How to make a slide of snow at home. We build a snow slide with our own hands

They took skis, sledges in hand -

And they ran to skate.

On a winter day, in frost, in the morning

A snowy mountain awaits us.

O. Karelin

New Year's holidays - the best time for winter street fun. Well, isn't it great to go out with the whole family after breakfast and lie in soft snowdrifts, make a merry mess on the hill, shout, laugh, so much so that the neighboring kids will come running ?! If in your yard there is no ice slide, then it's time to build it! And it doesn't matter where you live - in your house or in a multi-storey one - there will always be a place and grateful kids, the main thing is that there is material - snow. A lot of snow.

Health and Soul Benefits

Skiing from the mountains in winter is an old Russian pastime, which not only children, but also adults, or rather young people, indulged in. Well, or those who considered themselves young. Merchants, peasants and even burly ladies - it was not a shame for anyone to go downhill. Peter I was especially fond of such fun: he personally participated in the opening of the main slides in the capital and did not hesitate to share the fun with the walking people. Moreover, for each new season, he demanded new sleds for downhill skiing. They say that in those days there was a tradition - to ride down the mountain in pairs and kiss hard after each successful descent. It is not surprising that young people loved this fun, because everyone tried to invite the object of their adoration to their couple.

Sliding down a hill is an unforgettable experience that a person carries through his whole life. After all, on the slide, a child gets to know his body in a new way. When you slide down a hill on your stomach, butt or legs, then "the soil leaves under your feet." And you need to learn to control yourself in different conditions.

Downhill riding develops responsiveness and trains the vestibular apparatus. V active games and for adults, a slide is a great way to disperse the blood through the body, as well as a great opportunity for contact with your child.

So, if nature has not deprived your region of a rich snow cover this year, then do not hesitate to start building an ice slide!

Making a slide

If the decision is made, then it's time to start translating it into reality. So what do you need to do?

Place for the slide

First you need to choose the right place for the future slide. Pay attention to safe open areas that are far from the road, trees, walls of houses, bodies of water, shrubs, etc. The descent should be free and nothing should hinder it.

If there is a natural slope nearby, it will make your job easier. If not, you will have to shape it yourself. To do this, invite your neighbors, who also have children, to help. This will speed up the process and make your job easier. Well, it will be more fun.

To create an artificial slope, start throwing snow in one big pile. If the snow is heavy, then throwing it will, of course, be more difficult, but it will facilitate the process of forming the slide.

Slope formation

Threw enough snow? Climb up on the pile and begin to trample and crush it, gradually forming a path downward. If the snow is loose, pour the snow well cold water from the watering can. It is important that the water flows evenly, so it is better to use a watering can with a spray nozzle.

Now you can throw in snow again, slowly changing the contour of the slide to the one you need. Try to make the slide track long enough - at least 5 meters. At the top of the slide, trample a wide area, and with back side make a descent with a steepness of 55-65 degrees. This is a blank for future steps. And the slope along which the children (and not only) will ride should be 35-45 degrees. The steeper the angle, the sharper the sensation, but to make such a slide, you will have to sketch a very large pile. Therefore, try to form a gentle, smooth descent.

Bumpers and steps

Be sure to make bumpers near the slide. To do this, you need to "cut" upper layer snow, leaving an edge around the edges.

Form the stairs. Start cutting the snow from top to bottom. Pad the snow with a shovel, then tamp it down with your feet. The optimum width of one step is 45 cm. Do not pour water over the steps! Otherwise, it will be impossible to climb them. For safe lifting, you need to make the sides, for example, from old wooden slats.


If you want to make a high-quality slide, then leave your structure for a day for the snow to settle. And even better - for 2 days.

When the time required for the snow to settle has passed, return to the slide with water. If it is possible to remove the hose, then it is better to do so. If you put a slide in the yard apartment building, again, contact your neighbors, whose window is closer. I think they will not refuse and will allow you to stretch the hose.

Get your shovel ready. Water the slide from above with water, trim the surface. Pits may appear during pouring. They must be tamped down with snow until they are level with total surface slides.

Fill with an even layer of water and a horizontal path. The longer it is, the more distance future riders will slide.

