We select ideal professions for introverts. What kind of work is suitable for an introvert? Choosing a profession

What profession and job is suitable for an introvert?, if a person tries to reduce communication with people to a minimum or does not want to work in a team? This is exactly what we will talk about in this article.

So, you have been tested or have long since decided on your own that you are more of an introvert than an extrovert. And you don’t really like communicating with people, and sometimes you completely try to avoid unnecessary meetings and contacts with strangers and even familiar people. And you also want to work in an area where communication with people is kept to a minimum.

What kind of work is suitable for an introvert?

Even if you are an introvert and it is not so easy to choose a profession, do not be discouraged. There is a certain set of professions that are optimally suited for an introvert, the main thing is that you like the direction of work that you choose and correspond to your talents.

Introverts tend to feel fearful when interacting with others. strangers, and at work, when the usual life and daily routine change, disturbing the established routine and peace of the introvert. Teamwork and public speaking an introvert will also prefer a personal task or an individual project.

A person may exhibit introverted behavior from childhood, or may avoid communication during certain periods of his life, for example, in adolescence or after a personal experience.

It also happens that people who have worked for many years in areas where it is constantly necessary to communicate with people begin to suffer from an overabundance of communication, avoid it and become introverts. Statistics show that about a quarter of the entire population consider themselves introverts. And this quarter of the population, prone to introversion, finds it much more difficult to find a job they like and with a minimum of communication.

Such a concentration on internal needs among introverts is completely normal behavior for them, covering up their interesting and entertaining inner world for "outsiders".

The ability to concentrate on one goal makes introverts sometimes more successful people in work and life than extroverts, who are not always able to concentrate on one thing, often try many directions of activity, rush around, unable to complete the task, and waste own strength and time.

Popular activities and professions for an introvert

  • Working with numbers. If you want to keep contact with people to a minimum, choose a profession accountant, financier, economist, stock broker or financial analyst. These professions are associated with the processing of incoming digital data according to clearly established algorithms and rules, mainly requiring developed logical thinking, perseverance and diligence. These professions are associated with monotonous, repetitive work and may seem dull for extroverts, but for introverts this work is ideal.
  • Work in the IT industry. If you are an introvert, then why not choose a computer as your work tool? If you like this idea, then you can get, system administrator, website administrator and others. Working in these areas, you will be able to limit personal meetings as much as possible and communicate with clients primarily via email, and perform your work remotely in a place and time convenient for you. In addition, a large percentage of IT specialists prefer, for example, through the Text.ru, Advego or Work-zilla exchanges.
  • Writing, journalism. Introverts are great at expressing their thoughts, so writing texts and articles is a job that is perfect for people who prefer solitude to communication. Those people who have developed imagination can start creating fiction, and those who have a lot of experience that can be passed on to another generation by writing educational books. In addition, the profession of a copywriter (or rewriter), which is accessible to absolutely anyone, is currently gaining more and more popularity. Or start as a librarian.
  • Design. Design profession very in demand and highly paid. If you consider yourself a creative person, you can engage in design in any area that interests you - from interior design to web design. Designers, as a rule, do not work in a team, but lead individual projects, expressing a personal creative vision of the world.
  • Marketing research. If you have developed logical and analytical thinking and, at the same time, is not alien to you creativity, you can choose a profession marketer. Market and product research is not always associated with communication with people, but rather with the correct processing of the collected information, and can be carried out remotely without visiting the office every day.
  • Scientific and research activities . This kind of work is highly individual and is great for an introvert, allowing you to fully realize your full scientific and creative potential, but it does not always bring financial well-being in the first few years of scientific activity.
  • Creative activity. If you, for example, know how to draw or take photographs well, then why not choose a creative field of activity and get a profession artist, photographer, musician, jeweler or another creative profession? Communication with people in such creative professions minimal.
  • Driving vehicles. Working as a driver anything is perfect for an introvert, as it minimizes contact with people and requires attentiveness and concentration. By the way, the profession of a driver is included in.
  • Working with animals and plants. What are some professions for an introvert? If you love animals and plants, you can choose a profession veterinarian, dog handler, trainer, plant breeder. Working with animals and plants is less stressful and more rewarding than working with people.

