German quality of Russian turbines: Siemens and Power Machines have been cooperating for a quarter of a century. Problems and prospects of the Russian gas turbine market

On October 24, the Russian Gas Turbines plant was opened in Rybinsk. It is a joint venture between General Electric, Inter RAO Group and OJSC United Engine Corporation for the production, sale and maintenance of 6FA gas turbines.

General Electric owns a 50% stake in this project, Inter RAO Group and UEC - 25% each. Participants' investments in the creation and development of production amount to 5 billion rubles. But before the grand opening, I came to the plant at the end of August to see how the control assembly of the first turbine is going on. We will start with this beauty.

1. The rotor comes vacuum packed. It is already balanced and ready for editing. You just have to take it and put it in the turbine.
2. The turbine itself is, of course, a work of art.
3. Look at the girl who modestly peeks out from behind a part of the body.
4. This is just an assembly now. But in the future, the share of Russian components will be increased to 50% with the prospect as high as 80.
5.K next year Two pilot units will be assembled and supplied to the enterprises of OJSC NK Rosneft.
6. Incredibly beautiful body, of course. There is something that catches the eye.
7. The efficiency of the turbine in the combined cycle reaches more than 55%.
8. The staff of the plant will be about 150 people. Now 60 are working.
9. After reaching the design capacity, the plant will produce 20 units per year. 10. But on initial stage only 14 are planned to be released.
11. Turbine blade. The holes are cooling.
12. Emergency shower.
13. Turbine painting shop and test bench.
14. Now let's fast forward to October and open the factory.
15. A very pleasant musical program.
16. The official photographer looks at dervishv but how ... at just a photographer :)
17. Well settled.
18. Officials visiting the plant and the turbine.
19. Guests and journalists await the opening ceremony.
20.m ... bow :)
21. Incredibly beautiful GE logo.
22. Correspondent of a local TV channel.
23. Important people.
24. Gimbal for the camera.
25. Colleagues photographers shoot the opening ceremony.
26. Approximately such a frame. General manager LLC Russian Gas Turbines Nadezhda Izotova, Chairman of the Board of JSC Inter RAO Boris Kovalchuk, President and CEO of GE in Russia Ron Pollett, Deputy General Director of Rostec State Corporation Dmitry Shugaev, CEO of JSC United Engine Corporation Vladislav Masalov and Governor of the Yaroslavl Region Sergey Yastrebov inaugurated the plant.
27. But the most beautiful part is the rotor.
28. It was possible to look at it for a very long time.
29. While the press approach is underway ... we study the rotor.
30. Already prepared part of the corps.
31. No, well mimimi, same! :)
32. And this is also beauty.
33. And the staff of RGT wasted no time. Remember the girl from shot # 3? :) They arranged the opening of the plant again for themselves.
34. Meanwhile, the housing of the second turbine is mounted on the slipway of the vertical assembly. Then it will be lowered to a horizontal position, halved and the filling will be mounted. 35. And the assembly of the third has already begun.
36. Turbine frame. It is assembled as a separate self-sufficient element, where almost all piping and electronics are mounted.
The opening of the plant gives the city new jobs. Future engineers will also study here. The city itself, in which there are already two factories for the production of turbines, is becoming the Russian center for gas turbine construction of world-class buildings.

Russia has found a way to bypass Western sanctions for the sake of the most important state task - the construction of Crimean power plants. The turbines necessary for the operation of the stations, produced by the German company Siemens, were delivered to the peninsula. However, how did it happen that our country was unable to develop such equipment itself?

Russia has supplied two of the four gas turbines to Crimea for use at the Sevastopol power plant, Reuters reported yesterday, citing sources. According to them, SGT5-2000E turbines of the German concern Siemens were delivered to the port of Sevastopol.

Russia is building two 940 megawatt power plants in Crimea, and earlier supplies of Siemens turbines to them were frozen due to Western sanctions. However, apparently, a solution was found: these turbines were supplied by some third-party companies, and not by Siemens itself.

Russian companies only mass-produce turbines for power plants low power... For example, the capacity of the GTE-25P gas turbine is 25 MW. But modern power plants reach a capacity of 400-450 MW (as in the Crimea), and they need more powerful turbines - 160-290 MW. The turbine delivered to Sevastopol has just the required capacity of 168 MW. Russia is forced to find ways to bypass Western sanctions in order to fulfill the program to ensure the energy security of the Crimean Peninsula.

