Encyclopedia of Marketing. The Complete Guide to Instagram Marketing for Business

Last update: 2019-02-03

And so: - this is a work of art, consisting of three paintings, bas-reliefs and other objects, united by a common artistic idea, concept. The triptych has roots in the Middle Ages, where it spread at one time from the eastern Byzantine temples to Britain, and the term "Triptych" was also used in relation to small literary forms, primarily poetry.

Even Plato, in the era of the formation of ancient Greek philosophy, used the term triplicity, the three-stage development of thinking, then Hegel most fully revealed this topic and outlined three stages of development: Thesis, Antithesis and Synthesis. Screenwriters use the following rule to write scripts for films: Intro, Climax, Decoupling. Religion is based on the tri-hypostasis of a single essence: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and the triangle is the most stable geometric figure.

You can argue for a long time and look for an explanation for this, but along with the triptych there were other directions - the Diptych and the Polyptych, which did not receive such popularity as the Triptych. Anyway, visual effect from combining three images, united by one meaning or from dividing one integral composition into three parts, contributes to the perception of static graphic information differently. Either in the form of one mini-story, or in the form of one mini-film, or somehow else, a static image in consciousness suddenly comes to life and the viewer, without a scenario plan, decides for himself which frame is the "Outset", which is the "Climax" , and which - "Interchange".

Of course, the author of the triptych could place light, color, compositional accents and "write the script", but no one knew how the viewer would actually perceive the author's intention, and it was impossible to measure it, until now, at least.

Until Instagram came along

With the advent of Instagram, additional opportunities appeared in the field marketing research the perception of visual images by users, not as independent, final graphic models, but in the context of the graphic environment that forms the client interface of the Instagram service, thanks to the property of publishing photos in three columns.

It was very interesting to watch the reaction of users to various combinations of published photos on my account. One of these experiments was carried out with two panoramic images of the same landscape, shot in different shooting techniques: the first with the use of a polarizing filter, and the second in infrared photography (IR photo).

Splitting into three frames, under a triptych, both pictures were published one above the other and the promotion of the photo account began, as described in the article about, in order to attract new users to those that I already had in subscribers. For photos with a polarizing filter (1,2,3) and IR photos (4,5,6) Like-voting was launched.

The feed then was not updated for almost a month, these two triptychs hung without adding new photos for a long time and at the time of this writing, each of the 6 photos gained a certain number of viewership votes, which are expressed in social signals - likes and comments. This is the result, that's all percentages counted within each triptych.

At first glance, there is nothing in common in these data, except for the outsider positions of the extreme right photos in each triptych, on the basis of which the conclusion suggests itself - the extreme right position is in the blind zone and is the least informative, but this is only at first glance.

If you shift the accent of the triptych to the right with the help of light, color and dimensional accents, then the attention of users will be shifted accordingly to the right.

The same effect can be achieved using a clearly selected object against a clean background, it would seem that the middle frame is more accented by a black background, but according to users, the middle frame is clearly inferior to the left and right frames, where the bumblebee is depicted.

So, in other words, if you post content on Instagram according to the triptych principle, three thematic photos or one whole photo, divided into 3 parts or into 6 or even 9, keeping the timing of each new triptych over the previous one, then you can achieve the integrity of your entire tape, where mini-stories will be saved. The chronology will also be preserved if it is a story of 2 or 3 triptychs that arouse great interest from users who are very fond of stories in pictures and will vote with their likes, prioritizing.

Everything would be fine if not for spam

It's like in a joke about marketers who discovered during a day of observations that the number of women walked past spa salons by 25.8% more than men, until a company of soldiers appeared around the turn. It is these companies of spam bots that spoil the whole picture!

The fact is that every day a variety of advertising bots enter your account and try to involve you in their stories by liking 1-2 or 3 recent photos, leaving comments under the latest publications and adding you to subscriptions. This is the reality with which you have to put up and make an amendment when taking into account the data on the first triptych. So, the first triptych here serves as a buffer and a less real picture can be obtained only in the second or third triptych. Based on the results of my observations, the Instagram heatmap looks something like this:

In order to suppress the influence of spam in calculations, a coefficient of ~ 0.73 - 0.75 should be applied to the first photo, a coefficient of ~ 0.83 - 0.87 to the second photo, and a coefficient of ~ 0.95 - 0.98 to the third photo, if we are talking about the first, buffer triptych. If the upload was of two triptychs at once, then the second triptych will not be so susceptible to spam and it will get a more or less true picture.

Let's add to this heatmap the distribution of user attention, which really, other things being equal, gives priority to the first two frames, and the third frame, which ends the frame, really falls into the "blind zone", which we observed in the statistics for the two landscapes published above. I constantly see such a picture in the web analytics of product pages of the catalog of online stores that publish product previews in three columns. This is due to the peculiarity of our vision and perception of information: from left to right, from top to bottom.

In the triptych below, the last frame is the last accent, after which the eye returns to the beginning of the next line, and if in the last frame nothing special caught the eye, then it easily leaves it. But since we are dealing with a triptych and our goals include the task of telling the user a story, in the case of a commercial account - it can be a story about a product or a service, then we do not need to hold the user's gaze on the last frame, we need to loop his attention and send back to the first two frames for a detailed study of them.

Ideally, the triptych should be designed in the form of a "triangle" with an emphasis on the middle frame, forming a stable and integral artistic composition. Let me remind you that a triangle is the most stable geometric figure and if you do not want to cause a negative perception in the user with a very low value of the quantitative measure of harmony (Faculty of Neuropsychology, Moscow State University © Natalya Galkina, "Neurotrend"), and when the quantitative measure of harmony is reduced by 2 units, it decreases and while the user is viewing the image for 1 second, then the triangle rule is time to apply.

Triangle rule

According to the rule of the triangle or the Golden Triangle with the use of the golden ratio, it is necessary to build the composition in such a way as to create the illusion of a stable base, foundation, foot of the mountain and the top of this mountain, with the height of an imaginary triangle dividing the base in a golden ratio: 3/5, 5/8, 8 ,13.

Examples of

Below are two examples, in one of which the triangle rule is applied using the dimension of the object (macro photo), and in the other this rule is violated.

On the lower triptych, the triangle rule is observed, the distribution of audience attention looks quite even, taking into account the spam rate and the scenario for managing audience attention.

And in the next triptych, the triangle rule is broken. Notice how much the focus has shifted to the first photo, which received 54.1% of likes, i.e. more than a half! This suggests that in this triptych in the blind zone there were two photos at once, the second and the third, which in general is not the best for the product shown in the photo. The best way serving on a virtual showcase.

This is how it works, in fact, almost no one even comes close to using all the hidden opportunities that Instagram provides and prefers the "carpet bombing" method by pressing one button "PROMOTING INSTAGRAM", registered in the spam promotion service, and there is even grass don't grow.

Let's sum up

Outcome number 1

Forming an instagram account in the form of thematic triptychs, united by a single idea, you organize your feed with an idea and write a script for your stories that users really like. Instagram users love pictures very much, and they love stories in pictures even more.

Outcome number 2

If your account is NOT a commercial account, then publications by instatriptych method will increase interest in your account and increase loyalty from users, because they love when there are stories in pictures, and not a bunch of haphazardly piled photos. By the way, the most active period for following real users on my account fell on that moment while two triptychs were hanging panoramic photos described at the very beginning. The reaction of people just amazed me, I did not have time to respond to comments and follow in response.

If your account is a commercial account, then loyalty to your products will increase. In the visible area of ​​the screen, users will see 3, maximum 4 triptychs, respectively, with 3 or 4 products, and not 9-12! Their attention will be more concentrated on individual details of the product, their eyes will wander in a given scenario on those photos that most advantageously represent your product / service, and YES, users love when there are stories in pictures, and not a bunch of haphazardly piled photos.

Outcome number 3

The answer with the triangle described in the article above is simple: "The top of the triangle indirectly directs the user's gaze to where the link to your site is located." The more clearly this peak will be expressed, perhaps even with the use of CTA technology, the more active the interaction of users will be and, as a result, the transitions to the site, but more about that in the next story and how to get 1000 uniques per month, of which TWO weeks were New Years holidays! :)

P.S. See you at the conference "All in TOP 2016", which will be held in Moscow on February 16-17, where I will make a presentation and share new cases.

How to wind up views on an instagram video is a simple question; there is even an automatic boost of views for new videos. Service sites, online stores for cheating, are offered today, a variety of services. That adapt to the needs of the users. As mentioned above, there is even an automatic subscription to video views. Services have already appeared on, stories. The main thing is not to forget about what exactly you want from the promotion. Just artificially increase performance, bring videos to the top, or just maintain an account's reputation.

