It is believed that when the Yarilo-Sun is in the Heavenly Hall of the Virgin, children are born endowed with special feelings, such as: the prediction of great changes in people's lives and the prediction of formidable natural phenomena, the ability to understand any confusing situation.

Goddess Jiva is the kind-hearted wife and savior of Tarkh Dazhdbog. She also endows with tenderness, kindness, cordiality and attentiveness to pregnant women and nursing mothers from the Clans of the Great Race, who observe ancient family traditions and the centuries-old Tribal way of life.


Jiva Mother! Soul Guardian! You are the patroness of all our births! We invoke Thee, We glorify Thee, We magnify Thee as a giver of Light Souls! Give people all consolation, and give birth to our ancient generations. And you will arrive, forever in our hearts, now and forever, and from Circle to Circle. Taco be, taco be, taco be!

God Agni (King Fire, Living Fire)

God Agni (King Fire, Living Fire)- Heavenly God-Patron of the Sacred Fire of Creation.

God Agni governs festive Rites with Fiery, bloodless sacrifices.

He is revered in all the Clans of the Orthodox Old Believers-Iiglings, and in each altar, near the Idol of God Agni, a living Sacred Fire has always been maintained.

It is believed that if the Sacred Fire goes out in the altar of God Agni, then the lands of these Clans will cease to produce a good harvest, artisans will forget how to make the necessary utensils, weavers will cease to weave good, good-quality fabric, storytellers will forget all the ancient traditions of their Ancient Clans. Dark times will last until people kindle the Sacred Fire of God Agni in the altar and in their hearts.

God Semargl (Fire God)

Description of Semargl, compiled on the basis of the works of A. Khinevich "Slavic-Aryan Vedas"

God Semargl (Fire God)- The Highest God, the keeper of the Eternally Living Fire and the guardian of the exact observance of all the Fiery Rites and Fiery Purifications.

Semargl accepts Fiery Gifts, Trebs and bloodless Sacrifices on ancient Slavic and Aryan holidays, especially on Krasnogor, on the Day of God Kupala and on the Supreme Day of God Perun, being an intermediary between people and all the Heavenly Gods.

The Fire God Semargl is the Patron God of the Hall of the Heavenly Serpent in the Svarog Circle.

The Fire God gladly blesses all people from the Clans of the Great Race, who, with a pure Soul and Spirit, observe all the Heavenly Laws and the Many-Wise Commandments of the Light Gods and Ancestors.

Semargl is also called upon in the treatment of sick animals and people, in order to save the sick from various ailments and diseases. When a person's temperature rose, they said that the Fire God settled in the Soul of the sick person. For Semargl, like a Fire Dog, fiercely fights against ailments and diseases, which, like enemies, have made their way into the body or Soul of the sick person. Therefore, it is considered unacceptable to bring down the patient's elevated temperature. The best place for cleansing from ailments is considered to be a bath.


Semargl Svarozhich! Great Fireman! Pain-pain slept, cleanse the womb, from the child of a person, from every creature, from old and young, You, God's delight. Cleansing with fire, opening the power of Souls, save the child of God, may the twigs perish. We glorify you, we call to ourselves, now and forever and from Circle to Circle! Taco be, taco be, taco be!

Birth of Semargl!

There are references to the appearance of Semargl into the light from the flame. They say that once the heavenly blacksmith Svarog himself, having struck with a magic hammer about, carved divine sparks from the stone. The sparks flared up brightly, and the fiery god Semargl appeared in their flame, sitting on a golden-maned horse of a silver suit. But, seeming a quiet and peaceful hero, Semargl left a scorched trail wherever his horse's foot went.

Beliefs associated with Semargl

The name of the God of Fire is not known for certain, most likely because his name is extremely holy. Holiness is explained by the fact that this God lives not somewhere in the seventh heaven, but directly among earthly people! They try to pronounce his name out loud less often, usually replacing it with allegories.

Since ancient times, the Slavs have associated the emergence of people with Fire. According to some legends, the Slavic Gods created a Man and a Woman from two sticks, between which Fire flared up - the very first flame of love. Semargl also does not let evil into the world.

At night, Semargl stands guard with a fiery sword, and only one day a year does he leave his post, responding to the call of the Bathing Lady, who calls him to love games on the day of the Autumn Equinox. And on the day of the Summer Solstice, after 9 months, children are born at Semargl and Bathing - Kostroma and Kupalo.

Semargl mediator between people and gods

Semargl accepts Fiery Gifts, Trebs and bloodless Sacrifices on ancient holidays, especially on Krasnogor, on the Day of God bathed and on the highest Day of God Perun, is an intermediary between people and all the Heavenly Gods.

Semargl is called upon in the treatment of sick animals and people, in order to save the sick from various ailments and diseases. When a person's temperature rises, they say that the Fire God settled in the Soul of the sick person. For Semargl, like a Fire Dog, fiercely fights against ailments and diseases, which, like enemies, have made their way into the body or Soul of the sick person. Therefore, it is considered unacceptable to bring down the patient's elevated temperature. The best place for cleansing from ailments is considered to be a bath.

Bog Semargl in Slavic mythology:
God Semargl in pagan mythology was one of the sons of the great god Svarog. The children of Svarog were called Svarozhichi, and his son Semargl after birth becomes the god of earthly fire.
One of the Svarozhichs was the god of fire - Semargl, who is sometimes mistakenly considered only a heavenly dog, the guardian of seeds for sowing. This (storage of seeds) was constantly engaged in a much smaller deity - Pereplut.

Mentions of the name Semargl in chronicles

The name of Semargl is mentioned in Russian chronicles - the pantheon of Prince. Vladimir, it happened, presumably, from the old Russian “smag” (“I’ll call Karn after him, and Zhlya jump across the Russian land, Smag mooing in a rose flame” i.e. fire, tongue of flame, Fire-Svarozhich - half dog, half snake. Probably , the mediator between the real world and the world under heaven, which in the Vedic tradition is the god of fire - Agni. He is also a penezhny (fiery) snake from conspiracies. Mentioned in the Paisevsky collection of St. Gregory (14th century) and the Chrysostom collection of 1271. Firebog - Yognebozhe, according to the "Veda of the Slavs" by Verkovich, among the Pomak Bulgarians:

Fala ti Yogne God!
Fala ti Yasnu Sun!
You heat up on the earth.
Having baked a chick to the ground ...
Pokrivash e tsyrna muggle,
that sa niche and look.

He, quite possibly, is Rarog, Rarozhek is the son of Svarog, according to Czech medieval sources.
The identification of this god with the Iranian Senmurv (giant magic bird) is considered unjustified, but there is probably a connection with the firebird (the fiery herald of happiness) that brings his happiness.

Simargl (other Russian Semargl, Simargl, Sim-Rgl) - in East Slavic mythology, a deity who was one of the seven (or eight) deities of the Old Russian pantheon (see in the article Slavic mythology), whose idols were installed in Kyiv under the prince Vladimir (980). The name Semargl apparently goes back to the ancient *Sedmor(o)-golvъ, "Semiglav" (compare the polycephaly characteristic of the Slavic gods, in particular, the seven-headed Ruevit). According to another, more controversial hypothesis (K. V. Trever et al.), the name and image of Semargl is an Iranian borrowing and goes back to the mythical bird Senmurv. D. Worth connects Semargl with the Dove bird. The functions of Semargl are unclear; they are probably associated with the sacred number seven and the embodiment of the seven-membered ancient Russian pantheon. It is characteristic that in some texts of the "Kulikov cycle" the name of Semargl is distorted into Rakli, and this deity is regarded as pagan, Tatar. Lit .: Trever K. V., Senmurv-Paskudzh, L., 1937; Jakobson R., While reading vasmer's dictionary, in Selected writings, v. 2, The Hague-P., 1971; Worth D., Dub-Simyrj, in the book: East Slavic and General Linguistics, M., 1978, p. 127-32.
"Myths of the peoples of the world"

Semargl - the most mysterious deity of the Slavs

This cult developed among the Slavs under the influence of the Scythian influence about 3 thousand years ago. Semargl, in all likelihood, meant "seed". This deity among the ancient Slavs was not the most popular, but probably remained the most mysterious to this day. Simargl is a sacred winged dog that guards seeds and crops, revered on a par with the ancient Russian coastlines. Even in the Bronze Age, among the Slavic tribes, there is an image of jumping and somersaulting around young sprouts of dogs. Apparently, these dogs guarded crops from small cattle: chamois, roe deer, wild goats. Semargl among the Slavs was the embodiment of armed good, “good with teeth”, as well as claws and even wings. In some tribes, Semargl was called Pereplut; the cult of this deity was associated with festivities in honor of mermaids, as well as bird-maidens, who were deities of irrigating fields with rain. Rituals in honor of Semargl and the mermaids were held in early January and consisted of prayers for water for the new harvest. Another major holiday of Semargl and the mermaids was the mermaid week from June 19 to 24, ending with the Kupala holiday. Archaeologists in many female burials of the 10th-11th centuries. silver hoop bracelets were found, which fastened the long sleeves of women's shirts. During ritual pagan games, women took off their bracelets before dancing and danced “slippy”, depicting mermaids. This dance was dedicated to the winged dog Semargl, and, apparently, the legend of the frog princess came from him. During the ritual, all participants drank a sacred drink prepared with herbs. Semarglu-Pereplut, his images in the form of a dog were brought gifts, most often goblets with the best wine. On rare surviving images, the sacred dog Semargl was depicted as if growing from the ground. From written sources it becomes clear that the ritual of Semarglu took place with the obligatory participation of boyars and princesses, who brought rich gifts to the idol.

