How to salt lard? Delicious recipes for salting lard in brine at home. Recipe for making brine for salting lard

A hundred years ago simple people They knew that only lard would help them survive in cold and hungry times. It was prepared in huge quantities, stored in wooden chests, covered with salt and spices, knowing that it would not lose its taste even after many months. Today, housewives no longer make such large supplies, because there is no threat of hunger, and there is plenty of food in hypermarkets.

And yet, no store-bought product can compare with home-cured lard. Salted lard is incredibly tasty and healthy. It contains many useful microelements, it has a beneficial effect on potency, and gives women beautiful skin and hair. Eating lard has a beneficial effect on the condition of blood vessels and helps strengthen the immune system.

Therefore, in many families, lard always lies on the table in the place of honor. Below is a selection of recipes for salting lard different ways at home.

How to deliciously pickle lard at home - step-by-step photo recipe

Salting lard at home will allow you to save a lot. The presented recipe for salting lard is quite simple and unpretentious. The finished product is exceptionally tasty with a garlicky aroma. Fans will definitely appreciate this method of pickling. There are no strict guidelines regarding the quantity of products. The ideal proportion can be achieved through experimentation.

Cooking time: 15 minutes

Quantity: 1 serving


  • Lard: 1 kg
  • Salt: 200 g
  • Garlic: 1 head

Cooking instructions

How to pickle lard in brine

There are a few different methods salting lard, a novice housewife should experiment and decide which one is right for her family. You can start with salting in brine: thanks to this method, salting proceeds evenly, the product retains its juiciness and does not dry out.


  • Lard – 1 kg.
  • Water – 2.5 tbsp.
  • Bay leaf – 4-5 pcs.
  • Salt ½ tbsp.
  • Garlic – 0.5-1 head.
  • Black hot pepper.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. To salt lard using the proposed method, you need to take a glass container.
  2. Bring the water to a boil. Dissolve salt in it. Cool.
  3. Cut the lard into equal bars, the thickness of which should freely pass through the neck of the jar.
  4. Peel the garlic, rinse. Cut into large pieces.
  5. Stuff pieces of lard with garlic. Place in a container, quite loosely. Toss with bay leaves and sprinkle with pepper.
  6. Pour in brine. Cover with a lid, but not tightly. Keep in a cool place, but not in the refrigerator, for 2-3 days. Then put it in the refrigerator.
  7. After 3 days it can be considered ready, although some housewives keep the lard in brine for several more weeks.
  8. After this, the salted pieces need to be removed from the brine and dried with a paper towel. Rub with spices. Wrap using paper or foil. Store in the freezer. Take it out as needed.

Lard salted using this technology is perfectly stored without losing its taste for several months.

Glass containers are used for salting and dry method. For a large family, you can take three-liter jars; for a small company, it is best to pickle in liter jars. Repeat the process as needed.


  • The lard is fresh with streaks of meat.
  • Garlic – 1 head.
  • Red and black pepper (ground).
  • Bay leaf

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Wash the jar hot water with baking soda, rinse and dry.
  2. Cut the lard into bars of such a size that they fit freely through the neck of the jar.
  3. Peel the garlic, cut large cloves into 4 parts, small ones - in half. Break the bay leaf.
  4. Cut the pieces of lard and stuff them with garlic. Mix ground peppers with coarse salt and bay leaf. Rub each piece of lard well (on all sides) with this salty, aromatic mixture.
  5. Place in a jar and cover with the remaining salt. Lard has one peculiarity - it takes as much salt as it needs. The jar of lard must be covered, but not tightly.
  6. Leave in a cool place for 1-2 days and then put in the refrigerator.

Take as needed, carefully clean off the salt, cut and serve. Lightly salted or pickle, and a glass of some strong drink (for adults only).

Hot method of salting lard

The birthplace of this method of preparing lard is called either Serbia or Poland, and only Ukrainian housewives have no doubt that this is the work of their distant ancestors. It was they who made lard a national product, and they know better than anyone how to prepare it for future use.


  • “Pure” (without meat layers) lard – 1-1.5 kg.
  • Garlic – 1 head.
  • Salt ½ tbsp.
  • Bay leaf – 2-3 pcs.
  • Peppercorns – 10 pcs.
  • Allspice – 10 pcs.
  • Hot pepper (pod) – 1 pc.
  • Water – 1 l.
  • Seasoning for lard.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Lard for the hot salting method must be fresh, without meat layers. First you need to rinse it under running water and pat dry with paper towels.
  2. Share on cutting board, cut into identical bars (length ≈10 cm, width/height ≈ 5 cm).
  3. Next, everything is simple - prepare the brine: add spices, salt, Bay leaf. Bring a saucepan with brine to a boil, place pieces of lard in it. Boil for 10 minutes.
  4. Cool, put in the refrigerator for a day.
  5. Remove the pieces of lard from the brine. Prepare a garlic-spicy mixture, rub each piece with it.
  6. Wrap in cling film and put in the refrigerator again for a day. Then freeze slightly, and you can start tasting.

