What insect can bite. Domestic insect bites: types and treatment methods. Vulnerable places become

In the summer, we are all often bitten by some insects, writes lavozdelmuro. To avoid unexpected and unpleasant consequences, it is very important to learn to distinguish between bites and treat them correctly.

Here are the 9 most common bites:

Mosquito bite.

A mosquito bite looks like a reddened subcutaneous blister and is very itchy. As a rule, no special measures need to be taken, except to apply a soothing ointment to the bite site.

But if the bite is accompanied by fever, joint pain or swollen lymph nodes, you should consult a doctor - there may be an infection in the blood.

Flea bite.

These bites cause severe itching. Typically, flea bites appear in groups of 3-4 and resemble small red bumps.

The first step is to wash them with soap and water. Then apply zinc cream or another itch reliever to the bites. Do not scratch the bites to avoid infection.

Bedbug bite.

Bedbug bites look different. Some may not notice them at all, while others experience a severe allergic reaction, accompanied by itching and pain.

In addition to skin lesions, typical symptoms include pain, itching, dermatitis, and for allergy sufferers, swelling and even blisters.

The main enemy of bedbugs is hygiene. Therefore, first of all, wash with soap, paying special attention to the bite areas. In extreme cases, an anti-inflammatory or antihistamine may be needed.

Spider bite.

With the exception of a few species (such as the black widow and karakurt), most spider bites are harmless. Characteristic sign such a bite - two points framed by a circle.

If you are bitten by a spider, the first thing to do is wash the bite area with soap and water. Then apply ice and take pain medication if necessary. If the bite is very swollen, take an antihistamine.

If more serious symptoms are observed or you have reason to suspect that the spider was poisonous, consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Tick ​​bite.

If a tick has clung to you, you need to remove it as soon as possible, without resorting to folk remedies such as oil, gasoline and cauterization. Use tweezers; pick up the tick as close to the skin as possible and gently pull up. Then wash the bite thoroughly with soap and water.

Keep in mind that it usually takes up to 48 hours for a tick vector to infect you with the virus, so you should always check for ticks after returning from the forest.

Ant bite.

The bites of some types of ants (for example, red forest ants) contain poison that causes itching, inflammation and irritation of the skin in humans. If symptoms persist, apply cortisone ointment.

If blisters appear, do not pop them to avoid infection. If this happens, consult a doctor immediately.

Scorpion sting.

The danger of a scorpion sting depends on several factors: the type of scorpion, the age of the person (children are less susceptible to stings) and the amount of venom injected.

As with other venomous animals, the first step is to remove the sting, if it remains in the skin, using a blade. Do not use tweezers so as not to accidentally crush the reservoir of the poisonous gland and inject even more poison into the body.

Then wash the bite area thoroughly with soap and water and apply ice for 10 minutes. Then repeat the procedure from the beginning. If the bitten person's condition worsens, consult a doctor immediately.

Wasp sting.

Bee sting.

The poison of these insects itself is not dangerous, although it is extremely painful. However, many people are allergic to it. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

To relieve swelling, treat the bite with vinegar or another available remedy. Bees often leave a stinger in the skin. If there is any, remove it with tweezers.

In the practice of a family doctor, insect bites are almost the most common complaint in the summer. Fortunately, most bites are unpleasant but harmless. However, there are also bites poisonous insects. A bite from an unknown insect can result in shock, illness and even death. So, what do insect bites look like on human skin?

  • Mosquito bites, how harmless are they? Not harmless at all! The mosquito can transmit malaria, West Nile fever, Dengue fever and even yellow fever.
    The site of a mosquito bite is manifested by itching, redness, and swelling (photo 2) West Nile fever, a disease transmitted by mosquitoes. You can get infected with it in the city, especially if you visit basements. Cases of mosquito-related diseases occur in Russia every year. Symptoms appear within 2-14 days.
  • How does a bed bug bite?
    When a bug bites, it leaves many painless dots on a person’s skin on a pink background (photo 3)
    A reaction to the bite may appear after 24 hours - intense itching and inflammation. Sometimes you have to seek medical help. Although it is believed that bed bugs are harmless insects and do not carry any diseases, experiments have proven that Chagas disease can be transmitted by the common bed bug. See 10

A tumor after an insect bite is a fairly common phenomenon. Sometimes it even occurs in response to attacks by seemingly completely harmless creatures, such as small flies and mosquitoes. And after being stung by wasps, bees, hornets, bumblebees, some ichneumon wasps and predatory bugs, tumors appear in almost every person, and can often reach impressive sizes.

