Itchy fingers are a folk sign. Why is your right hand itching? Signs and superstitions. Left hand itches

We have completely stopped listening to the signs and omens that our ancestors conveyed to us. And we only know what itchy palms mean, but we have completely forgotten why our fingers and toes itch. Every finger that itches, no matter whether it’s left or right, on a leg or on an arm, portends various events that are absolutely unrelated to each other.

Further in the article we will look at folk signs, doctors’ recommendations, and whether it is possible to avoid bad consequences by following folk signs. It is important to note that the ancient sages believed: the closer to the tip of the finger it itches, the more likely the prediction of folk signs.

Signs for the left hand

As you know, if it itches left palm, then this means money, but why are the fingers on your left hand itching? It has long been believed that left hand has a connection with the heart, so all interpretations of signs are related to personal life. That's probably why in Western countries It is customary to wear wedding rings on the left hand. It is important to note that the ancient sages believed that if you feel an itching sensation closer to your fingertips, the more likely it is that the folk sign will come true. So, what does scratching your fingers portend?

  1. If your left thumb itches, take a closer look at your surroundings. They are in love with you, but are shy, so they are afraid to admit it.
  2. The index indicates something alarming, most likely you did incorrect choice your soulmate. Your chosen one may betray you. Men have a different interpretation - for them it may be a harbinger of a disease.
  3. Medium - indicates that your significant other is doubting some decision related to you. If there are children, the prediction changes and means that you will soon have to worry about them.
  4. Nameless is a harbinger of positive changes in life. If you are not yet married (not married), then soon you will be given a long-awaited proposal (you will decide to propose to your beloved). Those who are already married can expect a new addition to the family.
  5. The little finger foretells a chance meeting that will bring a lot of pleasure and happiness and will certainly develop into flirting, and if you make an effort, you can start a serious relationship that will be filled with love and positive emotions.

Signs for the right hand

So, the affairs of the heart are over, the time has come to deal with the development of life and its direction, since this is what is responsible for right hand, according to the ancient sages. And, if on the left hand the probability of execution of signs was determined by the fingertips, then on the right hand the situation is completely different. Thus, if the fingers on the right hand itch closer to the base, then the likelihood of the omen being fulfilled increases. So why do the fingers on your right hand itch?

  1. Is your thumb itchy? This means that soon all housing issues will be resolved. Whether it's a sale or an acquisition real estate, but be especially careful when filling out documents, otherwise there is a high probability of running into scammers.
  2. The index finger indicates work problems. Think about it, maybe it’s time to change your line of work, and perhaps new job will give great prospects and rapid career growth.
  3. The middle finger shows that someone around you is not confident in acceptance important decision, which does not allow one to reach the top at the present time.
  4. If the ring finger on the right hand itches, this may indicate cheating on your significant other; he or she doubts the correctness of his choice. Here it should be clarified that if itching appears under wedding ring, then, most likely, the skin in that place does not have enough air. But, you can remove the ring for a while and if the itching recurs (or does not go away), then be careful and take a closer look at your significant other.
  5. The little finger foreshadows an unexpected surprise, a gift that you will receive in the near future and perhaps not from loved ones.

Signs for the right leg

Feet are not associated with any specific stage of life, but have interesting interpretations. Let's figure out what itching indicates:

  • on the thumb means changes in the weather for the worse (it may rain or there will be a strong wind);
  • the index finger foreshadows problems on the upcoming trip, so before the road, check the technical condition of your car; if you are not traveling in your own vehicle, be prepared for inconvenience;
  • on average - soon you will be offered a long trip or trip, which may also be for work;
  • on the nameless one - you will soon spend a large amount of money, but the acquisition will not justify the desired results;
  • on the little finger - unexpected guests may visit: if you have children, they may get sick.

Signs for the left leg

It is generally accepted that if any place on the foot or anywhere else on the left leg itches, then soon you will have to go through quite a bit. But this doesn’t mean anything bad at all, perhaps pleasant walks or something like that awaits you. For women, the signs are more extensive:

  • if your big toe itches, then you are surrounded by gossip and possible slander, or a man close to you is plotting something against you;
  • nameless says it's time to consider offers to move to another city, it will bring you great success in all aspects of life;
  • medium - it’s time to pay more attention to work so as not to make a mistake that could deprive everyone of their prospects;
  • index - a pleasant, unexpected walk awaits you, perhaps even a sea one;
  • the little finger says that it is time to go to the doctor, since diseases of the genitourinary systems are likely.