It’s great if you have clearly defined your temperament before making one of the most important and responsible choices in life - choosing a profession. After all, it will be very disappointing in ten years to realize that you chose the wrong profession that should have been chosen in accordance with your temperament.

Understanding your strengths and weak qualities- this is already half the success in your future work, but the most important thing is internal satisfaction with the work you are doing. If you still doubt whether you are an introvert or an extrovert and which profession to choose, take the next one, after which you will know for sure.

It is generally accepted that career heights are achieved by cheerful extroverts - people for whom active communication is a joy. But what about those who are by nature silent, withdrawn and self-absorbed? In densely populated offices with demanding bosses and noisy employees, introverts who prefer silence and solitude have a hard time. Planning meetings, deadlines, time pressures and lunches with colleagues are not in the best possible way affect the productivity of introverts. Rjob found out which job an introvert should choose so that it brings him satisfaction and not stress.

Professions for singles

According to a professor at the Higher School corporate governance RANEPA Elena Yakhontova, optimal performance for introverts is one that does not involve intense interaction with people and constant value judgments on their part. The most suitable professions are those associated with intellectual and creative activities, requiring concentration, thoughtfulness and individual work.

Practicing psychologist, existential-humanistic psychotherapist at “Private Psychological Practice” Yulia Gorozhankina believes that introverts are comfortable only in a calm environment, for example, at home.

“Introverts “recharge” in solitude; they simply need it to replenish their energy. To be in an overly socially stimulating office environment, an introvert spends a lot of internal energy, which is not left to do his job effectively. It is possible that an introvert takes some of his work home with him after work or on weekends. Not because he doesn’t have time to do it in the office, but because in a calm environment he is more efficient and productive,– comments the psychotherapist. - Best form work for introverts is either a separate office, or a work schedule in which you can spend only part of the time at the workplace. Introverts make excellent financiers, writers, bloggers, traders, specialists in the field information technologies, designers."

Psychologist Maria Efimova advises introverts to pay attention to the following areas of activity:

IT industry: programmer, web designer, site administrator.

They perform specific and precise tasks, while communication with people is kept to a minimum. You can contact clients via email and perform work remotely.

Finance: accountant, financier, economist, financial analyst.

These professions are associated with processing incoming data according to clearly defined algorithms and rules. The specialist is required to be persevering and diligent.

Introverts can also do journalism (copywriter, rewriter), design, marketing and science. In these areas they use their strengths: ability to create, creativity, good memory, Analytical mind.

also suitable for an introvert. This profession guarantees minimal contact with people and requires attentiveness and concentration.

Another profession – rather unconventional – is offered to introverts Natalia Mignenko, specialist at the International Academy for the Study of Lies. This is about , which can detect lies without aids.

“Verifiers work successfully in security services and HR departments. Their skills and abilities are used during negotiations in real top level(both in business and politics). They are scientists who conduct research, and also intelligence officers, psychologists and actors,– explains Natalya Mignenko. – The “human scanner” works with certain data: posture, gestures, vegetative manifestations, breathing, facial expressions, speech or lack thereof, a person’s position in space. The verifier is based on the experience of psychology, physiology, linguistics, and anthropology.”

Obviously, an introvert has a lot of options, and this type of character does not imply strict restrictions.

“Nowadays, with so many technological opportunities, introverts can work in almost any field and industry. Where they can provide themselves with the main thing and necessary condition- to be in a comfortable environment and alone for some time, and after recharging, “dive” into society and business activity until the next recharge,”- Yulia Gorozhankina emphasizes.

Get out of the limelight: where introverts should stay away

However, there are positions and areas of activity that are not recommended for introverts: show business, medicine, pedagogy, reception. Professor Elena Yakhontova notes that these professional areas are difficult for introverts, as they require intense interaction and deep emotional contact with different people.

“Introverts should not work in places where they need to actively “sell themselves”, constantly be in the spotlight, “keep their face”,– advises Yulia Gorozhankina.

Psychologist Maria Efimova is sure that the following professions can be emotionally draining for introverts: shop assistant, advertising agent, public figure or speaker. Most of these professions are draining both mentally and physically. This makes an introvert uncomfortable.