The reason a tumor appears in response is an active response immune system the body to enzymes and toxins introduced by insects under the skin. During the inflammatory process, lymph accumulates in soft tissues, which causes a natural increase in their volume.

But wasps, hornets and bees, when attacked, inject a hefty dose of poison under the skin, which can destroy the cell walls of tissues and initiate severe inflammation, often accompanied by an allergic reaction. Depending on the strength of a person's immune response, the tumor can be either small or very extensive, up to swelling of an entire limb or large part of the body.

On a note

When talking about insect bites, many people also mean attacks from other arthropods: spiders, scolopendras, scorpions and ticks, which, generally speaking, do not belong to the order Insects (insects have only 3 pairs of legs).

A tumor as a normal reaction of the body to a bite

If your leg, arm or cheek is slightly swollen from an insect bite, then before you panic and talk about a “terrible allergy”, you should consider that minor swelling and swelling is a completely normal reaction of a healthy body to foreign biologically active substances entering it.

The venom of most stinging insects (and poisonous spiders) contains a group of substances that cause the destruction of cells and the leakage of their contents into the intercellular space. The affected person’s body regards the insect’s toxins and the contents of damaged cells as substances dangerous to it and attacks them. In addition, their presence in the intercellular space is harmful and can lead to metabolic disorders in tissues.

The venom of hornets, wasps and some spiders, among other things, also causes destruction of the walls of small blood vessels, which often leads to subcutaneous bleeding, and in especially dangerous cases (with massive bites) – to internal bleeding.

The photo shows a tumor after a hornet bite:

Blood begins to actively flow into the damaged area, and in addition to this, the volume of intercellular fluid increases. Under such conditions, it is easier for the body to mobilize its resources to neutralize the poison.

So, minor swelling or edema as a result of an attack by some arthropod is the norm, so there is no need to worry too much in such cases. It’s another matter when, from an insect bite, the entire or significant part of a leg, arm, face is swollen, or the swelling begins to spread throughout the body.

This is already an excessive reaction, often a sign of the development of a dangerous allergy. Such tumors and edema, of course, should be dealt with as soon as possible.

TO characteristic symptoms, appearing after attacks by arthropods, include the following:

Often, at the site of the bite, the victim’s temperature rises and a burning sensation is felt - this is also normal. The alarm should be sounded when a general and strong increase in body temperature occurs - this is already a signal that the process is becoming generalized, and the patient may need to be hospitalized.

Talking about possible consequences, we should not forget that in the same person, an insect bite of the same species can cause different degrees and nature of symptoms. This largely depends on where the bite occurred. For example, an insect bite on the eyelid sometimes leads to complete swelling of half the face and the closing of the eye, while at the same time a lump on the back or wrist will cause much less unpleasant consequences.

“We were very scared when my husband’s leg became swollen after an insect bite. It turned out that this is a little water scorpion; it lives in all ponds and crawls along the bottom. The husband thought that he had stepped on a branch and special attention didn’t, and then he started to feel sick. When he came out of the lake, his leg was already swollen, and then severe redness and swelling appeared, the whole leg began to look like a barrel. We became truly scared. At the same time, he says that there is no particular pain, only at the site of the bite. I nevertheless persuaded him to go to the hospital; I was driving myself. The doctor told us that such severe swelling from an insect bite is rare, especially from a water scorpion. This swelling persisted for a couple more days, and bruises appeared in several places. After about a week, the swelling completely subsided, but in general it did not interfere with Andrey’s ability to walk and swim normally.”

