How to enroll a child in the Suvorov School. How to enter Suvorov

Despite the fact that military service is no longer very popular, the Suvorov Military Schools operating in various cities Russia and those preparing the future officer elite are famous in the former way. And getting into them is quite difficult: the competition is at least 3-4 people per place, the selection of applicants is hefty severe, and the admission procedure itself is not the easiest. What needs to be done in order to enter the Suvorov Military School?


1. The first requirement is age. Since 2008, a gradual transition to a seven-year term of study began in all Suvorov schools in the country, and the age limits for applicants changed every year, which rather confused the applicants. Since 2011, the schools have been accepting children who have completed the 4th grade of a general education school.

2. The 1st stage of admission is, in fact, a competition of documents. A set of papers in order to get into the Suvorov School requires an impressive one - the list includes a copy of the personal file from the school, and the completion of a psychologist, and a copy of an outpatient card. The full list can be found on the school website. In order to correctly draw up all the documents necessary for admission, it is allowed to contact the military registration and enlistment office at the place of residence. Applications must be submitted by June 1st.

3. All documents are reviewed by the admissions committee, and those candidates who are deemed “suitable” for each parameter (health status, level of education, age, etc.) receive an invitation to the entrance exams.

4. Testing takes place in the first half of July. Potential Suvorov students are required to demonstrate their physical fitness (as a result, a decision is made whether the applicant is “suitable” or “unsuitable”) and psychological readiness for training (psychological and psychophysiological examination). In addition, a Suvorov student needs to know mathematics and the Russian language - tests in general subjects are also included in the program.

5. According to the conclusions of the entrance exams, each candidate is given an integral assessment (points). By the way, when scoring, sports, creative or social achievements of the child are also taken into account, therefore diplomas of participation in competitions and competitions will increase the chances of admission.

6. The final lists of candidates look like this: first, children who are eligible for preferential admission (these are orphans, as well as children of certain categories of military personnel, including the former), are enrolled, after which - applicants who have scored the highest number of points.

7. With the parents (or guardians) of Suvorov students, when enrolling in the school, a written agreement is signed, which describes in detail all the training data, as well as the rights and obligations of the parties.

School enrollment - main step for the upcoming first grader and his parents. It is the school that exerts a solid power on the future formation of the figure and the formation of the mind of the future member of society. Consequently, all parents should approach the child's admission to the 1st grade with every seriousness. To begin with, the main thing is to know the required minimum, namely, how to enter the 1st grade.


1. Select the school where your child will be enrolled. This is a very significant moment, since now there are a lot of specialized schools - lyceums and gymnasiums of various kinds. Finally, it is impossible to exclude that after passing through several stages of education, you or your child will want to change schools, but this is invariably associated with a certain stress, therefore it is better to think over everything in advance and prefer the school that is right for you.

2. Pay attention not only to the profile and quality of education at the school, but also to the regional sign - it is significant how far from home is the school where the first grader enters. You will not invariably lead the child by the hand, there will come a time when you have to let him go through this path himself. Therefore, consider this moment, be zealous to choose a school with the most comfortable and harmless route to your home.

3. Collect documents. For admission to the 1st grade, the following documents are required: a parent's passport, a birth certificate (original and a copy), a medical card and a statement from the parents. Some schools may need additional documents, but the core list corresponds to the above.

4. Make sure your child is ready for school. No testing will be carried out with the child - if you go to a school in your place of residence, you are required to be accepted without any entrance exams. However, there is one task - if a child comes to school without elementary initial knowledge, it will be much harder for him himself, and you will have to spend much more time helping a first grader to perform homework. Therefore, it is more rational for everyone to send the child to preparatory courses for school, where he adapts to the new learning process for him.

5. Prepare your child for the entrance interview. It is the last and only obstacle on the way to the 1st grade. In this interview, children are asked basic questions about themselves, their parents, and where they live. After that, the child is given several tests that test his thinking and resourcefulness, as well as his memory and the level of his speech formation. Do not worry about the results, tea, as it was already said, the only reason for refusing to enter a school may be the lack of free places in it.

The military profession has always been considered an honorable and impressive one, so many parents want to send their sons to study at military schools of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Entering the schools of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is not so primitive, however, it is there that the guy becomes a man and acquires all the necessary skills in order to honor his fellow citizens.


1. Remember that training in a military school lasts 3 years. Citizens of the Russian Federation under the age of 15 who have graduated from the 8th grade of a general education school, have a direction from the personnel unit of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or another body, are fit for health reasons and meet the requirements of professional selection can enter it. In order to find out all the requirements for candidates, download the instructions for organizing the admission of students on the website of the military school (

2. Military schools are located in many cities of Russia, so do not rush to send your child to Moscow. Think about what would be best for him.

