The use of didactic games in the labor education of preschoolers. Play and work - live side by side

Alexandra Kuyanova
Didactic games"Adult labor"

"Name the profession".

(preparatory age)

Target: Strengthen children's knowledge about adult labor, develop the ability to use generalized names of professions (builder, worker, collective farmer, distinguish labor actions... Develop attention, thinking. Foster respect for results labor people of different professions.

Game rule: The one chosen by the teacher answers

Game action: Card selection, story.

Stroke games: On the table are cards with images of people of different professions. The teacher invites the child to choose any card and tell about the profession of the person depicted on the card.

Outcome: For the correct answer, the child is awarded with a token.

"Name the profession"

(middle group)

Didactic task: Consolidate children's knowledge of the means movement: cars, trains, airplanes, helicopters, motor ships, boats. Celebrate their features. Continue to cultivate the ability to play together, obey the rules games.

Dictionary: truck, taxi, tractor, dump truck, tram, fire engine, ambulance.

Game rule: Examining cards, classifying them by location, answering questions.

Game action: Search for the desired picture.

Stroke games: The teacher shows the cards to the children, says that there are cars that travel on the ground, float on water and fly in the air. It is necessary to divide the cards into these three groups. Children take turns approaching the table, choose a card, name and describe the car, say what it is for and put the card next to similar types of transport, classifying them.

Outcome games: The one wins, who will never make a mistake and will receive large quantity chips.

"Name the profession"

(middle, senior)

Didactic task: Clarify children's knowledge of work clothes, teach to distinguish between people of different professions in work clothes. Develop thinking, memory. Foster interest and respect for people of different professions.

Game rule: by working clothes to determine the profession, find the desired picture and show it to the children.

Game action: Search for a card.

Dictionary: uniform, hard hat, cap, raincoat, robe, apron, overalls, etc.

Stroke games: The educator reminds children that people from different professions wear different clothes at work. Gives a task on clothes to find a doctor. The children find the necessary card and describe the doctor's dress code, etc. the game continues.

Outcome games: for the correct answer, the child is encouraged by the teacher.

"I'm a cook!"

(all ages)

Didactic task: Continue to consolidate the knowledge of children about the profession of a cook. Learn to select products in accordance with the prepared dish. Fix the name of the dish and its purpose. Develop attention, memory. Instill respect for the people of the profession.

Dictionary: frying pan, saucepan, slotted spoon, ladle, cook, boil, fry, delicious, hot, cold, borscht, side dish, drink.

Game rule: do not shout out, do not interfere with the players, give an opportunity to think.

Game action: Search for a card.

Stroke games: The teacher places cards in front of the children with the image of objects related to the profession of a cook and not related to it, and offers children conditions games... Each chef must select the necessary cards and cook "dinner"... Who will cope with the task before, tell what they cooked, what dishes they used, in what order they put the food. One cooks compote, the other - soup.

Outcome games: Whoever copes with the task faster, he won.

"Set the table"

(2nd junior)

Didactic task: Reinforce children's knowledge of tableware. Activate their speech. Foster a culture of behavior while eating. Learn how to set the table correctly. Develop visual perception.

Game rule: to find and select the right dishes for dinner. Display items unmistakably.

Game action

Dictionary: fork, spoon, napkin, plate, cup, etc.

Stroke games: In front of the children, on the board, there are mixed cards, including dishes and various objects. Children should only find and take cards that show dinnerware. Lay them out on the table. Each child can pick up and name only one item.

Outcome games: At the right choice dishes, children clap their hands, if there is a mistake, they shake their fingers.

"What items does a janitor need?"

(2nd junior)

Didactic task: Reinforce the knowledge of the tools janitor labor... Develop attention, intelligence. Cultivate interest in adult labor, desire to help them.

Game rule: Collect weapons labor in accordance with the profession, remember how they are called and used.

Game action: card search, item name.

Dictionary: broom, broom, duck, rake, hose, shovel, trolley, stretcher.

Stroke games: The teacher offers to remember who is putting things in order in the territory of the kindergarten. What tools does he use in his work. Lays out cards on the board, invites the children to select the items necessary for the janitor's work.

Outcome games: When the answer is correct, children clap their hands.

"Who needs what to work?"

(senior, preparatory)

Didactic task: To consolidate the knowledge of children that different things, tools help people in their work labor... Cultivate interest in adult labor, desire by ourselves work... Develop memory, thinking.

Game rule: cover cards on a large map with only those pictures that correspond to its plot.

Game action: Search for cards.

Dictionary: stretcher, crane, trowel, showcase, can, etc.

Stroke games: The teacher shows large cards depicting people of a certain profession. He proposes to select among the small cards those that depict items necessary for people of this profession.

Outcome games: The winner is the one who completes the task the fastest.

"Who to be?"

(senior, preparatory)

Didactic task: Consolidation, clarification and deepening of children's knowledge about labor people of different professions. Learn to name the tools labor used in the work, special items. clothes. Develop memory, speech, logical thinking... Foster respect for people labor, interest in various professions

Dictionary: vegetable grower, poultry woman, gardener, tractor driver, machine operator, musician, builder, artist, farm, garden, field, grow, care, industriousness, caring, be useful.

Game rule: the child named by the presenter tells about the content of the picture

Game action: choose, tell.

Stroke games: The teacher talks with children about people of different professions. Tells that work appreciated by everyone and brings joy to them, People labor caring, are honest and always ready to help each other. They are true hardworking, are modest, cheerful and joyful. The teacher shows the children pictures, the children choose the profession they like, talk about it in detail and in an interesting way. They say who they would like to be when they grow up

Outcome: Children who most successfully and fully told about the profession are encouraged by the educator.


