Indirect words examples. Incorrect construction of sentences with indirect speech: examples. Russian language rules


The author's narrative may include statements or individual words belonging to other persons. There are several ways to introduce someone else's speech into a sentence or text: direct speech, indirect speech, improperly direct speech And dialogue.

Punctuation marks in sentences with direct speech

The coexistence of synonymous forms in this language gives speakers a broader linguistic selection, depending on the interhuman communication process or the circumstances of any communicative act. In the context of the above, we will look at another example.

The severity of a command expressed by a conjunctive verb is more pronounced due to the presence in next statement verb in present value future meaning 1. In a broad sense, pairs of statements are semantically equivalent: “one person causes the action of another person.” The semantic component of the cause is common to both constructions, which represent the following relationship: “the influence of one person on another to cause a response.”


P- direct speech starting with capital letter;
P- direct speech starting with lowercase letter;
A– author’s words starting with a capital letter;
A– words of the author starting with a lowercase letter.

Various ways transmissions of someone else's speech that does not belong to the author preserve its content and form in different ways. Direct speech is a way of transmitting someone else’s speech in which both content and form are completely preserved.

It should be noted that some modal verbs, such as ability, desire, desire, presence, have general functions with verbs. Thus, some and others are synonyms of the imperative, which are used in stimulating speech acts.

We have an indirect reason. The nature of the cause situation expressed by an expression containing a modal verb is determined by the verb itself, its grammatical form and the syntactic organization of the sentence. The same verb, in the conditional optical mode, present tense, sometimes with a negative form, placed in an interrogative construction, will make a request.

There are four options for formatting direct speech in writing. Each of them has corresponding patterns that need to be remembered.

Scheme 1

If direct speech appears in a sentence after the author’s words, then it is enclosed in quotation marks and begins with a capital letter, and a colon is placed after the author’s words. For example:

The old priest came up to me with the question: “Will you order me to begin?”(Pushkin).

Could you tell me some details? Modal verbs, especially in the conditional optical form, express a more veiled appeal in a less categorical way than verbs of cause. This is a so-called polite request. In conclusion, some modal verbs that mean possibility, necessity or desire can become conditional semantic equivalents of verbs and evoke indirect forms of expressing communicative intentions. The affinities between the two verbs are obvious.

In the model of the Chomsky type of Aspects, the specificity of which at the level of the transformational component is the semantic nature of the transformations, the explanation of the phenomenon of syntactic synonymy is considered taking into account a single depth structure, which corresponds to several surface structures. The existence of a unified depth structure determines the semantic equivalence of surface structures.

Scheme 3

Occasionally in literary texts You can find sentences in which direct speech is found within the words of the author. In this case, it is enclosed in quotation marks, preceded by a colon, and followed by a dash. Please note that the second part of the author's words begins with a small letter. For example:

She screamed: “Ay, not him, not him!” - and fell unconscious(Pushkin).

I would like to believe that our notes will serve as a standard for the study of language as a communication activity for the interpretation of dialogue. As we know, in the communicative act, the locator speaks with a statement with a specific intention: to convey information, receive information, or force someone to do something. For this purpose, the locator selects its means of expression in accordance with the specific circumstances of the communicative act. Therefore, a correlation is required between the transmitter's communicator intent and the effect on the receiver.

The transmitter must select that form of statement which most effectively serves his purpose by diminishing the likely resistance of the one with whom he is discussing, eliminating his receptivity and creating the impression of leaving him free to choose the interpretation that suits him, thus qualified the speaker will be able to avoid awkward situations that would create a less pleasant impression for the interlocutor, which would ultimately jeopardize the implementation of the emitter's intentions.

The number of sentences within direct speech is not limited. For example:

“Thank God,” said the girl, “you came by force. You almost killed the young lady.”(According to Pushkin).

In this example, direct speech consists of two sentences, the first of which is broken by the words of the author. But if the author’s words were between two sentences that make up direct speech, then after the author’s words it would be necessary to put a period. Compare:

S. Vocabulary linguistic terms, Moscow. Kornichuk S. Semantic-stylistic values ​​of rhetorical interrogation, Chisinau, State University Moldova. "Go where you want." “You can swear as much as you can.” “I have something to tell.”

The main thing is the thinking, speaking verb. "I'm glad to say something." Two sentences in one combining final intonation. A compound sentence is ambiguous. Problematic cases exist when there are certain reasons to doubt that a sentence is compound, e.g.

“Thank God, you came by force,” said the girl. “You almost killed the young lady.”.

Consider the diagrams of these proposals.

Someone else's speech, conveyed in the form of a subordinate clause, is called indirect speech .

