Outdoor games for children 6-10 years old. Active games for girls of different ages: benefits, useful tips, examples of games

A series of outdoor games corresponding to the physical and mental development children from 7-10 years old.

These are games for the development of coordination of movements, dexterity. They include speed running, throwing, jumping over obstacles. The rules are gradually becoming more complicated, the requirements for the accuracy of execution are increasing. Text is often used to define the rhythm of the movements. It is important to introduce into games the motor elements of actions that children observe in life, they are familiar from pictures (digging, pulling, pushing, etc.). It is advisable to introduce elements of competition into the games (who will sooner reach the intended tree). Children at this age are interested not only in the process of the game, but also in its result, so they love to play competitive games. It is most useful to conduct motor games on fresh air... Rather strict requirements are imposed on the child in relation to the quality of movements, the correctness and precision of their implementation.

☺ Mouse Hunt game

The game is designed to form attention, coordination, operational orientation in a situation. All players are divided into pairs. One pair (by lot) becomes a "cat" and a "mouse". The rest of the couples stand in a circle: one in the back of the head of the other (in fact, two circles are formed: an outer and an inner one). The distance between adjacent pairs must be large enough so that you can run between them. The "cat" must catch the "mouse". If he touches it, the "mouse" is considered caught and leaves the game. But she can "hide" in a burrow. To do this, she needs to stand in front of any pair in a circle. In this case, the third player in the pair becomes the "mouse". He continues to run away from the "cat". If the "cat" touches him when the "mouse" has already entered a pair, and the "third" has not yet had time to start running, hesitated, he becomes a "cat". The winner is the “cat” that took the most “mice” out of the game, and the “mouse” that lasted the longest in the game.

☺ Game "Help a friend"

This game is aimed at developing mutual assistance and support for each other. Two players are selected, one of whom is the driver, must catch up and "grease" the other. The rest of the children stand in a circle, at a distance of about one step. The runner and the driver run along the circle, and the second is trying to catch up with the second. But the runner, if he feels that he is being caught up, can ask for help from any player in the circle, shouting his name. Then the named player leaves his place and runs in a circle, and in his place is the first player to run away. However, the vacant place can be taken by the one who is catching up, then the unsuccessful one becomes the "driver". The game continues as long as it is interesting for children.

☺ Game "Prisoner of the Ball"

The game "Prisoner of the Ball" develops both coordination and motor attention. All children line up in two lines facing each other. The side player takes the ball and throws it to the opposite side. This player catches the ball and throws it to the opposite player as shown in the diagram. Etc. When the ball reaches the end of the line, then it is thrown into reverse side in the same order. If the player does not catch the ball, he is captured by the opposing team and starts playing on its side. The winner is the team that "captivated" as many players as possible during the game time, which is limited in advance (for example, we play 5 minutes).

The next game is aimed at developing not only attention, but also the correct coordination of movements.

☺ Game "Balls - brooms"

This is a competitive game. It can be conducted with two participants or with two teams of participants. You will need two balloons and two brooms. Two participants must carry the balls on the brooms a certain distance (for example, from the wall to the table), without dropping them or puncturing them. The balls cannot be held with your hand. If they play in teams, then, according to the principle of a relay race, all participants wear balls in turn. The participant (or team) who succeeded in this receives a special certificate that gives the right to sweep the premises with this broom for a week.

☺ Game "Dark maze"

All participants in the game, except for the presenter, line up and close their eyes tightly. Then, with their eyes closed, they begin to follow the leader's commands: “Two steps forward, turn left, two steps right, turn around, step left, turn left, four steps straight, turn 180 degrees, two steps back, turn right, turn to the left, one step forward, three steps to the left, etc. ”. Then, at the command of the presenter, "Open your eyes!" all open their eyes and see who is standing. If someone is not like everyone else, then he leaves the game. The game then continues until only two (or one) of the most attentive players remain.

☺ Bike Camera Game

A bicycle pump is used, or an object imitating it. One child depicts a "camera". (To make it easier to get into the game, the first number in the role of the "camera" can be an adult.) As the "camera" is pumped up, it changes poses and positions. First, he takes a sitting position, then spreads his arms, puffs out his cheeks, etc. At some point, an impromptu camera "bursts", imitating the sound of a bursting tire. The participant lies helplessly on the floor. The role of the "camera" is transferred to another participant.

☺ Clothespins game

Play should be done outdoors or indoors with plenty of free space for children to run. You will need a lot of clothespins (preferably bright, multi-colored). This game can be played by children and adults. The number of players is not limited. The whole group is divided into two parts. One part is "hunters", the other is "deer". All clothespins are divided into identical piles and given out to all "hunters". The "hunters" attach clothespins to their clothes, and the game begins. After the signal (it is possible to introduce a musical introduction or to imitate the sound of a hunting horn), the “hunters” begin to catch the “deer”. Having caught the "deer", the "hunter" attaches a clothespin to it and lets go. The winner is the "hunter" who has no clothespins left.

Outdoor games are one of the ways of a child's physical development. They allow you to relieve physical fatigue from the muscles, to achieve emotional switching from one type of activity to another. Outdoor games are especially loved by children, because they are - important source joyful emotions. Games stimulate active work, thoughts, contribute to expanding horizons, improving all mental processes, form positive moral qualities in children.

Don't miss the ball

The participants in the game stand in a circle and put their hands on each other's shoulders. The driver stands in the middle of the circle with the ball at his feet. The task of the driver is to kick the ball out of the circle with his foot. The task of the players is not to release the ball from the circle, to hit it to the center of the driver. You cannot separate your hands. Neither the driver nor those in the circle are allowed to go beyond the line. If the ball sent by the driver flies over the arms or head, the hit will not count. But when the ball flies between the legs, the driver wins. He stands in a circle, and his place is taken by the one who missed the ball.