It is important to form a smooth surface as soon as you douche the snow with water. Otherwise, it will "grab" and have to cut off the ice and smooth out irregularities.

Roll the hill several times at short intervals so that the ice has time to hold down the surface of the slope.


Design the area where the skaters will land. Free her from stones, branches, snags. Throw in a thick layer of snow and trample down. And, of course, fill in the path that continues the exit from the hill, but we have already talked about this.

Well, now the slide is ready to "bring happiness" to you and your children. Just sprinkle the steps with sand or small pebbles before climbing them. Spend more time with your kids and enjoy the ride!

1. Make sure, first of all, that you have all the necessary items in stock. This includes shovels, watering cans and buckets. If you have all this in stock, then the next step is to find people who will agree to help you in this difficult matter. Here you can motivate people. We can say that this "attraction" will be able to please everyone in the yard, and not only children, but also adults will be able to ride it. You will see, after an hour of active search. You will find like-minded people.
2. The people have gathered, all the necessary items for the organization labor process are available, so you can start. First, collect a large pile of snow in one place. You can clean up the area and pour all the snow into a single place. So the benefit will be great, since you will help the wipers in this case, and you will be able to collect a large pile of snow in order to create a slide.

3. Pack the piled snow very tightly. The height of the snow slide must be made such that it is convenient for both adults and children to ride on it. It is important that it is very convenient not only for children, but also for adults in this case. If snow slide it is not possible to collect, ask the person for snowblower Can I help you. I think that he will not deny you this pleasure.

4. Having poured a certain amount of snow on the hill, and then tamped it down, level its future exit. It is important that it is as even as possible, therefore, manually, or using a shovel, remove all irregularities visible to the eye. Don't forget to make a step for your slide. Otherwise, how will you climb on it? The steps should be as flat and flat as possible. This is very important if you want to keep your health and the health of other people safe and sound.

5. Simultaneously with the leveling of the slide, compact its edges so that it does not crumble at the first contact with your hand. It is best to make a low side along the edges of the descent, which will not make it possible to slide down the hill in the wrong place. In this case, it will help prevent any kind of injury when descending and climbing the hill. Be careful!

6. After the slide is already formed, you can start pouring it! It is important that the outside temperature is kept below freezing during the process of applying the final touch. It will be best if you water it overnight. Watering is best done with a watering can or bucket. But it is better if you water the slide from a watering can, because it is she who will give the slide an even descent, and create an indelible impression from the process itself. Thus, by filling the slide at night, you will protect it from unauthorized persons. It is unlikely that anyone would think to climb a hill in the dark, and even more so to ride on it. After all, your neighbors are far from stupid people.

And the ice slide is quite difficult, you must admit. Forecasts of weather forecasters promise us both frost and snow in the near future, so why not take advantage of the situation: let's get down to construction winter slide for children in the country!

By the way, this building will bring great joy not only to children, but also to adults - tested on personal experience... Moreover, in order to make it, a lot of strength and special skills are not needed :) Let's go?

What is needed to build a winter slide

For successful construction we need:
  • frost on the street;
  • a lot of snow;
  • a pair (or better - several pairs) of free hands;
  • several large shovels;
  • a lot of water;
  • good mood:)))

Where to build a slide

The first thing to do is to determine the place for the future slide. First of all, it must be safe, that is, be at the maximum distance from the roadway, sewer hatches, various drains, water bodies, trees, thickets of thorny bushes and other traumatic objects.

Long descent of the ice slide. User photo

Further: there should be enough room around the slide so that you can freely walk in and out of it. Moreover, the higher the slide, the better the ice on it, the more free space will be required to ride without fear.

Height and length of the slide

At the chosen place, we make a large snow mountain, for which we will have to throw as much snow as possible with the prepared shovels. So the height and width of the future slide largely depends on your strength)) The higher it is, the better - within reasonable limits, of course. But if the slide is being built for kids, do not get carried away too much: in this case, it is worth proceeding from the safety of children and your own convenience.

As for the length of the descent: lovers of this primordially Russian winter fun advise making a slide at least 5 m long, and more is possible ... But again, if you are making a slide for small children, you should not build it too long.

