Open KS intercom without a key codes. How to open an intercom without a key (all models)? Key to all doors

User manual

Apartment intercom KS-2006

Call block

1. Purpose. 3

2. Modifications. 3

3. Functions. 3

4. Additional functions. 4

5. Technical data. 4

6. Indication of safety measures. 5

7. Installation and installation procedure. 5

9. Intercom operation. 6

9.1. Calling the apartment number. 6

9.2. Using a lock code. 6

9.3. Using keys. 7

10. Programming the call block. 7

10.1. Entering programming mode. 7

10.2. Entering the installer code (function 01). 7

10.3. Entering apartment codes (function 02). 8

10.4. Entering the code table number into memory (function 09). 8

10.5. Enter offset (function 10). 8

10.6. Enter the duration of the lock opening in seconds (function 11). 9

10.7. Disabling callback to all apartments when passing through a code (function 30). 9

10.8. Allows calls to the apartment (function 40). 9

10.9. Passage permissions using a code (working with a combination lock) (function 41). 10

10.10. Entering electronic keys (function 61). 10

10.11. Clearing the memory of electronic keys (function 69). 10

10.12. Writes the contents of non-volatile memory to the transfer device (function 70). eleven

10.13. Writing the contents of the transfer device memory to the non-volatile memory of the intercom (function 71). eleven

10.14. Increasing the allowed number of electronic keys (function 75, available in private mode). eleven

10.15. Increasing the allowed number of handsets (function 76, available in closed mode). 12

10.16. Switching the intercom to closed mode (function 79). 12

10.17. Lock opening test (function 90). 12

10.18. Lock opening test followed by exit from the installation procedure (function 98). 12

10.19. Exit the installation procedure (function 99). 12

11. Possible malfunctions and methods for eliminating them. 13

12. Equipment. 13

13. Warranty obligations. 14

Appendix: overall and installation dimensions of the call block. 15

Appendix: intercom connection diagram. 16

Appendix: connection diagram for an intercom with two call units. 17

Appendix: connection diagram for an intercom with two switches. 18

Appendix: connection diagram with concierge remote control. 19

Appendix: video intercom connection diagram. 20

1. Purpose.

The multi-subscriber microprocessor intercom KS-2006 is designed for operation in apartment building entrances residential buildings, offices, industrial buildings as an access control and restriction system.

The call block is designed to call a subscriber, communicate between the subscriber and the visitor and open the lock front door.

The call block is made in a vandal-proof housing.

2. Modifications.

The KS-2006 call block is designed to work as part of an intercom together with:

    Power supply with switch (up to 239 subscribers) BP-2006 Subscriber handsets KS-1K Electromagnetic lock KS-500L Concierge console KS-2006 PC Exit button KS-KV, backlit exit button KS-KVP With individual adapted video monitors

3. Functions.

    Audio communication between the subscriber and the visitor Sound confirmation when dialing a number, making a call, opening an electromagnetic lock and dialing an incorrect number Working with coordinate (analog) subscriber intercoms Opening an electromagnetic lock using an electric magnetic keys and individual digital codes Programmable duration of opening the lock (from 0 to 255 seconds) Adjustment of the volume of the audio signal Backlighting of the keyboard and contactor Optical anti-vandal keypad 240 code tables in the intercom memory Possibility of using the panel as a combination lock Determination of a short circuit in a specific handset Copying and transferring settings and keys using the DS1996 key.

4. Additional features.

    Connecting up to 4 switches (959 subscribers) (See Appendix)

To do this, you need to set jumpers in the power supply as follows:

no jumpers

Jumper J2

Jumper J3

jumper J2 and J3

    Possibility of connecting an unlimited number of call units to one line Possibility of connecting a concierge remote control (Application)

To operate the remote control in normal mode, nothing is required. To be able to establish a connection between the subscriber and the concierge, it is necessary to install jumper J1 in the power supply, and the handsets will begin to be polled. Communication occurs as follows: the subscriber picks up the handset and waits for a sound signal, after the signal presses the lock opening button and contacts the concierge. When interrogating the tubes, they click (it is not possible to get rid of this; it is better to coordinate this with the residents).

5. Technical data.

Maximum number of subscribers

239 (when connecting 3 switches 959 subscribers)

Maximum number of keys (memory capacity)

Maximum number of subscriber codes

Duration of opening the lock, sec

set programmatically

Duration of keeping the lock open, sec

set programmatically

Duration of sending a call to a subscriber, sec

Duration of conversation with subscriber, min

Installation method

vertical mortise

Supply voltage, V

Power consumption (no more), W

Operating temperature range, оС

Overall dimensions, mm

Weight (no more), g

6. Indication of safety measures.


When the system is running, there is a life-threatening voltage in the power supply - 220V.

Carry out all installation and maintenance work with the power supply plug disconnected from the network.

Do not connect the system to the network - 220V before connecting the ground wire to the call block.

7. Installation and installation procedure.

Before installing and assembling the intercom, carefully study the connection diagrams of the intercom units indicated in the appendices.

The call block is installed on the outer leaf of the fixed sash metal door entrance or into a wall at a height of 1400-1600 mm. The fastening must prevent unauthorized dismantling of the unit.

The power supply with the switch is installed inside the low-current section of the floor distribution panel of the 1st or 2nd floor. Installation in the electrical room of the entrance is permissible. The resistance of the communication and power line between the switch and the call unit should not exceed 1 Ohm. Failure to comply with this requirement results in the appearance of a background alternating current when talking with a subscriber and unstable operation of the product.

