Dumbbells from 5 liter plastic bottles. We create a plastic inventory. Making dumbbells and barbells using concrete

In this issue we will tell you how to make a barbell, dumbbells and pancakes at home with your own hands.

To begin with, let's say that homemade simulators are very similar in appearance to factory production models. First, we need a barbell (or an analogue of a barbell). We'll start making the barbell with the bar. It all depends on how much weight you are going to lift, and the various requirements for the bar. I think you have already guessed that the more you are going to lift the weight, the more strength the bar should have, but the strength should be good even if you lift a 50 kg barbell, i.e. relatively small weights.

The bar for the bar can be done:

From a polyhedral section or an all-metal rod. Most often, such rods are sold in construction markets or in metal stores. The diameter of the rod should be about 25-35 mm and the length is about 2 meters. On each segment 30 cm from each end, you can screw a washer or a piece of pipe 15-20 mm long, the inner diameter should be slightly larger than that of the rod. The washer or pipe must be attached by welding or riveted to the rod. All this is necessary in order to fix the burdens in the future.

Can also be crafted out of the pipe with a diameter of 30-40 mm, and the wall thickness should be at least 5 mm. This rod is not suitable for heavy weights... On each side of the pipe, a round rod can be tightly hammered inward required diameter, and then fasten it with rivets, after which it will be possible to hang the discs.

The neck can even be crafted from wood materials , but of course it will be too thick and not strong enough (although it will work for small weights). To make a neck out of wood, you need to take hard tree species, for example, you can take a birch. The diameter of this neck should be about 40mm. Such a bar will hold no more than 50 kg.

Making pancakes for our barbell at home

It is definitely best to order the pancakes from the factory. Even though it will be expensive for the money. But you can also make them yourself from steel or concrete. It's even easier here than with a neck: first you need to calculate the size and diameter bore hole... It is also necessary to make the edging of the desired size from wood or plywood. After the edging has been made, you need to pour the solution itself inside (we make a solution of cement and sand), but do not forget to reinforce the disk with a wire mesh cut in the shape of a circle. One such pancake should dry for about three days. It is advisable to pour water on it after drying, and let it dry for several days, so it becomes even stronger. Concrete pancakes are much smaller than steel (or cast iron).

And in total we can get a good sport equipment, and no worse than the factory one.

Best regards, administrator.

For a long time, there have been no updates on the site, all because I translated the site to a new design template and made a special GIFT course for you. A course on how to make dumbbells with your own hands at home. Here is the course menu.

The course is not great. No water, everything is clear to the point. In search of ideas on the topic "How to make dumbbells and a barbell with your own hands" rummaged through the entire Internet. I even had to climb the bourgeois in search of sensible ideas. Ways make dumbbells at home many. Even in the countryside you can find suitable materials... I personally did a small gym in my village.

Get the course now for FREE and get started. Just enter your details in the form below, click the "Get a course" button, you will receive an activation letter (protection against spam). In this letter, follow the link and in a minute on your mailbox there will be a download link for this course.

I will also send you lessons on home workouts and other bodybuilding details. You can always remove your address from my database and refuse to receive lessons.

A lot has been said on the Internet, but everything is repeated, and some ideas are too complex or irrelevant. I had to discard all the rubbish and refine the old ideas. I am not the author of all the ideas in this course, I just "cleaned" them and brought them to mind. I explained everything in great detail in simple language!

In order not to soar your brain for a long time, I give a list of what is in this free course.

Making dumbbells

  • How to make dumbbells from plastic bottles (3 easy ways) Provides examples of how to make dumbbells weighing up to 40 kg
  • How to make dumbbells from cement (concrete). You can even make stacked dumbbells. Can be cast.
  • How to make metal dumbbells. Neck + making steel pancakes.
  • A few more ways to make dumbbells yourself, without much effort

Diy barbell

  • How to make a barbell from bottles in one evening
  • How to make a collapsible bar yourself

Additional materials

  • How to add thickness to the neck
  • How to make neck locks (several options)
  • How to make concrete pancakes for barbells or dumbbells

The course contains drawings that you can simply give to the turner, and he will grind the dumbbells for you.

