Presentation for the interactive whiteboard on the topic: Presentation game for primary school age "Pinocchio's Road Adventures." What are interactive games

For children from 3 to 7 years old, it is extremely effective and effective method learning is an interactive game. She allows in mild form tell kids about the world around them, introduce them to the heroes of fairy tales, and at the same time teach them to interact with each other to achieve the ultimate goal. You can read about what types of interactive games for preschoolers there are and how to conduct them in this article.

What it is?

Modern society is based on communication. Career, leisure, family depend on interpersonal connections - all the most important areas person. “Don’t have 100 rubles, but have 100 friends” - this saying only reinforces the need for interactive games. So what is it? Games in an interactive format are activities of preschoolers, which take place under the supervision of a teacher and are aimed at understanding the world around them and solving assigned problems through teamwork.

This format of the game allows children to be taught conflict-free and productive communication with peers, to become friendly and tolerant. The main subjects in the interactive game are children. It is best to ensure they are in a comfortable position and completely free of distractions. After explaining the rules of the game, children must interact with each other themselves; the teacher’s task is to gently guide the process in the right direction.

An interactive game should not be confused with a role-playing or business game. In the first option, everyone is assigned certain roles and situations, the second is aimed at developing business qualities and negotiation skills. Interactive games, in turn, teach something completely different - constructive communication with others.

Types of games

Among the variety of games for preschoolers with an interactive element, the following types can be distinguished:

  • Games based on fairy tales are popular in children's preschool institutions. Such productions are understandable to children, because they feature characters known to them from childhood. Just in case, before playing such a game, you need to conduct a preparatory lesson that will remind the children about the heroes of the story. Leading questions from the teacher will help kids remember the plot and meaning of the fairy tale.
  • Games that introduce children to the world around them. For preschoolers, the topics are simpler: “Pets,” “Hard and Soft,” “Who Lives in the Forest,” etc. For schoolchildren, the topics may be more complex: games to develop self-control, which teach group support and help to get to know classmates better, come out on top. Using a poetic form (it is best perceived by ear), the teacher greets the children and explains what the rules will be.
  • Games using presentations or an interactive whiteboard successfully complement the lesson and make it more fun and visual. For schoolchildren, the presentation may include collective literacy or arithmetic tasks, and for younger children - pictures of animals and various quizzes. However, when using a computer, one should not forget about the main goal of an interactive game - to establish communication between children.

Purpose and benefit

They set clear goals for themselves:

  • Improve your child's communication skills.
  • Allow him to get to know himself and the children around him better.
  • Teach how to achieve a goal through teamwork.
  • Master the basics life rules society.
  • Find out better educational material.

But the main goal of children's interactive games remains the development of the skill of successful and productive communication with peers. After all, by communicating, the child not only learns to achieve the intended task together, but also receives feedback which shapes his self-image. The importance of this is difficult to overestimate, and in many kindergartens and other educational institutions this method Communication is a mandatory part of the program.

Interactive games for preschoolers

The simplest version of the game is a variation on the theme of the fairy tale “Turnip”. Children learn to communicate with each other using facial expressions and gestures. After a little preparatory lesson, during which students remember the characters and plot of the fairy tale, the main part begins. During it, children are given the task: to line up cards with characters in the same order in which they appear in the fairy tale. A complicating element is the ban on the use of words: children should use only gestures and facial expressions.

Another option for an interactive game is the “Pet” activity. With the help of cartoons, poems or fairy tales, children are introduced to the selected animal during the preparatory lesson. Then the next stage begins: the kids are given a table with paper, glue and paints at their complete disposal. Children are divided into teams of 2-3 people. Together they need to create an image of an animal or bird. The teacher should not interfere in the game in any way; he is assigned the role of an observer. After the game, a discussion of the results takes place, the students exchange impressions with each other and discuss each other’s mistakes and actions.

