What can you eat in Lent before Easter? Permitted menus and prohibitions. Fasting before Easter - rules for observing Great Lent

The start and end dates for fasting are different each year. They depend on the date of the celebration of Easter. The duration of Lent is 48 days. It starts on Monday, seven weeks before Easter and ends on Saturday, before this great holiday. In 2019 it lasts from 11 March to 27 April (inclusive).

Consists of two parts - Holy Forty (first 6 weeks) and Holy Week (last week - 6 days).

What you can eat during Lent: nutritional rules

Great post the strictest. The main food products during this period are pickling and cooking from vegetables and fruits, onions, carrots, cabbage, beets, legumes, apples, oranges, nuts, dried fruits.

The first week is especially adhered to strict fasting... On the first day (Clean Monday), you must completely refrain from eating. Then, from Tuesday to Friday, you can eat bread, salt, raw fruits and vegetables, dried fruits, nuts, honey, drink water (dry eating is allowed), and on Saturday and Sunday - hot food with butter.

In the second to sixth weeks of fasting on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, dry food is prescribed, on Tuesday and Thursday - hot food without oil, and on Saturday and Sunday - hot food with butter.

During the period of Holy Week, they adhere to a strict fast. On all days of this week, dry eating is allowed, and on Friday you cannot eat food before taking out the shroud.

V religious holiday Annunciation Holy Mother of God(April 7) (if it does not fall on Holy Week) and in Palm Sunday(7 days before Easter) you can eat fish. On Lazarev Saturday (before Palm Sunday), the use of fish caviar is allowed.

Lent before Easter for every believer is a time when you can cleanse your soul and body. It is just before Easter that fasting is the longest and most difficult, and it lasts forty-eight days. In this article, we will explain the basic rules of fasting without harming your body. So, let's figure out how to do everything right.

When does the fast before Easter begin?

Any fast is a human opportunity to express reverence and respect for the deed accomplished by the Lord. He spent forty days in the desert without food or water. Fasting leads to Holy Week: these are the last days of Christ on earth, when he had to suffer and suffer.

To all believers, Christ showed that for forty whole days one can not use the usual earthly blessings, having eliminated devilish tricks and sinful thoughts from their souls. However, it is a mistake to believe that only restricting nutrition can cleanse the body. The main thing is the cleansing of the soul. And during the entire fast, the believer must attend services and read prayers - this is how he draws closer to God.

The beginning of Lent before Easter this year is scheduled for the period from February 27 to April 15. All these days, every believer must follow important and rather strict principles. Christian life... Strict abstinence lasts forty-eight days. It is customary to divide it into four periods:

  • Forty days (first forty days);
  • Lazarev Saturday (festive celebration). This is the sixth Saturday during the entire fast;
  • Palm Sunday (the Lord's entry into Jerusalem). This is the sixth resurrection during the fast;
  • Passionate Week.

How to fast before Easter: basic rules

The essence of Lent is not only about giving up food. The believer must deprive himself and any worldly pleasure, as Christ once did. Here are some basic rules for observing great fast:

How to fast in Great Lent: the main principles of nutrition

Rule 1. The first day of Lent is Maundy Monday (February 27). Church canons state that on this day the believer must completely refuse food.

Rule 2. During all the weeks of Great Lent, a believer can only eat fish twice: on the Annunciation (April 7) and on Palm Sunday (April 9).

Rule 3. Fish caviar can only be eaten on Lazarev Saturday (this year it is April 8),

As for the rest of the days, the fasting menu before Easter will look like this:
  • Mondays: only dry food is allowed, heat treatment is excluded;
  • Tuesdays: you can only eat dry and hot food without adding oil;
  • Wednesday: you can only eat dry food, heat treatment is excluded;
  • Thursdays: you can only eat dry and hot food without adding oil;
  • Fridays: you can only eat dry food, heat treatment is excluded;
  • Saturdays: you can only eat dry and hot food, you can add vegetable oil;
  • Sundays: you can eat dry and hot food, you can add vegetable oil.

A dry meal is the ability to eat fruits and vegetables, as well as bread. As for drinking, only pure water... You can eat only twice a day. It is worth noting that such nutritional principles are quite strict and are designed for clergymen. If these principles are followed by ordinary lay people, then the church only welcomes this. But, in general, avoiding animal products will be enough.