3. Start by writing a report (application) for admission to the school and submit it to the admissions office between April 15 and May 15. From the fact that your son is not an adult, you will become his legal attorney and will conduct all negotiations with the selection committee.

4. Write an application to the head of the internal affairs body in your region. The personal file of the candidate for admission will be formed from April 15 to June 1. The personal file must also contain a personal statement of the person wishing to study, copies of other documents, extracts from educational institution and the applicant's collation, photographs, medical record and, if available, documents for granting benefits.

5. Now it remains only to pass the entrance exams, and, with a successful outcome, your son will be a student at a military school. Prepare your child for the following exams: testing in mathematics, Russian and foreign languages; psychological readiness testing and physical testing. If your child learned a foreign language at school or lyceum, he will be given preference.

6. Admission to the school of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will open wide prospects for your child to personal growth and self-development. The design of classes and disciplines is built in such a way as to harmoniously develop the figure of a person, making him stubborn, enduring, well versed in jurisprudence.

The Suvorov School is the dream of many boys and their parents. Discipline, a wonderful education and clear prospects for later life - all this is guaranteed to the future Suvorovites. However, it is difficult to join their ranks. There is whole line conditions for a successful reception.

You will need

  • - birth certificate;
  • - passport (if any);
  • - application of the candidate for admission;
  • - statement of parents or guardians;
  • - report card;
  • — collection from the place of study;
  • - a certificate from the place of work of the parents;
  • - information about living conditions families;
  • — 4 photos;
  • - medical completion of the military commission;
  • - medical policy;
  • - documents confirming the right to a benefit (if any).


1. Boys under the age of 15 who have completed eight classes of a comprehensive school are enrolled in the Moscow Suvorov School. Benefits are provided for orphans and children left without parental care. Children of military personnel serving in hot spots, serving under a contract and having more than 20 years of service, as well as sons of military personnel who died in the line of duty or are brought up without a mother, are enrolled out of competition.

2. Having made a decision on admission, contact the military registration and enlistment office at the place of residence. They will accept the documents and explain how to apply for admission. Parents or persons replacing them are required to write a statement of consent for their son to study at the school and his further enrollment in one of the military universities. You will also need a personal statement from the candidate.

3. Pass a medical commission at the military registration and enlistment office and receive a certificate of fitness for training at a military school. The candidate's parents are required to request a certificate of employment, as well as a certificate stating their living conditions and family composition.

4. Request documents at the candidate's place of study. You will need a report card, certified by the official seal and the signature of the director of the educational institution. In the same way, the collection compiled by the amazing boss is also certified.

5. Make sure you have all the required paperwork on hand. Full list allowed to get in the military registration and enlistment office. If a copy is required instead of the original, it must be notarized by all means. Submit the full package of documents to the admission committee of the school no later than May 15.

6. At the military registration and enlistment office, you will receive a requirement for a ticket to travel to the school and back. Nonresident applicants are entitled to free travel, accommodation and meals during the exams (from 1 to 15 August).

7. Come to the school before the start of the entrance examinations. In addition to exams in mathematics and the Russian language, physical fitness and psychological testing of candidates is provided. Applicants who passed the 1st exam for the top five are exempted from further tests. All others are required to score the required number of points for admission.

8. Applicants who have passed the exams and passed the competition are enrolled for study later than the order of the head of the Moscow Military Suvorov School.

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Suvorovites are a status of honor and dignity! To many, becoming a Suvorovite seems like an unattainable dream. Let's figure it out together whether it is possible for an ordinary student to enter MSVU.

Candidates for admission can be students from the fifth to the eighth grade up to fifteen years old at the end of the year of admission, who correspond to the level of physical training and psychological selection and pass exams in the main disciplines. To get started, visit the military enlistment office, explain that you want to send your son to study at the SVU, they will give you an application form and help you fill it out. Then you will be instructed in terms of further actions, a date for a medical examination from the military registration and enlistment office will be set. Start gathering documents. You need to submit them to the draft board from April 15 to May 15 of the year of receipt. The main list is:
  • The candidate himself must write an application for admission to the MSVU and his autobiography.
  • From the school, you will need a report card for 3 quarters of the last academic year and a pedagogical characteristic with a stamp, signed by the school principal and class teacher.
  • In your clinic, issue a copy of the medical card F026 / U, an extract from the outpatient card and a copy of information about preventive vaccinations No. 063 / U. All this must be with the seal of the medical institution.
  • From the military registration and enlistment office you will need a medical opinion from the military medical commission.
  • A notary must certify copies of the birth certificate and medical insurance policy of the future Suvorov student and copies of all pages of his parents' passports.
  • AT management company take an extract from the house book on registration at the place of residence and a certificate of family composition and living conditions, in which the dates of birth and occupation for all family members should be written and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bhousing and its owner should be indicated.
  • Parents at their work must take a certificate of the nature of their work and prepare documents confirming the right to benefits upon admission (if any).
  • You will also need the child's measurements (height, weight, head, chest, waist, hips, clothing and shoe sizes) and 4 3x4 photos, like a passport, but with a free angle for printing.
Orphans and children left without parental care (children of orphanages and boarding schools) enter the SVU without exams after they pass a medical examination and an interview. To the package of documents described above, they still need to attach copies of the death certificate of the parents, the establishment of guardianship and the certificate of the guardian certified by a notary.