Where you can wind up views on Instagram videos and automatically boost views

- online store of cheat in social. networks. Large section for instagram. A variety of services, ranging from boosting likes, subscribers, saving, showing and reaching (statistics) to views on videos on IGTV. Prices are for 100 pcs. The first package is 100 views for 15 rubles. Further, in decreasing order, at a discount. More views, less cost, this is how all offers are created. The order can be placed online, through the basket as in an online store, there is a small personal account. You can buy video views, like other services, without registration.
  • On the site; about 80 services, description, online consultant, separately TP, bonuses when replenishing the balance.
Morelikes- a fully automatic system for cheating on social networks. Instagram, twitch, facebook, vkontakte, SoundCloud, twitter. Promotion of views on videos on Instagram, as well as on igtv, igtv likes, stories, impressions and coverage. Registration is required, balance replenishment. In my personal account, there are my orders. All orders can be tracked, the service is shown, as well as the execution status, date, link. The cheapest.

Views on videos on instu

loisbox - views on videos, plus on ig tv, likes on IGTV videos. You can see prices and descriptions of services on the website. Without registering personal account and replenishment of the balance, place an order. There is a registration Replenishment for any amount.
  • Technical support on the website in your personal account. Prices are indicated for 100 thousand pieces. Any other quantity can be specified in the online form when placing an order.

- auto system, only for instagram. On the site, you can place an order, both online and by registering a personal account. Instagram views, saves, likes, subscribers.

- cheat views, comments, auto subscription to likes, new or old photos. Boost subscribers bots, up to one million, in the database. Feedback, inside the service, personal account order status. Video guide through the site in one minute. The leader in the work on the cheat market.

Recommendations are always the same or gain popularity on Instagram

Do you often think about why the number of your followers on Instagram has frozen at a standstill? Check out our tips and find out what your account lacks in order to stand out from hundreds of thousands of others.

Handle your photos wisely

Did you know that post processing for Instagram pretends to become a separate art form? Taking a cool photo is one thing, but only with good processing will you start getting rave comments. You need a head start to get started - check out apps like Afterlight, VSCO, Facetune, Snapseed, and more. For example, Afterlight and Snapseed are ideal for initial photo editing: adjusting contrast, brightness, shadows. All famous bloggers use Facetune to whiten their photos, VSCO is famous for its great filters, and the Piction app has in its arsenal beautiful fonts for text on your photos.

Create your own style

It's scary to even think that about three years ago almost no one posted a photo in the same style and processing - everyone just published any pictures they liked and did not even think about how they would look in the overall picture. Now this is one of the most important points to keep in mind.

Communicate with your audience

If you want a lot of people to follow your blog, you should share your thoughts with subscribers, respond to comments and from time to time notify them about changes and interesting events in your life. And also do not forget to ask them questions, attract them to participate in contests, go to their accounts and like photos, etc. The more you communicate with the audience, the more subscribers will be attached to you. Seeing every day stories and posts about your life, followers will have the illusion that they know you personally. This will not only help you create a closer relationship with your subscribers, but it will also increase the activity and traffic of your page.

Post photos constantly

Having won the audience, it is important not to relax and stay in the sight of subscribers all the time. The number of photos per day or per week depends on your goals. If you want to become one of the best bloggers, then the ideal option is to post three times a day. Remember that you shouldn't post them all at the same time.

Get inspired

The best way to find inspiration for new posts is to follow the accounts you like. By the way, we advise you to read Austin Cleon's Steal Like an Artist King, which discusses the fine line between stealing ideas and inspiring them. One thing we can say for sure: when you find something beautiful and present these ideas through the prism of your perception, you will certainly create something new and unique.

Diversify your content

Beautiful photos are cool, but don't forget that you can still upload short videos. Traveling, posing for a photo shoot, or are you good at dancing? Class, this is what you need! In addition to photographs, take a little more time to record a short video. Instagram allows you to post videos up to one minute in length, and that will be enough. Shoot short videos, pick a song and edit a full video in apps like IMovie, Flipagram and more. Trust me, the time spent creating unusual content for your profile will definitely pay off.

Find what sets you apart from the rest

We are sure that you can easily recognize the pictures of your favorite instabloggers in the feed, even without paying attention to the profile that posted them. Why? They have their own perspective on photographs and a recognizable voice in their signatures. Maybe you will become famous for light and airy photos with enchanting morning light, or maybe everyone will love your inspirational quotes every morning? Anyway, find your chip and don't let go. People will definitely like it.
Despite all the tips and rules we have listed above, in the end, the number of followers on your Instagram account will not matter if you don't really enjoy what you do. Do not forget to make sure that keeping Instagram truly inspires you and brings you joy. After all, this is exactly what will help you increase the number of subscribers in the first place.


Cheat views on ig tv videos on Instagram, a service that has already been implemented on cheat services. How to get more views to more actively draw attention to your IGTV account. For a start, it's worth giving more importance to promoting your account. After all, if you actively maintain your profile, you have a live audience that follows you (subscribers). It will make up the majority of users who watch your video content on IGTV. The promotion of views on ig tv videos, in turn, can increase their number. And if the likes on IGTV, you can see (who liked) then the views are not.

Cheat views on ig tv videos

You can only understand the effectiveness and profitability of boosting views on IGTV on your own account. For example, there are no views on the video, in general, you can try and see if they will grow in the future or not. For example, having ordered 1000 thousand views, then you can watch for several days. If views continue to grow, it means that the video has been included in other user feeds, for example, featured. For commercial profiles, promotion has a different meaning. Reputation management and visual excellence. Some not only maintain their reputation, but also try to visually outperform their competitors. Don't forget to consider the video description, hashtags, and title. All these details, when adding a video, play a decisive role. Since the service is not yet very popular and many are still looking only for how to create a channel on IGTV. Even the service of sites for boosting views on ig tv is not so much. But, many have already added these services and adapted new sections for them. You can test the cheat service or increase the number of views on ig tv at a minimum value of 100 views.

- an online store for cheating on social networks. The largest section for Instagram. A variety of services ranging from boosting likes, subscribers, saving, showing and reaching (statistics) to views on IGTV videos. Prices are for 100 pcs. The first package is 100 views on ig TV for 20 rubles. Further, in decreasing order, at a discount. More views, less cost, this is how all offers are created. The order can be placed online, through the basket as in an online store, there is a small personal account. You can buy views on IGTV, like other services, without registration.

  • On the site; about 80 services, description, online consultant, separately TP, bonuses when replenishing the balance, a minimum personal account.
Morelikes- automatic system of cheating on social networks. Instagram, twitch, facebook, vk, soundcloud, twitter. Boost igtv views, igtv likes, stories, impressions and reach. Registration is required, replenishment of the balance inside your personal account. All orders can be tracked, the service is shown, as well as the status of execution.

IGTV likes and views on videos

loisbox - an online platform, only for Instagram. All types of services, likes, views, subscribers, reach, save. Views on ig tv, likes on IGTV videos. You can see prices and descriptions of services on the website. Without registering a personal account and replenishing the balance, you can place an order. There is a registration. Replenishment for any amount.
  • Technical support system inside your personal account, a description of each service, bring a friend, a list of orders, progress status. Prices are for 100 pcs. Any other quantity can be specified in the online form when placing an order.

Top service for boosting views on instagram - no ig tv views yet

- a universal system, only for instagram. The service site has two main sections, and its functionality is divided, online ordering, without registration and with registration. Inside your personal account, there are my orders, balance replenishment, an online form for orders. Invite a friend, description of each service, online support chat. At the same time, the prices for some services inside the personal account are cheaper.

- the most convenient and with additional services. Cheat views, comments, subscription to likes, new or old photos. Subscribers are bots, up to one million, in the database. Technical support system, inside the site, personal account, order statuses, within a minute the order can be canceled.

Cheat or promotion - the main design and content

SEO promotion is one of the most popular areas of online marketing. When optimizing sites for search engines, marketers often completely forget about optimizing social media profiles. And they do it in vain. Perhaps organic promotion on Instagram is not such a powerful tool, but you shouldn't rule it out anyway.

Search engine optimization methods on Instagram

  1. Hashtags
  2. Geotags
  3. Keywords
  4. Story in the profile header and design
  5. Links
Let's start with hashtags. By using thematic and highly targeted tags, you expand your audience. At the moment, Instagram not only provides an opportunity to subscribe to a certain hashtag, but also strongly recommends doing this if you are a reader of a similar topic. Do not duplicate hashtags in all posts. Get creative and think about what else your target audience might be interested in. Choose the number of tags by yourself. Test. There is no consensus on this matter.


They should be everywhere. In posts, in stories, in the profile header. Again, if you are not a local business owner, the variety of geolocations will increase the geography of your subscribers. And the geotag, in the story, will show those who are next to you.


Not to be confused with hashtags. Instagram keys are applicable in the profile name and name string. Don't repeat yourself, use this space rationally.

