Patriarch Kirill biography of him. Chronological list of patriarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church

Personality of the Russian Patriarch Orthodox Church Kirill is interested in the residents of the country. The activities of the first clergyman of Russia evoke the respect and admiration of some people, but also the condemnation of others.

Details of the life and religious biography of Patriarch Kirill will help you separate the “wheat from the chaff”, forming your attitude towards real things Metropolitan.

Origins of choice life path laid down from childhood.

Wikipedia, information from Orthodox websites, and a number of Internet sources help to find the answer: what is Patriarch Kirill’s last name, what family did he grow up in, and what contributed to his choice of path as a clergyman.

Patriarch Kirill (in secular life Gundyaev Vladimir Mikhailovich) was born on November 22, 1946 in the city of Leningrad. The father, Mikhail Vladimirovich Gundyaev, worked as a chief mechanic at the plant at the time of his son’s birth.

Having taken theology courses under his belt and having served a three-year prison sentence as an institute student in Kolyma for political reasons, in 1947 he followed in the footsteps of his priest father, devoting himself to church service. Until the end of his life, Mikhail Vladimirovich served as rector of an Orthodox church.

Mother, Raisa Vladimirovna, taught a foreign language at school before Kuchin’s marriage. She was a retired housewife. Once, having taken little Vladimir to a church service, during prayer she neglected to look after the child, who unknowingly passed through the Royal Doors.

Frightened, she took the boy to the priest for absolution. The priest then joked: “He will be a bishop.”

Interesting! The words turned out to be prophetic. Having matured, the son continued the dynasty of clergy, rising to the very top of the Orthodox church hierarchy.

Education and beginning of ministry

Vladimir's childhood passed like that of ordinary children. After graduating from eight-year school, he tried to find his calling in geology. The future Patriarch, having got a job as a cartographic technician in a geological organization, simultaneously continued his studies in high school.

Having received a certificate, the young man realized that his calling was to serve God, and entered an Orthodox theological seminary. He continued his theological studies as a student at the Leningrad Theological Academy, from which he graduated as an external student, receiving a candidate's degree in theology. The talented graduate was left at the educational institution to teach dogmatic theology.

Gundyaev Vladimir, while studying at the Orthodox Academy, received monastic vows from Metropolitan Nikodim, receiving the name Kirill. The year 1969 was marked for the young monk by his ordination to the rank of hierodeacon, and later - hieromonk.

The 70s of the last century became a new stage in his church career. In 1971, Hieromonk Kirill was awarded the rank of archimandrite and began to represent the Moscow Patriarchate in the World Council of Churches, located in Geneva.

Having successfully proven himself on a business trip abroad, at the age of 28 he headed two Leningrad theological educational institutions - an academy and a seminary.

From bishop to metropolitan

In 1976, Archimandrite Kirill was ordained to the rank of bishop by the highest church hierarchs under the arches of the Trinity Cathedral.

Each subsequent decade opens up new facets of serving the Orthodox faith for the bishop:

  • In the 80s of the last century, the Metropolitan was appointed Archbishop of Smolensk and Kaliningrad, and in November 1989 he became the head of the structure of the Moscow Patriarchate engaged in international activities.
  • The 90s were marked by a significant event for Archbishop Kirill. By Patriarchal decree of Alexy II he was appointed metropolitan. The last decade of the outgoing century was devoted by the Metropolitan to educational work: sermons in churches across the country and on the television program “The Word of the Shepherd.”
  • Since the beginning of the new millennium, the Metropolitan has published several books and published half a thousand articles in the Russian and foreign press. Engaged in church diplomacy, the Metropolitan maintains a dialogue with religious figures foreign countries of different confessions, consecrates Orthodox churches abroad.

Election as head of the Orthodox Church

After the tragic death of Patriarch Alexy II, which occurred on December 5, 2008, at a meeting of the Holy Synod, Metropolitan Kirill was elected patriarchal locum tenens by secret ballot.

The day of January 25, 2010 became the brightest page in the biography of Metropolitan Kirill, when at the Council of Bishops, by a majority vote, the patriarchal locum tenens was elected His Holiness the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church from three nominated candidates.

Since then, bearing the Patriarchal Cross with dignity, he has been busy strengthening Orthodox faith in Russia, missionary activities in foreign countries.

The geography of pastoral visits extends from Moscow to the very outskirts, from Kaliningrad to the Far East.

When visiting dioceses, the Metropolitan conducts services and meets with parishioners. Travel abroad contributes to the strengthening of Orthodoxy abroad.

The Metropolitan's road map is marked by trips to the countries of Latin America: Paraguay, Brazil, Cuba and neighboring states that were formerly part of the USSR.

Significant events were the visit to the Russian Antarctic station"Bellingshausen" on the Island of Waterloo and a meeting with the Queen of England in London.

Note! The result of the Patriarch’s activities was the opening of 8 new dioceses and the construction of new Orthodox churches, including in other countries.

Scandals related to the Metropolitan

The activities of a public figure are often surrounded by rumors and scandals. Novaya Gazeta was allegedly engaged in “exposing” illegal trade transactions carried out at the end of the last century, allegedly under the leadership of Metropolitan Kirill.

Articles by expert Sergei Bychkov covered:

  • The cigarette and alcohol business of the Russian Orthodox Church, associated with the use of tax benefits provided by the state to the financial and trading group DECR MP "Nika", supervised by the Metropolitan.
    Metropolitan Kirill’s personal involvement has not been documented. Most religious leaders declared the above facts a provocation ordered by the “tobacco kings.”
  • Duty-free export of petroleum products carried out through International Economic Cooperation JSC, permitted after an appeal to the authorities of Patriarch Alexy II.
    Novaya Gazeta reported, without citing specific facts, that the oil business continued after the Metropolitan’s ascension to the patriarchal throne.
  • An attempt to take over the seafood market. According to the portal "", the joint-stock company "Region", supposedly founded by the metropolitan, received quotas for fishing Kamchatka crabs and shrimp, organizing the export of these seafood and caviar. The Orthodox Church denies the facts presented by the publications, calling them fiction.

