Inappropriate human behavior. What does "inappropriate behavior" mean?

13 signs of an inadequate person. The signs by which it can be assumed that a person is inadequate are individual, depend on the type of personality, temperament, type of higher nervous activity. But still there are certain features that make it possible to suspect an inadequate person and further confirm this assumption. Our task is to identify the inadequate as early as possible, preferably even before the start of communication with the person, in order to then correct their behavior and be prepared for the fact that this person may behave unpredictably or try to create problems. Do you know why a person behaves inappropriately? So, what features of inadequate behavior should we note: 1) Unexpectedly and unpredictably reacts to the actions and words of others. 2) Twitches, shows signs of anxiety, rushes about, often changes posture, facial expression. 3) Excessively emotional, too brightly colored speech, "theatrical" intonations. 4) Active gestures, playing "one-man theatre". 5) Inability to listen to others: a person expresses his opinion, often inappropriate, interrupts interlocutors, does not listen to their point of view. 6) Fancy, often flashy clothes. Marginal style, mismatched colors. 7) Inappropriate style of clothing for the institution or event (for example, a person in a T-shirt and shorts, who came to a business meeting or official reception). 8) Fancy hairstyle or hair dyed in a bright color. 9) Tattoos, piercings, many rings on the fingers, earrings in the ears of men. 10) The use of "criminal" expressions in speech ("purely concrete", "without a bazaar"). 11) Unnecessarily abstruse statements out of place, in simple communication (for example, in everyday conversation such an inadequate person can say “relying on the basic foundations of our constructive dialogue, I draw a representative conclusion from the following inferences"). The complex grammatical construction is completely out of place, it looks ridiculous and funny. 12) Pay attention to the person's car, if possible. Cars with tinted windows, loud music, hung spoilers, sills, fenders and other decorative elements are a sign of an often inadequate car owner. 13) People with a medical background may notice a number of symptoms characteristic of mental illness in a person, such as epileptoid personality traits, the symptom complex of a psychoorganic syndrome, schizophrenoid traits. But a person who is not connected with medicine is unlikely to be able to navigate this. Remember, when communicating with a person, you should be careful: note not only what he says to you, but also how he does it, with what intonation, facial expressions, what words he chooses. Pay special attention to the little things, including the posture of the interlocutor, the position of the hands, whether he is twitching or calm. The more information you have about the interlocutor, the more accurate your conclusions about him will be. In any case, do not jump to conclusions before making a decision, evaluate all the facts you have. If it is a business partnership with a person whose adequacy is in doubt, give him a subtle check that will help you draw the necessary conclusions and avoid serious problems. There are no absolute criteria for an inadequate person: each of the listed “symptoms” can only be a personality trait. However, in extreme manifestations, these features lead to the development of inadequate behavior. Therefore, you must approach the assessment of the available facts and data individually in each case.

A person who stands out from the crowd at first sight can be called inadequate. If he has a bizarre appearance or behavior that differs from the standard, others may consider him strange. Any deviations from the average can alarm those who are close to such an individual. But people are especially frightened by those who, with their strangeness, are also quite active or hypothetically pose a threat to others.

Depending on the situation, a person who simply gesticulates very loudly, gesticulates sharply or laughs loudly in a public place may be considered inadequate. The fact that an individual allows himself more than others can become alert to others. Such fears are associated with suspicions of a person in alcohol or drug intoxication or mental illness.


Of course, some people consider boors and hooligans inadequate. People who show aggression at work or in public places, who do not hesitate to make a fuss with might and main, turn to personalities and insults, cause fear in more restrained individuals.

Aggression may not necessarily result in negativity. Unrestrained fun and on the verge of hysteria can also become the basis for the recognition of a person by others as inadequate. Excessive manifestation of emotions, inappropriate and unrestrained, whether it is anger, tears or laughter, causes a resonance in society, as it does not fit into social norms of behavior.


An inadequate person can be considered someone who has strange habits. People who spend their whole lives collecting collections of things that do not represent any value for the majority of members of society can already count on the title of inadequate. And if a hobby outgrows all boundaries and resembles a mania in its scale, then, most likely, neighbors and acquaintances will begin to twist their fingers at their temples.

When a person is obsessed with some idea and lives only for it, for others he may look strange. For example, if an individual is obsessed with sterile cleanliness or total economy for no particular reason, other people perceive him as inadequate. A person lives in his own world and feels comfortable in this state. And his acquaintances believe that he has a mental disorder and perceive this lifestyle with hostility.


