New Year's decor: how to decorate the living room and holiday table. Decor without problems: we create decorations for the New Year with our own hands and combine them correctly How to decorate a room for the New Year with your own hands beautifully

Every time on the eve of the New Year, we try to decorate the house with decor that, in character and color, supports the symbol of the year. This year it is the Fire Monkey. so that the home looks unique, supports the style of the sign, and maintains comfort, says Tatyana Zaitseva, head of the studio comfortable interiors Tatiana Zaitseva Design Studio.

On the one hand, those who like to delve into symbolism can find many ways to appease this particular sign. On the other hand, it is important to decorate the house in this way New Year 2016 to create an environment where you and your family will feel the holiday spirit. I advise you to stick to your own feelings, but I will also try to give a few useful tips about living room decor for the New Year holidays.

The center of attention is, of course, the tree and the table. Now there are a lot of discussions on the topic of whether to buy natural or artificial Christmas tree. If you associate the New Year with a simply decorated tree, then feel free to take an artificial one. If without the smell, as well as the process of selecting and installing a forest beauty, you won’t even feel the holiday, then take a live one!

To decorate the Christmas tree, use a variety of bright toys and garlands. This year you can hang more tangerines and candies on the tree, as the monkey loves both. And you probably like it yourself, especially if there are children in the house. Do something with your own hands. For example, garlands of candies and cinnamon sticks or snowflakes, you can even make rag angels from taffeta and paper (I’m sure this is not the only way). A wide gold ribbon made of fabric looks good. You can buy a large skein and make bows with long curly tails. They and the garland will be a wonderful and quite sufficient background decoration for the Christmas tree.

Decor that imitates winter berries or nuts, such as juniper or hazelnuts, looks interesting. It can be attached to the edge of the branches, where there are no cones. There is no need to block the real cones on the tree with decor.

It is also easy to sew from beautiful thick fabric socks for Santa's gifts. You can also make little funny socks and hang them on the lower branches of the tree in the form of a garland.

If the curtains in the living room are neatly fixed on either side of the window, you can decorate the window sills with dishes with candles or New Year's balls and brilliant decor. But if you plan to light candles, then you cannot put both candles and other decor on the same plate - this is dangerous. Using shiny threads (serpentine, rain) or regular coarse wool thread You can hang compositions of light glass or fabric toys over the window. Snowflakes and lanterns that can be made look especially beautiful on the window with my own hands or entrust this mission to children.

Throughout the house you can place bowls or small candy bowls with gingerbread cookies in sugar or other dry baked goods that are associated with Christmas.

New Year's chores are quite pleasant. It's time to choose gifts for loved ones, come up with an outfit and buy food for the table. But it is worth remembering that your home also needs decoration. Decorating the interior for the New Year, how to decorate it, you personally decide. However, there are many excellent and useful ideas that will create beauty and comfort in any room.

Christmas tree decoration

One of the main elements of any New Year's decor there is a beauty - a Christmas tree. It's 2019 and there are now a variety of choices for any space, from living to artificial, from huge to small and fluffy.

If the room is very crowded, you can limit yourself to Christmas tree branches, making a bouquet out of them. Just take the vase. Place twigs in it and decorate them. You will get a small homemade Christmas tree.

Many people on this holiday are accustomed to hanging on front door wreath. You can also make it from spruce branches. Take the wire and roll it into a ring. It should be quite thick, because this is the base of the wreath. Using thin and flexible wire, begin securing the spruce branches to the base. Bows, pine cones and ribbons can be used as decorative elements.

Cones are also used to create a wreath. First, polystyrene foam is taken and a base resembling the shape of a ring is cut out of it. You need to wrap the wire around the legs of the cones, and then they begin to stick them into the base until the legs go right through. Turning the base over, these tails are bent.

Such a wreath requires a large number of cones, because the base must be completely hidden behind them. Use ribbons for decoration different colors.

