Saw calm gas refueling proportions. Which gasoline and oil is better to choose for refueling a Stihl chainsaw

The chainsaw engine is the "heart" of the tool, so it is very important to use the right fuel mixture.

Fuel mixture for chainsaw It is prepared from two components - oil and gasoline. Chainsaws are equipped with two-stroke engines, so the oil is not added to the lubrication system (like a four-stroke engine), but directly to gasoline. At the same time, it is very important to observe the correct proportions of the ingredients, of course, in no case should you try to work on pure gasoline, because in this way you will “kill” the chain saw very quickly.

The oil must be intended for two-stroke engines of gardening and forestry equipment(that is, in no case should oil be used for outboard motors or scooters). As practice shows, this oil can be bought at any store or service center where chainsaws are on sale or the latter are serviced.

If we talk about what kind of gasoline to fill in a chainsaw, then it would be optimal to use fuel with an octane rating A-95, in this case, saving on fuel can turn out to be deplorable. Often European manufacturers indicate that A-90 or A-92 gasoline can be used, but in post-Soviet countries the quality of gasoline is inferior to European, so in our realities it is better to use higher quality gasoline.

As for the proportions of benzo-oil mixture, then everything is simple here: you must follow the instructions for the tool. All manufacturers of chainsaws indicate the required ratio in the instruction manual or in the tool passport, in addition, the proportions for refueling a chainsaw may differ depending on the chain saw model. As a rule, the proportion of oil and gasoline to a chainsaw of famous manufacturers is a ratio of 1:40 or 1:50, which means 1 part of oil to, for example, 40 parts of gasoline. Now arithmetic 1 liter of gasoline \u003d 1000 ml of gasoline, divide by 40 and get 25 ml of oil. If we perform the same steps for the relation 1:50, then we get 20 ml of oil per 1 liter of gasoline. As for budget Chinese-made chainsaws, the situation is slightly different. The ratio of gasoline and chainsaw oil Made in China 1:25, that is, 1000 ml of gasoline divided by 25, we get 40 ml of oil. The thing is that in branded chainsaws, a solid assembly and the distance between pistons and cylinders in the engine are much smaller than in Chinese chainsaws, and therefore required amount oil differs almost twice.

In order to measure the correct portion of the oil, use a conventional medical syringe of sufficient volume.

Another subtlety– In a dry canister for gasoline, first fill in gasoline, and then oil. The procedure, on the contrary, is fraught with a low-quality fuel mixture, because the oil is denser, sticks to the bottom of the canister - what a good mixing.

Be sure to prepare the fuel mixture in a canister and pour ready-made special fuel into the gas tank! Never cook or mix it directly in the chainsaw's fuel tank!

If you figured out the question of how to breed gasoline for a chainsaw, then on storage conditions and expiration dates fuel mixture it is worth saying a few words. It is best and easiest to prepare a gasoline-oil mixture for 1 liter of gasoline, it is recommended to do this immediately before working with the tool. Chainsaw fuel tanks have a volume of 0.3 to 1 liter. Under conditions of domestic use, the entire volume of the prepared combustible mixture is rarely used in one session, so the remainder can be saved until the next session. It is necessary to store the fuel mixture in a special canister for gasoline, in a dry, dark place. It is optimal to count shelf life ready mix will be 7-10 days. The fact is that the oil currently on the market is not synthetic, but organic, that is, natural. After 10 days, all lubricating properties are lost, gasoline simply "eats" the oil. Naturally, it is no longer possible to use such fuel, this can cause breakdown and failure of the chainsaw.

At the end of the work, it is necessary to drain the fuel mixture, start the chainsaw, the tool will stall (so that the saw has a dry carburetor) and now you can leave it until the next operation session.

Unsuitable fuel mixture must be disposed of.

It served for a long time and did not cause problems with repairs, you need to properly prepare the fuel mixture. Internet forums abound with questions on this topic. We interviewed experts and compiled a brief instruction.