Electro magnetic lock installed at the top of the entrance door. The electrical wiring of the lock must be protected where it passes through the open parts of the entrance door.

Subscriber (apartment) intercom devices (audio and video) are installed inside the apartment in close proximity to the low-current input at a height of, as a rule, 1200-1500 mm from the floor. Recommended wire for connection - telephone cable TRP.

8. Turn on the intercom.

After the power is turned on, the twelve-digit serial number of the intercom will appear on the indicator. The indicator will display three digits sequentially. To view the serial number on an already turned on intercom, you need to dial “K” 9999 (without entering the programming mode).

9. Intercom operation.

9.1. Calling the apartment number.

When dialing an apartment number, each touch is accompanied by a sound signal and the appearance of a number on the display. Each subsequent digit of the apartment number should be pressed with a pause of no more than 3 seconds.

If a number greater than 999 is entered, it is canceled and the next digit is determined as the first digit of the new number.

If the pause between presses is more than 3 seconds, the intercom detects the completion of dialing and establishes a connection with the selected apartment.

If you made a typing error, press and repeat the set.

Before the connection is established, the intercom determines whether the apartment number is on the list of allowed ones. If an apartment is excluded from the list of permitted apartments, the “OFF” signal appears on the display and an audible signal sounds.

If the handset is found, a 30-second ringing tone sounds. When you pick up the handset, two-way communication is established. By pressing The number is reset.

The duration of a conversation with an apartment is limited to 2 minutes.

The electric lock can be activated at any time during a conversation by pressing a button on the handset. Opening is accompanied by a sound signal. Communication with the apartment is terminated if you hang up.

9.2. Using a lock code.

Residents can open the door using a code. To use a combination lock:

Dial apartment number

Touch the “K” field. Three bars will appear on the display.

Enter the four digit code.

After entering the correct code, the lock opens. Opening the lock is accompanied by a sound signal in the apartment.

The use of a combination lock for each specific apartment may be prohibited. If an apartment is excluded from the list of those allowed to use a combination lock, after pressing the “K” button, the “OFF” signal appears on the display and a sound signal sounds.

The intercom comes with a code table. These codes are selected by a computer in such a way that each apartment has its own code combination. The number must be entered into the intercom using Functions 09.

9.3. Using keys.

Residents can open the door using TOUCH MEMORY keys or a proximity key fob. To read the key fob, you need to bring it close to the intercom panel indicator KS-2006PROXY.

10. Programming the call block.

The instructions use the following symbols:

Parameter shown on the display;

- entered parameter (single character);

- simultaneous touching of two fields;

To store the characters shown on the display, the “K” field is used.

If new numbers are not entered, pressing the "K" field returns the program to its original state.

A time interval of 45 seconds is allocated for selecting a service procedure. If the procedure is not selected during this time, the intercom exits the programming procedure to its original operating state. It takes from 7 to 15 seconds to enter a parameter in the selected procedure. If no new data is entered within this time, the system returns to level.

It should be remembered that before operations with the apartment (changing the code, turning off the handset, etc.), you must first dial the apartment number.

10.1. Entering programming mode.

<К> [---] /Sv/

where is the personal code of the intercom installer. The installer code is initially set to 000000. The installer code can be changed ( Function 1). Once the personal code has been entered correctly, the message will appear on the display, the programming mode will be activated, and the communication mode will be disabled.

10.2. Entering the installer code (function 01).

The four-digit installer code is used to enter programming mode. This code is initially set by the manufacturer as "000000". This procedure is used to replace it. The installer code cannot be equal to 999999, but since this combination of numbers is used to view the serial number of the intercom, viewing the intercom number will become impossible.

The code is entered in six digits. The prompt to enter the code number appears as a number from 1 to 6 on the left side of the display and a horizontal line in the center. The entered numbers are shown on the display on the right. 1.5 seconds after entering the next number appears. After all four digits are entered correctly, a signal sounds to indicate the end of the code entry procedure.

Entering the installer code:

<1> <К>

<Первая цифра кода>

<Вторая цифра кода>

<Третья цифра кода>

<Четвертая цифра кода>

<Пятая цифра кода>

<Шестая цифра кода>

10.3. Entering apartment codes (function 02).

First enter the apartment number, confirming the entry with the "K" button. The input itself is similar to entering the installer code. Upon completion of the entry, the number of the next apartment will be displayed on the screen. Confirm it with the "K" button or enter another one. To exit, press "C" (the number will be erased) and "K".

Entering the apartment code:

<2> <К>

[ _] <Номер квартиры> <К>

<Первая цифра кода>

<Вторая цифра кода>

<Третья цифра кода>

<Четвертая цифра кода>

[Next apartment number]<К>or

[ _] <К>

10.4. Entering the code table number into memory (function 09).

The display will show the current table number (the default is 0 when turned on for the first time). Enter the code table number ( the table is attached to each intercom), confirming by pressing the "K" button (to exit without changes, press "C" and "K"). To carry out the procedure for writing a table into memory, you must enter the current installer code. After recording, there is an automatic exit to the “F-” level.

<9> <К>

[Code table number]

<К>(or to exit [ _] <К>) <Номер кодовой таблицы> <К>

<Текущий код установщика>

[Rapidly changing numbers from 1 to 999] - when the code is entered correctly

When you set the code table number to 0, code access is disabled for all apartments.