Lard salted in this way is very delicate in taste.

Recipe for salting lard with garlic and pepper

The easiest way to prepare lard is dry; it only requires spices, salt and garlic, and, of course, lard.


  • Lard – 300-500 gr.
  • Garlic – ½ head.
  • Salt – ¼ tbsp. (coarse grind).
  • Spices – 1 tsp.
  • Cumin – 1 tsp.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. The cooking process is almost primitive. Cut the lard into bars. Rinse and blot away excess moisture.
  2. Mix salt with spices and cumin. Peel the garlic, chop it, you can crush it. Add to salt.
  3. Rub each block of lard well with the aromatic, spicy mixture.
  4. Wrap in cling film and press down again.
  5. Leave in the kitchen for 6 hours. Place in the refrigerator.
  6. After 2 days, which are so difficult to endure, you can begin tasting delicious, aromatic, moderately salted lard!

How to pickle lard in onion skins

Many housewives, trying to find best way salting, we noticed one thing - onion peels, firstly, give the lard a special softness, and secondly, provide a very pleasant shade.


  • Lard – 1 kg.
  • Coarse salt – 1 tbsp.
  • Onion peel.
  • Garlic – 1-2 heads.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. First you need to boil the onion skins. Boil 1 liter of water, add husks and salt.
  2. Cut the lard into bars. Place in boiling brine and add chopped garlic. Boil for 20 minutes.
  3. Leave to cool for a day.
  4. Remove from brine and place in a cool place.

In salting lard, a lot depends on the quality of the original product, so it is important to be careful when purchasing. Good lard has a pure white color, sometimes with a pink tint. The skin is thin, without foreign odors.

When salting, it is best to cut a large piece into bars up to 10 cm long. This way, the salting process will be faster and more uniform. The main ingredients are salt and garlic, they are present in almost all recipes.

Many people do not limit themselves to compotes, pickles and jams. If you have a cellar at hand, why not roll up some meat? Yes and for everyday use, without long storage, it wouldn’t hurt to prepare the delicacy yourself. For example, pickle lard in a jar.

Most delicious recipe Every housewife, no doubt, has her own. Experienced chefs even managed to discover certain tricks of the process and modify “for themselves” already existing technologies. And for beginners, we will offer several ways to get delicious lard at home. And we’ll share all the secrets of salting it.

Recipe for success

To get tender and aromatic lard in brine in a jar, the recipe for which you have your eye on, you need to follow some rules. And the most important thing here is to choose the original product wisely. There are a few things you need to pay attention to when purchasing:

The only disagreement that arises in the jar is whether to wash it or not to wash it. A number of chefs believe that this is absolutely impossible to do: they say, the product is salted unevenly. They suggest scraping off all the debris with a knife. However, most cooks still prefer to wash the lard and then dry it with a towel. Who to join - decide for yourself.

Long-term reserves

If you are planning to prepare lard for the winter in jars, one of best recipes the next one is considered. The original product is cut into fairly large pieces (as long as they fit into the neck). The bottom of the jar is sprinkled with garlic slices, bay leaves and peppercorns. Lard is laid in rows, each layer is sprinkled similarly to the bottom. Per liter hot water a third of a kilo of salt dissolves. It won’t all disperse, some will settle to the bottom, but that’s how it should be. When the brine has cooled, it is poured into a jar. Make sure it seeps to the very bottom and fills all the voids. The sedimentary salt is pushed on top of the lard, after which the solution is poured to the top so that it begins to flow out. The lid is rolled up and into the cellar. This preparation can be stored for a long time, and you can start tasting it in just a couple of days.

Express recipe

What if you don’t have the time or desire to wait for the lard to ripen in the jar? The most delicious recipe for many is the one that gives immediate results. Then the original product should be cut a little smaller than for the previous option, and each piece should be generously and generously rubbed with a mixture of salt, lovingly selected spices and garlic. The slices are placed in a container, which is placed on a napkin - it covers the bottom of a small pan. The neck is covered, and the lard is sterilized for half an hour - as you do with winter preparations. Once it cools down, you can take it to the table.

Dry pickling

Many people like the classic salted lard in the bank. The most delicious recipe in this case is made without brine. Slicing the product is similar to the first method, the only clarification is that the pieces are no thinner than five centimeters. They roll well in salt. Only coarse kitchen grade is used; neither sea, nor extra, nor iodized are suitable. If desired, you can mix it with spices (cumin and marjoram would be good), and arrange pieces of lard with garlic slices.

So, the slices are rolled in coarse kitchen salt. It’s even theoretically impossible to over-salt lard, so don’t skimp on the salt. If you are afraid of overdoing it for the first time, take about four spoons for each kilogram of product. A layer of salt is also poured onto the bottom of the jar, then the slices are folded so that they are facing down with the skin. Salt again and the next row, now skin side up. When the entire jar is filled, it is sealed and spent the first day in the kitchen, in the warmth, and then moved to the cold.

