Where is it better to fly in March for a vacation. Where it is already warm at sea in March


Often people wait for spring to bask under the warm rays of the sun and soon forget cold winter. And now spring comes, the calendar tells us that March has come. Hooray, the long-awaited spring! But in fact, spring came only according to the calendar, and real warmth is still far away, ... what to do? How to fix the situation? Easy and simple - you can go to the sea with a child at the end of March! And we will tell you where to go. Take a look at the recommendations of our best travelers and you will find out for yourself about the holidays in March.

To begin with, let's recall what we already have on the site about holidays in March. And there is the following:
- European countries, where you can go on vacation in March.
- and a list of cities in Russia, where in March it is beautiful and beautiful.
So check out these tips and you might not fly to the sea!

And now our list of countries and places where at the end of March it will be comfortable at sea with a child.

Goa is a great place to relax with a child.

Yes, Goa immediately fell in love with Russian tourists. And he fell in love with himself with his landscapes, warm sea, hotels and, most importantly, democratic prices! Holidays in Goa are not the most expensive holidays. And even seven with average incomes can afford to buy a tour to these resorts.
What awaits you in Goa in March? Warmth and sunshine awaits you. During the day, the air warms up to +33 degrees. At the same time, there is no strong heat, as the beach season is already coming to an end and the winds are starting to blow. They alleviate the heat and make you more comfortable to rest.
But the winds will not interfere with your rest, the water will be consistently warm, around +27 degrees. There is little rain, and sometimes they simply do not. The only downside is the tourists. There are a lot of them here in March and April, as everyone wants to “steal” the summer before it starts.

Thailand - the best place for family holidays.

Thailand is known for having wonderful hotels that are built exclusively for families. Almost every hotel has its own beach, where there is sand and no dirt. Plus, there are a variety of attractions for children.

And many more Phuket hotels have their own water parks! these hotels and choose one of them. Your child will spend the whole day in the water park and give you a quiet rest.

Also hotels in Thailand have children's playgrounds. And Russian-speaking nannies work for them, who will be happy to look after your child.
In general, a holiday in Thailand with children is a fairy tale that you want to extend for a lifetime.

Vietnam and its resort Nha Trang.

The resort of Nha Trang is ready to receive tourists on its beaches in March. Every day the air here becomes warmer, and the water warms up to the desired temperature.
Resorts and hotels in Nha Trang also have water parks and entertainment for children. And sandy beaches will allow you to enjoy your vacation on the beach to the fullest!
You can also rent a boat or a small boat and take your children on a trip to some bay. And there to have a picnic that you will never forget.
And if your children are already adults, they are over 14 years old, then you can dive with them under the water with scuba gear. You will see amazing undersea world and take amazing photos to remember.

Nha Trang also has its attractions. What does the cable car to the island across the sea cost! You will always remember this trip.
worth visiting on vacation.

Distant shores - Cuba, Maldives, Seychelles.

These and other countries Latin America. They will also delight you with their warmth. But their minus is that the flight takes almost a day. And plus acclimatization, which children do not tolerate well. And if, after a rest, the child goes to study, and even exams are on the nose, then such a flight will have a bad effect on health and academic performance.
But this is all talk about what could be. But what will definitely happen if you fly here is a wonderful vacation!
Sandy beaches, clear water, magnificent bays, landscapes like in the pictures - all this is a holiday in the Maldives and other islands of the Caribbean. You will also be surprised when you see hotels standing right on the ocean! Living in such hotels is a pleasure, however, it is an expensive pleasure in finance.
On the beaches of the Maldives, you are available for rent jet skis, boats, boats and other entertainment. You will have fun, and when you get tired of lying on the beach, you can visit the mountains and view the entire Caribbean from their heights.

The first month of spring pleases with the first rays of the sun. Tired of the winter cold, many want to go to warm countries to get away from the slush and dullness. Holidays in March can be organized quite profitably, because the expensive New Year holidays are already behind us, and the peak of summer demand has not yet arrived. However, there are many countries where the weather is fine in March and you can enjoy the warm sea breeze. Let's try to figure out where to go to the sea in March to swim and sunbathe is not expensive.

Organizing your holiday in March is quite simple. This month, the weather is warm only in the countries of the subtropical zone. These include the coasts of Asia and Latin America, where February and March are the peak holiday season. In the Mediterranean countries and Russia in March, the beach season has not yet arrived. You can walk along the seashore, but sunbathing and even more so swimming will not work. Relax in March warm countries ah, it will cost a lot, but if you wish, you can pick up last-minute and profitable tours and at the same time save a lot. And if you like independent travel, then finding an air ticket and booking a hotel is not difficult. Most of the cost of the upcoming holiday will be the air ticket. After all, flying to warm countries is not close.

In March, the body more than ever needs vitamins that can be enough get in inexpensive fruits of warm countries. The choice there, as a rule, is greater than in native stores. To make up for the lack of vitamins and get the right portion of sunlight - these are the main advantages of a March holiday at sea.

Where to go to the sea in March to swim and sunbathe

To make it easier to make a choice, I have prepared a small selection of countries where it is warm and you can swim. It will help you navigate the places of rest and prices.


Thailand will become good choice for a beach holiday in March. The rainy season with high temperatures and humidity is still far away, and the most active influx of tourists has passed. This month, popular resorts have beautiful sunny weather, and the sea pleases with its gentle waves. Throughout March, the air temperature rises, and in April it reaches its peak. March is considered the driest season. But do not assume that Thailand is just a beach holiday, this country has something to surprise tourists with.