World Cults and Rituals. The power and strength of the ancients." Compiled by Yu.A. Matyukhina. -M.: RIPOL classic, 2011. Pp. 150-151.
Some researchers compare Simargl with the Iranian deity Simurgh (Senmurv), the sacred winged dog, the keeper of plants. According to B.A. Rybakova, Simargl in Russia in XII-XIII centuries was replaced by Pereplut, which had the same meaning as Semargl. Obviously, Semargl was the deity of some tribe, subject to the great Kiev prince Vladimir.
Balyazin V.N. “Unofficial history of Russia. Eastern Slavs and the invasion of Batu. - M .: OLMA Media Group, 2007., pp. 46-47

Here is my vision of the Slavic god Semargl, born on the basis of a personal study of legends and traditions:

Semargl Firebog is probably one of the most mysterious light gods of the Slavic world.

Its mystery lies in the fact that many Slavic Gods were created by man in “his likeness” and had a completely human appearance, and Semargl had the image of a winged fiery wolf.

Most likely, the image of Semargl is older than the “humanized” images of the gods……. And it can be the key to your inner strength. Look around you won't see any fire wolves flying, there aren't any outside until you find it inside. Our outer world is a reflection of the inner, do not look for the gods outside, find them inside yourself and then they will appear outside.

Semargl lives in you - this is your spiritual fire, crushing the chains of ignorance, this is the fire of sacred fury, sweeping away the outposts of the enemy in its path, this is the heat of the body, defeating the diseases of the body, this is the fire in the furnace, warming you .... in the modern view - this is even a nuclear energy. All this is the god Semargl, or rather its manifestations

According to legend, Semargl was born from the impact of Svarog's hammer on the Alatyr stone: a flame shot up from the splashed sparks, and a rider on a golden-maned horse appeared in the fire.

The figurativeness of the ancient language speaks of the interaction of divine forces, which there is no point in revealing, because their divinity will be lost. Language is our limited tool, especially after the circumcision of its imagery and the reform carried out by the Bolsheviks. The appearance of Semargl is facilitated by several forces, and at all levels of being they are similar: this is the force of friction and impact. The blow of the hammer of Svarog on the anvil of Alatyr gives rise to Semargl, the blow of a wave of your anger against insurmountable circumstances ignites sacred rage in you, the blow of flint and flint and flint against each other causes the fire of the material world, the interaction of two nuclei causes a nuclear explosion ... .. the interaction of your spiritual and material principles cause spiritual fire.

The mission of Semargl is simple and at the same time complex: the Winged Wolf does not let the dark beginning from the manifest world into the world of Rule, standing guard over Reveal with a “burning” sword. He is the keeper of the interworld of wake and rule, although Nav is also available to him, he can also come from Navi ... ..

He is the shield and sword of the world of people - he can protect, warm, protect, heal, and can destroy, destroy everything in his path.

The keys and connection with Semargl are stored in your subconscious. And you will receive them only when you become whole and do not use this power for selfish purposes, when your consciousness is cleared of dark spots ignorance, then you will learn to consciously use its power. The Slavic Gods will not trust a nuclear bomb to a child, and the power of Semargl is hidden behind seven seals that will open only to pure consciousness.

Take the image of Semargl, feel the divine fire in your soul, help others understand and accept the Native Gods. Help Semargl spread his wings in each of us, help awaken strength, rage and wolf agility. To the Glory of the Gods and Our Ancestors!


Stribog- is the God who controls lightning, whirlwinds, hurricanes, winds and sea storms on Midgard-Earth. We turn to him when a rain cloud is needed in a dry period, or vice versa, in a rainy period, when it is necessary that Stribog disperse the clouds and the Yarilo-Sun warms the fields filled with moisture, gardens and orchards.

Stribog also controls the winds and sandstorms on the Earth Oreya (Mars). In addition, Stribog is the Patron God of the Earth of Stribog (Saturn) in the Yarila-Sun system. But most of all, our ancestors revered Stribog as the destroyer of all kinds of atrocities and the destroyer of evil intentions.

God Varuna (God of World Waters)

God Varuna- God, who controls the Element of the movement of the Starry Sky and observes the sacred paths that connect the Gates of the Interworld in different Halls of the Most Pure Svarga.

Varuna - God, who controls the roads of Human Destiny. Only God Varuna can determine the power of the Spiritual Formation and the completeness of the fulfillment of the Life Purpose by a person.

The raven is the bird Veshaya, the faithful companion of the God-Controller Varuna. He accompanies the Souls of the dead to the Gates of Vyriya in the Great Svarga the Most Pure and informs the Navyam Souls about what lofty goals they have achieved in their Spiritual and Soul development and in fulfilling life purpose on Midgard-Earth.

If God Varuna decides that a person needs to be given the opportunity to complete the act he has begun, which he did not have time to complete due to a sudden death, then he sends his assistant Raven to Dunya.

Raven - the keeper of Living and Dead Water, enables the Soul of the deceased to return to his own body, so that a person, returning to the World of Reveal, could complete his unfinished business.

In the World of Reveal, they say about such a person: “he survived clinical death” or “he returned from the other world.” Strange as it may seem, but after the God-Controller Varuna returns a person to his former life, a person changes his behavior, burns his life in vain and completes the work that he did not have time to finish.

If a person cannot be returned to his own body due to its complete destruction, then the Heavenly God Varuna asks the Goddess Karna to find a suitable body for this Navi Soul.

God Kolyada

God Kolyada- The Supreme God, who controls the Great Changes in the life of the Clans of the Great Race and the descendants of the Heavenly Clan.

In ancient times, the Supreme God Kolyada granted many Clans who moved to the western lands a system for calculating seasonal time for field work - the Calendar (Kolyada gift), as well as his Wise Vedas, commandments and instructions.

Kolyada is the Patron God of military people and Priests. Kolyada was often depicted with a sword in his hand, and the blade of the sword was pointed down.

The sword, pointing down, in ancient times meant the preservation of the Wisdom of the Gods and Ancestors, as well as the unshakable adherence to the Heavenly Laws, as established by God Svarog for all the Halls of the Svarog Circle.

The holiday in honor of God Kolyada falls on the day of the winter solstice, this holiday is also called Menari, i.e. Day of Change. On a holiday, groups of men dressed in the skins of various animals (mummers) walked around the yards, who were called the squads of Kolyada. They sang hymns glorifying Kolyada and arranged special round dances around sick people in order to heal them.


Bose Kolyada! Glorious and Trislaven wake up! We thank You for the grace-filled help to our birth! And may You be an intercessor in all our deeds, now and forever, and from Circle to Circle! Taco be, taco be, taco be!

God Sventovit

God Sventovit– The Highest Heavenly God, who brings the Pure Spiritual Light of Goodness, Love, Illumination and Enlightenment of the World of Rule into the Souls of all White people from the Clans of the Great Race, as well as into the Souls of the descendants of the Heavenly Clan.

Orthodox ancestors from various Slavic-Aryan Communities revere God Sventovit for his daily Spiritual help in all good creative deeds and undertakings that are aimed at the good and prosperity of our Ancient Clans.

On holidays in honor of the God Sventovit, competitions were held in the knowledge of Ancient Wisdom among the youth. Only those young people who had already reached the Circle of Years* were allowed to compete in the knowledge of the Ancient Wisdom.

* reached the Circle of Years - i.e. age 16 years old.

The meaning of the competitions, which were held by the Priests of Sventovit, was to determine how the younger generation developed the Tribal memory, imaginative thinking, intuition, dexterity and ingenuity.

At the very beginning of the competition, the Priests of Sventovit asked young people questions on various topics and riddles. The winner was the one who answered more questions and riddles faster and wittier. Further, competitions were held for the winners of the first competition, which determined the dexterity and skill of young people in various martial arts, the ability to handle a sword and knife, and accuracy in archery.

Those who passed the above tests were also tested for endurance; for this, young people went to the forest for three weeks, or, as they said in the old days, for distant days.


Sventovit, our Light Bose! We praise and Trislav thee All-Natively! And you enlighten our Souls and send illumination into our hearts, for Good Bose You are, but to all our Clans. We eternally magnify and call on our Childbirth, may our Souls be with You, now and forever and from Circle to Circle, and at all times, while the Yarilo-Sun shines on us!