Lard in brine

This is the name of a very strong saline solution. It is convenient to cook lard in brine in a jar. The recipe, however, allows for the use of an enamel pan, only in this case it is necessary to press down the future delicacy with pressure during salting.

The lard is cut and packed into cans. This time the styling should not be too tight. For aroma, it is sprinkled with ground pepper (black and red, or a mixture of five types), bay leaf, garlic and peppercorns. Brine is made: a glass of salt is boiled in a liter of water. The density of the resulting brine should be such that the egg does not sink in it. Spice lovers can add dill, marjoram and caraway seeds when boiling. The cooled brine is filtered and distributed into jars. The lids are ordinary, polyethylene. Salting lard in brine in a jar according to this recipe lasts from five days to a week - depending on how big the container you took and how coarsely you cut the main component. This lard has a delicate natural color and can be stored for about a year. True, if garlic is added, the period is noticeably reduced.

Lard in a water bath

Boiled lard is popular even among those who are not too fond of this product. However, the multi-stage process of cooking it turns many people away from such a treat. We suggest preparing lard boiled in a jar - the most delicious recipe also turns out to be the least labor-intensive. Although it will take quite some time. For two hundred kilos of lard, mix a third of a glass of salt, several finely broken bay leaves, a crushed head of garlic and a spoonful of black pepper. The slices are rubbed with this mixture and compacted into a jar. A napkin is placed in a deep pan, a jar is placed on it, water is poured in so that it is level with the lard. It would be nice to find a saucepan that could be covered with a lid while cooking. When the water starts to boil, turn the heat down to low and let the water bath run for 2-3 hours. The finished boiled delicacy is kept in the refrigerator after cooling.

Baked lard in a jar: the most delicious recipe

Baked dishes are loved by everyone who is not a principled vegetarian. Surely meat-eaters will also like the “oven” lard in a jar. The recipe is simple, and the result is amazing. It is advisable to only take lard with an abundant cut, peritoneum or cheek. It must be dried thoroughly, even if no moisture is visually detected. The cut slices should be as large as possible - small ones will turn out tasteless. Each piece is rolled in meat seasoning; its composition must necessarily include salt, since it is not separately involved in this recipe. Excess spices are shaken off, and the lard is placed in a dry jar. There is no need to compact it to the top: a space of three centimeters is left empty. The jar is placed in a cold oven, covered with a lid, and the oven is turned on to low to warm up.

After ten minutes the temperature is brought to 150-160 degrees. The product will bake from 50 minutes to an hour, after which we turn off the oven and delicious lard leave the jars to cool right in it.

A slice of salted lard, smeared with mustard and placed on a crust of black bread has always been and will be considered best snack to the feasts. This product will be one of delicious views slices, if the lard is properly salted. What the most delicious recipe for lard in brine will be for you is up to you to decide. Below are best options this dish, as well as useful tips on preparation.

How to salt lard in brine - a classic recipe in Ukrainian

The classic recipe for lard in brine belongs to Ukrainian cuisine and is used most often. It is the simplest, but at the same time very tasty option for preparing a snack. Salted lard is cut into thin slices for sandwiches, potatoes are fried with it, and served with borscht and soups.

Products for cooking:

  • 1.5 kg lard
  • 6 black peppercorns
  • 1 tbsp ground allspice
  • 2 tbsp coarse rock salt
  • 5-6 bay leaves
  • 6 large cloves of garlic
  • 1 liter of distilled water.

Salting lard in brine at home:

  1. Rinse the piece of product thoroughly under running water, then blot off excess liquid with paper towels. Cut into 3-5 pieces of approximately the same size. Clean the skin with a knife to remove any remaining lint.
  2. To prepare the brine, it is recommended to use enamel dishes. Pour water into it and dissolve the salt, add the rest of the spices and chopped garlic cloves.
  3. Dip the pieces of lard into the brine, spreading them evenly throughout the container. The liquid should completely cover the lard.
  4. You need to put pressure on the dish. To construct the load, you can cover the pieces of lard with a flat dish and place a bottle filled with water on top.
  5. Place the entire structure in a cool place and leave for three days. After the salting period has expired, the pieces of lard are removed from the container, dried with napkins, rubbed with ground pepper and garlic slices are inserted into small cuts.

The appetizer is ready to serve. It is best to store part of the product in the freezer, after wrapping it in foil.

Salting lard in Tuzluk brine

Tuzluk brine differs from all others in the minimum required ingredients.

To prepare take:

  • 1.5 kg lard
  • 7 bay leaves
  • head of garlic
  • 1 cup rock salt
  • 5-6 glasses of cold water
  • a bag of peppercorns (you will need 15-20 peas).