In addition, you can make decorative Christmas trees from cones. To do this you need to take a cone big size and paint it in green color. If you want the Christmas tree to be a little non-standard, then use a color other than green, for example, silver or gold. Place the resulting cone on a stand or in a small flower pot. It should be placed with the stem down. To decorate this decorative Christmas tree Colored beads will do.

We hang beautiful garlands

In order to better understand how to decorate a room, you can look at a photo of a decorated room for the New Year. This will give you some ideas. Well, one more mandatory element New Year's is a garland. They not only decorate the Christmas tree with it, but also hang it on the walls. Garlands powered by electricity should be purchased in a store where there is a wide selection of them. But homemade ones are not so often used when decorating rooms now.

Although such garlands look quite impressive and beautiful. It's easy to create them. You can make a garland from corrugated paper. Multi-colored long strips are cut out of it. All must be the same width. Frequent cuts are made along the edges of each strip.

As a result, you will get a fringe. Do not make them too deep; at least 2 cm from the edge of the strip should remain. Two stripes different color twisted together into a rope. Do this with all the stripes. As a result, you will get a fluffy garland; you can place it above the door or on the wall in the shape of the numbers 2019 or a wave.

Decorating the windows

In addition to the walls in the room, you should also decorate the windows. Usually they take decorative curtains or do paper crafts. But the most popular option for everyone since childhood is to decorate with snowflakes. Of course, now they are already sold ready-made.

However, it is much more interesting to make them yourself, involving the whole family. To attach snowflakes to the glass, just moisten it a little with water.

In addition to snowflakes, you can cut out other figures from paper of different colors. For example, they often use characters from fairy tales, copied from books or drawn by you.

You can also make a wreath of candy. To do this you must have:

  • tinsel,
  • Super glue,
  • candies and
  • foam ring.

Attach the candies to the ring with super glue and decorate with tinsel.

Decorative curtains are another way to beautifully decorate windows. To do this, simply attach the rain to the cornice. It can also be replaced with satin ribbons of different lengths. You can attach pine cones and Christmas balls to their free ends.

This element is used quite often when decorating a room for the new year 2019. And now it won’t be difficult to choose and buy suitable candles. However, candlesticks made with your own hands look more original.

You can use a glass to create a candlestick. Decorate the edges and stem of the glass with braid and various beads, and place a small flat candle inside. You can use scented candles.

To decorate the table, you can choose floating candles. To do this, you need a crystal vase, into which you should pour water, and then lower a couple of candles. Everything is sprinkled with glitter on top.

Decorating a nursery for the New Year

When coming up with various decorative elements before the holiday, it is important to remember not only that everything should be beautiful, but also about safety. There are several useful recommendations, which will help organize the correct design:

1. If the child is under five years old, place all decorations so high that he cannot pick them up;

2. Try not to use small parts and toys. After all, the baby can drag them into his mouth or nose;

3. You should stop using glass Christmas tree decorations. Now there are many balls made from polymer materials. These do not break even when falling from a great height;

4. If there are small children in the house, you should refuse any decorations with burning candles;

5. Check how tightly the tree is attached. It should not fall if someone accidentally touches it.

Decorating a room for a holiday is an exciting creative process. It is not necessary to buy all the elements in the store, because you can make them with your own hands. This will make the room look even more original.

Don't forget about the symbol of the New Year - the Christmas tree! Decorate it with imagination. Let the most unusual objects be used. Try to create your own Christmas decorations.
Take a unique approach to home decor. Imagine on this topic, and your home will look very cozy for the New Year 2019.

You can also see interesting materials on the topic:

70 photo ideas on how to decorate a room for the New Year 2019

Reading time ≈ 3 minutes

The New Year's atmosphere bursts into a person's life at the end of November. It is at this time that city streets and public institutions begin to decorate for the holiday. People start decorating their homes later. But you need to think through the basic concept that the apartment’s New Year’s decor will correspond to in advance.