Condition of Patriarch Kirill

The question of the condition of the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill, excites the minds of journalists. In 2006, Moscow News employees cited the amount of $4 billion received by the Metropolitan from commerce.

The media cite as a fact the Patriarch’s private jet, a mansion in Switzerland, a palace in Gelendzhik, a “House on the Embankment” penthouse packed with precious rare items, a luxurious mansion in Peredelkino and other real estate.

Initially, the patriarch-monk should not have personal property. Let's figure out what is personal and what is church property.

Family of Patriarch Kirill

The social life of the first person in the church hierarchy is in plain sight, unlike privacy, hidden “behind seven seals.” Citizens of the country want to know whether Patriarch Kirill has a family, children and a wife, who he lives with, and what he is interested in.

Patriarch Kirill, having taken the vow of a monk in his youth, consciously renounced earthly joys: family, wife, his own children, devoting himself to spiritual growth.

His family and children are the entire Orthodox church community, to whose service he devoted his life, and parishioners who need help, advice, and prayer.

The Bishop pays special attention to children left without parental care. Photos are posted on Orthodox websites where the patriarch meets with the younger generation and flock.

Patriarch Kirill is on friendly terms with his close relatives, older brother and sister. Brother Nikolai also devoted his life to serving God.

Having the title of professor of theology, he headed the St. Petersburg Theological Academy, and now serves as rector of the Cathedral in St. Petersburg. Sister Elena works as the director of a gymnasium with in-depth study of Orthodoxy. Relatives on my grandfather’s side live in Saransk.

Interests and hobbies

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill is a comprehensively developed personality. He is interested in art, attending the conservatory, opera performances and the theater.

The patriarch's love for the classical music of Beethoven, Bach and Rachmaninov is known, which he listens to while working on documents.

From domestic literature, Patriarch Kirill prefers Chekhov, Dostoevsky and Leskov, and is well versed in painting and architecture.

On TV, the Patriarch watches news programs to keep abreast of events happening in the world and the country, has excellent computer skills and uses the Internet.

In the rank of metropolitan, the clergyman dreamed of space flight, for which he trained on a MiG aircraft, performing aerobatics.

Take note! The Metropolitan, like all believers, goes to confession. He has his own confessor - the Optina elder Father Eli.

Useful video

Let's sum it up

With your work for good Orthodox people and the inhabitants of the whole earth, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill is writing new pages of biography. Showing respect for the rank and active work of the Patriarch, Orthodox Christians pray that the Lord will give him the strength to serve faithfully for a long time for the glory of the Lord.

The enthronement, which took place in the winter of 2009, chose Metropolitan Kirill as the head of the Russian Orthodox Church. Supreme body Church held a vote, as a result of which more than 70% of the votes were cast for the priest, elevating him to the rank of Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus'.

Priest's family

The Church path of the Patriarch is in many ways natural, since the grandson and son of a priest chose the fate of a clergyman. The priest, named Vladimir at birth, was born in the fall of 1946, in the city on the Niva - Leningrad. Grandfather of the Patriarch, Vasily Stepanovich, went through seven exiles and more than 40 prison camps, including exile to the Solovetsky Islands, and during the reign of Khrushchev he was ordained a priest.

Vladimir's father, Mikhail Gundyaev, a leading engineer in military Leningrad during the siege, repeating his father's path, was persecuted and went through the Kolyma camps, and in the spring of 1947 became a deacon. Having lived decent life priest, Mikhail Vasilyevich ended his life as rector of St. Nicholas Church.

The mother of the future patriarch was a school teacher who taught German. In addition to Vladimir, the family raised two more children; the boy was the middle child. All children are related to the Russian Orthodox Church. My brother is an archpriest and rector of the cathedral in the cultural capital of our country, a professor at St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. The younger sister, heads the Orthodox gymnasium.

Chosen path

The life path of the Patriarch developed as follows:

  • In 1961, having completed eight years of schooling, the young man left his parents' home.
  • In 1962 he got a job in a cartographic bureau and worked as a technician on a geological expedition.
  • Three years later, having received the Metropolitan’s blessing, he entered the Leningrad Theological Seminary. In the spring of 1969, having completed his studies with honors at the Theological Academy, he was tonsured a monk and received the monastic name Kirill. A few months after his ordination as hierodeacon becomes a hieromonk.
  • By the beginning of the nineties, he was appointed chairman of the commission of the Holy Synod. Being in the rank of archimandrite, by appointment of the Patriarchate he becomes its representative at the council of churches held in Switzerland. In 1976, he deals with problems of Christian unity and relations between churches. In winter 1984 he becomes archbishop.
  • Kirill becomes metropolitan in 1991. Between the second and third World Russian Council, he criticized the authorities. The Council adopted a number of political, radical decisions, which the Metropolitan, being its co-chairman, did not resist. Having become less oppositional, in 1995 Metropolitan Kirill becomes Deputy Head of the event.
  • After the death of the Moscow Patriarch, at the convened meeting of the Synod, by voting, which was secret, Metropolitan elected to the position of Patriarchal Locum Tenens.


In 2009, by the decision of the highest church assembly, Metropolitan Kirill became Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus'. The years of Kirill's reign influenced not only the church world, but also affected the economy of the state, turning it into better side. Thanks to the Patriarch’s frequent trips around the country and the world, the position of the Russian Church in the world became stronger, and trips abroad were able to begin expanding the boundaries of cooperation between countries.