Step-by-step preparation steps:

  1. Pour water into enamel pan, add salt and put on fire. While the water is heating, stir occasionally so that the salt is well dissolved.
  2. Meanwhile, rinse the lard and cut it into small oblong pieces.
  3. Peel the garlic and chop into small cubes. It is important not to use this method using a garlic press - the juice will flow out faster and the result will not be the same. Thoroughly rub all the lard cubes with the garlic mixture.
  4. By this time the brine should already boil. As soon as it boils, it must be removed from the heat and allowed to brew under the lid. It can be used for pickling when the liquid has completely cooled.
  5. A three-liter bottle is suitable for pickling. Place the sticks in a container, but not tightly, so that there is space between them. small space. If the product is folded too tightly, it may fade slightly. The salso is laid in layers, between which bay leaf and peppercorns are sprinkled.
  6. Pour brine on top and cover loosely with a lid, or use a special lid with holes. Salting lasts a day, with room temperature. Afterwards, the cubes are removed from the jar, put into bags and stored in the refrigerator. If the volume of the prepared dish exceeds the amount that will be eaten in the next 3-4 days, it is better to place the excess in freezer- at sub-zero temperatures it can be stored for several weeks.

Note: smaller pieces are salted better and faster than large pieces.

Salo in Transcarpathian style

The dish prepared in Transcarpathian style is very tasty, spicy and rich in taste.

To prepare you will need:

  • 300-400 grams of lard
  • 2 medium onions
  • 1 medium carrot
  • small head of garlic
  • 300-400 ml water
  • 1 tbsp table vinegar
  • 1 tsp fine sugar
  • 1 tsp rock salt
  • 1-2 tsp ground black pepper
  • 3-4 bay leaves
  • 2-3 peas of allspice
  • 4-6 black peppercorns
  • 1 clove inflorescence.

Cooking method:

  1. Add all the spices, except ground pepper, to the water and put on fire.
  2. While the marinade is heating up, peel the carrots and cut into small cubes, also pour into the marinade. When the brine boils, add vinegar and turn off the heat.
  3. Rinse the salsa under running water, cut into oblong pieces and place in a separate bowl. It is better to use glass, enamel or clay dishes.
  4. Peel the onion, cut into rings and add to the lard.
  5. Peel the garlic, cut into slices and also add to the lard. Sprinkle ground pepper evenly on top and mix thoroughly.
  6. While the lard was being prepared for salting, the marinade should have cooled slightly. At this stage, lard and vegetables are poured into it and left at room temperature for 2-3 hours, then put the container in the refrigerator for another day.

The dish prepared in this way already has quite a lot of fans. Some housewives are experimenting with vinegar - instead of regular table vinegar, they use apple, rice or wine vinegar. For spiciness, you can add finely chopped chili pepper, but no more than 3-4 grams per the above amount of lard, so as not to “overdo it” with spiciness.

Recipe for salting lard in Belarusian style at home

Belarusian cuisine also contains salted lard. But the spices used are slightly different, and it is recommended to take the lard itself without layers or with a minimum amount of them. The salting method is also different - brine is not used in the process, salting is done using the dry method.

Ingredients for preparing the snack:

  • 1 kg lard
  • 1 tsp cumin
  • 4 tbsp coarse rock salt
  • ½ tsp fine granulated sugar
  • 3 bay leaves
  • 1 large head garlic.

How to salt lard in Belarusian:

  1. Rinse the piece of lard thoroughly with running water. Afterwards, thoroughly scrape the skin if it is not cleaned well enough, and rinse again. Dry with paper towels or allow excess liquid to drain in a colander.
  2. Divide the garlic into cloves and peel off the husks. One half needs to be crushed using a press, and the other half should be cut into layers.
  3. Mix salt and spices, add the crushed part of the garlic. Rub a piece of lard with this mixture.
  4. Finely break the bay leaf and mix with garlic slices. Roll the lard in this mixture on all sides and place in a glass bowl or enamel bowl. Cover the top with a lid. Place the container in a cool place, away from light, but not in the refrigerator yet. Salting lasts 5-6 days, and the piece must be turned over every day.
  5. After the expiration date, the container is placed for another week in refrigerator, turn the product over twice more within seven days.
  6. Wrap the finished snack in film or foil and place in the freezer for a day.

Serve the appetizer with black Borodino bread with borscht or mashed potatoes.

On a note. Salt and spices are removed only before serving the appetizer; the rest of the time it can be on the surface of the product.

In brine with smoked flavor

To prepare lard with the taste of smoked meats, it is better to choose a preparation with a good layer of meat. As a result, the snack will not only taste delicious, but also look beautiful on the table.


  • medium head of garlic
  • 5-6 glasses of water
  • peel from 10 or more bulbs
  • peppercorns
  • 4-5 laurel leaves
  • 1 kg of lard with a layer
  • ½ cup coarse salt.


  1. It is better not to use the upper layers of onion peel; prepare only the subsequent leaves.
  2. Take water into a saucepan, add spices, salt and husks. Put on fire.
  3. Rinse the main ingredient and cut into bars, then place in brine. When the liquid boils, reduce the heat and simmer for half an hour.
  4. Turn off the stove, cover with a lid and leave to steep for 8 hours.
  5. Remove the lard bars from the brine and allow the liquid to drain. You can dip with paper towels.
  6. Wrap the bars with cling film.

