Why can't my bank card be read at an ATM? The computer does not see the microSD memory card, what to do?

Sber bank card replaced money for many Russian citizens. This is a convenient payment instrument that allows you to make non-cash payments with individuals and legal entities. It is enough to insert the plastic card into the terminal or ATM, and a large number of financial transactions will become available to you. At one point, you may discover that the self-service machine does not “see” your card. What to do if your Sberbank card is not readable? Where to go, and is it possible to restore a convenient means of payment?

There are several standard reasons why an ATM does not read a card. This:

  1. You inserted the plastic into the card reader incorrectly: the wrong side or upside down. Before inserting a currency into the machine, study the picture showing how this is done. Such visual instructions are present on most ATMs.
  2. ATM freezes. This rarely happens. The reason may be technical or software problems. There is only one way out - look for another ATM. Do not push the card deeper under any circumstances, as it may get stuck.
  3. Chip failure. Owners modern maps This problem is easily solved using a remote route - RFID. You need to look for a self-service device that is equipped with a reader that allows you to avoid inserting a card. If the plastic is severely damaged and scuffed, it will still not be accepted.
  4. If the chip does not read the terminal in the store, you can try using a magnetic stripe.

If a self-service machine gives you the following information: “the machine does not service this card,” and you are puzzled by the question of what is the reason. The answer could be the following:

  • The validity period of the plastic has expired;
  • bank card is blocked;
  • for unknown reasons, the ATM does not accept a payment instrument from a third-party financial institution;
  • bailiffs have frozen your account;
  • The plastic is seriously damaged.

You can find out exactly why the card does not work only by contacting the bank that issued it.

The way to solve the problem depends on the bank verdict.


Demagnetization is the most common reason unreadability of plastic. It happens due to:

  • magnetic fields created by electrical devices;
  • If stored incorrectly, for example, a card that is constantly kept in trouser pockets quickly becomes unusable.

Expert opinion

Alexander Ivanovich

Important: plastic media should be kept away from electronic devices. The habit of carrying a card in a case along with a mobile phone has a detrimental effect on the payment instrument.

Expiration date

If, when making payments at the cash register, they discovered that the card has stopped functioning, it may very well be that this happened for the banal reason of expiration. You can find out if this is true by looking at the front side of the payment instrument.

If you are convinced that the reason is due to the deadline, contact the bank with a request to re-issue the payment instrument. This is done free of charge within 2 weeks from the date of application.

Reason for blocking

It is impossible to withdraw money from a blocked card. It is also not suitable for payments for goods and services. Blocking can be initiated by both the holder and the financial institution if its administration suspects fraudulent activity.

Users and banks block plastic for the following reasons:

  • strange foreign transactions were carried out;
  • cash was withdrawn from a suspicious location;
  • The wrong PIN was entered at the ATM 3 times;
  • suspicions of fraud;
  • violation by the owner of the clauses of the contract;
  • the card was forgotten at the ATM;
  • the plastic was stolen by criminals;
  • the owner cannot find the card.

Regardless of who blocked it, Sberbank or the holder, the problem can only be solved by contacting the bank.

Broken ATM or card

A faulty ATM may not accept a valid card. Usually a message stating that the device is not functioning is placed next to it or on its monitor. However, you may be the first user to discover a breakdown. In this case, you will not see any warnings.

Expert opinion

Alexander Ivanovich

If the card cannot be read due to a broken ATM, simply find another self-service machine. Maybe your plastic is broken. You can find out if this is true after checking it at another ATM.

Card mismatch with payment system

There are various payment systems operating in Russia. If you use Sberbank ATMs, you do not need to worry about PS discrepancies. Sberbank machines work with most PS in the world.

How to withdraw money from a non-working card?

ATMs are not the only way to withdraw funds. They have decent alternatives:

  • at the bank's cash desk;
  • by calling the bank's support service number and dictating the PIN;
  • urgent issue of a new card.

The high-speed card issuance service is available for an additional fee.

What to do with a damaged card?