Family and children - church and flock

The church canons of the Orthodox Church do not allow the Patriarch to have a secular family. The flock, in the understanding of the church, is his family. And serving God is the highest manifestation of care and love for your family. The priest considers each of the parishioners to be his child. The Patriarch spends every day of his life caring for his children.

Kirill devotes a large amount of time and energy to charity, meeting with children, caring for orphans, he sets an example for his entire flock, showing through his own actions that caring for others is not just sympathy with words, but also concrete actions.

The Orthodox Patriarch is engaged in both charity and foreign policy activities, boldly voicing his opinions and ideology.

Patriarch Kirill is a rather bright personality in educational activities. Since 1994, the priest has been hosting a series of television programs, “The Word of the Shepherd,” in which he explains in detail to believers the answers to questions that concern his flock. A series of books and articles written by Kirill have been published describing the history of Christianity.

The active civic position of the Patriarch propels him to equally vigorous social activities. Three hundred thousand people signed Kirill’s appeal calling for a ban on abortion in our country. Instead of carrying out abortions, it was proposed to increase payments for children born so that health and family would be protected by the state.

Patriarch Kirill is undoubtedly a bright and interesting personality; his care and love for his flock cannot go unnoticed. Faith in justice and goodness moves the clergyman forward, being a worthy example for everyone living on earth.

Patriarch Kirill is a famous Russian religious figure. For some reason, he decided to devote his life to serving the church. He is a patriarch who has become one of the most famous religious people in Russia, who can inspire both admiration and censure. It must be said that Patriarch Kirill was associated with many scandals, some of them genuine, and some not. But where did it all begin? How did Patriarch Kirill become a clergyman, and why did he choose the path of the church? How fair are his church views, and does he fulfill his duties well? We will tell you all this in this article, so that those who want to know more about Patriarch Kirill can do so without any problems.

Height, weight, age. How old is Patriarch Kirill

Patriarch Kirill is not a Hollywood or even pop star, so it is not at all necessary for him to look too young or be too slim. For a church minister, on the contrary, it will be better if he looks respectable and important. Answering questions: height, weight, age. How old is Patriarch Kirill, we can say that his height is 178 centimeters and his weight is 92 kilograms, and today his age has reached 70 years.

Despite the above reasons, the patriarch takes good care of himself and loves swimming, skiing and walking. So, in addition to serving God, he does not forget that he also needs to take care of himself. As they say, “God protects those who are careful.” For my long life, Patriarch Kirill has seen a lot, was able to go a long way, on which he encountered both good and bad. Let's look at all this in more detail.

Biography of Patriarch Kirill

The biography of Patriarch Kirill begins on November 20, 1946. Interesting fact is that when he was little, his mother took him to church. Then he mistakenly passed through the Royal Doors. Then the frightened mother dragged him to the priest so that he would forgive him his sin. But he just waved his hand and said: “He will be a bishop.” Whether it was a coincidence or a prediction, little Kirill then really took the first step towards walking the long church path. But this was still very far away, because everything that happened in his life, of course, happened step by step, and as ordered by fate. Kirill's real name, given at birth, is Vladimir. He was still very far from the activities of Patriarch Kirill.

The mother of the future patriarch worked as a teacher, teaching children German. My father was a priest, which may also have played a certain role in his choice of life path. However, the boy’s entire family was directly connected with religion. His grandfather was regularly exiled for his association with the church, his elder brother was the rector of one of the cathedrals in St. Petersburg, and his sister worked as a director in an Orthodox gymnasium.

Before starting his own activities related to the church, Vladimir completed eight years of high school. I tried my hand at geology, but after three years I decided to enter the theological seminary; after graduating, I transferred to the theological academy, which was then located in Leningrad.

Young Vladimir received his middle name Kirill when he became a monk. Then his religious path began, which at that time he went through to become a metropolitan.

He repeatedly took part in the development of the Moscow Patriarchate, and everywhere tried to do as much as possible for this. Since the nineties, Kirill has begun to pay more and more attention to public relations and develop this activity. In the first half of the nineties, a program appeared on television screens in which he took part. This program is called “The Word of the Shepherd”, which was dedicated to spiritual issues, and which had a significant rating both among the common population and among politicians.

A year later, Patriarch Kirill begins active work and cooperation with the Russian government. Very often he acted as a full participant in various advisory bodies. He organizes various cultural events, for example, the celebration of Christianity, namely the date of two thousand years. Moreover, according to data obtained through a survey among the Russian population in 2012, the majority of people support the actions of the patriarch.

In addition, the patriarch began to maintain his own Facebook page. The Patriarch communicated there directly with those who visited his page and asked questions. He often answered the most important and pressing questions that other people might ask. The clergyman has more than five hundred publications to his name, and he is also the author of several books that touch on the topic of spirituality and religion.

In the 2000s, Patriarch Alexy II dies. Metropolitan Kirill is appointed to his position. A year later, he was appointed to the post of Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus', since he collected the most votes in the Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church. It should be noted that the patriarch did a lot to unite the Russian Orthodox Church abroad. He made constant visits to other countries to meet there with local religious ministers, various representatives of this character. All this significantly strengthens the position of the church in Russia and expands the boundaries of church cooperation between different states.

But, despite the fact that Kirill is unusually devoted to his work, he could repeatedly be heard making statements against radical groups. He argued that such preachers should be feared, since nothing good could be expected from them. They say that most often among the people there are charlatans who teach the wrong things, subject people to confusion, and all this can quickly destroy the foundation of the church.

Personal life of Patriarch Kirill

The personal life of Patriarch Kirill, at least officially, is absent. After all, he is the person who should serve the church, not anyone in particular. Therefore, it is not surprising that Patriarch Kirill is not married and has no family. However, for him, his personal life is the whole country, because he has repeatedly admitted that it is very important for him to bring light and truth to the masses. To what extent this corresponds to the truth, no one can say for sure, but all the same, one must take into account the fact that he, a recognized religious figure, cannot have an official personal life, he has a completely different path, which belongs to the church.