Onion peels give the appetizer a spicy, smoky flavor. It is recommended to store the snack in the freezer.

How to choose the right lard for salting?

The right piece of lard should have a thin, tender skin without bristles and the smell of smoke, and the pulp should not have a strong odor.

The most suitable part for salting is a cut from the back or sides of the carcass.

The shade of the product also deserves attention - it should be white or light pink.

It is important to pay attention to the smell - if there are unnatural aromas, it is probably no longer fresh and should not be taken under any circumstances.

Advice. To test a piece of lard, you need to pierce it with a match - if it goes in easily and softly, the snack will turn out excellent!

How to speed up the process of salting lard?

Sometimes a snack needs to be prepared as quickly as possible, and there is no time to wait several days.

  1. 6-10 hours before salting, soak the product in cold water. The dish will turn out soft and very juicy.
  2. Only large ones are suitable for pickling. rock salt.
  3. The smaller the pickling sticks are, the faster they will be salted and soaked in spices.
  4. If for some reason you don’t like small bars, you can simply cut the piece of lard deeper.
  5. Don’t be afraid to add more salt - the product will absorb as much as it can get into it, and the remainder will simply speed up the salting process. It’s simply impossible to over-salt a snack!

And one final piece of advice: in the light, the product becomes yellowish and spoils faster. store in a cool place away from light.

Anyone who has never tried lard has lost a lot. With any side dish, soup or just a piece of bread - in any form this product tastes amazing. It is easy to pickle it at home. There are so many recipes that even the most picky gourmet will be able to choose the right one. A few of the most popular are presented below.

How to pickle lard

There is more than one option for delicious salting of lard. This is done using the dry method, in onion peels or brine. The latter is considered the simplest and most accessible. A classic is salting lard in brine at home in Ukrainian. The traditional method includes the following steps:

  1. Take about 1.5 kg of bacon, cut it into large long pieces.
  2. Then keep them under pressure in brine for 3 days.
  3. Then all that remains is to take out the product, dry it and season it again with garlic.
  4. Store in the refrigerator.

How to choose

It is better to purchase the product on the market. It must be clean white or with a pinkish tint. If the piece is gray or yellow, it means it is no longer fresh. In addition to color, it is important to pay attention to the veins - there should be fewer of them. The fresh product has a soft thin skin and a sweetish smell. If you press on it with your finger, the dent should remain. These are the basic tips on how to choose the right lard for salting.

How long does it take to salt?

The specific time may depend on the preferences of the cook. There are two opinions:

  • One cold or hot salting lasts for 3-5 days, but no less.
  • Alternatively, it takes at least 3 weeks to kill all bacteria contained in the product.

How to marinate

It doesn’t matter whether you use a classic pickling recipe or, for example, a dry method, always use the following additives:

  • pepper mixture;
  • salt;
  • cloves;
  • sugar;
  • vinegar;
  • garlic;
  • Bay leaf.

Spices can be taken according to your taste - there are no strict restrictions regarding them. You should only be careful with fresh herbs, because they shorten the shelf life of the finished product, and mold may even appear. The best option– use dry herbs, cumin, dill seeds. It is recommended to boil the water-based marinade. You can pour it in immediately or after it has cooled.

Recipes at home

By salting lard at home with the addition of your favorite spices, you will get the most delicious and aromatic product. Be sure to try this, because the recipe is very simple. This appetizer can be served even to guests at a party. They will definitely appreciate the dish and even ask for your recipe. Offer them and try one of the ones below.

Hot salting

  • Preparation time: 3 days.
  • Number of servings: 3 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 790 kcal.
  • Cuisine: Ukrainian.
  • Difficulty: medium.


  • peppercorns – 8 pcs.;
  • garlic - a few cloves;
  • salt – 7 tbsp. l.;
  • water – 1 l;
  • lard – 0.8 kg;
  • bay leaf – 4 pcs.;
  • cloves – 2 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the lard into 3-4 pieces, wash them and dry them.
  2. Put water on fire, add salt, spices and chopped garlic. Bring to a boil and cook for a couple of minutes, pour into a salting container.
  3. Next, press the lard under the brine on top with a plate and let cool.
  4. Then place on the refrigerator shelf and leave for 3 days.
  5. After this, blot each piece with a paper napkin and dry it.

Cold salting

  • Preparation time: 5 days.
  • Number of servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 750 kcal.
  • Purpose: for lunch / for dinner / for festive table.
  • Cuisine: Ukrainian.
  • Difficulty: medium.

By classic recipe lard is marinated in cold brine in a jar, which is convenient for preparing for the winter. The appetizer turns out no less juicy and aromatic. On average, the entire process takes about 6 days, although it can take a little less, but not less than 3 days. This technology is also called the wet method. Spices with garlic are also traditional for it.