How did it happen that there are no technologies and sites for the production of high-power gas turbines in Russia?

After the collapse of the USSR in the 90s and early 2000s, the Russian power engineering industry found itself on the brink of survival. But then a massive program for the construction of power plants began, that is, there was a demand for the products of Russian machine-building plants. But instead of creating our own product in Russia, a different path was chosen - and, at first glance, very logical. Why reinvent the wheel, spend a lot of time and money on development, research and production, if you can buy something that is already modern and ready-made abroad.

“In the 2000s, we built gas turbine power plants with GE and Siemens turbines. Thus, they put our already poor energy sector on the needle of Western companies. Now huge amounts of money are being paid for the maintenance of foreign turbines. An hour of work for a Siemens service engineer costs the same as the monthly salary of a locksmith in this power plant. In the 2000s, it was not necessary to build gas turbine power plants, but to modernize our main generating capacities, ”says Maxim Muratshin, General Director of the Powerz engineering company.

“I am engaged in production, and I was always offended when the top management used to say that we would buy everything abroad, because ours did not know how to do anything. Now everyone is awake, but the time is lost. There is already no such demand to create a new turbine to replace the Siemens one. But at that time it was possible to create your own high-power turbine and sell it to 30 gas turbine power plants. This is what the Germans would have done. And the Russians just bought these 30 turbines from foreigners, ”the source adds.

Now the main problem in power engineering is the wear and tear of machinery and equipment in the absence of high demand. More precisely, there is demand from power plants, which urgently need to replace outdated equipment. However, they have no money for this.

“The power plants do not have enough money to carry out large-scale modernization in the context of a tight tariff policy regulated by the state. Power plants cannot sell electricity at a price that would allow them to cash in on quick upgrades. We have very cheap electricity compared to Western countries", - says Muratshin.

Therefore, the situation in the energy industry cannot be called rosy. For example, at one time the largest boiler plant in the Soviet Union, Krasny Kotelshchik (part of Power Machines), at its peak produced 40 high-capacity boilers per year, and now - only one or two per year. “There is no demand, and the capacities that were in the Soviet Union have been lost. But we still have the basic technologies, so within two to three years our factories can again produce 40-50 boilers a year. It's a matter of time and money. But here they drag it to the last, and then they want to do everything quickly in two days, ”Muratshin worries.

The demand for gas turbines is even more difficult because generating electricity from gas boilersexpensive pleasure... No one in the world builds its energy industry only on this type of generation, as a rule, there is the main generating capacity, and gas turbine power plants supplement it. The advantage of gas turbine stations is that they quickly connect and provide energy to the grid, which is important during peak periods of consumption (morning and evening). Whereas, for example, steam or coal boilers it takes several hours to cook. “In addition, there is no coal in Crimea, but it has its own gas, plus they are pulling a gas pipeline from Russian mainland", - Muratshin explains the logic according to which a gas-fired power plant was chosen for Crimea.

But there is another reason why Russia bought specifically German, and not domestic, turbines for the power plants under construction in Crimea. The development of domestic analogues is already underway. We are talking about the GTD-110M gas turbine, which is being modernized and refined at the United Engine Corporation together with Inter RAO and Rusnano. This turbine was developed in the 90s and 2000s, it was even used at the Ivanovskaya TPP and Ryazanskaya TPP in the late 2000s. However, the product ended up with many "childhood illnesses". Actually, now NPO Saturn is engaged in their treatment.

And since the project of the Crimean power plants is extremely important from many points of view, apparently, for the sake of reliability, it was decided not to use a crude domestic turbine for it. The UEC explained that they would not have time to finalize their turbine before the start of the construction of stations in Crimea. By the end of this year, only a prototype of the modernized GTD-110M will be created. While the launch of the first blocks of two thermal power plants in Simferopol and Sevastopol is promised by the beginning of 2018.

However, if it were not for the sanctions, then there would be no serious problems with turbines for Crimea. Moreover, even Siemens turbines are not purely imported products. Alexey Kalachev from Finam Investment Company notes that turbines for Crimean CHPPs could be produced in Russia, at the St. Petersburg plant Siemens Gas Turbine Technologies.

