How to make a slide from snow. Snow slide, make a snow slide with your own hands

Learn how you can make a slide of snow yourself in winter, how to properly fill it with water to freeze.

Agree that in new year holidays one of the best, memorable childhood memories is winter festivities. Making a snowman, sledding, skiing, and, of course, on the slides is a great activity. The latter will be discussed in this article.

You will learn how to build a slide without difficulties at home, without any outside help. This slide will bring great joy to your kids and even adults, and so that the work is not so boring, you can involve the whole family in it.

How to make a slide for children out of snow with your own hands?

It often happens that some problems occur during the construction of the slide. It collapses, disintegrates, pits and irregularities appear in the most inappropriate place. Next, you will learn how to make the slide correctly. So that it is durable, reliable, and most importantly - comfortable.

Materials for the construction of the slide

To build successfully, you need the following:

  1. Frost outside the window
  2. Plenty of clean snow
  3. Shovel
  4. Broom
  5. A decent amount of water
  6. Watering can, bucket
  7. Positive attitude
  8. Scraper or trowel

An example of building a slide for collective use

To make a slide, you must follow a few simple rules:

Security. Choose a safe location for the future structure. This is necessary so that your child does not get hurt during the descent, so that there is no tree, fence, road, bushes and other obstacles on the way. You should not create an object of entertainment under the roofs of old houses, from which an icicle, slate, brick, etc. can fall.

Slide height, tilt angle. Determine the height of the future slide based on the age of the children. For very young children, somewhere up to three years old, a slide of one meter in height is enough. For older children, the most optimal, safe height is two to four meters. You should also stick to correct angle slope, such that it was no more than forty degrees.

Pure snow. When building a slide, you need to use clean material. Since your child can smear things. Try to prevent children from getting hurt. The problem arises if there is debris, branches, sticks, etc. in the snow.

The procedure for creating an ice slide:

  • After the location, size is determined, we get to work. With the help of shovels, you need to throw in the right amount of snow. For example, a meter-long slide can be built in about thirty minutes. It is advisable to make the foundation of your snow slide using rolled large balls of snow. Thus, you will have already created the base of the slide.
  • Next, we proceed to the formation of our slide. Using a spatula, broom, give it the desired shape. We do optimal angle slope of the slide, we straighten the area of \u200b\u200bdescent of the snow slide.

The base of the formed snow slide
  • If the slide is high, make steps with a spatula (scraper), shovel. For strength, strengthen the steps with your feet so that the snow settles, and only then form with an auxiliary tool. They should be comfortable, small, so that children can easily climb up.

An example of making snow steps

IMPORTANT: Acceptable step width - at least twenty-nine centimeters.

Don't forget about the bumpers. Their height should be approximately ten to thirty centimeters, depending on the age of the child. The boards can be made with a shovel. Also, in order to give them shape, you need to use manual work... Do not forget to wear gloves during it, as protection from the cold.

If there is a desire, time, then add decor. Decorate the slide with snowmen, various figures, paint it with patterns. Or do everything to your liking, much depends on your imagination.

How to properly fill a slide of snow with water?

We have come to the most difficult final stage - to fill the ice slide with water. The descent of the slide must be poured in several stages - at least three times. In this case, use cool water, using a spray bottle, watering can, ladle.

What should be done to ensure that the descent on the slide is uniform?

You will need a broom, with its help you spray an even layer of water over the entire surface of the structure. Make sure that there are no irregularities, holes, bumps. To do this, during pouring, it is necessary to slap the seized thin, fragile layer of ice with a broom. After the second stage, you have a rough crust of ice. For a more reliable result, fill the slide a third time, after which you will get a strong, smooth, and most importantly - reliable structure.

IMPORTANT: Fill finished structure stands at low temperatures, from 10 degrees below zero. Otherwise, your efforts will be completely useless.

Subject to the entire sequence of work, you will receive an excellent snow slide, which your kids will be very happy with. If the winter turns out to be frosty, then the subject of entertainment will stand until the spring thaw.

Video: DIY snow slide

Ice slide ride - traditional Russian fun

For construction we need: a pair of large shovels, a lot of water and great mood... And also you can not do in this business without frost, snow and a few pairs free hands.

Choosing a place for construction

First you need to determine the place for construction. It must necessarily be safe, that is, it is located away from plantings, buildings and other objects into which you can crash.

Determine the height, width and slope of the slide

The choice of height depends on the area on which the slide is being built, taking into account the length of the slide. If you are building it for kids, the slope should not be steep, on the contrary, make it gentle. For adults, the optimal angle will be 40-50 degrees at the beginning of the mountain, and gradually decrease, making it more gentle.