An inadequate person can be called those who themselves behave in a completely different way. Here there is a subjective perception of the behavior and words of other people. For someone, a representative of another state will already be inadequate, because his manners do not fit into the world created inside another individual.

Therefore, when labeling others, some people should think about whether they themselves are examples of inadequate behavior for someone because of their thinking, mentality or actions.

Harassing a person is illegal. However, most of the people who do it go unpunished. Official name this action - "stalking". They are engaged in with specific goals and often to the detriment of the object of persecution. Only a person who is familiar with its main motives can protect himself from stalking.


Stalking is a very subtle form of harassment. On the one hand, the victim does not receive direct threats and physical injuries, and on the other hand, he is constantly subjected to moral pressure. Experienced stalkers are able to disguise their persecution in such a way that a person will never know about it, but more often they are engaged in too emotional and stubborn personalities.

Most of the victims of stalkers are women, but men usually play their role. Most often they start chasing a lady because of unrequited love, and everyone does it differently: in this case, some stalkers present obsessive gifts, others send threatening messages, others arrange surveillance.

Stalking is widespread among employees of detective agencies. In this case, it is completely legal and safe. A skilled stalker is looking for information about a person using databases and professional surveillance.

Intentional stalking is often done for the purpose of fraud. The victim is carefully hunted down, and then presented with information that is hard not to believe. For example, a woman received a call in the middle of the night and was informed that her son had an accident, knocking down a man. At the same time, the name and surname of the offspring, his place of registration and year of birth were named. Naturally, a worried mother will make a transfer of money only in order to save the child from imprisonment. Usually the scammers know that the victim's son is currently unable to answer the phone for some reason.

Concerning interpersonal relationships, then here stalking is explained as hidden form domestic violence. The most common example is divorce. Having lost "power" over his woman, a man begins to show it at a distance, often bringing the victim to a nervous breakdown.

Despite the fact that stalking is not considered a mental illness, more often than not, its manifestation is inadequate. A typical situation is the persecution of an idol by fans. In their obsession, they are capable of everything, up to the use of hidden cameras and terrible death threats. This is done in order to get the attention of the desired object. There are cases in history when, due to such pressure, people committed suicide.

It may seem that stalking is harmless, but it is not. In a fit of emotion, a person obsessed with persecution can bring the victim to mania, and he himself crosses the line and commit a real murder. People who are attacked by stalkers are advised to contact law enforcement.


  • Persecution of a person - who are stalkers in 2019
  • Stalking (stalking) in 2019

Tip 3: How to help a person when he is in an inadequate state

Inadequate states are different: from shock to aggression in alcoholic intoxication. If a person behaves strangely, he needs help, not accusations. Each case has its own approach, and if there are no doctors nearby, you need to provide first aid so that the person does not harm himself and others.

Inappropriate behavior is actions that are not characteristic of a person. Sometimes they appear suddenly as a result of external influences, sometimes they can be found regularly, and this may indicate a mental illness. If you notice something unusual in loved ones, it is better to consult a doctor, at early stages many diseases are not difficult to cure, and advanced forms may even require hospitalization.

state of shock

Shock can occur for a variety of reasons. It occurs during fires, catastrophes, natural disasters or accidents. If something terrible happens in front of a person or he himself became a participant in the tragedy, he may experience shock. In such conditions, a person does not react to external circumstances, repeats some words, and cannot always move normally. In shock, a person may cry, scream, or even fight with those who are trying to help him.

If you see a person in shock, have them sit in a safe place. Find something warm to wrap him up, as chills may be present. And start talking to him. You have to look into her eyes to bring her back to reality. Ask distracting questions, you can repeat the words he says after him, this helps to come to his senses. Stroking or light pats on the back work well, but only if the person lets you in and doesn't push you away.

Describe the environment to him so that he returns to reality. Look at the objects around and name them, this will help you concentrate on the moment. It is not necessary to talk about the tragedy or mention the cause of the condition, it is important to transfer the train of thought in a different direction.

Drunken aggressor

If you encounter a drunk person who is threatening you, find a way to distract him. Say something that will switch his attention, something unexpected is better. At the moment of his confusion, try to escape from him. If the action takes place in a closed room, do not provoke him and do not start arguing, this will only anger the person. To calm him down, you need to lock him in a separate space and call the police squad.

Do not put sedatives in the food or water of a drunk person. Interaction with alcohol can give an unpredictable reaction, even death is possible. Remember that a person does not understand what he is doing, and it is better not to take risks, but to turn to specialists.

