What density foam rubber is needed for a sofa. What kind of foam rubber is needed for a mattress? We are engaged in sewing

Foam rubber is the common name for polyurethane foam. The scope of this material, without exaggeration, covers all areas of human activity.

Soft cellular synthetic foam with excellent insulating properties, high elasticity and breathability, are used:

V furniture production. Foam rubber is indispensable in the manufacture upholstered furniture from economy class to especially comfortable models. Armchairs, sofas, chairs, mattresses - the manufacture of these interior items is impossible without this versatile material.

In construction. Insulation, sealing insulating materials.

It is worth noting the use of foam rubber products when decorating premises to absorb sounds. Installation of acoustic traps and sound-absorbing mats significantly reduces the level of external and internal noise in the room.

In the production of sporting goods. Sports Equipment, mats of various hardness and thickness, the use of foam rubber scraps for filling jump and safety pits.

- textile, footwear industry;
- automotive production;
- making toys;
- the medicine;
- production of household appliances.

Polyurethane foam is widely used as a protective, packaging material.

The emergence of new materials with similar characteristics does not reduce its popularity, and the latest developments significantly improve its basic characteristics.

Foam rubber production

Polyurethane foam is 90% air, the process of its production consists in mixing certain components, chemical reaction between which leads to foaming and hardening of the material.

Chemical production requires attention and strict adherence to technology. Before mixing, the components for the manufacture of polyurethane foam are checked for qualitative and quantitative indicators. In the foaming machine, the components are mixed, the process of foam formation and maturation occurs without the direct participation of the operator.

The polyurethane foam mass is poured into molds, in the case of continuous production, laid out on a conveyor belt, where the chemical reaction ends. The complete solidification time is about 3 days.

The process of cutting foam rubber is carried out on special machines. Cutting shape: from simple cubes of different sizes to complex shapes and profiles.

Waste-free foam production is ensured by fine cutting (crushing) waste units.

Basic parameters of PPU:

1. Density. An important indicator that largely determines the rest of the characteristics of the finished product: rigidity, durability, the ability to restore its original shape. Indicates the amount of material (kg) contained in one cubic meter.

2. Rigidity (compressive stress). This amount of force required to compress the foam rubber by 40% is measured in kPa.

3. Permanent deformation. It characterizes the product's ability to maintain its shape and size. The sample compressed to 50% is kept at the specified humidity, temperature and the deviation from the initial shape is measured after the external influence has ceased. Increasing the density reduces the amount of permanent deformation.

The above indicators, along with elasticity, strength, support coefficients, comfort, determine the types and brands of polyurethane foam.

PPU brands

Polyurethane foam is marked with a number of Latin letters and numbers, letters indicate the type of material, numbers - indicators of density (kg / m3) and stiffness (kPa).

  1. "ST" is standard. The base grade, the only one produced on the basis of a single base polyol. The density index of a material determines its rigidity.
  2. "HL" - hard, "EL" - increased hardness. It has a high bearing capacity, its structure allows it to withstand more high loads than standard brands.
  3. HS is soft and ultra soft. The brand defines the most plastic of all types of polyurethane foam. Surface softness provides the greatest comfort to products made on its basis.
  4. HR "- highly elastic. Combines low initial stiffness and high value bearing capacity, which makes it particularly comfortable.
  5. "LR" - soft, viscoelastic. It is characterized by high viscosity, memory effect. Able to distribute the load over the entire plane. It is also called thermoplastic.
  6. "RTC" stands for reticulated polyurethane foam. A special treatment destroys the thin membrane, as a result, closed cells are transformed into open ones, the porosity of the material increases significantly.
  7. Secondary foam rubber. This is the case where recycled waste is converted into the new kind, characterized by high quality indicators. It is characterized by high density, excellent insulating ability, open pores and cavities between large impregnations absorb sound waves almost completely.

New developments are constantly increasing the number of varieties of this synthetic material.

PPU release form

The market offers a wide variety of shapes, types, brands of polyurethane foam:

1. Sheet.

Foam rubber rectangular, from 5 to 1000 mm thick, manufacturers supply in standard cuts, or according to individual customer requirements.

2. Roll-fed.

Bobbins of various widths are easy to use, material thickness up to 30 mm. In addition to the usual, manufacturers offer roll foam made on a backing made of fabric, synthetic materials.

3. Blocky.

This type of foam rubber is distinguished by a rigid non-porous surface (before processing). In addition to cubic, given view foam rubber is poured into molds of various configurations. After cooling, the crust is removed, the material acquires a homogeneous structure.