Story and design

Using websites as an example, this is our usability. Let the first-time visitor know more about you from the first seconds. In the profile header, you can place a post with navigation through your account, contact information and saved stories. This is your business card! If your profile contains a lot of photos with different themes, then navigation using unique hashtags is a must.


This optimization method differs from the classic SEO-promotion with the help of link mass. Links on Instagram are like a friendly exchange of pleasantries. SFS - works on the principle “you are for me, and I for you”. Make mentions of your friends, subscribers, clients in publications and feel free to ask for reciprocity. Organic promotion on Instagram differs from the classical understanding of this method, but if you decide to conduct business on this social platform, do it in a comprehensive manner and correctly. Feel free to experiment, test and find new promotion methods.


How much has the promotion of followers on Instagram changed and, of course, the prices for them. The cost of previous years, in comparison with 2018, for the promotion of subscribers is colossal. A lot has changed on the technical side. Many services have their own databases and accounts. Plus with the introduction of areas such as mass flowing and mass liking. The possibilities of promoting and promoting Instagram accounts have expanded.

  • The cheat has stepped even further. For example, today it is possible to artificially wind up, with coverage, on video. We recently wrote about a separate direction, this. And more, more than 8 directions, from likes and saves, to views on IG TV channels. We will touch on these services indirectly, since the main topic is, followers on Instagram.

How much does it cost to wind up followers on Instagram - prices

There are a lot of services and sites for boosting subscribers. As well as offers with a choice, subscriptions. Today it can be bots or offers, live accounts, subscribers from all over the world. To this it is worth adding that many subscriber bases have their own disadvantages. One of the main ones is the percentage of write-offs. This can be from 10 to 40% of write-offs from the wound amount. At the same time, at any level, you will order on the exchange, cheat by live users or offer subscribers. There will be write-offs, it doesn't matter. Therefore, it is better to test not only the service itself, but also the number of write-offs (unsubscriptions). Thus, highlighting the most suitable site, just for yourself.
- a popular service for cheating on social networks. Increase in subscribers, likes, automatic subscription to likes. The field subscribers in the online form, have two types of cheat, live, up to 5000 thousand subscribers in the database, artificial accounts up to 100 thousand. Prices, live from 25 rubles, bots from 20 rubles per 100 subscribers. Registration and balance replenishment are required to order. In your personal account, a list of your orders, technical support, a bonus program.

- services for all social networks. Cheat on Instagram of subscribers, likes, autolikes, on the latest publications, saves, views on videos, on Ig tv channels. Statistics boost, impressions and coverage, views on stories. Online chat of technical support, ordering is carried out through the basket, where the required quantity is indicated, or you can choose a ready-made package for subscribers. There are many options, live subscribers from 90 rubles. for 100 subscribers, offer subscriptions 55 rubles, fast from 80 rubles. Description and speed of services, on the page for cheating subscribers, under the services.

Boost subscribers without and with registration

- the store is divided into two, this is an online order and registration of a personal account. On the web version without registration, the order is made through a pop-up form. Where you can specify a link to your account, mail and pay for the selected number of subscribers. The second option is to register a personal account. As with all services, a list of orders, replenishment of the balance with bonuses, and an online form for orders are available. In the office, through the form, depending on the quantity, the amount is calculated automatically. Online chat, invite a friend program, description of services, balance display. Live from 90 rubles, for one hundred subscribers, offer from 50 rubles, for one hundred subscribers.

Instagram followers only registration

loisbox - automated online service. The order can be placed after registration and balance replenishment. The services are only for instagram and the prices are indicated as for everyone for 100 subscribers or likes. Any other value you specify in the form when ordering. For example, 1000 likes costs 50 rubles, which means that 100 likes will cost 5 rubles. Subscriber prices are expensive. For example, Russian acanthuses cost 900 rubles for 1,000 subscribers. Offers from 850 rubles per thousand, fast subscribers from 650 rubles per 1,000. Ticket support system, inside the site, answers to frequently asked questions, blog.

Online promotion of followers on Instagram through the exchange

- an online cheat exchange on social networks. The exchange differs in that it is possible to perform tasks on it from other participants in the system. Or, as in the case of services, top up the balance and create your own cheat task. A distinctive feature is the low speed of execution, task creation, balance replenishment. And the execution of tasks by users. After registration, in your personal account, you can switch between the performer and the advertiser. To create a promotion task, you need an advertiser's account. Subscribers for instagram will cost 1 ruble per subscriber.

There are a lot of promotion options, but subscriber promotion is just an additional promotion unit. To a greater extent, this is an artificial increase in indicators. To attract followers on Instagram, you need to use all the tools. It is very important, this is a content plan, it is desirable to have an understanding of how, what and when to publish. Set aside days for entertaining content, make days with a commercial bias. So, with all the thematic areas. Content directions can be divided into main ones and supplemented with new ones, for example. Entertaining content, interesting, useful, commercial, advertising and so on.
  • Today you can use polls, stickers to ask a question, stories (stories) video content. Connect the channel in a new format to IG TV. Combine posting to other social networks, huge potential for promotion and promotion of Instagram accounts. But, these are other directions that you can look for on our blog. Regarding the promotion of subscribers, the service sites are presented above. Any type of Instagram service you want can be found on them.


To make a beautiful cap (cover) in a group is an opportunity for a beautiful visualization of the VK community. Thus, it is possible not only to highlight the topics of the community, but also to emphasize general style, brand, company, store or thematic community. To create a header, you need an image and a photo editor. It can be either a program, on a computer (photoshop), or any online editor.

  • Uploading an image to a cover or as it is called a header in a group is simple. To do this, you must have access to settings, community. In the right menu of the group, select control.

  • Step two. You are now in the community settings. Right on the main page, where the title and description are. We find the active field, load, opposite the inscription, the cover of the community. Click download!

  • After clicking the download button. You will see short description, properties and size of the desired image. Recommendations from VKontakte are as follows.
  1. To place a logo or a thematic image, it is suggested to make it in the center. This will allow it to be shown exactly at mobile devices, phones, tablets.
  2. Sizing guidelines: 1590 x 400 px extension. Formats can be jpg, gif, png.
Press the button, select the file. Now you can upload the image you want from your computer to your community.

  • After loading the image, you will have two buttons. This is to save and continue and also go back. Save the header and enjoy the kind of community you need.

This is how you can upload the header or cover you need to your VKontakte group. How do you make the cover? It depends on the imagination and capabilities of the editors. There are thousands of free image editors to be found today. The same amount, free thematic photos, pictures and logos. You can also create the desired size for free, through any online photoshop. In search engines, finding them will not be difficult.

  • Here's what happened in our group. We made it 1590 x 400 px. In regular jpg format. Result, a flat rectangular cover. As for the design, you already decide here for yourself. The instructions on how to make a cover and upload it are in front of you.


What is Instagram statistics boost? Recent times more preference is given to statistics, analysis of reach and impressions, content to users. Instagram was no exception with the introduction of business profiles and displaying statistics. You can see both the coverage and impressions of each publication, and general statistics. Along with this, the promotion services have also introduced a tool - the promotion of statistics for Instagram.

  • The display of statistics is visible only to you and to individual services that have access to the Instagram API. Thus, such sites can show statistics, for example, to advertisers on advertising exchanges. If you participate and sell, advertising is not yourself, but with the help of advertising exchanges. Statistics, both general and for each post, are available only to business accounts. More recently, we told,.
The promotion of statistics on Instagram is carried out in the same way as any other promotion. A link to the publication (photo or video) is indicated and after placing an order, within the period indicated on the selected site, you can see the result. As a rule, not only the coverage rate grows, but other indicators also increase. For example, transitions from another, from hashtags, from the main, profile. All these indicators are displayed in the publication statistics!
  • Cheating statistics (impressions and reach) is possible only for publication, this is a photo or video. Together with the promotion of the publication, the overall statistics of the account also increases, this can be seen in your account. Going to the main profile statistics, top menu.

Is an online platform for a wide variety of social networks. Most of the services for Instagram, starting from boosting likes, subscribers, new instagram channels (ig tv) and ending with statistics and coverage. The section on boosting statistics on Instagram has a detailed description of the service, rules. The section presents 4 forms, but when ordering in the basket, namely the quantity field, you can specify the value you need. This can be at least 100, 200, 350, and so on.

  • In the description, other similar services are indicated. For example, there is not only cheat, statistics, but also likes with coverage and even views on videos with coverage. These services are suitable only for business accounts. In a simple account, you will not be able to view the statistics!
(registration link) - an online cheat service for Instagram. Has several solutions, this is online ordering and registration of a personal account. Cheat statistics - coverage and impressions, are available only in your personal account, after registration. The order is placed through an online form that shows the type of service and the final cost, depending on the specified quantity.