Behavior change

If your loved one has become very withdrawn or very active, and for no apparent reason, you should take a closer look. Inappropriate behavior may be a sign mental disorders. Schizophrenia on initial stage it just changes a person, makes the character completely different. And if you see this, see a doctor.

Forgetfulness can be a sign of multiple sclerosis or incipient dementia. If a person occasionally starts talking or responds off topic, this may be the first sign. At the initial stage, such things are easy to cure or prevent development, so do not allow complications.

How often do we exclaim: “It is impossible to understand this person - he behaves inappropriately!” or we remember a friend: “After talking with her, I feel broken ...” Our psyche is structured like this: the first thing she does is try to find an excuse from a set of things and phenomena she knows. It turns out a whole list: bad upbringing or character, “he’s just a bore, what can you do”, “she is a great original” ... When such manifestations become more peculiar, we wonder - maybe it’s not about character after all and this is scientific explanation? Indeed, the cause of inappropriate behavior may be psychological trauma which the person has received early childhood. As a rule, he is not aware of it, but it affects behavior in adulthood. Consider the three most common types: toxic, neurotic and dependent person.

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Photo gallery: Inappropriate behavior as a result of psychological trauma

Often we are faced with a situation where some acquaintance (or even a stranger) dumps on us a stream of completely unnecessary to us, and sometimes simply negative information. Imagine, you come to a beauty salon to get a new haircut, and the master, while working, begins to tell you about how everything in his life is bad: the children do not want to study, and the husband earns little, and the dog spoils the furniture ... You sit, you agree, but you yourself think when this verbal flood will end. And after you leave the salon, you feel squeezed out like a lemon, although before going to the hairdresser you were in a cheerful and cheerful mood.

Who is in front of you?

This type is characterized by generalized names: a toxic personality or a psychological "vampire". characteristic feature- you feel a strong energy weakness. When communicating, you understand that he is not interested in you - anyone could be in your place. Toxic people only talk about themselves and never listen to the opinions of others. They are never, nothing and no one satisfies. They criticize, judge, gossip, or need your help, and more often than not, urgently. Often they seem to “roll” over others, humiliating and insulting along the way. At the same time, they do it as if nothing had happened - from their point of view, within the framework of secular conversation.

So, one friend always says at a meeting: “You look tired ... Your skin is bad, gray color. Didn't get enough rest? And you can’t get rid of dandruff, right?” It is clear that the mood after such a “compliment” disappears, as balloon, accidentally released by a child ... Many, seeing this woman, cross to the other side of the street. But you can feel sorry for her: unenviable appearance, inability to dress beautifully, dissatisfaction with work (instead of the career of a singer, which she dreamed of, the position of a nurse) and personal life. It seems that she is constantly afraid that she will be asked why she no longer sings and why her husband left her? That's why he attacks first. The method of toxic people is a provocation to negative emotions.

Why did they become like this?
They have the wrong set of behavior in society, and the roots of the problem should be looked for in childhood. "Toxicity" can be the result of a person's internal trouble - he sees a dirty trick everywhere, relaxes with difficulty and never opens up to others. He takes a defensive position in relation to others, but often attacks first.

How do you behave?
If it's a colleague, keep your distance. Does he complain to you about another employee? Say, "You'd better take this to your boss" or "Maybe you should see a psychologist?" It is unlikely that he will do this (remember that they only hear themselves - they are not interested in your opinion), but this way you will save yourself from negative impact. Speak politely and smile - this is the last thing a toxic person expects. Ideally, you should not let such a person into your life. If he calls often, don't pick up the phone. Having launched into explanations why you do not want to communicate, he will still get what he needs - your reaction. Don't become a victim by arguing with him. If his hairpins don't cause an effect, he will soon stop provoking you.

"Mom," a 5-year-old girl addresses her mother, "can I play in the sandbox?" - "No, you can get your dress dirty." - "Can I play with the children in the yard?" "No, I don't want you to become ill-mannered like them." - "Can I have ice cream?" - "No, you can catch a cold in your throat." - "Will I play with this puppy?" - "No, he might have worms." At the end of this dialogue, the child begins to cry, and the mother, turning to a friend with whom she was talking enthusiastically all this time and simultaneously answering her daughter’s questions: “I have such a nervous girl! I can’t stand her constant whims anymore!”

Who is in front of you?

neurotic personality. In the past, people like this mom were called "too demanding," "overly suspicious," and "anxious." At the heart of neurosis lies an internal conflict.