“Of course, this is a subsidiary of Siemens, and certainly some part of the components is supplied for assembly from European factories. Still, this is a joint venture, and production is localized on Russian territory and to meet Russian needs, ”says Kalachev. That is, Russia not only buys foreign turbines, but also forced foreigners to invest in production on Russian territory. According to Kalachev, it is precisely the creation of a joint venture in Russia with foreign partners that makes it possible to overcome the technological gap most quickly and efficiently.

“Without the participation of foreign partners, the creation of independent and completely independent technologies and technological platforms is theoretically possible, but it will take considerable time and money,” the expert explains. Moreover, money is needed not only for the modernization of production, but also for personnel training, R&D, engineering schools, etc. By the way, it took Siemens 10 years to create the SGT5-8000H turbine.

The real origin of the turbines supplied to the Crimea turned out to be quite understandable. As stated by the Technopromexport company, four sets of turbines for power facilities in Crimea were purchased on the secondary market. And he, as you know, is not subject to sanctions.

In Russia, on behalf of the President, the government is preparing a large-scale program for the modernization of thermal power plants (TPPs), which is estimated at 1.5 trillion rubles and may start in 2019. One of its main conditions will be the use of Russian equipment. Is it possible to renew the electric power industry at the expense of domestic developments, about the development of new turbines, export potential and the necessary support of the state in an interview with the Prime agency, said Timur Lipatov, General Director of Power Machines, who headed the company three months ago.

- What is Power Machines focused on now? Will you work mainly for the thermal power industry because of the upcoming program for its modernization?

For anyone. We cannot neglect any niche, the situation in the industry is not the best: markets are shrinking, competition is growing. Therefore, we make almost the entire range of equipment for nuclear, thermal and hydropower.

- What demand from Russian power companies is Power Machines ready for under the program of modernization of thermal power plants?

In the first competitive selection for modernization, projects with a total capacity of 11 GW will be selected, first of all, it will be the reconstruction of our traditional steam power equipment. Our production capacity allows us to produce up to 8.5 GW of turbine equipment per year, the same volume of generators, about 50 thousand tons of boiler equipment.

We have well-developed projects for the modernization of the K-200 and K-300 turbines, and there is a project for the modernization of the K-800. These projects allow you to increase power, efficiency, extend the resource, flexibly respond to what the client needs. But the program is not limited only to condensing units (that is, generating electricity - ed.) With a capacity of 200 and 300 MW, therefore we are concentrating on the PT-60 and PT-80 cogeneration turbines. Their design has been revised, including, we are improving the design of the body part and steam distribution. In parallel, solutions have been developed for the replacement and modernization of third-party turbines. First of all, we are talking about the machines of the Kharkov Turbine Plant.

- It is planned to include a norm on 100% localization of production in Russia in the program of modernization of TPPs necessary equipment... Apart from gas turbines, what equipment is still to be localized?

In my opinion, the only problem in the production of generating equipment in Russia is large-scale casting and the production of large forgings (a metal blank obtained as a result of forging or hot stamping - ed.).

Historically, there were three manufacturers of cast billets in the USSR, two of which - in the Urals and St. Petersburg - closed the foundry. As a result, the only supplier remained in Russia, which does not always provide required quality, and we are forced to purchase large-sized cast billets abroad, where their quality is more stable. We believe in the potential of Russian metallurgical enterprises, we believe that with appropriate government support and the appearance of guaranteed demand, they will be able to restore competencies and provide power engineering with high-quality cast billets and forgings. This is a parallel process, it is part of the TPP modernization program, although it may not be on the surface right now.

- Power Machines announced plans to develop a domestic high-power gas turbine. Are you discussing partnerships with Russian or foreign companies?

The basic option is the independent development of gas turbines, since the localization, which any foreign company talks about, is, as a rule, localization "for hardware". We see our task not in repeating the production of an outdated foreign model of a gas turbine in Russia, but in restoring the domestic school of gas turbine construction.

Our ultimate goal is to restart the gas turbine production cycle by organizing a design bureau, creating calculation methods, a bench base, and thereby protecting the Russian energy industry from various negative external manifestations.

- What is the share of gas turbines of foreign manufacturers in Russia?