If you find that your card is damaged, it must be blocked immediately. This is done in one of the following ways:

  • in mobile banking;
  • V Personal account"Sberbank Online";
  • when contacting a financial institution in person;
  • by calling the hotline.

Some smartphones do not have a memory card slot. As a rule, we are talking about flagship devices, where, according to the creators, there is no room for a flash drive. Still, most smartphones support a memory card. This is good, you say, and you will be right. But sometimes the device may not see this same memory card. Why and what to do in this case?

Restarting the device

The first step is to restart your device. For what? If your phone or tablet uses a tray where a micro SD card is inserted, that is, the procedure does not require rebooting the device, this problem can be attributed to the most common failure. Therefore, the first thing you need to do is reboot the device.

The problem is with the contacts

If you have another device at hand, be sure to insert the memory card into it and look at the result.

Format the card

But often everything is much simpler and the problem is related to formatting. You need to format the micro SD card. To do this, insert it into the card reader and connect it to the computer. When the card appears in the list, right-click on it and select Format.

In the new window, select the FAT32 file system and click on the “Start” button.

Unfortunately, this will delete all your data, so we highly recommend moving it to another location if you need it.

After formatting, insert the memory card back into the device.

Another option is to format the card on your phone (if possible). Please note that in this case all data will be deleted.

Go to the "Memory" section.

Then select "Empty SD Card".

Confirm the action if you agree.

The memory card will be formatted.

The problem is in the phone

If the card works on other devices (for example, the computer sees it), but does not work on one device, then the problem may be related to the device itself. For example, something was damaged when the phone fell. In this case, the only thing that needs to be done is to repair the device, having previously diagnosed it.

Memory card problem

This makes it even easier. We insert the micro SD card into other devices and check its functionality. If she shows no signs of life or shows errors, she may be life cycle came to an end. And the only thing that remains is to try to “get” important files from it, if there are any on the card.

Incompatibility of the memory card with the phone

It could also be that the memory card is incompatible with the phone. Such cases are rare, but still occur, if you believe the reviews. In case of incompatibility, the phone simply cannot read information from the card. There is only one way out - replace the memory card.

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IN Lately More and more often, users are having problems with the operation of SD cards on various devices. The card is inserted into the appropriate port, but the computer is not able to see it, and it is also not shown in the settings. We are talking about an extremely common and quite serious problem, which, as practice shows, is almost always easily solved. In this case, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the causes of the malfunction and how to solve them.

Most users often do not distinguish between types of memory cards. It is worth knowing that they come in the following varieties:

Important nuances in using a memory card

Before purchasing and starting to use these cards, you should familiarize yourself with important nuances their applications.

  • In addition to memory capacity, they indicate speed. You need to know which speed class of card is suitable for a particular device;
  • Using special adapters, microSD can turn into regular SD cards. True, it is not recommended to do this often, since the speed of information exchange drops;
  • Older generation laptops have built-in card readers that are unable to interface with newer models such as SDHC, but there is a simple solution to this problem - buy a card reader that connects to standard USB ports - it looks more like a standard flash drive and is quite cheap.

Why doesn't the computer see the memory card?

Since the drives described above have an extremely fragile structure, they often become unusable due to defects or improper completion of the work.

Reference! Sometimes it happens that after a short time of using a card, it simply cannot be read or is not detected by devices, so it is not recommended to count on long-term operation of such drives.

There are a number of common reasons why a laptop or PC cannot display an SD card. We are talking about:

If the media is no longer detected by a phone, camera or other device, it must be disinfected and installed in the PC in order to diagnose, identify and eliminate the problem.

What actions should I take if the device refuses to recognize the memory card?

Eliminating the problem requires searching for the cause, which, in turn, can be very different. You should familiarize yourself with step by step instructions, which will tell you what actions to take when the computer is unable to detect an SD or microSD card.