For children of primary school age

Playing with interactive elements will be completely different for children in primary school schools. At this age, children already know and can do a lot, so the tasks for them will be much more difficult. Here is an example of several interactive games for school:

  • Topic: “What can be dangerous in the outside world.” Schoolchildren need to be divided into groups: “dishes”, “ Appliances", "clothing" and "furniture". Each group of children, with the help of a teacher, must name dangerous objects in everyday life that can cause harm if handled incorrectly. Then the children watch a presentation on this topic, consolidating their acquired knowledge.
  • For children school age Interactive games related to cartoons are very suitable. Using the characters from the cartoon “Masha and the Bear”, you can attract the attention of primary school children and make them more actively involved in the game. After a short preparatory lesson, which covers the theme of the interactive game “Where the Air Works,” the children are divided into groups and go with Masha and the bear to fabulous trip around the world. Each group must name those human inventions that work with the help of air. The process is accompanied by an interactive presentation.

Board games

Interactive board games have become very popular and are enjoyed by everyone, young and old. This requires a certain perseverance and concentration, so the minimum age of children for such activities is 4-5 years. Modern world board games offers a wide range of activities that will not only entertain the company, but also help you learn new things or reinforce material. The word "interactive" in the name indicates feedback or interaction of some kind. These board games often respond to children's actions and encourage them to develop dexterity, fine motor skills, and coordination. Here is an example of such benefits:

  • The well-known game “Operation”, in which the child needs to carefully remove the disease without affecting healthy organs. Such entertainment not only develops coordination, but also helps to learn the names of human internal organs.
  • "Shark Hunt" - represents board game, which consists of a playing field, chips, four fish and a hungry shark. Players take turns throwing chips. The colored sides on the dice indicate fish of the same color. They need to be moved before a hungry shark eats them. The game does not have a special educational load, but children really like it.
  • "Crocodile Dentist" - fun game, in which the sick crocodile needs to press on all the teeth in turn, avoiding the patient if possible. If you get on it, the crocodile will immediately slam its mouth shut, which will mean loss. The game trains dexterity and coordination.

Games with presentation

Modern facilities that schools and kindergartens are equipped with significantly increase the effectiveness of interactive games. Due to the specific nature of concentration, it is advisable to use computer presentations already in classes with younger schoolchildren. They can increase the degree of assimilation of the material and the effectiveness of everything can be used both as an addition to an interactive game, and as an independent part with tasks, questions and quizzes. At the moment, there are many examples of interactive presentations on any topic on the Internet.

Didactic games

Do not confuse interactive games for classes with didactic ones. In the first, one way or another there is communication and interaction. In the second, the main element is active cognition followed by evaluation. Examples of didactic interactive games include:

  • Games with objects. Children need to select objects of the same shape, size, etc.
  • Verbal didactic games usually aimed at improving pronunciation, expanding vocabulary children.
  • Printed board games are played with the help of visual aids. Most often these are paired cards and “Memories”, which train the child’s memory and observation skills.

Game creation algorithm

All interactive games contain a certain algorithm that must be followed when creating a scenario. During the game, children must follow the following points:

  • Gaining knowledge - before the lesson, it is necessary to explain the basics of constructive communication, methods and means of achieving the desired result.
  • Analyzing the behavior of other children during play helps the child understand other people's intentions and develop compassion and empathy towards others.
  • Then the child must build a strategy to achieve the result he needs and stick to it during the interactive game.
  • Finally, when, with the help of collective efforts and the guidance of the teacher, the goal is achieved, the game is considered completed.

Using this method, you can come up with an interactive game for any topic. A little imagination and creativity - and you will have a unique method of raising a child.

Scientists have long established that a person absorbs 80% of information through the eyes, and only 15% through hearing. Therefore, the recommendations strongly advise teachers to use visual printed materials or presentations. They increase children's motivation and help them better master the art of interpersonal communication.