God Kupala (Kupala)

God Kupala (Kupala)- God, who gives a person the opportunity to perform all kinds of Ablutions and performs the Rites of Purification of the Teles, Soul and Spirit from various illnesses and diseases. God guides to a joyful and happy life.

Kupala is a cheerful and beautiful God, dressed in light white robes decorated with flowers. On the head of God Kupala there is a wreath of beautiful flowers.

Kupala was revered as the God of the warm time of Summer, wild flowers and wild fruits.

Many Slavic-Aryan Clans engaged in field cultivation revered God Kupala along with the Goddess Makosh and Goddess Tara, as well as the Gods Perun and Veles.

Before the start of the harvest and the harvest of field fruits, in honor of God Kupala, a holiday was celebrated at which bloodless sacrifices were made to God Kupala, as well as to all the Ancient Gods and Ancestors.

At the feast, Orthodox ancestors, their bloodless sacrifices and trebs, are thrown into the fire of the Holy Swastika Altar, so that everything sacrificed appears on holiday tables Gods and Ancestors.

After bringing bloodless sacrifices from the living fire of the Sacred Swastika Altar, the Community members light candles and fires, which they fix on wreaths and rafts and send them along the rivers.

At the same time, on a candle or a flame, Orthodox ancestors from various Communities slander their innermost desire or request for deliverance from ailments, diseases, all sorts of failures, various problems, etc. This rite can be explained as follows.

A burning candle or firelight illuminates the request or desire of the Community, the water of the river remembers them and, evaporating, rises to Heaven, bringing to the Gods all the requests and desires of the Orthodox ancestors.

At the feast, each of the Orthodox ancestors must undergo a complete purification in order to fully cleansed begin to collect the fruits of the field and the beginning of the field harvest. A complete cleansing consists of three parts:

First Cleansing (Purification of the Body). Everyone present at the celebration on the Day of God Kupala must wash his body in sacred waters (rivers, lakes, reservoirs, etc.) to wash away fatigue and dirt.

The second cleansing (Cleansing of the Soul). In order for those present at the celebration on the Day of God Kupala to be able to purify their Soul, they light large bonfires, and everyone who wants to jump over these bonfires, for Fire burns all ailments and cleanses the aura and Soul of a person.

Third Purification (Purification of the Spirit). Everyone present at the celebration on the Day of God Kupala, as well as those who wish, can purify and strengthen their Spirit. To do this, a Fiery Circle is created from the burning coals of a large fire, along which people from various Tribal, Slavic and Aryan Communities walk barefoot. Those wishing, who for the first time decided to walk on the coals in order to purify and strengthen their Spirit, the Community members lead by the hand through the Fiery Circle.

This holiday is inextricably linked with another event of antiquity. In ancient times, God Perun freed his sisters from captivity in the Caucasus and sent them to purify themselves in the waters of the Sacred Iriy (Irtysh) and in the Sour Cream Clean Lake (Zaisan Island). This event is also narrated in the fifth ball of Songs of the Gamayun Bird.

Due to the fact that Kupala is the Patron God of the Heavenly Hall of the Horse in the Svarog Circle, on this day it is customary to bathe horses, braid colorful ribbons into their manes and decorate them with wildflowers.


Kupala, our Bose! Glorious and Trislaven forever wake up! We glorify you all-natively, we call on our land! Grant us all cleansing, for our Bozekh in Orthodoxy! Grant our births a plentiful harvest in the fields of suffering, and full bins in our mansions. Now and ever and from Circle to Circle! Taco be, taco be, taco be!


Numberbog- The Wise, Supreme God, who controls the course of the River of Time, as well as the Guardian God of the Daarian Circle and various priestly systems of the Slavic-Aryan chronology.

In his left hand, Numberbog holds a sword pointing down, which symbolizes constant protection and all-round preservation, and in right hand Numberbog holds his shield, on which the Ancient Runic calendar is inscribed, called the Daari (Daar) Krugolet Numberbog.

According to the Daariysky Krugolet of Numbersbog, various reckonings were previously conducted in all Slavic and Aryan lands. These systems were used before the forced Christianization of the peoples of Russia and Europe and before the introduction of a new chronology from the Nativity of Christ (the use of the Slavic-Aryan chronology systems according to the Daar Krugolet Chislobog in the Russian lands was canceled by Tsar Peter Alekseevich Romanov in Summer 7208 from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple (1700 . AD).

Currently, only the Priests-Priests of the Vesev Spiritual Administrations and the Elders of the Slavic, Aryan and Tribal Communities of the Old Russian Church of the Orthodox Old Believers use different systems of chronology according to the Daariysky Krugolet of Chislobog.


Glorious and Trislaven wake up, our number! You, the guardian of the flow of life in the Most Pure Svarga, endowing our stomach with the term of understanding of Our Yavnago World, and You indicate when the Yarila-Sun rises, when the Moons and Stars shine. And grant us, according to Your great Goodness, to see the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of our Clans, Bozem and Ancestors to sing our Great Glory, as You are a good man and a philanthropist. And we sing the Glory of All-Native to You, now and ever and from Circle to Circle! Taco be, taco be, taco be!

Goddess Karna

Goddess Karna– Heavenly Goddess-Patron of all new births and human reincarnations**.

** human reincarnations - i.e. a new birth on Midgard-Earth, in order to fulfill his life lesson to the end. On behalf of the Goddess Karna, words appeared that have survived to this day, these are: incarnation - a temporary incarnation on Midgard-Earth, in order to complete one's earthly lesson, interrupted as a result of an accident, by moving into the body of another person; reincarnation is a new incarnation of a person on Midgard-Earth in the body of a newborn child in order to continue his interrupted life path and complete the earthly lesson.

Goddess Karna grants the right to every person to get rid of mistakes made in his Explicit life, unseemly deeds and fulfill his destiny, prepared by the Highest God Rod.

It depends on the Heavenly Goddess Karna in what area on our Midgard-Earth, in which of the ancient Clans of the Great Race, in what conditions and in what historical time there will be a new incarnation of man. So that a person can complete it with dignity, with honor and with a clear Conscience in another World.

Goddess Tara (Tarina, Taya, Tabiti)

Goddess Tara (Tarina, Taya, Tabiti)- the younger sister of God Tarkh, named - Dazhdbog, daughter of the Heavenly God Perun.

Goddess Tara always sparkles with kindness, love, tenderness, care and attention. Her grace is poured out not only on Nature, but also on people.

The Eternally Beautiful Goddess Tara is the Heavenly Guardian of the Sacred Groves, Forests, Oak Forests and Sacred Trees of the Great Race - Oak, Cedar, Elm, Birch and Ash.

Due to the fact that the Goddess Tara, together with her elder brother Tarkh Dazhdbog, protect the boundless lands of Belovodye and the Holy Race, these territories are called the lands of Tarkh and Tara, i.e. Great Tartaria (Grand Tartaria).

Goddess Share (Srecha)

Goddess Share (Srecha)- Heavenly Goddess of a happy fate, happiness and good luck in life and creative deeds. This is an eternally beautiful, young Heavenly Spinner, which spins a wonderful thread of human life.

Goddess Dolya is a highly skilled craftswoman and needlewoman. From her emerald spindle flows an even and strong, golden thread of a person's life and destiny, which she firmly holds in her tender and gentle hands.

Goddess Dolya is the youngest daughter of the Heavenly Mother of God Makoshi and the younger sister of the Goddess Nedolya.

Goddess Nedolya (Nesrecha)

Goddess Nedolya (Nesrecha)- Heavenly Goddess, who endows various people and their children with an unfortunate fate for violating the Laws of RITA (Heavenly Laws on the Purity of Kin and Blood) and Blood Commandments. She is an elderly woman who spins a special thread of human life.

From its old granite spindle flows a crooked, uneven and fragile gray thread of the life and fate of a person punished by the lesson of God. When a person fully fulfills the lesson of the Gods, Nedolya cuts off the gray thread of his life, and the person, freed from an unfortunate fate, goes to the World of Ancestors, or weaves the golden thread of his younger sister into the fate of a person.

Goddess Nedolya is the eldest daughter of the Heavenly Mother of God Makoshi and the elder sister of the Goddess Doli.

Goddess Lelya

Goddess Lelya“Eternally young and eternally beautiful Heavenly Goddess. Lelya is the guardian of eternal, mutual, pure and constant Love.

She is a caring and tender Goddess-Patron of seed happiness, conjugal consent and all kinds of well-being, not only in all the Clans of the Great Race, but also in all the Clans of the descendants of the Heavenly Clan.

Goddess Lelya is the obedient daughter of the Supreme God Svarog and the Heavenly Mother of God Lada Mother.

She is a kind, caring and gentle wife of the God Volkh, the keeper of the Heavenly Halls of Volkhalla. Lelya protects His peace and comfort, and the Goddess Valkyrie helps her.

