BPM systems. Buisness process. Management and modeling in BPM (Business Process Management)

An indicator that determines the speed of performance or playback of the composition. BPM is the number of quarter notes per minute, for example 120 BPM means 120 quarter notes are played per minute (hence 2 quarter notes per second), or 120 quarter notes per minute.

Most works are performed, recorded and played back in the range of 30 to 240 BPM, more precise limits depending on the genre. However, it should be noted that the speed of the work also depends on the duration of the notes; thus, a whole note at 120 BPM sounds faster than a 32nd note at 2 BPM; the opposite is also true - a melody written in whole notes at 120 BPM sounds slower than a melody written 32 at 4 BPM. Thus, the BPM indicator is relative and it makes sense to compare the speed of compositions by it only in similar genres with a similar agreement on the use of note durations.

120 BPM
Metronome beats out 120 BPM in 4/4 time signature
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An excerpt characterizing BPM (music)

Man can only observe the correspondence between the life of a bee and other phenomena of life. The same with the goals of historical persons and peoples.

The wedding of Natasha, who married Bezukhov in 13, was the last happy event in the old Rostov family. In the same year, Count Ilya Andreevich died, and, as always happens, the old family fell apart with his death.
The events of the last year: the fire of Moscow and the flight from it, the death of Prince Andrei and the despair of Natasha, the death of Petya, the grief of the countess - all this, like blow after blow, fell on the head of the old count. He did not seem to understand and felt himself unable to understand the significance of all these events and, morally bowing his old head, as if he expected and asked for new blows that would finish him off. He seemed now frightened and confused, then unnaturally lively and enterprising.
Natasha's wedding temporarily occupied him with its outer side. He ordered lunches and dinners and, apparently, wanted to appear cheerful; but his joy was not communicated, as before, but, on the contrary, aroused compassion in people who knew and loved him.
After Pierre and his wife left, he calmed down and began to complain of longing. A few days later he fell ill and went to bed. From the first days of his illness, despite the consolations of the doctors, he realized that he could not get up. The countess, without undressing, spent two weeks in an armchair at his head. Every time she gave him medicine, he silently kissed her hand, sobbing. On the last day, weeping, he asked for forgiveness from his wife and in absentia from his son for the ruin of the estate - the main guilt that he felt for himself. Having taken communion and having received special blessings, he quietly died, and the next day a crowd of acquaintances who had come to pay their last debt to the deceased filled the Rostovs' rented apartment. All these acquaintances, who had dined and danced with him so many times, laughed at him so many times, now all with the same feeling of inner reproach and tenderness, as if justifying themselves before someone, said: Human. You won’t meet such people today ... And who doesn’t have their weaknesses? .. ”

Wikipedia gives the following definition: "BPM (eng. Business process management, business process management) is the concept of process management of an organization, which considers business processes as special enterprise resources, continuously adapting to constant changes, and relying on principles such as clarity and visibility business processes in an organization by modeling business processes using formal notations, using software modeling, simulation, monitoring and analysis of business processes, the ability to dynamically rebuild business process models by participants and by means of software systems."

Stages of development of company management software

What tasks are BMP systems designed to solve and what place do they occupy among other business process automation software?

To answer this question, let's turn to the Best Practices in Business Performance Management: Business and Technical Strategies report by The Data Warehousing Institute (TDWI). The authors of the report, made in the summer of 2004, position BMP systems, making a general scheme for the development of software for automating business processes over the past twenty years (see the translation of the scheme in Fig. 1).

Fig.1 Scheme of development of software for automating business processes

Judging by the diagram, at first there appeared systems for automating back-office processes, primarily production and accounting. Then the front office: sales, services, marketing. At the end of the 20th century, organizations moved to automate cross-cutting processes that affect the work of several departments, the introduction of customer relationship management technology - CRM (Customer Relationship Management and supply chain management technologies - SCM (supply chain planning). And at the top of the pyramid is corporate governance, which has only recently been automated. To solve the latter problem, a special class of software is allocated - BMP-systems.

The levels of the pyramid reflect the gradual transition from automating operational business processes to automating business management strategies. Processes over high levels pyramids control processes at lower levels. Therefore, the purpose of BMP systems is to automate the strategic planning of business development and to support tactical (or operational) business process management at different levels. The task of BMP systems is to help in realizing the strategic goals of the business in real conditions. Providing the user with the right information at the right time will improve the efficiency of operational management.