Sigmund Freud believed that here lies the struggle of the repressed (instincts) and repressing forces (culture, morality). And neo-Freudian Karen Horney believed that "neurosis arises only if this conflict gives rise to anxiety." A neurotic personality is always trying to attract attention to itself - with tantrums (hysterical neurosis), fears and phobias (anxious-phobic), weakness (neurasthenia).

Why did they become like this?
Neurotic people look for problems, not solutions, discuss difficulties, find new obstacles. Anxiety makes you worry about loved ones, while limiting their actions. At the core is the feeling that others are inattentive to them and do not understand them at all. It is believed that a neurotic person received a psychological trauma in early childhood, which she could not cope with, and, due to helplessness, reacted with increased anxiety. The desire to be accepted by others drives her and adulthood.

How do you behave?
The demand for love that we may feel has nothing to do with you. A neurotic personality projects onto you the image of one of the parents, whose attention she lacked. Therefore, your love will never be enough for her. Sometimes you will have the impression that after talking with her you are very tired, or become aggressive without apparent reason. This is a sign that you need to take care of yourself now. “Give out” attention in a dosed manner - your resources will not be enough for a long time.

It was very difficult for a woman to communicate with her older sister all her life - there is a 10-year difference between them. The first has a family: husband and children. The elder sister is divorced and lives separately. And every evening she calls the younger one to consult on certain issues. Moreover, she does not ask for a recommendation directly, but rather asks a question and waits for someone to tell her what to do - from what to buy in the store to whether it is necessary to meet new customers about whom the youngest knows nothing ...

Who is in front of you?
Dependent person. Their basic need is to shift most of the decisions and responsibility for their lives onto others. They constantly hesitate when it is necessary to express an opinion, they cannot make a final decision, even when it is obvious. It seems to them that they will still make a mistake or choose the wrong one. They live with a feeling of emptiness, so if such a person breaks up with a partner, he will certainly need to fill it with someone or something else.

Why did they become like this?
At the heart of this is the psychological trauma that they most likely received in early childhood. The parents of the dependent person probably separated and, without explaining to the child what happened, left him to himself. In fact, he was left alone, and loneliness for a baby is tantamount to death. Therefore, in adulthood, he is also driven by the fear of global loneliness and the need to make decisions on his own ... Just like in childhood, when none of the adults were around.

How do you behave?
If your relative or girlfriend fits this description, then you already know what is happening to them and what could have preceded this. Be attentive to such a person, but defend personal boundaries - the addict easily breaks them. Do not go on about - reduce advice to a minimum, do not let shift all responsibility on you. You will not replace your parents for him, but instead of your life you will live someone else's.

What does "inadequate person" mean. Criteria of inadequacy?

  1. An inadequate person is when a person's emotions, reactions and behavior do not correspond to the existing circumstances or situation. Inadequacy - the degree of inexplicability and inconsistency of the actions of the individual. Inconsistency of the model of his behavior famous models behavior in such conditions. For example, schizophrenia is characterized by emotional inadequacy, that is, strange and incomprehensible emotional reactions to external events, or a lack of reactions to events that should have caused them. In ordinary life, inappropriate behavior is observed in people suffering from psycho-neurological pathology, alcohol and drug addiction, also in adolescence in the form deviant behavior(behavior that deviates from social norms of behavior), with ineffective realization of the need for communication (isolation or excessive talkativeness), with a violation of the usual way of life (for example, moving to another country, death loved one) or daily routine (daily work, night shifts).
    Simply put, inadequate is everything that does not correspond to the usual, known and accepted as the norm of manifestation.
  2. Alcoholism makes a person inadequate. You need to drink less, then no one will consider an inadequate person
  3. Inadequate person - oh don't care, and so they already wrote)
  4. take frivolous questions seriously
  5. In orphanages, shelters, centers constantly arise between the management, educators and pupils difficult situations which goes without saying: teenagers are there because of problematic and inappropriate behavior. There are fights, teenagers run away, there are thefts and other crimes.
    To work with adolescents, specialists must distinguish between the concepts of incident and crisis. Let's discuss five basic principles that are important to use during crises and incidents. We will talk about how to reduce stress using nonverbal behavior. And then about the methods of stopping and refracting inappropriate behavior.
    Incidents are situations in which one or more adolescents (persistently) exhibit inappropriate behavior(temporary), violating the daily routine. Inadequate behavior, which consists, for example, in non-compliance with the instructions of the group leadership, educators, is burdensome, but it can be stopped or broken with a certain persistence. In this case, we are not yet talking about threats or aggression of a physical nature.
    Crisis situations are situations in which one or more adolescents persistently exhibit inappropriate behavior that breaks the daily routine, as well as situations in which individuals are threatened and / or attacked.