Forest, swamp, lake

A circle is drawn in such a size that all the players fit into it, and 3 more circles at an equal distance from the first. The first is played, and the rest are named: "forest", "swamp", "lake". The presenter names an animal, bird or fish (you can agree and name plants). Counts quickly to the set number. Everyone runs and everyone stands in the circle that, in his opinion, corresponds to the habitat of the named animal or bird, then they return and all over again. The word "frog" allows you to stand in any circle. Those who have never made a mistake win.

You cannot change the circle. If a belated person does not step into that circle with at least one foot, he receives a penalty point. Also the one who did not manage to reach the circle.


We determine the size of the territory in which the game will take place. At the beginning of the game, the leader is one person. He catches up with the scattering participants. After catching up with someone, he takes his hand, and together they catch up with the next, and so on, until a chain is formed. If there are many players, 2 chains can be formed. That is, when a chain of four is formed, they are divided into pairs.

Ball game

Participants are divided into 2 teams, they are given identification marks so that they can recognize each other. The task of each team is to throw the ball to each other 10 times without dropping it. The players of the other team are trying to get the ball. If the ball falls or hits another team, the game and the score are restarted.

Ticket Passengers

The group is divided into 2 equal teams, forming pairs. One is passengers (inner circle) and the other is “tickets” (outer circle). The leader stands in the center, and movement begins at his command. Passengers turn to the right and run in a circle, and "tickets" - to the left; all at the same time sing the song "We are going, we are going, we are going to distant lands." Suddenly the presenter shouts: "Controller!" "Tickets" stop in place, and passengers try to stand in front of the "tickets" (looking for a couple). The presenter, meanwhile, is trying to get ahead of someone and take an empty seat. The one left without a place becomes the leader.

Fast in a circle

Sit in a circle and sit in the center of the facilitator with your eyes closed. Pass an object in a circle. When the presenter says “stop!”, The object is no longer transmitted, and the person who holds it receives from the presenter any letter from the alphabet, except for complex ones. When the letter is given, the object begins to move in a circle until the leader stops it again. A person who has an object in his hands must, until the object goes around the circle, name 8 objects starting with the letter given by the presenter. If the player fails, he goes to the center, and the game continues.


Take an empty large egg carton. On the bottom of each indentation, write the numbers from 1 to 30. Place the target cardboard on the floor (there should be no carpet on the floor!). Divide the players into 2 teams. Draw a line one and a half to two meters from the target and give each team 4-5 balls. The goal is to hit the cells and score as many points as possible, but the ball must hit the floor once before hitting the target.

Wolves and Sheep

From a group (36 people), 9 sheep and 3 wolves are selected. The rest stand in a circle, holding hands - this is a fence. Sheep are inside the circle and wolves are outside. The facilitator scatters leaves with green paper (instead of grass) outside the circle. The essence of the game is that the sheep must collect all the grass outside the circle and bring it into the circle. Wolves catch sheep that have come out of the circle. The fence allows the sheep to pass through and discourages the wolves. The sheep that the wolf has bitten is out of the game. You can change wolves and sheep. The game continues until all the grass is collected or all the sheep are caught.

Three, thirteen, thirty

Players form a circle, standing apart from each other at a distance of outstretched arms. In the middle of it, the driver becomes. If he says: "Three" - all players must raise their hands to the side, at the word "thirteen!" - raise them up, with the word "thirty!" - put them on the belt (you can think of other movements). The driver quickly calls any of the 3 above numbers. The person who made the mistake takes a step back, but continues to play. The winner is the one who remains in his place until the end. The driver can stretch the words: "Three-and-and-and ...".


Divide into two teams (at least 20 people each). The teams line up. An object is placed in front of them at a short distance. At the signal, the first player from each team runs to this object, runs around it, returns to his team, takes another player's hand and runs with him. When they return to the team, they take two players, then four, then eight ... The chain must not open!

"Lying" snake

(It is better for the leader to stand at the beginning of the "snake", it is safer this way). Collect big teams and put them at the start. The task is to form a "snake" that will stretch across the entire room (gym, field), and then come back again. At the command of the leader, the first player from each team lies face down and stretches out his arms towards the start. As soon as the first player lies down, the second runs up, grabs the feet of the first and lies down in the same way. When the whole team lay down, forming part of the "snake", the first player gets up, runs to the tail of the snake and everything starts all over again. The game continues until the whole team returns to the start.

Pressure points

Using scotch tape, make 2 parallel lines on the floor, 2 steps apart. This is a neutral zone. The teams stand on the line, facing each other. One team "invites" the other to the neutral zone, pulling by the hands. The one who is drawn out becomes a member of another team. Teams can try anything to lure into the neutral zone. The only condition is that they must not move back from their line.

Circular transmission

The teams choose a captain and stand at the back of each other's heads, forming two circles. The captains receive a volleyball. At the signal from the leader, each captain raises the ball over his head, passes it to the one standing behind, and the ball passes in a circle from hand to hand. When, after going around the circle, the ball returns to the captain, he passes it to those in front (i.e. in the opposite direction). Then, at the sign of the captain, everyone turns to face the center and passes the ball in the opposite direction. When the ball returns to the captain, he lifts it over his head.

Change of places

Two teams of 8-10 people stand in rows along the line facing each other, at a distance of 10-12 m, and diverge to the width of outstretched arms. At the signal of the leader, they run towards each other, trying to be behind the opposite line as quickly as possible, turn around and stand in a line. The team that does it faster wins. By repeating the game, you can change the modes of movement: jumping, on one leg, with a rope.