In these Halls, She takes care not only of her beloved spouse, but also takes upon herself the duty of treating the guests of Volhalla, the warriors who fell in battles and the Heavenly Gods — the Companions of her husband.

In ancient times, the people of the Great Race named one of the nearest Moons of Midgard-Earth in honor of her - Lelei.

Goddess Zarya-Zaryanitsa (Mertsana)

Goddess Zarya-Zaryanitsa (Mertsana)- Heavenly Goddess - Ruler of the dawn and Goddess-Patron of a good, abundant harvest.

This Goddess was especially revered by the villagers, for she contributes to the early ripening of abundant harvests and fruits, therefore, in her honor, public services were performed and they asked her for a good harvest.

In ancient times, it was believed that this benevolent Heavenly Goddess-Ruler has her beautiful shining Halls on the second Earth from the Yarila-Sun (in the modern astronomical system, this is the planet Venus), and therefore they called her in all Clans of the Great Race the Land of Dawn - Flickers.

Mertsana, in addition, is the Patron Goddess of love in early youth. Mostly young girls who fall in love with young men at gatherings and holidays turn to Zarya-Mertsana.

In the Temple of the Goddess Flicker, the girls brought various Gifts, jewelry woven from beads and amber, beautiful bouquets of bright field and forest flowers, in order to find out from the Priestesses of the Goddess Flicker what kind of betrothed the Heavenly Gods would give them.

Goddess Vesta

Goddess Vesta- Heavenly Goddess-Keeper of the Most Ancient Wisdom of the Highest Gods. The younger sister of the Goddess Marena, who brings peace and Winter to Earth.

The Goddess Vesta is also called the Patroness of the Renewing World, the good Goddess of Spring, who controls the coming to earth of the Holy Race - Spring, and the awakening of the Nature of Midgard-Earth.

On the day of the Spring Equinox, a nationwide festivities were organized in her honor, pancakes were necessarily baked, as a symbol of the Yarila-Sun; Easter cakes, bagels and bagels with poppy seeds, as a symbol of the earth awakening after a winter sleep; gingerbread in the form of larks and cookies with swastika symbols.

In addition, the Goddess Vesta symbolized not only the acquisition of the Ancient Wisdom of the Highest Gods by representatives of the Slavic and Aryan Clans, but also the receipt of pleasant, good news in each Clans of the Great Race.


Belobog- Heavenly Guardian God Ancient Knowledge Higher Worlds. He is a generous giver of all good deeds, happiness and joy, to all hardworking people from the ancient Slavic and Aryan Clans. Belobog instructed in ancient times our Many Wise Ancestors on creative work for the Glory and Majesty of all Clans of the Great Race. The Wise Belobog bestowed the Ancient Knowledge of the Higher Worlds on the good creators, walking along the Golden Path of Spiritual Development, and they created such wonderful creations that no one could repeat during the existence of life on Midgard-Earth.

Belobog not only guarded the Ancient Knowledge of the Higher Worlds, having gathered a bright Heavenly Host, from the encroachments of the evil Chernobog and his dark host, i.e. of all the greedy followers of his ideas from the Worlds of Darkness, but also watched how the Ancient Knowledge changes the consciousness of the inhabitants of the Border Worlds, to which our Midgard-Earth belongs.

Thanks to Belobog, people-creators are born on the lands of the Explicit World, filling life with beauty, love, goodness and harmony, without which human life would be gray and uncomfortable.


Chernobog- God, who controls the Knowledge of the material World and cold reason, simple but iron logic and exorbitant egoism. He observes how the Ancient Knowledge of the World of Arlegs spreads to other Worlds and Realities.

Chernobog fled from his World to the Dark Worlds, for he violated the Heavenly Laws established by the Highest God Svarog. He treacherously broke the seal from the Secret Ancient Knowledge of his World, which was guarded by Belobog. And the Ancient Knowledge of the Arleg World resounded throughout all the lower Worlds, down to the very dark depths Pekelny World. He did this in order to receive for himself, according to the law of universal conformity, the Ancient Knowledge of the Highest Worlds. In order to justify himself and his actions before the Heavenly God Svarog, Chernobog gathers his supporters from all lands in the Worlds of Navi and Reveal. He tries to develop in his supporters greed, permissiveness, cold reason, iron logic and exorbitant selfishness.

Chernobog in our World on Midgard-Earth first gives a person the opportunity to touch the smallest particles of the Ancient Knowledge of his World and observes how a person will behave in such a situation.

If a person who has received the Knowledge of the Higher World begins to exalt himself over others, violates human and Heavenly Laws, then Chernobog begins to fulfill all his base desires.

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Hindus and Slavs worshiped the same gods.

At the heart of every culture is a spiritual essence. It lies in the understanding that a person is not alone on this earth. We are surrounded by youths, whom we subjugate to our influence, and older mentors, on whom we already depend. In addition, every culture is inherently ritualistic. After all, the ritual is a connecting thread that unites generations and even nations.

The invisible owner of the light bulb, plumbing and ... the universe.

Let's continue to analyze the names of the Slavic and Indian celestials. Another character that has for both cultures general meaning, is Varuna. So he was called both in India and in Russia. He, like Indra, ruled over the water element. Another common god of the Vedic and Slavic pantheon is Kryshen, who in India is better known as Krishna. And he is usually associated with the embodiment of Love and Wisdom. The goddess of love is also the famous Rada (or Lada in the Slavic pantheon). Hindus call her Radha, which speaks for itself: this is a goddess who brings joy.

Another common deity of the Vedic and Slavic pantheon is Surya, the embodiment of the sun. The Russian language keeps many parallels associated with the name of this god. For example, the word suritsa, meaning kvass, is a drink made from bread crusts that were infused in the sun. Also remember - the dye of sunny orange color used to be called "red lead".

The supreme president of the monotheistic pantheon.

A little higher, I named the names of the gods, by which one can observe a complete or partial coincidence in cultures. Of course, there are more divergent names, but, in general, they are of the same root. But even the above examples speak eloquently of the abundance of these interesting similarities. Such an extensive string of deities can involuntarily suggest that the Vedic culture is pagan, professing polytheism, that is, polytheism. But it seems so only at first and superficial glance.

To prove this, let's turn to the book of Veles. There is strong evidence that this polytheism is not paganism in its purest form. This is because such a hierarchy of celestials has its own absolutely clear distribution, built in the form of a pyramid of power, which is headed by Vishnu or the Supreme. In addition, his name, meaning "highest above all," speaks for itself.

Other deities are the personification of his power, but only at a reduced level. That is, they are like the ministers of Vishnu, if we imagine the latter as a president who represents his power through many channels. The Veles book says about this: "Those who count the gods and share the svarga (that is, the upper world - ed.) are mistaken. Is the Supreme (or Svarog) the embodiment of several deities?" As in Christian theology, Svarog is one and many at the same time. It is not necessary to divide this set and consider that we have many Gods.

This saying indicates that monotheism, or monotheism, does not at all imply that God has no substitutes. After all, this has been customary since ancient times, when people projected any process taking place on our earth onto a prototype in the spiritual world. So in any system, be it a large company or the Universe, there is a boss who has deputies. After all, it is always more convenient for the main person to contact people who contact him through his intermediaries. That is, the "head" itself wants to have assistants, and therefore there are different gods who are responsible for certain energies.

Such a thought does not contradict the assertion of monotheism, it is simply necessary to see and understand it dialectically: as each of us personally realizes that God is many-sided and one at the same time. Remember the famous trinity in Christianity, where the unity of God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, some explained using the example of a shamrock, where all three leaves grow from a single center.

Slavic-Indian cosmogony: three levels of the world.

But what do the Vedas say about these worlds? In the Higher or Upper world, the energy of grace prevails. Our Middle layer is immersed in various passions, and the lowest layer is in ignorance or ignorance. From such a similar interpretation of the structure of the world comes a single life motivation or philosophy of life. She says that one must strive to get into the realm of Truth, Truth (that is, Rule) or Goodness.

And for this it is necessary to act correctly, that is, according to God's law. After all, the rule gives the truth, since in itself it comes from the root "right", and from them expressions such as rule, government, management and, of course, the word truth are formed. The main meaning of law comes from the fact that it must come from the concept of the highest Truth, reality or Rule, which can be comprehended while in earthly reality or at the Middle level.

Such parallels speak not only about the similarity of Slavic mythology and the philosophy of the Vedas, but also about the righteous philosophy of life that we, both Hindus and Slavs, adhered to: to seek and find the Truth of life. And we can do this with the help of Slavic traditions and knowledge obtained from the Indian Vedas.

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Slavic gods- an embodied idea of ​​the World and world rules. Getting to know Slavic faith and traditions, of course, cannot be ignored by the Slavic Gods. From the knowledge of their characters begins a deep understanding of the faith of our Ancestors.