Svetlana, Chelyabinsk

When should a tumor be treated?

In some cases, the degree of tumor manifestation from an insect bite is excessive and requires treatment. Such situations include:

  • allergic tumors and edema;
  • tumors affecting internal organs or the respiratory system;
  • inflammation that occurs in response to the introduction of a secondary infection into the bite wound.
  • an insect bite becomes inflamed after a few days - this is a clear sign of infection of the wound;
  • the swelling is spreading more and more, rashes and blisters appear in different parts of the body from an insect bite;
  • signs of general intoxication of the body appear: dizziness, abdominal pain, nausea, fever;
  • a large abscess appears at the site of the insect bite (the formation of pus is a consequence of tissue damage);
  • from an insect bite, the eye, tongue or larynx is swollen - in the first case there is a risk of serious damage to the eye, in the last two - suffocation can occur.

In all of these cases, it is necessary to take into account that first aid can only serve to alleviate the condition of the victim before visiting a doctor. You should not turn such help into long-term self-medication.

“I don’t even know what to do. Two days ago I was bitten by some small wasp, and there is still a red spot at the site of the bite that is very itchy and painful. It doesn’t seem to be spreading, but this nasty insect bit me exactly where the waistband of my trousers was, and now it’s very uncomfortable to wear it. Immediately after that there was still nothing, and then it just swollen and has remained unchanged for the third day. Tell me, do we need to fight this somehow or wait until it goes away on its own?”

Oksana, Mozhaisk

Anti-inflammatory drugs

As a rule, special gels, creams and ointments for insect bites are used to treat swelling and developed inflammation. The most popular of them include:

  • Fenistil;
  • Levomekol;
  • Advantan;
  • Flucinar;

With these remedies, inflammation from an insect bite can be smeared on your own, without a doctor’s prescription, taking into account only contraindications to a specific drug. As for anti-inflammatory drugs taken orally, they should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor - self-administration of such drugs (steroidal and non-steroidal) can cause significant harm to the body.

Except pharmaceuticals there is also a whole range of tools traditional medicine designed to help the victim. If your leg or arm is swollen from an insect bite, for example, you can use the following: folk remedies:

  • plantain leaf juice;
  • parsley leaves crushed into pulp;
  • aloe leaves;
  • calendula tincture.

The main disadvantage of folk remedies is their relatively low effectiveness: if the tumor is small, then there is little point in treating it, but if a generalized reaction has begun, then plantain juice and calendula, alas, will not help.

As a rule, folk remedies are used only to reduce pain at the site of the bite, without placing much hope on them regarding the removal of the tumor.

Instructions for treating tumors after insect bites

Depending on how much time has passed since the bite, treatment may be carried out by different means. So, if the tumor has just begun to appear, it will be enough to apply a cold compress to it(it will narrow the blood vessels and also reduce the rate of absorption of the poison into the blood).

Such help is especially relevant when an insect bites the eye - one compress in this situation may be enough to avoid losing vision due to a tumor for a couple of days.

While the area damaged by the insect hurts and the tumor increases in size, you should not neglect, for example, Soventol or Fenistil - these drugs have an antihistamine effect, preventing the development of an allergic reaction.

If you notice that a tumor or swelling from an insect bite is beginning to dangerously spread to new areas of the body, you should immediately call an ambulance and get advice by phone. Often in such cases, doctors recommend taking antihistamines (Diphenhydramine or Suprastin). It’s even better not to delay and take the victim to the hospital, or call doctors at home - after all, it is possible that after a while the situation may become critical...

Also, in no case should you hesitate when localizing tumors and swelling in vital places - for example, on the throat. If a cold compress does not help, then you need to call an ambulance, as continued swelling of the airways can eventually lead to their complete closure.

Specifics of inflammation in different parts of the body

According to statistics, most often stinging insect bites occur on human limbs. If a leg or arm is swollen from such a bite, the situation is, of course, unpleasant, but quite tolerable, although the injured limb may even take on a frightening appearance.