To prepare the fuel mixture, use AI-92 or AI-95 gasoline. A lower octane number will not work. Gasoline must not be leaded (otherwise the engine will fail) and not old (the octane number may change over time). Do not use oil for boats and four-stroke engines.

Mix gasoline and oil in a strictly defined proportion. Choose an API-TB or API-TC synthetic 2-stroke air-cooled oil. Don't skimp on ingredients. Ask in stores for brands that are leading in quality. For example, Stihl, Husqvarna, NANOTEK, Champion, ALCO, etc.

Main question- proportions. Excess oil will lead to carbon deposits on pistons and spark plugs. Excess gasoline will cause seizures on the pistons and an early engine failure. On average, one liter of gasoline is mixed with 20-50 ml of oil. Stihl and Husqvarna, for example, recommend taking 100 ml of oil for 4 liters of gasoline. The specified proportion is optimal for chainsaws up to 1.5 kW. For chainsaws with a power of over 1.5 kW of the same brands, use a ratio of 1/50 (100 ml of oil to 5 liters of gasoline). Recommendations from Partner and Jonsered: proportion 1/33 (3.3 liters of gasoline + 100 ml of oil). Super synthetic oil is added at the rate of 100/1. These figures are approximate. Always use the data given in the instructions for the specific chainsaw model. To a lesser extent, trust the numbers indicated on the labels of the oil.

What to mix? On sale are canisters with measured divisions and two holes - for oil and gasoline. Pour the ingredients, screw on the lids and mix by tilting the container.

Many use glass and plastic bottles, baby horns and syringes. Be careful with glass and plastic, beware of static electricity. Be careful not to get any solid particles or water droplets into the mixture. Be sure to stir the mixture thoroughly.

Ready fuel cannot be stored for more than 25-30 days, because. the oxidation process changes its composition. Engine failure caused by overexposed fuel is recognized as non-warranty. The amount of repair reaches 80% of the cost of a new chainsaw. After the end of the working season, use up the remaining fuel, turn off the engine, remove the remaining fuel mixture.

Remember, your goal is to create a mixture that will keep your engine running smoothly, burning the fuel completely without carbon deposits, smoke, or scoring.

Any gasoline equipment will work properly only subject to the rules of operation and proper cooking fuel mixture. This feature also applies to chainsaws. How much oil per liter of fuel to use for refueling and how to properly prepare fuel, we will analyze in more detail.

How to choose the right mineral oil

Before you dilute gasoline with saw oil, you need to choose the right raw materials. This will not only facilitate the process of its operation, but also increase the resource of the engine of the apparatus.

First of all, you should pay attention that almost every model of gasoline saws is equipped with a carbureted 2-stroke engine. In their design there are 2 separate tanks - for gasoline and oil. Domestic-made devices require the use of conventional oil mixtures that are used to refuel motorcycles. At the same time, devices of foreign trademark require the use of exclusively branded chainsaw oil. If mixtures of a domestic manufacturer were used for this equipment, then its productivity will decrease and its operating life will decrease.

If we talk about what kind of gasoline to fill in a chainsaw, then it would be optimal to use fuel with an octane rating of A-95. As for the oil, it is best to use a branded product.

As a rule, users of equipment dilute chainsaw gasoline with a motor or transmission oil product. Each brand has individual characteristics which can be found in the attached instructions. For example, the first option is used as fuel for Husqvarna appliances, and the Stihl saw is refueled only with a transmission compound.

In addition, you should pay attention to the color of the product. Devices with a 2-stroke motor are filled only with red oil, blue or light green. For dilution of gasoline, it is still better to use a product from the manufacturer. Such a product is a little more expensive, but it fully guarantees a long service life for the motor and its proper operation.