  • rock salt – 35 g;
  • garlic – 4 cloves;
  • fresh lard – 500 g;
  • dry mustard – 1 pinch;
  • bite 9% – 25 ml;
  • water – 400 ml;
  • khmeli-suneli - to taste;
  • pepper mixture - 1 tsp;
  • bay leaf – 4 pcs.;
  • peppercorns – 6 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. Season boiling water with salt, all the spices and bay leaves. Stir and cook until the salt dissolves. Next, pour in vinegar and add garlic cloves. Leave the marinade to cool.
  2. Wash the bacon, dry it, cut it into pieces measuring 5x4 cm, place them on the bottom of a sterilized jar.
  3. Then pour in the marinade, roll it under the lid, and keep it in dark place 5 days.

How to salt in a jar

  • Preparation time: 5 days.
  • Number of servings: 3 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 782 kcal.
  • Purpose: for lunch / dinner / holiday table.
  • Cuisine: Ukrainian.
  • Difficulty: medium.

This recipe falls into the “quick and easy” category. Here, the pickling process itself will take more time, while preparing the ingredients will take about an hour. How to salt lard in brine in a jar? A whole piece is cut into several small slices, placed in a jar and filled with brine - all that remains is to wait until the product is saturated with spices.


  • salt – 1 tbsp.;
  • garlic – 5 cloves;
  • spices - to your taste;
  • lard – 1 kg;
  • water – 5 tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Salt the water and boil for a couple of minutes.
  2. Divide the main ingredient into several small pieces, grate each with chopped garlic. Place the slices in 3- liter jar, pressing lightly. Add the remaining garlic.
  3. Next, pour the now cooled marinade into the jar. Throw a towel on top and leave it where it is darker for 4-6 days.
  4. After this time, freeze the pieces using the freezer.

Try other methods too.

With garlic

  • Preparation time: 6 days.
  • Number of servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 732 kcal.
  • Purpose: for lunch / dinner / holiday table.
  • Cuisine: Ukrainian.
  • Difficulty: medium.

In almost all country-style recipes, spices and garlic are used for pickling. These products perfectly highlight the taste and even make it more pronounced, and previously in the villages, salting lard in brine with garlic was carried out in large barrels or boxes. There is a simpler option on how to prepare such a delicacy. It will help you with this step by step recipe with photo.


  • black pepper - to taste;
  • garlic – 5-6 cloves;
  • lard – 1 kg;
  • salt - also to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the main product, let it dry, and then cut it into smaller portions (with skin).
  2. Cut each clove of garlic into 4 parts. Stuff them with lard. Next, rub it with a mixture of salt and pepper.
  3. Place the prepared pieces into a bag. Sprinkle with more salt and transfer to a saucepan or bowl.
  4. Leave for 24 hours at room temperature and another 5 days on the refrigerator shelf.

Ukrainian tuzluk is very tasty

  • Preparation time: 7 days.
  • Number of servings: 7 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 812 kcal.
  • Purpose: for lunch / dinner / holiday table.
  • Cuisine: Ukrainian.
  • Difficulty: medium.

This method has one undeniable advantage: the finished delicacy has a longer shelf life, and yellow spots do not appear on it. Taste qualities also change slightly, salt is a preservative. For this recipe, it is better to take a piece with streaks of meat. It is believed that brine makes lard more tasty.


  • water – 5 tbsp.;
  • peppercorns – 5-6 pcs.;
  • bay leaf – 3-5 pcs.;
  • garlic – 5-8 cloves;
  • sea ​​salt – 1 tbsp.;
  • lard – 2 kg.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil a mixture of water and salt and leave until cool.
  2. Cut the product into medium slices, place them loosely on the bottom of a 3-liter jar, adding pepper, garlic and bay leaf between the layers.
  3. Pour the cooled marinade over everything.
  4. Leave for a week at room temperature, covered.

In Ukrainian

  • Preparation time: 3 days.
  • Number of servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 820 kcal.
  • Purpose: for lunch / dinner / holiday table.
  • Cuisine: Ukrainian.
  • Difficulty: medium.

This recipe is a classic. There are many variations of it. It is a masterpiece Ukrainian cuisine, although now it has become the property of other nations: the Czech Republic, Romania, Poland, Hungary, Russia - these and other countries use pork lard as a traditional snack. There are even secrets, knowing which, it is easy to prepare a truly real culinary miracle.


  • water – 1 l;
  • allspice peas – 8 pcs.;
  • bay leaf – 3 pcs.;
  • coarse table salt - to taste;
  • lard with skin – 1 kg;
  • salt - as much as needed;
  • cloves – 3 inflorescences;
  • garlic – 3 cloves.

Cooking method:

  1. First rinse the main product, then let it dry, cut into medium pieces 5x8 cm.
  2. Place them in a clean jar, add the garlic halves there, and add the spices.
  3. Add enough salt to the water so that it can float to the top. a raw egg. Next, boil, cook for 3 minutes, cool and pour into a jar.
  4. Cover with a lid, place in a cool place, and after a day move it to the refrigerator shelf. Leave for another 2 days.