According to our estimates, if we take the operating combined cycle gas turbines (CCGT) and gas turbine units (GTU), more than 70% are supplies from foreign manufacturers, another 24% are gas turbines manufactured by Interturbo (a joint venture of the Leningrad Metal Plant created in the 90s and Siemens).

At the same time, despite the presence of joint ventures, the production of the most significant elements of gas turbines is not localized in Russia - components of the hot path (fuel combustion chambers, turbine blades - ed.) And control systems. Production is limited only to the assembly and manufacture of individual units, which are not critical for the operability of the gas turbine plant and the energy security of Russia as a whole.

- What line of gas turbines "Power Machines" would like to produce?

We start with 65 MW F-class and 170 MW E-class machines. In the future, it is planned to create a 100 MW high-speed turbine with a free power turbine. Subsequently, it is possible to develop a 300-400 MW F or H-class GTU for 3000 rpm using the principles of scaling for some of the components.

- If Power Machines will independently develop the turbine, at what production site?

Here, at our production facilities in St. Petersburg.

- How much do you estimate R&D expenditures in general? What are the costs of starting up industrial production? And how long can it take?

We estimate the entire project for 65 and 170 MW machines at 15 billion rubles. This amount includes the costs of R&D and technology development, development and re-equipment of design and technological services, modernization of the experimental research and production base. Production will be ready for the production of prototype turbines in two years.

- Why do you think that you will be able to develop a turbine? In Russia, other companies have many years of experience with unsuccessful attempts.

At one time we were in the trend of gas turbines... The first such machine with a capacity of 100 MW was made at LMZ (Leningrad Metal Plant, part of Power Machines - ed.) In the 60s. And it fully corresponded to the technologies of that time. This groundwork, unfortunately, was lost during the perestroika period. This area of ​​power engineering in the world has become so technologically advanced, has gone so far that in the 90s more in a simple way its restoration was the acquisition of the right to use intellectual property and the localization of production in Russia. As a result, in the 1990s, in partnership with Siemens, LMZ created a joint venture "Interturbo", from which a modern STGT grew (a joint venture between Siemens and Power Machines - ed.). Equipment production was located at LMZ facilities and reached an honest 50% localization. As part of Interturbo, we have gained experience in the production of gas turbine components, which is highly correlated with our current work.

In the recent past, Power Machines independently, no longer within the framework of a joint venture, implemented a project for the development and production of a gas turbine GTE-65 with a capacity of 65 MW. The car passed full cycle cold tests, reached the so-called "full speed, no load" tests, but due to the lack of an experimental TPP for testing and running the technology was not put into commercial operation.

- What, in your opinion, will facilitate the rapid development of gas turbine production technology in Russia?

I will name three fundamental factors. The first one is preferences in the development of the production of Russian gas turbines within the framework of the TPP modernization program. We believe that this goal has been achieved thanks to a reasonable dialogue between the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Ministry of Energy. We hope that as part of the subsequent selection of projects for participation in the modernization program, the restrictions on the maximum capital costs for projects using domestic gas turbines will be lifted. This will make facilities with domestic gas turbines more attractive for investments.

The second factor is the possibility of construction by Power Machines, independently or with a partner, of experimental TPPs with a total capacity of 1.4 GW within the framework of the KOM NGO mechanism (guarantees investors the return on investment of new power plant construction projects due to increased consumer payments for capacity - ed.). This is necessary in order to bring the prototypes of gas turbines to readiness for industrial operation and to obtain necessary experience and competencies for all possible implementations - single-shaft, twin-shaft and three-shaft CCGT units for gas turbines of all types.
And thirdly, the prompt release of government decree No. 719 (amendments to the decree governing the localization of production in the Russian Federation - ed.), Which will put all manufacturers, both domestic and foreign, on equal terms.

- As part of the TPP modernization program, do you expect to conclude contracts not only for specific power plants, but also for companies, perhaps for the entire duration of the program?

Of course, we are interested in long-term cooperation, but within the framework of the modernization program, the generating companies themselves will only have to participate in competitive selections.

At the same time, from my point of view, the conclusion of such long-term contracts is a normal practice, which will allow us to plan the production program and not let the counterparties down on time if their projects are selected.
The main discussions now concern the framework contracts for repair and service maintenance and the supply of spare parts. When evaluating annual and three-year plans for repair campaigns, we, as a rule, see the potential to reduce the cost of spare parts and services rendered by up to 15% due to the alignment of production schedules.