Amoeba flight

This game requires some serious teamwork. Divide the group into 2 teams. The players of each team are close to each other. Tie rope around each team. Set the distance to 15 meters, or give the task to run around the box, get over the obstacles and return. Everyone starts running at the signal of the leader, while they can collide, and the box can fall. To avoid injury, participants must take off their shoes.


Divide the group into 2 teams, no more than 12 people. Prepare and place two tables with objects at one end of the room so that there is at least one object for each team member. Teams line up across the room. At the signal of the leader, one player from each team runs to "his" table and chooses any object at random. Then he runs back and passes the taken item to the other player. He runs to the table, also selects an item, returns and passes it to the next, and so on, until one of the teams clears the items from their table and transfers them to their corner. If something falls, you need to stop and pick it up.


Blindfolded, you need to reach the designated place without touching the placed objects (shoes, watches, dishes, etc.). Note: if you want to cheer the participants, for the second or third time, when everyone has already seen what these objects are, ask someone to take off the watch and put it on the field. Then blindfold the participants and change their watches ... eggshell placing it so that it is more likely to be stepped on. It is difficult to convey the feelings of a person who knows that there is a clock on the playing field, and hears a crunch under his own foot ...

Keep the ball on the fly

Everyone stands in a circle holding hands. The task is to prevent the balloon from falling to the floor, pushing it with all parts of the body. After the ball has fallen once, it cannot be pushed with your feet, and so on until it can not be pushed by anything. It can be complicated like this: to pay off the first or second, the first push, and the second hold them back. Or in another way: some hold their own ball, others - another, while you need to keep your own in the air and prevent others from doing the same.

Reverse hide and seek

One participant is hiding, all the others are looking for him. The one who finds the one who has hidden, hides with him, and so on until there is only one seeker left.

Burning forest

The task is to run across from one edge of the field (along which the line is drawn) to the other. In the center of the field there are 3-4 drivers who salute those who are running. The littered ones stop where they were shocked, place their hands on the sides, depicting a burning tree (you cannot leave the place). The rest continue to run back and forth. Their task is complicated by the fact that they cannot touch the "burning trees". The one who touched stops and "burns". The game can continue until there are 2-3 "unburnt" participants. They will be the winners.

Salki coins

Two teams, lined up, stand opposite each other, at a distance of two meters. One of them is "heads", the other is "tails". The presenter tosses a coin and shouts out what has fallen. If heads, "heads" run after "tails", and vice versa (confusion usually results). The team that is chasing must kill as many people from the other team as possible, and then the hardened ones go to their team. You can fire until the player has reached a predetermined border. The game continues until everyone is on the same team, but this rarely happens, so play until you run out of steam.

Relay races

  • With an inflatable ball. The participants are divided into two teams. Give each a stick and a balloon. The task of each player is to reach the place where the relay is passed and not let the ball fall to the ground with a stick.
  • With cotton wool. For this relay, special tubes are prepared, bent at one end. It is necessary to reach the place of transfer of the relay as soon as possible without dropping the cotton wool. To do this, you need to constantly "draw in air through a tube, at the end of which there is a piece of cotton wool.
  • With a ball. The task for the player is to reach the place where the relay is passed by jumping with the ball between the legs.
  • Taking the other's legs ... in your hands.
  • Crab (crawling).
  • Throw pebbles into a glass.
  • Jumping in the bag.
  • Obstacle course (the whole team holds on to a piece toilet paper which must not be torn apart).
  • Drink all the water in the bottle through a straw, running up in turn.
  • Hand over Matchbox nose.
  • Soap relay (soaping your hands, shoot soap as far as possible).
  • Who gurgles longer (take a little water in your mouth and at the signal of the presenter ... gargle).
  • A spoon in the hand, in a spoon - potatoes (you can use 2 sticks instead of a spoon).
  • And good for posture (keep a bag of sawdust on your head).
  • Race on a blanket (one is sitting, two are driving).
  • With an inflatable ball (two players run from start to finish, holding balloon foreheads).
  • Saddle the horse (one goes down on all fours, the other sits on his back. The horse carries the rider to the finish line, and the rider holds a racket in his hand, on it lies a shuttlecock for badminton).
  • The snake (one lies face down, everyone else runs over him, leaving him between the legs, returns, the second lies with his head at the feet of the first, everyone runs in the same way - until everyone has settled down).

Progressing relay

For several teams of 6-8 people, place chairs at different ends of the room, hall, etc. On each chair, place a stack of cards with tasks for the number of players in the team. At the signal from the leader, the first player from each team runs to a chair, takes a card, reads and completes the task. Then he quickly returns to the team, takes the second player by the hand, they run together to the chair, take another card, read and complete the task, etc.

Sample tasks:

  • sing “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”;
  • jump 5 times;
  • take off and then put on your shoes.

Fun starts

Note: according to this principle, you can connect any games of the kind of relay races, dividing the squads into teams; you can combine the relay races thematically by coming up with a name, presenters, heroes of the game.

1. One person from the group should jump on one leg.
2. Throw the plate away from the starting line so that it hits some target. If the plate does not hit the target, then you need to throw it again from the place where it fell. After hitting the target, the plate is taken to the box. Requires one hit per group.
3. For counselors: hit the target with a bow (at the shooting range). For female counselors - hit the target bigger size; for boys - into a smaller target.
4. Get 3 times into the basketball basket from the marked line (one or more people are involved).
5. Near the dining room, one person should take an apple out of a bowl of water with his mouth.
6. One person from the group must jump, without stumbling, 10 times on the rope without stopping.
7. Flowers... Teams fill a vase with a spoon with water, and the last participant places a flower.
8. Shrubs... Pass the twig blindfolded. (Everyone stands at arm's length from each other)
9. Hedgehog with apple... Taking turns, moving on all fours, the guys must carry one apple on their backs. Who will fill the basket faster?
10. Grape... A bunch of grapes from the land of Canaan. Who will inflate balloons faster and more and make a bunch of grapes (20 balloons per squad).
11. Winegrowers... Move this bunch quickly together and do not burst. For a certain distance.