Under pressure

  • Preparation time: 3 days.
  • Number of servings: 3 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 786 kcal.
  • Purpose: for lunch / dinner / holiday table.
  • Cuisine: Ukrainian.
  • Difficulty: medium.

According to one of the dry salting methods, you need to keep the lard under pressure for several days. You will be able to try a piece in three days. The method itself is much simpler, because you do not need to cook the marinade. Instead of oppression, you can use a liter jar of water or a heavy stone, stored in advance for such a case. Try this one quick recipe, and how to prepare the snack itself, follow the instructions with photos.


  • coarse salt - to taste;
  • allspice – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • crushed garlic - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • pork lard – 1 kg.

Cooking method:

  1. Rub the lard cut into pieces with salt, then pepper and garlic. Place the slices in a bowl for salting.
  2. Cover with a plate or plastic cover so that there is not a very large gap left.
  3. Press with pressure, keep at room temperature for 2 days, and then keep on the refrigerator shelf for another couple of days.

There are many methods for preparing marinade. A correctly selected composition allows the product to be better soaked, which is why the taste and aroma of the delicacy become pronounced. You can use onion brine: for this, the product is first boiled, and the brine consists of the same water, salt and pepper, paprika and peels with 1 kg of onion. When cooking, you can add not only garlic and spices, but also other vegetables, sugar and even berries. Herbs include cumin, coriander, and dried basil.


The price of salted and fresh lard has a huge difference, and it is many times higher than the cost of a pack of salt.

Yes, yes, after all, salt is the main ingredient, and spices are a matter of taste, and in any kitchen they will always be found.

Let's save money and salt the lard ourselves!

It’s so simple and there are so many wonderful recipes!

Salting lard at home - general principles

The taste and quality of salted lard directly depend on the product. It is better not to use lard that is too thick or too thin. But layers and pieces of meat are welcome! They make it not only beautiful, but also incredibly tasty.

What methods of pickling exist:

In brine;


The fastest way is to cook bacon. And after an hour you can eat it, but often leave it in the broth until it cools completely. Cold wet and dry pickling requires an average of 4-5 days. But the smaller and thinner the pieces, the faster.

Only coarse salt is suitable. You can use sea water. The most common spices used in lard are pepper, cumin, and bay leaves. And, of course, garlic. Ready bacon can be stored in the refrigerator or freezer, and so that it does not lose its taste and aroma, it must be sealed. It’s better to take one piece at a time to make it easier to use and get the right amount at once.

Recipe 1: How to salt lard at home using the dry method

A simple way to salt lard at home. Doesn't require much time, much less attention. Before use, you only need to scrape off the layer of salt with a knife. Can be washed and dried.


About a kilogram of lard;

Black pepper;

1 kg salt.

You can use any seasonings or special mixtures spices for pickling.


1. Prepare lard. We clean the skin, wash it, and wipe it dry. Cut into equal pieces. The size does not matter; you can salt it in one layer. But it’s more convenient to immediately cut into rectangles “at a time.”

2. Mix coarse salt with pepper and other spices, roll in pieces of lard on all sides, including the skin.

3. Pour a layer of salt about half a centimeter onto the bottom of the pan.

4. Lay out the pieces of lard, not very tightly to each other, leaving small gaps. Sprinkle with salt and spices, you can add a couple of laurel leaves.

5. Spread the second layer of lard, sprinkle the remaining salt on top, cover and keep warm for a day. Then we put it in the refrigerator for another 5 days. Possible in nice basement.

6. Ready lard is well preserved in a cold place. But you can seal it tightly and put it in the freezer, thereby extending the shelf life several times.

Recipe 2: How to salt lard at home in brine (brine)

A quick and easy way that many housewives salt lard at home. It is advisable to take for brine sea ​​salt, but you can also use regular coarse grinding. This recipe makes lard with layers especially tasty.


800 grams of water;

A kilogram of lard;

1 cup sea or regular salt;

3 cloves of garlic;

2 laurel leaves;

Peppercorns and other seasonings are also possible.


1. Cut the washed and dried lard into pieces of 4-5 centimeters.

2. Dissolve the salt and mix vigorously. There should be no grains left. Throw in spices and chopped garlic cloves.

3. Place pieces of lard in a jar and fill with brine. We keep it in the refrigerator for a day and you can take the first sample. If the pieces are cut larger, you will have to wait longer.

Recipe 3: How to salt lard at home with garlic and pepper

Lard is salted at home in different ways, but most often the product is generously flavored with pepper and garlic, as they perfectly highlight its taste. In villages, they use boxes and barrels for cooking, but we will make it simpler.


Black pepper.


