The choice between plasterboard and plaster finishes, we share our experience. The better to level the walls: drywall or plaster, reviews

When building or repairing a house or apartment, the question arises: how to align internal walls before decorative trim? After all, the quality of the surface of enclosing structures is sometimes far from ideal. If a house is being built for oneself, then there is still an opportunity to control the quality of the walls, but in an old house or apartment there is no such possibility.

The classic leveling method is plaster. A solution is prepared for it based on binders, aggregates and water. Although the composition changes over time, the technology remains the same for many centuries - applying the mortar to the walls and leveling it with tools or mechanisms. If plasters based on and were previously used, now mixtures have also been developed that are mixed and packaged at the factory in bags. Drywall is also used instead of plaster. This material is relatively new, but safe and easy to install. What is cheaper to level the walls, drywall or plaster? What are the features of the use of these materials? Let's consider in more detail.

Pros and cons of plaster

Plaster is made from a mixture of binder (Portland cement, lime, gypsum, clay), filler (sand, stone chips, sawdust) and additives. Depending on the composition and manufacturer, it has different properties and is suitable for different applications, but there are common characteristics. To positive aspects include:

  • Strength. Regardless of the composition, properly applied plaster has sufficient strength characteristics to serve for a long time - up to several decades. It also better tolerates external mechanical stress.
  • The possibility of choosing a mixture for specific operating conditions.
  • The existence of decorative plaster, which does not require puttying and painting. This reduces the cost of work, although it is quite expensive in itself.
  • Simplicity and reliability of fasteners for home electronics, appliances, furniture - it is enough to use standard dowels.

The disadvantages include:

  • Difficulty of application. For good result must have sufficient skills and experience. Ate the mixture is prepared for construction site- it is necessary to carefully monitor the quality of the components and their proportion. Finished plaster, although it has predictable characteristics, is more expensive.
  • If the walls are very uneven, then a large leveling layer is applied. For its fastening, additional processing of the wall is necessary to improve adhesion, the use of a reinforcing mesh.
  • The need to select the characteristics of the plaster mixture for the material of the walls.
  • Since the process is “wet”, the floor and ceiling are more contaminated during operation.
  • After application, it is required to observe the temperature and humidity characteristics of the air in the room for uniform and quick drying.

Features of leveling drywall (GK).

The second option for aligning walls and partitions are drywall sheets(GKL). When is it better to use drywall instead of plaster walls? What are its features? The advantages of leveling these materials include:

  • Ease of installation. Although drywall also requires skill, it is easier for a non-specialist to learn than plastering.
  • Speed ​​- if after applying the plaster it is necessary to wait until it dries, then you can putty the HA immediately after fixing.
  • The distance from the draft wall to the front surface of the sheet is allowed to be large, while plastering more than 50 mm is problematic and expensive.
  • A layer of insulation can be laid between the draft wall and the GK sheet, which improves thermal characteristics designs.
  • Possibility of application in wet rooms when using sheets of the appropriate type (moisture resistant).
  • Since the process is “dry”, the room is less polluted during operation.
  • In the empty space behind the sheet it is allowed to breed engineering Communication without gating - electrical wiring, water, sewer and heating pipes.


  • The thickness of the structure takes up part of the useful volume of the room.
  • Difficulty fixing furniture household appliances. The drywall itself is fragile, which means it must be fixed to the draft wall using special mortgages and brackets.
  • The surface of the GKL is easier to damage or destroy.
  • Domestic rodents may appear in the space between the wall and the sheet (this is more relevant for private houses).

Which is cheaper, drywall or plaster walls? It depends on various factors. The cost of plastering work on beacons is approximately equal to or more than the price of installing drywall sheets using guides. The cost of the materials themselves also depends on the conditions of their use. With a plaster layer thickness of up to 10 mm, the cost per square meter of the surface treated with dry mortar or standard drywall is comparable to each other. However, if the layer increases, then the plaster becomes more expensive. And vice versa - if the walls are even and do not require a large layer building mix, processing it will be cheaper.

It is advantageous to use GKL for uneven draft walls, when a large layer of plaster is required for leveling. If a small layer is required, then vice versa. Also, the choice depends on the cost of work in a particular region, the availability of materials, the planned design of the room. The choice is made after calculating and comparing the cost and features of both options.