1 Municipal preschool educational institution kindergarten of combined type 17 Didactic games on labor education of children Prepared by the teacher Grin Galina Ivanovna Lipetsk

2 LET'S CLOSE ON THE TABLE FOR DOLLS Slit To teach children to set the table to nudge the items necessary for this Introduce the rules of etiquette meeting guests; receiving gifts; items of clothing The teacher says that today at the cook's day of birth, guests of her friend will come to her, we need to help her cover festive table used by doll furniture and the dishes, the teacher examines the stages of the activity with the children; preschool age in order to consolidate the skills of duty, you can show pictures with the image of the above items drawn one by one in order for the children to find them in order, determine the sequence of table setting

3 WHAT MASHA WANTS TO DO Slot Clarify the children's ideas about some of the labor activities tools and equipment needed to work about the mother g s course of the game The teacher addresses the children on behalf of kuk bibao Masha asks the mesh bowl for a bucket of water and soap presents the items she calls What do you think she will do? Erase Correctly And now Masha asks for a saucepan for her milk, sugar, salt and millet What Masha is going to do The doll wants to cook porridge How does millet porridge come out? game form Other labor actions in which the appropriate items are needed may be considered for M g s, these items are used for ironing and a stack of doll clothes for ironing, a bucket and a watering can for watering the garden, etc. one or another type of labor or simply lists these objects without showing illustrations to children to guess more complex labor processes For example, offering scissors colored paper glue ruler pencil to glue books to repair boxes attributes and p can be complicated one child draws objects on the board while others guess the type of Labor Or all children draw on paper at the same time and then show the drawings to each other for guessing

4 Slit Fix the cop at it is necessary Children have ideas about objects and their use in labor processes Introduce the course of the game to the professions The teacher offers the children equal objects asks to nudge them and unroll them when they are used and for what purpose, For example, a ladle is needed by the cook to stir the porridge, pour soup and compote, etc. the teacher selects various pictures with images of objects For example, a hammer vacuum cleaner coffee grinder steering wheel computer microphone drawing board centimeter microscope telescope jackhammer and brushes take a picture and do not call the profession of a person who uses the depicted object in his work

5 CHOOSING A JOB Slot Chat for children elementary ideas about the professions of people whose work was not in the sphere of observing children Arouse interest in the work of people of any profession The course of the game The teacher stands up with the kids In a round dance and suggests going in a circle saying Let's go along with Irabo to choose Astronauts we will go And we will drive the rockets The brushes imitate the sound of the engine and the flight of the rocket, acting as instructed by the tutor We will go to the captains The ships we will drive Show how the captain looks through binoculars In the helicopter pilots we will go Helicopters will drive Be t and make circular movements with his hands above the head the game can be continued with the children older, they already imitate the appropriate actions themselves And we will go to the pilots We will lead the planes We will go to the combine operators And the combine harvesters will lead We will go to the firemen And we will put out the fire

6 WHY THE PURPOSE WHY IT IS NECESSARY TO DO THIS Slot Form in children the idea of ​​the need for labor to expand knowledge about labor processes The course of the game The teacher asks the kids showing a picture of the object that characterizes this or that action The brushes should call this action Why do you need a watering can plant Why do you need to feed the bird you need to wash a plate to clean a carpet to wash a dress to iron a shirt oven pies to change bedclothes kupat a febenok For older preschool children they ask more difficult questions Why sow grain on a grain plant plant potatoes sprinkle an apple tree buy bread milk sausages fruit in a magician's wine repair a broken toy do weekly cleaning of the apartment with your body care

7 guess what I'm doing Slot Expanded Children have an idea of ​​labor actions to develop attention The course of the game The teacher with the children hold hands and stand in a circle the center of the circle the child enters Everybody walks along the circle and says In What you don’t know We’ll look and guess The child imitates labor actions showing them not only with movements, but also, if possible, transmits sounds For example, cleans the floor with a vacuum cleaner clogs a nail saws rides a car washes carries a bucket of water wipes a mirror in a meat grinder and so on cuts wood rubbing on a grater turns something

8 what first what then plants the gap Clarify the knowledge of children about the rules for replanting indoor rooms The course of the game The teacher shows the children pictures with the image of the actions we perform X when transplanting indoor plants and asks p to put them in the order of performing the actions the overturned pot is taken out of it the plant is taken out o Washing the pot o Pouring sand into the pot, see o Pouring a little earth into the pot on top of the sand o shaking off rotten roots o Planting the plant in a pot so so that the mixture of the transition to the root is on the surface and covered with earth Compaction of the earth o Placing the pot with the plant on a pallet o Watering the plant at the root

9 NAME THE PROFESSION slot Teach to correctly classify the profession of a person controlled by this person according to the types of machines The course of the game The educator calls cars transport and other technical means and the children control them, for example, Tractor tractor driver Car driver professions of people who are by them

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Labor education in kindergarten

"Who works where?"
Purpose: to clarify children's ideas about where people of different
professions, as their workplace is called.
school teacher;
doctor - in a hospital, clinic, kindergarten, school;
chef - in the kitchen, dining room, restaurant, cafe ... etc.

"Who knows and knows how?"
Purpose: to expand children's ideas about what knowledge and skills
people of different professions must have.
Knows children's poems, tells fairy tales, plays and walks with children ... a teacher.
Plays the piano, knows children's songs, teaches to sing, dance, plays musical games with children ... musical director.
Knows the human body, can provide first aid, is able to recognize and treat diseases ... a doctor, etc.

"Who is doing this?"
Purpose: to train children in the ability to determine the name of the profession by the names of actions.
Cuts, styles, washes, brushes, dries ... hairdresser.
Soaking, soaping, washing, shaking off, drying, ironing ... washerwoman.
Packs up, weighs, cuts, wraps, counts ... the seller.
Cleans, washes, fries, cooks, cooks, salt, tastes, feeds ... a cook, etc.

"Who's doing what?"
Purpose: to expand and clarify children's ideas about the work (labor operations) of people of different professions.
The janitor sweeps, cleans up, watering, raking ...
The music director sings, plays, dances, teaches ...
The junior educator (nanny) washes, cleans, wipes, covers, dresses, reads ... etc.

"Correct the mistake"
Purpose: to teach children to find and correct mistakes in the actions of people of various professions.
The cook heals, and the doctor prepares.
The janitor sells and the seller sweeps.
The teacher cuts and the hairdresser checks the notebooks.
The music director washes, and the washerwoman sings songs with the children ... and so on.

"What profession is it for a person?"
Purpose: to expand children's ideas about subjects, necessary for a person a certain profession.
Scales, counter, goods, cash register ... - to the seller.
Broom, shovel, hose, sand, scrap, snowblower… - to the janitor.
Washer, bath, soap, iron ... - to the washerwoman.
Comb, scissors, hair dryer, shampoo, hairspray, hair clipper ... - for a hairdresser, etc.

