Hydrogen peroxide for indoor plants in winter. Fertilizers for indoor plants

Everyone, even a novice florist, knows that in order for home plants to be healthy and look great, they need to be carefully looked after. Remove dry leaves, feed and, of course, water.

Usually, ordinary water is used for irrigation. tap water, only settled. Rarely does anyone specifically collect rainwater for this purpose. However, it is it that is most useful to plants, as it contains the peroxide they need (oxygen and hydrogen - see Peroxides on Wikipedia). But, few people know that ordinary water can also be enriched with oxygen. To do this, use 3% hydrogen peroxide, which is sold in every pharmacy.

Today we will learn how to water indoor flowers with hydrogen peroxide. Let's find out why such watering is needed and how to water it correctly:

Why do plants need water with peroxide?

Watering with peroxide is very necessary for indoor plants, especially in autumn and winter, when they turn on central heating and the air in the room becomes too dry. In addition, during this period they lack sunlight which hinders the process of photosynthesis.

Spraying and watering the flowers with 3% hydrogen peroxide will oxygenate the plants and make them feel better. After all, green spaces, just like people, oxygen is vital. Such water procedures(and not only in winter) solve several problems:

Elimination of bacterial infection;
- prevention of drying or rotting of roots;
- acceleration of growth of green mass;
- provision abundant flowering.

In addition, peroxide is used to disinfect damage, wounds on stems and roots. It is needed for a solution where it is recommended to soak seeds or cuttings before planting.

Home plants respond gratefully to such watering and spraying, which becomes noticeable in their healthy appearance.

How to prepare a solution?

The recipe is simple. For daily watering, add 2-3 drops of peroxide to 1 liter of settled water, mix well. Spraying is carried out with the same solution.

For soil treatment prepare such dosage: 3 ml of peroxide 1 liter of distilled water.

It must be said that many European farmers use peroxide to improve crop yields. To do this, use the dosage: 20 ml of hydrogen peroxide (3%) per liter of water. Plants are watered with a solution and sprayed.

For disinfection, prepare a safe insecticide from 100 ml of peroxide, 2 liters of water, where 100 g of sugar are dissolved.

Hydrogen peroxide - simple, inexpensive, but very effective remedy, to improve the condition and well-being of plants. Use it when caring for them. Just be sure to follow the dosage so as not to damage the roots and the ground part.

I have small children, so I have so far refused to buy mineral dressings for flowerpots - they have noticeable, colored, rustling bags, so I'm always scared that the baby will someday quietly fit in there. But such mixtures are moderately dangerous, that is, upon contact without gloves, they can do harm!

For a long time I collected reviews from friends, watered the flowers with a solution of yeast, iodine, succinic acid... Sometimes I treat my green pets with pharmacy peroxide, and I see from the leaves and luxurious flowering that the flowerpots like it.

  • It accelerates the growth of flowerpots. This is especially true if you dream that your former cutting will finally take shape in mature plant.
  • Strengthens small roots, helping the young pot to take root faster.
  • Saturates the soil in the pot with oxygen.
  • Performs the function of a fungicide, slightly disinfecting the plant.
  • It poses a threat to pests, especially newly started ones.
  • Helps in the fertilization process.
  • Also, this substance has another amazing effect: getting into tap water, peroxide displaces chlorine dangerous to plants. Peroxide also displaces pesticides from the soil and crops growing in it.

This universal remedy should be used for damaged, weakened flowers - peroxide acts gently, without harming the already weakened "pet". In addition, she has proven herself well in transitional periods.

In floriculture, 3% peroxide is used. It is about her that I will talk below.

How peroxide works

Since school, many people remember the formula of water - H2O. The peroxide formula is almost the same, only it has 1 more oxygen atom - H2O2. Water after a thunderstorm has a similar formula (and it is highly recommended to use it for irrigation).

This extra oxygen works as an oxidizing agent, it is he who fights against fungal diseases and pests.