You can choose excursions at your discretion. In Pattaya, an excursion to the Kwai River is well-deservedly popular, where you can get acquainted with the nature of the country and ride elephants, rafts and boats. And vacationers in Phuket are sure to swim in Semilan or Phi Phi, where the famous film The Beach was filmed.

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Egypt in March has always attracted tourists with excellent value for money. Flying to this country is much closer than to Asia, which means that the cost of your vacation will be noticeably lower. In addition, in Egypt, many hotels practice the all-inclusive system, which allows you not to think about food and additional expenses. This food is often chosen by families with children. For several years, Egypt was closed from Russian tourists, but the latest news says that security problems have been resolved and they are about to start selling tours.

In March, the temperature is not hot, about 25 degrees during the day. But at night, the thermometer can drop to 15 degrees, so for evening walks you will need warm clothes. There are not so many tourists in March, so the beaches are quite free.

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Holidays in the UAE in March will give you unforgettable emotions and pleasure. For relaxation, it is better to choose the resorts of the Persian Gulf; on the Omani coast, the water temperature at this time will still be cool. The climate of the United Arab Emirates will allow tourists to enjoy sunny days and beautiful sea. At the beginning of March, the weather is more changeable, by the end of the month they become noticeably hotter. In March, the country has an ideal vacation with a child, because there is no strong heat. In such weather it will be comfortable and on excursions. There are many entertainments for children in the UAE, such as water parks and amusement parks. The country can offer a pleasant holiday for the whole family.

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In the first month of spring, you can fly to the Chinese island of Hainan. There is no suffocating heat here, but the approach of a hot summer is already felt. The air warms up to 28 degrees, and the water in the sea becomes like fresh milk. Spring on the tropical island is dry and mild. For a beach holiday, it is better to choose resorts on the south coast (Dadonghai, Sanya, Yalunvan), on the north coast the water is much cooler.

Hainan has a developed infrastructure and many attractions. Tourists who prefer outdoor activities can go rafting or diving. For a more relaxed knowledge of local customs and culture, you should visit the World's End Park, one of the museums or temple complexes. In addition to excursions, you can do wellness procedures: go for a massage or acupuncture. In March, a coconut festival is held on the island. On this day, locals organize fairs with handicrafts.

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Our compatriots choose to vacation in GOA in the winter months, but even in March they will be able to recharge with warmth and sea air. During this period, the Indian resort may open from a completely different perspective. With the advent of the monsoons, there is more greenery and the air temperature rises. Lush vegetation in March gives GOA a special charm. Swimming and sunbathing are comfortable this month. The sandy beaches of the resort attract tourists from all over the world. Only Sri Lanka can compete with Goa, the sea of ​​which will please lovers of swimming in warm water.

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Where else to go, where it is warm in March abroad

There are many other countries where the weather is great and where tourists are happy to go on vacation. Among the most popular of them:

  • Vietnam,
  • Philippines,
  • bali,
  • Dominican Republic,
  • Cuba,
  • Brazil,
  • Tenerife.

Going to any of them you can enjoy the warm weather, delicious food and local color. Each country has its own interesting features.

Where to go on March 8

Rest in March is also facilitated by additional days of rest, which can be added to your vacation. Some tourists generally go to the trick and take vacation days between February 23 and March 8, thus getting a few more bonus days that can be spent carefree on the beach. For many, it remains a dream to meet the March holidays on the seashore, and for those who have already decided on a trip, it remains to choose where to go on March 8th.

Even if the vacation did not work out, you can fly close for 4 days. Great place for the holiday will be Israel or Egypt. Only 4 hours of flight and you will get from winter to summer. Such a small trip can be a wonderful gift.

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Beach holidays in March without a visa

Many tourists, finding last-minute tours, prefer to spend their holidays in countries that do not need a visa. Every year there are more and more such countries. In addition to saving time on processing documents for a visa, money is also saved, because a visa increases the cost of a trip. For a beach holiday in March, without a visa, you can go, for example, to Vietnam, Thailand or the Dominican Republic.

Where to relax in March with a child

Families with children have their own preferences for choosing a vacation spot in March. Now in many countries all conditions for family rest are created. This includes children's entertainment at resorts and beaches and a special children's menu in a cafe. And foreign fruits will appeal to both children and adults.

Many hotels in the Dominican Republic and Cuba operate on an all-inclusive basis and organize special animation programs for children. Rest in such a place will appeal to both children and their parents. It will be especially comfortable to rest in these countries with small children, the main thing is to withstand a long flight. While parents are relaxing on the beach, the child will be looked after in the kids club. And if your baby is already quite big, then you can spend a vacation in the UAE with a visit to the Ferrari Park. Its attractions will give a lot of delight and will become a wonderful memory.

Where to go cheap

March is great for budget travelers. This month, the demand for tours is not so high, so you can find very good deals. You can see the current prices for tours in the form below. Select the country and desired date, and the system will automatically show you the best offer.

Save on the purchase of the tour will help simple formula.

  1. Looking for a tour on hotellook
  2. Check prices for the same tour on Level.travel
  3. We compare what we found with offers on Onlinetours.
  4. We draw the final line and buy the most profitable option in all systems. Sometimes this method can save several thousand rubles.

Modern online stores tours help to choose best option, without leaving home. At the same time, you can read reviews on hotels so that your vacation is a success.

And for independent travelers, there is an equally simple formula for a profitable trip.