“Last summer I was bitten by some insect, my hand became terribly swollen, so much so that I could not move my fingers. It seems like nothing unusual, but it’s really scary that it won’t stay like this forever. I walked around with this pillow for about a week, and then it gradually went away. Although after the bite there was a lump on the back of the hand that remained for a couple of weeks.”

Yaroslav, Ramenskoye

A much more serious situation is when, for example, a hornet or wasp stings the eye, eyelid, lip or tongue. A tumor after such a bite prevents a person from living fully, receiving information from the outside world, and speaking. In addition, some symptoms that appear after such an attack can seriously threaten the health, and sometimes the life of the victim.

“It was scary when a bee bit me in the eye. This guy walks around the garden, and half of his face is swollen like a ball, and even turned a little blue. We showed it to the doctor, he said that we were lucky and it’s okay, it will go away on its own. Now the eyelid seems to be opening a little, but yesterday I couldn’t even move it.”

Alexander, Vladimir

In conclusion, I would like to once again draw attention to the fact that if, as a result of an insect bite, symptoms of general poisoning appear, a rash all over the body, shortness of breath, nausea or extensive swelling, the victim should be taken to the hospital. Even a single bee sting can in some cases cause severe allergic reactions and lead to anaphylactic shock.

You can never know for sure exactly how the body will react to the poison that has entered it, and if you are too careless, you may not even have time to call an ambulance. Therefore, after a bite, carefully monitor your condition or the condition of a loved one, and if the first alarming symptoms appear, call the hospital.

Useful video about different reactions to insect bites: from swelling to anaphylactic shock

Do you sleep poorly, toss and turn restlessly and are constantly in a state of half-asleep? And the next morning your skin itches, itches and strange things appear on it. Rest assured, unexpected guests have settled in your apartment - bed bugs. The phenomenon is unpleasant, but, fortunately, can be eliminated. What kind of bites does a bed bug leave (photo)? How to get rid of the problem and cure the rash that appears? You will learn all this from the article below.

What kind of bug is this?

A bug is a little vampire. The body shape of the blood-sucking insect is oval, body length is about 8 millimeters. Typically, the value depends on the degree of saturation of the insect. The same factor affects its color. But, as a rule, the color range of an adult varies from light brown to brown. After a heavy meal, the bug may turn burgundy or even black. The average lifespan of insects is one and a half years, during which they feed not only on the blood of people, but also on animals and birds.

A bedbug bite, a photo of which can be found in any medical encyclopedia, can affect any person. From unpleasant neighborhood no one is immune. Indeed, these days the myth that insects can only live in unsanitary conditions has long been debunked. This is far from true. In addition, the connection between insect bites and various infections entering the body has not been officially proven. Despite this, bedbugs greatly poison our lives, interfering with normal sleep. As a result, performance is impaired, severe anxiety, restlessness and even depression occur.

Even during deep sleep you can feel the bite bed bug: Symptoms include frequent waking up, restlessness and even nightmares. All this awaits you at first. While you sleep, insects dine peacefully on your body. With their proboscis they pierce the skin, reaching small capillaries. When the epidermis is punctured, the insects inject a secretion that has an analgesic effect, so you do not feel the bite itself. Painful sensations occur only when the skin is “ruled” by young animals whose saliva does not contain an anesthetic substance.

What does a bite look like?

To get enough, insects need to make several bites. There are usually three of them, so doctors jokingly call them “breakfast, lunch and dinner.” What does a bed bug bite look like? Photos presented in any specialized literature demonstrate that this is a slight redness, in the center of which there is a pronounced scarlet dot. The spots form a so-called track, the distance between them can reach as much as 2 centimeters. The bites are very itchy and itchy. A person feels as if he has been bitten by mosquitoes. To rule out the presence of buzzing and flying insects, inspect the ceiling. If there are no mosquitoes on it, then it is the work of bed bugs (or, more precisely, the proboscis).

