What is the best way to open a mortise lock without a key. How to pick a lock. How to pick a padlock if you lost your keys. How to open a door without a key: we open the lock of interior doors

The knowledge of how to open between room door without a key can be useful to everyone. Slamming door situations can occur spontaneously and precisely when you least expect it. That is why you need to know how to deal with this problem in the shortest possible time.

A slammed door is a fairly common situation.

Possible situations

Locking systems on doors in a house can be completely different. Sometimes a simple handle with a tongue is enough, and in some cases you have to install additional latches and turnkey locks. However, there are situations when the door closes and opens it. in a simple way fails.
The reasons may be:

  • a draft that slammed the lock;
  • broken handle;
  • falling tongue;
  • push-button mechanism;
  • loss of a key;
  • intentional or accidental closing from the inside.

What to do in such cases? You can solve the problem different methods, depending on the specific situation. The most common ways are:

  • the use of an improvised master key;
  • disassembly of the lock or handle;
  • removal from the hinges;
  • the use of brute force.

Varieties of methods for opening an interior door

If you stayed in the room Small child, water is turned on or any technique that can provoke fires, you need to act immediately.

In emergency situations, most often there is nothing else to do but to hack into the interior door. Damage in this case cannot be avoided, but you will be able to minimize the risk of much more serious consequences.

Remove from hinges

The most common solution to the problem closed door, which first comes to mind is, of course, removing the canvas from the hinges. Since it is not always possible to open a room door without using a key by using lock picks, this method is the best alternative.

Conventional card loops have two parts. If there is sufficient clearance between the door and the frame, you can try to remove them from the awnings. Sometimes it is possible to unwind the details.

The disadvantage of this method is that it is not always possible to perform such an operation. This is especially difficult and practically impossible if hidden mechanisms are used.

Withdrawal door leaf from the hinges is possible only if there are sufficient clearances


A very popular fixture on doors leading to a bedroom, toilet or bathroom is the latch. Modern models equipped with rotary miniature handles, which are located on the side of the room. WITH back side part of the lock is represented by a plug. Sometimes, instead of it, they equip a turnkey lock, if we are talking about a living room.

Since sometimes you need to open interior lock on the door without a key, you have to look alternative ways to rotate the latch tab. The easiest way is to use a thin, flat object, it can be a screwdriver, a plastic card, a nail file or a knife, sometimes you can open the lock with your fingernail. This is possible if a slotted or recessed plug is located on the reverse side. Pliers can be used for smooth push-button plugs. You just need to turn it and the lock will open.

Sometimes it is possible to move the tongue with the help of all the same devices, but at the same time it is necessary to penetrate the gap between the canvas and door frame... If the tension is not strong, it will not be difficult to move the latch.

A slammed latch to the door can be opened with a thin object by pushing the tab

Another option is the heck. It is installed over the door. How to open such a mechanism? You can try to move it through the gap between the door and the loot. If that doesn't work, then the easiest way is to use force. Usually, self-tapping screws easily fly out of the canvas, however, they can damage its surface.

Key lock

In some cases, additional locks with a larva are installed on the door, they can be cylinder, lever, disk, etc. A special key with notches is selected for each of these mechanisms, which activates the locking system and moves the bolt. But how to open the door to a room without a key or in the event of a lock break?

Several options are available here:

  • Try jerking the door first. If the mechanism is simple, the deadbolt may rebound on its own.
  • Pick up a similar key. Some secrets work not only from the native key.
  • If all else fails, use the lockpick. You can try to move the tab in the gap between the door and the frame, or by interfering with the larva itself. It is necessary to move the levers or pins, depending on the type of lock.
  • If this fails or the lock is broken, try to remove it. The cylinder can be bored out or removed in another way. For a regular pen, it will be enough to disassemble it and slide the tongue from the inside.

How best to open the interior door lock needs to be decided locally. It's worth starting with the least crude methods.

Using a lock pick it is possible to open the lock doorknob on the key

Brute force

If you cannot open the door, but you have no other choice, then you can resort to extreme measures and use brute force. Different approaches are also possible here:

  • Cut the hinges... Open fasteners are sawn off along the hinge axis or plate and the blade easily falls out of the opening.
  • Cut off the tongue... If the latch or bolt is clearly visible in the gap between the box and the blade, and you can push a hacksaw or grinder disc inside, try cutting it off. Get ready for metal sparks.
  • Knock out the door... If there are no suitable tools at hand, and the door is very flimsy, you can easily knock it out of the opening.

It is worth knocking out a slammed door only as a last resort.