Family of Patriarch Kirill

The family of Patriarch Kirill is his church activity, because he laid down his life to serve God. Therefore, it is not surprising that he is not married and has no children, because the most important thing for him is to do everything in such a way that cooperation between church houses in the Russian Federation and other countries develops.

He does this very well, because from his youth he successfully went through the “career” of a church leader, step by step, in order to achieve something here. It is difficult to say whether he suffers because he does not have his own family, in fact, he does not have time for this, in addition, he is far from alone, many ordinary people and others turn to him for advice.

Patriarch Kirill on a yacht with girls

It must be said that around Patriarch Kirill, as usual with public figures, gossip often circulates and scandals break out. He was often accused of various sins; it is difficult to say which of them may be true and which are fictitious. One could often hear accusations that Patriarch Kirill was having fun on a yacht with girls, that he was spending church income to improve his life. Kirill himself constantly denies or simply ignores such accusations, saying that all these are the machinations of his enemies and opponents of the church. Of course, all people are sinners, but as far as there are reasons to blame Patriarch Kirill, it is difficult to answer with precision, because, be that as it may, he still remains a man who, first of all, serves God.

Jap and Patriarch Kirill are one person

Patriarch Kirill is also associated with completely absurd rumors. For example, on the Internet you can often find such an accusation that Jap and Patriarch Kirill are one person. We are talking about a famous thief who was buried in the 2000s. Many parishioners see the undeniable similarities between these two people. They say that the patriarch has a dark past, and now he has successfully hidden himself in order not to end up in prison. Again, whether this is true or not, most Russian religious people are sure that all this is the machinations of other religious campaigns, the purpose of which is to ruin the reputation of an honest church leader.

Children of Patriarch Kirill

The children of Patriarch Kirill are all his parishioners and people who need his support and advice. So, in any case, he says himself. He has repeatedly said that he is ready to help anyone who turns to him. For this purpose, he even began to use social networks so that he could answer the most important and pressing questions. The patriarch does not have his own legitimate children, perhaps he would even like to have them, but his rank forced him to abandon such simple, family joys as a wife and children. But having chosen for himself the path of a monk, and then a metropolitan and patriarch, he preferred spiritual growth to ordinary earthly values.

Wife of Patriarch Kirill

The wife of Patriarch Kirill is for him in general closed topic, if only because he once took monastic vows, thereby voluntarily giving up his personal life. And although you can very often hear that Patriarch Kirill “sinned”, that he was repeatedly noticed in the company of long-legged models, in fact, all this has not been proven. Most people believe that all this is fiction, that in fact Patriarch Kirill faithfully serves the church, not wanting to deviate from the intended path. In any case, officially the church leader has neither a wife nor children. For him, the church has become his home, his children are his parishioners, he cannot even think about women.

How much does Patriarch Kirill's watch cost?

At one time, a watch was noticed on the hand of Patriarch Kirill. And you didn’t have to be a jeweler to understand that they were far from cheap. Hence the question immediately arose: how much does Patriarch Kirill’s watch cost? Immediately there were rumors that Kirill was abusing the power he had received, asking where he got such a thing. By the way, the watch was valued at thirty thousand euros, there were rumors that after this, Kirill tried with all his might to disown the fact that he was wearing such a watch, tried to hide it. But the request for the watch of Patriarch Kirill breguet constantly appeared on the Internet, the cost of the watch, apparently this question was of interest not only to his enemies, but also ordinary people who wanted to be convinced of the patriarch’s sinlessness or, conversely, that he really pampered himself with expensive things.

Patriarch Kirill “The Word of the Shepherd”

As mentioned above, the religious leader has repeatedly collaborated with the public in order to bring the word of God to the masses. One of such projects is the television program “The Word of the Shepherd.” Patriarch Kirill “The Word of the Shepherd” often flashed on the screens, millions of people looked at him who wanted to find answers to life’s questions. The religious and educational program was precisely aimed at ensuring that anyone who wants to reconsider their life, or simply needs advice, could try to do this together with Patriarch Kirill.

Kirill happily helped those who wanted to help themselves. Of course, there were also evil tongues that the clergyman was doing all this for the sake of PR. It is difficult to say who is right here, and to what extent Patriarch Kirill is who he claims to be, but one way or another, one must show respect for his rank and activities related to the church and religion. There have been and are many rumors about him, some of them reaching the point of absurdity. But, unfortunately, it turns out that public people are always susceptible to having many enemies, often those who crossed their path unintentionally. Therefore, all that remains is to choose the side of the one you think is right.

The biography of Patriarch Kirill arouses interest both among people close to the church and religion, and among the common man in the street. Patriarch Kirill is a fairly famous person, and most Russians have seen him on television or at least know about his existence.

The Patriarch leads active work not only in Russia, but throughout the Orthodox world. In addition to his duties as head of the church, he makes a significant contribution to the development of his country, bringing together secular and ecclesiastical authorities. Takes part in foreign policy state, is engaged in charity work.

Brief information about the priest

Childhood and youth of the future patriarch

Vladimir Mikhailovich Gundyaev (this is the secular name the current head of the Russian Orthodox Church had) was born on November 20, 1946 in post-war Leningrad in the family of a clergyman. The surname of the future head of the Russian Church comes from the word “gundat”, that is, to speak through the nose. True, we can see the patriarch’s amazing oratorical abilities, which do not at all correspond to the meaning of the surname.

Father Mikhail, married to Raisa Gundyaeva, a foreign language teacher, was ordained a priest by the time his son was born. Volodya was the middle child in the family, he has an older brother and a younger sister, their current work and life are also closely intertwined with spiritual and church activities. It is worth saying that Vladimir’s grandfather, Vasily Gundyaev, was also a priest.