Morelikes- a service for promoting Instagram. All possible services for instagram, from IG TV views and likes, to save boosts and statistics. You can see prices and descriptions of services, but to place an order, you need to register. Online order form, available only in your personal account, with an active balance. Balance replenishment, for any amount. Inside your personal account, there is a technical support ticket system, your balance, invite a friend, a list of your orders and their execution statuses. The cost is indicated for 1000 performances, that is, if it costs 250 rubles, this is for a thousand. If in your personal account, when ordering, you indicate, for example, the quantity of 100, then the cost will be 25 rubles. And so all the services.

Cheat statistics on Instagram online without registration

loisbox.ru - Instagram boost service, has been working for over a year. Updating the interface, the ability to place an order online without registration and with the registration of a personal account. You can order without registration, but the account has bonuses for replenishment, displaying orders, invite a friend. You can test the service at any value, coverage and impressions from at least 100 pcs.

This is not the promotion of Likes with Reach or Views with Reach. Not to be confused, these are three different types cheat. Likes with reach for business profiles, as well as views with reach, and only statistics cheat, are separate services. Which have their own description, their prices and goals.

Of course, for conservation I play an important role. For example, users can save a product they like. Thus, the account owner can draw conclusions about the popularity of a particular post, product, or promotion.
  • In the bookmarks tab, not only your saves are stored, but it is also possible to form collections. Separate folders to which you can assign thematic names. And group collections, by subject of pictures or videos.
  • You can add publications to bookmarks both inside the application in the feed, and on the web version of instagram. When viewing publications from a computer, only authorized users.

How to cheat saves or cheat saves (bookmarks) on Instagram

Bookmarks or saves, you can wind up. Artificially increasing, thus, the number of saving photos. Cheating is carried out through services and sites offering services for cheating on Instagram. What saves can affect, in practice, many use the promotion of saves to increase activity in the profile, output to the top. In fact, this is just one of the cheat elements. Testing and viewing the result is very individual. It all depends on what you expect from the promotion or what you want from it.
- no registration is required, an order for saving can be placed online. Wrap up likes, reach likes, save, subscribers, statistics, reach and impressions for business profiles. Views on videos, stories, live broadcasts, promotion of views on IG TV videos. Online chat of technical support, it is possible to register and replenish the balance, to work with orders within the system.

Online without registration

loisbox- automatic system, you can see the prices online, to place an order, you can use the online order form on the main page. Order form, a simple two lines per link and quantity. Any other value, for example, 100 saves, 200, 300 and so on, you specify yourself when placing an order. After the specified quantity, the online form calculates the cost for the selected quantity.

Can I see who saved the post?

  • No, it's impossible to see who saved your publications. Such functionality are not provided by the instagram app. The only thing you can see is the number of saves in the statistics of your post. Using the example of a test, services, we will show how it looks in practice.
You must have a business profile connected. Under each post there is an active field to see statistics. When you click on it, you will be shown the post statistics and the number of saves. Only the number who bookmarked your posts cannot be viewed.

We have released a new book, Content Marketing on Social Media: How to Get Into the Heads of Subscribers and Fall in Love with Your Brand.

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Therefore, we will immediately ask: how to promote your business on Instagram?

How do you differentiate your business from other photos and videos? How to go on Instagram if you don't have a full-time professional photographer? Let's deal with you in order.

Why does a business need to run its own Instagram

Instagram's potential for marketers is enormous. But it is expressed in user behavior, not in specific numbers.

Users contact the brand

Research shows that a brand has benefits:

This is what foreign marketers are saying.

  • Mike Hayes, internet marketer at Ben & Jerry's: “As soon as Instagram started up, it immediately showed its suitability for use in marketing. It's a communication channel where visualized stories can be told. "
  • Jessica Loria, Director of Brand Relations, Chonobani: "Instagram is a great platform for us. It allows us to show how people use our products and inspire new people to buy."
  • Rachel Joe Silver, SMM Specialist and Content Strategist, Birchbox: "This social network shows sky-high engagement rates compared to other media."

The formula for success

The success of companies leading Instagram lies not only in beautiful photos, but also in:

  • clear strategy, understanding of the audience;
  • correctly chosen frequency of publications;
  • communicating with the audience;
  • creating your own style.

By putting all the elements together, you will achieve success.

Here's an example of a foreign company Madwell: 716,000 subscribers, from 7,000 to 10,000 likes for each post.

For Russian speakers, look at this profile at least:

He immediately attracts attention with unusual photographs. These are not just shoes, but a skillfully told story under each photo. The secret of success is in the emotions that every post evokes. Take a look at this picture:

A very short but succinct message. The target audience of the store will definitely hear it. The store focuses on young customers and speaks to them in their language - the words of rebelliousness, nihilism and disobedience to the framework of society. Thus, the brand inspires trust and those emotions that contribute to spontaneous decision-making.

How to form your own promotion strategy on Instagram

Select targets

Do not spray. Just formulate no more than 2 points of what you want to achieve. For example:

  • show your products, talk about services;
  • create a community;
  • increase brand credibility;
  • show the value of the company, corporate culture;
  • advertise the product to potential buyers;
  • increase brand loyalty;
  • tell about company news.

To understand what to look for, answer these questions:

  • How do you use Instagram?
  • How will it help you achieve your marketing goals?
  • How much time are you willing to spend?
  • How much budget can you spend?
  • How will your profile differ from profiles on other social platforms?

Using the foreign company Buffer as an example, I'll show you how planning works.

The priority goal is to build a community around the brand. Literally, marketers want to nurture a loyal follower. For this, experts have developed a separate section. In it, they show the work of 4-6 employees per week. This sets up a connection with the audience.

The second goal is to increase audience engagement per post. Currently, the figure varies within 1.75%, which is slightly higher when comparing other profiles in the subject of the company. To achieve the goal, there are strict criteria for the quality of the content.

Demographic data

Here's the data sourced from the Pew Research Center:

Marketing is delivering the right message at the right time the right people... Therefore, we will repeat the phrase that you constantly meet everywhere (including in our blog): you need to understand the target audience. Not convinced? Then take another look at Sintenzia's profile. It is unlikely that a person over 30 will buy such clothes. However, the brand is growing and developing. The point is that marketers understand the audience.

And here's the data from Sprout:

Finally, here are the data for Russia:

Do you already know the target audience for your product? Then it's time to correlate it with the data and find out which customers you will find on Instagram.

Profile optimization


This is your brand's homepage. On it, indicate brief information about your business. A good description is one that allows you to get some of your traffic back to your site.

Make sure your description is representative.

Here is an example of the profile header design for the popular Aviasales aggregator. Conveniently, if a person is interested in the brand itself, he can easily find an account through a search. At the same time, if the user is interested in tickets or hotels, he will also find the company profile.

  • include a slogan, brand name (for example, like Nike) in the description;
  • add information - who you are and what you do.

Large companies also mention a branded hashtag. Here are some examples from abroad:

But the Russian-speaking ones:


This is the best way to showcase your branding. Make your profile recognizable for different people(including those who happened to be in it by accident). Therefore, we use:

  • logo;
  • trade mark;
  • mascot.

For example, Buffer uses the logo:


Many companies use it to redirect traffic back to the site. Use it wisely. Maybe it's better to use a specific commercial page on the site?

For example, Gary Vaynerchuk, every time a new material is published on the site, makes a corresponding post and says that the link is in the profile header.


If you add contact information, you will get another communication channel and reduce the likelihood of losing a person. Since 90% of users use their smartphone to view Instagram, it is easier for them to call you.

You can use the service to generate a link to a page with all your contacts, so as not to clutter up the description with phone numbers.

Content strategy

How to set directions for different types of content

Content is the heart of your account. 95 million photos posted daily is the reason over 300 million users open the app multiple times a day. Therefore, content is the centerpiece of your Instagram marketing.

What to write about?

Before thinking over the visual style of presentation, let's decide on the type of publications. For example, Nike Running often talks about their running shoes:

And big brands pay attention to the community and culture:

We at SEMANTICA studio run Instagram to show the life of our studio, to give it a human face. We talk about our employees, about local memes.

Buffer has a separate section, #BufferStories, in which authors talk about the life of the company and publish customer stories.

Despite the fact that Instagram is focused on short texts, you can publish long reads as well. In this case, captivate the reader with the first words of the description - start with a story about the problem that you will help solve.

Here's an example of a Voronezh photographer. We take into account the text: it is aimed at the target audience - those who are interested in photography and promotion on Instagram. The first sentence is a direct description of what the person will receive after reading it - advice from a current photographer with cool shots on how to make your own profile as bright and attractive.

Even here (despite the fact that the content is visual) people appreciate the teaching materials.

We build a publication plan

The foundations of any content strategy lie in business processes. These are a kind of riverbeds, separate thematic columns or sections.

Any business has the potential for developing a profile. Use your employees' stories, cultural events, your products to find ideas and themes for photos and videos.