  1. Choosing tickets for Aviasales.

2. Compare hotels in the hotellook or roomguru booking system. They are looking for the best prices in different systems bookings, including booking. By the way, booking.com does not always offer the best prices.

Now you know where to go on vacation in March at sea and how to find the best prices.

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  1. The choice of directions is simply huge. The main thing is to decide for yourself what exactly you want and take into account the interests of the child.


March, as a rule, is the quiet season in the tourist market. Demand for trips to the mountains has almost subsided, and beach tours have not yet arisen. However, the snow in the ski resorts in the first month of spring still remains. And since he is last month for a ski holiday, then prices are pleasing - after the massive winter "rides" they are noticeably reduced. There is also a category of people who are terribly tired of the gray low-sunny February, from which they want to escape to warmer climes to recharge with cheerful mood and positive energy. There are also several interesting directions for them. We have selected recommendations for you on how to spend a vacation in March, after reading which you will see that the choice is very large and versatile.

Where to go for a weekend in March

Weekends can be spent by going on a short bus tour of Europe. The most economical in March will be tours to Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary. However, it should be understood that the weather in these countries is still not warm enough, the daytime temperature will not exceed +15 °С, and the night temperature will not exceed +5 °С. Therefore, you need to take care of the appropriate wardrobe and do not count on long walks. The warmest at this time is usually Hungary.

You can spend the weekend in Paris (France), Rome, Venice (Italy). These cities are worthy of completely devoting two days to them.

Tour operators also offer short trips to Germany, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Baltic countries, Switzerland.

March tours

The first month of spring is quite the right time for sightseeing tours to the southern countries of Europe. Fans of this type of travel will be welcome in Italy, Portugal, Spain, Greece in March. These are the most acceptable countries for walking and bus tours. Of the advantages - already warm weather along with low prices and the absence of a massive influx of tourists.

In Italy, at this time it is best to visit Turin, Bologna, Garda. In other regions, it may not be too comfortable. average temperature, characteristic of these Italian cities, - from +10 to +15 °С. Rain during this period is infrequent, usually 4-5 days per month. In popular Milan, Florence, Rome, Naples, Palermo, the air warms up from 12 to 16 °C.

Traveling in Italy during this period, you can get to the day of the city in Venice, which is celebrated on March 25th.

Portugal is also quite warm. The average temperature in March is about 18 degrees. Best for sightseeing tours at this time are Lisbon, Sintra, Madeira.

In Spain at this time there is very little rain - about three days a month. March is suitable for trips to Madrid - there the average temperature is around +17.8 °C. It is also warm in Cordoba, Zaragoza, El Arenal, Toledo.

Greece will delight you with gentle and cool sun and comfortable weather with air warmed up to 18.5 °C. Around 18°C ​​in Crete. Although it will not be possible to swim yet - the water temperature is a little more than +16 ° С.

When planning a trip, you need to take into account the fact that the March weather in southern European countries is very different depending on the region.

If we talk about other popular European bus routes, then, for example, in Czech Prague at this time, the number of sunny and cloudy days in a month is clearly divided in half, although rains are very rare - perhaps one day a month. The average temperature reaches +12.5 °С. It is unlikely that it will be comfortable for hiking. However, if you are attracted by its cafes and pubs, museums and galleries, then you can go to Prague in March.

Holland also does not please with good weather at this time, however, starting from the 20th of March, this country is open for those who want to enjoy the view of the first spring flowers blooming. The Dutch Tulip Park, the Tulip Museum, and the Keukenhof Garden open.

If you are not yet familiar with the architecture of Turkey, with its wonderful temples, have not been to Turkish bazaars that are not overcrowded with tourists, then March is the time to catch up.

Cool, but no less interesting at this time in Scandinavia. Sweden and Norway have something to offer inquisitive tourists in March, in addition to their ski resorts.
According to tourists, the best and most comfortable places to relax in March are the resorts of Egypt and the United Arab Emirates. In travel agencies, these destinations are also very popular at this time. There is an opportunity to combine sea bathing with a rich excursion program.

Festivals and holidays in March

Throughout the first month of spring, many festivities are held in Europe associated with seeing off winter. Therefore, a vacation in March abroad can be combined with research and even participation in the ancient customs of other peoples. So, you can become a spectator or participant in a chic carnival by visiting Bern (Switzerland) in late February - early March. In 2017, the Bernese Carnival will take place over three days, starting on March 2. About 50 thousand people visit it every year. They are attracted by the musical performances of carnival bands, abundant rains of confetti, merry carnival processions, the final theatrical performance, mass festivities around the city at night.

March is rich in carnivals in Switzerland. On March 6, a traditional colorful old holiday in Basel "Fasnacht" is held. It has been held annually since the 16th century for three days. It is usually accompanied by the performance of 100 orchestras, a costume procession, a carnival parade, and music competitions.

You can spend the winter in an interesting and colorful way with the Spaniards - at the Fallence spring festival in Valencia. There, in the period from March 15 to 20, a traditional and solemn burning of huge dolls takes place, as well as a pyrotechnic parade that turns the city into a real volcano. The holiday ends with the preparation of a huge paella.

Hot these days and in Luxembourg. There is an annual pagan fire festival "Bugzondeg".

March 25 marks the founding day of Venice (Italy). In 2017, she turns 1596 years old. According to legend, it was on this day that the inhabitants of the surrounding lands, fleeing the barbarians, founded a settlement on the island.

Admirers of "delicious" festivals should go to Iceland at the beginning of the month. On March 1, beer lovers gather there for the traditional Beer Day. This is how Icelanders celebrate the day of the repeal of Prohibition. However, be prepared - the prices on this day for a low-alcohol drink, frankly, are exorbitant.