We make steps and sides

Place the steps on the highest side of the mountain. Their width should be about 50 cm so that it is convenient to rise.

It will also be great if you make bumpers on the sides of the steps, 30 centimeters high. The same can be built along the edges of the slide itself, so that you can safely ride and not be afraid to fly out of it.

Sculpting a mountain

You need to start the construction after waiting for the thaw. It is when the snow is sticky that you can easily make a hill of snow. After that, the embankment must be well tamped.


It is imperative to fill the slide in frost. This can be done from a hose or buckets. And the most the best way - an ordinary watering can. After climbing the steps, pour gently and slowly, trimming the surface to create a perfectly even finish. You can fill the slide with a large shovel or plywood, pouring water onto their surface, from which it will drain onto the snow. You can do this by covering the mountain with a huge rag - thanks to this method, the water will more evenly cover the mountain. Another way: collect snow in some container, stir with a stick and evenly cover the mountain with this gruel. Where water holes have formed, fill them with snow and fill them again.

Finishing touch

After the slide is filled, leave it alone until the ice freezes. Then pour in the same way a few more times, leaving the ice to freeze. Do this until the ice is perfectly flat and leave the slide overnight. During this time, your structure should freeze even more and you can try to ride. But before that, do not forget to shake the steps with sand, and spill the hill again with water and let it stand for another hour. Another nuance - be sure to make sure that the transition between the descent and the ground is smooth.

Slide Rides

You can swim down the slide on bags, bags, cardboard or rubber mats. But all these devices are not safe, because when descending on them you can get injured, as well as frostbite or cut your hands. For a faster, more convenient, and most importantly safe descent from the ice slides, there are special equipment: ice sheets, tubing or cheesecakes.

Ice-cream is special device for skiing downhill made of plastic in the shape of a heart. Such a plate is very light and convenient to take with you for walks, and you can control it with a handle.

Tubing or cheesecake - an inflatable ring, similar to a life buoy, inside which an inflatable chamber, and outside a protective cover bright color... It also has handles for the child to hold on to.


Ice slide skiing is a well-known traditional pastime. Knowing all the nuances and rules, you can easily build such fun in your yard. DIY ice slide can be the best gift beloved family for the New Year holidays.

Came out. How else to keep your children busy on a walk in excellent winter weather? Offer to go for a ride on the hill and, taking with you a couple of ice cubes, rather run into the fresh air!

Is there no ice slide nearby? What's the matter! Let's do it by hand. It seems difficult the first time, but in fact those who have been skating for a long time have a lot good advicehow to make a slide out of snow.

Lesson plan:

The main thing is to prepare correctly!

Where do we start? No, not with the search for shovels and buckets! We will start with a friendly team, call the neighbors at the door and invite the kids, their daddies and mummies to a responsible task. The whole team, taking with us enthusiasm and excellent mood, we go out to survey the area. An important stage, by the way!

Choosing a place

We carefully examine the trees and pillars growing nearby, so as not to rest our forehead against them and not become the bearer of a huge cone.

Walking paths will also become a sports obstacle, you will have to bring pedestrians on your own. Better to choose another track.

Illumination is also important, as it gets dark early in winter, and it is completely inconvenient to ride with flashlights.

Have chosen a place - do not waste time, it was not in vain that we met. Clear the platform for the future slide from debris.

We select the size

The chosen location determines the height. The higher you conceive the slide, the more space she will demand. Therefore, you have to proceed from the existing one.

Experienced parents are advised to sculpt a slide by age. If only for kids, then a height of about a meter is enough.

If you are going to ride with families, then you need to make it a little higher - about two meters. You need to calculate the length so that the angle of descent is no more than 30-40 degrees, otherwise it will look like a descent with a bungee - from a height with your head down. Traumatic, you know!

Well, any width can be used - for tubing, ice, smaller and larger experience, riding in a crowd or one by one.

The place was chosen, the height was determined. Now the question is: when?

We set the day

We pick up super trendy phones and open the weather. What is right for us?

An ideal option for construction is a thaw during the day and frost at night. So you can build a slide from easily amenable sticky snow, and leave the ice beauty to freeze overnight with a calm mind.

You can be sure that there will not be a surprise in the morning - the slide will not turn into a pile of melted snow.

If there is no suitable weather in the near future, then we proceed from the fact that the heavenly office will read us. There are two options:

  1. or postpone until better times;
  2. or start at zero temperature.

In order not to waste time, in such weather, you can create a base, sticky snow will settle and make the structure durable, and we will fill it according to the weather. Night frost for pouring - required condition... During a thaw, pouring water onto a hill is a Sisyphean labor.