When interior decoration, it often becomes necessary to level the walls. This is especially true in old panel houses. But even a perfectly executed laying of aerated concrete blocks before pasting the wallpaper must be prepared using plaster or drywall sheets (gypsum plasterboard). Below we will consider both options and analyze the question of which of these materials is better to choose.

Wall plaster

This is a building material based on gypsum (from Italian. stucco- gypsum, lime) or cement used to level walls and finishing. Often it contains additives that give special properties: water protection, fire resistance, abrasion resistance, mineral components for texture, coloring additives. Stucco is sold in the form of dry mixes in bags or ready-made mortar in buckets.

Plaster for leveling in a bag and decorative plaster in a bucket

Advantages of "wet" leveling

  • Strength is one of its main advantages. Solution for cement base after setting, it becomes a monolith with the strength of a stone. Plastered surfaces withstand the weight of shelving and cabinets and are not afraid of impacts.
  • Durability. Plaster, covered with finishing, is practically not destroyed. For example, you can re-paste wallpaper for many years without repairing the layer of rough finish underneath.
  • Tolerates sub-zero temperatures well, this is true for non-residential premises (garage, utility room, veranda) and cottages without heating.
  • moisture resistance plaster makes it a good choice for use in bathrooms, kitchens and other areas where high humidity is possible. If you are flooded by neighbors from above, then the finish will most likely deteriorate, but the walls under it will remain intact. From natural lime plaster even make sinks and bathtubs.

Moroccan plaster tadelakt

  • Space saving. With small flaws in the walls, the leveling layer of the mixture will be minimal, which will significantly save space in the room.
  • Universal base for any type finishing works . Suitable for ceramic tiles, coloring and under wallpaper.

The cost of plaster when calculating per 1m2 can vary greatly depending on the curvature of the surface. Let's look at an example.

The Knauf Rotband universal gypsum mix with a layer thickness of 10 mm has a consumption of 8.5 kg / m2 and a price of about 370 rubles per 30 kg bag. With a layer of 10mm, the bag is enough for 3.73m2. The price per meter will be equal to 105 rubles.

There are also cheaper gypsum mixes, for example, Volma Gypsum Active costs about 275 rubles per 30 kg bag. The cost of 1 km2 in this case will be equal to 78 rubles.

To the cost of plastering, you must also add the price of a primer and beacon profiles (if used).

Now let's calculate the cost of drywall for closing 1m2. GKL ordinary 1200 * 2000 * 9.5 mm costs from 180 rubles. It turns out the sheet area is 2.4 m2 and the price for square meter= 75 rubles. Let's add to this the price of profiles for plasterboard or drywall glue, if we glue the sheets.

With relatively smooth walls the price of plaster and drywall is about the same. But it will be cheaper to fix strongly curved walls with plasterboard sheets.

Disadvantages of plastering

  • Working time. The layer of mortar should set and dry well before proceeding with the final finishing.
  • Dirt. When mixing and applying the solution, it is quite difficult to keep the floor and overalls clean.
  • High material consumption on curved surfaces.
  • Labor intensity of work. It is difficult to plaster evenly without experience.

Drywall: types and applications

Drywall- a versatile building material, often used instead of plaster. It consists of gypsum, glued on both sides with sheets of cardboard. It also contains starch and surfactants. Standard sizes GKL sheet - width 1200 mm, length 2000/2500/3000 mm, thickness 9.5 or 12.5 mm.

Depending on its operational properties, drywall is divided into the following types:

GKLO. It contains mineral fibers and special. additives. Resistant to fire, used in facilities with increased requirements for fire safety.

GKLV. Impregnated with water-repellent components, this allows it to be used in rooms with high humidity- bathtubs and toilets. It is worth considering that with prolonged contact with water, the material may still suffer.

GCR regular. It is widely used in residential areas for leveling walls and ceilings, and creating decorative elements.

Decoration of walls and ceilings from plasterboard

About that, you can find out in our article.

Positive qualities of GKL

  • Great for leveling walls with large deviations from the plane, serious chips and defects. By itself, a drywall sheet is an ideal plane.
  • Less dirt during renovation compared to wet finish. GKL sheets are easily cut with a construction knife and attached to the crate with self-tapping screws. If the walls are even, then drywall can be glued directly to them using an adhesive solution.
  • Simple and fast installation- pasting the walls with drywall occurs in a matter of hours. It allows you to level the surface with your own hands, without resorting to the help of hired craftsmen.
  • When using a frame under the plasterboard between the wall and the sheets, it is possible to lay electrical wiring, install insulation or soundproofing material.
  • And the main advantage of GKL is the ability to create multi-level ceilings and various decorative elements. Interior partitions the easiest way to do it is also from drywall.

