Conspiracy for 12 found coins for money. A powerful coin spell will increase profits

    Now, of course, this method of conspiracy is difficult, since ten paper rubles are no longer produced, and you can’t find that kind of money anymore... If you just put up an ad and ask who has it and exchange it =) But the conspiracy is good, I like it, I need to look for dozens . Although I’ll try to make a spell on a five-ruble coin, there are plenty of them! In a month it means I’ll be rich =)

    It turns out that this is the secret of wealth, and I’m sitting reading smart books! By the way, they still produce ten-ruble notes and often give change with them, so if anyone needs them, just ask around at grocery stores! I even have a couple of pieces in my wallet now, I can try it, if I get rich, then I will officially admit that I owe the authors of this site!!!))))

    If people believe in talismans, then why not believe in conspiracies? Because talismans probably speak the same way. It seems to me that this is the same, and there is nothing to be afraid of. It’s just that conspiracies have always been in our lives, it’s just that now everything is encrypted, for example, in prayers. These are also conspiracies in their own way. At least that's my opinion. If you work day and night and end up not seeing any money, this is considered the norm. Then why not try conspiracies and deceive the system of life?

    There were some financial problems. And then, as luck would have it, you have to pay for the loan.. In general, I couldn’t think of anything better than reading conspiracies to attract money. Moreover, I’ve heard a lot about it, but at least it’s the same Money Tree. I decided to try the ten-ruble method, and you know, I didn’t buy myself a lombargini, but I managed to solve my current money problems. Therefore, my advice to you: do not neglect such ways to improve your financial situation)

    She made a conspiracy to increase capital. I also read on the Internet that you don’t know exactly how the conspiracy is implemented. So they didn’t want to give me a loan, but today one of the largest banks called and said that I could come get a loan. Happy and very grateful to you))

    I also sometimes use conspiracies. Helps.

    I have actually read and tried many conspiracies, but money ones are the most effective! Honestly, I tried quite different things, went to fortune tellers and grandmothers, but the long-awaited capital never grew. And the fact is that I am not asking for a money tree or coins from heaven, just a constant state of need and the opportunity to buy toys for the children that drives me to despair! Conspiracies work! The main thing is to find the one that suits you!

    Of course, you want to live in abundance and get everything you want from this life. But it happens, especially in our country, that there is never too much money. It’s very sad that I can’t even go on vacation. So I decided to use spells, what if I got lucky? . It really worked.

Coin spell there is a reason in magic for a reason.

Some advise displaying growing coins for a month, others recommend reading mantras.

All methods are good. They differ only in energy intensity.

After all, for example, it is quite difficult to understand what “love of money” is.

This is not the feeling we have for to a loved one. Completely different.

People make so many mistakes when they try to practice the magic of money. But there are such simple, long-trodden paths that it’s even a sin not to use.

Finance and well-being are not just words.

Behind them are the most powerful egregors. Each one contains a piece of your energy.

  • Every time you are upset because of a lack of funds, envying those who have them, you are feeding one essence. It can be conditionally called the “dark egregor of money.”
  • When you are happy with the amount you receive, the opportunity to spend it, what you acquire, you give energy to someone else. It can be considered "light".

Both of them (if conditionally, but in general, there are a great many of them) are associated with the physical embodiment of funds, namely, with banknotes and coins.

To a lesser extent - cards, papers and “zeros in the computer”.

It is from this connection that you need to “dance” when money luck want to attract. For example, cast a spell on a coin.

After all, with the help of this simple magical attribute you will directly contact the egregor. But with which one it’s up to you.

If there is joy in your soul and thoughts that you and others have a lot of money, you can spend it on good deeds without much savings, then you will find the path to the “bright”.

And when you pollute your soul with envy or malice, you will fall straight into the clutches of the “dark one.”

This is neither good nor bad. Both of them will help you. Just in different ways.

It is advisable to get involved with the light one, so you will inevitably have to “give away” less.

Well, this is a personal matter.

To cast a spell on a coin so that money can be transferred, you need to take a “golden”, shiny coin. For example, ten rubles is quite suitable.