10.5. Enter offset (function 10).

The input is similar standard set numbers, confirmation with the “K” key, followed by exit to the “F-” level. The value can range from 0 to 999.

<1> <0> <К>

[Previously set offset]<С>

[ _] <Новое смещение> <К>

The offset will only affect the “physical” address of the apartments. For example, if the apartment set is 100 and the offset is 90, the physical address will be 100 – 90 = 10.

That is, the switch will trigger a call to apartment 10.

10.6. Enter the duration of the lock opening in seconds (function 11).

The input is similar to function 10. The value must be between 1 .. 15.

<1> <1> <К>

[Previously set time]<С>

[ _] <Новое время> <К>

10.7. Disabling callback to all apartments when passing through a code (function 30).

<4> <0> <К>

[-0-] or [-1-]

<1>- allowed


10.8. Allows calls to the apartment (function 40).

Initially, this function is set to 0 (calls to all apartments are prohibited), so after connecting the handsets, you need to allow calls to those apartments where the handsets are installed.

First, enter the apartment number and confirm with the "K" key. When the number is zero, pressing “K” leads to exit to the “F-” level. If the number is non-zero, the panel displays “-0-” or “-1-” depending on whether the operation is enabled (1) or disabled (0). Changing the flag - by pressing 0 or 1. Confirmation with the "K" key and then exiting to the number entry level.

<4> <0> <К>

[ _] <Номер квартиры> <К>

[-0-] or [-1-]

<1>- allowed

[Next apartment number]<К>or

<С> [ _] <К>

10.9. Passage permissions using a code (working with a combination lock) (function 41).

The input is the same as function 40.

<4> <1> <К>

[ _] <Номер квартиры> <К>

[-0-] or [-1-]

<1>- allowed

[Next apartment number]<К>or

<С> [ _] <К>

10.10. Entering electronic keys (function 61).

To record a new electronic key, bring it to the reader. If there is no free space, "OFL" appears on the display. When you press the "C" button, you enter the "F-" level

<6> <1> <К>

<Поднести ключ>/Sv/

[---] - search for such a key in memory

[---] - search for free space

<Следующий ключ>or<С>

After recording the key, it will be shown on the display serial number in mind.

10.11. Key collection function.

To enable the function of collecting the keys of the "C" box, exit to level "F-"

<6> <2> <К>

Enter the number of days the collection mode is turned on (maximum number of days 99)

The countdown of the time of day begins after pressing the "K" button

Now, when you enter the function, the number of days until the end is displayed

function actions. At the end of the day countdown, enter the key collection mode

happens automatically.

If you set the number of days to 0, the key collection mode is disabled.

When the power is turned off, the countdown begins from the current day.

10.12. Clearing the memory of electronic keys (function 69).

The display will show three horizontal lines in three digits. Then, to carry it out, you must enter the current installer code. After initialization, there is an automatic exit to the “F-” level.

<6> <9> <К>

[???]<Текущий код установщика>

[=-=] - if the code is entered correctly - clearing

The intercom provides the ability to copy the contents of non-volatile memory to the transfer device and back. An electronic key of the DS1996 type is used as such.

10.13. Writes the contents of non-volatile memory to the transfer device (function 70).

The display will show “SA”. To exit standby mode, do not touch the key for 30 seconds. Place the transfer device on the reader. Descending numbers from 255 to 0 will appear on the display. Hold the transfer device against the reader until “0” appears on the display. After the recording procedure is completed, it automatically exits to the “F-” level.

<7> <0> <К>

– attach the transfer device

– at the end of recording

10.14. Writing the contents of the transfer device memory to the non-volatile memory of the intercom (function 71).

The display will show Ld (Load). To exit standby mode, do not touch the key for 30 seconds. Place the transfer device on the reader. The display will show descending numbers from 255 to 0. Hold the transfer device against the reader until “0” appears on the display.

After the recording procedure is completed, it automatically exits to the “F-” level.

<7> <1> <К>

– attach the transfer device

[variable numbers from 255 to 0] – when a transfer device is detected

– at the end of recording

When writing to or reading from the transfer device, an algorithm is applied to prevent failures when the transfer device is disconnected during data exchange or the transfer device has poor contact.

10.15. Lock opening test (function 90).

<9> <0> <К>

/Opening the lock/

The procedure should be used when installing an intercom to adjust the electric lock.

10.16. Lock opening test followed by exit from the installation procedure (function 98).

<9> <8> <К>

/Opening the lock/

exit to main mode.

10.17. Exit the installation procedure (function 99).

<9> <9> <К>

exit to main mode.

11. Possible malfunctions and methods for eliminating them

The messages below indicate problems.

If one of the infrared rays of the panel “fails,” then the intercom program ignores the failure and continues to work.

If more than one beam fails, the display will show “Err” and the keypad will turn off. According to the program, in the event of serious problems with the panel, the intercom will silently turn the lock on and off every 45 seconds (after several tens of minutes have passed after the fault is detected).

External signs

Test and Elimination Method

Error - E0

A break in the line or an error when connecting the pins on the “+” and “-” lines on the call block connector

Check the connection at the connector

Error – E3

1) Doesn't read keys

1) Contactor closing. Remove the contactor, turn it on, if there is no E3 on the display, carefully put the contactor in place. If E3 is present, replace the processor.