After choosing gasoline and chainsaw oil, you need to decide on their proportions that are required for breeding. The first mixture must have a grade not lower than AI92, the best option AI95 will serve. Let's take a closer look at what should be the proportions of the oil product and fuel for a chainsaw. As a rule, vehicle owners use 20-50 ml of the oil component per 1 liter of fuel.

In case the question is how much oil to pour into gasoline for a chainsaw with small power, for example, by 1.5 kW, then 25 ml per 1 liter of fuel will be required here. Saw mix advanced level power is prepared from 30-40 ml of an oil product. For more detailed information, please refer to the instructions for use of the lubricant product or directly on its packaging.

Table of proportions for mixing components


How to stir

In order for the equipment to serve faithfully for many years, and also to properly perform the functions for its intended purpose, you need to study in detail how to properly dilute gasoline. A variety of forums where owners of gasoline saws share their impressions of the technique are filled with disputes about what ratio of oil and fuel for a chainsaw should be used and how to mix the components. We have decided on the first task, now it remains to deal with the second.

As components, use a lubricant from the chainsaw manufacturer and AI92 or AI95 unleaded fuel. It is forbidden to use a leaded mixture for a simple reason, it adversely affects the performance of the power unit, as a result, it will quickly become unusable.

It is equally important that before you dilute gasoline for a chainsaw, you need to clearly determine in what proportions to mix the components. Otherwise, deposits may appear on the surface of candles or pistons, as well as the formation of scoring.

Oils can be green, red or blue. This is done so that it can be easily identified in gasoline.

So, how to dilute saw fuel. This will help a special canister, which can be bundled with appliances or sold in specialized stores. Such containers have measured divisions and two holes. for various purposes. The user of the equipment only needs to fill the tank with the components of the mixture to the desired mark, screw the outlets and mix the contents thoroughly.

Many home craftsmen use instead of special tanks plastic bottles. But here you need to remember that when carrying out such manipulations, static electricity can form.

Also, be careful not to get foreign components or water into the fuel. Even a few drops of liquid degrade the quality of mixed gasoline with oil. In addition, one should not forget about such a nuance - the oil-gasoline mixture should be stored for no more than 4-5 weeks.

The problems that arise when creating fuel without taking into account the recommendations of specialists are as follows:

  • the surface of the working parts of the saw will wear out much faster, since the degree of friction will increase;
  • with a reduced amount of lubrication, the bearings will be treated with an insufficient amount of oil product, which will lead to their failure

  • mechanical components due to wear of working parts will not be able to fully perform the functions for their intended purpose, which will reduce their resource by half or more;
  • if you use a low quality fuel mixture, the performance of the entire unit will decrease, and then a breakdown will occur important details and nodes.

VIDEO: What happens to the engine if you use a fuel mixture with fake oil

Overview of manufacturers of oils for internal combustion engines

Among the entire range of manufacturers specializing in the production of oils for two-stroke engines, one can name the absolute leaders - Husqvarna and Stihl. The catalog contains not only mineral oils, but also chain lubricants, as well as synthetic lubricants for internal combustion engines of chainsaws operating in severe conditions.

It is a Swedish manufacturer specialized in the production of saws, lawn mowers, garden equipment, building tools and lubricants.

The base product is Husqvarna HP semi-synthetic two-stroke oil with additives to compensate for the lack of fuel. This is especially true with us, where instead of AI95 you can buy AI92, and you will not even guess about it. Viscosity class 30.

Oil Husqvarna HP

The color of the product is green. Container - 1 l, 10 l. Recommended proportions are 1:50 (oil:gasoline). If the equipment is started for the first time or operation in the cold is expected or long time, it is recommended to reduce the amount of gasoline and dilute in a ratio of 1:40. Price 0.6 l - 360 rubles, 1 liter - 480 rubles.

If Husqvarna HP oil is a universal product and is equally successful on any chainsaw, then Stihl HP is recommended exclusively for Stihl equipment. It is characterized by the presence of additives and additives that compensate for the poor quality of the fuel, increasing the lubricity and cleaning capabilities of the fuel mixture. Restriction on operation - air temperature below -10 °C.