    During incidents and crises, five basic principles are important: 1) the daily routine is preferred; 2) drastic measures are taken from the very beginning; 3) the teenager receives information about what skills he needs; 4) ask for help and separate roles; 5) the personal safety of others is given priority. Let's look at each of these principles in more detail.
    Preference is given to the daily routine of the day. In case of violation or breakage of the daily routine, pupils who are not directly involved in the incident or crisis will not be able to do their usual activities, as they are used to. This increases the likelihood of inappropriate behavior.
    For this reason, in incidents or crises, preference should be given to creating a working situation, which is achieved by restoring the daily routine of the day. In some cases, this will lead to the fact that the interests of other pupils will be observed to the detriment of the interests of the adolescent involved in the crisis or incident.
    Giving preference to the observance of the daily routine, educators, group leaders, of course, do not disregard the teenager involved in the crisis or incident. First, the group leader ensures that the daily routine is continued, and then draws attention to this teenager.
    From the very beginning, drastic measures are being taken. Behavior is rarely a single independent event, more often it consists of a chain of actions that includes various links. With inadequate behavior, the severity of deviations in behavior often increases along the chain. Most often, incidents and crises can be prevented by intervening at the very beginning in the chain of behavior, using feedback or instructions.
    After making sure that the teenager does not interrupt the expanding chain of aggressive behavior, it is necessary to act quickly. Impending incidents and crises almost never disappear on their own if you take a wait-and-see approach.
    The teenager receives information about what skills he needs. Incidents and crises often provide an opportunity to see which tasks are particularly difficult for some teenagers and which skills they lack. Using the concept of skills, it is very important at this point to explain the adolescent's behavior that triggered the incident or crisis.

  6. evaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  7. I don’t consider myself, but other people think so. And they say the wrong things about me. And I don’t bother myself with this, I continue the path in life. to dream.
  8. I understand this definition as follows, Inadequate is a person whose behavior is not understood by the people around him, and the inadequate does not consider himself inadequate, but rather considers those around him to be inadequate and does not understand and does not want to share his way of thinking, style, behavior, values , outlook, hobbies. That is, the inadequate was simply unlucky in this case, he simply ended up in the wrong place, at the wrong time, in the wrong society where he was not interested. He is there like White crow. A completely normal person is inadequate, he just has not yet found his entourage of associates, his place under the sun, he often feels bad where he is considered this inadequate, which is why he throws out a challenge to the public with his behavior, style, manners, or vice versa, quietly hide.

    A peculiar style of clothing that you do not understand and would never wear.
    Hairstyle, or the absence of it at all, which you also don’t understand
    The way of thinking, what he says you consider nonsense or you don’t understand it at all
    Defiant, specific manners of behavior or their general absence at first glance, which you also do not understand or annoy you
    Sometimes the social circle is also incomprehensible personalities or the absence of this circle is also indistinct
    His hobbies or, as it were, their absence are also incomprehensible to you
    He seems to be alive in his peculiar sometimes closed or open world which you don't understand either.

    That is, you do not understand him, he annoys you or you do not understand him, he is interesting to you.

    When you just don't understand (don't want to understand) inner world this person, so he seems to you "inadequate".
    And you don't have to label it. And it turns out like this: We see a speck in someone else's eye, but we don't notice a log in our own.

  9. There are many of them, but the main indicator is either a brake or aggression .... the rest is in the dictionary.
  10. Many have heard the term "inappropriate behavior" more than once and, without delving into the intricacies of this concept, always associate it with a violation mental activity person. Simply put, we consider people who behave inappropriately as mentally ill or schizophrenics. To some extent, such a judgment is fair, but the problem is not how we call this or that manifestation of the disease of the people around us, but in our reaction and understanding of the need to provide timely assistance to such people. Agree that this is much more important and more humane in relation to the patient than labeling "schizophrenic", "psychopath" and others?

    So what is this inappropriate behavior, how is it expressed, how dangerous is it for the patient and others? Do I need to seek help from psychiatrists, and what results can be expected from treatment in case of inappropriate behavior of a person?

    The first thing to be aware of is that inappropriate behavior is a visible manifestation of existing or emerging serious mental illness. Also, one should not forget that the understanding of the term "inappropriate behavior" on household level does not always correspond to the actual presence of any mental illness in the person in relation to whom we apply it. This is a very important and noteworthy aspect. A groundless, undeserved or thoughtless accusation of a person of inappropriate behavior can have very unpleasant, and sometimes unpredictable consequences.