How to properly check for a faulty memory card and card reader

First, identification of media problems is required. To do this, you will need to connect it to any other working device. Also, if you have a second card of an identical model, you can determine whether it can be recognized by a computer. If everything is fine, then there are no problems with the card reader and most likely the reason lies in the card. They often become faulty after they are incorrectly removed work time or wear out on their own.

In such situation the only solution there is an attempt to restore the functionality of the product. A specialized utility called HDD Low Level Format Tool helps with this very well. To use it correctly you will need:

Step 1. Download and install the software on your computer from an official source.

Step 2. After launch, select the memory card and proceed to the next step.

Step 3. A new menu will appear, in it you need to click on “LOW-LEVEL FORMAT”.

Step 4. A warning menu will appear indicating that all information will be formatted. We agree to click on the format button.

No less popular and effective is the SDFormatter utility, which is also capable of coping with the formatting task. To use it you will need:

Step 1. Install and run the SDFormatter software.

Step 2. During startup, the utility will automatically detect connected flash cards displayed in the main window. Click on "Option" to set formatting options.

Step 3. In this case, “Qick” implies formatting in quick mode, “Full” will erase all data, and “Full (Overwrite)” will additionally overwrite.

Step 4. After returning to the main menu, you need to click “Format”, after which the utility will format the memory card. The file settings will be automatically set to FAT32.

Reference! Sometimes the card reader itself refuses to display the memory card. The way out of this situation is to contact a specialized company, whose technicians will carry out the repairs. Do you need to use your card urgently? There is a temporary solution: we are talking about a portable card reader that can be connected to a laptop via a USB port.

How to check for failures in Windows OS

In more rare cases, the PC refuses to detect and recognize the memory card due to malfunctions operating system, for example, Windows OS may incorrectly assign a drive letter to the attached media. To resolve this conflict, follow these steps:

Step 1. Open Control Panel through the Start menu.

Step 2. Select the “System and Security” section.

Step 3. Then go to “Administration”.

Step 5. By clicking on the last item, the “Disk Management” tab will appear on the left.

Step 6. You need to select the desired card in the list of installed disks and right-click to open a new menu. Next, click “Change drive letter...”.

Step 7 A letter is selected that has not yet been used in the system, after which the settings are saved.

Video - Why doesn’t the computer read Micro SD and how to fix it?

Driver Update

If after some kind of reboot of the adapter nothing happened, there is another way to fix the problem - update or reinstall the card reader drivers. In this case, you need to visit the manufacturer's resource and see if a new version of the driver has appeared. If it really exists, you can download and install it. Before doing this, it is better to remove outdated drivers in .

Specifics of virus checking

Even the most modern device is recommended to be supplemented with anti-virus protection. To fix the problem, you will need to scan the memory card and clean out malicious files.

Step 1. You need to go to “This PC” through the desktop shortcut or through the “Start” menu.

Step 2. Right-click on the memory card icon to open a new menu, then select the “Scan…” option.

Right-click on the memory card icon and select the “Scan…” option.

On a note! In the menu, the item will correspond to the installed antivirus program on your device.

Step 2. In the Control Panel, set the View mode to Large Icons. Select "Folder Options".

Step 3. Open the “View” section.

Thus there is sufficient quantity reasons why the PC may not see the SD card. To accurately solve the problem and use the media again, it is recommended to follow all the steps described above.

Video - The card reader does not see the SD card, what should I do?

A bank card stores certain details with which it can contact the bank and your account using your money. Required for identification digital signature, which is also stored in the card. For additional authentication and account access, a PIN code is used. Often, bank clients keep the card in their pockets, they can wash it with their clothes, and then the Sberbank card is no longer readable - what to do then?

Causes and solutions to the problem

  • The ATM does not accept the card because you inserted it incorrectly. In this case, you need to very carefully insert the plastic with the chip facing up, so that the card number is on the left, and the chip itself is located closer to the device. If you forget how to do this, then look at the ATM itself. Usually there is detailed instructions or a picture.