Today there are various ideas of who the Slavic Gods are. In some sources, many Gods are listed, and even those who are known to us from the myths of India or Egypt are classified as Slavic. In other sources, on the contrary, only a few Slavic Gods are named, believing that our ancestors did not develop a developed mythology. We will talk about mythology and Slavic Gods as they say about it in the Russian North. Many ancient traditions, bylichki, fairy tales, Slavic myths have been preserved here, of which we know this.

The division of the Slavic Gods into light and dark

Northern legends say that Rod, the Creator God, created the Slavic world and divided it into three parts: Rule, Yav and Nav. Bright Slavic Gods live in Prav. In Reveal - people and elemental Gods. In Navi - dark gods.

This division is simple, however, modern man often misunderstands it. We are accustomed to correlate "light" with "good" and "darkness" with "evil". Therefore, many mistakenly believe that only the Slavic Gods of the world of Rule deserve reverence. The ancient Slavs treated the Gods of Navi with no less respect than the Gods of the world of Rule, although they were afraid of them. However, in the Slavic picture of the world, Navnye, Dark Gods are needed, you cannot do without them.

Slavic gods of the world

We refer to the Slavic Gods of Rule, first of all, Svarog, Heavenly Father, And fret, Heavenly Mother. Their kids, Svarozhychi- one of the main characters of Slavic mythology. However, not all of their children live in the world of Rule. For example, Stribog and Semargl appear more often in the world of Reveal, among people.

Of course, one of the significant Slavic Gods of the world of Rule - Belobog, God of White Light, God of Creation. twin brothers Belobog and Chernobog symbolize the forces of creation and destruction, the balance of which is necessary for the development of the Slavic world, moving forward.

Sign of God Svarog "Konegon"

Sign of the Goddess Lada "Star of Lada"


Slavic Goddess Lada- Mother of the Gods, wife of God Svarog. For the Slavs, this Goddess became the embodiment of all the brightest, kindest things that can be in a family - harmony between spouses, good children, harmony and well-being of all home life. The sweetest, most merciful and understandable Slavic Goddess. When we think about a Slavic woman - a spouse, mother, sister - the face of the Divine Mother Lada will be the most appropriate way. Do you want to know more about the Goddess Lada, about her symbols, signs, holidays and rites of praise? Then please welcome here to the great article " Goddess Lada - Slavic Goddess of love and beauty»

Sign of God Belobog "Light"


Slavic god Belobog- twin brother of God Chernobog. Our world is based on this love and struggle of two brothers, as our ancestors believed. Such an idea is similar to the global idea of ​​the unity and struggle of opposites. Belobog - the one on which the whole world rests (this can be seen even from his name). Not the Sun, not the Moon, but a comprehensive idea of ​​life, growth, development, movement. God Belobog, thus, is the personification of everything that forms the basis of explicit life. Do you want to know more about God Belobog, about his symbols, signs, holidays and rites of praise? Then please welcome here to the great article " Belobog - God-patron of the Slavs»

Sign of God Chur "Watchman amulet"


Slavic god Chur familiar to everyone, not even interested in Slavic mythology. A well-known expression is a talisman: "Chur, chur me!" calls to our ancient God-Guard, God Chur. It is believed that this God keeps what belongs to a person by right, draws a line between "mine, ours" and "someone else's." Turning to this God helped to keep their possessions, protected from wrong deeds, saved from troubles and enemies. “To turn away” in our language still means “to come to your senses from something wrong and not useful.” God Chur is sometimes considered the First Ancestor, from whom all Slavic clans descended - in the pantheon he is not revered as the son of God Dazhdbog, but is a common unifying symbol. Do you want to know more about God Chur, about his symbols, signs, holidays and rites of praise? Then please welcome here to the great article " Chur - Guardian God of the Slavic clans»

Sign of the Goddess Alive "Summer oblique cross"


Slavic Goddess Alive- the wonderful daughter of the Goddess Lada. The wife of God Dazhdbog, from her children Slavic clans went. The Goddess Alive for the Slavs is like a breath of living water, pouring into a person the opportunity to live, love, give birth to their own kind. This is the embodiment of the flow vitality that allow the baby to grow up, the boy and girl to become a father and mother. From the appeal to the Goddess Zhiva, wounds heal, health returns, the joy of life flows in. In a word, this is the Goddess who brings Life. Do you want to know more about the Goddess Zhiva, about her symbols, signs, holidays and rites of praise? Then please welcome here to the great article " Zhiva - the great Goddess of Life, the Goddess of Summer»

Sign of the Goddess Leli "Lelnik"


Young and beautiful Slavic Goddess Lyolya- the one that embodies for the Slavs all the charm of a young smile, a sonorous voice and an easy step. The goddess Lelya is that spring that descends to earth along with the Yarilo-Sun. The embodiment of these flourishing natural forces, restoring a person after a long and dark winter, has been preserved in our culture in the form of the Guardian Goddess. The sign of the Goddess Leli is often found in traditional embroideries and is called the "coast". All spring calls, round dances and sonorous songs are dedicated to her - the smiling and affectionate Goddess Lyola. Do you want to know more about the Goddess Lela, about her symbols, signs, holidays and rites of praise? Then please welcome here to the great article " Slavic Goddess Lelya - Goddess of Spring»

Sign of God Lel and God Polel "Palm amulet"

Lel and Polel

Many people know the Slavic God Lelya based on the fairy tale "The Snow Maiden", where he, in the form of a shepherdess, played melodies of love on a plain horn. And this is perhaps the only image that is allowed by the official culture. Meanwhile, for centuries, the image of God, a beautiful young man who ignited love in the hearts of people, was kept in the memory of the people. God Lel is beautiful as the image of a loved one in the eyes of a woman in love. What is important - God Lel is at the same time the twin brother of God Paulel. This God rules in the hearts of already engaged people who have created their own family, patronizes a happy marriage. So the brothers embody those relationships that contribute to happiness: God Lel is the God of love, God Polel is the God of a happy family. Do you want to know more about the Gods Lele and Polele, about their symbols, signs, holidays and rites of praise? Then please welcome here to the great article " Lel and Polel - two Gods, without which happiness is unthinkable»

Sign of God Kvasura "Oberezhnik"


Slavic god Kwasura embodies the now forgotten culture of fun without alcohol intoxication, eating without gluttony, holidays without "scuffle". A moderate attitude towards bodily pleasures while maintaining the joy of life - this is what is invested in the image of God Kvasura. To be healthy, to be cheerful, to lead a healthy lifestyle without the use of amusing and intoxicating substances - this is what the Slavic God of fun reminds us of. It is this image that is easiest to turn to when you want to straighten your life, get health and freedom from addictions!Do you want to know more about God Kvasur, about his symbols, signs, holidays and rites of praise? Then please welcome here to the great article " Kvasura - Slavic God of Joy and Temperance»

Sign of God Kitovras "Kolohort"


Slavic god Kitovras- an amazing creature from old myths. The representative of that fabulous people that we know from Greek myths - God Kitovras is described as a centaur, half-man, half-horse. It would seem that all this is far from our lands, but it is in the north that the Kargopol clay toy “Polkan” is still being made. This figurine, oddly enough, is a centaur. This is what the people say about Polkan, or, in other words, about Kitovras: they say that he was such a storyteller that people and animals, listening to him, left their thoughts, and then their bodies, into the world that this bayun sang about. That, they say, before Kitovras was a great warrior - a magician and even a commander, and won many battles, and did not lose a single one; but suddenly, at the zenith of his glory, he dropped everything and went through the lands and villages like a chalk, and began to tell fairy tales. And his tales were so penetrating and reasonable that they gradually began to call Polkan the God of Wisdom. XWould you like to learn more about God Kitovras, about his symbols, signs, holidays and rites of praise? Then please welcome here to the great article " Kitovras - Slavic God of Wisdom»

Slavic gods of the world Reveal

Slavic gods also live in the world of Reveal! First of all, the elemental gods: Agidel, Goddess of Water; Semargl, God of fire; Stribog, Wind God, his children and grandchildren, such as a warm breeze Dogoda; Mother Earth Cheese, one of the most revered Slavic Goddesses.

There are other Slavic Gods who most often appear in the world of Reveal. Sun God Horse and his sister Divya, Goddess of the Moon. Tara- Slavic Goddess of the Guiding Star (Polar Star), it is her bright light in the old days that did not allow travelers to go astray. We often see lightning in Yav Perun and the rich rains that his wife sends Diva Dodola.