Choosing the shape of the slide

You should not get hung up on the slide of the classic form we are accustomed to. You can do it with twists in different sides like on a bobsleigh track, or with an arch. And you can also try your hand at creating, and build not just a slide, but a fairy-tale character or a fantastic figure :)

The angle of inclination is also important: it is optimal at the beginning of the hill - 30-50 °, and then it must be gradually reduced, that is, the descent should be made more gentle. Well, for the smallest, it is better to equip a gentle slope from the very beginning.

Do you need steps?

Of course, if you are making a slide for small children, you can do without steps, but if for children who are 5+ (now I mean adults :), then the steps must be done. The answer to the question of exactly where to place them is unequivocal: from the highest side of the slide.

Try to make them in such a way that it is equally convenient for a child with a 36 foot size and an adult with a size of 46 to climb along them. The optimal width of the steps is 40-50 cm, it is not worth making them wider.

Do not forget about the sides on the sides of the steps; their height should be about 30 cm. By the way, small bumpers can be made along the edges of the slide, so as not to fly out of it during skiing.

Fill in!

Armed with buckets of cold water or a hose, we climb the steps up the hill, and begin to water it - slowly, very carefully so as not to damage the structure. While filling, we constantly trim the surface of the slide - this is the only way we can achieve a perfectly even coating. Places in which pits have formed from the water, densely fill with snow, and water again with water.

After completing the work, we leave the slide alone for a while - until the ice freezes. Then we water the slope with cold water several times in a row, and each time the layer of ice must freeze. You need to fill the slide until it becomes perfectly flat. After that, it is best to leave it to solidify overnight.

Let's go for a drive!

Already in the morning the slide should be ready (after all, there is more frost at night), you can ride :) True, before going down the slide, sprinkle the steps thoroughly with sand, and pour a bucket of water over the slide itself. Let it stand for another hour and go!

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By the way, you can ride down the ice slide not only on sleds, but also simply in warm clothes, on cardboard, on special rubber mats and on ice cakes.

And you can pick up ice cream in our catalog, which contains the offers of many large online stores.

A do-it-yourself snow slide is an ideal activity for adults and children. After all, you will have to spend only a few hours building the structure.

But for the whole winter, your kids will get a wonderful ice attraction.

We all start together

How to fill a slide of snow? It takes just a little - snow, desire and enthusiasm. Well, also a few working hands. It is good to involve children in this business. After all, a do-it-yourself slide of snow will be especially beloved if a piece of your labor is invested in it. Younger children can be entrusted with the simplest and most elementary work, for example, bringing snow in children's buckets or rolling snowballs. Older kids can be puzzled by building steps. Well, the more experienced can even be entrusted with filling the descent with water. Believe me, the children will remember the process of building a slide from ice and snow for a lifetime. It's so exciting!

Required inventory

Before building a slide of snow, we will prepare the tools and devices that will be needed for the job. There should be a lot of snow so that you can build a frame and steps from it, as well as add slides during operation. You also need to prepare:

It is advisable to well equip the kids who will help you with the construction. After all, the main thing in this matter is not to get sick, and not just the solution to the question: "How to fill a hill of snow?" Therefore, it is better for children to wear waterproof overalls, and also stock up on several pairs of gloves. Make sure that the kids do not sweat and do not unbutton at the same time, otherwise it is very easy to catch a cold.


Any construction object must have its own parameters. They depend on the age of those who will ride the homemade slide. If these are teenagers and adults, you can safely erect a slide with a height of one and a half to two meters. If kids ride on this snow attraction, then the height of the slide should be no more than one meter.

The length of the descent, so that it is easy and not dangerous to ride, should be provided for about 5 meters. It is very important to calculate the angle of descent. The slide should not be too steep, the slope should be about 40 degrees. If you make it bigger, then the pleasure of

there will be less descent, moreover, at the end of the descent on a steep hill, the child may receive a tangible blow. But a hill that is too flat will be uninteresting, because then the speed of the driver will be significantly reduced.