Vladimir Gundyaev's childhood was ordinary. Vladimir received an average general education then he entered the theological seminary in Leningrad, and after graduating, he entered the institution of higher theological education in St. Petersburg. In 1969 Vladimir Gundyaev took monastic vows and received the name “Kirill”.

In 1970, the future Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Kirill graduated with honors from the Theological Academy, receiving a candidate's degree in theology. This moment can be considered the beginning of the activity of the future patriarch, by the way, the first patriarch born in the Soviet Union.

The beginning of the church activities of Father Kirill

The youthful agility of the future head of the church allowed him from the very beginning religious activities achieve significant success, which is why in the end, in such a short period of time, he managed to become the head of the Russian Orthodox Church. In the very first year after completing his studies at a theological university and leaving worldly life, the clergyman rapidly moved up the hierarchical ladder, receiving rank after rank. After all three years began to occupy the post of rector of the Theological Seminary and Academy of Leningrad.

In March 1976, Father Kirill was ordained to the rank of bishop. Just a year later he was elevated to archbishop, and a year later he headed the patriarchal parishes in the Republic of Finland. In 1978, Archbishop Kirill began teaching at the Moscow Theological Academy.

In 1984, the future head of the Russian Orthodox Church was appointed chief archbishop of the Vyazemsky and Smolensk parishes, and two years later - also of the parishes of the Kaliningrad region. Father Kirill worked tirelessly, showing diligence and a great desire to serve the Lord, for which he was encouraged by permanent membership in the ranks of the Synod, where he began to take an active and direct part in the development of laws relating to freedom of religion and the rights of believers. In February 1991 he received the rank of metropolitan.

During times of change of government system and collapse Soviet Union in all political issues he took a clear position of peace. This allowed the Metropolitan to earn trust and respect among the population.

In the mid-90s, the Russian Orthodox Church was widely politically active; the main activist was the future patriarch, who acted as the prime minister of the Russian Orthodox Church. Thanks to his activities, it was possible to reunite the Russian Orthodox Church and parishes in foreign countries. In addition, relations with Catholic Church led by the Vatican in the person of the Pope.

Arrival to the patriarchate and activities in the new rank

The then metropolitan came to the highest rank of the Russian Orthodox Church thanks to his activity related to the social and political sphere. Since 1995, Father Kirill has worked closely with the Russian government and conducted spiritual and educational work on television. The Metropolitan successfully created a concept of the relationship between secular and ecclesiastical authorities, which was adopted in 2000.

In 2008, after the death of the then Patriarch Alexy, Metropolitan Kirill was appointed locum tenens, who a year later at a local meeting was elected Moscow and All Rus'. Date of enthronement of Metropolitan Kirill - February 1, 2009. It is easy to calculate how old Metropolitan Kirill was at the time he received the highest rank in the Orthodox Church - 63 years old.

Patriarch Kirill still holds his post today. The priest regularly visits his foreign colleagues. Abroad, Father Kirill has influence and respect: he is considered a man with a huge amount of fundamental knowledge, sharp intellect and developed erudition. His close ties with Western representatives of the Orthodox Church made it possible to strengthen cooperation between European parishes and the Russian Orthodox Church and, in general, strengthened Russia’s relations with the countries of the European Union.

Last year, the patriarch supported a petition to introduce a law banning abortion.

Scandals related to the person of the priest

Patriarch Kirill is supported by 99% of the population, however, he has repeatedly appeared in high-profile scandals that have received wide publicity. Most religious figures came out in defense of the patriarch, calling this action a provocation with the aim of tarnishing the reputation of the Russian Orthodox Church in general and good name Father Kirill in particular. Patriarch Kirill was reproached for the following:

  • Participation in organizing the illegal import into the country of large quantities of alcohol and premium tobacco products.
  • Connections with the KGB.
  • Church modernism.

Then they tried to accuse the priest of violating his vow of non-covetousness. Foreign funds mass media they even stated that the patriarch is a dollar billionaire, including in his possession a mansion, a watch worth $30,000, a cruise ship, a private jet and a huge fleet of vehicles, consisting of sports cars. After this accusation, the head of the church became the hero of more than one meme on the Internet. On the same Internet, every now and then the accusation flashes that Kirill’s father is a Jew by nationality, since his mother supposedly had the surname Vekselman in her maidenhood (in fact, Kuchina).

However, the head of the church stated that all funds of the Moscow Patriarchate are used for their intended purpose and nothing ends up in the pockets of church leaders. The entire statement is recognized as a provocation and an absurd attempt to undermine and humiliate the personal authority of Patriarch Kirill.

Family and Children

Only a representative of the black clergy can become a patriarch, that is, a person who has taken monastic vows and taken vows of chastity, obedience and non-covetousness. From the first vow it follows that the patriarch cannot have a wife and children. From the second - that the ruler must obey the commandments of the Lord, from the third - the patriarch does not have the right to earn money from his activities, to become rich and accumulate wealth, to have any passive income. Therefore, the personal life of a priest consists of serving the Lord and society.

Father Kirill cannot have a secular family, however, his a large flock is a family patriarch, his children. The head of the church spends a lot of time and money on helping orphans and participates in charity events.

Currently, Patriarch Kirill conducts extensive scientific and educational activities. He is the author of a series of books and articles about Orthodox history. Honorary member of domestic and foreign religious educational institutions.

Biography of Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus'


Paternal line Patriarch Mordvin, (surname Gundyaev from the old Mordovian name Gundyay). Grandfather - Vasily Gundyaev– priest - went through 47 prisons and 7 exiles, spent almost 30 years in prison. He served time, including in Solovki. He went to prison because he fought against the renovationism of the church, which at one time was inspired by the Cheka.