This ritual is performed at home.

  1. Choose a day when the sun will joyfully look into your window, without hiding behind clouds and clouds.
  2. Early in the morning, place your coin so that the rays fall directly on it.
  3. Say it like this:
“The sun is pouring gold onto the earth. His strength is collected into a coin. Heat up, turn into a solar magnet. Just as the light of the sun pours into the earth without barriers, so the flow of money will flow to me and will not be interrupted. Light up the coin, flare up, turn around with my wealth. Amen!"

This ritual to attract money was previously carried out with a special coin, which was “not in use” and was irredeemable. Now they are considered souvenirs.

You can do the same.

  1. Buy a large talisman stylized as a coin.
  2. Go out with him on a full moon. (Read the article -)
  3. Say it like this:
“Queen of the night, you shine with your silver face, delighting the forests and meadows. They are waiting to see your golden horns. So fill my coins with your light and gold. So that you attract wealth into life, joy into the light, so that the answer does not come from enemies. Amen!"

This talisman must be placed at home.

Don't hide it from prying eyes.

He will not only attract flows of benefits to you, but also push you to right decisions in this plan.

You can take it to your place of duty. It helps too.

There is a ritual that was also invented by magicians quite a long time ago. It is also carried out at home.

To carry it out you will need:

  • round mirror,
  • candles,
  • copper coin.
  1. Place a candle (without a candlestick) on a small round (required) mirror lying on the table. Just heat it from the bottom and attach it in the center.
  2. Warm it up in its fire copper coin, reading the plot.
  3. You need to say it as many times as possible until the candle goes out.

All this time the coin must be in its flame.

“I’m going to auction with a merchant. I'll be back on the wolf, well done. I'll bring the treasure to the house. I will save happiness in the house. There is so much money in the treasure that you can’t count it. I'll fill the chests, they will be big. Coins should shine like this copper. Amen!"
  1. Once the candle burns out, glue a coin in its place (there will be some wax left there).
  2. Seal this composition in an envelope (handkerchief) and store it in a secret place.

Silver coin spell for money

Write on paper the following words red ink.

Wrap it around a silver coin and place it in the eastern corner of the room.

And the words are:

“The river flows wide, its waters are deep, it flows around the fields, and runs onto the Altyn stone. The silver king sits there. He looks at the river wisely. She tells everyone to carry water. So that neither an animal nor a blade of grass strays from the path. So let the river of money flow to me. The King of Silver tells her so. Amen!"

Every person dreams of a comfortable life. Money is very important factor success in society. But, unfortunately, it is often not possible to earn them in sufficient quantity. That is why magical rituals, attracting financial well-being are in great demand. They allow you not only to attract wealth into life, but also to receive good benefits from trade transactions.

Financial conspiracies with a coin are different high power. They're in a short time allow a person to get rich. There are a huge number of rituals that use a coin spell.

Any such ritual must be carried out in strict accordance with the recommendations. Almost all such conspiracies require regular repetition, since the effect of the charmed coin ends over time.

Almost all rituals in which a coin is enchanted are carried out during the waxing moon phase. For such an effect to be effective, complete concentration and faith in magic are required.

A ritual in which a special coin is used is considered very effective; it is best if it is an anniversary coin. In addition, it should find a response in your soul, that is, you should like it. It is best, for some time, to carefully look at the coins that pass through your hands, and, believe me, you will definitely recognize the one that needs to be made magical.

The ritual should be performed on the new moon. In the future, as the night luminary grows, the coin will gain strength to attract small and large amounts of money to you.

In addition to the coin, you will need to use the following in the ritual:

  • Green candles of different sizes;
  • Red wine.

For the ceremony on one of the evenings, you need to prepare the room in a special way, you need to try to create a special magical atmosphere in it. It is important to clean up and remove all unnecessary things. After this, in the room different places you should install candles and light them, artificial lighting use is not recommended.

Next, you should sit down at the table and put a coin in front of you, and next to it put a glass filled with wine. After this, you need to mentally describe everything you want, after the moment your well-being begins to improve. That is, you need to force yourself to dream, visualizing the scenes being imagined as much as possible. The deeper you plunge into the world of fantasy, the more power the magic coin you created will have.