Sign of the God Horse "Firefire"


Slavic god Horse- The God of Rule, whom, fortunately, we see in our world in the sky. When you look at the Sun, at its luminous image, you see the manifestation of the Slavic God Khors. There are other solar Gods (Kolyada, Yarilo, Kupala, Avsen), and the God of white light Belbog, and the God of reflected light Dazhdbog, but only God Horse is the same Sun in its bodily explicit form. Beautiful tales about God Horse tell that once the Creator Rod gave under his control a day, and every God's morning God Horse rides his sparkling chariot to heaven, and every evening ends up in a black boat, along a black underground the river returns to its mansions - in order to shine again in the morning and give warmth to all living things on earth.Do you want to know more about God Horse, about his symbols, signs, holidays and rites of praise? Then please welcome here to the great article " Khors - Slavic God of the Sun Disc»

Sign of the Goddess Divia "Lunnitsa"


Slavic Goddess Divya our beautiful friend Luna. It is the manifestation of this Goddess that we see in our world in the form of either a thin sickle or a full circle. The goddess Divya-Moon is the embodiment of mystery, changeability and predictive power. This Goddess is the patroness of Fortunetellers, Soothsayers, all Knowers. In the manifest world, her influence extends to women, determining the rhythms of life. The Beautiful Goddess is the twin of God Horse, who, by the will of the Creator, is given control of night time. Every night the Goddess-Moon leaves on her white chariot to the sky and every morning she returns to her place, giving way to her brother in the sky. But, according to legend, she asked the God of Heaven Dyya for permission to sometimes see her brother - so sometimes we see their meeting above our heads.Do you want to know more about the Goddess Divya, about her symbols, signs, holidays and rites of praise? Then please welcome here to the great article " Divia - Slavic Goddess of the Moon»

Sign of God Dyya "Wealth amulet"


Slavic god Dyy in our mythology - an ambiguous personality. Most likely, a different attitude towards wealth gave rise to a variety of explanations for the properties and incarnations of this God. We know from myths that God Dyi is the twin brother of God Viy, one of the darkest and most mysterious Gods of Navi. It is believed that God Dy was born by a bright God at the dawn of time and is the embodiment of Heaven above our heads. It is believed that God Smoke is at the same time the Patron of Wealth and Prosperity - and we can understand this, because for our ancestors, what happened in heaven directly affected people's lives and the well-being of each family. Do you want to know more about God Dyya, about his symbols, signs, holidays and rites of praise? Then please welcome here to the great article " Dyi - Slavic God of Wealth and Prosperity»

Sign of God Svyatogor "Bogovnik"


Slavic god Svyatogor known by myths as a God-hero of enormous growth. Late references to him are found even in epics about Ilya Muromets. Probably, in the image of this God, we find some memories of the former race of people of enormous growth - the mythologies of many peoples tell of giants. In the Slavic epic God Svyatogor is known as the one who holds the heavens on his shoulders. In Greek mythology, he is known as Atlas - the one to which Hercules came to accomplish another feat. Do you want to know more about God Svyatogor, about his symbols, signs, holidays and rites of praise? Then please welcome here to the great article “Svyatogor - the Slavic guardian of Heaven »

Sign of God Stribog "Amulet Bird"


Slavic god Stribog- the elemental God of Air, the embodiment of the winds blowing around mother Earth. According to Slavic mythology, Stribog is the son of the mighty Svarog, born to him during the first battle of Rule and Navi. This famous battle took place when Rod decided to divide the Gods for different tasks. At that time, Svarog struck the Alatyr stone with his hammer, and two twin brothers were born from these sparks: Stribog, the God of Wind and Semargl, the God of Fire. God Stribog is thus one of the oldest Gods, the Father of the winds. God Stribog is addressed as an obvious element that helps a person to live in harmony with Nature.Do you want to know more about God Stribog, about his symbols, signs, holidays and rites of praise? Then please welcome here to the great article " Stribog - Slavic God of the element of Air, God of the wind»

Sign of God Semargl "Rarog"


Slavic god Semargl- the elemental God of Fire, the embodiment of the forces of earthly fire and heavenly fire. According to Slavic mythology, Semargl is the son of the mighty Svarog, born to him during the first battle of Prav and Navi, the twin brother of the God of the wind Stribog.God Semargl is thus one of the oldest Gods, the owner of all fire. God Semarglu is addressed as a clear element that helps a person to live in harmony with Nature.Do you want to know more about God Semargl, about his symbols, signs, holidays and rites of praise? Then please welcome here to the great article " Semargl - Slavic God of the element of Fire»

Sign of God Perun "Thunder"


Slavic god Perun- the formidable son of Svarog the blacksmith, the mighty defender of Reveal, God the Thunderer and Lada, the Heavenly Mother. God Perun is one of the most famous Slavic Gods, he is revered as the patron saint of warriors, the protector of the World of Reveal. They transmit stories about the various deeds of God Perun, one of the most important is the battle with the creature of Chaos, the Skipper Serpent. Many signs are known with the power of this Slavic God, the holiday of Perun is now celebrated as a day of military prowess. We see the phenomenon of Perun during a thunderstorm - sparkling lightning and heavenly thunder.Do you want to know more about God Perun, about his symbols, signs, holidays and rites of praise? Then please welcome here to the great article " Perun - Slavic God of Thunder and Justice»

Sign of the Goddess Diva-Dodola "Perunitsa"

Diva Dodola

Slavic Goddess Diva Dodola, also known as Perunica - the Slavic Goddess of the Thunderstorm, the wife of the warlike Perun. According to the ideas of the Slavs, it is during a thunderstorm that this Goddess appears in the sky, surrounded by her priestesses, her bright progress across the sky is accompanied by showers and bad weather, but it always goes to a clear sky and a rainbow bridge. This Goddess manifests as a natural phenomenon and as a world cleansing force leading to tranquility through a storm.Do you want to know more about the Goddess Diva-Dodol, about her symbols, signs, holidays and rites of praise? Then please welcome here to the great article " Diva-Dodola - Slavic Goddess of Thunder»

Sign of God Yarilo "Yarovik"


Slavic god Yarilo (Yarila)- Slavic God of the spring Sun, son of God Veles. Many mythological ideas have been preserved about God Yaril, mainly because among the people his veneration was hidden under the cult of St. George. God Yarilo, thus, manifests itself as the spring sun, giving rise to shoots, as the life-giving zilla of Nature and, importantly, as a protective force, male rage, as the embodiment of the power of love and life. God Yarilo is known as the patron of men and, interestingly, as the lord of wolves.Do you want to know more about God Yarilo, about his symbols, signs, holidays and rites of praise? Then please welcome here to the great article " Yarilo - Slavic god of the spring sun»

Sign of God Dazhdbog "Direct Cross"


Slavic God Dazhdboga (Dazhboga) many people know from the well-known statement in "The Lay of Igor's Campaign": "We are the grandchildren of Dazhdbog!". It is believed that Arius was born from the marriage of God Dazhdbog and the Goddess Alive, from whom the Slavic clans went. They revered God Dazhdbog as the progenitor of the Slavic family, as a warrior-defender, but most of all - as a deity of light, fertility and, as a result, life's blessings. It is in the manifestation of solar reflected light that we see God Dazhdbog in Reveal. Some believe that the name of the Slavic God Dazhdbog is associated with rain, but this is not true. The name of this God is a derivative of "God forbid". Do you want to know more about God Dazhdbog, about his symbols, signs, holidays and rites of praise? Then please welcome here to the big articleDazhdbog - Slavic solar God»

Sign of the Goddess Tara "Vaiga"


Slavic Goddess Tara is considered the twin sister of Dazhbog, who is sometimes called Tarkh Perunovich. Like the twins Horse and Divia, manifesting themselves in the form of opposite phenomena (the Sun and the Moon), so Dazhdbog and Tara appear at different times of the day: Dazhdbog owns the reflected sunlight, and Tara manifests itself in the night as the guiding Polar Star. The goddess Tara was revered as the patroness of travelers, opening roads and helping to choose the direction. Since the roads of travelers can pass through forests, at the same time the Goddess Tara was considered the patroness of sacred oak forests. Do you want to know more about the Slavic Goddess Tara, about her symbols, signs, holidays and rites of praise? Then please welcome here to the great article " Slavic Goddess Tara - Goddess of the guiding star »

Sign of God Dogoda "Vratok"


Slavic god Dogoda little known among the great Gods of the Slavic pantheon. However, this slightly frivolous, agile and cheerful son of Stribog was revered as the God of Good Weather. The life of our ancestors depended on nature and weather conditions, so this natural manifestation of God's mercy pleased the people. There are few legends about him, but today, more than ever, we are ready to welcome the beautiful God Dogoda! Do you want to know more about God Dogoda, about his symbols, signs, holidays and rites of praise? Then please welcome here, to the big article “Slavic God Dogoda - the God of good weather, let's call him together!»