"Who needs what to work?"
Purpose: to expand and clarify children's ideas about the objects of the surrounding world (materials, tools, equipment, etc.) necessary for people of different professions to work.
For the teacher - a pointer, textbook, chalk, blackboard ...
For the cook - a saucepan, a frying pan, a knife, a vegetable cutter, an electric oven ...
For the driver - a car, spare wheel, gasoline, tools ...
For a teacher of fine arts - brushes, easel, clay, paints ... etc.

"Clap your hands if it is necessary for ... (name of the profession)"
Purpose: to exercise in the ability to correlate words and phrases with a particular profession of a person.
Children are encouraged to clap their hands when they hear a word or phrase, suitable for the profession, for example, a doctor: haircut, cold, scales, " Ambulance», sewing machine, reception of patients, fashionable hairstyle, washing powder, white coat, snowblower, etc.

"Who will name more actions?" (with a ball)
Purpose: to teach children to correlate the actions of people of different professions.
The teacher names a profession and in turn throws the ball to the children, who name what the person of this profession does.

"Continue the offer"
Purpose: to exercise the ability to complete sentences using words and phrases related to a particular profession of a person.
The cook cleans ... (fish, vegetables, dishes ...),
The washerwoman washes ... (towels, linens, bathrobes ...).
The teacher in the morning with the children ... (does exercises, has breakfast, conducts classes ...)
A janitor in the courtyard in winter ... (shovels snow, clears areas, sprinkles sand on paths ...), etc.

"Who is on the photo?"; "Find and Tell" (from a photo)
Purpose: to consolidate children's ideas about the work of kindergarten staff.
Children are invited to name a kindergarten employee (from a photo) or choose the desired photo and tell about this person: what is the name, in which room does he work, what is he doing, what is he doing?

"Let's draw a portrait" (speech)
Purpose: to teach children to compose speech portraits of kindergarten staff.
Children are invited to compose a descriptive story (Who is it? What does it look like? What is it doing? Etc.) about a kindergarten employee according to the model, plan, algorithm, using photographs, mnemonic tables.

"I start a sentence, and you finish"
Purpose: to consolidate children's ideas about the meaning and results of the work of people of different professions.
If there were no teachers, then ...
If there were no doctors, then ...
If there were no wipers, then ...
If there were no drivers, then ... and so on.

Game "Let's set the table for dolls".
Target. Teach children to set the table, name the items needed for serving. Introduce the rules of etiquette (meeting guests, accepting gifts, invitation to the table, behavior at the table). Foster humane feelings and friendships.
The course of the game The teacher enters a group with an elegant doll. Children examine it, name items of clothing. The teacher says that today is the doll's birthday, guests will come to her - her friends. You need to help the doll to set the festive table (doll furniture and dishes are used). The teacher plays the stages of the activity with the children (wash their hands, lay a tablecloth, put a vase of flowers, a napkin, a bread box in the center of the table, prepare cups and saucers for tea or a plate, and put cutlery nearby - spoons, forks, knives).
Then the episode of the meeting of the guests is played out, the dolls are seated in their places.
For older preschool children, in order to consolidate the skills of duty, you can show object pictures depicting the above items and offer to arrange them in order, determining the sequence of table setting.

Game "Guess what I'm doing?"
Target. Expand children's understanding of work activities. Develop attention.
The course of the game. The teacher and the children join hands and stand in a circle. A child comes out to the center of the circle. Everyone goes in a circle and says:
What are you doing - we do not know, Let's see and guess.
The child imitates labor actions not only by movements, but (if possible) by transmitting sounds. For example, vacuuming the floor, hammering a nail, sawing, driving a car, washing, chopping wood, rubbing with a grater, etc.
Children guess the action.

Game "What first, what then?"
Target. Clarify the knowledge of children about the rules for transplanting indoor plants.
The course of the game. The teacher shows the children pictures depicting the stages of transplanting indoor plants and asks them to arrange them in the order in which the actions are performed.
1 Overturn the pot, remove the plant from it.
2 Washing the pot.
3 Laying pebbles on the bottom of the pot.
4 Pouring sand into the pot (height 1 cm).
5 Pouring some earth into the pot.
6 Shaking off the old soil from the roots of plants with a stick.
7 Cutting off decayed roots.
8 Planting the plant in a pot so that the place of transition of the stem to the root is on the surface, and covering it with earth.
9 Compaction of the earth.
10 Placing the plant pot on a pallet.
11 Watering the plant at the root.

Current page: 7 (total of the book has 9 pages) [available passage for reading: 7 pages]

The topic "Acquaintance with the work of forest workers"

Software content. To acquaint children with the work of a forester, forester, biologist and other forest workers; foster respect for their work; contribute to the ecological and aesthetic education of children.


Caregiver's story:

- Most of the Earth is covered with forests. Forests are the main wealth of the planet. They give all living things healing air for breathing. The forests are inhabited by many birds and animals. People use wood in the manufacture of furniture, paper, industrial products.

Kind forest

What the good forest gives us
Where are the trees up to heaven?
The air is clean, fragrant,
The whisper of the leaves is incomprehensible.

Trumpets of unfamiliar birds
Chirping insects.
Magic of wonderful colors,
Scary fairy tales of witchcraft.

What the good forest gives us
Where are the trees up to heaven?
Baskets full of berries -
And lingonberries and cloudberries,

Blueberries, and blueberries,
Strawberries, blackberries.
Yes hazelnuts
In painted bodies.

What the good forest gives us
Where are the trees up to heaven?
A friendly family of mushrooms:

And merry waves
And fire chanterelles,
Russula, and butter,
Red saffron milk caps detachment.

What the good forest gives us
Where are the trees up to heaven?
And blades of grass and leaves,
Cones, acorns, flowers,

Birch bark and twigs
For fun for kids.
To make crafts
And they gave them to their friends.

The population of the planet is growing. Everything more land have to be allocated under Agriculture, therefore, the forest is cut down and the vacated land is used for pastures, where cattle graze; for fields where bread and vegetables are grown; for gardens and vineyards. Small villages turn into villages, villages into cities. People build houses and buildings necessary for life, around major cities allotted large areas under summer cottages... In the woods they are laying railways, find minerals, their extraction begins, which means that production develops. All this is necessary for people. However, the forests are getting smaller and smaller.