4. Acoustic.

PPU cutting

Soft, elastic material with small cells, foam rubber causes certain difficulties when it is necessary to give it a given shape. In industry, until recently, cut-off presses were used. The creation of a figured matrix, which is necessary for this type of processing, influenced an increase in the cost of the final product.

Currently wide distribution received CNC laser machines. New devices significantly expand the use of polyurethane foam due to the possibility of cutting products of complex configuration without a significant increase in labor intensity. Laser cutting is done silently, quickly, solid waste during the cutting process are not formed.


Polyurethane foam is highly absorbent, it absorbs liquids, dust and dirt microparticles well. PU foam packaging should ensure its quality during storage and transportation.

High porosity allows to significantly reduce the volume of material during transportation. However, it should be noted that after unpacking, the foam rubber partially loses its declared properties. In order to preserve its characteristics, it is better not to subject PUF to significant compression during packing.

Furniture production requires high-quality, soft and resilient filling. The material should support the sofa or bed, assist in the design of comfortable seating of the chairs, and ensure the backrests and armrests are filled. Professional furniture makers have such an abbreviation as PPU. Many have heard such a name as polyurethane foam, and ordinary people are familiar with the word "foam rubber". In fact, these are different names for the same material. It is the density of the foam rubber that affects the scope of its application and the quality of the resulting product.

Qualitative characteristics of polyurethane foam

To the main mechanical properties PPU includes the following characteristics:

  • rigidity;
  • elasticity;
  • breathability;
  • tensile strength;
  • cell size;
  • the possibility of lengthening;
  • support coefficient.

The mesh size and support ratio are considered on highly elastic specimens.

Not only the quality of the material depends on the above characteristics, but also how durable and comfortable the furniture will be, as well as the breathability of the product.

Foam quality parameters. Density

Furniture foam is evaluated primarily by its density. The service life depends on this parameter. The higher the density, the longer it can be used without compromising quality characteristics.

This fact is explained by the fact that furniture foam rubber is exposed to heavy loads, and the brand with the highest density better withstands dynamic and static weighting. To understand the mechanism of action, it is necessary to present the amount of PPU per unit volume. It is clear that in the place where there is more of it, dents and scuffs will not appear so soon.

Do not confuse the density of the foam rubber with the indicator of its rigidity. These concepts are interrelated, but not identical. There are brands of polyurethane foam with low density and high rigidity.

Scope of application

Polyurethane foam is quite common and is used in various areas of production:

  • furniture;
  • construction (sound and heat insulation);
  • sports (mats, punching bags);
  • medical (orthopedic products);
  • sewing soft toys and clothes.

Foam rubber differs depending on the purpose in terms of quality and price category. Durability, density, stiffness and elasticity depend on the composition.

Advantages of polyurethane foam

The material is very popular in various fields of production due to its significant advantages. So, it has high wear resistance. In addition, it is completely hypoallergenic, therefore it is absolutely safe for the production of not only furniture, but also children's goods, orthopedic products.

Foam rubber is moisture resistant, so it is not susceptible to the formation of harmful microorganisms in it. At the same time, it fully retains its quality characteristics over a fairly wide temperature range (from -40 to 100 degrees).

Thanks to the good acoustic insulation foam rubber is successfully used as insulating material... And the elasticity allows you to use it in the creation of products of any size and shape.

With its merits, PPU can withstand a fairly long period of active operation. Depending on its density and purpose - from 5 to 15 years.

Foam rubber brands

In furniture production, various polyurethane foam is used, which is divided into certain brands.

Brand ST. It is considered a standard material, from which characteristics other types are reckoned. It is mainly used for padding armrests or chair seats.

High stiffness grade EL. It is a modified standard material with greater rigidity. Such density of foam rubber is most suitable for a sofa, because it can withstand static and dynamic loads. In addition, this brand is used in the production of hard mattresses.

High elasticity grade (HR). The most comfortable material that combines elastic properties and a fairly low initial stiffness. Due to this property, the material is used in the manufacture quality furniture and for filling the seats. So, it is the HR brand that is the ideal density of foam rubber for chairs and orthopedic mattresses.

Choice options

In the production of foam rubber, the main emphasis is on thickness and density. It depends on these indicators what needs it can go to.

So, high-density foam rubber is used in the manufacture of sofa seats, because softness is good, but at the same time a person will simply fail. Also, dense material is important in the production of mattresses, because a hard and even surface for sleeping is preferable for many.