Sign of the Goddess Agidel "Abyss of Heaven"


Slavic Goddess Agidel, the granddaughter of God Svarog, is known in the north as the Goddess of Water. Our ancestors depended on reservoirs, in the north fishing was one of the main industries, so different types of water were endowed with various divine properties. Slavic mythology knows Watermen, Mermaids, even the sea king, the Goddess Dana and the Gods of large rivers (for example, God Don). The goddess Agidel is, first of all, the mythological savior of the earth from drought, who discovered the world's waters, a girl who turned into the water of a river. Thus, the Goddess Agidel is not the goddess of a particular body of water, but rather a manifestation of the divine properties of the water element that are merciful to man. Do you want to know more about the Slavic Goddess Agidel, about her symbols, signs, holidays and rites of praise? Then please welcome here to the great article " Agidel - Slavic Goddess of water»

Sign of God Avsenya "Tausen"


Slavic god Avsen known primarily as the God of the autumn sun. The autumn harvest festival, thanksgiving to the Gods for the harvest, farewell to summer - for our ancestors, this meant the arrival of autumn and Avsenya. God Avsen was endowed with calm wisdom - this is the oldest (and oldest) of the solar Gods, ruling the world for a quarter of a year. On the day of the winter solstice, God Avsen hands over the reins of government to his brother Kolyada, the young Winter Sun. Thus, God Avsen appears as the autumn annual period, as the Sun and as the law of the withering of what was once young. It is surprising that at the same time God Avsen is the builder of bridges to the future. Do you want to know more about God Avsen, about his symbols, signs, holidays and rites of praise? Then please welcome here to the big article "Avsen (Ovsen) - Slavic God of Autumn"

Sign of God Kupalo "Fern Color"


Slavic god Kupala (Kupala) manifests itself in our world on the shortest night of the year. God Kupalo takes control of the world and is God Summer Sun, ruler of the annual period until the autumnal equinox. The manifestation of God is a natural fall from its very limit, from the greatest height to the state of calm "reaping the fruits." In Slavic mythology, God Kupalo is the brother of the Goddess Kostroma, who experienced a terrible spell in childhood, which determined the subsequent difficult circumstances of life. Do you want to know more about God Kupalo, about his symbols, signs, holidays and rites of praise? Then please welcome here to the big article "God Kupalo or Kupala - Slavic God of the Summer Sun"

Slavic gods of the world Navi

Lord of Navi - Chernobog, brother of Belobog. This dark God does not fight with his brother at all, he only does his job, very important, but unappreciated by many: Chernobog destroys what there is no longer a place in the world of Reveal.

Other Slavic Gods of the Navi world also exist in order to prevent the world from stopping in development. In addition, it is the Navnye Gods who protect world of the dead and stand on the border between the ordered world and chaos. We refer to the Slavic Gods of Navi Morena, Koshcheya, Viya. Even the Slavic God of the Winter Sun Kolyada spends most of his time in the Navi world.

Sign of God Viy "The All-Seeing Eye"


Slavic god Viy known from the work of N.V. Gogol, where Viy is a chthonic monster, an all-seeing monster. I must say that this literary character has almost nothing in common with the Slavic deity that our people remember. According to the ancient Slavic myths that we are currently recreating, God Viy is one of the oldest Gods created by the Creator Rod at the dawn of time. God Viy prefers Nav - the world of Spirits, where Souls go and from where they come to Yav. God Viy is a powerful wizard, gloomy, but striving to restore order. Slavic myths consider God Viy to be the "shepherd of souls" - the very power that makes souls cleanse themselves of obvious hardships, undergo purification by fire and be reborn again. Do you want to know more about God Viy, about his symbols, signs, holidays and rites of praise? Then please welcome here to the great article "God Viy is the Guardian of Souls among the Slavs"

Sign of God Chernobog "Navnik"


Slavic god Chernobog perceived by some as a villain and enemy of humanity. It is believed that the twin brother of the light God Belobog, embodying everything light and good, Chernobog embodies the opposite principle - darkness and evil. This is too simple and wrong notion of two opposite principles. So in a pair of Khors-Divia, or Dazhdbog-Tara, you can find light and darkness. But who said that it is good and evil? The idea of ​​Chernobog will be correct if we think of him as the destroying beginning of our worlds, about the one who takes on the role of the destroyer of the old and obsolete. Chernobog is the governing force in the World of Navi, and that is why he was revered by our ancestors on a par with Belobog. Do you want to know more about God Chernobog, about his symbols, signs, holidays and rites of praise? Then please welcome here to the great article "God Chernobog - Slavic God of destruction"

Sign of the Goddess Morena "Winter oblique cross


Slavic Goddess Morena (Marena, Mora)- the carnival is familiar to many on the holiday, on which they drive away the "Morena-winter" and burn a straw effigy. The Goddess of Winter Morena is also the Goddess of Death, which is understandable. This is the Goddess Navi, considered the wife of the ruler of this world, God Chernobog. It is not necessary to imagine the Goddess Morena in the form of a terrible old woman - on the contrary, in Slavic myths she is a young black-haired beauty, full of strength and ideas. Also, do not simplify the perception of this Goddess - from Slavic myths it is known that she is the daughter of Svarog, the Supreme God of the world of Rule and the beautiful and kind Lada. Do you want to know more about the Slavic Goddess Morena, about her symbols, signs, holidays and rites of praise? Then please welcome here to the great article “Goddess Morena - Slavic Goddess of Winter and Death »

Sign of God Koshchey "Koschyun"


Slavic god Koschei often perceived as the same "Kosha" from the Soviet fairy tale film. Slavic mythology is much deeper and more wise than mass clichés. The God of Koschey is an associate of the God of Chernobog, who left with him during the battle of Light and Darkness that took place in ancient times. God Koschei is the voivode of the rati, whose task is to cleanse from the unrighteous living; every night he leaves Navi for Yav to restore justice and take the souls so that they have the opportunity to start living anew. The Slavic God Koschey is a just, punishing God of Death. Do you want to know more about God Koschei, about his symbols, signs, holidays and rites of praise? Then please welcome here to the great article "Koschey the Immortal - Slavic God of Death"

Sign of God Troyan "Healer"


Slavic god Trojan arouses interest and confusion at the same time. The “three-faced idol” is known on the island of Rugen (Ruyan), but this is not about him. From Slavic myths, we know the son of God Veles and a human woman, who was so eager for knowledge of healing that, in the end, Troyan was compared with the Gods. After his departure to Nav, Troyan was reborn and was recognized by God. Since that time, the nav God Trojan has been known as the God of healing. Do you want to know more about God Trojan, about his symbols, signs, holidays and rites of praise? Then please welcome here to the great article "God Troyan - Slavic God of Healing"

Sign of God Kolyada "Kolyada"


Slavic god Kolyada known to many for the carols, which is celebrated on the winter solstice. The symbolism of this holiday coincides with the image of God Kolyada in the view of the Slavs. God Kolyada is the God of the young winter sun leaving at this time from Navi. God Kolyada in mythology is the light of the sun and the light of knowledge (the word "enlightenment" gives this image of the sun, light, knowledge, growth). God Kolyada is the brother of Avsenya, from whom he takes the reins of power for a quarter of the year, to then give them to the bright Yarila on the day of the vernal equinox. Do you want to know more about God Kolyada, about his symbols, signs, holidays and rites of praise? Then please welcome here to the great article "God Kolyada - God of the winter Sun"

Sign of the Goddess of Kostroma "Cross"


Slavic Goddess Kostroma known from Slavic mythology as the sister of God Kupalo. Due to her absurd nature, misfortune happened to her brother Kupalo in childhood, and the curse that Kostroma brought on both of them, during adulthood led to more tragedy. These difficult events led to the spiritual rebirth of both brother Kupalo and sister Kostroma. Once in the world of Navi, Kostroma has changed and is now the embodiment of the forces that support love in this world. The goddess Kostroma for the Slavs is the patroness of lovers. Do you want to know more about the Slavic Goddess Kostroma, about her symbols, signs, holidays and rites of praise? Then please welcome here, to the big article “The Goddess Kostroma is the Slavic patroness of lovers »

Sign of the Goddess Devan "Star amulet"


Slavic Goddess Dewans known as the Goddess of the Hunt. Like many Slavic Gods, she had a difficult history - as is known from myths, this proud and self-willed daughter of Perun wanted to become the most important in the world of Rule and raised an uprising against Svarog. After Perun pacified the unreasonable daughter, she became the wife of God Svyatobor, but their marriage was unsuccessful. Devana left her husband and began to rob on long roads. The gods decided to stop Devana and sent her to Nav. Rebirth in Navi led to the fact that after that the Goddess Devana became wise, cautious, but still loved wandering and hunting. Do you want to know more about the Slavic Goddess Devan, about her symbols, signs, holidays and rites of praise? Then please welcome here to the big article “Slavic Goddess Devan - Goddess of the Hunt »

Sign of the God of Interruption "Spiral"


Slavic god Clue little known among the Western Slavs, but in the Pomeranian north, on the contrary, it is one of the revered and famous Gods, the Patron of sailors. It is his influence in the world that creates a fair wind and opens the way for sailors to return home. God Pereplut is the God of Navi, and that is why he can help sailors who risk crossing the border between worlds, setting off on a long sea voyage. Do you want to know more about God Interruption, about his symbols, signs, holidays and rites of praise? Then please welcome here to the big article "God Pereplut - God of Travelers"

Slavic gods that stand apart

A special history Veles, God of the Three Worlds. The name of this Slavic God suggests that the paths to all three worlds are open to him, therefore we cannot attribute him to any of them. Veles is especially revered in the Russian North, the amazing story of this God is definitely worth learning. The Goddess also stands apart Makosh, Goddess of Fate and Magic.