Attention! It is not recommended to observe Orthodox Great Lent for pregnant women, elderly and sick people, as well as children under fourteen years of age.

Details of what you can eat in Lent

By the way, even doctors assure that the post in spring time goes the human body for good. Not to mention spiritual food. The main time of fasting should be devoted to prayer and bright thoughts, but about the right menu also worth remembering. So, the permitted products are:


Lent before Easter welcomes a wide variety of vegetables, from broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, Peking and Brussels sprouts to potatoes. You can eat cucumbers and tomatoes, Bell pepper and celery, different types carrots and green beans... Fresh herbs are also allowed: it can be parsley, dill, spinach, green onions, remember sorrel, cilantro, basil, lettuce.


Most families prefer several of their favorite cereals, although in fact the choice of cereals today is much wider than the usual buckwheat and rice. Lenten menu you can safely diversify with new cereals: for example, wheat porridge, millet or pearl barley. Also look out for barley porridge, couscous, or corn porridge. Well, and where without your favorite oatmeal.


Legumes are another worthy option of what is eaten in fasting before Easter. After all, it is beans, beans and peas that are critical sources protein during this period. These foods should be included in your diet if you exercise. Legumes are delicious mashed, or they can be cooked with vegetables. We recommend trying lobio made from carrots, beans and bell peppers.


It is remarkable that a strict fast before Easter welcomes fruit. Feel free to eat them as usual, as well as squeeze out juice or prepare fruit salads. Buy apples, oranges, bananas, exotic options ... Anything is possible!


During Lent, it is mushrooms that can equally replace fish and meat. Dozens of various soups and snacks are prepared from them, you can make schnitzel or, for example, a fragrant sauce for porridge.

A fish

Fish belongs to the category of what should not be eaten during the fast before Easter. However, as we emphasized above, it will be possible to eat it twice: on the feasts of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem and the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos. Fish caviar can be eaten on Lazarev Saturday.


If you cannot imagine life without sweets, then you will not be tight during fasting. Feel free to eat oatmeal cookies, dark chocolate, which does not contain milk, halva, candies, cranberries in powdered sugar, kozinaki, as well as sugar and honey.


If you really feel bad without milk. and the first week of Lent is difficult, replace this product with soy or coconut. What's more, soy tofu and soy yogurt are on the market today. It is allowed to drink cocoa during fasting (only not mixtures containing powdered milk), tea, coffee, compotes, fruit drinks, juices, jelly. Even red wine is allowed, but only on weekends (exception - Holy Week).

Daily Lent: What Other Foods Are Allowed?

You may have algae in your diet while fasting. Most often they are part of the so-called korean salads that are sold in jars - you can eat them. Feel free to buy nuts and seeds. As for pasta, they are also acceptable (the main thing is that the composition does not include chicken eggs). Of all the variety flour products you can only those that directly contain flour, water and salt. If you want bread, then eat, but remember that the composition should not contain eggs and milk. You can also buy unleavened pita bread, lean mayonnaise, ketchup, adjika, tomato paste and soy sauces.

Menu for Great Lent: what is there in the first and last week?

It is the first and last week fasting are the strictest. On some days, believers need to completely give up food. The first week of Lent is Maundy Monday. It is on this day that you cannot eat. Then we adhere to the following menu:

  • Tuesday: water and bread;
  • Wednesday: dry food;
  • Thursday: Believers are starving. But if it is very difficult to withstand, then it is allowed to eat a piece of bread;
  • Friday: boiled or baked food (oil cannot be added). If you eat, for example, porridge, then you need to cook it exclusively in water. You can add nuts and honey. You can also stew vegetables with mushrooms;
  • Saturday and Sunday. These days, the diet can be varied. Bake lean pancakes in the morning, cook soup for lunch, and eat porridge with lean cutlets in the evening.

Attention! Worldly people in the first week should eat twice a day. As for other days, two or three meals are allowed.

Last Holy Week: on wednesday, tuesday and monday, only dry food is encouraged.

Thursday: there should be only one dish on the table. You cannot eat boiled food.

Friday: complete refusal to eat. If you cannot completely refuse food due to poor health, then eat once a day. Before the Great Resurrection, it is better to completely refuse to eat or eat only plant foods in limited quantities. See the food calendar for Great Lent below.