How to Increase Productivity as an Introvert

Many introverts complain that they cannot fully realize their potential - the conditions in which they have to work interfere. The boss is constantly overbearing, the general atmosphere in the office is tense. What to do?

“An introvert feels comfortable when he has a chance to concentrate on one task and go deeper into it. Such a person needs an autonomous area of ​​work; it is advisable that he does not depend on colleagues, contractors and the manager. It is important that an introverted employee receives information in advance and has the opportunity to think before acting. If a manager knows his subordinates well, he will be able to use everyone’s resources correctly,”– comments psychologist Maria Efimova.

According to Elena Yakhontova, the effectiveness of an employee in the workplace, first of all, depends on his professional and business competencies, and lastly, on the type of temperament.

“Unsociable introverts can develop better communication skills and perform much better than outgoing extroverts. Managers are required to create normal conditions for work and develop the competencies of both introverts and extroverts. The type of temperament has a greater influence on teamwork. For introverts to work effectively as a team, managers must offer them appropriate team roles as an idea generator, resource explorer, and controller."– the expert advises.

Psychotherapist Yulia Gorozhankina advocates individual conditions jobs for introverts.

“It’s no coincidence that they choose quieter hours to work. For example, early in the morning, when there is still no office bustle, or vice versa, in the evening, when most employees go home.

In meetings, introverts need time to think. They are better at generating ideas alone. They need silence, a sense of personal space in the office.
And the big question is how realistic it is to observe all this in everyday office conditions,”– says Yulia Gorozhankina.

For an introvert to feel comfortable in a group, he must understand his own characteristics and be able to communicate them to others. There is nothing worse than an introvert who denies his introversion and tries to fake it. Firstly, it will be very difficult for him to carry the “social mask”, and secondly, the team will always feel this inconsistency.

Most introverts are individualists who value peace of mind and are very sensitive to pressure. But if an introvert finds his path and a comfortable form of work, he will make every effort to realize himself. His emphasis on internal experiences will only play into his hands - because there is no need to motivate such a person from the outside.

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You don't have to love people who have become successful in this life. In fact, there are many high-paying jobs that don't require any interaction with other people. If you are an introvert and don't like interacting with large groups of individuals, if you think that working together is a nightmare, then you should definitely think about getting interested in one of these professions. The possibilities are endless! You can work on your laptop as a blogger or writer, do mathematical research, or do something else interesting, for example, work with chemicals or watch the stars in the sky. Here are a few interesting professions, which will definitely make an introvert a happy and successful person.

Graphic Designer

You can go far if you do graphic design, well that's in terms of salary and career growth. And you don't even have to sit in the office all day! You will need a more or less powerful laptop, a keen and fresh eye for detail, basic knowledge of specialized software, which is used in graphic design (such as Photoshop or InDesign), and a lot of free time. This is work that is usually done in silence and alone, and all of your assignments can be received and sent to the client via Skype. This is a real paradise for people haters!

Social Media Manager

We all know that communicating with people in person and online are not the same thing. Chat in real life much scarier than on the Internet! And if you have accounts on Instagram, Facebook and other interesting social media platforms, then you should definitely try working as a manager social networks. You will need a gadget (laptop, smartphone), good connection to the Internet. It will be much easier to communicate with people via the Internet, and the salary is decent too! Think about it!


If you don't like people, how will you work with plants? After all, they need care and attention, but they are certainly less talkative, and some of them are quite beautiful (magnolias, roses, orchids). You will learn to study many plants in the laboratory, classify all their parts, and explore all their possibilities. Plants are used in a wide variety of applications, so you'll always have an interesting study to explore. Who knows, maybe you will find a wonderful plant that cures all diseases? You will also be able to visit many forests and nature reserves.

Hello, dear readers! We constantly interact with society, even if we don’t really strive for it. Regardless of whether we want it or not, we have to communicate with a variety of people: consultants and cashiers in the supermarket, employees in government agencies, bank employees, neighbors - the list goes on and on.

Some people are not at all afraid of this need. They are happy to meet people, establish relationships and feel at ease, even if they have to give a speech in front of a whole stadium.