After you feel that you have completely immersed yourself in a fictional world filled with wealth, whisper clearly these words onto the coin:

“I have as much money as there are fish in all natural reservoirs on earth, as there are stones in all mountain ranges like stars in a cloudless night sky. My coin turns into a magic one and shines brightly, shimmers, money is sent to me, and its flow is uninterrupted. Amen".

This spell must be cast three times, after which the coin must be thrown into a glass of wine. Then you should take three small sips of wine and immediately go to bed. The coin in the glass of wine should remain until the morning.

In the morning, you should take out the coin and rinse it with water, and then put it in a separate compartment of your wallet. It will become your money talisman and should never be used to pay for goods.

To enhance the properties of the magic coin, this ritual must be repeated every month.

An ancient conspiracy against lack of money

From ancient times, an ancient ritual has come to us that helps to cope with constant lack of money. After all, it often happens that, despite hard work, there is no more money. Very often this is due to damage caused by ill-wishers.

One evening during the waxing moon, you need to melt a white candle made of natural wax in a water bath. After this, throw a coin of any denomination into the melted wax.

Then say the following words:

“The Lord God Most High has a paradise in heaven in which a blessed garden grows. The devil has a hell, terrible with boiling tar underground. Magic candle boil and melt, let my wealth accumulate along with it. The wax money will always be with me and all the wealth will go to me. I see an Angel standing at the gates of the Garden of Eden, I see a black devil standing at the gates of terrible hell. But I don't care about that. I close my word forever and attract money to myself. Amen".

After pronouncing the words, you need to carefully remove the coin from the wax using a slotted spoon. A coin drenched in wax on all sides needs to be cooled and wrapped in a small piece of paper. natural fabric and always carry it with you.

Open air

The power of natural elements always enhances magical actions. And the coin spell is no exception. Therefore, magic offers rituals that are performed in the open air.

An effective ritual is performed on a clear sunny day. Need a coin yellow color take it outside and place it in the sun.

Leaning over her, you should whisper the following words three times:

“The sun is shining in the sky, illuminating the earth with its golden rays. Everything around is from this solar energy is filling up. So let my coin overflow with magical power and light up with gold, turning into real wealth for me. Amen".

After this, you can leave and leave the coin in the sun for several hours. Then you need to pick it up and store it in your own wallet. You cannot spend a charmed coin.

Improving financial well-being

A powerful ritual aimed at improving your well-being is held near the river. First you need to take your wallet, take out all the money from it, leaving one coin. Near the pond you need to open your wallet, wet your hand in water and spray its inside contents three times. It is imperative that at least one drop of water hits the coin.

During this process, you should say the following words three times:

“Pure natural water flows, sparkles and silvers with a gentle light. Just as the flow of water in a river constantly flows, the springs never run dry, so the money in my wallet will never run out. They will end up in my wallet from all sources, where they sparkle and sparkle. This will bring me joy, it will bring me joy, and it will benefit everyone. Amen".

The enchanted coin must be spent within three days. After this, you will notice how much easier it is for you to make money.

Sometimes in life we ​​are faced with an acute shortage of financial resources. Of course, happiness does not lie in money at all, but it is not possible to live without it these days. In such cases, many people turn to magic for help - they perform rituals that help increase financial well-being. Reading a spell on a coin for money and good luck is one of the most striking examples of such rituals, and we will talk about it in this material. But first, let's look at certain tricks that will help you keep money in.

There are several current methods, . Let's look at the most popular of them next.