If the exams are passed at least for a triple, children of contract servicemen who have served for more than 20 years are accepted out of competition; killed or injured in the performance of their duties; employees in the zones of military conflicts, and in addition, brought up by one parent.

From August 1 to August 15, those wishing to enter the MSVU are sent to the MSVU at the expense of the state, along with an escort from the military registration and enlistment office, to pass exams and be tested. Parents can also go with the child if they want. Accommodation and meals for the children during this period are provided by the state. The admissions office will need to present the original birth certificate, as well as the report card for the academic year.

Applicants must write a test in mathematics and a dictation in the Russian language. Excellence students do not need to take exams. Then the guys undergo a medical examination and a test of psychological and physical readiness. They are examined by a pediatrician, surgeon, oculist, ENT doctor, orthopedist, neuropathologist, dentist and pediatric cardiologist and endocrinologist.

Candidates who have passed all the tests are enrolled in the MSVU by order of the chief. They become real Suvorovites after taking the oath. Students of the MSVU are allowed to receive friends and relatives in the visitor's room daily. If there are relatives living in the Moscow region or Moscow, Suvorovites can take a dismissal every week from 17:00 Saturday to 16:00 Sunday. The rest can leave from 17:00 to 21:30 on Saturday and from 9:00 to 16:00 on Sunday. During the holidays, Suvorov students go home, they are given a report card with them so that their parents inquire and sign.

We hope that everyone who wants to enter the MSVU will be able not only to become a Suvorovite, but also to adequately unlearn and achieve success in this field.

How to enter the Suvorov School?

It is better to devote yourself to some professions from childhood - this disciplines and gives a serious head start over other applicants. This list also includes military service, the honor of which has not been disputed in Russia for many centuries.

Choice of the future path

In most cases, parents make the choice for their child:

  • The young man is not yet able to realize all the responsibility that falls on his shoulders;
  • At 15, thoughts are not at all about a future career and prospects;
  • Some understanding comes only with years and experience;
  • Parents tend to embody their fantasies in children;
  • The actions of the older generation can break the life of the younger.

Some people show that they are not created for a certain kind of activity. And no iron discipline or the development of a sense of beauty can help the cause. Most of the character traits a child inherits from his parents. And we are not even talking about genetics, the baby absorbs everything from the family:

  1. Senior behavior;
  2. Manners and characteristic habits;
  3. Respectful or disdainful attitude towards others;
  4. worldview;
  5. Hobbies and plans for life.

If you yourself are an artistic person and have raised your son in a similar vein for 15 years, it is foolish to demand from him that he mature overnight and go to repay his debt to the Motherland three years ahead of schedule. Think about whether the child will be happy where you send him, and whether he will say “thank you” to you for this experience.

Which cities have a presidential cadet corps?

Everyone believes that his son should serve and study only together with the best representatives. There are very few presidential cadet schools in Russia, they can be counted on the fingers of both hands:

  • One in Vladivostok, is a branch of the Nakhimov School;
  • A branch of the same naval school is located in Sevastopol;
  • As many as two in Moscow - the opening of one of them is scheduled for 2017;
  • One each in Kyzyl and Krasnodar;
  • Orenburg was not deprived of attention either;
  • In 2017, a school opens in Petrozavodsk;
  • Stavropol and Tyumen each have one functioning unit.

In the bottom line, we have 8 already operating and 2 establishments preparing to open. For a country with a population of 145 million, the numbers are not very encouraging. It is clear that not every citizen seeks to enter these educational institutions, but the competition in them is fierce. Children have certain advantages:

  1. Military personnel with at least 5 years of service;
  2. Military pensioners who have given the Motherland 20 years or more;
  3. Those who died in the execution;
  4. Became orphans;
  5. Heroes Russian Federation and grandchildren of Heroes of the USSR.

Passing outside the competitive basis will help you take a step towards fulfilling your dreams.

What disciplines to take upon admission?

The whole process can be conditionally divided into three stages:

  • Psychological check;
  • Exams in general school disciplines;
  • Delivery of standards for physical culture.

The psychological test should "reject" those unsuitable for study and further service. It is extremely difficult to fail at this stage if there are no real problems with the psyche and perception of the surrounding reality. Each school has its own approach to this moment:

  1. A conversation with a psychologist;
  2. Testing according to standard schemes;
  3. Formal staging.

The main advice is not to be nervous and not to be afraid of anything.