The winner is the group that completes the tasks before everyone else and runs to the flagpole.

Years have passed, the rules of the once-favorite games have been forgotten, and it seems an impossible task to assemble a company suitable for, say, “Cossacks-robbers” at the current venues.
But even today for children on the street there is something more interesting than ordinary tag.
However, tag also can be unusual!
Wake up your memories, tell the children about what you played when you walked under the table yourself. Diversify your summer walks... Unpretentious street fun will leave indelible memories of your common childhood with him - carefree, cheerful, light and absolutely happy in the child's soul.
Different sals are needed, all sorts of nags are important!

Follow a simple rule - mark the boundaries of the site, beyond which you cannot run out. when running after each other becomes less interesting, suggest new options for the game.

"Salki - legs in the air"
If a player raised both legs above the ground, for example, hanging on the crossbar or rings, sat on a bench or just on the ground, the driver has no right to shock him at that moment and must run after another player.

Educational games for children from 1 year old with a plush bunny

"Ponytail sticks"
All players, except for the driver, have small ropes or ribbons tucked into their belts. The driver must catch up with the player, pull out the ribbon-tail from him and tuck it in himself. The player without the ponytail is now the new driver and the game continues.

On the playground, houses are indicated in advance (for example, they are drawn with chalk on the asphalt or with a stick on the ground), in which the players can hide for a short time, running away from the driver.

"In the game" I know five ... (names of girls, names of animals, fruits, flowers, etc.), hitting the ground with the ball, "Masha - one, Nastya - two ..." ... The winner is the one who played the longest with the ball and never made a mistake. Elena Girutskaya, editor-in-chief

"Sticks with the ball"
Our grandmothers know this game as "Shtander". The players stand in a circle, one of them, holding the ball in his hands, stands in the middle, throws the ball up and calls the name of one of the participants in the game. This player must catch the ball, and the rest quickly scatter away. The one who caught the ball shouts: "Stop!" All players must stop immediately. Now the driver's task is to hit any player with the ball, who at the same time cannot leave his place, but tries to dodge the ball - sit down, jump, bend over. The maneuver failed and did the ball really hurt the player? He becomes the new driver - he has to catch the ball, shout "stop" and shoot the ball at someone else. If the driver misses, he catches the ball again and the game continues. While the ball is not in the hands of the driver, children can freely move around the court, take the most advantageous positions.

"Salki on the track"
Draw a large circle that will fit all the players, and divide it into four equal sectors - this is playing field... The driver stands in the center of the circle, the players are randomly placed in the circle. At the signal, the driver starts to move in a circle, trying to insult the players, but with one limitation -
at least one of his legs must always remain on the line (outer, outlining the circle, or inner, dividing it). It is convenient to draw a circle with chalk on the asphalt, but you can also play on the lawn by laying out the playing field with ropes or drawing with a stick.

In this type of tag, the salted player takes the driver by the hand (in another version, by the belt) and they continue to run after the other guys together, without unhooking their hands. Gradually, the snake becomes longer and more clumsy, and the laughter of the kids is louder and louder.

And you can also play tag by jumping on one leg, riding scooters or rollerblades, moving in a goose step or on all fours!

"In the game" Frogs "
two teams are involved (we have always included the whole yard, about twenty people, but now you won't find this!). The players line up on one line, sit down and jump to the "bump" at the signal. Whoever reached it first, the team won. Fun and sporty!

Show ingenuity and ingenuity

These games will allow a small group of kids to move around properly.
in a confined space.

"Hares and Cabbage"
Mark a small circle (you can draw it with chalk, a stick on the ground or sand, lay it out with a string) - this will be a vegetable garden. Determine the diameter of the circle based on the number of participants and the age of the children. In the middle of the circle, each of the kids should put some kind of object (a cap, toy, hair clip, etc.), or you can put small toys, souvenirs for children in the circle. This is cabbage. The driver guards the garden. On command (it can be a short rhyme, a line from a song), the players try to run into a circle and drag away the cabbage without getting caught by the guard. You can only take one item from the circle at a time. The winner is the one who takes more cabbage from the garden. Players caught by the watchman can drop out of the game or go over to the watchman's side and help him catch nimble hares - as agreed.

"My friends and I had a favorite game" Secrets". In a secluded place on the ground, a small depression is made, treasures are placed there - a beautiful pebble, a flower, whatever. Above - a piece of glass. The task is to find secrets and examine treasures.

We mark the road with a width of several meters. The driver stands in the middle of the track with his back to the players, the players stand behind the line of the road. The driver names any color and turns to face everyone. Those who have the named color on their clothes, holding on to these clothes, calmly cross the road. Those who do not have such a color must cross the path, and the driver tries to grease them. The salted player becomes the new driver. If all players have safely crossed the road, the driver turns away again and calls new color... Is it possible to come up with colors (gray-brown-crimson) and name shades (light purple, dark blue)? This is how you agree!

"Whose house?"
This game can be started on the playground, on the alley in the park, and on the beach. You need to choose a driver and designate the houses by the number of participants minus one. Houses can be trees, benches, chalk circles, beach towels, etc. Players take places at the houses and, upon a signal, begin to run from one to another, and the driver must try to occupy any vacant house. The one who did not get the house becomes the new driver. You can play for elimination, then in each circle the slowest player leaves the game with his house, that is, there should always be one fewer houses than children.