Sign of the Goddess Makosh "Rodovik"


Slavic Goddess Makosh known and loved like no other. This is the Goddess of Fate and Magic, who owns the threads of fate as well as men and women, people and Gods. Due to the great action and influence on the well-being of people, the veneration of the Goddess Makosh was mixed with the cult of the Goddess Mother of Cheese-Earth, also the giver of blessings. But Makosh is a giver of blessings in a big sense, for the entire family line, and the Mother of Cheese-Earth is a more “mundane” well-being, for a specific period. In mythology, there is no mention of the fact that God Rod, who created our Motherland, Worlds, Gods, ever created the Goddess Makosh. This silence may indicate that the Goddess Makosh is a force that came from outside. Do you want to know more about the Slavic Goddess Makosh, about her symbols, signs, holidays and rites of praise? Then please welcome here to the great article “Slavic Goddess Makosh - Goddess of Fate and Magic »

Sign of God Veles "Bull's head"


Slavic god Veles known to those who are not familiar with Slavic mythology in general. The veneration of God Veles is due to the fact that he simultaneously embodies all the forces three worlds- that was exactly the intention of the Creator-kind in relation to him. That is why the influence of God Veles is great on human life and death. God Veles is revered as the Patron of nature, the ruler of wild and domestic animals, in a word, the obvious well-being of people depends on his strength. In addition, it is believed that it is God Veles who helps the Souls of the dead to get into the white Nav and then transfers the Souls of children across the Berezina River to be born in Yav. In everything, God Veles, who is the God of Wisdom and Magic, stands especially in the pantheon of Slavic Gods. Do you want to know more about the Slavic God Veles, about his symbols, signs, holidays and rites of praise? Then please welcome here to the big article “Veles - Slavic God of the Three Worlds »

Sign of the God of the Kind "Svaor"


And the last one we remember here will be the First God, Rod-Creator who created the Motherland in the middle of Chaos, creating the order of the world order. According to Slavic mythology, God Rod is not quite the Supreme Creator of the universe; he is the one who created the three worlds in which our bodies and souls exist. God Rod is the one who created the world order and maintains the rules, he is the force that gives meaning to our existence. It was he who created the Gods and gave them various manifestations, organizing a series of development and stop, light and darkness. Do you want to know more about God Rod, about his symbols, signs, holidays and rites of praise? Then please welcome here, to the great article “God Rod - Slavic Creator God »

Vedas and Gods of India

The Vedas (from Sanskrit veda - "knowledge") were created at the turn of the II-I millennium BC. e. They represent the so-called corpus of Vedic texts, compiled in chronological order and dedicated to ancient Indian mythology and literature. The Vedas are divided into several parts:

– 4 meetings ancient Vedas(Sayakhites);

– 4 collections of religious hymns and ritual formulas (Rigveda, Samaveda, Yajurveda, Atharvaveda);

- theological treatises, explanations of the Vedas, comments on the priestly ritual, myths and legends (Brahmins);

- prose and poetry works associated with the Brahmins (Aranyakas and Upanishads).

They are the sacred texts of Brahmanism, therefore they are perceived as a revelation of God (from the Sanskrit "shruti" - "heard"), are transmitted orally and are accompanied by a special rhythm of speech. Almost all works are syncretistic: interpretation and recommendations for rituals are combined in them with philosophical and moral reasoning, details of magical actions - with scientific ideas, myths and folk epic - with elements of early literary genres.

A general idea of ​​Indian mythology arises from the combination of information extracted from the Vedic, Buddhist and Hindu religious traditions, genetically related to each other. Main Feature Indian religions is polytheism. In each of them there are cults of numerous gods endowed with human properties. The role of the main god according to Vedic mythology is performed by Indra, the god of thunder and a warrior. Varuna is the god of justice, the keeper of the world order, the lord of the waters. And Agni is the god of fire and the keeper hearth. Although the Indians always made sacrifices to their deities, turned their prayers to them for health and prosperity, and also carefully guarded the cult, the Vedic hymns clearly trace the idea that there is nothing eternal in the world, that the gods are mortal, and at the origins of the universe there is some kind of faceless deity is an abstract substance.

The pantheon of the Vedic gods consists of 33 gods, which are usually divided into heavenly, atmospheric and earthly. The heavenly gods are Ashvins, Varuna, Vivasvat, Vishnu, Dyaus, Mitra and other adityas, Surya, Savitar, Pushan, Ushas. The atmospheric ones include Apas, Aja Ekapad, Apam Napat (Agni), Ahi Budhnya, Vayu, Vata, Indra, Matarishvan, Maruts, Rudra, Parjanya, Trita Aptya. Brihaspati, Lie, Saraswati, Soma, Prithivi, etc. are considered earthly deities. Later texts contain a different qualification of these gods - they are combined into 3 large groups depending on what they personified: vasus (natural phenomena and elements), rudras ( vital organs) and aditya (months of the year). Another classification is known, built on the principle of the social role performed: the magic-legal group, the military group and the deities patronizing fertility.

The name of the main river in the north-west of the country (Sindhu-Hind-Ind) is associated with the words "India" and "Hinduism" (Hindu). Indians call their state Bharat, and the main religion (Hinduism) - dharma, which means "religious law." It applies to all types of social activities: political, social, legal, religious, ethical, cultural, etc.

According to the cosmogonic myths of the Vedas, the universe was preceded by chaos, in which there was nothing existing, everything was indistinguishably fluid, but something united existed. The creation of the world was carried out under the influence of waters, which gave birth to the Universe and became its basis. According to one version, the waters, thickening and hardening, created the earth. Another theory of the universe testifies that first an egg appeared from the water, from which the creator god Brahman emerged, then the egg split into golden and silver halves, which later became heaven and earth. According to another version, the earth and the sun appeared from a lotus growing in the waters. Finally, later myths claim that the Universe was created from various parts of the body of the first man Purusha, which was due to the ancient practice of human sacrifice.

The central position in the Vedas is occupied by myths about the reorganization of the created Universe, which described the struggle of the god Indra with the demons, who were the embodiment of primary chaos, and the arrangement of a new world by him. Indra defeated the monsters that hid the sun, water and cattle, and his victory was interpreted as the re-creation of the cosmos, in which fertility, offspring and wealth played the leading role.

Hinduism took shape in the 1st-2nd centuries AD. e., absorbing the Vedic culture, Brahmanism and partly Buddhism. It was a combination of various religious movements (including Vedism) based on polytheism, monotheism and pantheism.

As a religion of a new stage in the development of ancient Indian society, Hinduism assumed the appearance of a creator God, assigned him a dominant role and established a strict hierarchical system within the pantheon. Gradually, Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu began to stand out from the many gods. They were perceived as manifestations of a single deity - trimurti. Brahma, the most revered then in India, was considered the creator of the world, the creator of social laws and the division of society into castes (varnas). But gradually, Shiva (the destroyer) and Vishnu (the guardian) stood out in the trimurti, as a result of which 2 main directions in Hinduism arose - Shaivism and Vishnuism. In the process of development, they were supplemented by various cults. For example, the image of Vishnu began to be associated with the doctrine of avatars - multiple reincarnations of God during his descent into the human world, and Shiva, personifying fertility, was transformed into the image of a shaman, representing various local beliefs (dancing Shiva, a yogi in a state of meditation, a hermit in shabby clothes) .

The cult of mother goddesses, or Tantrism, is popular in India. It refers to ancient period Indian civilization - proto-Indian. If in Vedism little attention was paid to female characters, and in early period development of Hinduism, the goddess Devi was considered only as the wife of Shiva, then in the late period similar image(Maha-devi) was developed most fully, as it absorbed many forms of goddesses - from high priestesses to small rural deities.

As can be seen from the cosmogonic myths, the fundamental role in the universe belonged to water.

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Vedas The original scriptures that He himself told people

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author Thakur Bhaktivinoda

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Veda's Disciple At that time, the brahmin Veda had an obedient disciple, Uttanka, who introduced him into the house. Once Veda was chosen by two kshatriyas as their household priest, and, going to them to perform a sacrifice, he said to the young man: - Stay with me, but so that the house does not feel

From the book of Sri Aurobindo. Spiritual rebirth. Writings in Bengali author Mythology of the Veda As I have already noted, the legend of Angiras and the myth of Vritra are the two main mythological plots of the Veda; they are found everywhere in it, they pass through all the hymns, like two closely connected threads of symbolic imagery, and around them the canvas of all symbolism is woven.

From the author's book

Interpretation of the Veda Response to Criticism Along with gratitude for the high appreciation of my work, which was voiced in your review of the Arya magazine, I would like to ask permission to use the magazine pages - if, of course, you can devote to them