1. Cut the lard into arbitrary pieces, first wash it and dry it with towels.

2. Peel the garlic. Any quantity. Cut the cloves lengthwise into four pieces.

3. Make slits in the lard with a knife and stuff with garlic.

4. Mix salt with black pepper and rub the pieces. We don't skimp on the salt.

5. Place the stuffed pieces into a bag and sprinkle more salt on top, let there be more.

6. Now put the bag in a bowl or pan, keep it warm for one day, and then another five in the refrigerator. That's all!

Recipe 4: How to salt lard at home with onion skins

A method of hot salting of lard, which not only allows you to quickly obtain a product, but also makes it very beautiful. And if you add liquid smoke, you get a fairy tale. We take the husk from onions.


Lard 1.5 kg;

Salt 7 tablespoons;

Water liter;

2 handfuls of husks;

Garlic and pepper.


1. The husks need to be washed, put in a saucepan, add heat and put on the stove. Use an old saucepan as it will stain the inside.

2. Cut the lard into pieces with a side of 5 cm, the length can be made longer.

3. Throw salt into the pan. And as soon as the broth boils for a minute, add pieces of lard. You can pour in 3 tablespoons of liquid smoke. Cook for 15-20 minutes. The thicker it is, the more time.

4. Remove from heat and leave for 12 hours.

5. Take out the pieces, rub with chopped garlic and pepper. You can use red, black or a mixture.

6. Wrap each piece in cling film or foil and put it in the freezer. But you can eat it right away, it just sits well in the chamber for several months and doesn’t lose its taste at all.

Recipe 5: How to salt lard at home with hot brine

This recipe makes very tasty brisket, which contains a large number of layers of meat. It takes about four days to prepare, then the lard is stored in the freezer.


0.8 kg of lard;

7 tablespoons of salt;

Liter of water;

5 peppercorns;

2 cloves;

A little garlic.

To grate the pieces you will need pepper, garlic, horseradish and any seasonings. We select at our discretion. But you don’t have to rub anything at all.


1. Cut the lard into 3-4 pieces. Wash and dry.

2. Cook the brine with the spices listed in the recipe. You can remove or add something. We make it to your taste, but do not change the amount of salt. Let the brine simmer for two minutes.

3. Pour boiling water over the lard, place a plate on top so that it does not float, and leave until completely cooled at room temperature.

4. Then put it in the refrigerator for three days. To prevent the aroma from spreading to other foods, you can cover it with a lid or cover it with cling film.

5. Take out the pieces and wipe off the brine with paper napkins. You can simply dry it on the table, laying it out on paper.

6. Then rub with chopped garlic and spices, wrap in foil and store in the freezer.

Recipe 6: How to salt lard at home for smoking

Smoked lard is incredibly tasty. But before the procedure, it is very important to prepare the product correctly, namely salt.


1.5 kg of lard;

200 grams of salt;

2 laurel leaves;

Ground pepper;

3 cloves of garlic;

1 tsp. dry mustard.


1. Count the garlic and cut into pieces.

2. Rub the lard with salt and pepper and transfer to a container. Cover with garlic cloves and sprinkle all the salt on top.

3. Throw in a bay leaf and add mustard.

4. Pour boiling water over it. The water should barely cover the bacon.

5. Leave until cool, then put in the refrigerator for three days. Lard salted according to this recipe can not only be smoked, but also eaten salted.

Recipe 7: How to salt lard at home with sugar

This is a Belarusian recipe according to which you can salt absolutely any bacon. The pieces are delicious with or without layers.


3 tablespoons of salt;

0.7 kg of lard;

0.5 spoons of cumin seeds;

1 spoon of sugar;

0.5 tsp. cardamom;

1 laurel leaf;

head of garlic

Pepper to taste.


1. Pass the peeled garlic cloves through a press.

2. Wash the pieces of bacon and cut into long, but not wide, cubes. It is enough to leave a width of 2-3 centimeters.

3. Rub the pieces with chopped garlic.

4. Combine all the spices together, add a bay leaf, which needs to be finely broken.

5. After garlic, wipe the pieces with the prepared seasoning, transfer to a glass container and put in a cool place.

6. Turn the pieces over to the other side every day. Just 4 times so that the bars lie on each side and on the fifth day you can take a sample!

Don't be afraid to over-salt the lard! This is a unique product that absorbs only the right amount of salt. And excess spices from the surface of the pieces can always be cleaned or washed off.

For dry salting, it is better not to use the peritoneum. It turns out tough, the snack will be difficult to chew. The peritoneum is better friends with brines and cooking. For dry recipes, the sides and back of the carcass are ideal.

It is better to rub lard that is already prepared and intended for consumption with garlic. During storage and especially freezing, the aroma is lost and the taste becomes less pronounced.

To make the lard more tender, you can soak the pieces in water for 10-12 hours before salting. You can add a couple of spoons of sugar to the water, it will only make the product taste better.

To cut lard beautifully, neatly and thinly, you need to keep it in the freezer. It will not harden completely and will give in easily to a knife.

The meat layers of the prepared lard become darker. If they remain pink, then you need to wait some more. If there is not enough salt on the pieces, you can always add more. But it is better to immediately make the brine concentrated.