"And I loved" Ocean is shaking"... This is the one where the presenter says: "The sea worries once, the sea worries two, the sea worries three, the sea figure freeze!" And everyone freezes in unthinkable positions: try to guess! My son and I are still playing it now, only in the tuned version: more often there is a “dino figure freeze”.

We develop dexterity, we train accuracy

When the kids are tired of running around (yes, this happens sometimes!), It's time to offer them one of the games a little quieter.

For her you need a small light ball (you can take a rubber inflatable). The players stand in a circle with a diameter of 5–6 meters and start tossing the ball to each other. The one who missed the pass sits down in the middle of the circle, squatting, the rest continue the game. They can "help out" those sitting in a circle by hitting them with a ball. However, in the event of a miss, the player will also have to sit in the circle. If a player in the circle catches a ball flying over him (you cannot get up, but you can jump on your haunches), all those sitting return to the game, and the one who unsuccessfully threw the ball sits in the center of the circle. The game continues until one player is left behind the circle - he will be the winner.

« What a childhood without hide and seek! This is a mega game. I remember how my friends and I played hide and seek in my apartment. At dusk without turning on the light. And then something big began to twirl and howl on the cupboard. Delight and horror! How did Vovka get there? Mystery. He could not get off on his own.

« Sticks "
To play, you need to collect several even (from 10 pieces) sticks of approximately the same size and throw them on the ground in a bunch. The players take turns taking out one stick from the pile so as not to touch the other sticks. For each extended stick, the player is awarded one point. If another stick is touched (moved, dropped), points for the move are not awarded. The winner is determined by the number of points scored.

Mark a circle on the ground and put small pebbles (or cones, chestnuts) in it, 5 pieces per player. A larger flat stone (or stick) will be a bat. Players take turns throwing the bat into the circle, trying to knock small stones out of it. All the pebbles that are outside the circle are taken by the player. The player who collected the most stones wins.

And pebbles, cones, acorns can be thrown at targets drawn on the wall or on the ground (and you can score points depending on which sector the targets hit), into containers (buckets, cans), into holes dug in the sand, knock down the placed cups with stones , molds for a sandbox, Easter cakes. Such simple games easily captivate children, develop perseverance and an eye.

"We loved the whole yard" Rubber band". The rule is simple: a long elastic band was sewn, pulled over the ankles of the girls standing opposite each other so that it would not dangle. They took turns jumping over it, each time complicating the tasks and lifting the elastic band higher.

Cozy summer

Summer is a great time to travel. But not everyone has the opportunity to get out to the seas during this period. Time-tested ideas will help you to have fun in the hottest three months of the year.

Hiding the treasure
What could be more interesting than finding a treasure? Only burying it! It doesn't matter that you are unlikely to donate real treasures. A plastic brooch, hairpin, small coins, bracelets, children's books - now they are of no value, but in five hundred years ... The very thought that someone might find these little things in many centuries will excite a child's imagination. Surely, he will approach this fascinating business with all seriousness. Offer the kid to put the "treasure" in a beautiful tin box, ask him to draw a picture or write a letter to those who found it, tie the box with twine and bury it. Do you want descendants to find the treasure? We'll have to draw a map that will be passed down from generation to generation.

We arrange a house or hut on a tree

Who among us in childhood, reading a book about Pippi LongStocking, did not dream of own home on a tree where you can play with friends or dream alone? It is quite possible to build it. Choose a sturdy tree with a strong root system and a forked trunk to help your plant survive the construction. Draw up a drawing (by yourself or using the Internet). The walls and roof can be of any shape and be made from any available means (shields, branches, boards), but the staircase should be as reliable as possible.

Making a garden scarecrow

Everyone, of course, perfectly understands that you cannot scare modern birds with a garden scarecrow, but making a funny element of garden decor is pleasant and simple for the soul. Even if there is no summer cottage, the scarecrow can be placed in the nearest front garden. For the base, two shafts from a shovel or stick of different lengths are suitable - knock them together crosswise. To make a head, take an ordinary plastic bag and stuff it with straw. Cover the formed ball with old nylon tights. Sew two large blue buttons in place of the eyes, sew the mouth with stitches using a thick red woolen thread... Shape your eyelashes and eyebrows in the same way, and sew a piece of flannel for a nose. Hair is easy to make from a washcloth, thread, straw. Put an old hat on the head of the scarecrow, inserting a goose feather into it. Dress up your "bogeyman" in an old dress with burlap patches, tie a scarf around your neck, give a bucket in your hands.

Building a fairy kingdom
On a walk, invite your kid to build a fairytale house for gnomes and elves out of twigs. The sizes of these creatures are very tiny, therefore, they need an appropriate dwelling. Help the little one from sticks to build a small hut, cover it with leaves, decorate small flowers, berries, feathers. If you like such an activity, you can build a whole town, fenced around the perimeter with expanded clay. Lay out a well from matches, paths - with small pebbles, plant twigs-trees, make a lake from a plastic mold, start a boat - a walnut shell.

Admiring the starry sky

Starfall can be seen every August. It reaches its climax at the twentieth of the month, but it is always interesting to look at the night sky. Explain to your child that the slowly moving star is either a satellite or an airplane. Real stars, or rather meteorites, are falling rapidly. Teach you to identify the growing and waning moon (if it looks like the letter "c", then aging, if you put an imaginary stick and you get the letter "r" - growing). Find the North Star, show the constellations - Big Dipper and Cassiopeia. Pay attention to the cluster of stars - this is Milky Way, our galaxy.