A look at itching from a medical point of view

Medicine, as always, remains subjective and precise, so itching is seen only as a medical problem. So what does itchy fingers and toes mean, according to doctors?

  1. Firstly, this may be the first indicator of thermal irritation. Fingers are an important part of a person's sense of touch. Therefore, at the slightest impact, the limbs react and signal to the spinal cord and brain, which transmit the signal to the person as an itch (in this case).
  2. You may have mechanical or chemical damage to the epidermis.
  3. Maybe you have suffered a lot of stress (an indicator of a psychosomatic factor). The connection between itching and stress is not explained, but the fact that it exists has been proven by experts.
  4. Allergic reaction. Or reactions to drugs used medications or low-quality (inappropriate) cosmetic products.
  5. Diabetes mellitus can also manifest itself in the form of itching.
  6. First of all, this may indicate improper hygiene. This is especially true if itching occurs between the fingers.

Live healthy! Three tests for those who have itchy hands. (03/31/2016)

Why do my fingers itch? Causes of itchy fingers?

How to quickly and easily get rid of itching between your toes

Remember that signs may not come true, but you should know what you need to be prepared for. Familiarized means armed. Take care of your hygiene and be careful, check with a doctor if the itching persists. As a rule, this is the first sign that scratching is not a sign, but a disease.

Folk signs are mysterious. There is almost never any logic in them. Sometimes they are confusing and contradictory. But people still trust them to this day. And even among skeptics there will be someone who occasionally still believes in superstition and omens. So why do your hands and fingers itch?

The right side of the body is considered honest, truthful, associated with positive events and goodness. By Christian traditions, behind the right side of a person there is an angel who warns him against mistakes and pushes his ward to right decisions. The Church does not support omens in any way and says that you should not believe them.

The most predictable sign sounds like this: “If your right hand itches, then soon you will say hello.” This sign does not raise any questions for anyone, because almost everyone, when meeting, extends their right hand to greet. But it's not that simple. In order for the sign to be fully understood, it is worth clarifying the place and day of the week when it happened.

  1. If the thumb of your right hand itches, then you should expect big luck. You can safely schedule important meetings and serious negotiations, or buy lottery tickets. Fortune is on your side during this period. In order for everything to go according to plan, you just need to act with complete confidence that success will definitely be achieved.
  2. If it itches forefinger, then excellent achievements in your studies or career await you. These events will take place in the near future.
  3. Itchy middle finger is a good sign. It foretells material wealth.
  4. The ring finger also promises you a speedy material well-being.
  5. Why does the little finger on my right hand itch? But this finger, no matter how sad it may sound, foreshadows big troubles that will soon disappear.

Interpretations by day of the week

It is important to know what day of the week your itching began:

Itching site

The location of the itch plays a very important role:

Left hand itches

They say that behind the left shoulder there is a devil who pushes each of us to do bad things and predicts nasty things. You shouldn’t be fooled by his teasing and be afraid of signs, but it won’t hurt to notice them. The left hand tells about big life changes. Most likely, you will not have the easiest period. But if you still emerge as a winner, you can count on good encouragement.

If your fingers are itchy

In addition to the palm, your fingers may itch. Each of them also has a specific meaning:

Various parts of the body may itch:

If before important negotiations a man’s left hand begins to itch, then the meeting will be successful. Fortune will smile on him. But for a girl who is not yet married, the pen promises a meeting with her beloved and a further engagement with him.

This question interests many. There are a lot of ambiguous answers to this. Some argue that the left hand is itching for money, and the right hand is itching for acquaintance. And foreign Feng Shui talks about the circulation of money - the left hand spends money, and the right hand receives it. This rule is only valid for males. For women, it should be interpreted exactly the opposite. But any hand portends you material profit if you follow some rituals:

  1. In order for money to understand where it needs to move, you should scratch your hand from your fingertips to your wrist.
  2. You need to squeeze the bill in your hand and put your fist under your arm.
  3. You need to scratch your palm on a tree, any red object, or on a pocket.
  4. Tap it on the crown.
  5. Kiss the top of the hand clenched into a fist.