Cons of drywall

  • Reducing the area of ​​​​the room. If the drywall is mounted not on glue, but on sheathing the frame, then the room will decrease by the width of the metal profile and the thickness of the plasterboard sheet. For example, the guide profile PN-2 STANDARD has a width of 40 mm. Let's add 12.5 mm - the thickness of the sheet. It turns out that the room is reduced by 52.5 mm on each side where the finishing takes place.
  • Low moisture resistance. Even GKLV with water-repellent impregnations will not withstand frequent contact with water. But with proper protection, for example, with a tile, you can not be afraid of this.
  • Low strength. A sheet of drywall can crack on impact, leaving dents or holes. Difficulties also arise when heavy objects need to be hung on the wall - cabinets, appliances or shelving. For these purposes, the crate is additionally reinforced or fixed to the wall with mortgages made of wooden beam. Light shelves and items can be hung directly on the plasterboard sheets using special dowels.

Dowels for drywall

Which is better: plastering or sheathing GKL?

You can level the walls with plaster and drywall, but strong irregularities are easier to hide behind the plasterboard. When the walls are even, and you only need to prepare them for finishing, it is cheaper to plaster them. It can also become immediately and, for this you need to create an invoice on it, for example, using a comb spatula or embossed rollers. Drywall always acts as a rough basis for finishing.

The advantage of plaster will be its strength, while for GKL it is ease of installation and a variety of surfaces created with it.

What is cheaper and better - GKL or plaster, depends, as we can see, on the specific situation and the goals set. For example, for walls made of aerated concrete, it will be more economical and faster not to plaster them, but to mount drywall on glue without a frame.

We hope that this short overview of the materials was useful to you. You can read more about working with and on the pages of our website.

Plaster - without it sometimes nowhere!

This is probably one of the most popular questions regarding finishing: what is better plaster or drywall on the walls? Each of these materials deserves attention, and each of them has its own characteristics.

Plaster is one of the oldest finishing materials known since ancient times. It is practically a "classic" in the construction world, and is still popular today. Therefore, we can safely say that such a finish is very relevant.

Drywall appeared not so long ago, but quickly won a large "army" of fans. It is easy to use, does its job well, and generally adds new finishing options. Thanks to these features, he became a worthy competitor to plaster, but could not force it out of the construction market.

So what is the main difference between them? What are the disadvantages and what advantages do materials have? Is it possible to choose perfect option for the wall according to price and quality? You will find answers to all these questions in this article.

Individual features of materials

To begin with, let's take a closer look at the plaster. At the moment, a mixture based on a cement-sand composition is most often used. Most types are used as roughing walls, for smoothing and leveling the surface. But there are other types of mixtures designed for finishing the wall.

Types of plaster

You can plaster the walls with any type of mixture, depending on what result you want to get. Naturally, finishing types of plasters have a cheaper price, but they are not suitable for capital leveling of walls.

In general, all plasters can be divided into two main categories:

  1. Decorative. Special segments are added to such plaster, which make it multi-colored. It looks very original, and opens up wide scope for creativity. It is also worth noting its special structure, which allows you to create artsy patterns. Drywall instead of plaster in this case is clearly not suitable.
  1. Normal. It is mainly used for rough, rough wall decoration both inside and outside. It can be in the form of a conventional composition, or an improved one. Some special additives allow it to obtain a sound and moisture absorbing effect.

Each type includes many elements, including polyurethanes, which are the connecting link. Also sometimes added epoxy resins, mainly for mixtures intended for interior decoration premises.

Remarkable is the fact that the plaster can be made according to your preferences, choosing an aqueous or non-aqueous base. Of course, before choosing a base, it is recommended to try several options. Therefore, wall plastering or drywall does not preclude an individual approach.

Of course, drywall is not much different from each other, except in size and thickness. But, there is another indicator that draws a line between them - moisture resistance. By itself, drywall is very exposed to moisture, but thanks to special additives, it is able to better withstand it.