Week 1
Monday It is customary to abstain from food.
Tuesday Black bread, water, kvass are allowed
Wednesday Dry food, that is, food that is eaten raw, it can be various vegetables and fruits, as well as nuts and herbs. Bread is allowed.
Friday You can eat vegetables, fruits, nuts, vegetable oil on this day is prohibited. Cooking is not recommended, eat everything raw
Saturday Meals are the same as on Friday, it is allowed to drink grape juice.
Sunday On this day, it is allowed to eat boiled food with vegetable oil... You can also drink a small amount of red wine, which should be natural, without the addition of alcohol.
2 week
Monday Breakfast Oatmeal porridge on the water. Tea.
Dinner Noodle soup. Potato cutlets. Apples. Coffee or tea.
Dinner Tea.
Tuesday Breakfast Rice porridge. Cucumber and tomato salad. Tea.
Dinner Vegetable soup. Vermicelli with mushroom sauce... Tea with jam.
Dinner Tea.
Wednesday Breakfast
Dinner Solyanka vegetable. Cabbage salad. Compote..
Dinner Tea.
Thursday Breakfast Corn porridge. Tea or coffee.
Friday Breakfast Barley porridge, cucumbers, tomatoes. Tea or coffee.
Dinner Buckwheat porridge. Tea.
Saturday Breakfast The vinaigrette. Tea or coffee.
Dinner Millet porridge. Vegetables. Compote.
This is the first parent saturday during Great Lent. Whenever possible, people go to the cemetery in order to visit their deceased relatives.
Sunday Breakfast
3 weeks of fasting
Monday Breakfast
Wheat porridge. Nuts. Tea.
Potato soup with buckwheat. Potato zrazy. Fruits. Coffee or tea.
Tuesday Breakfast
Buckwheat porridge. Tea
Bean soup. Vermicelli with mushroom sauce. Tea with jam.
Wednesday Breakfast
Rice porridge. Tea or coffee.
Vegetable hodgepodge. Cabbage salad. Compote.
Thursday Breakfast
Oatmeal porridge. Fruits. Tea or coffee.
Cabbage soup from fresh cabbage. Vegetable Salad. Compote.
Mashed potatoes with eggplant caviar. Tea.
Friday Breakfast
Barley porridge. Tea or coffee.
Pea soup. Vegetable salad. Compote.
Buckwheat porridge. Tea.
Saturday Breakfast
Millet porridge. Tea or coffee.
Rassolnik. The vinaigrette. Vegetables. Compote.
Boiled vermicelli with lecho. Tea.
Note: This is the second parental Saturday during Great Lent. You also need to go to the cemetery to pay tribute to your deceased relatives.
Sunday Breakfast
Wheat porridge. Tea or coffee.
Russian-Ukrainian borscht. Fried potato. Compote.
Rice porridge with onions and carrots. Tea.
4 weeks of fasting
Monday Breakfast
Oatmeal porridge. Nuts. Tea.
Vegetable soup. Pea porridge. Nuts. Coffee or tea.
Dinner Tea
Tuesday Breakfast
Barley porridge. Tea.
Lentil soup. Salted mushrooms. Tea with jam.
Wednesday Breakfast
Rice porridge. Tea or coffee.
Lean borscht. Cucumber and tomato salad. Compote.
Thursday Breakfast
Rice porridge. Nuts. Tea or coffee.
Potato soup with beans. Vegetable Salad. Compote.
Mashed potatoes with eggplant caviar. Tea.
Friday Breakfast
Oatmeal porridge. Tea or coffee.
Potato soup with green peas. Vegetable salad. Compote.
Corn porridge. Tea.
Saturday Breakfast
Buckwheat porridge. Tea or coffee.
Rassolnik. The vinaigrette. Compote.
Boiled vermicelli with mushroom sauce. Tea.
Note: This Saturday will already be the third parental Saturday.
Sunday Breakfast
Oatmeal porridge. Tea or coffee.
Russian-Ukrainian borscht. Vegetable Salad. Compote.
Buckwheat porridge. with onions and carrots. Tea.