Also, we must not forget that children must achieve the task through teamwork, and adult intervention in this process should be minimal. The teacher’s task is to prepare the kids for the lesson, set a goal for them and only slightly, if necessary, guide them during the game. If these conditions are met, the benefits and effects of the interactive game will not take long to arrive.


Every educator and teacher would like to see their students successful and prepared for serious challenges outside the school walls. For effective solution tasks in adult life Often only one thing is needed - communication. Interactive ones help develop these qualities in preschoolers and thus lay the foundation for their successful future.

Interactive games in the classroom are a very special type of activity. During such lessons, children get the opportunity to gain new experiences, because they are completely different from usual.

During interactive games, the teacher has unique opportunity get closer to children and influence their mood, attitude towards themselves and others. It can help kids get to know themselves, their values ​​and priorities better. A teacher can influence the character of children, make them more tolerant, attentive, help them cope with stress better, experience less fear, and feel less lonely.

Interactive games for schoolchildren teach children simple rules of life:

  • You need to talk about your thoughts, feelings, experiences. No one can read minds, so if you don’t tell them yourself, no one will know about them.
  • Relationships between people are a huge, but at the same time, fragile value. We need to learn to protect and develop them.
  • Must be able to analyze correctly life situation. You cannot allow circumstances to force you to act hastily and incorrectly.

There are a huge variety of interactive games for children. Each teacher can easily come up with his own game aimed at developing the necessary skills. Let's list some of them.

Game "Web"

This interactive game helps children get to know each other and take their place in the team. It is good to use it in the first lesson, when the guys are still new to each other. For this game you will need a ball of thread.

All participants need to sit in one large circle. The teacher must start the game. Taking the ball in your hands, you need to give your name and some information about yourself. After this, the participant must take hold of the thread and pass the ball to the child sitting opposite.

Thus, after some time, everyone will be part of one big web. When everyone has said their names, you can ask the children questions, answering which the child will then pass the ball on. When it is already loose enough, you can start winding the threads back. In this case, the child should simply pass the ball to the previous one, calling his name.

Game "Sweet Problem"

This interactive game teaches children how to negotiate. Schoolchildren can negotiate in a calm atmosphere, defend their opinions, and concentrate on the problem. It is also a good opportunity to talk about justice. To play the game you will need one cookie for each student and one napkin for each pair of children.

First, the children need to sit in pairs. Then each pair is given one cookie wrapped in a napkin. At the same time, the conditions are stipulated that children should not start eating it until the rules of the game are announced. A child can only receive cookies if their partner gives them away voluntarily.

Children must decide for themselves who will receive it and what will be done with it. Some will deal with the issue quickly, others will take some time. Some guys give the cookies voluntarily, others give them on the condition that their partner will split them and give half of them.

At the second stage of the game, children are given a second cookie with a proposal to conduct the same negotiations and decide who will get it. Typically, children who give away a treat the first time expect to receive it the second time, although some give it away again. The guys who divided the cookies at the first stage most often do the same in the second.

At the end of the game, you need to discuss the results with the children, find out how they did and what they think about their decision. You can tell the children about various options cooperation.

Game "Mood Music"

This interactive game helps children relax, feel their mood and state of mind. It is best suited for large groups. Through play, children can express their anxiety, fatigue, joy, etc. The goal of the game is to create a single rhythmic pattern or several rhythms that complement each other.

First you need to stand in a large circle and close your eyes. After the teacher gives the signal, everyone should start clapping their rhythm. At first, some chaos is inevitable, because... everyone will clap in their own way, in accordance with their mood, but then the children will begin to hear and listen to those around them.

In the end it turns out that the guys clap either in one rhythm or there are two or three rhythms in parallel. When children realize that they are clapping in unison with someone, they should open their eyes and look at that person. The game continues until one of the students feels that the goal of the game has been achieved and shouts “Stop! "

Children's interactive games can become an invaluable tool in the hands of a teacher. Thanks to him, it becomes possible to get closer to students and make each of them feel important to others.