So why is it itching? left wrist or a brush? This sign means that someone intends to control you or openly subjugate you. To do this, a person will use various levers of influence, starting with playing on a sense of duty or guilt and ending with open threats.

But the right side foreshadows important positive life changes for you.

Everyone has heard more than once about those who like to fight, the expression “itchy fists.” These unpleasant feelings are a signal that a person has accumulated a lot of aggression that wants to come out. And it follows in as soon as possible release. There is no need to delay this event. Otherwise, this can lead to undesirable consequences: at the most unnecessary moment: you can lash out at people important to you and upset them. Try to throw out your anger using a home rug or pillow. You can go to the boxing gym.

How to scare away bad predictions

We have already talked about what to do to avoid financial losses. But what about other signs?

  1. Any bad sign, which is connected to the hands, will help remove the gold ring. All you have to do is put it on your itchy hand.
  2. If your left hand itches to leave, then you need to go to the window and blow on your open palm. After this, say the following phrase three times: “Have an easy road.” This will make the road easier loved one and will bring the meeting closer.
  3. If you are afraid of illness after your armpit area itches, then buy yourself something new. It has long been believed that such a sign can turn into both evil and good. If you have time, you yourself will be able to turn it in the required direction.

Tip or base of finger

If suddenly there is an itch at the base of your finger, then you are waiting for a meeting with a person whom you know very well and have certain feelings for him.

But if the tip of your finger is itchy, then you should expect to meet someone interesting. Most likely, you will have a best friend with whom you will have a lot in common.

Experts' opinion

In addition to signs, itching can be caused various diseases and psychological problems.

Pay attention to where exactly your hand itches and how long the itching lasts. Perhaps you should turn to specialists, and not to signs.

Attention, TODAY only!

Each part of the human body not only has many functions and purposes, but there are also a large number of signs associated with them. In particular, there are 5 fingers on the human hand, itching in each of them can mean completely different things. So, why your fingers itch is a sign for each of them.

Why your finger itches - a sign: possible causes

Surprisingly, in our high-tech and progressive modern world There are still enough people who continue to believe in signs invented many centuries ago. Why is this happening? The answer is very simple - signs very often come true, so many people, with their help, try to lift the secret veil of the near future and peek at what awaits them soon?

Naturally, itching in the fingers can be caused not by an omen at all, but by some problems with skin. If itching is a short-term phenomenon, then you can get rid of it very simply - wet your hands under the pressure of cool water and wrap them in a cold wet towel.

If the itching does not go away for a long time, you need to carefully examine not only your fingers, but also your palm. If no problems or damage to the skin, such as the presence of all kinds of ulcers, spots, redness, were detected, then most likely the cause of the itching was caused by stress, in other words, by nervous soil.

Often the reason why it can occur on the fingers is eczema, contrast dermatitis or scabies mites that affect the skin between the fingers. Scabies is transmitted by shaking hands, that is by everyday means. Dermatitis may appear after contact with various chemicals, having an aggressive base, cosmetics, household chemicals and so on. Therefore, if you are affected by this problem, you need to pay attention to the food and medications that are in your home; it is quite possible that the cause of the itching is an allergic reaction.

Why your finger itches - a sign: we examine each finger separately

We do many things with our hands: work, love relationship, hobby - fingers take part in everything. Our ancestors believed that fingers could also sense what they needed to do. Maybe this is where the phrase “my hands itch” came from?

Most often, signs define different predictions for the left and right sides of the body. At the same time right side, according to tradition, is considered to be lucky, although there are very often positive predictions on the left.

So, let's figure out which fingers on our hands are telling us - positive or negative?

Thumb itches

Right hand: expect big luck! You can start important matters, schedule serious negotiations and purchase tickets for the lottery, because during this period fortune will definitely smile on you. For everything to go well, you just need to follow one simple condition: you should act with complete confidence that unambiguous success awaits you.

Left hand: Most likely, you will soon receive some kind of monetary reward or gift, and young ladies can count on a gold ring on their hand.


Right: good achievements in your career and studies await you. For example, you will be able to close a difficult session without any problems, achieve career growth, and you will have the opportunity to receive a lucrative order, and this will happen quite soon.