Great Lent is a central post in Christianity, the observance of which prepares the body and soul of the believer for the main holiday of the church calendar - Easter, Bright Christ Sunday... The period of abstinence from fast food lasts exactly forty days - this period is set in honor of the biblical event described in many sources - Christ's stay in the wilderness, when he fasted for six weeks.

Great post 2019: start and end

Easter, as you know, is a rolling holiday, that is, it does not have a fixed date in the calendar. Accordingly, all other holidays and events depending on Bright Sunday will be celebrated on different days each year. What date will Lent begin in 2019?

The dates of this great event have several immutable rules.

  • Fasting always begins on Monday - this rule does not change; regardless of the year and date, the beginning of the abstinence period invariably falls on the first day of the week. March 11, 2019 - Monday, the beginning of the fast.
  • The official date for the end of Lent is Easter. But since the holiday itself is the day of breaking the fast, the fast formally lasts until midnight on Saturday. That is, the last day of fasting is April 27, 2019, Saturday.

Features of the post

If you are going to fast, think - what is the purpose of your action? Someone believes that a period of abstinence is an excellent reason to lose weight, someone is sure that it is fashionable to do this, and someone simply mindlessly fulfills the requirements of society. In fact, fasting is not just a time of abstinence from certain foods, but a period of purification of the soul and body, a way to prepare yourself for the greatest holiday - Easter.

It is not enough not to eat animal products on the set forty days. The main thing is to strive with all your soul for purification, for repentance and enlightenment. Great Lent is a time when not only the body but also the soul is fasting. All entertainment is banned - from clubs and going to the cinema to attending weddings. It is advisable to limit and "spiritual food" - to minimize watching TV, reading entertainment magazines and books, games and get-togethers with friends.

Holy Week

The last six days before Easter are called Holy Week or weeks. This period got its name from the word "passion", which means "suffering" in Church Slavonic. In Orthodoxy, this time is sometimes called the Great Week, because every day in it received the title of Great Week - Great Monday, Great Tuesday, and so on.

This time is dedicated to the sufferings of Christ - the Last Supper, judgment, crucifixion and the most sad event - the burial of the Son of God. The most difficult, the most hard days this period is Maundy Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.

On Great Monday, it is customary to remember Joseph, mentioned in Old testament... It is also customary to talk about the curse of Christ on the fig tree - according to legend, Jesus cursed a barren tree as a soul that does not bear fruit - faith, prayer, repentance.

On Great Tuesday, a tribute is paid to the sermons of Jesus and his expulsion of the Pharisees and merchants from the temple.

V Great wednesday I recall the betrayal of Judas, who sold the Savior for thirty pieces of silver, or rather, the very decision of a negligent disciple to give his Teacher into the hands of the Pharisees.

V Maundy Thursday it is customary to remember the Last Supper, the subsequent washing of the feet of the disciples, which Christ performed, His night prayer, and how Jesus was seized by the guards.

On Good Friday, we remember the judgment, the execution of Christ and his martyrdom - crucifixion.

The burial of the Son of God is honored on Great Saturday. According to the biblical covenants, on this day the soul of Christ descended into Hell to inform everyone who was there about the coming resurrection. On the same day, in Jerusalem, the blessed fire descends from heaven - the last miracle of the XXI century.

From our ancestors, Holy Week acquired its own special and unique traditions, parts of which we still follow.

The prescriptions of Great Lent

Lent is the strictest of the four annual periods of abstinence, and also the longest. Holy Week is especially strict. main feature Lent menu - a complete ban on food of animal origin. This list includes meat (including chicken) and semi-finished meat products, sausages and sausages, offal (liver, liver, etc.), milk, all dairy products - from kefir to ice cream, cheeses, cottage cheese, sour cream, etc. etc., butter(both regular and ghee), eggs of all kinds, including quail; pay attention to various sauces, first of all mayonnaise - it often contains egg white. Alcohol is strictly prohibited - all strong and low alcohol drinks, including vodka, beer, alcoholic cocktails.

However, on some days, fish (and with it seafood) and red wine in small (this is important) quantities are allowed.