At the same time, the sofa does not consist of one seating area. It is necessary to equip armrests, frame, side walls, etc. They also need a soft arrangement, depending on the purpose, they select a brand of foam rubber.

Elastic and hard foam rubber is chosen for the seats. At the same time, the thickness of the foam is not important, because comfort and convenience are not provided in one layer. Use multiple sheets of material to achieve the best effect. At the same time, various brands of foam rubber are used for the production of any.

Foam rubber for special purposes

If foam rubber (density 40) is often used in the manufacture of furniture, then less dense foam is used in many other areas. So, for sanitary and hygienic needs (kitchen and bath sponges), a material is required that will not crumble, will foam well and withstand frequent contact with water. For this, special additives are used that improve the quality characteristics and at the same time do not cause allergies.

There are viscoelastic grades that have found their way into the production of medical products. It is widely used in the manufacture of pads used for burns. The material conforms to the contours of the body and is less traumatic to the affected area.

Contour products such as rollers, cylinders, drawers are made from block polyurethane foam. It is completely uniform and quite elastic.

Highlights of foam care

  • remove dust with a vacuum cleaner without using mechanical means;
  • do not use cleaning agents that contain alcohol, which destroys the fibers of the material;
  • do not expose to excessively high temperatures, in particular, do not iron with an iron.

These simple rules will maintain the density of the foam rubber in proper quality, accordingly, the deformation of the product will not occur.

Foam rubber for the mattress

In the production of a bed, furniture foam is used. What density is needed for a mattress depends on the expected rigidity of the product.

The standard PPU grade is used for the manufacture of children's mattresses. Its density is 25 kg / m 3.

For luxury beds and longer service life, latex foam rubber is used, which is marked HR and VE.

The EL high rigidity grade can withstand loads of up to 100 kg. EL2240 view is budget option which is suitable for infrequent use or for a service life of up to 5 years.

The EL2842 brand is considered to be more durable and elastic, which will last more than 10 years, without deterioration in quality characteristics.

Potential harm to foam mattresses

V Lately it was widely believed that foam rubber is harmful to health, because the material emits harmful vapors. Despite the use of polyurethane foam for several decades, the debate about the appropriateness of its use does not subside.

It is known that foam rubber is produced from fully synthetic components. As a result, substances with a characteristic odor are released. But they quickly disappear and do not harm the body.

However, brands issued in violation of technology and the most budgetary ones often continue to exude an odor throughout their entire service life. The vapors are compared to a substance released during combustion. But their concentration is so small that there is no need to talk about harm to humans.


Foam rubber is widely used in furniture production. On the free market, there are usually medium density brands that are suitable for the manufacture of children's furniture or backs of products. The density of foam rubber for a sofa should be above 30 kg / m 3, but these types are produced directly for industrial purposes.

Polyurethane foam is often used in the manufacture of mattresses. Now this material is the most common. This is facilitated by positive characteristics possessed by polyurethane foam:

  • affordable price;
  • does not burn out on its own (it burns only with the support of another source);
  • vapor permeability;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • moisture resistance;
  • ease of care;
  • ease of transportation.

However, when choosing, it is necessary to take into account the presence of a spring block. Yet, despite the increased density, the material is quite soft. Therefore, in the production of furniture, additional devices are used to ensure sufficient rigidity. It can be coconut coir, independent springs and other inventions that improve the properties of foam rubber.

Despite the controversy about the dangers and benefits of foam rubber, its properties are invaluable and allow you to produce things that are quite soft and elastic at the same time.

For many consumers, the discovery will be the fact that foam and polyurethane foam are one and the same! The correct name of the material is soft polyurethane foam (PPU). Decades ago in Soviet Union it was supplied by the Norwegian company Porolon, so the name has become a household name.

Typical filler requirements:

  1. Elasticity and resilience.
  2. Restoring shape after exertion.

Hence the often skeptical attitude towards foam rubber products: they are short-lived, quickly "sag", old foam rubber crumbles. Its main disadvantage is considered to be flammability, poisonous gas is released during combustion.

The quality characteristics of the material changed at the end of the 20th century, when various additives were added to the composition, which influenced the density, elasticity, flammability, etc. Now PUF is used in the manufacture of the vast majority of mattresses.

Which one is used

Use material in the most different areas, for different needs are selected according to certain characteristics. For mattresses, the density of foam rubber is important, the service life of the product depends on it. PU foam with a density of 25 to 40 kg / m 3 is used. The density is indicated by two numbers after two letters in the name, the next two numbers indicate the stiffness index.