Left: Success will come, but you will have to work hard for it. Success itself will have to wait quite a long time. You will lead, people will follow you, but at the same time, envious people will appear who will try in every possible way to spoil your reputation.


As for the middle finger, everything is very clear here. On both hands it foretells material well-being, so this good sign.

Ring finger itches

Right: Like the middle finger, the ring finger can also itch for big income.

Left: Itching on this finger indicates expenses, but they are not necessarily unpleasant. Sometimes the ring finger on your left hand can hint at a trip on which you will go in great company and spend it on the spot very cool and fun. Such expenses cannot be called unpleasant.

if you Lately someone is annoying - no need to worry, he will soon disappear. For single young girls and boys, itching in this finger can promise a romantic acquaintance, which can later easily lead to marriage. That is, the finger thus shows its excitement about the upcoming fitting of a wedding ring!

Little finger itches

Right: expect a lot of troubles in the near future, but no need to worry, they will disappear very soon.

Left: in the case of this finger the situation is worse: failures will haunt the person quite long time.

But you may be lucky if the little finger sign falls on Wednesday or Friday, in which case purely positive news awaits you.

The base or tip of your finger is itchy

There are also signs aimed at the exact place where the itching appeared on the finger - the tip or base.

  • If your finger is itchy at the tip, you can expect the opportunity to meet someone new and exciting, most likely you will have good friend, with whom there will be a lot of common interests.
  • If itching suddenly appears at the base, next to the palm, you are expecting a meeting with a person with whom you know well and have feelings for him.

Why does your finger itch - a sign: what do doctors say?

In addition to signs, itching on the fingers can be caused by other reasons, from dermatological diseases to psychological problems.

1. Dermatological diseases are the most common reason ass in fingers. If you notice even slight redness or a rash accompanied by discomfort, then it’s time to visit a dermatologist. The most common skin diseases are neurodermatitis, urticaria, scabies, and so on.

2. Allergy - and it can be either food or caused by any external irritant (cosmetics, household chemicals And so on).

3. External effects - there are several types of effects on the skin of the hands negative impact– mechanics, chemistry and temperature. This problem is relevant if a person has dry and sensitive skin and it is called “contact dermatitis”.

4. Disturbances in the body. Since in human body everything is interconnected, the problem of itching on the fingers may not be associated with the skin at all, but with problems with the internal organs. These may be disturbances in the functioning of certain organs, for example, the kidneys, liver, thyroid gland or gastrointestinal tract.

5. Stress. U too emotional people All sorts of neurotic movements are often observed that are caused by false sensations, and itching in the fingers may be one of them.

6. Medicines. Almost all medications from the pharmacy that a person takes have side effects. They may be the cause of itching on the fingers.

If you want to know some details from your near future, all you need to do is determine what exactly this or that finger on your hand promises you, and perhaps your life will change dramatically very soon!

Each part of the human body not only has many functions and purposes, but there are also a large number of signs associated with them. In particular, there are 5 fingers on the human hand, itching in each of them can mean completely different things. So, why your fingers itch is a sign for each of them.

Why your finger itches - a sign: possible causes

Surprisingly, in our high-tech and progressive modern world there are still enough people who continue to believe in signs invented many centuries ago. Why is this happening? The answer is very simple - signs very often come true, so many people, with their help, try to lift the secret veil of the near future and peek at what awaits them soon?

Naturally, itching in the fingers can be caused not by an omen at all, but by some problems with the skin. If the itching is a short-term phenomenon, then you can get rid of it very simply - wet your hands under the pressure of cool water and wrap them in a cold wet towel.

If the itching does not go away for a long time, you need to carefully examine not only your fingers, but also your palm. If any problems or damage to the skin, such as the presence of all kinds of ulcers, spots, redness, were not detected, then most likely the cause of the itching was caused by stress, in other words, due to nervousness.

Often the reason why it can occur on the fingers is eczema, contrast dermatitis or scabies mites that affect the skin between the fingers. Scabies is transmitted through a handshake, that is, through everyday contact. Dermatitis can appear after contact with various aggressive chemicals, cosmetics, household chemicals, and so on. Therefore, if you are affected by this problem, you need to pay attention to the food and medications that are in your home; it is quite possible that the cause of the itching is an allergic reaction.