The forest must be protected. There are very important and necessary professions people who protect and preserve the forest. These are biologists, foresters, foresters and other forest workers. Experts examine trees, note those who need help: they cut down dead branches, process tree hollows, cut down decayed or diseased trees, cultivate areas where young plantings need to be made, and clear the forest of debris. Biological scientists study plant diseases and treat them. But in order to understand and define a particular disease of a tree, you need to be able to feel the mood of each of them. Listen carefully to the verses:


Snow-white sundress,
Severe hairstyle.
The first beauty -
Russian birch.
In the bright lace of foliage
Summer day meets
And with a curly head
Shakes merrily.

Weeping willow
Stands by the river.
And from the steep bank
Looks at the water.
Why are you crying, ivushka,
Why are you shedding tears?
With whom the nights are dark
Are you in conversation?


There is a beautiful linden tree
All sunlight doused,
Breathes honey smell
And smoothly swaying branches.
Gives everyone peace and joy,
And the sweetness of the summer vacation.
Itself, like summer is red,
Both lush and beautiful.


Slender mountain ash
Shakes branches.
Playful wind
Happy to meet.
The curls are disheveled
Cheeks reddened: -
I'm good in the fall -
I don't like blizzards!


Why are you sad, pine,
On a high slope?
Throwing needles
Right in the palm of my hand?
It's okay that summer has flown by quickly
Golden autumn sang its song.
Smile, don't
So be sad about it!
You are always beautiful -
Both in winter and summer.


Modest aspen
She hid in the shadows.
And looks shyly
On cloudy days.
In a gray sarafan,
Standing in the wind
Everything trembles and whispers:
It will rain by morning!

Spruce beauty dancing
At the edge of the forest
And they play around her
Christmas tree girlfriends.
Dressed up with bumps
Bright needles.
Snow-white fur coats
Trying on Christmas trees.

After reading each poem, the teacher invites the children to highlight characteristics a particular tree species. Children can name other features of the trees that they have noticed.

The topic "The profession of an astronaut"

Software content. To give children an idea of ​​the work of astronauts. Foster pride in them; respect for their work, for the history of their country.

Material. Illustration depicting the central part of the Monument to the Conquerors of Space.


The teacher shows the children an illustration depicting the central part of the Monument to the Conquerors of Space.

- In Moscow, near the VDNKh metro station, a majestic monument has been erected, depicting a rocket directed upward on the tip of an obelisk flickering like a train. This is a monument to the "Conquerors of Space" - people who have devoted their lives to surprisingly interesting, but very complex and dangerous profession, - astronaut. At the foot of the obelisk there is the Cosmonautics Museum, which contains documents related to space research, displays photographs of cosmonauts and people of different professions involved in space exploration(scientists, design engineers, workers).

A wide Alley of Cosmonauts leads to the monument, along which busts of the pioneers of the Universe are installed: Yu. A. Gagarin - the first person to visit space; V. V. Tereshkova - the first woman-cosmonaut, A. A. Leonov - the first person to leave the spacecraft into open space, and many others. Only they, astronauts, have the opportunity to see our planet from space. They tell us how beautiful our blue planet is, how small and fragile it seems from the cosmic depths. Astronauts urge people from all over the world to protect our common only home - the Earth, to preserve its riches.

Becoming an astronaut is not easy. You need to train not only your body, but also your mind, adjusting your body to difficult conditions life and work in space. Now in the Earth's orbit there is an active construction of an international space station, astronauts constantly live and work on it. They study the Earth from space and carry out numerous studies that help scientists to protect humanity from the danger associated with the destruction of our planet (pollution of the atmosphere, climate change and deterioration, lack of water, death of flora and fauna, depletion of minerals, etc.). It is planned to build a huge space station. Its flight can be observed from Earth with the naked eye. From the space station it is convenient to study the life of space, the Sun, distant stars, comets, asteroids. From the station, spacecraft, piloted by both astronauts and robots, will subsequently be launched onto distant planets. Signals are sent from the station to the depths of space, which carry information about our planet; installations operate on it, constantly receiving signals from space in the hope of hearing the voice of intelligent life in the nearest cosmic worlds.

The teacher invites the children to unite in a group of 3-4 people, choose a "constructor" and simulate different space stations, tell about what is located in each part of the station. Further, the teacher invites the children to play the game "What do astronauts need in space?" The teacher calls a generalizing word, and the children list the objects related to him and tell why the astronauts need them.

Instruments: hammer, spanners, screwdriver, drill, etc. (for construction and repair work).

Devices: clock, thermometer, telescope, microscope; instruments for measuring the state of air on board the ship, for communication with the Earth; medical devices (for determining the state of health of astronauts, etc.).

Equipment and mechanisms: armchairs, beds, sleeping bags, wardrobes, special showers and other devices and mechanisms (for life in zero gravity); physical culture equipment (for general strengthening exercises).

Food: bread in briquettes, liquid food in tubes, canned food in conveniently opening cans, juices in special bags adapted for drinking in zero gravity, etc.).

Clothing: suit for life and work inside the spacecraft, space suit for the work of astronauts in open space with necessary fixtures(made of impervious material; helmet with a light filter that protects from the blinding sun; an air tank attached to the astronaut's back).

Personal hygiene items: soap, toothbrush, paper towels, napkins, etc.

Personal items of astronauts that you can take with you into space: photographs of relatives, slides, badges, a small book with favorite poems and other small items that are dear to a person.

Didactic games for labor education of children

Games for children 3-5 years old

Game "Set the table for dolls"

Target. Teach children to set the table, name the items needed for reference. Introduce the rules of etiquette (meeting guests, accepting gifts, inviting to the table, behavior at the table). Foster humane feelings and friendships.

Game progress

The teacher enters a group with an elegant doll. Children examine her, name items of clothing. The teacher says that today is the doll's birthday, guests will come to her - her girlfriends. You need to help the doll to set the festive table (doll furniture and dishes are used). The teacher plays the stages of the activity with the children (wash hands, lay a tablecloth, put a vase of flowers, a napkin holder and a bread box in the center of the table, prepare cups and saucers for tea or a plate, and put cutlery nearby - spoons, forks, knives). Then the episode of the meeting of the guests is played out, the dolls are seated in their places.