Such methods should be used only when other methods have failed. Most likely, after a break-in, you will have to change the door or at least restore the canvas and the box. You will also need to replace the fittings.

It is quite possible to open the door without using a key, but not all methods remain unnoticed. In order to prevent such a need, regularly check the serviceability of the locks and install such mechanisms that do not slam spontaneously.

Lock pick from an aluminum can

To open the lock this way, you need an empty beer or cola can. It is easy to cut and form a trefoil from it, the middle tongue of which is used to open the lock. A here another demonstration of this method.

Lock pick made of paper clips and hairpins

This is the most famous and one might say classical method breaking the lock. We have seen many times in the movies how an intruder takes out a paper clip and starts poking around in the keyhole. This video shows how this is actually done. And here's another one option this method, which uses a pencap clip and a hair clip.

Skeleton key from a knife

The third video demonstrates a completely simple way to open small locks with a knife. Obviously, this method won't always work, but it's worth a try. Especially when it comes to Chinese products used on bags and suitcases.

You have a lock, but no key (say, you broke it, lost it, or the door suddenly slammed shut). What to do? How to open a lock without a key? Is there a way out of this situation? It turns out there is, and not one. This article contains answers to such pressing questions at times. We will talk with you about the tool that is used to open the locking mechanisms. And you will learn how to open locks without keys.

Just do not think that after reading this material, you will become a professional hacker. I will not reveal to you the secrets of this ancient "profession", but will only tell you about the methods and methods that are generally available. Why? Because people understand such a subtle science all their lives, they completely surrender themselves to it. And this is not a trivial hack. I'm talking about a completely legal profession (take at least the employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations). So, I will give you only the initial impetus, and you, if you want, can achieve the desired results. Knowing how to open locks without keys is profitable. Such specialists easily find work in emergency door opening services and even in the special services of their country.

So, back to the main question. How to open locks without keys? To begin with, consider the English type pin devices. With what tools is it possible to open it and at the same time keep the mechanism working? First of all, we need the classic master keys. What are they? These are stretches and cups. Such tools are easy to find on the free market, especially the Chinese market is flooded with them, but you can make yourself. It is convenient to make cups from hacksaw blade grinding it on emery. The mentioned picks come in various forms, it is recommended to make up to ten different types"Spouts". It is better to make stretches from a springy material. The photo shows the types of cups and stretch marks.

So, the tool is ready, you can get to work. We insert a stretch in and slightly press it, trying to turn it, and with a cupola we sort out the pins of the lock. This is a very painstaking work that requires endurance, perseverance and high sensitivity of hands.

Now let's look at how to open the "Secrets" of hinged locking mechanisms are different types... The most common cores of Finnish, English types... The inconvenience of opening padlock lies in the impossibility of fixing it. The easiest way is to cut it off with a turbine and not waste time, but if you are still serious, then we will analyze possible options... I must say right away that the opening of the Finnish "Abloy" is a waste of time. First, it requires special tool and secondly, serious practice.

Such a job is beyond the power of a beginner. A special kind of Finnish secret is “two-way”. Locks of this type are of low quality, silumin cores. When you try to hack it, it becomes unusable, you just have to throw it out.

Opening mounted type done by the method described above or by the bump method. The essence of the "bump" is the impact. This requires a key that matches the profile of the keyhole. We insert it about three quarters into the lock and strike a light blow, after which we try to crank. You can also use a vibration pick, but this is not always convenient.

So we looked at several elementary methods of how to open locks without keys. Train and you will succeed. Become a professional in this field and you can take part in a competition run by manufacturers of luxury locking devices. You will be given the opportunity to hack the novelties of this industry. I am not kidding! If you become the winner, a huge cash prize awaits you. Such contests are held in order to identify weaknesses in And, of course, to advertise products (in the event that no one succeeds in opening the mechanism). If the lock is open, then the master will gain fame. Good luck with this difficult task!

A padlock is a rather complex mechanism, which is why it is so often chosen for both the main and additional protection doors. And to open this type of lock without the appropriate key is not easy enough.

Surely, everyone at least once in his life faced with theft or loss of the keys to the door. In such a situation, wasting time looking for a key is already useless, because it can be absolutely anywhere.

But to think over the ways with which you can solve this problem without the help of a key is still worth it. For you can stand under the door endlessly, especially if you were the owner of a single copy of the keys to the lock.

When does it become necessary to open a lock without a key?

The need to open a lock without a key can arise in other situations as well. Keyholes tend to fail over time.