Processor faulty

Replacing the processor

There is no handset on this number or the handset is faulty, the switch connection is incorrect

Checking the functionality of the tube, check the connection according to the diagram

No backlight

1) The LED shorts to the body

2) Failure of one of the LEDs

1) Open the panel and fix the LEDs

2) Replacing the LED

The panel does not turn on

The fuse in the power supply has blown

Replacing the fuse in the power supply

12. Equipment

Call block KS-2006 – 1 pc.

Set of fastening accessories – 1 pc.

Code table – 1 pc.

Instructions – 1 piece (as needed)

Packing box – 1 pc.

13. Warranty obligations

The warranty period for the product is 12 months from the date of sale, provided that the consumer follows the installation and operation rules.

The intercom is not subject to free warranty service in the following cases:

In the presence of mechanical damage and defects caused by improper connection or external influences;

In case of unauthorized design changes, electrical diagram or product configuration;

If repairs were carried out by a person who did not have the appropriate permission.

The manufacturer does not bear warranty liability in the following cases:

Malfunctions caused by foreign objects, substances, or liquids getting inside the call unit;

Malfunctions caused by non-compliance with state standards of power supply network parameters;

When connecting the call unit to the power supply network without a protective grounding conductor on the equipment and on the metal door;

Malfunctions caused by the use of non-standard materials and spare parts;

Malfunctions caused by natural disasters, fire or other reasons beyond the control of the manufacturer.

Appendix: overall and installation dimensions of the call block." align="right" width="999" height="529 src=">

I wonder if this works too?

How to open any intercom without a key?

Opening the intercom Visit
If the factory settings are not changed, there are 4 code options: *#423; 12#345; 67#890; *#4230.
To access using the service menu: #999. After two intermittent signals, enter: 1234 (standard), if there is an error, enter: 0000; 9999; 3535; 12345; 6767. The access signal is one sound, the refusal signal is two sounds.
A way to access the service menu using three buttons. Press “2” (wait a couple of seconds), “#” (another couple of seconds), “3535” - then the door opens.
After pressing “*”, the program mode is exited.

Opening the intercom METAKOM
Three ways to open METAKOM intercoms:
1) Press the call button, then dial the number of the first apartment in the entrance and press the call button again. The letters COD should appear on the display, dial the numbers – 5702.
2) 65535 – call – 1234 – 8.
3) call – 1234 – 6 – call – 4568.

Opening the intercom Cyfral
Two opening options:
1) If there is a mark “M” on the intercom.
Press: 07054, or – call – 41, or – call – 1410.
2) If there are three-digit apartment numbers.
Call – apartment number (100, 200) – call - 2323; 7272; 7273 (one of 3 numbers).

Opening the intercom Eltis
Two quick and easy options:
Call – 2323;
Call – 7273.

Opening the intercom FACTORIAL
Press the numbers: 000000; 123456, if refused, press – 5 – 180180 – call - 4 call.

Opening the intercom Keyman
The most problematic in access.
1) K – 100 – 789 – short sound – 123456 – 8;
2) K – 170862 – short sound – 0.
Opening Barrier II, 2M and 4

Intercom codes Rainmann and Raikmann
Despite some similarity in names, Rainmann intercoms and Raikmann are completely different devices. Raikmann devices are resistant to hacking and cannot be opened without a key using a code. But the Rainmann CD-2000 and AO-3000 models are found.
In order to open the 2000th model, you need to click on the “key”, then enter the code “987654”. After this, the intercom will beep and you need to enter the numbers “123456”. If the engineering menu is available, the “P” icon will appear on the screen. Now, to unlock and open the door, you need to press the number 8.
It’s better not to reap anything else - you can cut everything off and get the hell out of the residents.
Another life hack that has been noticed by users is the reaction of the touch keyboard to hypothermia. If you roll a snowball, apply it and hold it for 15-20 minutes, then there is a chance to open the door.

Setting up intercoms of this brand is very, very similar to the already familiar Digital, with the only exception that when installing the device, it is necessary to change the master password and therefore it is believed that it will not be possible to open it. Although there may be a hacking option through the engineering menu. To do this, you need to dial the Factorial intercom code. In most cases the following are used:


Another option is to press the “5” button and hold it for 5-6 seconds, then type this:
180180 + “Call” + 4 + “Call” key.

Laskomex (Laskomex)
To open the door on Laskomex AO-3000 VTM, try entering the keys:
1 + "Key" + 8976
66 + "Key" + 1989
Didn't come? This means the code was changed during installation.
To enter the service menu, you need to click on the key 5 times, after which a password entry field will appear. The default is: 1234. Most often, it is changed upon installation, but there is still a chance. Code P8 is responsible for opening the door “Laskomex AO-3000VTM”.

A rare guest in our high-rise buildings. It is extremely rare.
To open the Domogard intercom door, make one long press on “C”. After it makes a sound, quickly enter the code:
669900 + “Call” + number of the last apartment in the entrance plus 1
After this, the following message will appear on the screen: “F-”. We're inside the service menu! Then you can use one of the following options:
080 - Open the door
333 - Remember new key
071 - Disable door lock

These are not entrance intercoms, but individual ones, used most often in private homes or where there is a concierge. There are no universal codes for it.

Another rare model. There is only one hacking option:
“Call” + 00000 + “Call” + “Call”
The last two calls must be pressed quickly and the entrance intercom will open.

There is very little useful information on Forward intercoms on the Internet. There are only three known universal keys that were unearthed:
In order to program your door key for “Forward”, you can try entering “77395201”+”*”+0+”*”. After that, apply the key tablet and press “#” twice. If the code “77395201” did not work, try this one: “5755660″.