Under no circumstances should you comb the stains, even if you really can’t bear it. The fact is that during this process you injure the skin: microscopic wounds form. They are not visible to you, but bedbugs, thanks to their excellent sense of smell, perfectly sense the proximity of blood. Therefore, they begin to attack your body even more actively.


How to recognize a bedbug bite? Symptoms that you have been bitten by these insects are as follows:

  • The appearance of spots in the morning with their complete absence in the evening before falling asleep.
  • Multiple bites, the trajectory of which is located along the same line.
  • Presence of wounds on open areas skin: face, neck, shoulders, legs and arms. Sometimes insects crawl under pajamas, then their mark remains on the stomach and back.
  • The spots that appear have round shape, they are a little swollen.

Other signs

How do you know if a colony of bloodthirsty insects has settled in your bedroom? First, if you suspect something is wrong, carefully examine it in the morning. bedding. Usually, after a raid and a meal of insects, pale stains of blood remain on the sheets. Secondly, move the sofa or bed away from the wall and examine the baseboards. Bedbugs, if they are infested indoors, leave behind traces of their vital activity: their droppings look like black dots on the surface. No, it's not dirt. All “breasts” are almost the same size and shape.

A bedbug bite has several more features. A photo of a bloodthirsty insect in an enlarged format indicates the presence of holes on the chest and abdomen of the insect. These are the exits of the so-called odorous glands, which emit a specific odor. Some people who have encountered trouble say that a raspberry amber is wafting through the room. Others claim that it smells like cognac, while others smell almond notes.

The difference between a bug bite and an allergy

These two phenomena manifest themselves in different ways. Traces of bed bug bites differ from allergic reactions primarily in their static nature. The former retain their shape and color for a very long time, external signs others change frequently and quickly. In addition, an allergy rash usually spreads over the entire surface of the body, without clear contours and edges. Instead, bedbug bites are located only on exposed skin in one straight line, like a path. Another difference is the state of the epidermis of other family members. If the spouse who sleeps next to you does not have a single mark on the skin, most likely you have an allergy.

As for the bites of other insects, it is a little more difficult to distinguish the trace of a bug from them. Again, it is worth paying attention to the shape of the spots: after bed bloodsuckers they are clearly defined, located along the same line. Instead, flea bites appear randomly, usually appearing around the lower legs. After contact with a midge, the pain is much stronger, but the wound itself is smaller, and dried blood can be seen in the middle of it. are located unevenly, in their center there is a small formation in the form of a pimple.

Who does bed bugs bite first?

Adult men and elderly people are less likely to be attacked by bloodsuckers. They are also less sensitive to bites, so they do not immediately notice that they have become a victim of insects. But rumors that bedbugs love people with a specific blood type are not true. They bite everyone, but the spots appear on the skin differently.


Measures must be taken as soon as you discover a problem. bed treatment primarily involves the use of the following medical products:

  1. Reception antihistamines. For example, Claritin, Telfast, Zyrtec are very effective. They will protect you from a severe allergic reaction that may occur after a bite. Some people even experience anaphylactic shock, so it is better to protect yourself from the consequences. Moreover, these drugs are third-generation drugs, so they can be used for a long period without any side effects.
  2. An ointment should be applied to the bite site to reduce swelling and relieve itching. Usually the doctor prescribes a product with an anesthetic effect: Akriderm, Afloderm or Psilo-balm.
  3. You can apply a medical plaster containing painkillers to the bite site.

All these methods will help you get rid of the unpleasant sensations that voracious bedbugs left on your skin.

Folk remedies

In addition to traditional medicines, there are other means to help reduce negative impact insects, which are bed bugs. Bites... How to get rid of them using traditional medicine? Everything is very simple. For these purposes you need to use:

  • Garlic: rub it and apply it to the wound.
  • Pink lotion: It dries out the bites.
  • Potato. It is also crushed and evenly distributed over the affected area of ​​the skin.
  • Aloe juice, chamomile and St. John's wort decoction. Cotton is soaked with these liquids and a compress is applied.