- What kind of discussions are underway, are there any obstacles to the development of the service direction?

The main obstacle to development is "garage production". In the Soviet Union, drawings were often in free circulation; in the 90s, insufficient attention was paid to the protection of intellectual property. It is not surprising that as a result, a huge number of one-day firms have arisen, where people in artisanal conditions, literally in the garage, produce outdated spare parts, with deviations from the formular dimensions, and inadequacy of materials in terms of physical and mechanical characteristics.

We receive a large number of requests from consumers with a request to agree on certain deviations in the working documentation from original design during repairs. I see serious risks in this, since the reason for the failure of our equipment may be the use of a non-original spare part made with deviations. There are few serious players who can ensure the proper timing and quality of work.

- How big is the problem of counterfeit products?

The market is filled with non-original spare parts, including counterfeit ones. We are working to protect our technology, return intellectual property and prohibit its use by other players using the opportunities that the civil and criminal codes give us. They did not bear the costs of R&D (research and development work - ed.), Do not guarantee quality, damage our reputation. We count on support in this matter from Rostekhnadzor, as well as other manufacturers.

- In the medium term, will the company focus on the domestic market or foreign projects? Which countries are you primarily considering for work? What technologies are in demand abroad?

- Power Machines has great export and technological potential. The main share of our projects abroad now is either nuclear and hydraulic, where we compete on equal terms with global manufacturers, or steam power units (reconstruction of previously supplied machines, production of equipment for burning such types of fuel, for example, as fuel oil and crude oil). The share of exports varies, but averages around 50%.

To increase exports, we must master two fundamentally important technologies, which are not in Russia now. First, to restore the production of domestic gas turbines of medium and large capacity. Secondly, to make a pulverized coal boiler and a steam turbine for super-supercritical steam parameters (SSCP). Existing technologies allow to achieve sufficiently high efficiency of 45-47% on steam turbines operating at the SSCP. This is a reasonable alternative to the combined cycle, given the relatively low cost of coal, and often due to the lack of gas in the region. We have already developed design documentation for an SSCP turbine with a capacity of 660 MW - and are ready to launch it into production as soon as an order appears.

In order for new products to be in demand abroad, they must first be manufactured and introduced on the home market, in Russia. The presence of references will allow us to enter our traditional markets - in Asia and Latin America, in the Middle East. One of the ways to obtain the necessary competencies is the construction of experimental stations within the framework of the KOM NGO mechanism. In addition, government support is needed - through intergovernmental agreements, with the involvement of export financing, and concessional lending. This was done in the Soviet Union, as our competitors abroad are doing now.

- What other directions of the company's development do you see?

One of the areas will be to support small technology companies. There are a huge number of startups on the market that are complementary to our technology chain and sales channels. We intend to actively support the development of such companies by entering into their equity capital, financing R&D and technologies, and guarantees. The transfer of control will allow shareholders to generate significantly more revenue through increased sales and expansion of their channels. I ask everyone to consider this an official invitation, we will be happy to consider the proposals. Examples of such successful interaction has already.

A gloating article appeared in the Western press that the construction of new power plants in Crimea actually stopped due to Western sanctions - after all, we seem to have forgotten how to make turbines for power plants ourselves and bowed to Western companies, which are now forced to wind down their deliveries and thus leave Russia without turbines for energy.

"The project envisaged that Siemens turbines would be installed at the power plants. However, in this case, this German engineering company risks violating the sanctions regime. Sources say that in the absence of turbines, the project faces serious delays. Siemens officials have always said that they do not intend to implement them. supply of equipment.
Russia studied the possibility of acquiring turbines from Iran, making changes to the project for the installation of turbines Russian production, as well as the use of Western turbines, previously acquired by Russia and already located on its territory. Each of these alternatives poses specific challenges, which, according to sources, prevents officials and project leaders from agreeing on how to move forward.
This story demonstrates that, despite official denials, Western sanctions still have real negative impact on Russian economy... It also sheds light on the decision-making mechanism under Vladimir Putin. It is about the propensity of high-ranking officials, according to sources close to the Kremlin, to make grandiose political promises that are almost impossible to implement. "