In Ireland, March 17th is St. Patrick's Day, one of the most important Irish holidays. Usually it is crowded and noisy. Those wishing to join him need to bring something from clothes in bright green tones - the national color of Ireland.

In Cuba, you can join the picking of citrus fruits during the Grapefruit Picking Festival on March 1 or learn all about Cuban cigars at the International Cuban Cigar Festival.

Mediterranean cuisine can be tasted in Malta during the annual culinary festivals.

Music lovers are invited to go to Belgium. There, on March 17, a Caribbean music festival is held, where musicians from all the Caribbean islands come together.

For moviegoers, it will be interesting to visit the International Film Fiction Festival, which will open in late March in Brussels (Belgium). In Japan, in March, during the festival, you can admire the delicate and unusual cherry blossoms. The Japanese called him "o-hans". However, you need to hurry, because the duration of the flowering of the tree is very short - about two weeks. It can be seen first in Kumamoto, around March 26th.

The brightest and most colorful holiday is celebrated in March in India and Nepal. On the day of Holi, the traditional battle of paints takes place - it is customary to massively sprinkle with colorful powders.

And in Bali in March they celebrate New Year. Although it is unlikely that you will be able to celebrate it together with the Balinese, you will not see solemn ceremonies and rituals. The fact is that on the first day of the new year it is customary for them to restrain themselves in everything. The behavior of the locals must comply with four rules: no light and fire, no work, no movement, no carnal desires. So, Bali is the place where it is worth flying in early March to those who are tired of the noisy and stressful life of residents of megacities. They may well like such a vacation.

Ski holidays in March

Most popular ski resorts are still ready to receive visitors in March. You can actively engage in winter sports or try to ski for the first time during this period in Austria (Sölden, Mayrhofen, Zell am See) and France (Courchevel, Chamonix). The weather there will not fall below zero, which means that the descent will be comfortable. In addition, the Alps in the spring sun simply enchant with their beauty.

When choosing a place for skiing, you can take a closer look at Andorra. Good, although changeable weather is observed at ski resorts in March in Norway (Trondheim), Sweden (Ore) and Finland (Vuokatti).

When visiting Norway in the first decade of March, you can get to the ski races of the World Cup 2016/2017, which will be held in Drammen and Oslo.

Discounts and good weather will delight resorts in Ukraine, in particular, Bukovel.

Beach holidays in March

The choice of countries for a beach holiday in March will not be as diverse as in summer season, however, it is not small. To begin with, we note that European countries are not yet suitable for swimming, so you need to count on a longer flight and a higher cost of services.

You can swim at sea in March on the beaches of Southeast Asia. Ideal and very fond of tourists at this time is Thailand. Here you can scuba dive, learn to surf, admire the local beauties and enjoy exotic cuisine. Thailand will always meet with well-groomed beaches. The average temperature will be kept at +33 °С, the water warms up to 29 °С. Rains for this time are rare occurrences. Prices for tours to Thailand in March are not very high. Plus, you don't need a visa.

In March, the sea is good in Goa (India), where they go for an unforgettable Indian flavor. This month will be the last non-hot one - the temperature is +33 °С during the day and +28 °С at night. The sea is warm - 28 ° С. It may not rain, as they usually fall once a month during this period.

From visa-free resorts, you can also recommend the south of Vietnam, where it is comfortable to relax in March, a beach holiday here is a pleasure. On the shores of the South China Sea, you can sunbathe on the beaches at an air temperature of +30 ° C and swim in water heated to +26 ° C.

Little traveled by tourists, but increasingly gaining popularity for a March holiday is the island of Hainan (China). Relaxation on the beaches and swimming in the warm sea can be perfectly combined with sightseeing trips to ancient monasteries, and thus combine the pleasant, useful and educational.

It is also good to relax in March in Sri Lanka and the Maldives. However, it is worth knowing that at this time there is a high tourist season.

Not cheap, but a wonderful vacation will be trips to the Dominican Republic, Cuba, Brazil, Mexico, the Canary Islands.

Please note that very often tour operators offer combined beach tours. So you can get a lot of impressions and save a little. And also to combine rest on the sea with excursions.

Traditionally, countries where it is inexpensive to relax in March at sea are Egypt and the United United Arab Emirates. The sea in Turkey is still cold at this time. Therefore, this country can be visited only for sightseeing purposes.

Holidays with children in March

In the days of spring break for schoolchildren there are also a lot of interesting places they read about in history class. Surely they will like the areas where medieval knights once lived. Visiting ancient castles is possible during trips to the Czech Republic, Germany, France, Italy.

Greece attracts with its large-scale and surprising ancient Greek ruins.

If you are planning an independent vacation with children on vacation in March, then you should definitely take them to one of the European amusement parks, for example, Disneyland in France or Port Aventura and Parque Warner Madrid in Spain. Most likely, during this period you will not find huge queues at the box office and will be able to saturate your brain with adrenaline during the steep descents and ascents on the rides.

Malta offers educational language tours. In addition, they can be combined with swimming in the already warm sea.

The most comfortable for a beach holiday with children at this time will be the resorts of Egypt (in March the temperature here is + 19-24 ° С), the United Arab Emirates (+ 26-28 ° С).

The best places to shop in March

Until the beginning of March, winter sales usually last in Europe. So, in Italy, the winter sales season begins on the first Saturday or Monday of January and lasts 60 days. However, in some of its regions, it is extended until March 31.