This is completely normal, especially if the castle has not been protected from precipitation and other external factors... That's why door lock at any moment it can simply simply jam. Such a nuisance may not happen entirely by accident, but through the fault of ill-wishers. In our time, deliberate damage to locks by hooligans is not a rarity.

Another common case is a key break while opening a door. In such a situation, part of the key may remain in the lock altogether. For not only locks tend to deteriorate, but keys can also fail.

It is clear that there are different cases when any person can literally be under the door. Here we are not talking about breaking other people's locks. No one is safe from falling into such situations. But unfortunately, not everyone knows how to open the padlock keyless.

How to open the lock yourself?

You can also unlock the padlock on the door yourself. To do this, you need to understand a little about the mechanism of the lock and have a little sleight of hand. Nowadays, there are many ways to open locks without the use of keys. Some of them are very complex and only professional experimenters can do, and some are quite simple and perfect for a woman or a child.

The most common way is to open the lock with a paperclip, invisibility, or a piece of wire. To do this, you will need to unbend a paper clip or other product that looks like it. There is a latch in the lock device, which can be unclenched with a piece of wire if the wire is bent correctly and hit successfully.

Some can do this trick in a couple of minutes, others need to fiddle with the lock for about an hour. In any case, the result is worth it.

There are locks, the principle of which is a special button. The key, falling into such a lock, touches the button, pressing it, and the opening process takes place. In principle, there is nothing complicated here. Everything is quite simple and straightforward. Therefore, with the help of the material at hand, you can turn the same thing. That is, a thin object, it can be a hair clip or a rod from ballpoint pen, it is enough to pick the lock to find the very button in the mechanism.

How to open the most popular padlocks?

Padlocks come in many different varieties. And their price categories are also different. But the most affordable and popular nowadays is considered to be the classic padlock, which operates from a spring. Many are familiar with such a product and quite often met it.

A spring-loaded padlock is often used to close a garage, warehouse, barn, and other non-residential premises. This type of protection is actively used in suitcases. This is very convenient if you go on a long trip and regularly check in your luggage. Such protection is also regularly installed on the door of a residential apartment or house as an additional security, and sometimes in the role of the main lock.

If you think logically, it becomes clear that opening such a padlock without a key is possible if you experiment with a spring. To do this, you will be helped by the same paper clip or piece of wire that can save any lock by opening it. You can also use a nail or other object that you think is suitable for the task. Your goal is to hit the spring.

Special devices for opening locks

For those who want to hedge themselves and protect themselves in advance in such a situation, there are many products and master keys for breaking locks, which can be ordered or bought ready-made from special craftsmen. Lockpicks allow you to easily and quickly open almost any lock without a key.

For those who believe that they are not able to cope with such a problem on their own, there is also excellent solution... You can always turn to a specialist in keyless opening of padlocks. The craftsman will deftly open the lock and will not leave any damage on it.

Anyone can stay under the door, since the lock can fly at any time, but if you have information about opening locks without keys, then you can always solve this problem.

Many find themselves in a situation where they need to get into an apartment, but there is no key to it. And, of course, few people know how to pick a lock, and what is needed for this. Such machinations are often shown on TV. It seems to us that all this is very difficult. However, experts who have this secret convince that everyone can do it. The main thing is to know which tool to use.

What it takes to open a door without a key

Of course, only a thief or an expert in emergency opening knows how to hack. This will require not only special master keys, but also certain skills. Special textbooks on this topic have already been released. This kind of material is widely distributed on the Internet. Therefore, it is not so difficult to acquire practical skills. Just three months of serious study is enough - and any person will calmly master how to pick the lock on the door. There are situations when there is no need to make any effort to open the door. You just need to buy special equipment. It should be noted that the tools are quite cheap, many people can afford them.

Opening the padlock

All locks are classified by installation type. They can be overhead, mortise and hinged. First, let's find out how to hack. Such an obstacle is considered one of the most accessible. You don't need any tools for this. It is enough to use serious physical force. You can also take a crowbar or crowbar. A couple of blows and the road is open. But the disadvantage of this method is that you can seriously scare your neighbors. If you act silently, you will need a special master key and a few seconds of free time.

Surface and mortise locks

Such an obstacle requires much more time and effort. are considered one of the most resistant, since they have a large number of locking pins. But they can also be opened quickly enough. Cylinder and rack-and-pinion are considered one of the most reliable. However, experts are absolutely sure that there is no difference in the form of a product. Any of them can be opened within 15 minutes. Many thieves know very well how to pick a secret lock. For these purposes, you will need a special device and perfectly honed craftsmanship. Then no obstacle becomes a problem.