For older preschool children, in order to consolidate the skills of duty, you can show object pictures depicting the above items and offer to arrange them in order, determining the sequence of table setting.

Game "What does Masha want to do?"

Target. Clarify children's ideas about certain labor activities; about materials, tools and equipment required for work.

Game progress

The teacher addresses the children on behalf of Masha (bibabo doll):

- Masha asks me for a basin, a bucket of water and soap.

Substitutes the items she calls for the doll.

- What do you think she will do? (Wash.) Right. And now Masha asks for a saucepan, milk, sugar, salt and millet. What is Masha going to do? (The doll wants to cook porridge.) What is the name of the porridge? (Millet.)

In a playful way, other labor actions in which appropriate items are needed can be considered. The kids are shown these items (an iron and a stack of doll clothes - for ironing; a bucket and a watering can - for watering the beds, etc.).

Carrying out this game with older children, the teacher uses pictures depicting objects corresponding to a particular type of labor, or simply lists these objects (without showing illustrations), inviting the children to guess more complex labor processes. For example: scissors, colored paper, glue, ruler, pencil - gluing books, repairing boxes, attributes.

The game can be complicated: one child draws objects on the board, and the rest of the children guess the type of labor, or all children draw on paper at the same time, and then show the drawings to each other and guess.

Game "Who needs it?"

Target. Strengthen children's ideas about objects and their use in labor processes. Introduce professions.

Game progress

The teacher shows the children various objects, asks to name them and tell when they are used and for what purpose. For example: this is a ladle, the chef needs it to stir porridge, pour soup and compote, etc.

When playing games with older preschool children, the teacher selects different pictures depicting objects. For example: pliers, hammer, vacuum cleaner, coffee grinder, steering wheel, computer, microphone, drawing board, centimeter, microscope, telescope, jackhammer, etc. Children name the profession of the person who uses the depicted object in his work.

Choosing a Job Game

Target. To give children basic ideas about the professions of people whose work was not in the sphere of their observation. Arouse interest in the work of people of any profession.

Game progress

The teacher, together with the children, gets up in a round dance and offers to go in a circle, saying:

Let's grow up together
And choose a job.
We will go to astronauts
And we'll drive the rockets.

(Children imitate the sound of the engine and the flight of a rocket, acting as shown by the educator.)

We will go to the captains,
We will lead the ships.

(Children show how the captain looks through binoculars.)

Let's go to the helicopter pilots
We will drive the helicopters.

(Children run and make circular movements with their hands over their heads.)

The game can be continued with older children, they already imitate the appropriate actions on their own.

And we will go to the pilots,
We will drive the planes.

The first two lines are repeated at the beginning of each verse, the children follow these words in a circle.

We will go to combiners
And we will drive the harvesters.
Let's go to the firemen
And we'll start putting out the fire.

Game "Why (for what, why) do you need to do this?"

Target. To form in children an idea of ​​the need for labor, to expand knowledge about labor processes.

Game progress

The teacher shows children a picture with an image of an object that characterizes a particular action. Children should name this action.

- Why do you need a plant? (Watering can.)

- Why do you need to feed? (Birdie.)

- What needs to be washed? (Plate.)

- What needs to be cleaned? (Carpet.)

- What needs to be washed? (The dress.)

- What needs to be ironed? (Shirt.)

- What do you need to bake? (Pies.)

- What needs to be changed? (Linens.)

- Whom should I bathe? (Child.)

Older preschool children are asked more difficult questions.

- Why sow the fields? (Corn.)

- Why plant? (Potato.)

- Why spray? (Apple tree.)

- Why buy bread (milk, sausages, fruits) in the store?

- Why repair a broken toy?

- Why do the weekly cleaning of the apartment?

- Why take care of your body?

Games for children 5-7 years old

Game "Guess what I'm doing?"

Target. Expand children's understanding of work activities. Develop attention.

Game progress

The teacher and the children join hands and stand in a circle. A child comes out to the center of the circle. Everyone goes in a circle and says:

What are you doing - we don't know
Let's take a look and guess.

The child imitates labor actions not only by movements, but also (if possible) by transmitting sounds. For example, he vacuums the floor, hammers a nail, saws, drives a car, washes, carries a bucket of water, wipes a mirror, chops wood, rubs on a grater, turns something in a meat grinder, etc.

Children guess the action.

Game "What first, what then?"

Target. Clarify the knowledge of children about the rules for transplanting indoor plants.

Game progress

The teacher shows the children pictures depicting the stages of transplanting indoor plants and asks them to arrange them in the order in which the actions are performed.

An overturned pot, a plant is taken out of it.

Washing the pot.

Laying pebbles on the bottom of the pot.

Pouring sand into the pot (height 1 cm).

Pour some earth into the pot on top of the sand.

Shaking off the old earth from the roots of the plant with a stick.

Cutting off decayed roots.

Planting the plant in a pot so that the transition point of the stem to the root is on the surface, and covering it with earth.

Compaction of the earth.

Placing a plant pot on a pallet.

Watering the plant at the root.

Game "Name a profession"

Target. Teach children to correctly name the professions of people by the types of machines controlled by them.

Game progress

The teacher names cars, vehicles and other technical means, and the children name the professions of the people who operate them. Tractor is a tractor driver.

The car is a chauffeur.

Excavator - excavator.

Combine harvester.

Hoisting crane - crane operator.

The train is a driver.

The ship is the captain.

Airplane - pilot (pilot).

Spaceship is an astronaut.

Fire truck - firefighter.

Bulldozer is a bulldozer driver.

Racing car - racer (pilot). Etc.

Game "Guess the profession"

Target. Expand children's understanding of professions.

Game progress

The teacher shows the children a subject picture. Children name the profession of a person in whose work this object is used or is the result of his labor.

The rabbit is a breeder.

The calf is a calf.

A sheep is a sheep breeder.

Deer is a reindeer breeder.

The grape is the grower.

Tea is a tea grower.

Bread is a grain grower.

The garden is a gardener.

Flowers - florist.

A bee is a beekeeper.

The field is a field grower.

The wrench is a locksmith.

Bucket and mop - cleaning lady.

Ticket - conductor.

Cashier - cashier.

The plane is a joiner.

Paint and brush - painter.

Trowel - plasterer.

Kuhlman is an engineer.