In Spain, last year's collections start selling from January 1st. Discount duration varies by region. In Madrid they can be caught in early March, in Valencia they will last until the middle of the month, and in Galicia until early April.

In France, sales end in mid-February, so in March you will only be able to buy items from new collections.

For the purchase of ski equipment, jewelry, optics, perfumes and cosmetics, Andorra is suitable at this time.

In March, discounts are no longer available in Germany, but it also leads among the most favorite places for shopping. After all, the German quality of things is always excellent.

For a fur coat, leather and knitwear, you can go to Greece.

From Eastern countries UAE is suitable for shopping. In Dubai, the Dubai Shopping Festival opens its doors from March 1, which lasts throughout the month. Its members offer customers huge discounts on their goods and services, reaching up to 70%.

The best Asian place to visit markets and shops is Hong Kong (China). In March, the weather here is warm, so you can wander the streets, embankments for a long time, or ride double-decker trams.

Malaysia and Thailand can be considered as places for shopping for electronics, gadgets, watches, and clothes.

Exotic Destinations in March

In March, lovers of exotic holidays will surely like countries such as Vietnam, India, Sri Lanka, China, Dominican Republic, which, in addition to the warm sea, definitely have something to see - temples, botanical gardens and wonderful natural views.

As an option for a trip, you can consider Brazil, Chile, Mexico. In Rio de Janeiro at this time, the thermometer shows a little more than 32 ° C, the water is 25 ° C. In Santiago - +25 °С, on Easter Island - +28 °С. The Mexican capital has 28 sunny days per month and a comfortable +25 °C.

Visa free countries in March

If you do not have time to process visa documents, or simply do not want to wait a long time, you can go to one of the visa-free countries. Of the countries where to go in March without a visa, the most attractive are Sri Lanka, Thailand, Dominican Republic, Israel, Cuba, Maldives, Fiji, Bahamas, Turkey.

From European countries, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Macedonia, Georgia, Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus do not require a visa.

Where not to go in March

The weather in March is definitely not conducive to traveling in northern part Europe. Turkey is not suitable for swimming in the sea at this time. It is better to open the beach season here in May.
Quite cool for a beach holiday in Cyprus - the temperature during the day is slightly above 20 ° C, at night it is cold. The water is warmed up to +17 °С. Greece in early spring is also suitable only for a sightseeing tour. The sea is still cold here.

Decided to take a vacation in March? Great idea!

We have compiled a selection of the most interesting and colorful places for you to make your vacation unforgettable!

In our article you will find: An overview of countries where you can relax at sea in March inexpensively and safely. Countries where the most interesting excursions. The best options where to go in March 2019 in Russia.

Where to go in March to the sea abroad

Fact! Spending your vacation by the sea is the most cherished dream of most people!

The sound of the waves, the gentle sun, the warm azure coast, palm trees and tropical forests, sea delicacies and no stress and fuss! What else is needed for happiness?

And while winter in Russia is in no hurry to leave, you can escape from the March cold winds in warm seaside resorts. What will the weather be like for the main destinations?

Of course, you should not focus only on temperature when choosing a vacation spot.

Consider each country in more detail in our selection.

Colorful India with a rich smell of spices, bright traditional saris, elephants and sacred cows, strange customs and culture, so different from Europe. Sandy beaches, warm sea and enough budget holiday attract everything large quantity vacationers. Especially in winter here is the peak season!

The most popular holiday destination in India is the state of Goa.


To visit the country, you need to apply for an online visa, it is valid for 30 days from the date of issue. Registration of a visa and all documents will cost about 3000 r

Things to do?

  • Relax on the beach
  • Active sports - you can go surfing or paragliding
  • Yoga classes on the beach
  • Explore Reserves & National Parks, Butterfly and Monkey Park
  • See spice plantations, temples and Buddhist monasteries
  • Night discos right on the beach

Be sure to ride the elephants through the jungle!

Head to the Buddhism Center

See ancient temples

Bright and colorful


If you are planning a trip to India for a period of 7-10 days, it is better to take a ready-made tour.

Be careful when choosing a hotel! Be sure to look at the photos of the hotel and rooms, the level of housing in India is quite low.

It is best to take 4 * hotels. The Internet is also not available everywhere.

If you are planning a trip for a month, it will be cheaper to find it yourself. Accommodation and food in India are very cheap, the biggest expense will be airfare. If you rent housing from local residents - bargain! The price could drop by half.


Exotic Thailand with white sandy beaches, jungles, islands and warm ocean is wildly popular among Russian tourists!

A visa is not required to visit the country.

Which resort to choose?

  • Island Phuket the most popular place among Russian tourists, there are hotels for every budget
  • Resort Pattaya on the mainland is also popular. Prices will be lower here.
  • Krabi famous for its beaches, be sure to look here at the Phi Phi Islands with a blue lagoon
  • Koh Samui rest here will be quiet and peaceful

Things to do?

  • beach holiday
  • Diving
  • Island tours
  • SPA procedures
  • Attractions

Phi Phi Islands

See nearby islands


Koh Samui

March closes the hot season in Thailand, the flow of tourists begins to fall. In the resorts of Samui and Pattaya, the weather is ideal for a beach holiday, but short rains begin in Phuket and Krabi.


Most hotels in Thailand offer breakfast only. But a wide variety of fruits and seafood in local cafes affordable prices will definitely make you happy!

You can also plan your trip yourself. This is beneficial if you are going on a trip for a month, because the biggest expenses will fall on the flight, but accommodation and food in Asian countries are cheap.