  11. Inadequate-If speaking, briefly a person is unbalanced and not understanding! Let's give an example, a person climbed onto the table and spits on everyone, etc. I hope you understand me and my thought.

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Many have heard the term “inappropriate behavior” more than once and, without delving into the subtleties of this concept, they always associate it with a violation of a person’s mental activity. Simply put, we consider people who behave inappropriately as mentally ill or schizophrenics. To some extent, such a judgment is fair, but the problem is not how we call this or that manifestation of the disease of the people around us, but in our reaction and understanding of the need to provide timely assistance to such people. Agree that this is much more important and more humane in relation to the patient than labeling "schizophrenic", "psychopath" and others?

So what is it - inadequate behavior, what is it expressed in, how dangerous is it for the patient and others? Do I need to seek help from psychiatrists, and what results can be expected from treatment in case of inappropriate behavior of a person?

The first thing to be aware of is that inappropriate behavior is a visible manifestation of existing or emerging serious mental illness. Also, one should not forget that the understanding of the term "inappropriate behavior" at the everyday level does not always correspond to the actual presence of any mental illness in the person in relation to whom we apply it. This is a very important and noteworthy aspect. A groundless, undeserved or thoughtless accusation of a person of inappropriate behavior can have very unpleasant, and sometimes unpredictable consequences.

How misbehavior manifests itself

Inadequate behavior can manifest itself in a stable, pronounced aggression towards others.

In fact, aggression is characteristic of every person, it is necessary and sometimes useful. So, for example, without moderate aggression it is difficult to advance in the service, to coexist in human society. By suppressing healthy aggression, we often block some vital actions and decisions.

But aggression can also be a reaction to pain, resentment, irritation. If this kind of aggression, an unhealthy kind, prevails, problems arise in the mental sphere and personal relationships. Dominant aggressive behavior can be directed at oneself, others, and, often indiscriminately, thereby bringing destruction to the individual, family, and loved ones. Often an attack of aggression rolls over like a wave, and, receding, greatly depletes the body and rarely leaves regret, guilt. In this case, aggression needs to be treated.

Adults who are aware of changes in their behavior respond to treatment, as a rule, faster and more effectively, but adolescents are also highly susceptible to attacks of aggression. Sometimes they seem to provoke adults to shout and beat. But remember, this is aggression - a cry for help. Adolescents often see themselves as bad; having received a portion of indignation, they, as it were, are affirmed in the opinion “I am bad, no one loves me.” The correct behavior of adults - sufficient attention to the teenager and periodic consultations with specialists, will help preserve his personality and prevent the formation of pathology in development itself. In the treatment of aggression, the specialist and the patient, first of all, must achieve two main results: the reduction of aggressiveness in general and the prevention of aggressiveness in the future.

Given the rhythm modern life, nutritional imbalances, temporary shifts and many other negative factors - it is not surprising that disorders occur in the human body. Mental disorders, aggression, insomnia, depression become fixed over time, gradually increasing tenfold. Unhealthy, excessive aggressiveness is the same disease.

We do not like to let teeth, intestinal diseases, colds, but we start illnesses of the soul, often turning into torn, inadequate creatures. A qualified psychotherapist, the correct diagnosis and successful treatment will turn you back into a Human. After all, "Man - it sounds proud."

Inadequate behavior can also manifest itself in the manifestation of painful isolation not due to the nature of a person and a sharp narrowing of the circle of interests. Obsessive, unreasonable actions, carrying out any rituals not related to religious beliefs, reasoning that is not related to the surrounding reality, and many other symptoms. All of the above signs may be a manifestation of existing or developing forms of serious mental illness such as schizophrenia (psychosis). In some cases, the cause of persistent inappropriate behavior may be neglected forms of severe depression.

Help for patients with inappropriate behavior

Regardless of the causes of inappropriate behavior, the patient must be shown to qualified doctors for appropriate examination and treatment. A timely appeal to a specialist will help determine the causes of inappropriate behavior, make an accurate diagnosis and choose a course. necessary treatment which will lead to recovery.

Modern methods treatment of mental disorders can quite successfully and effectively help people with inappropriate behavior. The main thing is not to forget that our body always sends us timely signals for help, and whether we hear it or not depends only on us.

Multilateral diagnostics, high professional level of our doctors, combined with qualified complex treatment, progressive methods social and labor rehabilitation, will return people dear to you to a full life.