Introverts are a completely different matter. If you belong to this type, then you know firsthand that sometimes you have to overcome yourself to ask a question to to a stranger or ask the minibus driver to stop. The proverb about “have 100 friends” is not about you - you would prefer two or three, but close, trusted ones, those with whom you can simply remain silent and still feel comfortable.

Therefore, when it comes time to choose a profession, it can be very difficult for an introvert to decide. On the one hand, I want the work to be interesting and bring good income. On the other hand, it is highly desirable to reduce interaction with other people to a minimum. And this is not just a whim. If an introvert is forced to interact with colleagues or clients all day, he will feel exhausted and mentally drained by the end of the day.

Therefore, you should not overpower your nature and choose a specialty that requires good communication skills. If you wish, you can find a job that does not involve communicating with people. But first, let's figure out which activity is not suitable for you.

What specialties are contraindicated for introverts?

First of all, let me explain important detail: Introversion is not a disease. Just because you're an introvert by nature doesn't mean you can't. You just feel more comfortable alone, when nothing prevents you from concentrating on your thoughts, work, creativity, and so on.

That is, if you have dreamed of becoming a teacher or entering a theater school since childhood, you have a very real chance of making it come true. You will be surprised, but many successful public people are introverts. Among them are Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Guy Kawasaki, Warren Buffett and others. And if they were able to overcome this feature of their character, then what prevents you from doing this?

Sylvia Löken’s book “ will be your good assistant The Power of Introverts. How to use your quirks to your advantage" Using simple techniques, which the author recommends, you can feel comfortable in the bustling world of extroverts.

If introversion suits you well, you do not make ambitious plans to conquer Hollywood and do not dream of a position as a top manager in an international corporation. Avoid professions that require increased communication and look for your calling in other areas of activity.

The following industries are considered the most difficult for introverts.

Consumer Service

It doesn’t matter whose fault it is that the client is dissatisfied - he takes out all his irritation on the person with whom he is currently talking. For a person who prefers minimal contact with others, such work will be torture. Just imagine - dozens or even hundreds of calls a day, and everyone demands an immediate solution to their problem, often without mincing words.

Social sphere and government institutions

In some ways, this area is similar to the previous one. The difference is that the support team communicates with customers by phone or online chat, but here you will have to meet visitors face to face.

People usually come to such places for two reasons:

  • complain about something or someone
  • demand something

In any case, the visitor wants his issue to be resolved as quickly as possible, or better yet, immediately. Therefore, civil servants must have well-developed communication skills, a stable psyche, and even better, armor from which aggression and negativity will bounce off. And this is definitely not about introverts.


Whatever you sell, you will have to communicate with a huge number of people. Moreover, some of them are not entirely adequate, some will never buy anything, and those who buy want to receive detailed advice from the seller.

Before you decide to work in trade, think about whether you are ready to show miracles of eloquence, describing the benefits of products and answering skeptical questions.

Services sector

In many ways it overlaps with trade. Only here you are not selling goods, but your skills. If you cannot present yourself properly, you will never reach a decent, highly paid level.

In addition, you need to take into account that when going to a hairdresser, manicurist, makeup artist, etc., the client expects not only to receive a specialized service, but also to talk about life.

A service sector worker should be a bit of a psychologist who will listen, support the conversation and become a kind of “vest” for the client, with whom he will share painful things. If you prefer to work silently, it will be much more difficult for you to gather a regular clientele.


- an essential quality of a lawyer. It is impossible to build a career if you feel uncomfortable in public, blushing and stuttering when reading an accusation or making a speech in defense of your client.

The only profession in this field that is suitable for an introvert is a notary. Working more with papers than with people, he will feel quite comfortable.

Show Business

Everything is clear here without explanation. Show business requires constant publicity. Speeches, interviews, photo shoots - you will often have to be the center of attention, whether you want it at the moment or not.


Working with children can sometimes be much more difficult than working with adults. A good teacher does not just pass on his knowledge, he knows how to establish contact with each student, interest him and awaken his thirst for knowledge. In addition, he must maintain a favorable atmosphere in the team, respond instantly to conflicts and be able to extinguish them with minimal losses.

Teacher's work in preschool institution It's not any easier. Perhaps find mutual language It will be easier with children, but here you will have to communicate with your parents every day. Are you ready to listen to complaints about poorly fitted tights and a crooked bow? If not, refrain from becoming a teacher and do not expose yourself to nervous system tests.