"Great game -" Bouncers "... You can even play three, and even if you get together big company… The rules are simple - everyone runs around the playing field, trying to dodge the ball, which is being thrown by the two leaders. The one who gets hit is eliminated. But it can be returned by catching the "candle". Svetlana Sorokina, art director

Top ten ideas

- Spend morning exercises in the fresh air.
- Go fishing with your child.
- Arrange the balcony: take out the trash, plant flowers, put a chair.
- Walk with an umbrella in the warm summer rain.
- Bake potatoes in fire coals.
- Have a bubble party.
- Go on a hike.
- Have breakfast on the loggia.
- Bury yourself on the beach in the sand.
- Have an outdoor picnic.

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They say that movement is life. Indeed, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of outdoor games for toddlers and older children. Almost any active game has a complex effect. on a mental, emotional, social and of course physical level. An outdoor game is not just fun in which you need to move chaotically, here you can see in every movement creativity... Motivation plays an important role in the development of the game's plot. The little man's fantasy also develops after all, children often come up with games themselves, "developing" their own rules for participating in them.

Thus, outdoor games allow girls to develop the following qualities:

  • speed;
  • endurance;
  • agility;
  • physical strength;
  • fantasy;
  • memory;
  • reaction.

Coordination of movements is also trained, the respiratory system, blood circulation are activated, and the metabolic processes of the body work better.

"Live" games are especially useful for too active children who cannot sit in one place for a long time. Such children need to be allowed to throw out their energy, directing it in the right direction, otherwise they will just aimlessly “rage” and indulge.

Games for girls 3 years old

Aged 2-3 years children already walk confidently, run well enough, crawl, can climb to low heights. It is on these movements that outdoor games for babies of this age should be oriented. You can play at home, but the best health-improving effect will be in outdoor activities. Most games for toddlers are suitable for both boys and girls, since at this age, gender differences are still conditional, rarely reflected in the behavior and hobbies of children.

  1. The game "At the Bear in the Forest". This fun has a rather old age, but children of any time simply adore it at the age of up to 3 years. The game requires a minimum of three people, one of whom must be an adult or teenager. He will play the bear. The bear sits down on a chair and "falls asleep" with his eyes closed. The room turns into a "forest". The participants in the game, kids and adults, begin to "pick" berries and mushrooms in the forest, bending over for invisible objects and putting them in an invisible basket. In the process of "collecting" you can echo: "Ay! Hey! " Then everyone “notices” the bear and, holding hands, walk towards him with the words: “I’ll collect a lot of cones from the bear in the forest. Well, the bear is blind, he will not run after me. The branch will suddenly break off, the bear will chase after me! " On the last line, the bear "wakes up", growls softly so as not to frighten the kids with a sharp sound, and runs after them, trying to catch up. This seemingly simple game develops several qualities in a child at once: it trains memory, speed, reaction, physical strength through squats and running, and improves mood.
  2. Snake sticks. Children stand in the center of the room. Cheerful energetic music turns on, to which all participants should dance. Children need to be allowed to jump a little, have fun and run. Then the music stops abruptly, and the kids squat down, "hiding" from the snake. The snake, the role of which is played by an adult, “searches” for children, “crawling” between them. It is important for the child to resist and not stand up so that the snake does not "catch" him. Such a game not only improves the mood of the baby, but allows him to train and develop endurance.
  3. "Geese-geese". Another famous and very old game for toddlers, which trains memory and reaction speed. Children stand to one wall of the room, they play the role of "geese". The adult stands in front of them at a short distance and starts the game with the words “Geese! Geese! " Children should answer: “Ha! Ha! Ha! " The host asks: "Do you want to eat?" Children answer: “Yes! Yes! Yes!". The presenter says: “Well, fly! Only take care of your wings! " Children must run with opposite wall into the "house", and the presenter must have time to touch as many kids as possible.
  4. "Birds in their nests"... Kids choose their own "nest" each. It should be a small elevation above the floor (10-15 cm), for example, a large cube or box. The host says to the birds: “Morning has come! The sun is shining brightly, birds fly out of their nests and look for seeds. " Children should "fly out" from their nests, jumping to the floor, and crouch in search of grains. When the host announces: “It's raining!”, All chicks must have time to “fly away” back to their nests.

Helpful advice: if your child cannot navigate the game and remember the rules, then bring someone else from the adults to help, for example, a grandmother or dad. Show by your example how to play this or that game. Let the child just look for the first time, play the second time with several adults, and next times he will be able to determine for himself what and when to do according to the rules of the game. Remember that babies of this age do not remember well the instructions that you are trying to explain to them in words. But on the other hand, their imitative qualities are very well developed, and children perfectly repeat even the most difficult exercises after adults, if they see them being performed with their own eyes.

V recent times not all adults, not to mention children, remember the benefits of outdoor games in nature or at least at home indoors. Tablets, mobile phones ...

Outdoor games for girls 4-6 years old

V middle preschool age girls are already doing quite well a simple "female" job, so you can play with them in the appropriate active games. For example, it will be interesting game "Hang up clothes"... It must have at least two participants, for example, a mother and a daughter. Each of the participants receives the same set of “washed” linen and clothespins. First, you need to ask your dad to pull the clotheslines between the chairs in the house. If it is possible to make such a structure on the street, then it will be even better. On the command: “Let's start! Attention! March!" participants hang clothes on the ropes. It is important not just to pin it, but to hang it neatly, evenly, so that it "dries out" quickly. The winner is the one who completes the task first.

For games "Meet the guests!" also requires a minimum of two participants. On common table put a lot of different objects (from children's toys): cubes, cars, balls, etc. Among them, several sets of children's dishes should be charmingly "lost". Purpose of the game: to meet the guests and set the table for them. Guests can be adults or just favorite toys. At the command of the participants from the proposed items should choose only those that will help them organize a "tea party" with the guests.
This kind of outdoor games not only develop the speed of reaction and thinking, physical endurance due to active actions, but also help to carry out labor education baby.