And what about in Russia?

The periods of appearance and formation of various classes of software, indicated in the above diagram, reflect the world state of affairs and do not apply to Russia. In the field of automation, the latter has traditionally lagged behind the West, although in last years the difference is offset. The difference for the lower levels of the pyramid is still noticeable (for example, the peak of automation of back office, accounting tasks occurred in Russia in 1992-1993, and in the world it happened 5-7 years earlier), but at the same time for corporate-scale management systems the lag is no more than 2 years.

The advent of TDWI management technology end-to-end software means beginning of XXI century. But in Russia and the CIS countries in the early 2000s, there were almost no implementations of BMP systems, their active appearance dates back to 2002. And the term "BMP" appeared only at the turn of 2003-2004.

According to some estimates, currently in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan there are about two hundred completed projects for the implementation of corporate-level management systems, a third of them were completed for credit institutions. At the same time, the growth rates of the Russian market of BMP systems are ahead of the world ones.

Components of a BMP

The functional architecture of the classical BMP-system of the bank consists of three components. The first part is the Data Warehouse. This is the basis of the BMP system. It consolidates operational financial information from various automated modules of the Head Office and branches of the organization, from subsidiaries. The second component of the solution is a set of tools to support enterprise management technologies: financial planning, management accounting, forecasting, etc. The third component of BMP is OLAP tools for operational work with business data accumulated in the Warehouse.

So, BMP systems combine well-known management technologies and software solutions that were used locally and solved the problems of individual departments and users.

Rice. 2. Stages and tools of the cycle corporate governance

What is the peculiarity of the BMP approach? Since the BMP system is designed to support the FULL CYCLE of company management, this means that BMP tools are interconnected and ensure the execution of four main stages of business performance management (see Fig. 2):

Stage 1. Strategy Development.

The goal is to highlight business targets and plan the quantitative values ​​of their metrics - KPI ( Key Performance Indicators, key performance indicators). Strategic planning relies on one of the BMP methodologies known as BSC ( BalancedScorecard, balanced scorecard).

Stage 2. Planning.

At this stage, tactical plans are developed to achieve the set strategic goals. KPIs become benchmarks for developing tactical (operational) plans. The main instrument of operational planning is the budget.

Stage 3. Monitoring and control of execution.

The third stage in the corporate governance cycle is monitoring and control over the execution of budget plans. Actual values ​​for management accounting items are calculated based on the primary data collected in the Warehouse. Plan-factual analysis tools based on OLAP technology are used to compare planned and achieved budget indicators and KPIs.

Stage 4. Analysis and regulation.

At the final stage strategic plans are adjusted in accordance with the real conditions of the bank. To plan changes, tools for forecasting and modeling various scenarios for the development of the situation are used. As a result, the cycle of corporate governance - between the strategy chosen by the bank and its practical implementation- closes.

Thus, BMP systems make it possible to create an integral infrastructure to support consistent strategic and tactical bank management based on a single data model. In that fundamental difference integrated approach of corporate-scale control automation systems from isolated solution individual management tasks.

But, A complex approach does not preclude phasing in the implementation of BMP projects in banks. Usage step by step technology implementation of BMP systems is accepted all over the world, and Russia is no exception. Customers start "small" - at first they use the BMP platform to support a single management technology (in domestic banks, this is most often management accounting and management reporting), and then gradually increase the functionality by introducing full cycle managing the implementation of the corporate strategy. Pragmatism in this case is quite understandable - a phased approach allows short time get the first results from the introduction of new management technologies and evaluate their practical benefits. In addition, the bank's management can control and timely correct the development of the project.

About terminology: BMP, CPM, EPM...

The concept of BMP was first proposed by the analytical company IDC (International Data Center). The same terminology is followed by another reputable research organization - META Group. Among the solutions that are on Russian market, the concept of BMP fully meets the software companies Hyperion, SAS, Intersoft Lab and some others.

But besides BMP, the most common abbreviations are CPM ( corporate performance management, corporate performance management) and EPM ( Enterprise Performance Management, enterprise efficiency management). What do these abbreviations mean and how do they differ from BMP?