Mattresses are made from the following brands of foam rubber:

Harm of foam mattresses

Is there any harm to health from polyurethane foam mattresses? Foam mattresses have been made for decades, and the controversy over their harmfulness will not subside. And there are reasons for these disputes: synthetic "origin" and low orthopedic properties. Reviews of polyurethane foam mattresses can be viewed.

The material is made from synthetic components. They give off volatile substances with an unpleasant "chemical" odor. And some cheap models made in violation of technology keep it long time, and even the smell does not disappear at all. The emitted substances are hazardous to health, as well as those emanating from the burning of the mattress. But it has not been proven how harmful the released substances are in a minimum amount.

The video shows the density of the foam rubber for the mattress:

The harm has not been proven, therefore polyurethane is the most common material for the production of mattresses.

This is facilitated by its advantages:

  1. Does not burn independently. Supports combustion with another fire source.
  2. Restores its shape quickly.
  3. Affordable for many.
  4. Low thermal conductivity.
  5. Vapor tight.
  6. Waterproof.
  7. Easy to carry.
  8. Easy to clean.

The harm of foam mattresses also lies in low orthopedic properties. Doctors insist that sleeping place should be tough enough. Therefore, the mattresses are supplied independent block springs, a layer of coconut coir and other "devices". And the usual foam rubber version is often soft, strongly bends, which leads to a curvature of the spine. The body does not always rest well on a soft one, in the morning there may be numbness of the limbs, muscle stiffness, tingling in them. As a result, at least - poor health and Bad mood... And the maximum is problems with the spine.

Dimensions (edit)

The size of the mattress must match the size of the bed.

In product sizes different manufacturers there can be a significant difference. For example, in the USA it is customary to indicate the dimensions of mattresses in inches. An American mattress will not work with beds made according to European standards. Hence the recommendation: choose a mattress and bed from one country of origin, and ideally from one manufacturer.

Mattresses are produced for children and adults. But what size should it be standard mattress? The standard sizes of a double mattress for adults in length are of two types: 190 and 200 cm. The size of a mattress for a single bed in width is 70 or 90 cm. The size of a 1.5 sleeping bed is 120 cm. Depending on the size, it is suitable for a "double bed" mattress 140 x 200 or 200 x 200. Sizes of one and a half bed linen for the bed you can see.

Children's mattresses are available in standard sizes: 120 x 60, 140 x 60, 140 x 70.

Non-standard mattresses are made to order for the required dimensions.

An example of a non-standard foam mattress.

If there is a skirting around the perimeter of the bed, measure its height; the mattress should be at least a couple of centimeters higher!


Foam mattresses are divided into types depending on the degree of hardness of the products:

  1. Soft. They resemble a cozy downy bed. Comfortable, but harmful to the spine.
  2. Medium hardness... They quickly restore their shape, provide normal support to the spine.
  3. Hard... These are orthopedic mattresses, the rigidity in them is provided by additional components (coconut coir or independent springs).

Highly elastic elastic foam rubber is used for the mattress. It is also called artificial latex or latex foam rubber.

How to do it yourself?

Everybody periodically needs a new mattress. And many can manage to do it themselves. This may be an option for a summer residence. And it happens that the fabric on the mattress is still good, but the foam has already "sagged".

You will need:

  1. Foam rubber.
  2. Mattress cover fabric.
  3. Felt.
  4. Foam glue.

If the spring blocks have been preserved in good condition, then it is enough to replace only the pieces of foam rubber with new parts.

Algorithm of work:

  1. Spread the foam rubber on the floor, cover it with felt.
  2. Glue pieces of foam rubber on the sides to hide the springs.
  3. On top, when the glue dries, put felt, and then foam rubber.
  4. The final step is to insert the foam rubber into the cover.

If you need a new mattress without springs, you first need to decide on its size. Purchase foam rubber of the required parameters. Then sew the mattress topper. Consider seam allowances when cutting. All that remains is to place the PUF in the case.

On the video do-it-yourself foam mattress:

Manufacturers, cost of products

  • Askona(Ascona). This company is the largest and most famous manufacturer of mattresses in Russia. The plant is located in the Vladimir region. Produces several lines. Many models use artificial latex. Ascona mattresses and mattress covers are quite expensive, because brand awareness and advertising are included in the price. Taking advantage of the promotional offer, you can buy a polyurethane foam mattress for a single-bed size 90 x 190 for 4000 rubles. But there are offers of products of the same parameters, using PPU, costing up to 13,000 rubles. and higher.
  • Consul. Production is located in Moscow. Products are produced in different price categories. Cheap springless models - from 10,000 rubles. It is very profitable to purchase a mattress for a special offer, with a good discount!
  • Thoris... The plant is located in the Murom region. The price of the products is much lower than that of competitors: a mattress measuring 90 x 190, 8 cm high costs about 3000 rubles, depending on the thickness, the price also increases.