Cylinder locks

Such products are capable of providing a very high level of security. Their accuracy is very high, with a five-pin design having approximately a million combinations. Although such locks are manufactured by a large number of different companies, they all have key holes of various shapes.

Therefore, do not worry that your door can be opened with someone else's key. It is quite easy to recognize such a lock. You can just look into the key hole. There is a round pin inside it. It happens that you can see the border between the upper and lower pins. It goes in line with the wall of the cylinder itself. Those who do not know how to learn how to pick this type of locks need to get a good grasp of the tool.

The picking hand should feel that the tension has eased by holding on to a certain pin. And the hand in which the rotator is located should feel that the couple has begun to succumb, go out to the very line of separation. In this whole procedure, it is very important that both hands feel exactly how the elements rotate inside the lock. Those who master this well will find it easy to cope with the task without a key.

How to break the pin lock step by step

For such an operation, you will need a master key. It must be carefully inserted into the hole with the hook up. But this is only on condition that the lock is installed correctly, and not vice versa, as is often the case. To be sure of this finally, you just need to look through the keyhole and find the very last pin. After that, you can continue the operation. has five pins. To the first, as a rule, the distance does not exceed 1 inch.

Before picking the lock with a pick, you must pay attention to the fact that there is no strong pressure on the rotator. Otherwise, the front pins will stop moving. After the rear pair is groped, you need to very carefully pry on the pin, and then release it, but leave the master key on the latter. Then the rotator can be inserted. But do not forget that there is still a place for the master key.

You can now move clockwise, but it should be pretty smooth. Next, carefully pry off the rear pin. If everything is done correctly, you can hear a characteristic click. The pair of pins will not be as elastic as before. But don't put in a lot of effort. If you continue further movement with the pick, then an engagement can occur, because the separation line will be passed. You just need to turn the rotator evenly without pressing on it.

Several important points

The fourth pair of pins will be next, so it's pretty easy to find. Before picking such a lock, you just need to lift the pin until it begins to succumb. In this case, the force on the rotator must be applied. After he begins to go to the dividing line, you can feel it, as well as hear certain clicks. With the third element, everything is the same. The main thing is to perform uniform translational movements. For an analogy, you can give the process of twisting the lid on a jar of mayonnaise. Here the clicks can not only be heard, but also felt.

What determines the success of the operation

After the last pair of pins give in, the cylinder will begin to rotate absolutely freely, and the door will be open. But some just don't know how to pick a lock and run into some problems. Either the pin is very high, or the rotator does not lend itself. You just don't need to press too much on it, the pin will then lower on its own, and the cylinder will open. A large number of hacks are done quite successfully in this way. If all methods have been tried, and the door is still closed, you need to start all over again. Perhaps there was a mistake somewhere.

Invisible lock

Of course, the well is considered the most vulnerable point. And many professionals are convinced that with certain skills and knowledge, it is easy to understand how to pick a lock with a paper clip, lock pick or other tool. All this works if there is a core itself. But some locks have certain nuances. They are simply absent. Such products are unique. They are also called invisible, because they do not have that vulnerability that is being hacked.

You don't even need a key to open a door like this. It is enough to have a proxy card or a special remote control. Such locks are different high level security, and many experts recommend installing them. In this situation, the offender will be at a dead end. He may have the most various tools for burglary, but only the keyhole can tell where you need to make an effort to cut through the strong steel pins. That is why he got the name "invisible". There are crossbars in it, the mechanism itself is built into the door, and it is difficult to imagine how to break the lock. You can't look anywhere, you can't see anything anywhere. And not only outside, but also inside. That's why traditional ways removing obstacles does not work at all here. We need to look for an alternative. And hardly anyone will want to completely demolish the door or punch a hole in the wall. And this is not a way out of this situation ... But if there is such a device, then, most likely, a mechanism for its hacking will appear soon enough.

And finally ...

In this article, we have detailed how to hack the hinged invoice and pin. In fact, you need special equipment and certain knowledge. There are some subtleties that you need to know for each a certain kind, but the fact is quite obvious that any product is quite simple to open. No level of secrecy will stand in the way of professionals. Many owners steel doors are absolutely sure that they have nothing to fear, because their locks are firmly embedded in the canvas. In fact, for such an operation, only a quarter of an hour is enough - and the obstacle will be removed. And the keyhole gives out any model. She cannot hide any secret. Hope remains for "invisible" locks, but this is only for now ...