Also it is important at this age to develop the child's fine motor skills and accuracy. This can be done using the following games:

  1. "Who will rewind faster?" To the end of the stick (you can take a felt-tip pen or pencil), you need to tie a string. Such structures are made according to the number of participants in the game. On command, the players must wind the string around the stick at speed. The winner is the one who completed the task the fastest. After the first attempts, the game can be made more difficult by changing the rules and winding the lace with the backs of the palms down.
  2. "Don't hurt"... "Obstacles" in the form of cubes or pins are placed around the room. Purpose of the game: run the entire strip without hitting any obstacle. The one who does it faster and more accurately will win.

Games for primary school girls

Games designed for girls age 7-10 years, are aimed, as a rule, at the development of emancipation, communication skills, attentiveness, memory. Interesting is game "Spoiled fax". It is similar to the game "Broken Phone", but is designed for a narrow circle of players. In it, one of the participants draws a simple figure or letter on the back of the other with a finger or the blunt side of a pencil. The one who is drawing on his back must reproduce the drawing on a piece of paper. The result can be fun for everyone. If there are more than two people playing, then the children must stand one after the other and start playing with the last one in the queue, which, after its "drawing", will move to the beginning of the column.

Motor activity (DA) of a person is a purposeful act of movement, which he carries out deliberately or unconsciously to solve ...

"Sea figures"

Everyone probably knows this popular children's game. She trains imagination, stamina and memory. The number of players is unlimited. The host turns away from the lined up players and speaks loudly following words: “The sea is worried - once! The sea is worried - two! The sea is worried - three! Sea figure, freeze on the spot! " At this moment, all players must have time to "freeze", depicting some kind of sea figure. The presenter turns and starts walking past the players. When he chooses one of them (touches or calls a name), then that player must show how his figure moves. For example, how a dolphin or a seahorse swims. You need to guess the intended character. The next leader is the one of the participants who depicted either the most complex or the simplest figure. When it becomes uninteresting to play sea figures, then you can diversify the rules by thinking of showing the animals of the zoo, musical instruments etc.

Games for girls from 10 years old

Girls in from 10 years old love to play "rubber bands" or games with skipping ropes. Seemingly simple, these games actually require a lot of physical effort and skill. They allow the girl to train endurance and reaction speed.

"Rubber bands"

A minimum of three players are required to play. Two participants pull the elastic over their legs, and the third does the task. An ordinary elastic band 2-3 meters long is used as a props. The rules of the game "Rezinochki" are very simple and in fact have hardly changed over the past decades. So, the individual must perform the exercises without mistakes. If she makes a mistake, gets confused, then the move goes to the next player, and the previous one takes his place. The set of exercises is approximately the same as in the figure.

When all the exercises have been successfully completed by all participants, it will be possible to move to the second level of the game by pulling the elastic band higher, for example, up to the knees.

Rope games are also based on certain exercises. At the same time, often tasks with a jump rope are associated with the task of calling names, objects with a letter, etc. during jumps. The jumps themselves also have different difficulties: "with scrolls", "legs with a cross", "hands with a cross", "on one leg", etc.

If your child is not interested in outdoor games, then try to help him. Perhaps the girl does not even know about "rubber bands" or other interesting fun that is not related to TV or the Internet. Tell her, offer to play together if there is no company. Children are easily addicted to such games if there is a good "partner". Such a pastime will distract you from the daily hustle and bustle.

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Play is one of the most important ways for children to explore the world. This is how, in the game, the younger generations are trained in all living nature. It allows animals to learn vital skills in a safe form, to adopt the experience gained from their elders and to find their own ways of interacting with the world around them.

Humanity also has not invented for millennia better way learning than playing. Complexity of requirements for modern man has led to a variety of games that help hone a wide variety of skills and abilities. More and more of them are those that lead to prolonged inactivity of children. Therefore, outdoor games are so important for children indoors from 7 to 10 years old.

In younger children school age Intellectual loads sharply increase, the way of life is fundamentally different from preschool childhood. Regular walks and outdoor activities are replaced by the need to spend many hours in a sedentary state in the school building and doing homework. Outdoor games are designed to soften this transition for children by giving them the physical activity necessary for health.

Educational and educational games for junior schoolchildren help them master the skills of intellectual activity, develop thinking, learn new things easily and with pleasure. Team games, which are actively mastered by children of 7-10 years old, give them the skills of social interaction that are essential for life. They teach children to achieve their goals, not to be afraid of difficulties.

In children preschool age and walks on the street, and in many ways play activity organized by adults. Although the independence of younger schoolchildren is increasing, they still need the help of adults to learn new games and spend their free time more productively. Unlike adolescents, they are ready and willing to take part of adults in organizing games.

Outdoor games

Children of 7-10 years old are physically stronger and more enduring than preschoolers. Schoolchildren of this age develop the musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems, strengthen the ligaments, increase the volume of the lungs, and improve coordination of movements. Therefore, children of this age can play with a large enough physical activity more long time... The games themselves get more complex and more varied.

It is optimal for health to conduct outdoor games in the fresh air, but our climate and the need for schoolchildren to spend significant time indoors does not always allow this. Therefore, we present several outdoor games for children 7 - 10 years old, which can be carried out both outdoors and in a spacious room.

Strength exercises are especially helpful for boys of this age. Such, for example, as the tug of war or "Fight of the roosters".