For example:

  • Backstage.
  • User Content.
  • Product story / short demo.
  • Education.
  • Corporate culture.
  • Entertaining content.
  • Customer stories.
  • Getting to know your employees.
  • Memorable moments from the life of the company.

Open your notebook right now and throw in some ideas. I'm sure you have them. Start with some core values ​​that apply to your company and then write whatever comes to mind.

Have you recorded it? Fine. Now look at the resulting list and try to combine similar records into clusters. Give everyone a name. This is the main idea of ​​each direction, heading.

3 examples of ideas for content abroad

Saturday Night Live's Instagram is an analogue of our "Evening Urgant". They work in two directions: they show what is happening behind the scenes of the studio and publish unique videos. When fans check Instagram, they see either a favorite artist, or an interesting piece of backstage life - then , which is not included in the mainstream television release.

By the way, our evening show account has a similar content strategy. In addition, he publishes interesting excerpts from the episodes:

FedEx is a delivery service to the most remote corners of the world.

Oreo is a well-known brand of cookies. They often use entertaining texts under photographs, and sometimes make funny pictures as well.

Instagram Stories

Stories appeared in August 2016. How can a brand use it? To begin with, I will say that 33% of all stories that a user sees come from brands. 1 out of 5 stories gets an organic response from the audience.

What stories can be used for

Useful or funny content

  • Polls.
  • Live broadcasts.
  • Interesting facts and information.
  • Checklists, short step by step guides(can be split into several pictures).
  • Schedule of work, schedule of events.
  • Announcements, important news.
  • Hot vacancies.
  • Announcements of events.

Selling materials

  • Photos of goods.
  • Useful material with a link to the product.
  • Offer of the day.
  • Selling story.
  • Product overview.
  • A video on how your product works.
  • Favorable promotions, discount coupons.
  • Festive goods.
  • Targeted advertising.

Social proofs

  • Customer reviews.
  • The process of preparing / creating a product.
  • Success stories.
  • Photos of employees, office, shop.
  • Photo report from the event.

Also, in stories, many SMM managers publish calls to action - to go to the site, to subscribe, to send a message to direct.

Features of storytelling

You can upload both a photo and a video. The maximum story length is 15 seconds.

For video, the extensions .MOV, .MP4, .gif are used, the minimum resolution is 720p. The maximum video file size is 2.3 GB.

If you have 10,000 followers, you can embed links in stories.

Content plan: 7 steps to success

After finding ideas for content, it's time to draw up a unified publishing plan. A content plan will help define style, aesthetic appeal, posting frequency, and more.

1. Style

Style ensures consistency across all materials used in marketing.

Therefore, think about how your content distribution and business promotion sites are similar, and how they differ. For each piece of content, decide how to present it:

  • composition;
  • color palette;
  • filters;
  • fonts;
  • quotes;
  • hashtags.

2. Composition

Composition is the placement, arrangement of objects in a photograph. It's about art, not marketing. Plus, not every marketer is professional photographer with taste.

Therefore, here are 3 universal tips for any occasion:

  • Solid background color.
  • Compliance with the rule of thirds.
  • Free space in the center or at the top of the picture for an inscription.

3. Color palette

Choosing permanent colors is a sign of consistency. And consistency is the key to mastery. If you have your own palette, cool. But this does not mean that you cannot use other colors or must use only these. We're not at Sberbank.

It's just that people will become more accustomed to associating your brand with certain colors... For example, write in the comments what color do you associate SEMANTICA with?

The largest fruit drink brand in India, for example, has this colorful and fresh profile. Juicy!

And here is the profile of Frenzied Kitchen.

4. Fonts

When labeling images, keep the fonts consistent. Use the ones that are consistent with the brand and used on the sites in your emails.

This is how Headspace does it. It maintains matching fonts in every photo.

And the special design of the text - as if in a program window - catches the eye of the user when he just looks at the feed of recommendations.

5. Filters

It is they who make the picture look like it was taken with a professional camera, and not with an amateur soap dish. If you don't have expensive photo equipment, filters will help you.

This is a way to improve your photo with a few taps. Filters can radically change a photo, both for the good and for the bad. Therefore, we adhere to moderation and choose a few basic filters that perfectly emphasize the value of the brand.

For example, for a coffee shop, Sunrise is perfect, giving your photos a warm, cozy tone.

6. Signatures

On Instagram, they are limited to 2200 characters. If the photo description is stretched for more than 3 lines, they are truncated with ellipses.

This is an opportunity to complement your content. Someone uses it to share stories, tell their events. And for some it is just a heading to a picture. One way or another, this is an opportunity to create a trigger for the targeted action that you expect from the audience.

7. Hashtags

Track Maven research has shown that posts with more than 11 tags are becoming more popular.

Tips for using hashtags:

  • Do not use swear words, words related to violence and immorality. Such tags are blacklisted, and posts with them rank poorly.
  • Don't imitate girls in bikinis who just walked on nails - don't write tags in solid text. You are the face of business, be more serious.
  • Do not use tags inside the text, this will annoy readers. Better put them after the description to the photo.
  • Brevity is the sister of talent, so it's best to # not write long hashtags together.

There are services for tracking popular tags and analysis:

  • instag.ru - a large database of popular tags. You choose your topic and look for those that fit your publication.
  • websta.me is also a tag database, along with it you have the opportunity to analyze the effectiveness of Instagram marketing and see how many users have used a specific hashtag.
  • instagramm.ru - Shows popular tags and profiles. You can find a person from your industry who maintains his account, look at his hashtags and choose something for yourself.
  • stapico.ru - in addition to the ability to use the service as a full-fledged desktop application, you will also see statistics on popular tags, profiles, and you can analyze your own account.

Time and frequency of publications

In fact, now the posting time does not play a decisive role. Smart feeds have appeared on social networks - algorithms that select for you those posts that will be of interest to you. You can find both a fresh post and one that the author published a day ago.

Because of this, the importance of posting content at the right time is reduced, and the ability to get into the heart of the target audience becomes even more important.

The ranking algorithm for Instagram posts is based on how quickly your post collects views and likes. Therefore, the issue of the time of publication cannot be completely ignored. Here are a couple of tips.

Consistency and frequency will help your subscribers know when to post next. Union Metrics conducted research on major brands. It turned out that large companies make 1-2 publications daily. Moreover, those companies that made more than 2 posts a day did not receive negative feedback from the audience.

The main idea is this. Try posting once a day and test additional posts.

Now time is just one of the factors that the publication ranking algorithm takes into account. As a marketer, the following information is important: Publish content at a time when it gets the most engagement from your audience.

For analytics of the best time, use the following services:

The question is also about the type of content that you publish. For example, on Monday it is better not to post anything important or difficult. We have all just returned from trips, bars and restaurants and have begun to sort out important cases. We spend the least time on social media, and inspiring longread photography will not be successful.

Middle of the week - the best time for important statements and messages. And if you still have something funny or entertaining, save it for Friday.

4 Tips: How to Increase Followers and Engagement

1. Use UGC content

Become a content curator. The stories told by your followers, customers, customers will inspire other people to share your content.

The easiest way is to use comments, testimonials, and user experiences.

The content will help you find a reason for the next publication, and will serve as social proof for the audience.

2. Take pictures of people

Georgia Tech analyzed 1.1 million Instagram images. They found that the image on which the face of a real person is present:

  • collects 38% more likes;
  • attracts 32% more comments.

3. Share posts on social networks

In particular, on Facebook. The BuzzSumo service conducted its research on 1 billion messages from more than 3 million brands. We found out that if a post on Instagram was shared in the community on Fb, then it received a higher engagement rate.

This is a service that allows you to upload videos up to an hour in vertical format. The idea behind the launch is to arrange television on the Internet.

The main focus is on celebrities and big companies.

So, celebrities have the opportunity to record long videos without forcing the audience to go to other venues. Over the past year, video content has become several times more popular than the previous one.

  • 54% of users prefer video to other content formats (up from 23% last year).
  • 57% of smartphone users watch videos 30-40 minutes long to the end.

This means that you have the opportunity not only to attract a person, but also to interest him and captivate with your content.

Requirements for videos

  • Format - MP4.
  • The format is 4: 5, the recommended format is 9:16.
  • The maximum size for a 10-minute video is 650 MB.
  • The maximum size of an hour video is 5.4 GB.

You can add a cover for each video.

What content can be published on IGTV

For example, you can post an hour-long video of eating a burger and collect 1 million views, as Netflix did.

But seriously, I will repeat a familiar phrase again: what the target audience needs.

To do this, answer 3 questions:

  • Who is viewing your profile? You can find similar profiles on your account and see what competitors are posting.
  • What is the subscriber's profit? Can you keep the user's attention for an hour? This is possible if your video solves the user's problem.
  • How will the video fit into your content plan?