On the eve of the New Year 2016

For many years now, the onset of the New Year has been correlated with the Chinese astrological calendar. This theme can be seen in the decoration of the premises, in the decoration of dishes, and in clothing. Since 2016 is the Year of the Monkey, many will want to decorate in this direction. To prevent your home decor from looking like a mess in the jungle - the favorite habitat of monkeys - you need to make a plan and think about your place for each thing.

In accordance with Chinese horoscope main color- red. But this does not mean that everything should be decorated in red. The traditional colors of the winter forest are white and blue, as well as brown. They should be the ones who lead in decoration. However, the most fashionable colors colors for the upcoming holiday are lilac and lilac. That's why harmonious combination light snowy design with bright red accents or purple mysterious elements will make the New Year unforgettable.

Red is recommended for napkins in table settings and for holiday candles. Although candles with monkey figures, which are a symbol of the year, would be appropriate. Lilac Christmas tree decorations can be used to decorate tables, niches, and shelves. If you are expecting guests, you can send them invitations in advance and inform them of the appropriate dress code. If your New Year's home decor includes red details, you can ask guests to use clothing items of this color in their wardrobe.

How to decorate your house for the New Year?

New Year's decor 2016 can be done independently. The following materials are suitable for this:

  • fabric (soft, voluminous toys are sewn from it, complete with felt - garlands, toys, bows for the Christmas tree);
  • cones (they are painted, covered with sparkles, beads, used on the Christmas tree, on the festive table);
  • costume jewelry (beads that you stopped wearing are used to make decorations for candles and holiday wreaths);
  • candies and fruits (hanged on the Christmas tree or on garlands in the room);
  • paper, thread, glue (window decorations, such as snowflakes).

They begin to decorate the space with doors and windows. They are the ones who will evoke a festive mood even before entering the room. When working on your own New Year's decor, do not forget that an excess of decorations will lead to bad taste and disrupt the overall harmony. It is imperative to maintain the unity of style, take care of uniform distribution decorations If you are not completely confident in your abilities, it is better to take ready-made ideas With finished photos available on the site.

When placing garlands and other decorative elements, you must take into account that they must be combined, but at the same time have different size, vary in shape. Be sure to take care of holiday lighting. Candles and garlands are simply necessary in this case.

Christmas tree decoration

The bygone custom of decorating the Christmas tree with fruits and sweets is returning. Nuts and fruits are wrapped in foil; some fruits can be left unwrapped. They will look great next to glass balls and shiny garlands.

New Year is the most magical and joyful holiday. From time immemorial, people carefully prepared for this event: they came up with a festive dinner, chose an outfit and decorated their homes. This holiday is especially interesting in the East, where the onset of the New Year is associated with the arrival of the next patron animal. The coming 2016 will come to us in the company of the Red Fire Monkey. By eastern calendar this animal is characterized as a symbol of energy, goodwill and determination. It can be assumed that 2016 promises us the fulfillment of all our wishes, especially if we meet its eastern mistress correctly.

Decorating a house in the year of the Red Fire Monkey: basic tips

The mistress of next year is endowed with a red tint and fire element. This means that she will certainly be delighted with all the fiery tones. You can decorate your home in any usual way, for example, using tinsel, fir branches, etc., giving preference to red color in the decor.

However, the range of favorable shades of 2016 is not limited to just red. If you look closely at a fiery flame, you can see orange, yellow, blue and even green shades in it, respectively, all these colors will bring you happiness in the future. New Year's Eve and the coming year.

IN holiday decor You can also play with the element of next year, which is represented by fire. If your home has one, turn it into the main interior accent. For example, the perimeter of the fireplace can be decorated with a composition of fir branches, and several beautiful candles can be placed on its shelf. Such decor will not only fill your home with a festive atmosphere, but will also activate favorable energies.