Oil Stihl HP

Red oil. Packing - 20 ml, 1 l, 5 l and 10 liters. In all containers, except for a small one (for one-time refueling), there is a special dispenser that is convenient to use when diluting. A 20-gram package is convenient because it is used once to dilute 1 liter of fuel. This applies to those who use the chainsaw extremely irregularly. Price 0.1 l - 100 rubles, 1 l - 480 rubles.

The finished fuel mixture is stored for a maximum of 30 days.

Synthetic green oil. An extra-quality product that greatly improves the cleaning and lubricating properties of the mixture. Even with long-term operation, carbon deposits are not formed due to the presence of salt-free additives in the composition. Used for professional equipment and when operating at temperatures below -10°. Packing - liter and 100-gram container. Price 0.1 l - 146 rubles, 1 l - 1310 rubles.

VIDEO: Differences between the original Stihl oil (Calm) and fakes

Keeping the correct proportions of oil and gasoline for chainsaws avoids the vast majority of problems that arise with this tool. At the same time, it is necessary to select lubricants for both the saw set and the engine.

Ready solutions

The quality of the composition of the fuel mixture for a chainsaw depends on the uninterrupted operation of its operation, the consumption of components and engine wear.

In various outlets, you can always find ready-to-use mixtures. In them, the proportions of oil and gasoline for chainsaws are already observed. These include mixtures "Partner", "Calm", "Huskvarna".

However, the latter are not a cheaper analogue of the total purchase of oil and gasoline and self-manufacturing formulations.

Raw material requirements

The gasoline used in the preparation of the mixture must be at least brand A-92. Can also be used such as AI-92 or AI-95. Their shelf life should not exceed three months. This is due to the fact that after its expiration, the mass fraction of resins in gasoline increases, which causes the occurrence of polymerization reactions, which adversely affects the combustion chamber, in which a layer of soot is formed. Gasoline must be unleaded, as using the leaded variety will damage the engine.

The expiration date of the oil must also be observed. For the preparation of the mixture, you can use any High Quality type "Partner", "Calm" or "Husqvarna". The choice of oil should be determined by the fact that it is impossible to use the latter for four-stroke engines and boats to prepare the desired composition.

In the manufacture of the mixture, it is imperative to read the instructions for forcing the engine. The last indicator shows the ratio of the volume and power of the motor and maximum speed).

Characteristics of the oil for the mixture

Chainsaws are equipped with this and the choice of oil must be appropriate. They can be of API-TA and API-TB grades, designed for them, which are air-cooled, and capable of operating under heavy loads.

Motor oils consist of a base and additives. The latter provide the best mixing of oil and gasoline. With their help, they prevent corrosive processes, as well as the formation of deposits, which reduces the smoke output and keeps the engine parts clean. You can read about the effect of additives on the packaging.

Oil types

Mineral oil is suitable for use in the warm season. This is due to the fact that it has a high viscosity. These oils can be purchased from 113 rubles/l (TNK 2T).

Synthetic oil has a high fluidity, which can also be used in winter conditions at low temperatures, that is, throughout the year. Mainly used for industrial chainsaws. This type is thermally stable and chemically stable. Their cost starts from 135 rubles / 0.2 liters ("Zubr-Expert").

With not very heavy loads on the tool, semi-synthetic oils can be used for year-round use. They are included as a base component mineral types to which synthetic ingredients are added. The cost of these oils ranges from 185 rubles / 0.946 liters (Resoil Ultra 2T).

Manufacturers oils are painted in various colors so that you can control how to breed gasoline for a chainsaw.

The capacity of the container must be selected based on the use of the tool. With a rare action of a chainsaw, 0.8-1 l of volume per season is sufficient. In the case of daily many hours of use, you need to focus on 5-liter canisters.

chain oil

The saw set is not lubricated with motor oils. For this purpose, special chainsaw fuel is used, which is characterized by high adhesion to the surface. Chain oil reduces friction and wear on parts that come into contact with each other.