Instagram Marketing Analytics

As with any promotion, there is nowhere in Instagram marketing without efficiency analysis. Question: what to analyze?

Profile metrics

  • The number of subscribers.
  • The total number of impressions.
  • Reach is the number of unique people who have seen your posts.
  • Profile views.
  • Follow the link in the description.
  • Call clicks and email- how many clicks were on links to contact you.
  • Posts - the number of posts posted in the profile.
  • Mentions - how many times your profile has been tagged by third-party users in photos and descriptions under the photo.
  • Brand Tags - How many times users have used your branded hashtag.

Publication rates

  • Impressions - the total number of views of the entry.
  • Reach - how many people have seen a particular post.
  • Number of likes.
  • Number of comments.
  • Number of Saves - How many users have saved your post.
  • Engagement - how many unique users have reacted to your post - like, leave a comment, save.

Story metrics

  • Impressions - how many views the story has received.
  • Reach - How many unique people have seen the story.
  • Outputs - how many people covered the story.
  • Answers - How many users responded to a specific story.

I will not confuse you with formulas for calculating other composite metrics. There are a lot of them. And if you use services, some of them use different ratios.

For convenience, the calculation of indicators and the collection of statistics can be entrusted to special tools.

Let's do this. Surely you have questions that need an answer. Write in the comments what you are interested in reading about. And we will answer this in the following articles.

Instagram's success only confirms the hypothesis that niche demarcation is the future of the social media market. As Western marketers predicted, social media is beginning to be divided not only by user type, such as LinkedIn (for professional contacts), but also by content type, such as Pinterest and Instagram “visuals”. By the way, both of the latter are dedicated exclusively to graphic content, but it is Instagram that has become an amazing success story.

The number of Instagram followers is growing every second. It would be rash not to use such a "live" platform in the interests of your business, while the largest social networks have long and more than successfully been used to promote brands. Strategies, methods have been developed, a real industry of SMM services has been created. Perhaps the time has come to look at the capabilities of Instagram through the eyes of social media specialists, since it has long been not one of the billions of applications, but a social network that, like others, can become a powerful marketing channel for brands.

II. What Instagram gives brands

Instagram in its potential is an “unplowed field” of various opportunities both for B2C brands (aimed at the end consumer) and for companies focused on a business audience (with a well-built business strategy). By the way, unlike the methods, the goals that can be achieved using the service are largely identical to those set in a standard social media marketing campaign, namely:


Although there are no ads on Instagram, you can pinch off some of the fame from here: you need to provide such content so that users themselves subscribe to you (it is important not to slide into your account from funny pictures). Everything is complicated by the lack of a viral effect, since for sharing (placing other people's posts in your feed) you need a special application. In what situation will the user rush to install it? Perhaps, if only you take a picture of him and he wants to get a picture of himself. There is only one way out: to become the very best, the most interesting, the most useful.


It's such an interesting thing when people love your brand. Not products, not employees, but just a brand for what it is. Yes, not every online bearing retailer will be able to replicate Apple's success. But you can and should try to fall in love with the buyer, and here the visual content will help you. Today, when people have no time to read, communication through pictures can be considered the beginning of flirting.

# Reputation management and feedback

Any impact on someone else's opinion gives rise to instant opposition, as in Newtonian mechanics. You can make the most wonderful product (which we have no doubt about), but there are still critics. You need to respond to angry reviews (whether fair or not). Answering questions about the company, products and services is your sacred duty and the opportunity to win over a potential client.

The process is hampered by the limited search functionality on Instagram. The principle "hashtag or nothing" works here, which also gives good results.

# Lead generation (receiving targeted appeals to the company)

Let's start with the disappointment: Selling directly from Instagram is hard enough. Of course, the service can indirectly present the product to a potential client, but the issue of moving to an order / purchase will have to be resolved by indirect methods (a personal appeal to an account moderator, a call to visit the site, a callback, etc.). The main difficulty is the inability to perform the target action directly from the service.

As such, clicks on links cannot be considered. And in principle, there is only one active link - in the account description in the profile. But no one bothers to sign under the photo that the product has appeared on the site or in any store, tell about the new model, etc.

III. How to maintain an account

The main difference between Instagram is that people come here exclusively for cute content, while other social networks serve several purposes: communication, entertainment, information (for example, consulting with friends about which frying pan to buy as a gift). That's why you have to do whatever you want to promote your brand, but give the user that delicious image. There are several tools to help you.


Before registering an account on Instagram, you need to understand what could be your "chip". If you plan to post photos of your product from different angles, you will not achieve anything by this (it is better to immediately give the budget to someone who urgently needs money). At this stage, you cannot do without a clear digital strategy tailored for this social network. Let's consider its main components.


Look at successful brand accounts or just Instagram bloggers with many thousands of followers who may not be famous people. Each of them has some idea. Perhaps the most famous example- the account of the photographer Murad Osmann and his project "Follow me".

Of course, some Madonna will just need to take a picture of herself in the bathroom mirror. If you are not Madonna, you have to work much, much more. You have to provide content that is really interesting, or at least useful, without straying far from your brand. Suppose you have an online sweets store: no need to photograph the counter or copy the sweets catalog. Shoot many beautiful still lifes with different moods and post a couple a day.

# Content plan

This life-making thing is usually always spelled out when drawing up a strategy. So, whatever the enterprising advertisers promise you, remember: an Instagram account is when less is more. Just imagine yourself in the place of a user who, yawning, opens the Instagram feed in the morning and instead of friends' selfies in every second photo he sees, in fact, advertising content of some brand. Think of what a news feed looks like on a smartphone. This is really a tape where you need to scroll through photos from one to another, from interesting to even more attractive, and everything will immediately fall into place. That's right: everything boring and intrusive will only cause irritation and a desire to immediately unsubscribe from such a subscription.

As an example, let's take the account of the home appliance manufacturer Korting. According to the concept and content plan, photos of mouth-watering dishes with good wishes were posted to the community several times a week, and only on Thursdays - branded content designed in the style of the company.

#The target audience

It is important to reach out to your audience so that your content is interesting and useful to her - this rule applies to all marketing in social media, it also applies to Instagram.

Be sure to make your profile photo - your business card - bright and memorable. Whether it will be a company logo in its pure form, some of its variations or an image within the framework of the chosen account strategy - it's up to you. But remember: the vast majority of users watch the feed from the screen of their smartphones, and they are quite small. You will definitely not have a second chance to make a first impression on potential customers - think this moment in advance. Let's take the Forever "21 brand as an example: a bright, recognizable and at the same time laconic profile photo that fits perfectly into the overall concept of the account.


There are two types of content on Instagram: photos and videos. The ability to shoot video appeared not so long ago, the timing of videos is limited to 15 seconds, and you can't do anything about it. Undoubtedly, at the moment, the photo has a huge advantage over video, as it requires less costs both in creation and in viewing.

Uniqueness. We have already talked about the uniqueness of your content as a defining property of successful promotion on Instagram. So this is actually very important: the content must be truly original. If you already take any existing pictures, at least they should not be hackneyed. Here, various photobanks will help you, of which there are a great many on the network.

Description. It is often useful, in addition to hashtags, to add a description to each photo (some kind of short explanation, question or comment). Of course, the option of a simple posting of photos also has the right to life, but it's better to somehow show yourself. Most importantly, don't confuse Instagram with Facebook and don't write long posts. A couple of sentences are enough. But remember: users prefer to like rather than comment.

# Photo content

It can be interesting to everyone or narrowly thematic, useful or extremely entertaining. One thing is important without a doubt - it must be of high quality both in meaning and in the quality of photos. Yes, there are individuals who create content for Instagram exclusively using their smartphone's camera. Of course, this is a personal matter for everyone, but your branded account should not contain any blurry images, pixelation and other pleasures of a pseudo-photographer.

Use a variety of options - still lifes, collages, portraits - whatever that might grab attention. Do not be limited to photographing your products, think a little more broadly. Play charades with your brand, act on associations. Take a look at how the accounts of various Western brands look like, for example, a very “delicious” page of the Oreo company:

But even lesser-known, if not local, brands may not be inferior to the titans of marketing. Here's a stunning Instagram showcase for American clothing store Topo Designs. It's just interesting to be subscribed to such an account. The best photos of users are placed here, which is why it all looks so attractive. Note that they manage to do this without actively promoting their own hashtags. But here a little trick is also used, which you can safely take into service. Along with the glossy account that attracts users, there is a second one, which already specifically represents the goods from the store.

Do not place your logo image instead of photos. Even if your boss is happy about it, who else is interested? And in general, you should not overdo it with branding: remember, the viral effect on Instagram is negligible. If a person subscribed to your account, it means that he has already expressed a certain degree of trust and there is no need to disappoint him. For example, the energy page of Red. Bull reflects the concept and emotional message of the brand:

Now, imagine what your account would look like if it had photos of jars with an energy drink.