In almost all countries of the world, it is customary to celebrate the New Year with a beautifully decorated Christmas tree. According to current design trends, it is customary to decorate with plain balls of different diameters. It’s very good if you can pick up toys in red or orange tones that will symbolize fire. In addition, in 2016, fashion experts also recommend decorating the Christmas tree with sweet decor and textile toys. For example, a New Year's symbol can be decorated with curly gingerbread cookies, dried orange or lemon slices, beautiful sweets tied on satin ribbon etc. Concerning textile decor, then any knitted or felt toys, as well as felt decorations, are suitable for its implementation. This home decoration for the New Year 2016 can be done with your own hands. To fully play with this idea, complement your Christmas tree decor with satin and lace bows, guipure garlands and mother-of-pearl beads. And, of course, in the most prominent place of the New Year tree there should be the main holiday symbol of 2016 - a monkey.

The patron of next year is endowed with a cheerful disposition and love for everything bright and shocking. Therefore, when thinking about decorating your home for the New Year 2016, forget about stylistic unity and other interior canons. In preparation for the arrival of the Fire Monkey, you can safely combine the incongruous: combine bright shades, use a lot of glitter, toys and tinsel in the decor.

How to decorate your home for 2016: interesting ideas

Tropical paradise

The hot tropics are the birthplace of the main New Year's symbol, so exotic jungle motifs will become great idea for New Year's decor. If you like drastic decisions, for New Year 2016 decorate not a Christmas tree, but a palm tree. In addition to highlight the beauty tropical style You can use images of the endless ocean, figurines of exotic animals, compositions of bananas and coconuts.

2016 Year of the Monkey - how to decorate your home

African passions

The usual habitat of monkeys is Africa, so the style of this continent will come in handy more than ever. You can reproduce an African interior using black masks, original interior figurines, bamboo decor, etc. This style can be safely combined with tropical decor, and then your home on New Year’s Eve will turn into an exotic corner that an oriental guest will surely enjoy.

Animal world

On New Year's Eve 2016, your home can be turned into a kind of zoo. Decorate the walls of the room in the form of animals, select several beautiful soft toys, figurines and figurines. This decor will be appreciated by children, who can be involved in the process of creating the New Year's entourage by entrusting them with making crafts in the form of domestic and wild animals. The most important thing is that among your decorations there is an image of the hero of the occasion.

Carnival Night

Monkeys are the funniest and most cheerful animals in the world. They love to make faces and play, entertaining themselves and those around them in every possible way. Considering this feature, we can assume that the eastern guest will be delighted with the bright carnival decor. To reproduce this idea, you will need a lot of tinsel, New Year's "rain", garlands, carnival masks, decor in the form of gifts and other carnival elements. Such decorations will look especially good if you decide to throw a masquerade party.

DIY Christmas decorations for the home 2016

A thousand candles

In the East, lit candles are as obligatory a New Year's element as our Christmas tree. It turns out that a living flame activates favorable energies, helping us fulfill our wishes. Considering that the element of 2016 is fire, decor in the form of candles can be classified as the most auspicious decoration.

To make this idea look beautiful and harmonious, select curly ones, the color and design of which will match your interior style. If desired, you can decorate the candlesticks using accessories in the form of fir branches, “rain”, etc. If candles seem too dangerous decoration to you, decorate your house with garlands, LED strips, phosphorus stickers and other “luminous” objects.

This kind and beloved holiday from childhood will allow you to create the appropriate atmosphere long before the chiming clock itself. You can decorate your house a week or even two before the New Year. Since in 2016 we will be welcoming the Red (Fire) Monkey, the decoration for the holiday will need to be appropriate: bright and fiery.

We recommend that you take care of the decor in advance, so as not to end up in long lines and not face the problem of lack of the necessary goods in stores. If you are going to make some of the decorations with your own hands, then be sure to take care necessary materials. You can always choose interesting souvenirs and gifts in any online store, but experts advise choosing decor for each specific interior. To make this easy and simple, you should decide in advance full list decorations If you take a photo of your home before going to the store, you will definitely buy the right amount of tinsel and toys. We visited the online store "Empire of Crockery" and found many interesting ideas: gift figurines in the form of a Monkey, decorative plates and vases, beautiful candles and much more.