Father is a priest Mikhail Vasilievich Gundyaev(January 18, 1907 – October 13, 1974). Graduated from Higher Theological Courses in Leningrad; Served for two years in the Red Army, graduated from the Mechanical College in 1933, and entered the Leningrad Industrial Institute. But he did not finish it - he was accused of political disloyalty, arrested and sentenced to 3 years. Served time for Kolyma.

After the war, on March 9, 1947, he was ordained a deacon, and on March 16 of the same year - a priest by Metropolitan Grigory (Chukov) of Leningrad, assigned to the Church of the Smolensk Icon Mother of God on Vasilyevsky Island.

In 1951 he was transferred to the Transfiguration Cathedral, where he served as assistant rector. In 1960 he was transferred to the rector of the Alexander Nevsky Church in Krasnoe Selo; then Seraphim Church, in 1972 - became rector of the St. Nicholas Church on Bolshaya Okhta.

Mother - Raisa Vladimirovna Gundyaeva(November 7, 1909 – November 2, 1984); maiden Kuchina, taught German At school.

Elder brother - archpriest Nikolay Gundyaev- worked as rector St. Petersburg Theological Academy, professor, rector of the Transfiguration Cathedral in St. Petersburg.

The younger sister Elena works as the director of an Orthodox gymnasium.


Born on November 20, 1946 in Leningrad. While still a schoolboy, he worked in the Leningrad complex geological expedition of the North-Western Geological Directorate, from 1962 to 1965 - as a cartographic technician.

In 1965 he entered the Leningrad Theological Seminary, then the Leningrad Theological Academy.

On April 3, 1969, Metropolitan Nikodim (Rotov) of Leningrad and Novgorod was tonsured a monk with the name Kirill. That same year, on April 7, he was ordained a hierodeacon, and on June 1, a hieromonk.

In 1970 he graduated with honors Leningrad Theological Academy, received a candidate of theology degree (dissertation on the topic “The formation and development of the church hierarchy and the teaching of the Orthodox Church about its gracious character”). Remained at the Academy as a professorial fellow and teacher dogmatic theology and assistant inspector.

From August 30, 1970, he served as personal secretary to the Metropolitan of Leningrad Nicodemus (Rotova).

On September 12, 1971, he was elevated to the rank of archimandrite. In the same year he became a representative of the Moscow Patriarchate under World Council of Churches in Geneva.

At the age of 28 (December 26, 1974) he was appointed rector of the Leningrad Theological Academy and Seminary. He organized a special regency class for girls and introduced physical education lessons into the program.

In December 1975 he became a member of the Central Committee and the Executive Committee World Council of Churches, and since 1975 - a member of the “Faith and Order” commission of the World Council of Churches, and since March 3, 1976, a member of the Synodal Commission on Christian Unity and Inter-Church Relations.

On September 9, 1977, he was elevated to the rank of archbishop, and on October 12, 1978, he was appointed administrator of the patriarchal parishes in Finland. In the same year he was appointed chairman of the Department of External Church Relations.

Since 1983 - taught in graduate school at Moscow Theological Academy.

Since December 26, 1984 - Archbishop of Smolensk and Vyazemsky. The transfer to a provincial see was due to the refusal to vote in 1980 for the resolution of the Central Committee of the World Council of Churches, which condemned the introduction Soviet troops to Afghanistan, as well as other anti-religious motives of the USSR authorities.

In April 1989 he became “Archbishop of Smolensk and Kaliningrad.”

On November 14, 1989 he became Chairman of the Department for External Church Relations Moscow Patriarchate, permanent member Holy Synod.

Since 1990 - appointed chairman of the Holy Synod commission for the revival of religious and moral education and charity, member of the Synodal Biblical Commission.

Since 1993 - co-chairman, since 1995 - deputy head of the World Russian People's Council. Since 1994, Honorary President of the World Conference "Religion and Peace". Since February 26, 1994 - member of the Synodal Theological Commission.

Since 1994, he became the host of the spiritual and educational program “The Word of the Shepherd” on Channel One.

In 1995-2000 he headed the Synodal working group on developing the concept of the Russian Orthodox Church on issues of church-state relations and problems of modern society.

On December 6, 2008, the day after the death of Patriarch Alexy II, at a meeting of the Holy Synod, Kirill was elected Patriarchal Locum Tenens by secret ballot.

On December 10, 2008, he became chairman of the commission created by the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church for the preparation Bishop's And Local Councils(scheduled for the end of January 2009) of the Russian Orthodox Church.

On December 29, 2008, he told reporters that he was speaking " categorically against any reforms" in the church.

On December 30, 2008, at a meeting with students of Sretensky Theological Seminary, he said that, in his opinion, there is a huge problem church life before the revolution was that it was not possible to create a strong Orthodox intelligentsia, which he dreamed of Anthony Khrapovitsky(first hierarch of the ROCOR banned by the Moscow Patriarchate).

On January 27, 2009, at the Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church, he was elected the 16th Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus', gaining 508 votes out of 677 (75%).

On February 1, 2009, Metropolitan Kirill was enthroned to the patriarchal rank in Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

On March 11, 2009, during a trip around the country, he said that the main criterion in assessing the activities of the Church should be the moral state of society, and not the occupancy of churches.

On April 16, 2009, on Maundy Thursday, he committed rite of washing feet- "for the first time in modern history."

April 29, 2009, during a meeting with the Prime Minister of Ukraine Yulia Tymoshenko, said: " For the Russian Orthodox Church, Kyiv is our Constantinople with its Hagia Sophia; it is the spiritual center and southern capital of Russian Orthodoxy".

On July 4-6, 2009, he made his first official foreign visit as Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church - Istanbul (Patriarchate of Constantinople). Based on the results of his negotiations with Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, they started talking about the thawing of traditionally tense relations between the two patriarchates. The Patriarch also met with the head of the Office of Religious Affairs under the Turkish government.

In 2011, he made 21 archpastoral visits to 19 dioceses of Russia, Ukraine and Moldova.