Communicating with patients and their relatives is a big moral burden. The doctor needs to question the patient, listen carefully, announce the diagnosis, dispel fears, reassure, and support.

That is, you will have to interact with people constantly, and often you will have to establish, letting their pain and hopelessness pass through you. If you are an introvert, think carefully before choosing a medical profession.

Once again I will emphasize that the listed specialties are not an absolute taboo for introverts. Each of them requires certain goals, but if you have a goal, you will be able to overcome obstacles and achieve success in any area.

In what areas can an introvert reveal his talents?

Professions that involve minimal communication are ideal for introverts. A calm environment is also important for them, allowing them to concentrate as much as possible on the work at hand.

Therefore, it is difficult for introverts to work in a team when they have to constantly interact closely with other people, participate in meetings and brainstorming sessions. He is able to generate brilliant ideas and solve the most difficult tasks, but not in an atmosphere of noise and chaos.

In order for an introvert to work at his full potential, he needs solitude. For this reason good option will be remote work. You will work in a relaxed home environment, without adhering to company schedules and internal regulations. If this is not possible, choose a specialty that involves working in a separate office. There are also compromise options that allow you to spend only part of the time at your workplace.

The following are considered the most suitable areas of activity for an introvert.


If perseverance, attentiveness and diligence are your strengths, you have every chance to build a successful career as a financial analyst, financier, economist or accountant. Here you will not be required to rush or be creative. All you need to do is process incoming data according to established rules and given algorithms.

IT sphere

If you like to spend time at the computer and enjoy studying mysterious scripts and codes that lead the uninitiated into holy horror, IT industry professions are suitable for you:

  • programmer
  • site administrator
  • System Administrator
  • layout designer

You will be able to work not only on the company’s staff, but also remotely. This profession allows you to reduce personal contacts to a minimum: I received an assignment for email or via messenger, completed it, received a fee.

Creative freelance professions

Suitable for those who like to create without restrictions and do not tolerate management control. There are many professions that allow you to realize your creative potential without leaving home. And, most importantly, receive a decent payment for it. All you need is the desire to work and a computer. The only condition is that you should not have problems with self-motivation and organization of work time.

The most popular activities are:

  • Copywriting. You write custom articles for websites and print publications, develop advertising materials, write letters to email newsletters, and much, much more.
  • Blogging. You can start your own blog or do it for other bloggers for money.
  • Marketing. Good marketers are worth their weight in gold. If you learn how to do marketing analysis, build client business from competitors, create effective sales funnels and launch new projects, you will not have a shortage of clients.
  • Design. Websites, logos, product packaging, corporate identity, characters - you can choose the direction you like and receive decent payment for it.

Translators, scientists, analysts, writers, journalists, and photographers will also be able to become a freelancer and work in a flexible schedule. And what’s important is that you can go freelance without any experience at all, or with minimal skills, and learn a profession while working.

Truck driver

A good option for an introverted man. You will only have contact with people during loading and unloading. The rest of the time you will spend alone, driving a vehicle. But the minibus or taxi driver is not the best the best choice. You will have to communicate with passengers throughout your shift, and sometimes resolve conflict situations.

Working with equipment

This profession involves minimal interaction with other people, and you will spend most of your time with machines. So, for example, an introvert can choose the profession of a crane or electric locomotive operator, a turner or milling machine operator, a packer, a conveyor operator and other types of activities related to technical processes.

Working with wildlife

Anyone who loves animals or dreams of unity with nature will be able to choose a specialty in this area. For example, the profession of a forester will allow you to spend time away from people, alone with nature and your own thoughts.

You can also engage in animal breeding. Breeders of rare breeds make good money from their pets. If you are not ready to build a business on your own, you can look for a similar vacancy in a nursery.

As you can see, finding a job to your liking will not be difficult for an introvert. There are enough options, and everyone can choose what interests them. If you know other non-communicative professions that are not included in the list, write about it in the comments.

Or maybe you are an introvert by nature, but were able to overcome this characteristic and built a successful career in a field that requires developed communication skills? Be sure to share your experience with our readers!