Snow-white beaches and azure coast, what else do you need for a perfect beach holiday?

You don't need a visa for a trip up to 15 days!

Things to do?

  • Relax on the beach
  • See ancient temples and palaces
  • Go to Halong Bay
  • Diving
  • Sea excursions
  • Excursions to the Cuchi Tunnels

local architecture

Nha Trang


See museums and palaces

rice fields

Phu Quoc


Vietnam stretches for thousands of kilometers along the coast, so the weather in different parts of the country will vary significantly. We advise you to carefully consider the choice of the resort.

It is best to relax at this time of the year in the central part of the country - in the resorts of Nha Trang and Phan Thiet.


In hotels here, as in many Asian countries, only breakfasts. But the prices for food in cafes and restaurants are reasonable, and the choice of local delicacies, fruits and fish will please you.

Searching for tickets and a hotel on your own is beneficial only if you are planning a long vacation for a period of a month or more.

You can catch a hot ticket a week before departure from 25,000 rubles per person!

Bali (Indonesia)

Are you looking for a heavenly place? Then you are on the island of Bali! Deserted wild beaches and mighty ocean! Serene rest...

March is a great time to be here.

Things to do?

  • Enjoy a beach holiday
  • Diving
  • Visit rice plantations
  • See the monkey forest and waterfalls
  • Climb the volcanoes Batur and Agung
  • See the Royal Tombs and numerous temples

Rent a villa

Luxury holiday

Look at the sights

See numerous waterfalls


Hainan (China)

The tropical island of Hainan is famous for its clean beaches and picturesque coral reefs. It's summer here all year round!

It is necessary to apply for an online visa in advance!

Things to do?

  • beach holiday
  • Visit festivals and holidays
  • Visit the Buddhism Center
  • Go to the luxurious Phoenix Island with the most expensive hotels
  • Look at the Dragon Coast - the locals call it heaven on earth
  • Go to Pirate Island

dragon coast

Luxurious Phoenix Island

Go to the aquarium

Center for Buddhism


If your vacation is no more than 14 days, it is most profitable to take a ready-made tour.


Cuba has an amazing atmosphere! And in March, the weather is so beautiful that you won’t want to leave!

The visa-free regime in Cuba is valid for up to 30 days.

Things to do?

  • Beach vacation. Cuba is famous for its kilometers of white sandy beaches!
  • Try ecotourism. Cuba has 23 reserves, 14 national parks, 7 unique areas listed by UNESCO
  • go diving
  • Go fishing - even swordfish are caught here
  • Go to museums and on excursions

white sand beaches

Incendiary festivals

local color

Meet the locals

Ride in a rare taxi

Varadero Beach is considered one of the cleanest beaches in the world, a must to visit in Cuba!



Mysterious Mexico attracts travelers from all over the world not only with its snow-white beaches, but also with the rich history of the ancient tribes of the Aztecs and Maya, cultural heritage and, of course, the kitchen.

To visit the country, you need a visa, which can be obtained online.

Which resort to choose?

  • Acapulco is suitable for outdoor activities, diving, windsurfing
  • Cancun is a prestigious resort with developed infrastructure. Favorite spot for surfers
  • Riviera Maya - quiet beaches and a large number of attractions

Things to do?

  • beach holiday
  • Water sports
  • View the ruins of Mayan cities
  • Visit the Cathedral in Mexico City
  • View the Underwater Sculpture Museum


Visit festivals

See the ruins of Mayan cities

Wander the colorful streets

Riviera Maya


Holidays in Mexico are not cheap, but the baggage of impressions is worth it!

Where to go on a sightseeing holiday abroad

Actively spend your vacation, plunge into the history and culture of another country, see the sights and not spend a day in a hotel... Do you like this kind of vacation?

Then we know exactly how to surprise you!

Do you want to visit the most interesting excursions? Don't know where to go on a sightseeing holiday in March? See our selection of countries.

Amsterdam, Netherlands)

Amsterdam is the most creative city in the world, unusual architecture and technology here are amazing! People are free to express themselves, marijuana and prostitution are legal, there are many more bicycles than cars, and the number of museums and churches is off the charts! Everyone will find here something of their own!

You need a Schengen or national Netherlands visa.

Things to do?

  • Go to the Rijksmuseum - a huge art museum
  • Visit Keukenhof - National Flower Park, especially beautiful during the flowering period! Be sure to check out this show
  • Ride a boat on the canals of Amsterdam
  • See the Royal Palace and numerous churches
  • Visit Madame Tussauds Wax Museum
  • Buy tulips at the Floating Flower Market - the only one in the world
  • Go to the famous Coffeeshops where you can try soft drugs
  • The famous Red Light District

Red light district

Royal Palace

colorful architecture


Look at the Keukenhof

The most cycling city in the world



Barcelona - one of the pearls of Europe is full of attractions! Gothic quarters, unusual architecture, countless Catholic churches, creations of Gaudí and Picasso... Fans of excursions will obviously find it interesting here!

Need a Schengen visa!

What to watch?

  • La Sagrada Falimia - one of the most popular attractions in the world, a temple in the Art Nouveau style
  • City Park Güell, which Gaudí himself worked on, resembles fabulous gingerbread houses
  • Mila House is one of the spiritual symbols of the city, its walls seem to float
  • Casa Batlló is another striking architectural masterpiece
  • The 34-storey Agbar Tower shimmers with multi-colored lights
  • Plaza Catalunya
  • Gothic quarter - the medieval heart of the city
  • Mount Tibidabo and Temple of the Sacred Heart
  • The Camp Nou stadium, where the famous Barcelona football team trains
  • Countless museums, palaces and cathedrals, monasteries and churches

Mount Tibidabo and Temple of the Sacred Heart

Casa Batlló

House Mila

La Sagrada Falimia

Park Guell

Camp Nou stadium


Hotels offer only breakfast, the rest of the time you will have to eat in a cafe.