As you can see, you won't have to read any hours-long instructions. I eliminated all unnecessary and complicated things at once. Just choose what suits you best and yours home gym ready! There are many explanatory pictures and photographs.

Personally, I made metal type-setting dumbbells and a barbell for the house (or rather my father). Very comfortably

In the near future, I plan to post materials on how to make benches for the bench press, power frames, exercise machines for and so on. And at a professional level. This is suitable for both your own hall and for sale. In order not to miss, subscribe to updates. I will give all this to you for free along with the drawings.

Take a dumbbell making course at home

Hello dear friends! I will digress a little from the sewing topic and talk to you about something else. My head is tuned in such a way that a lot of what comes to my hand can be used in completely unexpected directions. Therefore, I want to talk about how to make dumbbells with your own hands.

Do not wonder. No, no, namely dumbbells. When I don't have the opportunity to make homemade yoghurt, I purchase it from the store. And so, the other day, I just bought a couple of bottles of a miracle - yogurt.

When he was safely drunk, I looked at the empty bottles and thought that they were very cute and would definitely fit for something else. And oddly enough, my thoughts did not appear at all about sewing. They reminded me in shape of my favorite dumbbells, with which I do exercises for the arms.

Although I already have a couple, I decided to experiment and turn yogurt bottles into sports equipment. These hand dumbbells are perfect for women and teenagers.

As a filler, I used regular sand from a local sandbox. If it is slightly damp, the bottles will weigh more. As a result, you can simply water it a little with water.

The lids hold the sand securely and prevent it from spilling out. In short, I made dumbbells with my own hands at home and a little outdoors.)

The sag in the middle of the bottles is very convenient for holding them in your hands. Even ordinary curls of arms with such dumbbells will give their positive result... I think that moms who often buy yogurt for their babies and constantly spend time near the sandboxes can make such wonderful dumbbells for themselves easily and easily. There are no costs, and the benefits are huge.)

My dumbbells weigh about 1.5 kg. The sand bottles came out a little lighter, but the sand in them was partially dry. If you take bottles bigger size, respectively, and the weight will be greater. It depends on the load you need.

Such an unexpected idea came to my mind, which I immediately implemented and shared with you. Our appearance is directly related to both our mood and our health. In the summer, we often wear open clothes, so the condition of our hands even has aesthetic value.

Perhaps some of you are constantly working to make. But constant training in the gym is not available to everyone due to various circumstances. And everyone can do such dumbbells on their own without any problems and do hand exercises at home at any time.

If you want to always be in good shape, but at the same time do not want to greatly limit yourself in nutrition and sit on exhausting diets, I offer you an excellent option -. Maximum vitamins and benefits!

I wish everyone great mood, excellent health and excellent physical shape!

Hope you like the idea. Share it with your friends!

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Hello. Today we are going to take a look at ten homemade dumbbells. All of them are made by the hands of the athletes themselves, well, or those who like to go in for sports, which means that you can do them yourself. The first photo is presented. They are filled with concrete or plastering solution, a trumpet is used as a neck. You can use absolutely any plastic bottle. Well, as for the solution, remember that cement mortar much heavier than plaster.

These dumbbells are more suitable for girls, they are lightweight, just what you need for fitness. The principle of their creation is exactly the same as for dumbbells from plastic bottles. It is necessary to fill the containers with a solution, which one is up to you to decide, and then place a pipe in them, in the middle.

The shape of these concrete dumbbells is quite unconventional. Let us remind you that we talked about relatively recently. So, these were made in exactly the same way, with the only difference that in their case a rectangular container was used as a shape. Well, in general, these are brutal dumbbells.