There is very little information about how to open a KS intercom. The only code I could find:
“K” + “377” + pause + “698” + “K”
There is also information that sometimes the code works:
"K"+ 0000 + pause + 98
"K" + 0903 + pause + 98 + pause + "K"

There is information on the Internet that it will not be possible to open the Techcom door so easily. In some cases, the following may work. You will definitely need a key for such an intercom. Press and hold three buttons “1”, “6” and “0”. After that, we release them one by one. We start with “0”, then “6” and “1”. A signal will sound. Here we enter the default pass - “4321”. If the password is correct, click on “Call”, then on “3” and again “Call”. We bring the key and the door will open. I haven’t tested this method myself, but I can’t vouch for it.

There is very little information on Impul-DS intercom models. Possible options:
"1234" + "C"
The first option almost never works, because... The code will definitely be changed when installing the device.

Golden eagle
The entrance intercom Berkut LS 2001 is the only model of this manufacturer on the market so far. It is a simple device based on an oscillating circuit, which is assembled with a resistor and capacitor. Universal codes
“key” + 123456 + “key” + 5150С
"key" + 123456 + "key" + 206C
“key” + 123456 + “key” + 6140С
"key" + 123456 + "key" + 2589C
You can also try making your own master code. To do this, type the command: “key” + 23456 + “key” + “ХХХХ” and the “F” icon will appear. Now click on “9” and “key”. Next, you can enter your 4 digits.

At the time of writing, there is only one known master code for the Keyman intercom:
In some cases, input without the last eight is rolled.

To open the Marshal intercom, you need to enter a number equal to the number of the last apartment in the entrance +1, and after that - “K” + “5555”. That is:
“Number+1” + “K” + “5555”
It works every other time.

Coral Intercom Service
The devices are extremely rare. There are only two known master keys for Coral Service:
123 + "beep" + "1234"
“00” + “beep” + “773952004”

Kamsan (KamSan)
There is no universal master code for KamSan intercoms, namely the KS - 2002 model. There is no information on their programming. What is known is that it will automatically go into programming mode if you attach an empty blank key to it.

In the entrances you can find two models of this manufacturer - COMMAXCDV-50A and COMMAX CDV-50AM. Their device is very complex and practically no one has been able to crack its security. The only code I could find was this:
“K” + “S” + “K” + “S” + “K” + “S” + “K” + “K”

Pierres (Pierce)
Pierres 1000 Micro
In the entrances there are models “Pirrs 1000 Micro”, “Modern” and “Lux”. Factory master code for all three types:
Also for the Pier 1000 Micro model the key may work:
“8310649” + “entrance number”

In fact, the Arcades intercom is a slightly modified KS model, which I have already reviewed above. Accordingly, codes from KC should also be suitable for it.

The default key is “951”, but there is almost no chance that it has not been changed. Hacking Kron audio intercoms is impossible, since nothing can be done without an individual master key.

Methods for opening any intercom. Secret codes for opening different brands of intercoms.

It is no longer so easy to enter city high-rise buildings, since they are equipped with intercoms of different brands. This makes it safer for residents and it is easier to maintain order in the entrance.

However, there are situations in our lives when we forget or lose our keys. What if it’s winter outside or deep night, or you know for sure that there is no one in the apartment, and you need to get home, then it is better to have a hint at hand in the form of a special code to open the intercom.

How to open any intercom without a key?

intercom panel with numbers

There are many manufacturers and brands of electronic home security guards.

Each manufacturer sews into its memory its own combination for accessing the service menu and opening without keys.

However, there is no absolutely universal set of numbers that can be used to open any intercom.

The only thing that was invented by the manufacturers is a universal master key that opens the most common models of intercoms in your city. But it is available to a limited number of specialists, namely:

  • police
  • ambulance
  • postmen
  • advertising peddlers
  • employees of the building maintenance company

And yet for the tenant who forgot the key multi-storey building With electronic lock The following methods may be useful:

  • Stun gun. If you bring it to the key hole and give a shock, there is a chance that the electronics of the device will perceive this action as opening it with a regular key.
  • Impact under the intercom at a distance equal to the length of the palm of an adult. The magnet of the device is located in this place, which should loosen its grip after an impact.
  • A sharp jerk of the door towards itself after strong emphasis on it. A quieter method than the previous one. However, it requires very strong pressure on closed door, and then a sharp jerk towards yourself.
  • Wait at the door until the tenant of the house leaves or enters. The downside of this method is that the waiting time can be quite long.
  • Have at hand a set of combinations of code symbols written down in your phone or notebook to open the door or get into the service menu of the intercom and then reset its memory or dial the desired combination of numbers, letters and symbols.
  • A lighter, or rather its piezo element, which you bring to the key hole and click. There are few chances to open the doors right away, but they exist.
  • Dial the apartment number of familiar or unfamiliar residents. In the second option, introduce yourself as an employee of a service company, a postman or a doctor. Perhaps the person on the other end of the line will believe you.

How to open an intercom without a Metacom key?

photo of a Metakom intercom installed on the door of a house

If the door of a house with a Metak intercom installed is closed in front of you, then you should proceed as follows:

  • Press the call key and the number of the apartment in the entrance from which the numbering in it begins.
  • Press the call key again and wait until the alphabetic characters COD are displayed on the screen.
  • Press five-seven-zero-two in sequence.