According to Gartner, corporate performance management (CPM) is a combination of methodologies (for example, Balanced Scorecard), indicators (financial and non-financial, long-term and short-term, etc.), processes (for example, strategy development, budgeting, forecasting) and systems used to monitor and manage the performance of an organization's business activities. From the point of view of implementation, the CPM system combines the same functional blocks as the BPM solution: Data warehouse, automation tools for performance management techniques and OLAP. This means that the terms CPM and BPM do not have a significant difference in meaning. Although a number of reputable foreign experts, considering the concept of corporate governance in relation to the banking sector, use this particular abbreviation. Among Western software vendors, this term in the designation of their own software development prefer Cognos and Oracle.

The abbreviation EPM is actually used as a direct synonym for BMP and CPM. However, some authors put a broader meaning in it, and in addition to traditional components, refer to reference data, source systems and applications related to the Data Warehouse as key components of an EPM system. Thus, unlike BMP, an independent layer of data sources is allocated as part of an EPM solution. Justifying its name, EPM is more often used to refer to management decisions built for enterprises.

The term ( Enterprise Commerce Management, control commercial activities enterprises). It, as an alternative to BMP, was proposed by the independent analytical firm AMR Research.

Also on the pages of electronic publications, as a replacement for BMP, you can find the abbreviation BAM ( business activity management business management). The tasks of systems of this class include the control of business processes based on the measurement of KPI in an integrated business environment. This concept is more focused on solving the part of BMP tasks related to taking into account and analyzing the actual state of the business, and does not affect business planning.

As a result, the heap of terms and abbreviations does not change the essence of the solutions under consideration. Almost all of the listed BMP/CPM/EPM platforms are designed to manage the implementation of a corporate strategy based on a single information model of an organization.

The most common misconceptions about BMP

BMP System is just a Data Warehouse

No. The data warehouse and the BMP system solve different problems. At the same time, the Data Warehouse is one of the components of the corporate governance automation system. When implementing a BMP system, the Warehouse ensures the collection, reconciliation and financial consolidation of corporate data.

The goal of a BMP project at the customer's is to set up and automate, based on a single data model, a set of management techniques that will help translate the corporate business development strategy into reality. The solution to this problem goes far beyond the capabilities of the Data Warehouse and is provided by other functionality as part of the BMP system.

The Data Warehouse solution is a BMP system

This is an erroneous representation. Yes, the data warehouse is the basis for building a BMP system. To do this, it is based on a set of specialized BMP applications that provide a full cycle of business performance management.

If applied solutions based on the Storage solve individual management tasks or generally serve other purposes, this complex cannot be called a BMP system. For example, if the Data Warehouse is used in a bank for issuing mandatory reporting, then the built solution does not belong to the BMP class.

The budgeting system is a BMP solution

No. Budgeting is only one of the corporate governance tools. The budgeting methodology implemented on the basis of the Data Warehouse supports only operational (tactical) management. Whereas the main task of the BMP system is to ensure the relationship of management at the strategic and tactical levels.

On the other hand, there are several budgeting systems on the market that are designed only for financial planning and do not include a Data Warehouse. These are highly specialized systems, they do not belong to the BMP class and provide support for the only management technology - budgeting.

Any analytical system belongs to the BMP class

This is an incorrect assessment. First, just like the budgeting apps, the analytics functionality is just component integrated system corporate scale management.

Secondly, traditionally, an "analytical system" is understood as tools that implement specialized analytical techniques based on a complex mathematical apparatus, for example, for the analysis of counterparty banks. Such systems stand out as a separate class of software and are not related to BMP.

Separate analytical methods can be built into the BMP system, but are not its mandatory attribute. In fact, the simplest analytical functions are in demand in BMP: generalization / detailing, comparative analysis and others, which are primarily implemented using the OLAP tools built into BMP.

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armored patrol car


living wage budget



combat swimmer miner

military, marine

Dictionary: Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations of the army and special services. Comp. A. A. Shchelokov. - M .: AST Publishing House LLC, Geleos Publishing House CJSC, 2003. - 318 p.


fast printing mechanism


Dictionary: S. Fadeev. Dictionary of abbreviations of the modern Russian language. - S.-Pb.: Polytechnic, 1997. - 527 p.

  1. BPMP

battalion medical aid station

military, medical

Dictionary: Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations of the army and special services. Comp. A. A. Shchelokov. - M .: AST Publishing House LLC, Geleos Publishing House CJSC, 2003. - 318 p.

  1. BPMP

Dictionary: S. Fadeev. Dictionary of abbreviations of the modern Russian language. - S.-Pb.: Polytechnic, 1997. - 527 p.