  • It happens that the ATM did not accept the card because it froze. This is due either to technical problems or to software ones. In this case, even if you insert it correctly and the ATM does not accept it, you should not push it there, as it may simply get stuck. It's best to find another ATM and try it there.
  • There is a situation when the chip itself could break. In this case, you can use remote RFID payment. Many ATMs are already equipped with this reader and you don’t have to insert the card, but simply bring it to the device. But even in this case, it may also not work if the card is severely damaged, bent or broken.
  • If you're in a store and the card can't be read by the chip, you can simply swipe and pay using the magnetic stripe. If it doesn’t work, then just try to bring the card to the terminal and the payment will have to be made using remote technology.

It happens that the terminal says: “ This map The ATM is not serviced” – what does this mean? In this case, there are several warrants:

  1. Expired.
  2. The device of another bank, due to some internal agreements, cannot accept a card from a third-party institution.
  3. The product is blocked.
  4. The account has been frozen by bailiffs.
  5. It may not be readable due to severe damage.

In any case, only the bank will answer your question - why it is not accepted.

How to receive the money?

Even if the card is completely damaged, you can always pay for goods and services online. To do this, you need to use the details that are on the plastic. When purchasing you will need to enter:

  • Card number
  • Validity
  • Owner's name
  • CVC2 and CVV2 code – located on the back side and consists of 3 digits. Located together where the signature of the bank client should be.

After which you will receive an SMS with a code on your phone. Enter it in the appropriate field and confirm the purchase. After which the money will be debited and the purchase completed.

You can also make a transfer through Sberbank online or a mobile application to another card of Sberbank or another credit institution. And then withdraw funds from an ATM. But the most reliable way- This means withdrawing funds at a bank branch. To do this, you just need to come to any Sberbank office with your passport and ask to cash out your account for a certain amount.

What to do next

The card will need to be reissued if you are not satisfied with other methods of payment or cash withdrawal. To do this, you will need to block the card in Sberbank Online and then it will automatically be reissued.

If you want to get it faster, you will need to visit a Sberbank branch with your passport and take the card with you. For an unscheduled reissue you will have to pay money according to the tariff. On average, this price ranges from 200 to 1000 rubles - depending on the product and class of plastic. The card will be ready in 7-10 days.

To avoid this problem, follow a few common rules.

  • The card must be kept in your wallet or purse. You should not keep it in your pocket with change, keys and other things that could damage it.
  • Check all pockets before washing.
  • Do not carry plastic in the back pocket of your pants or trousers.
  • Do not bend or break it.
  • Remember that the plastic card is the property of the bank and you are required by agreement to handle it carefully. Upon expiration of the product, the card is returned back to the bank.

Sometimes it happens that the ATM “spits out” (returns) the card without serving you, its client, with it, and you, dumbfounded, do not know what to do next. Why doesn't the ATM read your card? The reasons for this may be various:

  1. The card is not inserted correctly. Double-check that you inserted your card into the ATM slot with the correct side. If you have forgotten how to do this or are using the card for the first time, then ask the person behind you in line to help you. If there is no one nearby, then simply try to “poke” the card different sides to the hole - maybe it will work.
  2. Your card does not belong to the payment system serviced by this ATM. For example, a local pension card of a certain bank may not be serviced by ATMs of other banks.
  3. The card is damaged or the ATM is not working.

What to do

  1. Carefully study all the inscriptions present on the ATM - there are logos of all systems served by the ATM. If you don’t find “your” system in the list, you need to go in search of your ATM.
  2. If the systems match, but the ATM does not accept the card, you should try it in another device, just in case. Refusal to accept the card at several ATMs indicates that the magnetic stripe is damaged. This means that the card needs to be reissued, for which you need to contact the branch that issued the card.

If you need money urgently...

Perhaps you don't have time, or the nearest branch of your bank is closed for lunch break, and you just need money right this second! And this situation can be resolved. A unique service has recently appeared in the ATMs of some banks - cash withdrawal without a card. You can get money without a card by calling the bank on a special phone number, which you can find out by “talking” with the ATM. In this case, you must remember the PIN code from the damaged card.