Paris, France)

The most romantic city in the world and one of the most beautiful cities in Europe, the center of art, fashion and palace architecture! Festivals, exhibitions and theatrical performances take place here all year round.

Need a Schengen visa!

What to watch?

  • Eiffel Tower - a symbol of France
  • The Louvre is a huge museum that houses the famous Mona Lisa
  • Triumphal Arch
  • The cathedral Notre Dame of Paris- an example of Gothic architecture
  • Basilica of the Sacré Coeur
  • Champs Elysees - the most famous street in France
  • Palace of Versailles
  • Cabaret Moulin Rouge - a kind of hallmark of nightlife in Paris
  • Disneyland with countless attractions for children and adults

Palace of Versailles



Cathedral of Notre Dame

Eiffel Tower


Paris is a very expensive city! Be prepared to spend an additional 60,000 rubles on food, entertainment and excursions.

Prague, Czech Republic)

Magical and mysterious Prague with gloomy Gothic castles, ancient cathedrals and colorful houses has long been loved by tourists. Local architecture, cuisine and beer are known all over the world!

To visit the country you need a Schengen visa.

What to watch?

  • Charles Bridge - a medieval bridge spanning the Vltava River
  • Wenceslas Square - the main square in Novo Mesto, the cultural center of Prague
  • Old Town Square - the central square in the Staro Mesto district
  • John Lennon wall with numerous fan graffiti
  • Dancing house - an unusual architectural structure
  • Old Royal Palace - former residence of Czech rulers
  • Numerous palaces and museum

Take warm clothes with you! But precipitation is not expected.

Walk the streets

Old Town Square

John Lennon wall

Mysterious and magical city

Dancing House



Huge glass skyscrapers and oases in the middle of the desert, incredible architecture and level of development!

Want to get into the future? Then go to Dubai!

Here everything is the most expensive, the highest, the largest and most luxurious!

The weather is hot all year round, so March is a great time to enjoy the sun! Visa is not needed.

Things to do?

  • Climb up to the observation deck tall building in the world - Burj Khalifa.
  • Look at Palm Jumeirah - an amazing man-made miracle island in the form of a palm tree!
  • Try auto rally in the desert.
  • Look at the Mir Archipelago,
  • Visit the Wild River Water Park - here are the highest and fastest slides in the world! For extreme lovers!
  • Admire the Musical Fountain - the largest and highest fountain in the world.
  • Visit Ferrari Park
  • Look at the Sheikh's Palace

Auto rally in the desert

Sheikh Mosque

Palm Jumeirah

Modern city of the future

Ferrari Park


If you plan to spend most of your vacation sightseeing - it's best to take a ready-made tour to an inexpensive 2-3 * hotel

Where to relax in Russia in early spring?

To make your vacation rich and interesting, it is not necessary to travel abroad! There are so many interesting things in our vast country!

Let's see where to go in March...


The deepest lake in the world attracts thousands of tourists from all over the world! beautiful nature, clean air, in March here is a real winter fairy tale! A wide variety of entertainment and excursions will make your vacation interesting and fun.

Things to do?

  • Alpine sports
  • Jeeping on ice
  • Excursions to Olkhon Island
  • Walks on the lake
  • Bathing in thermal springs

Take warm clothes and shoes with you!

snow fairy tale

Kingdom of Ice


You can take a ready-made tour with a guide and hotel accommodation or plan a trip on your own

Moscow and St. Petersburg

Get acquainted with the history and culture of your native country, walk around the capital, go to museums - we have so many interesting things!

What to watch?

  • Kremlin and Red Square
  • Museums and exhibitions
  • Hermitage
  • Drawbridges
  • Excursions
  • Saint Isaac's Cathedral
  • Church of the Savior on Blood
  • Nevsky Avenue

A great opportunity to visit museums - there are few tourists in March!



Last chance to ride in the mountains! March closes the season, the temperature rises, but you still have time to ride! A nice bonus will be the prices, which are lower than at the peak of the season.

Go to Dombay- the most popular ski resort in the North Caucasus, famous not only for its slopes, but also beautiful views and also included in the UNESCO list.

Ride from the mountains

Extreme tracks


The best way to get to Dombay is to buy a ticket to Mineralnye Vody. It will come out 3-4 thousand rubles. Next, take a bus ticket, transfer to the resort or rent a car. Renting a hotel room from 1400 rubles per night. The cost of a sleep pass for 5 days will be from 6000 rubles. Dinner for two will be about 1500 rubles.

We will try to guide you where it is better to relax in Russia in March 2019. Obvious and not-so-obvious decisions about where to go and what to do.

The first spring month in Russia is rarely warm, the weather is capricious, but the severe winter cold is already receding, and the bright sun is increasingly pampering with its presence in the sky. And if it’s too early to think about it, then the winter entertainment season at domestic resorts is in full swing.

How to book a hotel? You can find a convenient accommodation option for yourself on the well-known Skyscanner Hotels service - there are both hotels and private accommodation.