True, in "wild" (that is, rain) water, this oxygen atom is quickly lost, and it is unstable in peroxide. Getting into the water for irrigation, and then into the pot, the solution quickly releases an oxygen atom, which goes into this very soil, saturating it.

Can this solution replace top dressing

Many blogs write that yes - they say, peroxide has all the necessary trace elements in its composition, so you should not combine it with other nutrients in order to avoid overdoses. But I beg to differ. The peroxide formula, as I said, is H2O2.

There is no calcium, no potassium, no phosphorus ... Therefore, I would not say that peroxide itself can give something to flower crops.

Rather, it acts as an enhancer for the uptake of nutrients from the soil by the roots.

So if your flower grows in fresh soil, which contains peat, humus and other “tasty” (from the point of view of the flower) substances, then yes, pouring in peroxide, you don’t need to pour anything else into the pot. You saturate the soil with oxygen, strengthen the work of the roots, and then the flower will take care of itself.

If your flowerpot grows in a rather “shabby” soil, I would recommend watering it with something extra. It is not necessary to buy a mineral composition, there are many effective folk methods- say, the same honey, which can even be added to water with peroxide.

By the way, there are other, richer pharmacy dressings for flowerpots. For example, diluted aloe juice. This solution helps houseplants bloom profusely and acquire simply gorgeous foliage. Here's how to apply it:

How to water flowerpots with this tool

In the summer we often put indoor flowers on open veranda or unglazed balcony. Besides clean air, our flowerpots thus gain access to rainwater, which is very beneficial for them. In winter, this luxury is not available to them, so we should take care of the flowers on our own.

An indication for such watering is the presence of wilted, dry leaves in flowers. But completely healthy flowerpots also need oxygen. Peroxide can also be used for seedlings.

A solution that will suit almost all home flowerpots (except distillate-preferring crops - but there are only a few): 2 tablespoons of peroxide + 1 liter of water.

Such "hydrogen water" pot is watered once a week. If your flowers require more water, water them more often, but make the solution less concentrated by adding 10 to 15 drops of peroxide to the same liter of water.

Important! Before each watering, collect all fallen flowers and leaves from the surface of the soil, slightly loosen the ground.

You will see the result of such watering after 2-4 procedures.

A contraindication to hydrogen irrigation will not even be root rot. On the contrary, if you refilled the flowerpot and because of this you are now treating its roots, water with peroxide will help them recover faster.

Soaking seeds in peroxide

This procedure saturates the seed with oxygen, stimulates, strengthens, disinfects.

You need to do everything like this:

  1. Mix a glass of water (250 ml) and 25 drops of peroxide.
  2. Dip the seeds in this solution for half an hour.
  3. Take out the seeds, rinse under clean water(for example, put in a sieve and bring to the tap).

If you have crop seeds with very poor germination, they can be kept in peroxide for up to a day.

Spraying plants

For both spraying and rubbing the leaves, you can prepare the irrigation solution discussed above (a liter of water, 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide). You can also add some sugar here if you like.

During spraying, try to get not only on the leaves, but also on the petioles with stems.

The procedure can be carried out quite often, even every day (in winter, when radiators dry the air, tropical plants such as female happiness or Dieffenbachia is simply necessary).

The only “but”: with a base solution (with two tablespoons of peroxide), flowers should be sprayed no more than once every 5 days. For daily use, take a more dilute solution (a few drops of peroxide per liter of water).

Treatment of flowerpots

The basic medicinal solution looks like this: 50 ml of peroxide, 2 tablespoons of alcohol, 1 teaspoon of soap chips, 900 ml of water. This solution is effective in the treatment of mold, the first manifestations of the black leg, root rot (not a neglected form). Plants can be both watered and sprayed with this medicine.

Another medicinal composition that harmful insects are afraid of: 1 liter of water, 2 tablespoons of peroxide, 40 drops of iodine. It can help you get rid of spider mite, mealybug, midges, scale insects. In addition, bacterial infections are afraid of this solution (if the problem is serious, pour a little medical alcohol into the solution).