According to the results of a sociological survey conducted at the end of June 2012 by VTsIOM, 46% of respondents treated the Patriarch with respect, 27% aroused hope, trust - 19%, sympathy - 17% of respondents; causes distrust in 4% of respondents, disappointment in 2%, indifference in 13%, antipathy in 1% of survey participants, 1% condemn it or perceive it with skepticism.

In August 2012, information appeared that the Patriarch for the first time in history became a user social network Facebook with the account PatriarhKirill. However, back in May 2012, deacon Alexander Volkov- the deputy head of the press service of the Moscow Patriarchate noted that “this is not the personal page of Patriarch Kirill, but one of the official information resources of the Moscow Patriarchate,” and clarified that “ the resource will not be a source of direct communication with His Holiness the Patriarch".

In September 2012, at the invitation of the Primate Polish Orthodox Church Archbishop Sawa of Warsaw made an official visit to Catholic Poland, where he met with both representatives of the Orthodox churches and the Catholic clergy. This visit was not only ecclesiastical, but also political; this trip was an important step towards improving relations with the Holy See. These actions caused a positive response in Vatican.

From June 1 to June 7, 2013, the Patriarch made his first official visit to Greece, where he met with the Pontic Greeks. Visited from 8 to 9 September Transnistria.

On November 11, 2014, the XVIII century opened in the Moscow Cathedral World Russian People's Council under the sign "Unity of history, unity of the people, unity of Russia."

Patriarch Kirill, speaking to those gathered, said: " 2014 opened new chapter in world history- dramatic. Those who consider themselves winners cold war, inspire everyone that the path of development they define is correct and, moreover, the only possible one for humanity. By dominating the information space, they impose on the world their understanding of economics and government, and seek to suppress the determination to defend values ​​and ideals that are different from their values ​​and ideals associated with the idea of ​​a consumer society. The Russian people are the most important subject national relations in Russia and its national interests should not be ignored, but with maximum attention be taken into account to achieve harmony with the interests of other national communities".

And in conclusion, the Patriarch addressed the elites: " It is necessary for us to realize at all levels that the interests of the Russian people should not be ignored, but taken into account as much as possible. So that the elites understand that genuine Russian self-awareness does not threaten the integrity of Russia and the interethnic world, but, on the contrary, acts as a guarantor of the unity of the country", concluded the Patriarch.

Social activity

Since January 13, 1995 - member of the Public Council under the Chairman of the Government Russian Federation on issues of resolving the situation in Chechen Republic.

Since May 24, 1995 - member of the presidium of the Commission under the President of the Russian Federation on State awards Russian Federation in the field of literature and art.

From August 2, 1995 to May 28, 2009 - member of the Council for Interaction with Religious Associations under the President of the Russian Federation.

Since February 19, 1996, member of the board of the Russian State Maritime Historical and Cultural Center (Maritime Center).

Since December 4, 1998 - member of the Russian Organizing Committee for preparations for the meeting of the third millennium and the celebration of the 2000th anniversary of Christianity.

Since October 10, 2005 - member of the organizing committee for the Year of the Russian Federation in the People's Republic of China and Years of the People's Republic of China In Russian federation.

Since September 1, 2007 - member of the organizing committee for the Year of the Russian Federation in the Republic of India and the Year of the Republic India In Russian federation.

Scandals, rumors

In the late 1990s and early 2000s, newspaper journalist "Moscow's comsomolets" Sergei Bychkov accused Metropolitan Kirill of using tax breaks for the import of alcohol (church wine) and tobacco products provided by the government in the early 1990s.

According to the newspaper, the Nika financial and trading group was engaged in the import of tobacco products, the vice-president of which was Archpriest Vladimir Veriga - Commercial Director Department of External church connections, which was led by Kirill. Journalist Sergei Bychkov published a number of articles about this commercial activity.

At that time, Metropolitan Kirill, recognizing the fact of import transactions on behalf of the DECR, repeatedly denied accusations of personal interest; he called such publications “a very specific political order,” and “not newspapers, but one newspaper” wrote about it.

After the collapse of the USSR, the Presidium Commission Supreme Council Russia to investigate the causes and circumstances State Emergency Committee from the sources provided to her concluded that the authorities KGB In the USSR, church bodies were used for their own purposes by recruiting and sending KGB agents into them.

That is, some of the hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church were agents KGB. Based on a comparison of the known foreign trips of agent “Mikhailov” and Vladika Kirill, the commission formed an opinion about the identity of Vladika Kirill and agent “Mikhailov”. In 2003, member Moscow Helsinki Group priest Yuri Edelstein sent a letter to the President of Russia V.V. Putin, where he also accused Metropolitan Kirill of having connections with the KGB.

In 2005, Kirill supported the position of the Moscow mayor on a ban on holding a parade of sexual minorities in the city. In an interview with Der Spiegel magazine in January 2008, he also confirmed his unconditional condemnation of homosexuality, but spoke out against the persecution of persons of homosexual orientation ( they have the right to live the way they think is right).

Patriarch's visit to Ukraine by invitation Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church(July 27 - August 5, 2009) was accompanied by local unrest in Kyiv, as well as protest actions by Ukrainian non-canonical church jurisdictions.

Speaking on July 29 at Kiev-Pechersk Lavra At a meeting with clergy, laity, teachers and students of the Kyiv Theological Academy, the Patriarch criticized " influence on Western Christian theology of the ideas of the Enlightenment and the philosophical ideas of liberalism".

On August 5, the final day of the visit, Kirill said that he was not against spending six months in Moscow, six months in Kyiv, and “would be ready to accept Ukrainian citizenship.” The next day the business manager UOC archbishop Mitrofan(Yurchuk) insisted that the latter statement was a humorous response.