Plastering or sheathing surfaces with drywall is up to you, but these options are definitely worth exploring:

  1. Normal. standard view drywall, which consists of a completely ordinary cardboard sheet, inside of which there is plaster base. With it, you can finish not only the walls, but also the ceiling. You can also make separate walls if you first put the frame. A serious drawback of the material is the fear of water, so it is categorically not recommended to install it in rooms with high humidity.
  1. Specialized. It is not surprising that in such a period of time since its inception, manufacturers have found a way to make moisture-resistant drywall. Unlike the usual species, it tolerates much better high level humidity.
    But, despite this, it must be replaced after 5-7 years, since it loses its original appearance. There are also refractory drywall, its name speaks for itself. And its fire resistance is really great.

Material characteristics

As I said above, each of these materials is good in its own way. Although they are designed for the same purpose - wall decoration with subsequent alignment, they are fundamentally completely different.


Plaster has been in great demand for a long time, which subsided a little with the advent of drywall. But one question immediately arose - what is cheaper to level the walls with drywall or plaster? Looking at the advantages of plastering as well as its disadvantages, a more detailed answer can be given.


So, here are the benefits:

  1. If you compare plaster and drywall, then their price immediately catches your eye. Considering the cost of only the material, plaster definitely wins. Although there are still other factors that need to be considered, but you will learn about them below.
  2. Properly plastered walls will help you achieve the desired result on long years. Well prepared and applied plaster will be very reliable and impact resistant.
  1. The material provides a long-term perspective without holding additional work. Finish the finishing stage and you can enjoy excellent result up to 25 years or more.
  2. Plaster does not cause problems to hang some objects on the wall, be it paintings, appliances or. You can do all this with your own hands, without additional work and the involvement of specialists.


Of the minuses, I can not mention the following:

  1. Such work can take a lot of time. Of course, this largely depends on the initial state of the walls themselves, and also on the experience of the plasterer. Although many specialists do such work in a short period, but, unfortunately, with a serious margin.
  2. Please note that plastering falls under the category of wet work associated with mixing mortar, etc. Therefore, during the repair, be prepared for a dirty environment. If you want to avoid this, then such works for your walls will not work.
  1. If your walls have a large curvature, then a large amount of material will be needed to eliminate it. This is not entirely profitable, since the drywall sheet will cost less in this case.
  2. If you are poorly versed in such works, then it will be very difficult for you to control the master. Not every employee will do the job in good faith, and perhaps due to their inexperience or laziness, they may make a number of technological errors that you can no longer correct.

You may have noticed that plaster has a neutral characteristic, with its own number of advantages and disadvantages. But drywall also has a similar situation. Which one?


Drywall is a fairly versatile material that provides a wide variety of repairs. You can completely level the walls by donating small area your room. What else is special about the material?


Its advantages are:

  1. Wide range of design possibilities. Thanks to drywall, you can create really interesting things, ranging from convex walls in the form of a built-in stand, and ending with the ceiling. Its versatility is really great, so if in the question: “What is cheaper to plaster walls or sheathe with drywall?”, Universality also arises, then the choice is obvious.
  1. Works with drywall are moving into the category of dry and are definitely cleaner. If you don't want to mess around with water, then this is your right choice.
  2. Another one useful feature drywall is the ability to "breathe". Such walls are able not only to absorb, but also to release moisture.
  1. Drywall has excellent soundproofing properties, and also allows you to create an additional layer of thermal insulation.
  2. Work with GKL is carried out much faster.

The crate for mounting the GKL takes up space, but it becomes possible to hide all the wires under the sheathing

  1. Drywall - Pretty brittle material, and therefore does not allow hanging heavy objects on the wall, and if this is very necessary, then additional reinforcement is required.
  2. The cost of the material itself is slightly higher than the price of plaster.

Whether the advantages outweigh the disadvantages is up to you. But, despite the disadvantages of the GKL, its popularity is growing every day.

So which is better?

And now we come to the final choice between two ways of finishing the walls. But be that as it may, there is simply no single answer to this question. Even if you ask: “What is cheaper - drywall or plaster?”, Then the answer to this question will be very relative.

Although the plaster itself is cheaper than the plasterboard, the work can be much more expensive, and this does not include their duration. Therefore, we can say that the cost of finishing is almost equal to each other.

There is no unambiguous instruction for choosing finishing works, but I will give good advice- rely on the dimensions of the room, as well as what you want to get in the end.