With the help of popular beliefs

Our ancestors were very wise; they had many signs and beliefs for attracting wealth. So, if you always want to have a lot of money, use the following tips:

  1. Never spend money on the day you receive your salary. It is necessary that finances in full spent the night at home for at least one night (or more).
  2. You need to take one large denomination bill and not change it for a whole year. It will “permeate” your home with monetary energy and will contribute to the active attraction of money.
  3. Never leave your wallet completely empty - have at least one coin in it. Also, when putting away out-of-season clothes in your closet, put coins or small bills in your pockets. Also make sure that all pockets are without holes - this is not to the liking of the money egregor.
  4. Remember the famous expression - “Money comes to money” - this is the basic rule of money magic.
  5. When you drink tea and bubbles form on the cup, collect them with a spoon and drink - this will attract finances to you.
  6. It is recommended to buy 3 red carnations on Thursday and keep them in your home at all times - this will help attract material wealth.
  7. When you move into a new home, if you want to live in abundance, scatter coins (preferably silver) on the floor.
  8. Take a couple of bills and put them under the tablecloth, do not take them out and change them - this way you will protect yourself from loss.
  9. To ensure a constant flow of new money, it is necessary to put an open wallet without money on the windowsill on the night when the moon is full, and a closed one, but filled with money.
  10. When you see a young moon in the sky, show it the highest denomination banknote you have. Then the amount of money will increase as the month grows.

Using the art of Feng Shui

Using the rules of the art of Feng Shui, you will charge your wallet with monetary energy. To do this, you just need to follow simple recommendations:

By the power of thought

All the methods mentioned above will be ineffective if your thinking is wrong. You need to forget about all prejudices regarding money, sincerely love it and always perceive it only in a positive context.

Magic for attracting finance

Having decided to use conspiracies to attract money, we advise you to familiarize yourself with certain magical rules that will help enhance the success of the ritual.

Now we bring to your attention examples effective conspiracies for money.

Per coin

Take any coin and say the following text on it:

An important rule is that you read the plot only on an even day of the week, when the moon is waxing. When you finish reading, hide the coin in the corner and do not touch it for seven days. Make sure that no one touches or shifts it - otherwise you will have to repeat the step described above.

When the week has passed, spend this coin. Then on the next even-numbered day, when the moon is waxing, take a new coin, having spoken to it first. You will need to repeat the ritual twice more, after which your income level will increase significantly.

For a large amount of money

This plot helps to get a large amount of money.

To perform the next ritual you will need to stock up on five church candles white, light them, cross them three times and say the following conspiracy words:

Wait until the candles burn out completely, then you will need to roll the wax until a solid lump is formed and put it in your wallet.

Using all of these conspiracies, as well as adhering to the rules of attracting material wealth, you can significantly increase your income level and will never feel the need for finances. The main thing is to always believe in the power of the rituals you perform and perform all magical actions only in a good mood.

We also invite you to watch the video, from which you will learn even more interesting conspiracies for attracting money.

At all times, people have tried to attract good luck to themselves, nothing has changed in our days. Any, even the most primitive thing, can be a talisman that helps people, especially one that is charmed for good luck. The most popular talisman is considered to be a coin, which is given as a gift for good luck or placed in a secret pocket, believing that it will help at the right time.

Coin for good luck

A coin-amulet should always be next to the owner, in a pocket, in a wallet, or, for example, in the form of a pendant around the neck, but it is advisable not to show it to others. It is believed that the best one is a special coin that has a square hole in the center (feng shui coin). However, for a coin to really help, you must sincerely believe in it. magical properties, it is also worth remembering that if you are waiting for good luck, then carry the coin closer to your body, and if you want to “attract” money, then wrap the coin in gold-colored fabric.

How to charm a coin for money and good luck?

So, many people believe that if you put the right spell on a coin, it will bring a person not only good luck, but also provide financial well-being. For the ritual, you can choose any coin, for example, 1 ruble.

To charm a coin for good luck, you should put it on your palm, clench your fist tightly and whisper three times: “I blow away everything bad, I call on everything that is needed.” Help me coin, bring me luck, attract fortune.” Now your personal amulet is ready, carry this lucky coin, charmed for good luck, with you.

Well, so that there is no shortage in your home, you should “charge” a coin to improve your financial situation. It is advisable to choose a yellow coin and place it in a place where the sun's rays fall. Then say loudly and clearly three times: “The sun will shine with gold, which warms the earth. Here you are, little penny, light up with golden fire, bring wealth.” The coin should remain in the sun for 12 hours, when it is “charged”, put it in your wallet or handbag pocket and always carry it with you.