It seems we have decided, now we distribute it among the friendly participants construction crewwho takes what out of the house.

Collecting tools

We are looking for houses that are, as we may find useful:

  • wide shovels and big size spatulas;
  • insulated gloves with a rubberized top, if there are none, we do it simply: first, warm woolen gloves, large rubber gloves up;
  • country watering cans, hoses, buckets, sprayers;
  • everything wooden, flat and wide, which will serve for formwork and descent - panels, plywood, old countertops;
  • mops and rags.

What exactly will be needed, you decide for yourself when you discuss the technology of construction and pouring. And how all of the above can be useful, I will tell you in the options that parents who have completed the practical course of "snow architects" offer.

Putting it together in parts

A friendly team assembled, the weather is right, the mood is fighting. Let's get started. We will make the base. These are standard architectural approaches.

Little building tricks

Those that are more cunning are advised to turn on the fantasy!

Oh yes, I forgot! And what kind of slide do you mold? After all, you can be creative, with a twist. Well, for example, with turns in different sides, then you will ride like bobsledders.

It is possible with fairytale heroes at the entrance in the form of an arch. And also with two separate descents - for those that are smaller and for those that are older.

Don't forget about beauty! Give the children paints and paint brushes, and you will see how your slide will bloom with snowflakes and patterns.

Responsible stage

Are you standing near your work of art and the eye is happy?

Now this snow mound needs to be filled with water in order to preserve and use it for its intended purpose. Here, too, there are tricks, you need to approach the process deliberately, otherwise, with one movement of your hand, the slide turns ... And you will have to do it again and in an amicable way!

Just take a bucket and pour out the water or pour it under pressure from a hose, especially if you use hot, - the first step is to ruin everything. There will be numerous pits and hills.

So which is the right fit?

If pits suddenly appear, do not despair. We fall asleep with snow and grind the defect. We knock down the hills and level them.

Place plywood or cardboard on the area in front of the ice path. And so that this material is not blown away by the wind and carried away after the skaters, coat the perimeter with a mixture of water and snow, it will fix your site overnight. Likewise with the steps. Wooden slats or planks are suitable for them.

This concludes our main mission. We leave our slide alone for the whole night. Let her get bored, she has everything ahead!

A few touches to the portrait

In the morning we go outside and evaluate the result. We bring the descent to a perfectly flat surface using the same spatulas and a mixture of water and snow. Fill the slide again. This time you can do it in a big way - from a bucket or a hose. After one more night, your slide will be ready to receive guests.

I propose to take a picture of your ice miracle so that the children brag at school among their classmates. Yes Yes! Let the guys drag their parents out into the yard, and they will also have their own slide.

And you friends, when was the last time you built a slide of snow?

Or, when was the last time you rolled down the hill?

Don't you remember already? It happens that she herself is.

I propose to add an item to our diaries for the near future: "Ride down a slide with children"! And be sure to do it. Well, in order to motivate both you and myself, I propose to watch this video and remember how it happens when you fly from a mountain ... and inside everything freezes with happiness ...

That's all for me! And you? Are there additions on the topic of the article? Then share them in the comments. And also share the link to the article with your friends using the buttons of social networks.

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Happy and interesting winter for you!

Always yours, Evgenia Klimkovich.

Reading time ≈ 6 minutes

What a winter without snow slides, ice sculptures and snowdrifts! On a frosty winter day, I just want to take a piece of ice and run to ride on fresh air, but often there may not be an ice slide nearby. It is not surprising that many are interested in how with their own hands without outside help build a slide from snow. This is a real joy not only for kids of all ages, but also for adults. Let's consider several ways how to properly build and fill a snow slide with water so that it freezes.

Choosing a place in the yard

Let's first figure out what kind of slides exist in general, and what kind of snow structure you can build in your yard.

Types of slides:

The ideal place is a play area where kids are used to spending time. Here are some tips for where a children's slide should be:

  • In a safe area away from the carriageway, as well as from footpaths;
  • On open areato ride freely and easily;
  • Far from various buildings, structures, pillars, trees and other plantings. Sliding should be smooth until it comes to a complete stop;
  • The slope should be gentle and not too steep (the optimal angle of the high part is 40-50 degrees);
  • The rollout should be directed to a level area, without obstacles and protrusions, so that children do not get injured;
  • The place should be well lit in evening time, since riding with flashlights is not only inconvenient, but also unsafe.