Attention! When choosing a mattress, carefully study the reviews on the forums!

  • ORMATEK. Enterprise in the Ivanovo region. Ormatek is a worthy competitor famous brands... The cost of a single-bed mattress is 7000 rubles. Again, it’s cheaper to buy on a stock.

V last years gaining popularity foam mattresses... They are lightweight, durable, affordable, durable, and retain their shape for a long time. When choosing foam rubber for a mattress, it is necessary to take into account two main indicators - its density and rigidity. Specialists of the company "Santex" will tell you about the features of the selection and suitable brands.

Choosing density

It is this parameter that affects the durability of the product. The greater the load on it, the longer it is used, the more densely you need to choose the material. For example, for children's version it is better to buy foam rubber with a density of 20-22 kg / m3. For adults weighing 70-90 kg, who sleep for 8-9 hours and can additionally spend 3-4 hours a day on the bed, we recommend stopping at 25-30 kg / m3. For a person weighing about 100 kg, who spends 15-20 hours a day in bed, it is necessary to be made of high density material - 35 kg / m3.

Determining the rigidity

In the manufacture of mattresses, mainly standard, highly elastic and high-hardness foam is used, since these products are intended for daily long-term use. Depending on the recommended load, we advise you to choose the following brands:

  • for mattresses designed for a load of up to 60 kg - S 3025, S 3035, ST 2535, EL 2240, EL 2345, EL 2540, HR 3025;
  • up to 80 kg - S 4040, ST 3040, ST 2735, HR 3530;
  • up to 100 kg - S 3530, ST 3545, HR 3535, HR 4040;
  • up to 120-130 kg - ST 5050, EL 4060.

If the sleeper has problems with the spine, it is recommended to stay on the harder option.

Where can I get it?

The company "Santex" produces high-quality fillers for the production of furniture, including polyurethane foam of various brands. To decide which one is suitable for making mattresses, contact our managers. They will advise in detail on the features of products, cost, help to place an order, and provide delivery. Call us!

When tightening an armchair, a pouf or a sofa with your own hands, it is important not only to choose the right "clothes" for these items, but also the inner filler. After all, it is foam rubber (aka polyurethane foam, polyurethane foam) that sets the softness and elasticity of the seat, shortens or extends the life of the furniture. Approach the purchase of "filling" responsibly. Otherwise, in two or three years your house will again have a seated sofa in beautiful upholstery.

Choosing a filler for furniture

In order for a sofa or couch to last a long time after repairs, you need to know. So, among the requirements for the filler:

  • thickness not less than 40 mm, if the sofa is used as a place to sleep;
  • density - 30-35 kg / m3 for seat parts. For armrests and backrests, foam rubber with a density of 23-25 ​​kg / m3 is suitable. Advice: change the filler on all elements of the sofa at once, do not leave old foam rubber, for example, on the armrests, even if it has not lost its quality.

Now let's talk about the softness of the foam rubber. She is selected based on their preferences. The stores offer foam rubber:

  • soft (S designation in the marking);
  • super soft (HS);
  • standard (ST);
  • increased rigidity (EL);
  • highly elastic (HR), characterized by excellent orthopedic properties. The second name is latex foam rubber;
  • viscoelastic polyurethane foam "Memorix" (with shape memory).

Tip: for "bedroom" furniture, choose two last species foam rubber. They are more expensive, but they provide a good rest at night.

A few words about foam rubber that "remembers"

We are talking about viscoelastic polyurethane foam "Memorix". The peculiarity of the material is that it gradually returns to its original position after deformation. Also foam rubber reacts to change temperature conditions... From the heat of the human body, the "Memorix" polyurethane foam becomes plastic and exactly repeats the outlines of the figure. This quality allows the filler with "shape memory" to equalize the pressure on different parts of the human body during a night's rest, to minimize the negative effect on muscles, joints, and the spinal column. Anyone who wants their sofa or sofa to give unsurpassed comfort should take a closer look at the "shape memory" filler.

The company "Vinyl Tex" always has in stock high-quality foam rubber for constriction, restoration, furniture manufacturing. We sell polyurethane foam retail and wholesale. Call us! Buying foam rubber from us, you protect yourself from fakes and save your money.