Color of the New Year 2016

The Fire Monkey will be happy bright colors. But, of course, her favorite was and will be red. It is this color, and any of its shades, that should be most abundant. Both Christmas tree decorations and garlands decorating the facade of the house can be red. Burgundy and scarlet, cherry and pomegranate - all options are suitable. Don't forget about other “fiery” colors: orange, yellow and gold. They should also be present in the palette New Year's decorations. They all go wonderfully together, but such a selection bright colors you definitely need to “dilute” it with less provocative colors. A combination of red and white, for example, will rid your home of the excessive stimulating effect of the primary color. Combinations of orange and blue are also popular. Make sure there are not too many flowers. It is best to choose two or three primary colors, which will determine the overall tone of the composition. And two or three more shades or colors will help highlight individual objects and place accents correctly.

How to decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year 2016

How can you celebrate the New Year without a luxurious fluffy Christmas tree?! Whether you prefer natural wood or you use one artificial model every year, you need to decorate it. And for the New Year of the Fire Monkey, we advise you to choose red tinsel and balls. Of course, a monochromatic decoration is unlikely to look very impressive. You can choose one of the most luxurious combinations: red and gold. For example, the balls can be gold, and the rain and tinsel can be scarlet. This decor option will look stylish and bright, the Monkey will definitely like your Christmas tree.

Don’t forget about the glowing garlands that will help transform any Christmas tree. If you use white balloons, we recommend using garlands that change color. So you can change appearance Christmas trees with one touch. The garlands will project light onto the balls, giving them a red, blue, or yellow tint.

Don’t forget about those decorative items that are associated with the symbol of the year. You can decorate the Christmas tree with small tangerines or colorful candies in beautiful wrappers.

How to decorate windows for the New Year 2016

In order for the mood to appear even when looking out of the window, you need to take care of the decor of all surfaces. This is especially true for residents of the south, where last days There may be no snow at all in December. To create a special festive mood, you can decorate the windows with large paper snowflakes. They are made very simply, and are attached to the window using a soap solution. If you like to draw, then special paints will help you decorate your windows with various patterns yourself, without waiting for severe frosts. But even those who are not endowed with artistic abilities will have the opportunity to turn glass into a real canvas. To do this, you need to purchase in advance not only paints, but also stencils. And now on your window there is already a cute and cozy house in the snow or Santa Claus carrying gifts in a sleigh.

To please not only yourself, but also everyone around you, attach glowing garlands to the window and turn them on in the evenings. A festive atmosphere will immediately appear in the house, and part of it will greet all people passing by. In addition, such decoration will help you transform your home if you do not plan to put up a Christmas tree.

Decor of walls and furniture for the New Year 2016

If you think that a beautiful artificial or natural Christmas tree can become the only decoration in your home, then you are mistaken. Creating a unique and magical atmosphere will require much more effort. Multi-colored tinsel, rain and Christmas tree decorations will decorate the whole house. So, for example, using tinsel and transparent tape or buttons, you can create a real symbol of the coming year right on the wall. The Fire Monkey is best made from red, yellow or orange color. Such bright and rich decor will definitely not go unnoticed.

And we personally decorate the apartment for the New Year :)

If you prefer more simple decorations, then you can make stars, snowflakes or spirals using the same principle. Tinsel and rain can simply be attached along the wall or between two different objects. Just keep in mind the fact that all the decor should not make it difficult to access things, interfere with the passage through the rooms, or cause discomfort.

A stylish addition to other decorations will be ordinary glass or crystal vases filled with tangerines and colored balls. They can also be decorated with tinsel and illuminated with garlands. It all depends on your imagination.

How to decorate a New Year's table

Festive decoration should be made in the colors of the symbol of the year. We recommend that you choose classic combination red and white, which is also ideal for another holiday, Christmas. To please the Monkey, place a large dish with fruits on the table: oranges, bananas, tangerines and pineapple. You can even make an original arrangement of fruits to please the Monkey and bring good luck in the coming year.