Photo example of a merry New Year's slide

Choosing the size and preparing the inventory

It is important to remember that the higher you plan to build a snow slide, the more free area should be for a smooth descent. Consider the basic requirements for their manufacture:

  1. The top of the slide should be fenced with bumpers at least 40 centimeters high. This is for protection from accidental drops and stability if the outsole slips;
  2. The stairs to the top should be non-slip and not steep (the dimensions of the steps in depth and height are 20 * 20 cm). It will be useful to sprinkle the steps with sand, but not too much, since it will fall on the slope and slow down the movement;
  3. The ratio of the height of the slide to the length of the entire descent should be in the proportions of 1: 6;
  4. The width of the slide depends on the intended purpose: for small children, for tubing, for riding alone or together in a crowd, etc.

The most the best time for the construction of the structure - a clear sunny day, since there is a slight thaw during the day, and the frost gets stronger at night. It is easier to work with slightly damp and pliable snow, and at night the result will fix by itself.

What tools are needed:

  • Warm mittens and gloves to protect hands (it is advisable to wear rubber gloves upstairs);
  • Large metal shovels;
  • Broom;
  • Metal buckets, ladles and watering cans;
  • Sprayers, spray guns, or rubber hoses;
  • Unnecessary rags and mops;
  • Flat solid fixtures (tabletops, long plywood, shields, etc.) for leveling snow on the descent;
  • Wide trowel or construction scraper;
  • Quick access to water.

Remember: only pure snow should be used to form the structure! It should also be free of foreign objects: stones, sticks, branches, leaves, etc.

The video below shows how you can build a slide of snow with your own hands in kindergarten or the yard of your house.

We begin to sculpt a slide out of snow

Once you have decided on the location and dimensions of the structure, prepared all the inventory and called in assistants, you can safely start work:

If desired, you can use a ready-made frame, for example, wooden stairs, railings, boards, boards, countertops and even car tires, which are subsequently covered with snow.

Let's start filling

Filling is the most crucial stage, here it is important not to spoil all the work done. The main thing is never to use warm water to fill the slide - it will only leave holes in the snow and melt it. The water should be ice cold - mixed with snow in a metal bucket.

Fill options:

  1. Spraying from a garden watering can or hose;
  2. Pouring water onto a wide shovel and then onto the mountain slope itself;
  3. Laying a wet rag on the surface of the ramp;
  4. Pouring on a slide ice water from a bucket of snow, tamping and grinding with spatulas.

All hills, irregularities and defects are knocked down and leveled until the structure takes the required shape. During the night, the form should "grab", and the next day you can try the slide and ride with your friends!

The theme of snow towns and ice games has always been of great interest to Russian artists. Great masters painted pictures that attracted painting lovers with the originality of execution, the beauty and naturalness of the sparkling snow and the brightness of the clothes of its participants.

Modern forms of building snow and ice compositions differ from those that were adopted in the past. Ice slides made of snow blocks have replaced ancient castles, and the fortress walls of the settlements have now become space rockets. But this does not overshadow the joy of children from roller coasters.

The tower of the snow castle becomes the start for those who love fast driving on a sled or ice. Its structure is assembled from snow blocks, held together by a "solution" of water. For the round turrets surrounding the launch pad, a frame made of wooden sticks or branchy twigs of old trees can be used. All the main dimensions of the ice slopes of the tetrahedral tower are shown in the figure and drawing.

The figure shows a simple slide, the beginning of which is an arch made of snow blocks. The ladder for climbing to the launch pad is made of boards of inclined ramps (ramps). As decorative decoration used colored balls attached to the side of the ice path. Stars are embossed on the walls of the arch.

The center of the composition of the snow play complex is a round tower imitating the watchtowers of the fortress walls. It was assembled from snow and ice blocks. By the way, ice blocks in this case act as a fastening belt, which makes it possible to give the tower vertical stability.

From the tower there are two inclined curved paths with ice cover. One of them passes through an arch, the other passes two small mushroom-shaped towers.

As a decoration, you can use decorative colored balls painted with bright paint.

In some cases, the walls of wooden summer playgrounds can be used as a supporting frame. They are partially covered with white snow, and the ice paths for descent are filled with water. This symbiosis of wood and snow becomes a reliable and safe slide. Winter decoration there may be arches with snowflakes. To prevent injury in arches and ice rings, you can reinforce PU foam or soft cloth. The ice slide, simple in shape, is made of snow. To give it rigidity, you must use wooden frame (bars, slats, trunks of dry trees).

The connection and interweaving of vertical and horizontal elements is carried out using jute rope, cable. Such constructive solution will allow you to create a strong snow-ice monolith, which will be the basis for a slide of any shape and decorative decorations.

DIY ice slide drawings, sizes