Modern brands of chainsaws have a tank on the body that contains chain oil, with which the saw set is automatically lubricated.

During the operation of the tool during the cold season, semi-synthetic or synthetic oils are selected, during the warm season - mineral.

On some brands of oil, you can see the CEC marking, which indicates that they are made from plant-based and do not harm environment.

Main question

It consists in observing the proportions of oil and gasoline for a chainsaw. An extra first ingredient will cause carbon deposits to form on the candles and pistons. Excessive gasoline contributes to the fact that seizure will appear on the pistons, which will cause a quick failure of the engine. The exact proportions are indicated by the manufacturers themselves.

Husqvarna and Stihl recommend taking 4 liters of gasoline per 100 ml of oil. This is typical for tools with motor power up to 1.5 kW. With more power, the proportion should be 1/50. On average, when answering the question “How to dilute gasoline for a chainsaw?” it is recommended to proceed from the following proportions: 20-50 ml of oil per 1 liter of gasoline.

As you can see, different manufacturers have different approaches to observing the proportions of oil and gasoline. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the instructions that go to the specific brands of the instruments in question.

Mixing must be carried out in special canisters, on which dimensional divisions are applied and there are two holes: one for oil, the other for gasoline. Components are poured there, the container is tilted and mixed with the lids closed. Water droplets or solid particles must not get into the prepared mixture.

However, these containers have a minimum mark of 1 liter, therefore, with smaller volumes, you can make a measurement yourself. To do this, you can take a plastic bottle with a capacity of 0.5-1 l. Pour 102 ml of water into them (up to 816 ml) using measuring utensils. After filling each portion, a mark is made, at the level of which numbers are written from 2 to 18 in increments of 2. In order to measure the oil, we use a syringe without a needle with a volume of 10-20 ml. A step in 102 ml of water provides a proportion of 1/50. For other proportions, it must be changed accordingly.

The finished composition is stored for no more than 1 month. Even better, use it up within a few days. This is due to the fact that oxidation processes take place in it, which change it chemical composition. Perfect option mixture consumption - one day. If the engine breaks down due to overexposed fuel, this will be considered a non-warranty event. If, after the end of the season, the prepared mixture remains in the chainsaw, then you need to turn off the engine and remove its remnants.


We found out that it is imperative to maintain the proportions of oil and gasoline for chainsaws. It is best to follow the chainsaw and oil manufacturer's instructions. On average, the proportions of gasoline:oil should be 1/25-1/50. In this case, gasoline must be grades or AI-95. Oils can be mineral oils if they are planned for summer use, synthetic or semi-synthetic for all-weather use.

Hello everyone! This article will focus on the correct ratio of oil and gasoline for a chainsaw. This is perhaps the most important thing to know when using this machine. Too little oil will cause excessive friction, and too much oil will lead to excessive deposits and overheating. As a result, both of these will lead to a quick breakdown of the engine. Repairs can cost half the price of a new chainsaw.

In addition to the correct proportion, we will also talk about other important things that will allow your chainsaw to last as long as possible - what gasoline to use, what oil to pour, dilution methods, shelf life of the finished mixture, etc. - so I advise you not to stop reading the article after the section on proportions , as there will also be information that will be useful to you.

1. Correct proportions

So, I will not beat around the bush for a long time, but I will immediately move on to the numbers. The most common dilution ratios are 1:50 and 1:40. That is, one part of oil is poured into 50 or 40 parts of gasoline. For those who do not understand, I will explain in more detail. We take one liter of gasoline and divide it by 50 or 40, respectively. As a result, we get the right amount of oil per liter of gasoline. That is, one liter is 1000 ml. 1000 ml divided by 50, we get 20 ml of oil. Divide by 40 to get 25 ml. This is how much oil you need to add to one liter of gasoline.