Do you want to insulate the house, carefully align the walls, or even make an additional wall? Drywall will help you with this. And if you own a room with irregular heating in winter period, small area and high humidity - then the best choice there will be plaster.

In the photo - a plasterboard wall with backlight.


As with many things, it all depends on your preferences. I think that when choosing, you should focus on the indicators of your room, it will not be superfluous to carefully study the advantages and disadvantages of materials.

Have questions? Ask them in the comments. And for a complete presentation of the topic, watch the video in this article.

November 2, 2016

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To obtain correct geometry rooms, you can use plaster, but using a trowel to make straight lines is very difficult, much easier leveling the walls with drywall, the pros and cons which we will consider next.

Leveling walls with drywall - the pros and cons are obvious

In any case, even if there are several shortcomings, one thing is obvious - to assemble a frame for wall cladding from special profiles with instructions and necessary tools even a beginner can. In the skillful hands of the master, plaster is applied to any vertical surface or ceiling with a smooth, even layer, turning into a reliable coating for brick, concrete or even wooden walls. However, there are few such craftsmen, and often inexperienced beginners enter the fight with unruly building materials, getting something indescribable as a result. An excellent substitute for wet plaster is its dry and relatively cheap counterpart - drywall (for example, Knauf sheets), multilayer sheets of which have a perfectly flat surface.

Step by step instructions with exclusive photos and video materials.

First of all, let's dwell on the positive aspects of the material in question. Its main purpose is the alignment of the walls, and the effectiveness in solving problems with irregularities is a definite plus of drywall. It is hardly possible to find any substitute that effectively forms the geometry of the premises even with differences in surface levels of up to 8-10 centimeters. Second positive property is the possibility of creating vertical and ceiling structures the most complex forms, which is highly appreciated by designers. And another quality that provided the material with high popularity is the masking of communications. It is easy to stretch any wires and pipes under the skin between the frame profiles.

It would seem that all of the above is already enough to consider drywall the best option for wall decoration, but it would be wrong to ignore its other positive sides. In particular, such as environmental friendliness (material components - a gypsum layer with reinforcement and a cardboard shell), versatility - the coating is suitable for any type of room. With the exception of the shell, the sheets of the material in question are not combustible, and some grades are completely refractory, this is another plus. Some manufacturers claim good soundproofing qualities of their products, but this is only partly true. Drywall is only to some extent able to dampen noise, which is why various noise absorbing materials are always placed under the skin.

The website site masters have prepared a special calculator for you. You can easily calculate the right amount of drywall.

But leveling the walls with drywall has pros and cons in equally significant. So, a counterweight to fire resistance is high moisture absorption. That is why, starting to extinguish a small fire with water in a room finished with drywall, you can say goodbye to the sheathing, even if the fire has not yet damaged it - water will do it. Also, an irreparable disaster will result in the flooding of the apartment by neighbors from above, or simply an increase in humidity in the room. Based on all this, it is not recommended to use this coating in the bathroom and in the kitchen. However, there are brands that are not afraid of water, but they are somewhat more expensive. standard sheets. Two more minuses, less critical - the relative fragility of the material and some reduction in the volume of the room when using load-bearing profiles.

Drywall instead of plaster - what's the difference?

Both of these materials are similar in that they are used to level the walls, but otherwise they are direct opposites of each other. If the lining of gypsum sheets is laid in a matter of hours, then plastering the same area takes more than one day, due to the layering. The first of the materials is extremely light, it weighs approximately a little less than a kilogram for each millimeter of thickness (regular or moisture-resistant drywall), which for a 9 mm sheet will correspond to 7.5 kilograms. The second type of coating is quite heavy, the mass of a square of a solidified mixture with a layer thickness of 3.3 centimeters will be approximately 25 kilos.

The thicker the drywall sheet, the smaller the gaps between the profiles must be made in the frame so that the structure does not deform under the weight of the sheathing.

Also the difference between the ones we are interested in finishing materials consists in the magnitude of the loads they can withstand. If you glue a couple of plates with hooks to the plaster layer applied to the reinforcing mesh and hang a small bookcase on them, nothing will happen to the coating. The same operation carried out with drywall will lead to its deformation. Directly during the finishing work, mixing the mixture and covering the walls with it is always associated with large quantity dirt: splashes, scattered mortar components, excess scraped off by the rule. The use of dry plaster sheets allows you to maintain relative cleanliness, a small amount of gypsum dust is formed only during the sawing of the material.