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honey, pl. h., psych.


combat border vehicle;
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for example: BPM-97 "Shot"

in marking, military.


bituminous polymer material

A source: petrochemistry.biz/ref/pov63enn6h_koncentraci9h.html

. Academician. 2015 .

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    BPM BPM battalion medical aid station military, medical BPM Dictionary: Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations of the army and special services. Comp. A. A. Shchelokov. M.: AST Publishing House LLC, Geleos Publishing House CJSC, 2003. 318 p. BPMP Dictionary: S. Fadeev.… … Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations

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Most BPM systems have been developed to automate a business process. BPM systems are a central part of a Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA). A BPM system with advanced integration tools is a kind of link between all services of a single IT solution. BPM is a necessary means of implementing the SOA concept. The main difference between BPM systems and applications of other classes is that the main object of automation in it is a business process.

Based on the logic of the business process, the BPM system distributes the flow of work among the participants, thus ensuring the management of the business process. By itself, business process automation is not considered as a priority goal of implementing the system, and the calculation here is that after the implementation of the BPM system, a tool for managing business processes appears in the company. This allows you to improve performance discipline, set the required algorithm for the company and control its correct implementation, as well as launch the process of continuous improvement of business processes. Indeed, without proper management, business processes lose their effectiveness, and this is a well-known fact.

BPM cycle

BPM is based on the idea of ​​a continuous management cycle, including:

  • definition of development goals
  • modeling the factors that determine the achievement of these limiter goals
  • planning actions leading to the achievement of goals
  • continuous monitoring to track the status of key performance indicators and their deviation from the plan
  • analysis of the results achieved, allowing a better understanding of the nature of the prerequisite for effectiveness
  • reporting that helps managers make further decisions.

The set of elements of the management cycle and their relationship

Target Automation Processes

As mentioned earlier, the purpose of BPM systems is to automate any business processes, but the maximum effect is achieved when they are used in processes with a high frequency of execution and complex logic. Examples are:

  • processes for connecting telecommunications services
  • retail lending processes in a bank
  • processes of technical connection of the end consumer in the energy sector, the process of obtaining insurance in an insurance company
  • the process of forming a purchase order in logistics, etc.

BPM systems as the most effective tool management have proven themselves in such business processes.

Architecture and analytics

There are three layers in a BPM system:

  • data management layer, including storage, which is filled with information from the organization's accounting systems using integration tools;
  • a layer of BPM applications, consisting of application modules to support integrated management and reporting processes;
  • reporting and analysis layer.

A ready-made BPM solution consists of instrumental (BI) and application (BPM) components. BI tools are used to create and populate a data warehouse, analyze and publish reports, BPM applications - to support management functionality and calculate reporting indicators.

Any BPM system implies a modular construction and usually includes:

  • graphic functions designed for visualization, description and analysis of processes.
  • job execution server (workflow server), the main server on which BPM-controlled processes are executed. The server monitors the state of each process and business event within that process.
  • operational tools that perform the functions of changes during the execution of the process, for example, managing work lists of tasks and work priorities.
  • monitoring and management tools: the monitoring module shows the degree or stage of completion of the process and the conditions for its implementation.

The BPM system has two levels of business intelligence. At the first level is the business activity monitoring toolkit - Business Activity Monitoring (Business Activity Monitoring (BAM)). Here, through the analysis of key performance indicators of the process in real time, the business process is managed as well as responding to important events.

At the second level, there is an analysis of automated business processes - process (Business Intelligent). Business process analysis is carried out for its continuous improvement.

Adaptive BMP systems

Currently, the rate of change in the business process has increased (and continues to increase) so much that IT solutions become an obstacle to the development of companies. Therefore, today, systems that allow the most easy and quick to make changes, receive serious advantages. The adaptability of the BPM system lies in the absence of the need for programming and the ease of setting up a business process during its initial automation. An example is the Ultiumus Adaptive BPM Suite system, which allows you to automate a business process by business analysts, while changing business logic is possible without the participation of an IT specialist.