We will talk about contests, promotions and bonuses later, and as part of a conversation about content, we can mention such a form of interaction, such as, for example, the publication of photos of subscribers selected according to certain criteria. The best photo of the month, the hundredth shot, the first photo of the day - it doesn't matter. The main thing is that the picture from the user's feed, posted in your account, is at least the joy of the author of the masterpiece himself and the interest in what happened on the part of all his subscribers.

# Video content

This format, which appeared not so long ago, in principle, is already popular, especially among brands that have everything they need to create it. The most interesting videos Western accounts are famous for Oreo, Lego, National Geografic, Go Pro, etc.

Additional features


Hashtags are one of the main magical powers of Instagram, so let's talk about them in more detail. It is with the help of these words, and sometimes phrases, that the inhabitants of this kingdom communicate.

Why are hashtags needed? This is a kind of cataloging inside social network... When you search for text, for example, VKontakte, in theory you can find it by the words that it includes. With photographs, everything is more complicated. Therefore, under each picture, arbitrary hashtags are put down: they can refer to what is shown in the photo (#cat), display any mood (#happy), season, weather, event - whatever. Top hashtags can be seen here.

With hashtags, you can both search for images and tag your pictures so they can find you. You can put a hashtag with the brand name under your images or come up with your own as part of the current advertising campaign. Each hashtag is an active link. By clicking on it, the user sees all the images that he has marked.

For example, the well-known Western brand of youth clothing Forever .21 maintains its account under the motto Wear it. Share it with your own hashtag # F21xMe. It is also interesting that this hashtag does not just voice the brand. It helps customers to feel their connection with him, as if to say: "This is Forever 21 in my performance."

# Locating

Instagram functionality allows you to identify the location where the photo was taken. You can choose the current location or create a new one using the proposed options (right in the service interface, at the stage of preparing a photo for publication).

How can this be used in marketing? There are many options. Let's give an example: has a new store opened in your network? It is very convenient to take beautiful pictures and mark the location. Also, under an interesting photograph of the product, you can mark in which store it is sold, etc.

# Going beyond Instagram

Instagram “outside of itself” provides ample opportunities for posting existing content on other sites. You can:

  • Post photos from your account on the company's website
    It is very easy to do this directly from the Instagram web interface (from the official website, not from the mobile application). In this case, you will receive a clickable photo from Instagram with a link leading to your profile. In order to get this link, you need to open the desired photo, click on the button with three dots and select Embed - a window will open with a link that can be inserted into the code of the website page.

What does it do? Photos from Instagram can be used for a variety of purposes: from summing up the results of the competition to a selection of images, in order to highlight an interesting event, pictures from which users uploaded to the application (with a specific hashtag).

Photos inserted in this way will save both the likes and the link to the profile, and since they are often captured on the phone and are far from perfect in quality, it is better to indicate this separately.

However, photos can also be saved directly from the Instagram feed. However, this allows you to get only an image opened in a separate tab (without likes and comments), which can be saved as a picture. On mobile devices, this can be done using various applications, for example, InstaSave works on iOS and Android. In the web interface, you just need to open the source code of the page and find a link to the photo itself, for example, //photos-g.ak.instagram.com/hphotos-ak-xaf1/10735041_1480567495564702 _720656284_n.jpg:

An even easier way to download a photo is to use a dedicated service like 4kdownload.com.

Be prudent: it is extremely difficult to contact the tech support of a social network. Frankly, in Russia, compliance with the rules may not always be monitored or as quickly. However, this does not exclude the risk, and the likelihood that sanctions will be applied remains quite high.

IV. Instagram promotion techniques

After you have decided on the strategy, content and other main points, a logical question arises: how to make sure that at least someone sees it all? Yes, ads will appear on Instagram soon. However, no one names the exact dates, and it is still completely impossible to assess its actual effectiveness. Nevertheless, there are million-plus accounts. How did they achieve such results?

There are, in fact, only two methods of attracting subscribers to your account. Let's conditionally divide them into artificial and natural.

Artificial attraction of subscribers

This category can include both quite effective methods of paid posting in popular accounts, and senseless cheating of subscribers (and likes). Let's figure it out in more detail.

# Boost the number of subscribers

The method, frankly, is controversial. It consists in buying subscribers, and simply bots. These accounts are either originally registered for advertising purposes, or are bought or stolen from their owners. And if at first glance, especially to a layman, they may seem quite natural, for the most part there is no sense from them, but your account can be blocked for cheating.

If we do resort to this method (for example, to promote a “zero” account, create the appearance of activity), then it must be done very carefully, and it is better to refuse altogether.

Therefore, although such a method exists, it, like in other social networks, at best can act as an auxiliary one, but, most likely, nothing but harm, waste of time and money will bring you nothing.

# Paid Instagram posts

If you already use Instagram and follow any public pages or celebrity accounts, then you've probably seen paid posts. But even if you have not come across anything like this, pay attention to this promotion format - it has shown itself well in practice.

It's actually pretty simple. In the same way, advertising is bought on public pages in other social networks, be it Facebook, VKontakte or Odnoklassniki. First, you need to make a list of thematic accounts (find them by hashtags or in the popular list) and contact them. The second option is to use the Instagram ad exchange - a site that will act as an intermediary between you as an advertiser and the owners of popular accounts you are interested in.

Further - it is easier. A post is posted in the required account, you (your account) are marked on the image (in the description). As a result, you get coverage, subscribers and other bonuses - depending on the goals, content quality and the correct choice of the site. For example, promoting your Oh, My Master! in the official profile famous model, presenter and fashion blogger Victoria Boni gave excellent results (including attracting new subscribers).

The most traditional of the paid types of promotion is promotion in blogs, with the help of PR-articles, on websites. This is all sorts of promotional materials, including your account in the selection of "10 most fashionable Instagram accounts that you need to subscribe to" on any popular resource. This can be an active link to a photo from your profile inside the material or on the site where your the target audience... It is desirable that the resource you are hosting has a responsive layout for mobile devices.

Natural ways to promote

If all the previous methods were united by the fact that, as a rule, you need to pay for them, here the situation is the opposite: it all depends on your skills and your coolness. But in any case, such promotion methods require certain labor costs, please note.

# Using popular hashtags

We have already talked about where to look at this list, but you can resort to other methods, for example, use search engines. We will not dare to bring the TOP 100 hashtags right here: it is constantly changing and from the moment of writing a book to reading it, it will have time to become outdated several times.

Hashtag search works great - users love it, it is convenient for brands too. When posting any content in accordance with the chosen strategy, it will not be superfluous to put a hashtag from the list of popular ones. This way you can significantly increase the reach of the publication, get new likes and even subscribers if they like your content.

Also, too common hashtags like #happy may not give an unambiguous effect. It is difficult to find your target audience when such tags are used by every third user around the world.

# Subscriptions and likes

If the mountain does not come towards you, then pack your backpack and go to the mountains. Go to subscribers, like their photos found by thematic hashtags, subscribe to their accounts. Too hard? However, it also works more than effectively: ad personalization is a great trick. At the very least, the user will come in to see who subscribed to it.

It is also impossible to measure such an important metric as coverage. Here we would recommend using various statistics collection services, for example, J.conosquare, known from SMM specialists. Due to the novelty of this type of promotion, there are much fewer such tools for Instagram than for other social networks, however, you can choose the one that is more convenient for you from the available ones.

#Contests, discounts, bonuses

Nice "goodies" are still a good means of engagement, because everyone loves to receive gifts. Discounts, bonuses for subscribers, drawings of a priceless prize - here your imagination is not limited. As for the methods of conducting competitions, at the moment there are two main ones most often:

  • Using a custom hashtag
    The main condition of the competition is to post any (specified by the rules) photo in your personal account with a specific hashtag.
    It's great if it contains the brand name. Also one of mandatory conditions participation can be a subscription to a promoted account.
    But in such contests, significant motivation (a good prize, bonus) and a simple task are required. Few people want to sew a Batman costume and climb a high-rise in it because of a branded lighter.

An example of such a technique would be a competition in the account of a household appliance manufacturer, Korting. Participants were asked to upload photos of various dishes with pleasant wishes and the hashtag # cutemeal. About fifty pictures were posted, and the most active took part in a professional culinary master class.

  • Using the app to repost
    In the wake of the spread of such applications, contests like "Repost this record and get a pink elephant" began to gain popularity. Actually, this phrase describes the whole point. In this way, you can get a large coverage, but there is one "but": the user must have the same application for reposts installed.

The number of content marketing platforms is growing, but Instagram remains a unique traffic source. And while Snapchat also boasts visual content and holds one of the leading positions in the niche, the fact that it only has a 24-hour expiration date lowers Snapchat's value as a content marketing platform. Instagram now offers similar features for stories, but it's up to the user whether the content stays forever or disappears in a day. This freedom of choice is an added benefit and one of the reasons more than 500 million people use Instagram every day.