Why your finger itches - a sign: we examine each finger separately

We do many things with our hands: work, love relationships, hobbies - fingers take part in everything. Our ancestors believed that fingers could also sense what they needed to do. Maybe this is where the phrase “my hands itch” came from?

Most often, signs define different predictions for the left and right sides of the body. At the same time, the right side, according to tradition, is considered to be lucky, although there are very often positive predictions on the left.

So, let's figure out which fingers on our hands are telling us - positive or negative?

Thumb itches

Right hand: expect big luck! You can start important matters, schedule serious negotiations and purchase tickets for the lottery, because during this period fortune will definitely smile on you. For everything to go well, you just need to follow one simple condition: you should act with complete confidence that unambiguous success awaits you.

Left hand: Most likely, you will soon receive some kind of monetary reward or gift, and young ladies can count on a gold ring on their hand.


Right: good achievements in your career and studies await you. For example, you will be able to close a difficult session without any problems, achieve career growth, and you will have the opportunity to receive a lucrative order, and this will happen quite soon.

Left: Success will come, but you will have to work hard for it. Success itself will have to wait quite a long time. You will lead, people will follow you, but at the same time, envious people will appear who will try in every possible way to spoil your reputation.


As for the middle finger, everything is very clear here. On both hands it foretells material well-being, so this is a good sign.

Ring finger itches

Right: Like the middle finger, the ring finger can also itch for big income.

Left: Itching on this finger indicates expenses, but they are not necessarily unpleasant. Sometimes the ring finger on your left hand can hint at a trip on which you will go in great company and spend it on the spot very cool and fun. Such expenses cannot be called unpleasant.

If someone has been bothering you lately, there is no need to worry, they will soon disappear. For single young girls and boys, itching in this finger can promise a romantic acquaintance, which can later easily lead to marriage. That is, the finger thus shows its excitement about the upcoming fitting of a wedding ring!

Little finger itches

Right: expect a lot of troubles in the near future, but no need to worry, they will disappear very soon.

Left: in the case of this finger the situation is worse: failures will haunt the person for quite a long time.

But you may be lucky if the little finger sign falls on Wednesday or Friday, in which case purely positive news awaits you.

The base or tip of your finger is itchy

There are also signs aimed at where exactly the itching appeared on the finger - the tip or base.

  • If your finger is itchy at the tip, you can expect the opportunity to meet someone new and exciting; most likely, you will make a good friend with whom you will have a lot of common interests.
  • If itching suddenly appears at the base, next to the palm, you will meet a person with whom you are well acquainted and have feelings for him.

Why does your finger itch - a sign: what do doctors say?

In addition to signs, itching on the fingers can be caused by other reasons, from dermatological diseases to psychological problems.

1. Dermatological diseases are the most common cause of butt in fingers. If you notice even slight redness or rash accompanied by discomfort, then it’s time to visit a dermatologist. The most common skin diseases are neurodermatitis, urticaria, scabies, and so on.

2. Allergy - and it can be either food or caused by some external irritant (cosmetics, household chemicals, etc.).

3. External effects - there are several types of negative effects on the skin of the hands - mechanics, chemistry and temperature. This problem is relevant if a person has dry and sensitive skin and it is called “contact dermatitis”.

4. Disturbances in the body. Since everything in the human body is interconnected, the problem of itching on the fingers may not be associated with the skin at all, but with problems with internal organs. These may be disturbances in the functioning of certain organs, for example, the kidneys, liver, thyroid gland or gastrointestinal tract.

5. Stress. Overly emotional people often experience all sorts of neurotic movements that are caused by false sensations, and itching in the fingers may be one of them.

6. Medicines. Almost all medications from the pharmacy that a person takes have side effects. They may be the cause of itching on the fingers.

If you want to know some details from your near future, all you need to do is determine what exactly this or that finger on your hand promises you, and perhaps your life will change dramatically very soon!

Signs are a warning; knowing them, you can avoid troubles or, conversely, pay attention to a successful combination of circumstances and be prepared for changes in life.

The ring finger of the right and left hand is called the fingers of Apollo in palmistry. This is no coincidence, since they are talking about creativity human and spiritual development.