To use presentation previews, create a Google account and log in to it:

Slide captions:

Plants Animals Erudites Nature experts 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Sounds of nature 1 2 3 4 5

What kind of tree is there - There is no wind, but the leaf is trembling? Aspen 5 b.

Snow in summer! Just laughter! Snow is flying around the city. Why doesn't he melt? Topol 5b.

Planted a seed - Grew the sun. Let's pick this sunshine - We'll collect a lot of grains. Sunflower 5b.

Whoever touches clings to him. Affectionate and prickly, Needles sticking out all around. Burdock 10b.

I was walking along a path through a meadow, I saw the sun on a blade of grass, but the white rays of the sun were not at all hot. Chamomile 5b.

How does a woodpecker extract insects from cracks in tree bark? Language 15b.

What animal can fly? Bat 10b.

What is the name of a beaver's home? Hutka 20b.

Think about the question: Who doesn’t breathe through their nose at all? Neither on land, nor in water - And, in general, nowhere! Fish, sea animals 10b.

A violinist lives in the meadows, wears a tailcoat and gallops. Grasshopper 5b.

Where are the snail's teeth located? In language 20b.

What is the largest animal in the world? Blue whale 15b.

How is the word tomato translated? Golden Apple 20b.

What is the name of the saltiest sea in the world? Dead Sea 20b.

From which ladle do they not drink or eat, but just look at it? Constellation Big Dipper 10b.

Cuckoos benefit greatly by eating furry caterpillars coated in poison. Other birds ignore such treats. 5 B.

The Amur tiger is listed in the Red Book of Russia and the IUCN Red Book. 10b.

You can’t: be near power lines, trees, or in bodies of water; climb to high places; use metal objects; be near the windows. 10b.

Whale - NARVAL is listed in the Red Book of Russia 20b.

The gibbon is found in the jungles of Burma, Siam and the Sunda Islands. He is the most agile acrobat of all living monkeys on Earth. 20b.

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This game was compiled by junior school students of boarding school No. 8 under the guidance of teachers for the Children's Art Competition “The Road and Us” in the “Computer Technologies” category.

The presentation game is intended for students in grades 1-2, dedicated to the topic “Everyone must follow the rules of the road.”

The game contributes to the education of culture safe behavior on the roads, prevention of child road traffic injuries, student engagement primary classes to study and follow the rules traffic.

Project leaders are teachers-speech therapists of GBOU boarding school No. 8 of the Pushkinsky district of St. Petersburg
Rozova Yulia Evgenievna, Korobchenko Tatyana Vasilievna.



To use presentation previews, create a Google account and log in to it:

Slide captions:

The presentation was prepared by Dmitry Idin - 4 "A" class, Vitaly Moskvin - 4 "A" class, Victoria Vlasova - 4 "A" class, Alexey Bogdanov - 3 "A" class, Maria Gracheva - 3 "A" class. Project leaders - Teachers-speech therapists - Yulia Evgenievna Rozova, Tatyana Vasilievna Korobchenko GAME-PRESENTATION for children of PRIMARY SCHOOL AGE State budget special (correctional) educational institution for students, pupils with disabilities health, special (correctional) general education boarding school (VII type) No. 8, Pushkinsky district of St. Petersburg, 2012.

A wonderful fairy tale Remembered from childhood by old and young, But we want to tell this fairy tale on new way. We are the heroes of this fairy tale. We know everyone by name. Today they will tell us an instructive story.

A very sad picture: In the middle of the road, on the move, Raven is counting Pinocchio, And maybe he will get into trouble! Don't stop on the roadway!

Probably, any driver will become a terrible Karabas in the moment, When such a dangerous pass puts him in a dead end. Don't play on the road!

The wooden man committed a strange act: He clung to the car - Only by a miracle did he survive. Do not violate the rules for transporting passengers!

A sudden exit onto the road leads to a sad outcome: “Stop the bike!” Pierrot and Malvina shout after him. Ride your bike in specially designated areas, on bike paths!