A number of factors pushing the use of drywall instead of plaster. So, for example, let's remember the simplicity of laying communications under sheet sheathing and look at a wall covered with cement-sand or lime-gypsum mortar. The frozen mixture leaves no other options than to ditch the coating, that is, to cut grooves in it for wiring. Further, the result after mounting the sheets immediately pleases the eye with smooth surfaces. The plaster applied to the walls requires additional attention to itself, in the form of smoothing with a rule, glossing with a grater and careful processing of the shells remaining after finishing work with putty.

What drywall has no equal

Shields made of boards brickwork, welded steel sheets - all this can become a partition in an apartment, but it will not look the best, and it will create little convenience. As for the leveling mixture, it can no longer replace the wall in any way. But drywall sheets for this purpose are used constantly and have proven themselves the best way. The technology is not much different from the standard sheathing of the room, just the supporting profiles are made into a frame not on the surface of the wall, but across the room with fasteners to the floor and ceiling. This is precisely the main advantage of drywall over plaster.

disadvantages sheet material mounted on a frame built for a partition are quite standard. This is the fragility of the sheets, which becomes more noticeable when there is no rigid base - with some effort, you can break through a light wall, and this can only be avoided by reinforcing the frame with additional profiles. This is hydrophobia, which, by the way, may turn out to be positive quality when it is necessary to bend the sheet into any curly design(for this purpose, drywall is moistened and in this state it is attached to the frame). And, finally, low sound absorption, without a special soundproofing filling, a partition sheathed with sheets will turn into a drum, sounds will be transmitted from room to room through metal profiles.

Before execution repair work the question arises which material is preferable for finishing walls and ceilings - plaster or drywall.

Each of these materials, in addition to many advantages, has some disadvantages. In this article, we will consider the types, characteristics, pros and cons of these materials, methods of wall decoration. Based on these data, you can choose suitable material for a particular case.

Drywall or plaster

Both materials are very popular when performing repair work. Let's try to figure out how to finish the walls with drywall or plaster, which is better to use to make the walls beautiful and durable.

To choose best option to perform finishing work, you need to study the properties of drywall and plaster mixtures.

Based on the knowledge gained about the types of materials, you can choose the most suitable option.

Everyone chooses Construction Materials individually, based on your own requirements, the functional purpose of the premises and the budget.


Gypsum sheets are completely harmless to humans

Drywall is often used instead of plaster to quickly and efficiently level walls.

The material is a sheet made of several layers: in the middle is a layer of gypsum, with an outer and inside glued layers of cardboard. It appeared on the market not very long ago, but managed to establish itself well among builders due to many of its advantages.

Gypsum is made from natural materials, it is completely harmless to humans and environment. No special tools are required to process this material.

Having slightly wetted the sheet, you can give it a convenient shape, therefore it is often used for the manufacture of arched and undulating structures.

Produced types of drywall consider in the table:

Type of drywallCharacteristic
1 Wall sheets (GKL)Gray sheets are made, 12.5 mm thick, 1200 mm wide, 2300-2500 mm long.
2 Ceiling sheetsThey sheathe the ceiling, niches, make arches, multi-level structures. It has a thickness of 9.5 mm, a width of 1200 mm, a length of 2000 and 2500 mm. It costs less than wall due to the smaller thickness.
3 Flexible (arched)They are characterized by a small thickness of 6.5 mm and the presence of fiberglass threads in the composition, which increase the bending strength. They fit in two layers, as they are very thin. The cost of construction is quite high due to the reinforcing threads and the double consumption of material. They produce sheets with a width of 1200 mm, a length of 3000 mm.
4 Fire resistant (GKLO)It is distinguished by the presence in the gypsum layer of a large number of reinforcing fibers and other additives, making it resistant to fire. It is used in rooms with increased fire safety requirements and for finishing fireplaces and chimneys. Has a light grey colour, thickness 12.5 mm, width 1200 mm, length 2000, 2500, 3000 mm.
5 moisture resistantCardboard and core are impregnated with special moisture-proof compounds. Suitable for use in wet areas.

Sheets must be marked:

Any type of drywall does not burn and does not support combustion. When exposed to fire, the core is charred, which leads to its destruction. Flame retardant grades withstand fire and do not break down.