Implementation of the Business Process Management system

BPM is being implemented much faster than ERP systems due to the fact that in most cases business process automation is independent of each other. This makes it possible to quickly automate the main business processes of the company. So, a small business process can be automated in a day, but for large projects, the implementation period can stretch up to three months. Usually, automation of business processes goes through the creation and approval of the terms of reference for automation. But in some cases, the rate of change is quite high, and it becomes necessary to use less formalized approaches, such as applying the principles of extreme programming, when a business user, together with a consultant, configures the system on their own, involving an IT specialist only to solve integration problems. This approach reduces the implementation time of a BPM system by several times, which often allows you to automate the process in less than a month. When implementing business process management systems, there are typical problems. The first problem is related to the coordination of opinions of all participants in the automated business process. In practice, this means that there are cases when the coordination time can exceed the time of the automation itself by an order of magnitude. The second problem when implementing a BPM system may be the need for compatibility with existing applications from various vendors or even our own development. In this case, as in the previous one, the time spent on integration can also exceed the time of the automation itself.

Basic costs

The amount of investment in integrating a BPM system into an enterprise depends primarily on the business processes being automated and the number of client seats. There are systems, the starting cost of which is from 30 to 50 thousand dollars. If we consider a large organization, then here we can already talk about an increase in the amount given by an order of magnitude - about 500 thousand dollars.

There is on the market enough developments costing less than 10 thousand dollars, but these systems should not be taken seriously, since in practice their productivity is negligible or non-existent.


The main advantage from the introduction of business process management systems is the fact that the company begins to work clearly according to a given algorithm, the performance discipline increases, and all this turns the organization into a well-functioning mechanism. First of all, the business process is accelerated, the ground appears for the use of new best practices for doing business and benchmarking business processes. The components of this perspective are:

  • consolidation of information from various applications and data stores in one system in a form that is easy to view and analyze
  • financial applications for budgeting, planning, modeling and analysis with the most effective functionality
  • a unified management system that unites the efforts of all planning and forecasting specialists
  • a significant reduction in the time required to collect data from subsidiaries and affiliates
  • a more complete picture of the company's activities by attracting a large number of different indicators

BPM(English - beats per minute) beats per minute - musical term, which determines the speed of the composition as a whole. BPM is the number of fourth notes per minute, for example, 120 BPM means that 120 fourth notes are played per minute (hence 2 quarter notes per second, and a whole note sounds for two seconds). Thus, BPM sets the duration of the whole note.

Most productions are in the 30 to 240 BPM range, usually depending on the genre. However, it is worth noting that the speed of the work also depends on the duration of the notes; thus, a whole note at 120 BPM sounds faster than a 32nd note at 2 BPM; the opposite is also true - a melody written in whole notes at 120 BPM sounds slower than a melody written 32 at 4 BPM.

Since most electronic music is written in four-quarter time ( 4/4 ), and the "basis" of music is the rhythm section, usually consisting of a bass drum ( Bass Drum), cotton ( clap) and hihata ( HiHat), moreover, in such styles as Trance, House, Techno, Hardstyle, based on the so-called. "straight" rhythm, the kick of the bass drum falls on each of the four fourth beats, then in these styles BPM is the number of beats of a particular bass drum per minute. In styles based on the so-called. In "broken" rhythms, determining this parameter is a bit difficult, since the bass drum may be shifted or removed altogether on some beats. When it is not possible to determine the BPM from the bass drum, it can be determined from the clap or snare drum. In the vast majority of tracks, they sound every second fourth beat, i.e. BPM is the number of beats on the snare drum multiplied by two. Informally, BPM is equivalent to the concept of "tempo" and is often determined only by ear, since music may not contain a rhythm section in principle.

By convention, the values ​​of the BPM parameter correspond to the following styles:
"Direct" rhythms:

0-130 bpm (in practice from 100 bpm) - House ( house), Techno ( Techno)
130-150 bpm - Techno ( Techno), Trans ( Trance)
150 bpm and to infinity (in practice up to 1000 bpm) - Hardstyle ( hardstyle)

"Broken" rhythms:

0-110 bpm - (in practice from 60 bpm) - Downtempo ( Downtempo)
110-140 bpm - Breaks ( Breaks), Dubstep ( dubstep)
140 bpm and to infinity (in practice up to 200 bpm) - Jungle ( Jungle)

The BPM parameter is decisive in electronic music. The art of the DJ mix is ​​entirely based on the ability to simultaneously start the playback of two records, the BPM of which is initially different. You can determine the BPM and adjust it to the BPM of another recording by ear, but modern technologies offer a huge number of systems that determine BPM automatically (such a determiner is built into a DJ console or CD player)