On the roadway you cannot: 1. Ride bicycles and scooters. 2. Play games. 3. Play with a ball. 4. Run across the road.

Consequences of games on the roadway!

If there is a problem on the road - Call urgently -

Naughty Pinocchio, why are you rushing at full speed? Pay attention to the traffic light! Cross the road when the traffic light is green!

A traffic light is a true friend of drivers and pedestrians. Any movement is prohibited! Attention! Wait for a new signal! Movement is allowed! Stop and wait! You can cross the street! Learn a safe route to school and only take it!

It’s clear to everyone without a hint, It’s not in vain that we sound the alarm: Who reads fairy tales while crossing the road? Be careful when crossing the roadway!

What did Pinocchio understand? - You know, Pinocchio, I love you like son, - Dad Carlo says. -You broke so many rules, you made everyone worry. Buratino answers: “I want to improve.” These rules of movement, Like the multiplication table, I will memorize. And, of course, I will observe them everywhere and everywhere. - Buratino answered.

Guys, follow the traffic rules!

Check yourself!

1. Find the extra picture. CHECKING P I S

2. Who is doing the right thing? CHECK B C D

3. Who is doing the right thing? CHECK G Z E Y

CHECK 4. Find the extra picture. E N T

5. Which pedestrian crosses the street correctly? U O SH M K I X CHECK

6. Who follows road safety rules? Y Y C H O F A R CHECK



1. “Road rules in pictures” - - - - 2. Illustrations for the album “Pinocchio’s new road adventures” - www.lubluknigi .ru 3. Educational and methodological manual“Fundamentals of life safety.” 1 class. M.: DROFA, 1997. Specifications presentations. Microsoft Office presentation, format – ppt, volume – 3.5 Mb Resources used:



Activity-game scenario

for the Children's Art Competition “THE ROAD AND WE”

Rozova Yulia Evgenievna,

Korobchenko Tatyana Vasilievna

State budgetary special (correctional) educational institution

for students, pupils with disabilities,

special (correctional) general education boarding school (VII type) No. 8

Pushkinsky district of St. Petersburg


Topic: Lesson-game on the rules of the road “Road adventures of Pinocchio”.

Purpose: To familiarize students with the rules of the road.


Develop standards of correct behavior on the roads.

Promote the prevention of child road traffic injuries,

Involve primary school students in learning and following traffic rules.

Expand students' horizons about traffic rules and life safety.

Equipment: Multimedia presentation game “Pinocchio’s Road Adventures”, puppet theater “Pinocchio’s Adventures”.

The lesson was prepared by speech therapists Yu.E. Rozova, T.V. Korobchenko. for students in grades 1-2.

Primary school students took part in the game-lesson:

Idin Dmitry - 4 “A” class (Pinocchio),

Moskvin Vitaly - 4 “A” class (Karabas Barabas),

Vlasova Victoria -4 “A” class (Malvina),

Alexey Bogdanov – 3 “A” class (Papa Carlo),

Gracheva Maria – 3 “A” class (Pierrot).

Lesson scenario.

(The student heroes of the fairy tale are behind the screen of the puppet theater)


Boys and girls

And also their parents,

Road stories

Would you like to see it?

Curious stories

The magazine will show ours.

Attention! Attention!

Road "Jumble"!

"Road adventures of Pinocchio."

Slide 2.

Presenter 2: A wonderful fairy tale Remembered from childhood, old and young,

But we want this fairy tale

Tell it in a new way.

We are the heroes of this fairy tale

We know everyone by name,

And a cautionary tale

They will tell us together.

Presenter 1: Papa Carlo, Pinocchio,

Presenter 2: Artemon, Pierrot, Malvina.

Presenter 1: And of course, Karabas,

Presenter 2: We begin the story!

Slide 3.

(Each quatrain is accompanied by a presentation slide and comments from the fairy tale characters (puppet theater)).

Papa Carlo: A very alarming picture:

In the middle of the road, on the go

Raven thinks Pinocchio

And he might get into trouble!