In September of the same year, following the results of the Patriarch’s visit, the Argumenty Nedeli newspaper reported that “a certain circle of so-called security officials” did not like some of the Patriarch’s political actions, in particular, during his visit to Ukraine.

On September 25, 2009, while on a visit to Belarus, during a meeting with the President Alexander Lukashenko, The Patriarch said: " The Church is always ready to support the strengthening and development of the union of fraternal states and to assist in the dialogue between the Belarusian leadership and the Russian authorities".

Addressing the people from the porch of the All Saints Church under construction in Minsk, he said that he recognizes himself " as the Patriarch of the people who emerged from the Kyiv baptismal font"Apparently he meant that the Moscow Patriarchate does not intend to conform the limits of its local church jurisdiction with the new state borders that arose after the collapse of the USSR.

Kirill with this statement questioned the “reality” of the sovereignty of many states: “ there are many countries in the world that consider themselves sovereign, but which are not able to act, including in the international arena, in full accordance with their national interests "This statement had a great negative resonance.

On February 25, 2010, on the day the fourth President of Ukraine took office, together with Metropolitan of Kiev and All Ukraine Vladimir (Sabodan), he addressed the new head of state - for the first time in the history of Ukraine.

The Patriarch’s participation in the event in connection with the inauguration of the president of a foreign state (the first such act in the history of the Moscow Patriarchate) caused criticism from a number of Ukrainian politicians. Portal-Credo.Ru has disseminated officially unconfirmed information that the Moscow Patriarchate is considering the possibility of Patriarch Kirill replacing the Kyiv See along with the Moscow See after the departure of Metropolitan Vladimir.

At Christmas 2012, Patriarch Kirill called on the authorities to listen to popular protests and adjust the political course, emphasizing that in terms of the development of democracy in Russia, almost nothing has changed since Soviet power or has changed only for the worse, since the lower level of power, which is in close contact with the people, causes persistent rejection among the people. But at the same time, he called on people “not to succumb to provocations,” “to be able to express disagreement,” and “not to destroy the country.”

At the beginning of 2012, a loud scandal arose around a court case for compensation for damage to an apartment belonging to the Patriarch, in which the defendant was a resident of the neighborhood Yuri Shevchenko. According to the position of the plaintiff, registered and living in the patriarchal apartment Lidia Leonova and a court decision, based on an examination carried out by experts from the Institute of Social Economy, dust from renovations in Shevchenko’s apartment contained components hazardous to health, including nanoparticles, and caused damage to the Patriarch’s apartment, furniture and book collection.

The amount of the claim was about 19.7 million rubles. Such a large amount of the claim and Leonova’s unclear status caused numerous critical articles in the media and discussion in the blogosphere. In a conversation with a journalist, the Patriarch explained that he has nothing to do with the lawsuit filed by his second cousin Leonova, registered in his apartment.

At the same time, Kirill claimed that the money that ex-Minister of Health Shevchenko paid Leonova according to the lawsuit would be used to clean the library and charity.

In 2011 on its pages "New Newspaper" reported that the protection of the Patriarch is carried out by employees of the Federal Security Service ( FSO), despite the fact that the Patriarch is not a civil servant. In December 2011 in the federal law A special amendment was made “On Protection”. In accordance with it, taxpayers now pay not only for the security of officials, but also for “other persons.” The state included the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church among these “other persons,” providing him with security due to the allegedly large number of threats received against Kirill from “militant atheists.”

The fact that the Patriarch has state security was confirmed to Gazeta.Ru by the head of the Patriarch’s press service, Archpriest Vladimir Vigilyansky, who emphasized that “this decision was made by President Yeltsin.” However, Patriarch Alexy was guarded much more modestly, according to scheme number three - “just our car plus accompanying employees.” Now the protection of the Patriarch is carried out according to the “presidential scheme”. This scheme includes “work along the route, at the place of stay, at departure. Plus escort. In total, more than 300 employees are involved in the protection of the Patriarch,” a source in the FSO press service clarified.

In 2012, Patriarch Kirill at a meeting with the Minister of Justice Alexander Konovalov once again “showed off” his Breguet watch for 20 thousand dollars. Servants of the press service of the Patriarchate erased the clock in Photoshop, but forgot about its reflection on the table. This fact has not escaped the attention of bloggers who as soon as possible made it news #1. Further, at the instigation of Patriarch Kirill himself, the story with the clock received an even more unexpected continuation. First, the Patriarch called the photo with Breguet a photoshop, and then unexpectedly recognized the watch as a “gift.”

In the same year, the Patriarch made an appeal not to ignore the action committed by the punk group Pussy Riot in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow. Largely thanks to the irreconcilable position of the Russian Orthodox Church and the Patriarch personally, on August 17, 2012, 3 members of the group were sentenced under the article of hooliganism, condemning them to 2 years of imprisonment in a general regime colony.

In response to criticism in connection with this, as well as a number of scandalous cases, the Moscow Patriarchate, the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation and some politicians announced an organized campaign to discredit the Patriarch and the Russian Orthodox Church. On June 16, 2012, Patriarch Kirill himself, on the air of the “Word of the Shepherd” program on Channel One, called people “who criticize the church” “demanding spiritual healing.”

year 2014. Another scandal broke out in connection with Patriarch Kirill’s congratulations on his victory in the presidential elections in Ukraine. Moreover, Kirill did this earlier than the President of the Russian Federation.

"Together with many people, I hope that the powers that are in your hands today will serve the good of the east, and the west, and the north, and the south of Ukraine", said Patriarch Kirill.

Many considered Poroshenko’s congratulations on behalf of the Russian Orthodox Church as an insult to the residents of eastern Ukraine, against whom the war was waged, as well as an insult to the Russian people, against whom, thanks to the efforts of the new Ukrainian government, a propaganda war is being waged.

At the end of September 2015, the Public Network Movement, funded by Azimut costing about 680 thousand euros.