Second method with a combination of data:

  • first 65535 and call button
  • then 1234, call again and 8

Third method, if previous attempts were unsuccessful:

  • 1234 and call key
  • six, call button, four-five-six-eight

In front of you is a door with an intercom model MK-20 M/T and you want to open it without a key, then use one of these combinations when entering:

  • call button - two-seven - call key - five-seven-zero-two
  • call button - one - call key - four-five-two-six

How to open the Vizit intercom without a key?

a man tries to open the intercom Visit without a key

There are so many varieties of Visit models that the set of buttons on them also has its own differences. This is how there are intercoms where instead of “*” there is a “C” button, and instead of “#” there is a “K” button.

Please take this point into account when typing the following combinations to open and enter a multi-storey building in which a door with a Visit brand intercom is installed.

Via the service menu:

  • Dial "#-three nines".
  • “1234” and wait for a short high-pitched sound.
  • If you hear a two-tone beep, then use one of these combinations or enter them one by one: “one-two-three-four-five”, “three-five-three-five”, “six-seven-six-seven”, “four nines”, “one-one-six-three-nine”.
  • Complete the opening by entering the code “two - pause - # - pause - three-five-three-five”.

An easier way is to enter short combinations for:

  • Earlier models Visit “*#-four-two-three-zero” or “one-two-#-three-four-five”.
  • Newer models are “*#-four-three-two” or “six-seven-#-eight-nine-zero”.

How to open the Cyfral CCD intercom without a key?

a man selects a code to open the Digital intercom

Digital intercoms require patience and clear entry of a specific data sequence in order to open the entrance doors.

Use the following tips:

  • “B” - 0000″ will respond with the opening of a line of intercoms type 2094.1M. If after entering this sequence of buttons the entrance door remains closed, pay attention to the screen - it should show the letters “ON”. Press "two" and enter. If “OFF” is indicated on the screen, then you probably cannot do without a key to open an intercom of this brand. During its installation, the installers reset the factory codes to new ones.
  • Four zeros and a call key will open the door with the intercom modification 2094M. The screen should display the letter “cod”, enter one-two-three-four-five-six and a call key or four-five-six-three nines and a call button or one-two-three-four-two zeros and a call button . When the screen displays “f0”, press the number six-zero-one buttons one by one.

How to open the Eltis intercom without a key?

a man dials a code to open a door with an Eltis intercom

This type of intercom is much easier in case of emergency opening than other models.

Apply the following sequence of data, optionally or one at a time:

  • call button - one hundred - call key - seven-two-seven-three
  • call button - one hundred - call key - two-three-two-three
  • call button - apartment number - call key - intercom code. The code is suitable for entrances where apartment numbers are multiples of 100, for example, one hundred, two hundred, three hundred and the like. The intercom code will be “two-three-two-three”, “seven-two-seven-two”, “seven-two-seven-three”
  • call button - four-one - call key - one-four-one-zero” is suitable for modifications of the Visit “M”
  • zero-seven-zero-five-four

How to open the Forward intercom without a key?

a man completes entering a code with a call button on an intercom

If the hole in the area of ​​the key reader for an intercom of a similar model is accessible and not sealed, insert a thin long wire, knitting needle or paper clip into it. They will easily open the entrance door for you.

In addition to sharp means at hand, the following sets of letters and numbers can help you:

  • "K557798K"
  • "2427101"
  • "123*2427101"
  • "K1234"

You can add your own to the key recognition program. Follow these steps:

  • "77395201" - "*" - "0" - "*"
  • place the tablet key on the hole and press the # sharp sign twice

Instead of the digital code 77395201, they sometimes dial 5755660.

How to open the Marshal intercom without a key?

external panel new intercom

Knowing the last number of the apartment in the entrance whose door is closed in front of you with this device, use the following combinations to open it:

  • “last apartment number +1” - “K5555”
  • “last apartment number +1” - “K1958”

Open the intercom without a key Stroy Master

universal key for opening different intercoms

When the intercom installer did not change the factory codes in the electronic device on purpose or because of haste, you can easily open it.

Be patient and enter the following combinations one by one:

  • one-two-three-four, six-seven-six-seven, three-five-three-five, four nines, one-two-three-four-five, four zeros, one-one-six-three-nine. Complete your entry by pressing the call and cancel buttons C so that the device has time to return to operating mode
  • call button - 1234

How to open the Laskomex intercom without a key?

external intercom panel Laskomex

When installing an electronic device of this brand, installers fill in unique four-digit codes for each residential premises in the house. Therefore, you should find out this code and remember it to get home if you have lost or forgotten the access key.

Enter the sequence of buttons:

  • Call - apartment number - a unique combination of 4 digits.

The second method is to easily open a device of this brand without special knowledge and reprogramming the control panel:

  • Press the button with the key and “0” four times, namely key-0-key-0-key-0-key-0.
  • Next, enter “6666” and wait for the letter “P” on the screen.
  • Finish your entry by pressing “8”.
  • Within a minute, the entrance door will open.

How to open a Techcom intercom without a key?

successfully entered the code on the intercom

The principle of opening such an intercom is similar to other brands:

  • enter the general code
  • dial a unique combination for a specific living space

There are times when installers do not install unique combinations on the intercom for each dwelling in a multi-story building.

Then you can perform this action yourself by logging into the device control panel.

258 - one-two-three-four - call key - three and the screen will display “F3”. This means you are in the menu for adding keys:

  • General - press the call button twice and enter a four-digit combination and within three seconds enter control mode by pressing the “X” button.
  • Apartment-by-apartment - enter an example apartment - “B”. Attach an electronic key to the intercom reader for memorization. If it is already in the intercom’s memory, it will make two sounds; if not, and the recording is completed, it will make one sound. Be sure to exit control mode correctly by pressing “X”.