At the same time, there are many folk signs about why the ring finger itches. For centuries, our ancestors collected and kept them in memory, passing them on from generation to generation. Over time, special collections were compiled, however, people noticed that the same signs had different interpretation. As it turned out, this was related to the specific situation or personality of the person, as well as social or family status.

What awaits in the near future

According to the canons of palmistry, the fourth finger of the hand symbolizes the sun and is responsible for love, family, success and self-realization in society. Therefore, the interpretation of signs associated with it concerns these aspects of a person’s life.

  1. If an unmarried girl’s ring finger on her right hand itches, this only means one thing: soon the treasured ring will be put on it. Moreover, the wedding will be magnificent and rich.
  2. For men, the itching of the right ring finger promised glory. Those who had it longer than their index finger were considered lucky. Success accompanied such people everywhere - both at home and at work.
  3. Other sources claim that the prolonged and causeless itching of Apollo’s finger on the eve of the wedding indicates the person’s doubts regarding this event. And if we take it even more globally, he thinks about his future fate.
  4. For a married lady, an itch on the ring finger of the right hand portends joy: you can expect a new addition to the family.
  5. Some believe that this itch is associated with more income. This could be anything - a win, a salary increase, a bonus, a gift or an inheritance. The more your fingers itch, the more money a person will receive.
  6. If the right ring finger begins to itch at the base, this indicates that a pleasant surprise awaits the person - a quick meeting with an old acquaintance.
  7. Single women who have long been disappointed in their search for a lover should pay attention to an itchy ring finger. This is a sign that they have a secret admirer who will soon open their heart. Don't push this person away. He will surround you with care and become a support for the chosen one.
  8. If you believe another sign, itching of the fourth finger is a harbinger of a serious conversation with management, and it can be initiated by both management and the person with the itch.
  9. Sometimes an itchy finger promises a quick reconciliation with a person who has long been burdened by the quarrel that occurred.

Tip or pad

If the tip or pad of the right ring finger is itchy, this indicates that the person will soon get rid of obsessive attention or excessive care that he is already tired of.

For young men and unmarried girls, itching of the tip of the finger of the right hand, promises a romantic acquaintance that will turn into a serious relationship.

The interpretation of the sign why the tip of the ring finger of the left hand itches is somewhat different. This itch promises spending, which will bring pleasure in the future.

What if several fingers itch at once?

  • and nameless. Their itching spells trouble. But don't be afraid. They are insignificant and fleeting. As a result, everything will resolve itself.
  • Middle and unnamed. A wonderful combination that foreshadows well-being and success in all areas of a person’s life. Whatever you start, luck will accompany you.
  • Index and ring. When these fingers on the right hand itch, they promise career growth and success at work. If itching occurs in students or schoolchildren, they will pass the test very well. In addition, excellent prospects will open up for them in the future.
  • Big and nameless. This is a sign from above that speaks of successful endeavors. And whatever field of activity a person chooses, the main thing is that he is not afraid to act. He will definitely succeed.

Why is the ring finger on my left hand itching?

Signs about the ring finger of the left hand are associated with money. However, sometimes they indicate changes in personal life, and, unfortunately, not in better side. After all, it is on it that those who are divorced. Therefore, an itchy left ring finger hints that all is not well in the family. And you should think about this before it is too late.

You shouldn’t be scared and take negative signs to heart when the ring finger on your left hand itches, as well as on your right. They can be neutralized; there are several ways to do this.

Neutralizing bad predictions

Neutralizing negative predictions related to family is very simple - you should pay attention to your significant other, surround them with care and affection. Then you don't have to be afraid that bad omens will come true.

Negative signs about an itchy ring finger can be given to the water, which will carry it away with it. For this purpose, it is better to be near a river, spring, source - where the water does not stand, but flows. You need to scoop up water with your palms and say a negative prediction over it, asking to take it away. Then rinse your hands again and go home with peace of mind. The water will take it away. If there is no river nearby near your house, perform this ritual with water running from the tap.

In addition, a person must remember that he creates destiny, and all the signs that the ring finger of the right or left hand itches are a warning in order to adjust his behavior and avoid troubles.

To believe or not to believe in folk signs– everyone’s personal business. These predictions are simple observations and pass on everyday experience to the next generations. Therefore, there is no reason not to trust them.