"Back in October 2016, at a briefing in Munich, the company representatives said that Siemens excludes the use of its gas turbines at thermal power plants in Crimea. We are talking about gas turbines that are produced in Russia at the Siemens gas turbine technology plant in St. Petersburg, which was put into operation in 2015. The shares in this company are distributed as follows: Siemens - 65%, Power Machines - beneficiary A. Mordashov - 35%. 160 MW, and in the contract signed in the spring of 2016 the TPP in Taman is indicated. "

In fact, it so happened that since the days of the USSR, the production of gas turbine units for power plants it was concentrated on 3 enterprises - in the then Leningrad, as well as in Nikolaev and Kharkov. Accordingly, during the collapse of the USSR, Russia was left with only one such plant - LMZ. Since 2001, this plant has been producing Siemens turbines under license.

“It all started in 1991, when a joint venture was created - then still LMZ and Siemens - to assemble gas turbines. Metal plant, which is now part of OJSC Power Machines. This joint venture has assembled 19 turbines in 10 years. Over the years, LMZ has accumulated production experience in order to learn how to not only assemble these turbines, but also make some components on their own. Based on this experience, in 2001 a licensing agreement was concluded with Siemens for the production, sales and after-sales service of turbines of the same type. They received the Russian marking GTE-160 ".

It is not clear where their developments, which were successfully produced there during the previous 40 years, have gone. As a result, the domestic power engineering industry (gas turbine engineering) was left behind. Now I have to begging overseas in search of turbines. Even in Iran.

"Rostec Corporation has reached an agreement with the Iranian company Mapna, which produces German gas turbines under Siemens license. Thus, gas turbines manufactured in Iran according to drawings by German Siemens can be installed on new power plants in Crimea."

On October 24, OOO Russian Gas Turbines, a joint venture between General Electric, Inter RAO Group and OAO United Engine Corporation, opened a plant for the production, sale and maintenance of 6FA (6F.03) gas turbines in Rybinsk, Yaroslavl Region.

The first two units, intended for delivery to the enterprises of OAO NK Rosneft, will be assembled in 2015. The maximum production capacity of the enterprise will be up to 20 gas turbine units per year, which will meet the demand for highly efficient power units for combined heat and power projects.

General Electric owns a 50% stake in the Russian Gas Turbines project, Inter RAO Group - and UEC - 25% each.
Participants' investments in the creation and development of production amount to 5 billion rubles.

2. And they say that nothing is produced in Russia. Even the sanctions did not affect this project.

3. Officials arrived to get acquainted with the enterprise and start production.

4. A tour of the enterprise was conducted for them.

5. Official opening on an impromptu stage in the workshop of the plant.

6. General Director of Russian Gas Turbines LLC Nadezhda Izotova. She said that she expects to bring the localization of domestic components to 50% within five years, and Ron Pollett added that, possibly, up to 80%. It follows from this that soon the turbines will consist of 80% of Russian materials, which implies the creation of new jobs and enterprises in Russia.

7. Nadezhda Izotova, Chairman of the Board of JSC "Inter RAO" Boris Kovalchuk, President and CEO of GE in Russia Ron Pollett.

8. Governor of the Yaroslavl Region Sergey Yastrebov.

9. Production of a 6FA gas turbine in Russia - unique example cooperation in the field of advanced technologies in power engineering.

10. The 6FA turbine is a high-tech product with a combined cycle efficiency of over 55%.

11. The 6FA turbine is distinguished by high reliability, compactness, the ability to work on different types fuel, including in harsh climatic conditions, which leads to the widespread use of 6FA in power generation, district heating and industrial cogeneration.

12. Thanks to the "Russian Gas Turbines" Rybinsk, the second largest city in the Yaroslavl Region, is becoming a world-class gas turbine building center.

13. The construction of the plant opens great prospects for the development of the region. The Rybinsk Aviation Technical Academy will be the supplier of personnel for Russian Gas Turbines. The staff of the enterprise will be about 150 people, 60 of them have already started work. GE donated expensive student training equipment to the university that can be used to model turbines in detail and make more accurate calculations.

14. Truck fleet.

15. Assembly shop of the plant.

16. The opening of the plant will contribute to the creation of new jobs, increase the prestige of the engineering profession.

17. At the initial stage, the annual production will be 14 units. The plant has already started assembling the first turbine.