No brand that keeps pace with the times can no longer live without such a valuable tool. It is on this platform that companies can leave formalities behind and gain a human face. Moreover, Instagram is no longer only working for individual users - it is taking steps (for example, launching business profiles in 2016) to make the relationship between brands and customers even more convenient. 80% of platform users voluntarily communicate with brand representatives, so this is a serious argument for you, if you have not already done so, to turn your eyes to this social network.

While Instagram has made content marketing very easy for brands, many are still struggling to find the newest or most successful strategies for success - and forget the basics. Therefore, we bring to your attention 6 effective strategies and 12 best examples of Instagram content marketing.

1. Create valuable content

Your content must be of value and interest to users, otherwise it won't get likes and reposts. Since Instagram is image-based, the easiest way to get attention is by offering something fun or inspiring. Such content helps users build a relationship with the brand, and it turns from a company greedy for their money to real people working in the company and solving real problems.

Playdoh: Two words: the purpose of the suit. Check out our Facebook page and find out how to do it! (link in profile)
Nike: Sport for everyone. Nike Pro Hijab.

Playdoh posts not only beautiful but engaging content, and Nike posts are pure inspiration. Most of the content of these companies is related to social issues that evoke strong emotions.

If you don't know how, then your content should be at least informative. Don't tell users about yourself: offer them solutions to their problems. Do not limit yourself to just beautiful images, because users ignore purely decorative photos that do not contain any information. How-to videos and infographics prove to be a great tool: they not only grab attention, but also collect three times more likes and shares than all other types of content.

benandjerrys: Probably the most delicious snowman ever. Take a look full recipe by the link in our profile.
buzzfeedtasty: Today is a big day. You have been planning to invite this person to visit for a long time, and he finally agreed to come. You bragged about your culinary skills and always watching Tasty videos. You are turning to a classic recipe: chicken and pasta. Your guest cuts the chicken - and it turns out to be uncooked! Tragedy. If only you had Tasty One Top to make the perfect chicken. Luckily for you, the link is on our profile.

Ben and Jerry’s post funky video recipes for goodies to make with their ice cream, and Hubspot creates impressive infographics to engage users.

Place good content- that's half the battle: the brand needs to be in constant contact with users. Your images and videos can collect likes and reposts, but if you don't communicate with customers, you won't be able to make a strong impression. To engage users, many brands run contests, and such posts get 3.5 times more likes and 64 times more comments than regular posts. Posting custom content is another way to increase engagement and make your customers feel special and valuable. Customers who see user-generated content convert 4.5% more often, and this rate rises to 9.6% if they interact with that content.

Starbucks is one of the brands that is smart with user-generated content. Their feed is full of posts from the users themselves, collecting thousands of likes. And one of the most popular contests on Instagram was Untamed Americas from National Geographic, which asked its users to subscribe to them and post photos of the Americas with the hashtag #UntamedAmericas. The prize was a subscription to National Geographic magazines and digital camera- both are quite in the taste of most of their subscribers.

3. Share your company culture

One of the main advantages of Instagram as a marketing platform is that it is especially easy for brands to create and change their image here. The content you post says, “Hey, we don't just want your money! We are ordinary people, just like you. " Don't be too formal here: there are other social platforms for that. Show the human face of your brand. The personal accomplishments of your employees, their birthday celebrations, the philanthropy your company does are some good topics for posts.

marriottcareers: I studied graphic design but found my vocation in travel, food and wine. I've been to places that I never dreamed of ...
gotripadvisor: Sweater Day at @lafourchette_fr

Marriott and Tripadvisor, the leading brands in their respective industries, frequently post on Instagram content related to the company's culture. Their feeds are constantly replenished with personal stories of their employees and footage of life in the office.

Many brands post the same content on different social platforms and this is a bad approach. Your content should be worth sharing, and while repetition is not forbidden, you need to change its format before transferring it from one platform to another. So, text content is good for Facebook, but not for Instagram, where the user sees only the first lines of text, and the rest of it is wasted. Instagram is a visual app, so here brands need to focus on images and videos, and words should only provide context.

However, this does not prevent many brands from writing long accompanying texts for their posts, but their photos and videos are so powerful that the words are just a seasoning for the main dish.

humansofny: I sell grain for people to feed pigeons and cows. This is a way to improve karma. Our family has been doing this for eighty years. It all started with my grandfather, then it went to my father, and now it's mine. I have about 250 or 300 clients that I see every day. Things are going great. We had to...
buzzfeedtasty: Today is a big day. You have been planning to invite this person to visit for a long time, and he finally agreed to come. You bragged about your culinary skills and always watching Tasty videos. You are turning to a classic recipe: chicken and pasta. Your guest cuts up the chicken - and it turns out to be uncooked! Tragedy. If only you had Tasty One Top to make the perfect chicken. Luckily for you, the link is in our profile.

Humansofny adds compelling customer stories to their photos, giving life to the picture and making users empathize with those in it. Buzzfeedtasty posts mouth-watering video recipes, usually with long captions, to support the videos, not distract attention from them.

96% of Instagram users also visit Facebook, so it's worth helping your followers find you there, as well as other social networks. On Instagram, you cannot insert clickable links in captions for pictures and videos, so they must be placed on your profile. You can give links to your pages on Facebook and Vkontakte, to the site or, as well as publish contact information.

5. Hashtags

Hashtags are one of the key elements of Instagram: they allow the target audience to find your stories and recognize you, and using at least one hashtag increases engagement by 12.6%. But don't overdo it: you can't use a hashtag for every word of the accompanying text. Limit yourself to keywords, and then interested users will find you, and the one who accidentally stumbled upon your post, hashtags will help you understand whether he is interested in him or not.

Take this post for example. Matching hashtags: #insragram # content_marketing # lead generation #LPgenerator. But this is not necessary: ​​#best #examples #content #marketing # in #instagram # from #LPgenerator. In the first case, all keywords become hashtags, and although the second option contains the same information, it looks overwhelmed and disorganized.

Read and memorize. Create your own branded hashtag by which users will find exactly your company. It can relate to your brand as a whole, or to a specific product or event that you are organizing. Your brand hashtag makes it easier to find user-generated content: invite everyone who posts about your products and services or takes part in your contests to use your hashtag.

airbnb: We heard about the Haiti scandal, and we wanted to remind you how beautiful this country really is: wake up in the jungle, cut the waves at dawn, play in the coves and under the waterfalls all evening. What can surpass Haiti in beauty? Only its inhabitants. #weaccept
maybelline: @lakiastar uses an ultra-fine mechanical pencil, highlighter and microfiber eyebrow mascara to bring his brows to perfection. Today is the last day you can enter the #mnybrowdowncontest and win a flight to Los Angeles for an exclusive #iluvsarahill event. To take part, show us the transformation of your eyebrows in a photo or video, and in the caption explain how eyebrows transform your look, and use the hashtags #mnybrowdowncontest and #mnybrows. Show us the power of your eyebrows, we are eager to see them!

Airbnb launched a campaign to promote uniqueness and diversity, and this is a brilliant idea for a company whose entire business is built on the coexistence of people from different cultures. The idea of ​​the campaign is as follows: “Whoever you are, wherever you are born, whoever you love and whoever you worship, we believe in our community. The world becomes more beautiful when we accept it as it is. "

Maybelline's #mnybrowndowncontest and #mnybrowns contest is another example of a brand using hashtags to drive user generated content.

6. The main thing is consistency

Consistency is an obvious component of Instagram content marketing: the content you share on a social network must align with your brand's values ​​and image. This or that kind of content will appeal to a specific audience, and inconsistency will confuse them. This is why more than half of the top brands on Instagram use the same filter on every post. It's also helpful to publish posts at the same time to give the impression of reliability and build customer loyalty.

Cadbury and Snickers use their signature colors in almost all of their posts. The tape is pleasing to the eye and the brands look trustworthy.


A good Instagram content marketing strategy consists of the following main points:

1. Create valuable content. Post what is valuable and interesting to your audience. Advertising your products alone will not attract as much attention as something useful and necessary to potential buyers.
2. Chat with users. Likes and reposts are indicators of engagement, and you need to ensure that users interact with your content and respond to them for communication to take place. This will show that they are important to you, and your brand will have a human face.
3. Share your company culture. Show that you are proud of her and let potential clients feel connected to you through your employees.
4. Maintain communication between platforms. Don't just copy posts already posted on Facebook or Twitter: posts on Instagram must match the specifics of this social network. Ensure the relationship between your profiles to make your brand accessible: It should be easy for users to find you on different social platforms through your profile. Also, don't forget to link to a mobile landing page created specifically for visitors from this social network for each of your campaigns or products. If you don't have it yet, choose ready template and personalize it for yourself with