But you will say that you do not know what proportion should be on your chainsaw. Well, if you have lost the instruction or for some reason there is no information about the proportion in it, then you can use the following rules:

  • if the chainsaw and oil are from the same brand (for example, chainsaw and Stihl oil), then dilute gasoline with oil in the proportion indicated on the oil (usually 1:50);
  • if the chainsaw and oil are of different brands, then follow the ratio of 1:40;
  • if the brand is the same, but there is no information on the oil, then dilute in a ratio of 1:40;
  • if nothing is known at all - you don’t know the brand of chainsaw or oil - then you still dilute in a ratio of 1:40. The main thing is to know that the oil is exactly suitable for two-stroke chainsaw engines.

If the saw is new and is being run-in, it is recommended to increase the amount of oil for the first three fillings of the fuel tank by about 20%. That is, the proportion of 1:50 turns into 1:42, and 1:40 into 1:33. Or 24 or 30 ml of oil per 1 liter of gasoline, respectively. Well, I’ll note here that in addition to increasing the amount of oil in the fuel mixture, no more running-in activities with a chainsaw need to be carried out, unless otherwise indicated in the instructions. That is, it is not necessary, for example, to leave it to idle for a long time or not to cut at full speed, as this will lead to its overheating and faster failure. Always cut only at maximum speed. And after the development of three tanks of fuel (meaning the chainsaw tank), go to the usual proportions of 1:50 or 1:40.

But sometimes it happens that the manufacturer indicates a different proportion, compared to those that I gave above. For example, 1:25 or 1:32. In this case, these proportions must be observed. Although if you know about them, then what did you forget in this article?

2. What kind of oil to use?

Oil, as already mentioned, should be for two-stroke engines. At the same time, it should be suitable specifically for chainsaws, as indicated on its packaging. There are simply two-stroke oils, for example, purely for outboard motors or scooters. They should not be used, since the operating mode of such equipment is not so intense, therefore, the requirements for oil are somewhat lower.

At the same time, there are oils where it is indicated that they are suitable for both chainsaws and boat engines and scooters. This oil can be used. But if it is only for outboard motors or scooters, then it is impossible.

2.1. Oil producers

One of the most best oils Admittedly, most specialists are manufactured by Stihl, the same one that also makes chainsaws very well. Therefore, if you have an expensive chainsaw, then it’s better not to save money by buying cheaper oils.

Another serious global chainsaw manufacturer, Husqvarna, also produces two-stroke oil of the same name. But many users noted that when it is used on equipment from other brands, it leads to excessive smoke, and in general, chainsaws do not work in full power. At the same time, the Husqvarna equipment itself works perfectly on such oil. Therefore, if you have a Husqvarna chainsaw, then buy the same oil for it. For other equipment it is better not to take.

There are also well-known world brands producing various malas, including two-stroke ones. For example, Ravenol. Oil from such manufacturers can also be bought without fear.

There are oils produced in Russia. In principle, they are not bad if the saw is used in domestic use. That is, it will, of course, somewhat reduce the resource of the chainsaw, but in everyday life you will not notice this, since the chainsaw engine, in any case, has been serving for many years in such gentle operating conditions. For professional activities, I do not recommend taking such oil.

But the most important thing is not to run into counterfeit products. To avoid this, buy oil in reliable serious stores and retail chains, and not in some obscure markets.

2.2. Oil color

Two-stroke engine oil is usually red, blue, or green. On the operational properties it has no effect. The dye is added only so that in the future you do not confuse the gasoline-oil mixture with pure gasoline and do not fill it somewhere where it is not supposed to be poured.

2.3. Mineral or synthetic?

Yes, just like for cars, there are both mineral and synthetic oils for chainsaws. Due to the lower price, mineral oil is used in most cases. However, synthetic provides a longer service life of the chainsaw, since with it there is no carbon deposits on the cylinder walls.