There are only two exams - Russian, in the form of a dictation and test task, and mathematics. If you are a medalist or winner of the olympiads, you have a chance to avoid the need to write papers and get an "automatic".

Most people are interested in the regulations physical development and it's even easier here:

  • Running 60 meters;
  • Cross 2 km;
  • Pull-ups on the horizontal bar.

And that is all. The minimum and maximum required values ​​vary, depending on the age of the applicant. Tables with all the data can be found on the official website of the institution where you plan to send your son.

How to prepare a child?

Preparation should consist of several parts:

  1. Find a tutor in Russian and mathematics;
  2. Pass on athletics;
  3. Learn to pull up
  4. Conduct regular conversations.

To suddenly find yourself in a barracks position is not best experience, which only a teenager can have. Especially when you consider the fact that the son will have to be sent hundreds, if not thousands of kilometers from his home. If you are not going to promote the child in the future career ladder an officer of the RF Armed Forces is a waste of time. As a punishment or educational moment, you can come up with something simpler and more interesting.

It is worth keeping track of schooling:

  • You will need a report card;
  • With the same exam results, attention will be paid precisely to school grades;
  • There is no escape from the need to get a reference from the school;
  • requirements in cadet school, in terms of curriculum, will be higher.

By sending an undisciplined child with learning problems, you make him the easiest target for attack. And this is only if he can pass the entrance exams and pass the selection.

What documents are needed for admission?

We'll have to collect a small folder of papers:

  1. Statement of the desire of the child to enroll, from the parents or his guardians;
  2. Application from the applicant himself;
  3. Notarized copy of passport or birth certificate, depending on age;
  4. Autobiography - an example can be found on the net;
  5. Certificate of achievement from the school for 3 quarters of this year - with a seal;
  6. Characteristic with signatures of the director and class teacher;
  7. Medical certificate from the military registration and enlistment office;
  8. A copy of the insurance, also certified;
  9. Information about the composition of the family and from the place of work of the parents;
  10. Four photos 3x4;
  11. Copies of parents' passports - you will have to visit the notary again.

This is standard set documents, but before submitting, carefully read the conditions on the website of your particular educational institution - they may differ slightly. All papers are collected within a week, so no serious problems should arise.

Make sure your child really wants to serve in the military. The created image can seriously differ from the harsh reality.

We recommend watching a video about how the everyday life of a Suvorov student goes.

In the light of recent historical events Suvorov schools are attracting more and more young people. Understand the prospects for education in schools and parents. While studying in such an institution, children receive not only the knowledge provided for by the secondary school course, but also a good upbringing, and possibly preparation for future profession. In this regard, the parents of potential Suvorov students are looking online for all possible information about the features of admission to the Suvorov schools in Russia. This article brings together the most important questions on admission to the Suvorov schools and detailed answers to them are given.

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Suvorov Military School - what to do?

In the most general case, the process of admission to the Suvorov School is as follows. The parents of the applicant prepare a package of documents about the state of health, academic success and other advantages of their child. This package of documents is submitted to the admission committee of the Suvorov Military School. Based on the results of the preliminary consideration, a decision is made on the admission of the applicant to pass the entrance examinations and a personal file is formed.

After the preliminary selection, applicants are called to pass entrance examinations. The tests include a test of knowledge in general subjects, a test of physical fitness and an analysis of psychological readiness for studying at the Suvorov School.

Between applicants who have passed all the tests, a competition is held for admission to the school for further education. Within the framework of the competition, not only success during the tests, but also additional factors can be taken into account.

More full information about admission to the Suvorov schools, it is better to look at the official websites of educational institutions. In this case, it is better to study the issue on the website of the particular school in which you plan to enter. You can find links to websites here.

How old are students at the Suvorov Military School?

At what age can one enter the Suvorov School - this is a question that worries a lot of people. The fact is that earlier, in almost all schools, enrollment was carried out after the 9th grade. Now the situation has changed. The selection of applicants to the Suvorov military schools takes place among graduates of the 4th grade general education schools. Education starts from 5th grade. Thus, children aged 9 to 11 are admitted to Suvorov schools. Most students in the 5th grade of the school are 10 years old.

Is it possible to get into the Suvorov military school after the 9th grade of a general education school?

Previously, schools recruited streams starting from the 9th grade. At the moment, most educational institutions are enrolling students from the 5th grade of the general education cola (after the end of the 4th grade).

However, there is an opportunity to enter the Suvorov School even after the 9th grade. First of all, periodically, schools recruit courses for teaching in grades 10 and 11. In addition, after the 9th grade, you can enter the school by transfer. True, the latter option is associated with significant difficulties and must be coordinated with the administration of the educational institution, and possibly with other governing bodies.

Option: Nakhimov School.