Slide 4.

Karabas: Probably the terrible Karabas

Any driver will become instantly.

When with such a dangerous pass

He will be stumped!

Slide 5.

Pierrot: He did a strange thing

Wooden man:

He was clinging to the car -

It was only by miracle that he survived.

Slide 6.

Malvina: Sudden departure onto the road Leads to a sad result:

Stop the bike! -

Pierrot and Malvina shout after him!

Malvina and Piero turn to Pinocchio:

The kids know a lot of rules.

How to be able to behave.

But trouble happens on the street,

If you never learn traffic rules.

There are a lot of rules everywhere,

But most important of all are traffic rules,

Remember this, dear friend.

And then on the street

Trouble doesn't threaten you

(Pinocchio waves it off.)

Papa Carlo: Here everyone will understand: Pinocchio is wrong,

Slides 7-9.

You cannot run headlong onto the road. Pinocchio sat and sobbed loudly,

The driver was injured while saving him.

Malvina and Piero explain some traffic rules to the guys.

Slide 10-11.

Malvina: Naughty Pinocchio,

Why are you running at full speed?

Pay attention to the traffic light!

Slide 12.

Karabas: It’s clear to everyone without a hint,

No wonder we are sounding the alarm:

Who reads fairy tales

Crossing the road?

Slide 13-14.

Papa Carlo: You know, Pinocchio. I love you like a son!

You broke so many rules

Got everyone worried!

Pinocchio: I want to improve.

These traffic rules

Like a multiplication table

I'll memorize it.

And, of course, I will harm them,

Comply anywhere and everywhere

Practical part of the lesson.

Test game for the lesson "Pinocchio's Road Adventures."

On each slide there is a question and answer options, represented by a picture with a letter placed in a circle (in the lower right corner, next to the picture).

Slides 15-21.

Will flash ahead

Go forward boldly.

And stop the cars!

But what if the red one winks smartly,


Don't rush, my friend, please don't rush,

Wait for the green light!

Summary of the lesson. (All participants come out from behind the screen.)

Pinocchio: If you went somewhere on a journey,

Don't forget to remember the traffic rules.

By strictly observing these rules,

You will take away the hand of trouble.

Remember, on the way

Always a friend to you

There is a traffic light.

If the light is green


Annex 1


for the presentation game “Pinocchio’s Road Adventures”

Presentation game "Pinocchio's Road Adventures."

This game was compiled by junior school students of boarding school No. 8 under the guidance of teachers for the Children's Art Competition “The Road and Us” in the “Computer Technologies” category.

The presentation game is intended for students in grades 1-2, dedicated to the topic “Everyone must follow the rules of the road.”

The game promotes a culture of safe behavior on the roads, the prevention of children's road traffic injuries, and the involvement of primary school students in learning and observing traffic rules.

Abstract for the presentation game

"Road Adventures of Pinocchio"

Slide 1. Title page.

Slide 2. Introductory part.

Slide 3-14. The main part of the lesson. "Road adventures of Pinocchio." Slides replace each other by switching the left mouse button (by pressing the left button of the pointer for an interactive whiteboard).

Slide 15-21. Practical part of the lesson. Test game for the lesson "Pinocchio's Road Adventures." On each slide there is a question and answer options, represented by a picture with a letter placed in a circle (in the lower right corner, next to the picture).

Students choose the correct answer and write it in the appropriate circle on the form. (Appendix 1) The check is performed after each question, or after completing the entire test. By clicking the left mouse button (by clicking the left button of the pointer for an interactive whiteboard) on each slide the words “CHECK”.

Slide 22-23. Final check of test execution. Summing up the game. Students need to connect the letters according to the sequence of test answer letters, starting with the letter indicated by the arrow. The result is a “traffic light” figure. Students independently draw traffic light signals according to the instructions of the teacher (student-teacher).

Slide 24. Technical characteristics of the presentation.