Such sports equipment is suitable for both girls and children. You can fill them with anything from sand to rice. Each of these dumbbells has four main parts. The bottom parts are connected to the neck parts of the bottles, which are connected to each other with a tube, you can use something else.

Here is another version of concrete dumbbells. The container is filled with a solution, after which a tube is inserted into it. In principle, everything is simple. As a container, you can use a plastic bucket made of jam or mayonnaise or something else.

Wooden dumbbells are original. True, with regard to their effectiveness and durability, then a question mark can be put here. Of course, you can make these, but is it worth the trouble. Wood in itself does not differ in high strength indicators, moreover, it rots. Well, and besides, you have to tinker to do something like that.

There are tin cans. Aesthetic small dumbbells. For a teenager, just right. The jars are closed with lids. As for what they are filled with, we can only guess about it.

One more original version dumbbells. As you can see, this shell is assembled from CDs. The discs are clamped with bolts on both sides. A threaded rod is used as a neck.

And these are children's dumbbells, which, like all the others presented here, can be made by hand. There are a lot of options. You can take plastic bagels and a piece plastic pipe and knit covers for all this. Covers can be made from an old jacket.

And of course, in the end, we could not fail to show. A very good and very easy-to-manufacture sports equipment. It has been in operation for more than a month or two, so far there are no complaints. The only thing to add is that we immediately wrapped the handle with electrical tape. This shell weighs in the region of 20 kilograms.

We showed you ten homemade dumbbells. If you do not have the funds to buy expensive sports equipment, but you have a desire to go in for sports, do something like this, here, as they say, "there would be a desire." Good luck!

You will need:


Of course, now we are not talking about making beautiful dumbbells that you could see in stores. Indeed, in our business, the main thing is not the appearance, but the result. Actually, in this regard, homemade dumbbells are in no way inferior.

You may have heard talk of sand or water bottles, irons and other gadgets - all of which are far from what we need! Just imagine yourself - how can a person pump up using two-liter bottles?

Today we will talk about the most reliable and proven method of making dumbbells. This technique was originated and is widely used in China and the Philippines. Of course, we will not be able to repeat exactly the technique of making "Shaolin" dumbbells, but we will try to get closer to the ideal.

Expendable materials

What do you need to make dumbbells from at home? To begin with, we need about 10 kg of high-quality cement, 105 kg of fine gravel, 10 kg of sand and a little water.

This number may vary depending on your fitness level. So adjust the weight of the dumbbells in relation to your strength and body weight.

Then take 2 pieces steel pipe with a diameter of up to 30 mm and a length of 50 cm. We do not recommend that you take a thicker diameter, since the resulting dumbbell will be bad and uncomfortable to hold in your hand. Next, we need molds for discs, exactly 4 pieces. They can be a bucket of mayonnaise or cans of condensed milk.

For those for whom this option is not particularly suitable - there is great alternative... Take a round timber with a radius liter jar and squeeze the mold directly into the ground. Thus, you should have two dumbbells. But that is not all!

Molds should be a copy of each other. It is undesirable that in the end the weight of the first dumbbell differs from the second. For accuracy, try to use the tools at hand - a marker, meter, scales, hammer, nails, etc.


Preparatory process came to its logical conclusion. Now let's deal directly with the installation itself. We have 4 identical molds and 2 identical pipe pieces at our disposal. Next we have to make concrete. To do this, take 4 parts of crushed stone, 3 parts of sand and 2 parts of cement. Add water gradually while stirring. But not too much, as in the end our consistency did not turn out to be sparse and soft. Then, during kneading, you can add crushed stone.

After we get exactly 1 kg of concrete, you can insert the prepared handles straight into the molds. Place the pipe at the very bottom of the bucket or can, securing it with a piece of wire. Place the handle in the position closest to the center of the mold radius. Add concrete gradually and compact it. You can do it with your hands, or better with a small piece of a rod or stick. Once your mold is full, flatten the top.