Krasnaya Polyana

Fans of outdoor activities and beautiful landscapes can go in March 2019 to the popular ski resort in Russia -. Its great advantage is the convenience of the location of recreation centers and good transport interchange, besides, the weather conditions here are very mild: in early spring, the temperature rarely drops below zero degrees.

During the day it is warm +2 ... +5 ° С, at night it is about zero. The most low temperature, which has been recorded over the past 10 years, was −8°C. Most of the time it is cloudy, but without intense precipitation, sometimes the sun slips through. It can still snow in March. At the beginning of spring, active snowmelt begins, which often leads to avalanches, so in the mountains you need to be extremely careful and listen to the warnings of meteorologists.

Do not know where to relax in March in Russia with children? There are several ski resorts in Krasnaya Polyana, each of which can offer comfortable hotels and restaurants, equipped slopes and cable cars. For vacationers who come to the resort with kids, children's clubs are organized, in which trained personnel work with children while their parents master skiing, snowboarding and snowmobiling. Tourists can visit the royal "Hunting Lodge", the museum of local lore and the museum of nature, take part in folk amusements on Maslenitsa, which most often occurs in March. And if you want to look at the Black Sea, then you can go for a day in.

(Photo © Yuri Shornikov / flickr.com / Licensed CC BY 2.0)

Elbrus region

A wonderful active holiday in March 2019 can be organized in the Elbrus region - this is one of the popular tourism centers in Russia, located in the Baksan Gorge of Kabardino-Balkaria. In March, there is a lot of snow in the Elbrus region, it is warm and sunny in the valleys (up to + 9 ° С during the day, −1 ° С at night). As the altitude increases, the air temperature decreases. This region is preferred by athletes and extreme sportsmen, although the slopes of Elbrus and Cheget are of varying difficulty.

What to do on vacation? In addition to skiing and snowboarding, climbing Elbrus, the highest mountain in the country, is very popular. Young people spend time on the ice rink, exploring the surroundings: the Chegem Gorge with an ancient settlement, caves and waterfalls, Blue Lake, Mount Cheget and other places. One of the sights of the Elbrus region is the famous Narzan Valley in the valley of the Khasaut River - these are warm carbonic springs, the water from which is famous for its healing properties. In the markets, you can buy things made of fluff or wool of goats and sheep, halva and Kabardian cheese, and in local cafes you can try delicious Caucasian shish kebab from juicy lamb.


Where to go in Russia if the vacation falls in March? First month of spring good time for: at this time there are not so many tourists, and the prices for holidays are quite democratic. True, the weather is winter, but you can see a spectacle of unprecedented beauty - a giant lake bound by bluish ice, surrounded by icicles of the most bizarre shapes.

In early March, it is cold and windy on Lake Baikal: during the day -5 ... -7 ° С, at night -10 ... -15 ° С, only by the middle of the month the air warms up to zero. The sun pampers periodically, but there is no spring warmth yet. In March, trips on the lake are very popular: the ice is strong, you can freely ride jeeps and snowmobiles. Tourists can see the mysterious island of Olkhon, explore the icy bays and cliffs with caves. If the weather is sunny, it will not be cold on the ice.

(Photo © Marco Fieber/Ostblog.org / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)


Kaliningrad is often referred to as a European city for its appearance atypical for Russia: elegant roofs of bright tiles, burgher pubs and medieval buildings adjacent to standard Soviet high-rise buildings.

Spring Kaliningrad cannot boast of sunny weather: the Baltic region rarely indulges tourists with warmth, so it is not surprising that in March it is cloudy and foggy, during the day + 6 ° С, at night - 1 ° С, rains are insignificant and rare. But this is a great opportunity to see a piece of Europe without leaving Russia, moreover, a vacation in March will cost much less, including the cost of flights and accommodation in.

Why is it worth going to Kaliningrad in March to rest? Tourists will enjoy walking along the forts and defensive structures that have survived from pre-war times, they will remember visiting the Kaliningrad Art Gallery, the city zoo and botanical garden, the Fisherman's Village, the Museum of the World Ocean and the Amber Museum. It's nice to walk along the embankment and go to the famous Curonian Spit - to see the sand dunes and curved pines of the Dancing Forest. You should definitely try Koenigsberg bedbugs - veal and anchovy meatballs under white sauce with the addition of capers, and buy an ornament made of sunny amber in memory of a good rest.


Yalta is a great opportunity to relax in March by the sea, and it's also inexpensive! It is still cold almost everywhere in Russia, but the generous southern sun begins to bestow its warmth on the peninsula already in March: during the day in Yalta + 8 ... + 10 ° С, at night + 3 ° С, a little damp and windy. Weather good for while dreams about beach holiday it is better to postpone until summer: the sea is still cold (+8°C) and does not make you want to even get your feet wet, let alone swim.

Sometimes March is warmer than usual: the air temperature rises above + 20 ° C, then you can sunbathe. But it’s still not worth it to expose yourself much, the spring winds are painfully insidious, and it’s easy to catch a cold out of habit.

Rest in March at the most expensive resort of Crimea is good for its economy, besides, there are fewer tourists in the low season and you don’t have to worry about traffic congestion.

Hiking enthusiasts will be able to lay their own health trails or use ready-made routes. You should definitely visit the city embankment, palaces and museums, admire the flora in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden, take part in folk festivals on Maslenitsa and taste wine products from the Crimean cellars.

In any case, wherever you go - to the sea, to the forest, to the mountains or to a remote village - do not forget to arm yourself good mood and then your vacation will be wonderful.

(photo © Wolfhowl / flickr.com)

Intro image source: © dariamyasina / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.