  • First week of fasting. The beginning of the fast is distinguished by a noticeable severity - hot food is prohibited throughout the week, and the use of oil (of course, vegetable oil), wine, and fish is prohibited.
  • Second and subsequent weeks of fasting. This period gives some relief:
  • Monday, Wednesday, Friday - dry food, that is, cold food without added oil;
  • Tuesday, Thursday - hot dishes are allowed, but it is advisable to refrain from adding oil to them;
  • Saturday, Sunday - hot food with butter, red wine is allowed in memory of the blood of Christ.
  • Last or Holy Week of Lent. Strict fasting, dry eating, it is advisable to reduce food intake to once a day, in the evening (after the first star). On Holy Saturday, it is recommended to abstain from food until the end of the night festive service. With the onset of midnight - Easter - Great Lent ends.

But there are a few exceptions - days when abstinence is permitted. These days are two significant holidays, Annunciation and Palm Sunday. These days, not only is allowed hot food, in which you can generously add oils, but also fish (seafood). It is recommended to “flavor” the meal with a glass of red wine.

Look video about food during Great Lent:

Orthodox church calendar posts and meals for 2019, indicating and brief description multi-day and one-day fasts and continuous weeks.

Church Orthodox calendar of fasting and meals for 2019

Fasting is not in the belly, but in the spirit
Folk proverb

Nothing in life comes without difficulty. And to celebrate the holiday, you need to prepare for it.
In Russian Orthodox Church there are four multi-day fasts, fast on Wednesday and Friday throughout the year (excluding a few weeks), three one-day fasts.

During the first four days of the first week of Great Lent (Monday through Thursday), the Great (Penitential) Canon is read during the evening service, a work of the brilliant Byzantine hymnographer of St. Andrew of Crete (8th century).

ATTENTION! Below you will find information on dry eating, eating without oil, and fasting days. All this is a long-standing monastic tradition, which even in monasteries cannot always be observed in our time. Such strict fasting is not for the laity, but the usual practice is abstaining from eggs, dairy and meat foods during fasting and during strict fasting - also abstaining from fish. For all possible questions and about your individual measure of fasting, you need to consult with your spiritual father.

Dates are in the new style.

Fasting and meal calendar for 2019

Periods Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

from March 11 to April 27
xerophagy hot without oil xerophagy hot without oil xerophagy hot with butter hot with butter
Spring carnivore a fish a fish

from June 24 to July 11
hot without oil a fish xerophagy a fish xerophagy a fish a fish
Summer carnivore xerophagy xerophagy

from 14 to 27 August
xerophagy hot without oil xerophagy hot without oil xerophagy hot with butter hot with butter
Autumn carnivore xerophagy xerophagy
from November 28, 2019 to January 6, 2020 until December 19 hot without oil a fish xerophagy a fish xerophagy a fish a fish
December 20 - January 1 hot without oil hot with butter xerophagy hot with butter xerophagy a fish a fish
January 2-6 xerophagy hot without oil xerophagy hot without oil xerophagy hot with butter hot with butter
Winter carnivore a fish a fish

in 2019

The Savior himself was led by the spirit into the wilderness, he was tempted by the devil for forty days and did not eat anything during those days. The Savior by fasting began the work of our salvation. Great Lent is a fast in honor of the Savior Himself, and the last one, Holy Week this forty-eight-day fast was established in honor of the memory of last days earthly life, suffering and death of Jesus Christ.
Fasting is observed with particular rigor during the first week and during Holy Week.
Complete abstinence from food is accepted on Clean Monday. The rest of the time: Monday, Wednesday, Friday - dry food (water, bread, fruits, vegetables, compotes); Tuesday, Thursday - hot food without oil; Saturday, Sunday - food with vegetable oil.
Fish is allowed on the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos and on Palm Sunday. On Lazarev Saturday, fish caviar is allowed. V Good Friday you cannot eat food before taking out the Shroud.

in 2019

From Monday of the week of all Saints, the fast of the Holy Apostles begins, established before the feast of the Apostles Peter and Paul. This post is called a summer post. The continuation of the fast is different, depending on how sooner or later Easter happens.
It constantly starts on All Saints Monday and ends on July 12th. The longest Petrov fast includes six weeks, and the shortest one a week with a day. This fast was established in honor of the Holy Apostles, who by fasting and prayer were preparing for the worldwide preaching of the Gospel and preparing their successors in the work of saving ministry.
Strict fasting (dry eating) on ​​Wednesday and Friday. On Monday you can eat hot food without oil. On other days - fish, mushrooms, cereals with vegetable oil.