  • "Fight of roosters"... A fairly spacious circle is drawn with chalk, inside which two players stand. They should place their hands behind their backs and bend one leg. Jumping on one leg and not helping with their hands, they should try to push the opponent out of the circle. A loss is considered not only to leave the circle, but also if the player stands on two legs or uses his hands.
  • « Draw out your opponent". Two teams line up in a circle against each other. The task of the players for some is to drag the enemy into the circle, for others - to pull out of the circle. This must be done in one to two minutes of individual bouts, pulling the opponent's belt or arms. The one who was defeated in this short fight is eliminated from the game. Several rounds are held and the team with the most players left wins.
  • Girls, on the other hand, prefer exercises to develop flexibility, a sense of balance or rhythm. Although the boys willingly take part in them.
  • « Come under the tape". A rope is pulled at the chest level of the children. You need to go under it without hitting it. In a more complicated version, the player must lean back at the same time. Then the rope gradually descends lower and lower until there is only one player left.
  • But most outdoor games, which differ from sports in less rigidity of the rules and a more free composition of participants, are aimed at children of different ages, regardless of gender.
  • « Fisherman". There is one presenter - a “fisherman” with a rope “net”. He stands in the center. The rest of the participants stand in a circle. The fisherman spins the rope on the floor, trying to hurt the players. Their task is to avoid this by jumping up and down.
  • « Atoms, molecules". Schoolchildren move arbitrarily until the presenter's command is heard. He says a number, like three or five. Players "atoms" must immediately unite into "molecules" from the named number of participants. Those who did not manage to get into the "molecules" are eliminated from the game.

Outdoor games for children. Mom's school.

Physical education for elementary school

Children 7-10 years old are in a phase of active growth. Nature has laid down in them the need for active movement, which provides a harmonious physical development forming muscles. And society requires, first of all, intellectual development, which is possible only with school education. Physical exercises in physical education, they cannot give primary school age students the required level of stress.

Therefore, in primary school be sure to spend physical education in the classroom and during breaks. They necessarily include exercises for various muscle groups. One of the obligatory recommendations for conducting physical exercises is to conduct them against the background of a positive attitude of schoolchildren. Outdoor games help to ensure this.

Physical education often includes exercises using various objects.

  1. « Go blind". Several pins are placed in a straight line at an equal and sufficiently large distance (about 80 cm) from each other. The player must go from the beginning to the end of the track without knocking them down.
  2. « Tell your friend". Children are lined up along the desks, and in each row, from end to end, is passed to the music of the pin. The music is stopped from time to time, and the one who has a pin at this moment is eliminated from the game.
  3. « Manage to grab". Schoolchildren are pitted against each other at the greatest possible distance. A chair with pins is placed in the middle between them. At the signal, a couple of children run to the chair at the same time. The winner is the one who grabs the pin.

Educational games

Moving exercises can be combined with didactic, teaching goals. They imply clearer rules in comparison with conventional outdoor games and a teaching goal thought out by teachers.

  1. « I believe - I do not believe": For children 7 - 10 years old for development logical thinking... Children stand in a circle, and the driver throws the ball, while saying a phrase. The one to whom the presenter throws should say “I believe” and catch him. If he considers the statement to be false, then the ball is not caught and “I don’t believe!” Is pronounced. If the reaction was correct, then the players switch roles.
  2. « The words"... Educational ball game to consolidate knowledge for children 7-10 years old. One participant throws a ball and sets a theme, such as animals. The one who catches the ball names an animal. Then the person who received the ball throws it to the next of the schoolchildren and sets his own theme.
  3. « Hiding places»: On the development of attention and observation in younger students. Children are given time to look closely at the premises. Then they turn away and close their eyes. One or more facilitators are hiding several items in the room. average size... Then, to the music, the rest are looking for the hidden. The winners are the ones who find the hidden first; if teams are playing, the winner is the one with the most items.

Ball games for schoolchildren

Ball exercises are one of the most popular among children of all ages. Children begin to play with the ball from preschool years, and by preparatory group are doing this already well enough. In children of primary school age, coordination of movements and endurance go to new level, therefore, exercises with him are carried out according to more complex rules. Of course, ball exercises can only be carried out in a fairly spacious room without breaking objects.

  1. « Try it, take it away!". Children are divided into two groups. The leader throws in the ball. One group needs to throw the ball to prevent it from falling to the ground. The second part of the children interferes with them in every possible way. The player from the second group who grabbed the ball changes roles with the one who dropped it.
  2. « Grab a treat". Real or toy fruits, nuts or sweets are laid out on the table. Children take turns tossing the ball, and before it touches the floor, you need to have time to grab something from the tasty. Schoolchildren who did not succeed are taken out of the game.
  3. « Green and red". Two medium balls are required here. different color such as green and red. Children are divided into two teams, in which a captain is selected. The host gives the signal and the captains throw the balls as far as they can. At the second signal, the players each run after their own ball. The first player to score the ball to the captain scores a point for the team. Then everything is repeated for the next pair of students. Only the captain throws the ball. All actions take place only at the signal of the leader.

Team games

As you can see, most of the outdoor games involve team actions. Children 7 - 10 years old are quite ready for this. But guys of this age are still very emotional, they cannot always control their behavior. Therefore, game organizers should consider a few rules.

Organization team games should be especially well thought out, since, unlike just outdoor games, it includes a powerful element of competition. This makes the game more emotional and can provoke conflicts in schoolchildren when interacting.

It is necessary to make sure that the participants have a good understanding of the rules and the purpose of the game, so as not to create a conflict due to their discrepancies among the opposing teams.

The organizers should try to divide the participants into groups that are approximately equal in strength and skill.

Objective judging must be ensured as children are highly sensitive to injustice.

Active exercises should alternate with quieter tasks, uniting in relay games. Because children of this age, with continuous intensive movement for more than 15 minutes, can become overworked.