Inside the premises, the walls are finished with gypsum or lime mixture.

Plaster has been used for a very long time, it has proven itself well when performing exterior and interior decoration.

Cement-based plaster is most often used for outdoor work.

Gypsum and lime mixtures are used for interior decoration.

They produce a wide variety of formulations that differ in components and methods of application.

classic plaster

Consider in the table the types and characteristics of plaster mixtures used for rough work:

Type of plasterCharacteristic
1 MineralThey are made on the basis of lime with the addition of sand, sometimes gypsum. A wall lined with such a mixture has a high vapor impermeability, resistance to ultraviolet radiation, fire, bacteria, and mold. Sold as a dry mix, which must be diluted with water before use. The disadvantages include low elasticity, during operation it can crack.
2 AcrylicMade from acrylic resin on a water-dispersion basis. The surface treated with this composition is resistant to moisture, withstands temperature changes, elastic, and is not susceptible to fungal infections. Durability 25 years. It is produced in the form of ready-to-use mass.
3 ClayMade from clay with the addition of straw and cellulose fibers. Colored with pigments. Allows you to get both a flat and textured surface.

Decorative plaster

In addition to classic plasters, they produce many mixtures for decorative finishing work.

Consider the main types in the table decorative plasters and their properties:

Types of decorative plasterProperties
1 SiliconeMade from silicone resin. Has the most high cost. Used in conjunction with a silicone-based primer. Forms a vapour-impermeable, elastic surface with high water and dirt-repellent properties.
2 StructuralHeterogeneous granular mass with the addition of quartz, wood fiber, small pebbles, marble chips.
3 TexturedIt is made on the basis of lime flour. Gives a textured surface.
4 VenetianMade on the basis of marble flour, a transparent surface is obtained, almost indistinguishable from marble.

If there is no experience in applying plaster, in order to get an ideal durable surface, it is better to turn to professionals.

Characteristics of drywall and plaster

To choose the most suitable material, you need to study its strengths and weaknesses.

Based on the table, consider the characteristics of the most popular materials used for finishing work:

Material typeDrywallPlaster
Surface preparationNot requiredRequired
Lead timeQuickly, within 1-3 days, you can finish the ceiling and walls in the rooms. Easy processing.The work is carried out in stages, a rough layer is applied, when the surface dries, it is covered with a finishing layer.
experienceNot required. Simple even structures can be fixed by a person who does not have experience in construction work.A rough coat can be applied by a beginner, but for some types of topcoat, you will need to hire a professional.
Laying communicationsIt is possible to lay cables, pipes behind drywall.Walls need to be cut.
WarmingThermal insulation material is easy to lay under drywall.It is possible to insulate walls under plaster, but this will take time and additional work. Sometimes plaster is applied to drywall, under which insulation is laid.
Crack formationNot formed.The surface may crack during use.

Finishing the walls with drywall without plaster is undesirable. Thin layer plaster mortar is an additional protection material. When pasting wallpaper, it allows you to replace them without damaging the cardboard layer. If you stick the wallpaper directly on the cardboard, it will be removed along with the wallpaper during the next repair.

Drywall needs to be plastered

Drywall will have to be puttied

After the walls have been sheathed with drywall, they need to be plastered: seal the joints and apply a thin layer of putty.

This process is faster than with full plastering of the walls.

What is drywall plaster for?

  1. Drywall has beveled edges, so the joints and caps of the screws need to be puttied. A tape is glued along the joint, covered on top plaster mixture. After it dries, grout with sandpaper.
  2. After grouting the joints, you need to cover the sheet with a thin layer of plaster. For this use finishing mixture diluted to the consistency of sour cream. Apply it to the surface with a roller. To see what is cheaper, see this video:

The last step is to paint the drywall water-based paint or apply a third, denser layer of plaster for wallpapering.

Which material is better

We examined the characteristics of drywall and plaster. Even experienced builders cannot unequivocally answer which is better, drywall or plaster. It all depends on many factors, and everyone will have to make a choice on their own based on the advantages and disadvantages of each material. For more information on which is better to choose, see this video:

If you want the room to have less dirt and humidity, then finish the walls without using plaster. Sheathing with drywall significantly speeds up the process of performing work. If you load the walls hanging shelves, it is better to finish them with plaster. Such a surface will withstand any load.