Older models of such intercoms open like this:

  • Dial “1-6-0” one by one, holding all numbers as you enter
  • release the keys in the reverse order, that is, “0-6-1”
  • when you see “—-“ on the screen, press “4321”
  • complete the set with the keys “B” - “3” - “B”

How to open the Factorial intercom without a key, codes

appearance intercom Factorial

Installers of this model of intercoms always change the factory codes after installation, which significantly complicates their opening.

Still, experiment with the following combinations:

  • “six zeros” or one-two-three-four-five-six
  • “5” – the screen will show a service message – “180180” – call button – four – call key

How to open the Kron intercom without a key?

engineer programs universal keys for opening different models intercoms

Use the tips for opening an entrance door with an intercom that were described in the first section without entering any combinations of characters.

If the factory code remained unchanged during installation, then dial “951”.

But usually for electronic devices, the factory installation codes change and it is almost impossible to open it in any other way, except for a special master key.

Open the Safe-Service intercom without a key

appearance of the intercom Safe service

If you save the factory codes when installing the intercom on the entrance door, dial simple combinations of numbers, six zeros or from one to honor in order.

When an attempt to open an electronic device is unsuccessful, follow these steps:

  • press and hold the number “5” for a couple of seconds
  • “on” will be displayed on the device screen
  • enter "180180" - "B" - "5"

However, be prepared that in this case there is no guarantee that the intercom will demagnetize and open the doors for you.

So, we looked at the most common models of electronic devices and ways to open them without keys.

Remember that one-time use of such tips is acceptable in emergency cases, as opposed to malicious hacking. The latter is strictly prosecuted and punished by law in any civilized country.

Video: how to open any intercom without a key?

KS is an intercom manufactured by a domestic company that not only manufactures, but also installs video systems and intercom devices. The company has its own engineering base and is engaged in the development of its products the best specialists. Materials used during production High Quality, as well as modern electronic database, so to open intercoms using a code you need to know some secrets, because you can’t just deal with them.

What are the operating features of intercom devices?

Depending on the model, the KS intercom may have a call panel equipped with a contactless or contact reader. The strength of the entire structure, as well as the electromagnetic locks used, are of great importance. It is worth noting the possibility of installing a special button for emergency exit.

It is known that in order to, you need to know a special password, since the device has comprehensive protection from software and mechanical hacking.

The main feature of the KS intercom is the ability to combine these devices with equipment produced by other manufacturers.

Thus, you can use blanks of contactless radio key fobs or magnetic keys to open intercoms of other brands.

These devices have a large operating temperature range: it starts from -40 degrees and ends at +50. In addition to all this, the company produces digital switches, code panels, power supplies, locks, door closers, radio key fobs and key duplicators.

The video shows a demonstration of how the universal key works:

Settings mode - functions and methods of entry

To dial the initial opening code and enter the settings mode, you need to press K and 0000 or K and 000000. Using this mode you can perform the following tasks:

  • Turn on the intercom handset for a separate apartment;
  • Turn off the handset of the intercom;
  • Erase the intercom opening keys or write down new ones.

However, specialists often change these passwords during installation. By changing these codes, the installer restricts access to the settings mode.

How can I open my device using a password?

Useful feature of the above protective device It is considered possible to open intercoms and enter the premises after entering the password.

It is known that in order to open the door, you first need to dial the apartment number, then the K button and a special individual password provided for each individual apartment.

These are four-digit codes that installers often do not include during installation, because they receive income from the subscription fee for the intercom device, as well as from the sale of keys. To enable the entry function using codes, you need to remove the device from the door, unscrew the cap on the back and carefully, so as not to break the wires, turn off the power using the general switch. Then you need to temporarily close the contacts J1 and turn on the power again. After 10 seconds, you can remove the jumper, assemble the device and screw it into place.

After this, the opening code will be K and 0000 or K and 000000 (the option depends on the firmware). It is advisable to use the setup instructions of this device in order to be able to adjust its operation to specific needs.

If the installers perform their duties efficiently, then after them there is no need to carry out such manipulations to open intercoms without a key.

How can I program the key?

To program the master key, you must first turn off the power to the equipment, then close the jumper on the board, near the connector. The next step is to turn on the power. Four beeps should sound, after which you need to remove the jumper. You must attach the future key to the reader, after which the device will emit 3 beeps. This indicates that the master key is ready to open the doors.

The photo shows a programmed key

To program a subscriber ID, you need to attach the master key to the reader or enter the code, after which three beeps should sound. You should apply the keys to the contactor one by one, entering them into the controller. Writing a new key is accompanied by a signal. If the key is broken or already in memory, then there will be no signal.

To exit programming mode, no code is needed: just press the door open button.

You can program the duration of the lock opening. To do this, you need to enter the required codes, then attach the master key and wait for three signals. Then press the door open button. At this moment, the device will calculate the duration of holding the button pressed.

To clear the key memory, you need to turn off the power to the device, close the jumper on the board, turn on the power, or enter the necessary codes and wait for four signals. After a short pause, the sound signal will turn on again. Within three seconds you need to install and remove the jumper again to restart the program. This will completely clear the device memory.

During memory clearing, the master key will be saved, so you will not need a code to enter program mode. If a long signal sounds, this means that the procedure should be repeated.