The width of the slide must be large enough to be able to slide off the sled. This is about half a meter, no more. When you figure out how to fill the slide with snow, do not forget about the bumpers on the descent to ensure safety. Otherwise, babies risk falling before reaching the end.

Do not forget about reliable steps - it will be easy to climb the hill along them, and if they are sprinkled with sand, they will cease to be slippery.

Benefits of a snow slide

If you make a slide at the beginning of winter, then throughout the snowy time it will be possible to improve and modernize it, adding arches, turns, making branches, adding and decorating with snow sculptures. The advantages of this design are obvious:

  • construction can be carried out with children of all ages;
  • no special costs for expensive materials or specific tools are required;
  • you can experiment and apply your own designs.

Before pouring a slide of snow, you need to choose a convenient place. It is very important to place it away from the roadway and away from paths. See how well it gets covered in evening time, because it gets dark early in winter. Choose its location so that there are no bushes and trees nearby, no fences and hatches, poles, or anything that could pose a danger to the skaters.

Shovels in hand - and forward

Better, of course, to guess when the relatively warm day comes. Then the snow will be sticky and the construction process will be much easier. How to make a slide of snow? First, roll up a few snow globes different sizes... We put the largest one at the base, then we set the smaller ball and so on until the very descent. The empty space between them is covered with snow and tamped tightly.

Then we form the steps. They should be wide enough and not too high. It is recommended to lay sheets of plywood on the descent line - then the surface will be flat and smooth. The plywood should be covered with snow and the surface should be tamped tightly with a thickness of about 10-15 centimeters. Then, after filling with water, the descent will not sag and no pits or bumps will appear on it.

Fill it several times

When the frame of the slide is ready, it remains only to fill the descent with water. It is best to repeat this several times over several days to keep the ice layer firm.

Otherwise, the ice will quickly break with a sled. Do not pour water with a strong stream so as not to wash out the snow, do it carefully and slowly.

If there are already frosts on the street and it is impossible to choose a warm day for the construction of a slide due to meteorological conditions, then formwork can be installed from plywood and wooden panels and snow can be poured into it.

It will also be convenient to cut snow bricks from snowdrifts that are well compressed. They are placed, for example, at the base of the steps.

Initially, the steps should also be filled with water - then they will acquire strength and will not crumble underfoot. As soon as they freeze well, they must be sprinkled with sand so that the children can climb them without fear.

Think about the top of the snow slide as well. It should be level, safe and relatively large so that the child does not fall off of it. You can also lay boards or plywood on top of it. But you should definitely provide that the site is not slippery.

You can make two descents from the same site: one steeper, the other more gentle. Do not forget to decorate your slide with an arch or a funny snowman - your attraction should not only be functional, but also aesthetically pleasing.

Step 1 Stock up on a shovel, watering can, mop and access to water, rubber gloves(you will put them on over the usual, warm ones) and with a wide metal spatula from the "All for repair" store. Choose a suitable place for the slide: if the height of the slide is about a meter, then the length of the descent should be at least four meters, if the slide is higher, then the "rollout" will be longer.

Step 2

Make a "base" for the slide: it can be assembled like a constructor from large snow balls (or even from hastily crumpled "piles" of snow), cover the gaps with snow and compact it tightly. Don't forget about the stairs ( perfect solution- a couple of boxes for vegetables), and put a sheet of plywood on the upper platform of the slide so that it is not so slippery. On the sides of the future gutter, along its entire length, stick a snow curb - there is less risk of falling out of the slide.

Step 3

The most interesting thing: we fill the descent of the slide. It is better to do this in the evening, so that the slide has time to freeze overnight. To do this, you will need warm water from a watering can, a mop or a shovel and a second builder: one will methodically splash water on the packed snow, the other will immediately level it. Do not use a hose, otherwise it will be difficult to pour the entire surface evenly and layer by layer, just pour the snow slowly from the watering can. When the slide takes its usual shape, take a spatula and add the finishing touches: level the surface and make a smooth transition from the slide down to the "roll-out". Place snow patches on all holes and irregularities and level again with a spatula. Pay attention to the "track": pour it over and tamp it too. Take a break for two hours and return to the slide again: the first layer will already freeze (or at least freeze), and you can do all of the above again.