If your bank does not yet provide such a service and the ATM has not issued money, then you have no choice but to go to the nearest branch and reissue the card or get money at the cash desk using your passport (although you will still have to reissue the card later).

To get a new card you will definitely need mobile phone, but just in case, take your passport with you and credit card(if any) – it all depends on the bank.


What should I do if my credit card is not readable?

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More and more people are using non-cash payments, but nevertheless, withdrawing money from an ATM is not at all uncommon in our society. Credit and regular cards. But what is the surprise of the card holder if one fine day the ATM does not accept plastic card, “spitting” it back. What to do in such a situation? The answers are just below.

Why can't my credit card be read?

A message about the unreadability of the credit card is displayed directly in the ATM window. If a buyer pays with a credit card in a store, the cash register will also display an “error” regarding access to the card data. Both situations are related to the unreadability of the chip or magnetic tape.

In what cases is a credit card not readable?

Incorrect insertion of card into ATM

The plastic payment medium is inserted with the face up and the magnetic stripe closest to the right side of the receiving device at the ATM. In order to insert the card correctly, you just need to lightly touch it to a special slot, after which the ATM will “tighten” the card and open the action menu.

The card is not serviced by the ATM

Even if you insert the card according to all the rules, the receiving device of such an ATM will not read the data. Therefore, before inserting a plastic payment instrument into an ATM, you should find out whether it accepts your bank's cards or not.

Card damage

Abrasion of the magnetic tape or chip will result in a malfunction of the credit card.

ATM not working

If the ATM does not work, you will have to look for another machine.

When faced with the problem of an unreadable credit card, do not rush to run to the bank and demand that a new plastic “piece” be issued. It is quite possible that the card is working, but the ATM or reader in the store that accepts it is broken. Therefore, walk to another ATM and check whether it will accept your card or not? It is advisable to visit at least 3-4 ATMs, and only then contact the bank.

Alternative options for withdrawing money

IN major cities you can withdraw money from readable map in the following ways:

  1. Withdrawing money from a card without using it at an ATM. All you need to do is call a special number, dictate your PIN code, and then receive cash.
  2. The second method is to cash out funds at the cash desk of the bank servicing the card. The client must have a passport with him. The service is carried out on bank business days, so withdrawing money, for example, at night, will not be possible.
  3. Accelerating the release of a new card. The cost ranges from 100 rubles and above, depending on the bank. Get new map With the current balance you can do so within a day.

On a note!

Take a closer look at the operating features of the ATM. If it winks strangely, periodically turns off or makes strange sounds, it is better not to use such an ATM


To avoid damage to the magnetic stripe or credit card chip, it is recommended that following tips:

  • Do not carry the card in your pocket near electronic gadgets (smartphone, tablet).
  • Do not bend the card or use it as a stand for food or drinks.
  • Keep your credit card separate from store discount cards and others. plastic products payment for goods.

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What should you do if the ATM cannot recognize your card?

Sberbank occupies high position in the Russian banking environment. However, despite this, Sberbank cannot always avoid unpleasant situations in the process of servicing its own clients. Indeed, the operation of the Sberbank Online system may fail due to technical reasons. Of course, such situations cause bank users a lot of trouble. A common situation is when the ATM cannot read the card.

What to do if the Sberbank card is not readable?

This article is worth talking about what to do in a similar situation if the card was previously functioning and all the data was entered correctly. So, the bank’s system can “slow down”. And in order to load all the data into the electronic system, it needs time. Sometimes this process can take several days. But if after several days the situation has not improved, and Sberbank still does not read the client’s card, then this means that main reason is a system failure.

In this situation, you should contact the bank’s technical support service for help. You should call 8-800-555-55-50 and tell a specialist about the problem you are having. If such a problem occurs due to a technical failure, then remember that it will be fixed immediately. But if this problem arose due to other factors (for example, it may be incorrectly filled in data in bank papers), then the client must again contact the bank office with a personal passport in order to refill personal data.