Important! When pouring water over flowerpots with iodine, pour it along the edges of the pot so that it flows down the walls. Try not to get not only on the leaves, but also in the center of the soil, from where the water will immediately seep to the roots.

Recap the most important information

  • The peroxide formula is close to rainwater, so this substance is not harmful, but useful for indoor flowers.
  • Regular use of peroxide has a therapeutic effect (fights fungi and harmful insects). In addition, this substance saturates the soil in the pot with oxygen, helps the roots of the plant absorb useful minerals.
  • The easiest way is to water the flowers with water in which a few drops of hydrogen peroxide are diluted. You can also spray or wipe the leaves with a similar solution.
  • To treat flowers, you need a more elaborate solution of soap shavings, peroxide, water, and alcohol.

By the way, our flowerpots are not alive only with peroxide in the cold season (and not only)! There are a number of simple and affordable pharmaceutical products that have proven themselves well both among flower growers and gardeners and gardeners. Here is a short but very comprehensive overview:

Every lover indoor plants wants to see their pets healthy, lush and blooming. To achieve this result, proper and constant care is needed, which includes: timely watering, removal of dead leaves, transplanting and fertilizing.

Now there are many chemicals for feeding flowers, their popularity is growing due to ease of use.

Many flower growers forget about natural and natural methods, and one of them - hydrogen peroxide - natural fertilizer for indoor flora.

Why do you need a feed

If your favorite flower stops blooming, freezes in development, or, even worse, starts to hurt, you need to first of all

If everything is in order with this, one thing remains - your ward needs nutrients, and it's time to feed him. Plant nutrition products provide flowers with useful minerals, provide energy for growth and flowering.

The action of hydrogen peroxide

The formulas of water H 2 O and hydrogen peroxide H 2 O 2 differ in only one oxygen atom. During thunderstorms, ozone-enriched water also has an extra oxygen atom, which is why rainwater is so beneficial to plants.

Rapidly lost oxygen atom acts as an oxidizing agent, against infectious and fungal diseases.

When asked if it is possible to water indoor flowers with hydrogen peroxide, the answer is unequivocal - yes! Even necessary.

This tool solves many problems and is a great helper in caring for plants. Simple and cheap peroxide:

  • Accelerates growth and flowering
  • Gets rid of pests
  • Acts as a fungicide, copes with diseases
  • Oxygenates the earth
  • Prevents rot and strengthens root system

Application of peroxide

All lovers know that indoor plants are very fond of when they are sprinkled with rain water It just contains hydrogen peroxide.

When a few drops of peroxide are added to tap water, chlorine is displaced, and upon contact with the ground, oxygen atoms are released, which saturates the soil with the necessary element.

note- the extreme similarity of the peroxide solution with rainfall will transform your flowers in just a few applications!

In order to create a solution close to natural at home, it is necessary

  • buy in a pharmacy 3% hydrogen peroxide;
  • mix 1 liter of water, 2 tbsp. l. purchased product and mix thoroughly.

This composition use once a week. If more frequent moisturizing is required, reduce the amount of peroxide to 10-15 drops. Before watering, be sure to clean the soil from fallen leaves, other debris and loosen.

This procedure will help your plants bounce back and please with flowering. A tool with the addition of H 2 O 2 will also work well in cases of root decay due to overflow.

For spraying indoor flowers, use the same ratio you can add some sugar.

Important! When spraying the plant, do not forget to pay attention to the lower parts of the leaves and stems.

If you regularly treat plants in this way, they will not fail to please you with good, active growth and a healthy look.

Additional Benefits

It is worth remembering that this option fertilizer application eliminates the need for additional feeding, since the prepared composition contains all the necessary elements.

If you add 40 drops of iodine to the described solution, then you can protect the flowers from a number of pests - scale insects, midges, mealybugs and spider mites.

There are a few more in this video useful tips on the use of peroxide:

A big plus of hydrogen peroxide when processing room and garden plants in its availability and cheapness. And most importantly, no aggressive chemicals!