Hammer and Anvil - Blacksmith.

Fire extinguisher - fireman.

Syringe is a nurse.

Electric saw - lumberjack.

Fishing net - fisherman.

Dental chair - dentist.

The milking machine is a milkmaid. Etc.

The game "Who can't do without them?"

Target. To consolidate children's knowledge about materials, tools and equipment needed by people of different professions.

Game progress

The teacher names the subject, and the children - the profession of the person who needs it. For example: syringe, control panel, scissors, flour, garden sprayer, telephone, milking machine, stretcher, plane, wheelbarrow, police baton, drill, electric cable, nail, coil of wire, cash register, postman's bag, wallpaper roll, cash register, pencil, brush, tray, bell.

It should be borne in mind that the same items are needed for people of different professions. For example, athletes, sailors, builders and rescuers need a rope.

Game "Who works at sea?"

Target. Strengthen children's ideas about people working at sea, about the value of their work; names of machines, mechanisms, instruments, equipment necessary for labor at sea.

Game progress

The teacher invites the children to split into five teams. Each team is given one drawing on a particular topic: "Fishing", "On ships, ships and offshore oil rigs", "Exploration of the sea", "Mineral resources and marine values" (drawings can be done by children).

The educator gives the children the opportunity to first discuss the proposed topic together and think about what questions they can ask about this topic. For example, the teacher calls the topic "Fishing". This means that the team that got the topic should prepare for the answers. The teacher uses questions that correspond to the level of knowledge of children in this age group. He can compile the questionnaire himself on other topics (“ Underwater world"," Fish farms ", etc.).

For each topic, the teacher asks the team no more than three questions. If the children do not answer the question, the teacher offers to answer the other team. For the correct answer, the team receives a token. If children find it difficult to answer, the teacher answers himself.

Game "How human labor destroys our planet and how it saves it"

Target. Clarify children's ideas about the environmental danger our planet is exposed to. Contribute environmental education, to consolidate the concept of human labor related to ecology.

Game progress

The teacher distributes to the children one card with a red exclamation mark and offers to split into two teams.

The teacher asks the children questions. When it comes to pollution of the planet, children raise an exclamation point card. The team that gives the most correct answers wins.

Proverbs and sayings about labor

What goes around comes around.

Without grabbing an ax, you cannot cut down a hut.

If you can't reach out, you can't get it off the shelf.

Patience and a little effort.

One with a bipod - seven with a spoon.

Things went well - and he himself is glad!

He promised - did, gave his word - keep it.

If you hurry, you will make people laugh.

Without excitement and care, there is no joy at work.

I call a lot, but little sense.

When there is no agreement in the comrades, their business will not go well.

Seven times measure cut once.

The sun paints the earth, and man's labor.

The day is boring until the evening, if there is nothing to do.

Laziness, open the door! You will burn! - Though I will burn, but I will not open.

If you want to eat rolls, do not sit on the stove.

One collects, the other yawns.

Do not work, and bread will not be born.

The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing.

Work until you sweat, and so you eat in the hunt!

White handles love other people's work.

His laziness made a nest in his bosom.

To eat a fish, you need to get into the water.

The ant is not great, but it digs mountains.


Annex 1

An indicative list of equipment, inventory for organizing the work of preschoolers

* The number of items is determined by the content of the organized labor.

Appendix 2

Methods and techniques for the formation of a social orientation in the labor education of children 5-7 years old

Appendix 3

Questions and tasks for a conversation to identify work skills, skills and knowledge of children

3-4 years

- Who washes the floor, wipes the dust?

- Who washes the dishes and puts them in the cupboard?

- Who removes the snow on the site?

- Why does the janitor remove the snow, sweep the area?

- Who sewed nice clothes for dolls?

- Why can't you throw anything on the floor?

- Show me where to put (remove) garbage?

Self service

- Show how you can wash your hands (eat with a fork, wipe your mouth with a napkin).

- Tell and show how to put on tights (shirt, button up, comb your hair).

- Why can't you throw your things around?

- What should you say when you are helped?

- Which of you often helps each other? How does it help?

Household labor

- Show how you can lay out spoons (wipe tables with a cloth).

- Why are you wiping the table now?

- How do you help the nanny?

Labor in nature

- Show how to water the plant (wipe the leaves of the ficus). Why do you need to do this?

- What is the name of this plant?

- What is the name of the fish in your aquarium?

- Why do you need to feed the fish?

4-5 children

Familiarization with adult labor

- Why does the driver carry loads (the cook prepares food, the dressmaker sews clothes, the doctor treats people)?

- Why do they try to work well, work quickly, dexterously, accurately?

- What does the cook do? What kind of dishes does he cook?

- How does your mom (dad, grandmother, grandfather) work at home?

- What does your mom (dad) do at work?

- How do you help mom at home?

- Which of you especially often helps a nanny, a teacher?

- What items are needed in order to clean the room (on the site to cook lunch)?

- Do you know how to play the games "What do you need for work?", "Who will benefit from this subject?", "What is this profession?"

Self service

- Tell me how to sit at the table while eating and use cutlery.

- Do you help your comrades button up their coats, tie a scarf, a scarf? Why are you doing this?

- Why do you need to put your things in place? Show me how to put things in the closet.

Household labor

- Show me where you keep rags, basins, buckets.

- Show me how to wipe chairs and shelves. Why do you need to do this?

- How do you like to work - alone or together with your comrades?

- Why is it better to put toys together than alone?

- Tell us how you clean the group room (wash toys, wash doll clothes).

- Tell us how you know how to set the table for dinner.

- Why do you need to be on duty?

Labor in nature

- What houseplants do you know?

- How should you take care of them?

- Why do you need to take care of plants and animals?

- Which of your comrades especially loves birds and animals? Why do you think so?

5-6 years old

Familiarization with adult labor

- What professions do you know?

- Where do your parents work (what is their profession, what do they do at work)?

- Why do all people work?

- Who works at night?

- What do you want to become when you grow up and why?

- What proverbs about labor do you know?

- What books do you know that tell about the work of people?

- Why does a person need machines and tools?

- Tell us how you help adults in kindergarten and at home.

- Do you know how to play the games "Guess the profession", "Who will I be", "Who put a lot of work into making the suit serve you?" How are they played?

Self service

- Tell and show how to take care of clothes and shoes.