But do not be afraid of mineral oil if you can not get synthetic. With him, at least there is soot, but there is not so much of it. However, the service life of a saw with such oil will be somewhat lower (but not catastrophic).

What you just can’t do is to start using synthetic oil after mineral water was used on your chainsaw for a long time (more than 100 hours). This is due to the fact that synthetics will wash away the accumulated soot and it can get in pieces where it is not needed. Therefore, if you initially started using mineral oil, then use only it.

3. What kind of gasoline should I use?

Gasoline for modern chainsaws is better to use AI-92. The 95th is better not to use. Firstly, because the saws are set up to work on 92-m gasoline. And, secondly, the 95th gasoline is obtained by adding special additives to gasoline with a lower octane number. And as experts say, this is not good.

In general, fill in the 92nd gasoline and you will be happy. Just do not stock up on it, because with long months of storage, its octane number drops.

In general, they say (they say!) that our refineries can only produce pure 80% gasoline. But now it is brought to the 92nd and 95th due to additives. In the 95th, naturally, there are more additives. So, during long storage, these additives “evaporate” and gasoline again becomes 80th. Whether this is true or not, I don’t know, but I learned this information back in 2009 at one of the seminars on servicing petrol equipment from the head of the service department for Russia of one of the manufacturers of petrol equipment. If this was true, then maybe today (2018) the situation has improved.

In any case, it is better to buy gasoline at proven gas stations where you have already refueled and everything was fine.

4. Shelf life of the finished fuel mixture for chainsaws

So, pure gasoline can not be stored for a very long time, and the finished fuel mixture is even less. Some manufacturers indicate that in a diluted state, storage of up to one month is allowed.

Just as soon as you mix, the oil immediately begins to gradually lose its properties. As a result, after a few days, this fuel mixture is no longer the same as it was originally. What can we say about storage for more than a month.

Therefore, do not prepare the mixture for the future. You need to cook as much as you are going to use for the upcoming job. How much you need to prepare, only experience can tell. If you still do not have enough, then prepare no more than one liter of the fuel mixture. If it is not enough, then cook more - it will not be long. If it remains, then it will not be such a large number to regret it.

Store the finished fuel mixture in a closed opaque container. Or, if the container is translucent, then put it in dark place. The container must be petrol-resistant. For example, plastic bottles from various drinks ("one and a half") will not work. Their plastic is corroded by gasoline and all this muck gets into the engine.

You can use special metal or plastic cans under combustible materials. Or simply use an empty canister from under any used oil, after rinsing it several times from the inside with clean gasoline. Glass containers are also suitable, but keep in mind that they are easy to break.

5. What is the correct way to breed?

The figures for the proportions of dilution are not in vain given with such accuracy. That is, it does not say that "take about this amount of oil. You can’t keep the exact proportion by eye, so you have to use something that will allow you to measure exact amount oils and gasoline.

Some inexpensive chainsaws usually come with a measuring tank with risks. As a rule, it has several scales for different proportions. Or one, if the manufacturer implies that this tank will only be used with the saw it comes with. There should be two horizontal risks on this scale. The lower one shows the level to which you need to pour gasoline. Upper - the level to which the mixture should reach after adding oil to gasoline.

For a more accurate measurement of oil, you can use a medical syringe. Preferably at least 20 ml.

In general, pour gasoline into a measuring container, add the right amount of oil measured with a syringe and shake.

The preparation of the mixture must be done in a separate container, and not directly in the chainsaw tank. Otherwise, the oil, without having time to dilute with gasoline, can get into the carburetor, which will complicate the winding, up to the need to remove the carburetor and clean it.

6. Conclusion

Well, I think this is all the necessary information on the fuel mixture for chainsaws. Armed with it, you guarantee yourself a long engine life of your chainsaw. I also have many others on my site. useful information on gasoline and power tools - you can read. And I will finish this article - goodbye and years service to your chainsaw!