In the spring, gardeners are faced with the task of growing a healthy, strong seedlings. For this, a variety of different methods, the most popular is the use of hydrogen peroxide. The relevance of the method is explained by the availability of the drug - it is sold in any pharmacy, as well as the special chemical composition of the substance, which resembles rainwater.

How hydrogen peroxide works

In nature, plants receive nutrition from rainwater, this activates their growth. Collect enough rainwater is difficult and in this case an effective pharmacy drug comes to the rescue.

Substance in its own way chemical composition similar to rain water. V chemical formula there is an additional unstable oxygen atom that acts as an oxidizing agent, has a disinfecting effect, destroys pathogenic microflora and bacteria in the soil and wounds on plants, saturates the cells with oxygen.

The oxidizing effect improves the quality characteristics of water. Hydrogen peroxide has a detrimental effect on chlorine, pesticides and organic impurities.

Application features

The difference in concentration and frequency of application depends not only on the varieties of crops, but even on the stage of growth. If the seeds are sprayed with a weak solution, then the adult plant is treated with a more concentrated one.

Benefits for seeds

In planting material (seeds) there are inhibitors - substances that slow down germination. Under natural conditions, inhibitors are neutralized as a result of oxidative processes. V agriculture the percentage of germination is increased by treating the seeds with a solution of the substance. This is an effective analogue of potassium permanganate.

The technology is as follows:

  • to disinfect the planting material, it is soaked for a quarter of an hour in a 10% solution, then washed with clean water and dried well;
  • to activate growth, the seeds are soaked for 12 hours in a 0.4% solution, if planting material it is difficult to sprout, soaking is carried out for a day, then washed and dried.

After such treatment, the immunity of seeds and their germination increases, the resistance of seedlings to diseases increases.

Also, the seeds can be sprayed from a spray bottle with a 1% solution. In this case, the inhibitors are destroyed, and the container where the seeds are germinated and grown undergoes a disinfection process.

Subsequently, the drug is added to water. To do this, 3 tablespoons (60 ml) of 3% peroxide are dissolved in 3 liters of water and the seeds and seedlings are watered every five days.

VIDEO: How hydrogen peroxide benefits seedlings and indoor flowers

Benefits for seedlings

The recipe is universal - suitable for watering all plants, even domestic ones. The recipe is as follows - dissolve 60 ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide in 3 liters of water. The solution can be watered the ground and sprayed seedlings once a week.

The action of such a solution is complex:

  • strengthens the immunity of the root system;
  • the roots absorb nutrients better, as a result they grow faster;
  • as a result of the oxidative process, dead roots simply disappear, do not draw out useful substances and are not a source of reproduction of pathogenic microflora.

Due to the poor environmental situation, rainwater contains many impurities harmful to plants, so farmers in Europe use the substance to treat garden and garden plants.

For reference! Hydrogen peroxide is actively used to combat one of the most dangerous diseases tomatoes - late blight. How to water seedlings of tomatoes with peroxide in this case? Dissolve 40 drops of iodine and a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide in a bucket of water. The solution can also be sprayed with bushes.

Benefits for indoor flowers

The main problems that almost all plants in apartments face:

  • dry air;
  • lack of sunlight.

As a result, the process of photosynthesis slows down.

It is quite difficult to change the situation, but you can help the plants cope with it. To do this, it is enough to spray the flowers with water with the addition of hydrogen peroxide. After the procedure, the immunity of seedlings is strengthened, the ability to resist diseases increases. In addition, the drug is a source of oxygen, which is necessary for flowers to breathe.

Plants perfectly tolerate watering and spraying with a peroxide solution.

To prepare the fertilizer, you need 1 liter of water and 2 tablespoons (40 ml) of 3% peroxide.

You can spray flowers daily, this will accelerate growth and flowering.

Watering is carried out once a week to disinfect the soil and combat pathogenic microflora and dangerous pests.

For reference! The recipe for a powerful insecticide is to dissolve 100 ml of 3% peroxide and 100 g of sugar in 2 liters of water. Plants are sprayed every other day.