The video shows how to open a KS intercom without a key:

Today, installation and maintenance companies pay great attention to issues of not only the convenience of device users, but also the overall reliability and vandal resistance of the access control solution.

It is in matters of unpretentiousness and reliability, as well as minimal possibilities of unauthorized access, that one of the leaders is the KS intercom.

These devices have a fairly impressive list of advantages, both from the installer companies and from ordinary residents of the entrance.

Features of KS intercoms

KS intercom can confidently take a leading position in terms of technology.

In design:

  1. modern polymer glass to protect the miniature display;
  2. completely contactless, maintenance-free keyboard, contact detected infrared sensors, software tracking of the finger position is performed;
  3. the front panel is a solid piece made of durable metal;
  4. The display is clear, bright, the position is chosen so that through protective glass information was viewed without distortion from any angle.

KS entrance intercom 2006 devices can work with two types of keys, both the usual Touch Memory tablets and contactless ones (Proxy modification).

Also, all models are different convenient feature for installer companies: the equipment is compatible with a huge range of magnetic locks and can work with tubes from different manufacturers.

The entrance KS intercom works reliably at temperatures from -40 to +55 degrees, is easy to install, is protected from moisture, and guarantees reliable operation of the finger position detector in the presence of a wide variety of interference in the coverage area of ​​infrared sensors.

Opening these devices, like opening KS intercoms, is quite difficult. However, under certain conditions, getting into the entrance, changing personal codes, and carrying out certain types of programming is quite possible.

How to open a KS intercom without using keys

Like all devices for controlling entrance access, there is a standard KS digital intercom code.

The instructions for installers require changing this set of numbers. Even the documentation for specific device models takes into account that the master sets his own personal number for access to programming and service functions.

However, the KS factory intercom code for some models is quite complicated, so installers often do not bother changing the standard sequence. Therefore, you can get into the entrance using one of the digital combinations.

There is also the simplest, but time-consuming way to open a door with KS intercoms. It works on all models with a contactless keyboard, including Akrades modifications and others.

To unlock a magnetic lock, you will need:

  • block more than two openings for the passage of IR rays;
  • wait 10 to 12 minutes;
  • After Err appears on the display, wait another 45 seconds. It is at this interval that the intercom will begin to turn the lock’s power on and off for 10-15 minutes.

The holes behind which the IR LEDs and tracking sensors are located are located at the end of the recess in which the device’s keyboard is located.

They have a very small diameter. The instructions for the KS system clearly indicate that the transition to emergency mode occurs only when 2 or more sensors are blocked.

You can close the holes using your palms (there are 3-4 of them at each end of the recess), if you have the patience to stand for 10-12 minutes. Or - seal them with thick electrical tape. This method is guaranteed to work on all CS models with a contactless keyboard.

Settings mode

All detailed instructions for programming are given in the documentation for the specific model. The latest KS intercom model 2006 has the most complete set of commands.

Entering the service mode is done by dialing the combination K-240361-call-0000-call. Here 0000 is the individual installation wizard code; you can enter the settings change mode only if service company did not change this set of numbers.

If you successfully enter the programming mode, the display will display a sentence like Here you can immediately unlock the lock by pressing 0 (leaves the intercom in programming mode) or 8 (unlocks the doors and exits the mode).

Mode 5 turns on or off the ability to open the door from the handset or use the apartment access code. To change the parameter:

  1. press 5;
  2. dial the apartment number;
  3. press K;
  4. enter 1 to enable opening by handset and code or 0 to block the option.

This section of the settings will be extremely useful if for some reason the service company has disabled the intercom for the subscriber. If the installers have not set individual access codes for the apartment, this can be done from the programming menu. To do this, press K-subscriber number-K-four-digit code-K.

An unpleasant feature of the KS series intercoms is the inability to enter new keys for an apartment into the device’s memory without a special master key, which only the service company has.

Therefore, if one of the contact tablets issued at the conclusion of the contract is lost, the easiest way would be to order a universal key, the production of which is offered by many workshops.


For CS intercoms, there are quite a few known combinations for opening the door. Depending on the modification, the following may be suitable:

  • K-0000-98-K or K-000000-98-K;
  • K-377-698-K;
  • K-0903-98-K;
  • K-240361-call-0000-call-8.

All changes to main service codes, assignment of a master key and other adjustment operations zero level safety - it is impossible to carry out without opening the device and closing the contacts on the electronic board.

It is also impossible to reset the settings by applying voltage via the service bus (which will also require physical access to the intercom).

Universal key

As mentioned above, CS access systems offer high compatibility with equipment from various manufacturers. This applies not only to locks, but also to contact keys.

KS intercoms work with tablets from all four well-known manufacturers. Therefore, making a universal key for the entrance is not difficult. This service is offered by many companies and private workshops.

It works according to two main methods. The first uses factory codes, which are necessarily written by the manufacturer of the access control system into the device’s memory.

They are stable and depend on the model of the intercom system. Another technique is the use of area codes, if entrances are equipped centrally and companies prescribe digital sequences transmitted to firefighters, police, and doctors.

Such keys operate within a certain sector of the city, but are guaranteed to open doors.


A correctly installed KS intercom with reprogramming of its individual code is almost impossible to open and reprogram without obtaining universal access.

However, the ability declared by the manufacturer to block the sensors and put the device into emergency mode gives a chance to get into the entrance quite easily. But, in order not to create difficulties, it is rational to order spare universal keys.

Video: How to open a KS intercom without a key