Plantain leaves and solution also help against bedbug bites baking soda. They are also applied to the stains left by bloodsuckers. In addition, be sure to apply a piece of ice to the wound - it will relieve swelling and swelling. Treat it with alcohol, it will dry the bite and promote its rapid healing. All of the above methods of traditional medicine will relieve symptoms of itching and scabies within one, maximum two days.

How to protect yourself?

As you can see, a bedbug bite is not such a disaster for a person. Symptoms can be very easily relieved using available means. It is much more difficult to protect yourself from new attacks by a bloodthirsty colony. To drive insects out of your apartment, you can go two ways:

  1. Invite a special service to your home that deals with pest control. It's expensive, but effective. Specialists spray the room with insecticides, treating every corner and even the smallest crack.
  2. Carry out full processing yourself. This cheap way, requiring maximum effort and time. You need to purchase insecticides from the store and spray your apartment with them according to the instructions.

Remember that medications for household use are sold in any form. The most effective and easy to use are concentrated emulsions. They are diluted with water in the required proportions and applied to surfaces using a spray bottle or brush. Chemicals are also produced in the form of aerosols and powders.

If you were bitten by bedbugs while on vacation...

The most terrible consequences of a bedbug bite are severe allergic reactions that cause There are many such cases in the history of medicine. In addition, close contact with insects sometimes provokes the development skin infections, causes nausea, fainting and hyperemia - overflow of capillaries in the bite area. Victims may complain of difficulty breathing, muscle spasms in the bronchi, and severe swelling. But these cases are usually isolated.

Basically, bedbug bites are no more dangerous than mosquito bites. Insects are not carriers dangerous infections, so they cannot infect you. The only trouble from such a neighborhood is an eternally itchy rash. In addition, people who are bitten by bedbugs at night do not sleep well. As a result, they have low labor productivity and, at the same time, increased nervousness and irritability. Sometimes the bite festers - in this case you should immediately consult a doctor.

The skin is highly sensitive and therefore reacts immediately to irritating factors. No matter where a person lives, he still encounters a neighborhood of bugs, insects and mosquitoes. In fact, it is not dangerous if you use protective equipment and sprays. But one bite can be harmful and lead to severe swelling and redness, blood poisoning and anaphylactic shock.

The reaction in the form of a change in color is caused not by a puncture of the skin, but by those substances that are injected through the proboscis into upper layer. In bites, two purposes can be distinguished: attack for the sake of protection and extraction of food in the form of blood.

The insect can attack in conditions wildlife when people go on vacation to the forest or to the river. But home bugs and fleas can almost always bite, it does not depend on the season or time. In order to choose a method, you need to determine the type of insect based on the bite parameters. They are often confused with burn marks from nettle or hogweed.

The bite leaves a red spot or mark, which must first be treated with an antiseptic and consult a doctor.

Dangerous bites

The greatest harm to humans comes from the venom of bees, hornets and wasps.. In most cases, hymenoptera defend their territory from an intruder, but since they attack by several individuals at once, the amount of poison has a strong effect on the body and causes serious disturbances and swelling. According to statistics, 4 times more people die from bee and wasp stings than from snakes and spiders.

Insect venom contains an active protein and components that are strong allergens and cause rejection. Most insects inject poison with a sting; ants bite with their jaws and can do this several times, unlike Hymenoptera, which leave their proboscis inside the wound and soon die. In most cases, blood-sucking insects also carry severe infections, which must be dealt with in the hospital.

Dangerous groups include:

Skin reaction

The consequences of an attack may vary. Most often these are red spots or dots (appear from a fly or mosquito bite), severe pain or itching, swelling. This place does not need to be scratched, because the infection spreads faster throughout the body; you also cannot squeeze out what is inside on your own and tear the top layer of skin.

Depending on the type of insect, poison can be different. The allergic effect manifests itself moderately or acutely. Signs light form are considered:

  1. Slight redness in the area of ​​the bite.
  2. The appearance of swelling and itching.
  3. Rash in the affected area.
  4. Increase in temperature at the point of injury.