- Why brush your teeth, rinse your mouth? Tell me how to do it.

- Why do you need to dress quickly and correctly?

- Tell me how you put your clothes in the closet.

- Who keeps track of the cleanliness of your clothes?

- Tell us about the rules of conduct at the table and the rules for using cutlery.

- What does it mean to "behave culturally"?

Household labor

- Where is the inventory and equipment for household labor?

- Who is responsible for keeping the closet in which the equipment and inventory are kept?

- How do you use it?

- Tell us how you organize the laundry.

- What work do you like the most and why?

- Who is the most hardworking in your group? Why do you think so?

- Who do you like to work with and why?

- How do you help kids?

- Do you often work together? Do you love this kind of work? Why?

- Who is your team leader and why?

- What does it mean to “respect the work of adults”?

- How do you help adults in kindergarten and at home?

- What are the duties of those on duty in the canteen (in the classroom, in a corner of nature)?

- What sayings and proverbs about work do you know?

Labor in nature

- What indoor plants (flowers, bushes, trees on the site) do you know?

- What are the names of the fish in your aquarium?

- What birds live in your group?

- Why do you need to take care of animals and plants?

- How do you care for your hamster (birds, fish, etc.)?

- Which of the guys in your group is especially fond of work in nature?

- Why do you like to work?

- Tell us how you work in the garden (in the flower garden, garden). How do you care for trees and shrubs? What kind of equipment do you use? Where is it stored?

Manual labor

- Who glues books, boxes, fixes attributes to games?

- Who is responsible for storing the material and order in the corner manual labor?

- Who collects a variety of materials for crafts?

6-7 years old

Familiarization with adult labor

- What professions do you know?

- What is the significance of the profession of a teacher (artist, policeman, etc.)?

- What is the significance of work in people's lives?

- Tell us about the professions of your parents.

- Did you go on excursions to the library (bakery, atelier)?

- What do you know about working in the countryside?

- What agricultural professions do you know (field growers, machine operators, gardeners, beekeepers, etc.)?

- What verses and proverbs about bread do you know?

- What books about working people do you know? What kind of filmstrips, cartoons, films about them have you watched? Who do you like about them? Why?

- What do you want to become when you grow up and why? Tell us about this profession.

- What professions people work in the open air in cold weather, bad weather, at night and in other difficult conditions for a person?

Self service

- Why is it necessary to take care of the cleanliness of your body, teeth, always be combed and neat?

- Why is it necessary to take good care of your personal belongings (things of comrades), furniture, manuals, toys?

- How do you help kids?

- Show and explain why you keep your things in the closet that way.

- Who cares, monitors the cleanliness of your clothes, sews buttons and loops to your clothes when they break off? How many times a week do you have to change your shirt (dress) because it gets dirty?

- What is “culture of behavior”?

Household labor

- What kind of work do you like to do?

- Who distributes responsibilities between you before you start working?

- Who keeps order in the household closet?

- Who is most often chosen as a foreman and why?

- Which of your comrades is able to quickly, deftly, accurately and conscientiously carry out any task? Who is the most hardworking in your group?

- Why you need to protect things, books, objects that are common property?

- Who do you like to work with and why?

- Do you sponsor the kids? How is this concern manifested?

- Do you help adults in their work in kindergarten, at home? How do you help?

- What kind of job do you like and why?

- Who has permanent responsibilities at home and what?

- Why it is necessary to perform not only interesting work, but also one that is not always pleasant, but necessary?

- Which of your comrades knows how to come up with a task as quickly and better as possible?

- What electrical appliances that facilitate the work of people in everyday life, do you know? Which ones do you know how to use?

- What types of shifts do you organize?

- What are the duties of those on duty in the dining room, in the classroom, in the corner of nature?

- What is the significance of the work of the attendants?

- Who is on duty in the corner of nature today? What did you manage to do today to care for plants and animals? What else are you going to do and how?

- What proverbs and sayings about labor do you know?

- Do you like collective labor, how often do you organize it? What kind of work do you do?

- What are subbotniks? Did you take part in them and what did you do? What did you particularly like and remember during your work?

Labor in nature

- What plants do you know?

- What types of ornamental fish do you know?

- What birds and animals live in your kindergarten (home)?

- Who cares for plants and animals in kindergarten (at home)?

- Which of your comrades is especially fond of labor in nature?

- Tell us about the importance of caring for plants and animals.

- Tell us how you take care of trees and shrubs on the site. How do you work in the garden, flower garden, garden? What inventory and equipment do you have for this job?

Manual labor

- Who repairs books (boxes, attributes)?

- Who collects, prepares the material for work?

- Tell us what materials and equipment you have. How are they stored? Who is responsible for keeping the handicraft area tidy?

- What are you going to do in the near future? How will you do it?

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Game "Let's set the table for dolls".

Target. Teach children to set the table, name the items needed for reference. Introduce the rules of etiquette (meeting guests, accepting gifts, inviting to the table, behavior at the table). Foster humane feelings and friendships.

Game progress:

The teacher enters a group with an elegant doll. Children examine her, name items of clothing. The teacher says that today is the doll's birthday, guests will come to her - her girlfriends. You need to help the doll to set the festive table (doll furniture and dishes are used).

The teacher plays the stages of the activity with the children (wash hands, lay a tablecloth, put a vase of flowers, a napkin holder and a bread box in the center of the table, prepare cups and saucers for tea or a plate, and put cutlery, spoons, forks, knives nearby). Then the episode of the meeting of the guests is played out, the dolls are seated in their places.

For older preschool children, in order to consolidate the skills of duty, you can show object pictures depicting the above items and offer to arrange them in order, determining the sequence of table setting.

Game "What does Masha want to do?"

Target. Clarify children's ideas about certain labor activities; about materials, tools and equipment required for work.

Game progress:

The teacher addresses the children on behalf of Masha (bibabo doll):
- Masha asks me for a basin, a bucket of water and soap.
Substitutes the items she calls for the doll.
- What do you think she will do? (Erase.) That's right. And now Masha asks for a saucepan, milk, sugar, salt and millet. What is Masha going to do? (The doll wants to cook porridge.) What is the name of the porridge? (Millet.)