The first, main part of the sentence in this case represents the words of the author, and the second is indirect speech. Please note: the author’s words come before indirect speech and are separated from it by a comma. This method of transmitting someone else's speech, unlike direct speech, preserves the content of someone else's statement, but does not preserve its form and intonation.

Words of a sentence grouped into two centers can be connected by one of the following parts sentence subheading. Connective sentences, the lateral field of which, in relation to homogeneity, refers to the simple part of the sentence. There are such short sentences, which include small extended verbs other than the verb.

Added words " snow snow" and "rain rain" are added according to the most typical nature of binary sentences. If we follow the verbocentric direction and give priority, then the contradiction is due to another factor. A new classification is now used, based on a non-basic but formal grammatical criterion. Combination joint offerings are divided into joints and connectors.

Compare the two ways of conveying the same statement in the illustration. A sentence with indirect speech does not convey the exclamatory intonation that is present in direct speech.

Indirect speech can be attached to the main part of a sentence using the conjunctions WHAT, AS WHAT, THAT, pronouns and adverbs WHO, WHAT, WHICH, WHERE, WHEN, WHY and others, as well as the particle LI. The choice of these words depends on the purpose of the statement in indirect speech. In interrogative sentences, pronouns or the particle LI will be used:

The terms of conjugate sentences are similar homogeneous sentences, since they are autonomous, complete, and the members of a general compound sentence can be represented as one integer sentence. Detailed connection clauses are divided according to the semantic types of switches.

They are closest to homogeneous sentences because their lateral dimension corresponds to a part of a sentence or part of sentences. The secondary aspect of accompanying clauses can be converted into a simple part of the clause by retranslation. A connecting sentence is close to a homogeneous sentence.

I asked, When train departs.

In incentive sentences, the conjunction SO is used, for example:

The captain ordered to raised the flag.

Declarative sentences use the conjunctions WHAT, AS WHAT, for example:

He told, as if I saw a live bear in the forest.

1. When replacing direct speech with indirect speech, personal and possessive pronouns, as well as personal forms of verbs, are conveyed on behalf of the author, narrator, and not on behalf of the person whose speech is being conveyed.

For a long time in Lithuanian syntax, linking clauses were not classified and these types of clauses were not defined. In the old syntax, adjacent clauses were classified according to the subcategory part names and simply described. This division is not difficult. This is indicated by switches.

The following terms are used to describe the following terms in the following terms that are associated with the nominal part component element and explain this part. But Yablonsky says: yes, people talk. And his words are so complete. And every word of his life is as alive as he, born in the heart of innocent innocence.

2. If direct speech is expressed by a declarative sentence, then when replacing indirect speech it is conveyed by an explanatory sentence subordinate clause with the union What.

3. If direct speech denotes an impulse, an order, a request and the predicate in it is expressed by a verb in the imperative mood, then when replacing the indirect speech it is conveyed by a subordinate explanatory clause with a conjunction to.

This old man is so young, so alive. Jonas Jablonskis made sure that his native language was pure so that it would not be polluted by weeds caused by foreign winds. The professor greatly influenced the university. Korch, well prepared in Lithuanian and based on his examples in lectures. Before university, Jonas Jablonskis considered himself Polish, and decided to make a decision about his own country, as Ausha helped. Before graduating from university, he, of course, studied 7 languages, but at least he was Lithuanian.

The Lithuanian language lesson in the gymnasium was held only once a week. The teacher read Daukanto's pamphlet and it was over; and there was no need to discuss or personalize students for whom the history of the Lithuanian language or writing rules did not explain. Jonas Jablonskis saw all this only at Moscow University. After graduating from science, he worked in the most different places, returned to Lithuania only after the October Revolution. Jablonski was elected professor at Kaunas University. He was a very strict teacher and teacher, and no well-prepared student or student could manage his control.

Direct speech, in which the predicate is expressed in the imperative mood, can be conveyed and a simple sentence with an addition in an indefinite form.

4. If direct speech is an interrogative sentence, then when replacing indirect speech it is conveyed by an indirect question (with the particle whether or without it through allied words which, which, what and etc.). For an indirect question question mark not installed.

Jablonski mainly deserved the standardization and teaching of the Lithuanian language. Jonas Jablonskis understood creation common language as follows: Written language courts always acquire the same language as one dialect; other dialects add it only your best trifle, the grain that is written in the dialect in which to reason is extinct, no longer in use, which means that Jonas Jablonskis imagined that the language of Writing is independent, grown from one dialect and from retreating with its own laws of the language system.

5. Indirect speech is less expressive and less emotional than direct speech. Addresses, interjections, and particles present in direct speech are omitted when replacing it with indirect speech. Their meanings can sometimes only be conveyed by other words, more or less close to them in meaning. In this case, an approximate retelling of direct speech is obtained.