Memo to the gardener about hydrogen peroxide

  1. Any wounds on plants are treated with a solution.
  2. Watering seedlings with hydrogen peroxide enriches the soil and root system with oxygen, destroys bacteria.
  3. Soak the seeds in a peroxide solution before planting. This stimulates germination.
  4. Water seedlings and flowers once every 4-5 days.
  5. After the plants dive, they are sprayed every day to provide young plants with oxygen and accelerate the growth of seedlings.

All vegetation needs to be sprayed with the addition of peroxide, but especially those that grow along the road, on open balconies

  1. The only limitation to the use of hydrogen peroxide is the presence of white spots (similar to mold) on the ground

Remember what healthier plant, the more strength it has to resist microorganisms and diseases.

VIDEO: Hydrogen peroxide is not suitable for all plants

When growing seedlings, different methods of feeding it are used, which are performed by watering. Some gardeners for this purpose use hydrogen peroxide.

A little about hydrogen peroxide

This substance belongs to the representatives of peroxides and has the name peroxide or hydrogen peroxide and is a liquid with a taste of metal, without color. It dissolves well in water. Important biological features of hydrogen peroxide are its bactericidal and oxidative properties.

The drug is produced in the form of an aqueous solution of various concentrations, as well as in tablets called Hydroperit. Hydrogen peroxide has a wide range of uses, in particular:

  • in industry;
  • in analytical chemistry;
  • in medicine;
  • as a cosmetic;
  • in the food industry;
  • at home;
  • in crop production.

Using hydrogen peroxide to water seedlings

Hydrogen peroxide in crop production is used as a top dressing for seedlings and various plants. This is primarily due to the fact that hydrogen peroxide dissolved in an aqueous medium resembles rain or melt water in its composition.

The chemical formula of hydrogen peroxide is H2O2. It contains atomic oxygen, which has the properties of oxidizing the soil and saturating it, as well as plant cells with oxygen. In addition, pathogenic bacteria are destroyed.

The effect of hydrogen peroxide on seedlings

Given Chemical substance used for watering seedlings of all common vegetables, as well. It should be noted that quite soon after watering, active growth begins, its leaves develop, which becomes noticeable when compared with plants that are irrigated with ordinary water. Plants grown with hydrogen peroxide give a good harvest.

Rules for watering plants with hydrogen peroxide

To prepare a solution for one liter of water, you will need to add approximately 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide at a 3% concentration. Watering seedlings in this way is enough to do once a week. At the same time, the soil is disinfected, which does not allow bacteria to develop. And you can spray the plants with this solution daily.

When using hydrogen peroxide to water plants, care should be taken, as a concentrated solution, if it gets on the skin, can cause a burn.

Useful properties of hydrogen peroxide for plants and seedlings

  1. Peroxide can disinfect any wounds on plants.
  2. Watering under the root enhances the "hygiene of the roots", enriching the roots with additional oxygen ... .. eliminates everything bad, which means it raises immunity.
  3. It is possible to soak seeds in hydrogen peroxide before sowing, it has a great stimulating effect on seed germination and plant growth. Watering seedlings of flowers and vegetables every 4-5 days, i.e. in fact, every first or second watering ....
  4. After picking the seedlings, regular spraying with a solution of hydrogen peroxide is recommended, without even stinting .... Peroxide again gives additional oxygen in excess to the leaves .... Seedlings are doing better!
  5. The recipe is simple: for 2 liters of water 40 ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide. That is, a pharmacy vial, which I have in the photo, is just for 2 liters of water. This solution can be watered under the root and sprayed on the leaves. This solution disinfects the soil and protects plants from pests. It has long been known that the healthier the plant, the fewer pests attack it!
  6. And in conclusion: You can prepare an effective insecticide for spraying plants: 100 ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide, 100 g of sugar and 2 liters of water.
  7. Rooting cuttings in this solution works wonders! Cuttings do not rot in water with hydrogen peroxide. Only before the roots appear, it is necessary from time to time to partially or completely change the solution, or just add fresh!