The acute form is accompanied by the following symptoms:

If you have an allergic reaction, you should definitely consult a doctor, because treatment at home will not be effective. Sometimes after 10–15 minutes a person may experience anaphylactic shock.

Hymenoptera bites

They will practically not bite a person without provocation on his part. Most often this is self-defense. An attack by one insect will cause redness and possible swelling along with painful sensations. But from a group of insects An allergic reaction may develop and medical intervention will be needed to remove the poison from the body and neutralize the bite site.

Symptoms can vary, ranging from mild tingling and increased temperature at the site of the bite to nausea, asthmatic shortness of breath, redness and the appearance of scarlet spots throughout the body. Loss of coordination and signs of fever can also be attributed to this type of bite.

If a bee stings your arm or hand, you need to pull out the insect's sting and try to gently squeeze out the liquid from the wound. Be sure to wipe the affected area with brilliant green or iodine to kill bacteria. You can take a pill antihistamine or use anti-inflammatory drugs if you are not allergic to bees.

In addition to pharmacy treatment options, You can also use traditional methods.

If there are multiple lesions, you cannot self-medicate; you must consult a doctor.

Mosquito bites

Everyone has encountered this problem; it is relevant in summer and autumn. Insects attack to drink blood, leaving redness, swelling and itching at the site of the bite. In the worst case scenario, they can be carriers of serious infections and fevers. There are thousands of different types mosquitoes

One bite in a person with a weakened immune system can cause an allergic reaction and breathing complications. Pharmacies sell sprays and medications that repel insects by smell. You can purchase products that can relieve the symptoms of a bite without irritating the skin. Traditional methods used for bites:

Bites from domestic insects and spiders

Science knows more than 50 thousand bedbugs. Although the insect does not attack frequently, an attack once a week is sufficient for feeding. But insects live in huge colonies and reproduce, so every day they are capable of harming the human body and leaving bite marks on it.

Bed bugs attack at night, resulting in scabies, severe redness in the form of dots all over the body, and small swellings. In most cases, a bug bite is mistaken for an allergic reaction and they try to get rid of the problem with pills. But first you need to remove the insects that hide under baseboards, wallpaper and in mattresses. To do this, call a disinfection service or independently treat all surfaces with a special solution. Then you should definitely ventilate the room.

For spider bites it's best to call " ambulance" But before this, you need to thoroughly treat the site of the attack and slow down the spread of the poison under the skin. Symptoms depend on the type and concentration of the poison. The karakurt, hermit spider and black widow are considered dangerous. Although in our latitudes there are also other types of insects that can cause harm with poison.

After a bite, you need to immediately wash your body with water and soap so that infection from the wound does not harm the body even more. Do not rub the bite area. After this, to slow down the spread of the poison, you need to fix the limb with a splint. Above the bite site, you can pinch the skin or squeeze it with jute, but not too much, so as not to cause blueness.

Apply cold lotions to the bitten area clean water. You also need to drink liquid to remove the poison from the kidneys; paracetamol or aspirin is suitable to normalize the condition.

Prevention and protection

You can protect your skin using special sprays and creams. In addition, it is necessary to take into account daily activity and locations of insects. Clothing during walks should be light but thick to cover the skin. Tights or leggings fit well to the body and help protect against mosquitoes and ticks.

People with high level cholesterol, it is better to avoid walking in places where there may be mosquitoes; they can smell a pleasant smell a mile away and react quickly.

At home, you can protect yourself from insects using mosquito net on windows and doors. And also using a fumigator. If you run out of liquid, you need to buy eucalyptus extract and spray it.

Using repellents makes it possible to reduce the risk of bites several times and protects the body well from insects. The product can be applied both to the skin itself and to clothing materials. The effect lasts for several washes, and the smell is practically unnoticeable to humans. Mint, eucalyptus, lavender, cloves and verbena also repel mosquitoes; these oils can be used in aroma lamps.