In a playful way, other labor actions in which appropriate items are needed can be considered. The kids are shown these items (an iron and a stack of doll clothes - for ironing; a bucket and a watering can - for watering the beds, etc.).

Carrying out this game with older children, the teacher uses pictures depicting objects corresponding to a particular type of labor, or simply lists these objects (without showing illustrations), inviting the children to guess more complex labor processes. For example: scissors, colored paper, glue, ruler, pencil - gluing books, repairing boxes, attributes.

The game can be complicated: one child draws objects on the board, and the rest of the children guess the type of labor, or all children draw on paper at the same time, and then show the drawings to each other and guess.

Game "Who needs it?"

Target. Strengthen children's ideas about objects and their use in labor processes. Introduce professions.

Game progress:

The teacher shows the children various objects, asks to name them and tell when they are used and for what purpose. For example: this is a ladle, the cook needs it to stir porridge, pour soup and compote, etc.

When playing games with older preschool children, the teacher selects different pictures depicting objects. For example: pliers, hammer, vacuum cleaner, coffee grinder, steering wheel, computer, microphone, drawing board, centimeter, microscope, telescope, jackhammer, etc. Children name the profession of the person who uses the depicted object in his work.

Choosing a Job Game

Target. To give children basic ideas about the professions of people whose work was not in the sphere of their observation. Arouse interest in the work of people of any profession.

Game progress:

The teacher, together with the children, gets up in a round dance and offers to go in a circle, saying:
Let's grow up together
And choose a job.
We will go to astronauts
And we'll drive the rockets.
(Children imitate the sound of the engine and the flight of a rocket,
acting as directed by the educator.)
We will go to the captains,
We will lead the ships.
(Children show how the captain looks through binoculars.)
Let's go to the helicopter pilots
we will drive the helicopters.
(Children run and make circular movements with their hands over their heads.)
The game can be continued with older children, they already imitate the appropriate actions on their own.
And we will go to the pilots,
We will drive the planes.
The first two lines are repeated at the beginning of each verse,
children on these words go in a circle.
We will go to combiners
And we will drive the harvesters.
We will go to the firemen
And we'll start putting out the fire.

Game "Why (for what, why) do you need to do this?"

Target. To form in children an idea of ​​the need for labor, to expand knowledge about labor processes.

Game progress:

The teacher shows children a picture with an image of an object that characterizes a particular action. Children should name this action.
- Why do you need a plant? (Watering can.)
- Why do you need to feed? (Birdie.)
- What needs to be washed? (Plate.)
- What needs to be cleaned? (Carpet.)
- What needs to be washed? (The dress.)
- What needs to be ironed? (Shirt.)
- What do you need to bake? (Pies.)
- What needs to be changed? (Linens.)
- Whom should I bathe? (Child.)
Older preschool children are asked more difficult questions.
- Why sow the fields? (Corn.)
- Why plant? (Potato.)
- Why spray? (Apple tree.)
- Why buy bread (milk, sausages, fruits) in the store?
- Why repair a broken toy?
- Why do the weekly cleaning of the apartment?
- Why take care of your body?

Games for children 5-7 years old

Game "Guess what I'm doing?"

Target. Expand children's understanding of work activities. Develop attention.

Game progress:

The teacher and the children join hands and stand in a circle. A child comes out to the center of the circle. Everyone goes in a circle and says:
What are you doing - we don't know
Let's take a look and guess.
The child imitates labor actions not only by movements, but also (if possible) by transmitting sounds. For example, he vacuums the floor, hammers a nail, saws, drives a car, washes, carries a bucket of water, wipes a mirror, chops wood, rubs on a grater, turns something in a meat grinder, etc.
Children guess the action.

Game "What first, what then?"

Target. Clarify the knowledge of children about the rules for transplanting indoor plants.

Game progress:

The teacher shows the children pictures depicting the stages of transplanting indoor plants and asks them to arrange them in the order in which the actions are performed.

  • An overturned pot, a plant is taken out of it.
  • Washing the pot.
  • Laying pebbles on the bottom of the pot.
  • Pouring sand into the pot (height 1 cm).
  • Pour some earth into the pot on top of the sand.
  • Shaking off the old earth from the roots of the plant with a stick.
  • Cutting off decayed roots.
  • Planting the plant in a pot so that the transition point of the stem to the root is on the surface, and covering it with earth.
  • Compaction of the earth.
  • Placing a plant pot on a pallet.
  • Watering the plant at the root.

Game "Name the profession".

Target. Teach children to correctly name the professions of people by the types of machines controlled by them.

Game progress:

The teacher names cars, vehicles and other technical means, and the children name the professions of the people who operate them.
Tractor is a tractor driver.
The car is a chauffeur.
Excavator - excavator.
Combine harvester.
Hoisting crane - crane operator.
The train is a driver.
The ship is the captain.
Airplane pilot (pilot).
Spaceship is an astronaut.
Fire engine - fire engine.
Bulldozer is a bulldozer driver.
Racing car-racer (pilot).

Game "Guess the profession".

Target. Expand children's understanding of professions.

Game progress:

The teacher shows the children a subject picture. Children name the profession of a person in whose work this object is used or is the result of his labor.
The rabbit is a breeder.
The calf is a calf.
A sheep is a sheep breeder.
Deer is a reindeer breeder.
The grape is the grower.
Tea is a tea grower.
Bread is a grain grower.
The garden is a gardener.
Flowers - florist.
A bee is a beekeeper.
The field is a field grower.
The wrench is a locksmith.
Bucket and mop cleaner.
Ticket - conductor.
Cashier - cashier.
The plane is a joiner.
Paint and brush - painter.
Trowel - plasterer.
Kuhlman is an engineer.
Hammer and Anvil - Blacksmith.
Fire extinguisher - fireman.
Syringe is a nurse.
Electric saw - lumberjack.
Fishing net - fisherman.
Dental chair - dentist.
Milking machine-milkmaid.

The game "Who can't do without them?"

Target. To consolidate children's knowledge about materials, tools and equipment needed by people of different professions.

Game progress:

The teacher names the subject, and the children - the profession of the person who needs it. For example: syringe, control panel, scissors, flour, garden sprayer, telephone, milking machine, stretcher, plane, wheelbarrow, police baton, drill, electric cable, nail, coil of wire, cash register, postman's bag, wallpaper roll, cash register, pencil, brush, tray, bell.