in 2019

From 14 to 27 August 2019.
One month after Apostolic fast there comes a many-day Dormition fast. It lasts for two weeks - from 14 to 27 August. By this fast, the Church calls us to imitate Mother of God who, before her transfer to heaven, was incessantly in fasting and prayer.
Monday, Wednesday, Friday - dry food. Tuesday, Thursday - hot food without oil. On Saturday and Sunday, food with vegetable oil is allowed.
On the day of the Transfiguration of the Lord (19 August) fish is allowed. Fish day in Assumption, if it falls on Wednesday or Friday.

in 2019

Rozhdestvensky (Filippov) post. At the end of autumn, 40 days before the great feast of the Nativity of Christ, the Church calls us to the winter fast. It is called Filippov, because it begins after the day dedicated to the memory of the Apostle Philip, and Rozhdestvensky, because it happens before the feast of the Nativity of Christ.
This fast was established in order for us to bring a grateful sacrifice to the Lord for the earthly fruits collected and to prepare for the grace-filled union with the born Savior.
The food charter coincides with the charter of St. Peter's Lent, until the day of St. Nicholas (December 19).
If the feast of the Entry into the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos falls on Wednesday or Friday, then fish is allowed. After the feast day of St. Nicholas and before the prefeast of Christmas, fish is allowed on Saturday and Sunday. On the eve of the feast, you cannot eat fish all the days, on Saturday and Sunday - food with butter.
On Christmas Eve, you cannot eat food until the first star appears, after which it is customary to taste soothing - wheat grains boiled in honey or boiled rice with raisins.

Continuous weeks in 2019

Week- week from Monday to Sunday. These days there is no fasting on Wednesday and Friday.
There are five continuous weeks:
Christmastide- from 7 to 17 January,
Publican and Pharisee- 2 weeks before
Cheese (Shrovetide)- the week before (no meat)
Easter (Light)- week after Easter
- the week after Trinity.

Fasting on Wednesday and Friday

Weekly fast days are Wednesday and Friday. On Wednesday, fasting is established in remembrance of Judas' betrayal of Christ, on Friday - in memory of the sufferings of the Cross and the death of the Savior. On these days of the week, the Holy Church prohibits the consumption of meat and dairy foods, and during the week of All Saints before the Nativity of Christ, abstinence from fish and vegetable oil should also be followed. Only when Wednesday and Friday are the days of the celebrated saints is vegetable oil allowed, and on the biggest holidays, such as the Intercession, fish.
Some indulgence is allowed for those who are sick and engaged in hard work, so that Christians have the strength for prayer and the necessary labor, but the use of fish on the wrong days, and even more so the complete permission of fasting, is rejected by the charter.

One-day fasts

Epiphany eve- January 18, on the eve of the Epiphany of the Lord. On this day, Christians prepare for cleansing and consecration with holy water on the feast of Epiphany.
Beheading of John the Baptist- 11 September. This is the day of remembrance and death of the great prophet John.
Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord- September 27. Memory of the Savior's suffering on the cross for the salvation of the human race. This day is spent in prayer, fasting, contrition for sins.
One-day fasts- days of strict fasting (except Wednesday and Friday). Fish is prohibited, but food with vegetable oil is allowed.

Orthodox holidays. About the meal on holidays

According to the Church Charter, there is no fast on the holidays of the Nativity of Christ and the Epiphany, which happened on Wednesday and Friday. In Rozhdestvensky and Epiphany eve and on the feasts of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord and the Beheading of John the Baptist, food with vegetable oil is allowed. On the feasts of the Meeting, the Transfiguration of the Lord, the Dormition, the Nativity and the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos, Her Entry into the Temple, the Nativity of John the Baptist, the Apostles Peter and Paul, John the Theologian, which happened on Wednesday and Friday, as well as from Easter to Trinity on Wednesday and Friday fish allowed.

When there is no marriage

On the eve of Wednesdays and Fridays of the whole year (Tuesday and Thursday), Sundays (Saturday), Twelve, Temple and Great Feasts; in continuation of the posts: Velikiy, Petrov, Uspensky, Rozhdestvensky; during Christmas time, on Meat Week, during Cheese Week (Maslenitsa) and on Cheese Week; during the Easter (Bright) week and during the Exaltation of the Holy Cross - September 27.