Patron saint. Which saints patronize whom? Saints who help in work and business

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The 21st century has truly become a real test, both for the culture of the Orthodox people and for the Christian families themselves, because this crisis has one spiritual nature. A spiritually depleted culture negatively affects people, and the generation that grows up outside its traditions pushes away the national value of culture. Therefore, to revive customs, more and more people began to appear family celebrations, where it is customary not only to give gifts, but also to glorify the defenders of marriage, but what icon is the patron saint of the family, how it helps, when days of remembrance are held and what prayers need to be said - you can find out from the article below.

Orthodox patrons of family and marriage

In the Christian religion there is a custom of special veneration of the great martyrs, whose exploits, miracles and lives earned them the gift of help and special intercession before the Almighty in illnesses, needs and other various pious deeds.

So the spouses have special divine benefactors who themselves have gained holiness family life. With God's help, they provide assistance in the Orthodox marriage to all those who offer and need help..

Below is a list that shows which patron saints of families are the most revered, to whom you can offer your prayers for the creation of a good, and, importantly, strong family, and also learn valuable lessons in the process of creating it:

  • Elizabeth and Zechariah,
  • Abraham and Sarah
  • family of Basil the Great,
  • Natalya and Adrian,
  • Anna and Joachim
  • Peter and Fevronia.

Great Martyrs Elizabeth and Zechariah

Father and mother of the blessed prophet John the Baptist and Baptist. A sinless husband and wife suffered from infertility, which in the Old Testament period was considered part of the terrible retribution of the Lord. An angel predicted the birth of a child to his elderly wife, which Zechariah doubted and was punished with weakness.

When Saint Elizabeth gave birth to a son, she announced that she would name the child John, and asking the pious Zechariah, he also wrote this name on the tablet and at that moment the gift of speech returned to him. Memorial Day falls on September 18th.

Abraham and Sarah

These are the patron saints of family and marriage. Their story is similar to the previous one. For quite a long period, Sarah could not give birth to a baby, and this continued until the Almighty appeared to Abraham in the form of three travelers with a prophecy about the imminent birth of his wife’s son Isaac. Every year, Remembrance Day is held on October 22.

Family of the Righteous Great Basil

The mother of the righteous, Emilia was the daughter of the great martyr, she loved her husband warmly and raised her ten children in righteousness. The father of the righteous man, Vasily, was a renowned Christian eloquent, jurist, and also a lawyer. His mother and father were also subject to martyrdom during the period of Diocletian's persecution.

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It is worth noting that five of Basil’s descendants became clergy and are deeply revered by the Orthodox Church - these are Saint Basil himself, Peter of Sebastia and Gregory of Nyssa - his brothers, as well as sisters Theozva and Macrina. Memorial Day – January 14th.

Great Martyrs Natalia and Adrian

The patron saints of the family lived under the emperor Maximian (305-311) in Bithynia Nicodemus. Adrian was a pagan and served as head of the imperial court, and his wife Natalya was secretly Orthodox. Adrian, admiring the courage of the Orthodox who suffered for their faith, truly believed.

After imprisonment, during which Natalya supported him all the time, Andriana, as well as other sufferers, were subjected to terrible torture and then killed. Great Martyr Natalya died on the tombstone of her lover.

Godfathers Anna and Joachim

These Orthodox patrons families are the main defenders of married life, since with their hope in the Almighty and piety they filled the cup and served Him so much that they were awarded the honor of becoming the parents of the greatest in Orthodoxy - the Ever-Virgin Mary and the Mother of God.

Anna Joachim lived a sinless life, performed good deeds, but people expressed contempt for them because of their poor life, which among the Israeli people was considered a punishment for sinfulness. When I was old, the Almighty sent them a baby, and sent the Archangel Anna to notify Gabriel that she would give birth to a girl. The pious couple named their daughter Mary, as God’s messenger commanded them.

The celebration of the Nativity of the Queen of Heaven is considered a great consolation for couples without children. Remembrance Day is held annually on September 22.

Peter and Fevronia - patrons of family and marriage

They are the most famous in Christianity. When Peter learned that the boyars were trying to separate him from his beloved wife, he immediately renounced princely power, and the married couple themselves went into exile. However, soon there was turmoil in Murom and the boyars sent messengers to bring the couple back. Upon their return, the princely couple ruled happily and for a long time, and having reached old age, they took haircuts in different monasteries with the names Euphrosyne and David.

The couple passed away on the same day, at the same hour, in different churches. Despite the last request of the deceased, their bodies were placed in different monasteries, but a miracle happened, and the next day they were united again.

The icon of the patrons of family and marriage is the most popular in Orthodox religion. It depicts Saints in monastic robes, although marriage and monasticism are in Orthodox traditions are considered incompatible concepts, but in the miraculous image this only emphasizes the spouses’ deep commitment to the Christian faith.

As follows:

« O saints of God, blessed Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia, we come running to you and pray to you with strong hope: offer up your holy prayers for us sinners (names) to the Lord God and ask His goodness for all that is useful to our souls and bodies: faith right, good hope, unfeigned love, unshakable piety, success in good deeds. Petition us from the Heavenly King for a prosperous life and a good Christian death. Hey, holy wonderworkers! Do not despise our prayers, but wake up in your dreams to intercede with the Lord, and with your help make us worthy to receive eternal salvation and inherit the Kingdom of Heaven, so that we glorify the ineffable love for mankind of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, in the Trinity we worship God forever and ever.”

The Lord is always with you!

Since the fourth century, in Christian tradition the patron saint appears. Hoping for the latter's favor and protection, the parents named the child by a similar name. Subsequently, many areas of life acquired such holy patronage.

Who is the patron

The easiest way to determine personal patron saints is by date of birth. We will figure out how to do this at the end of the article.

It is also interesting to know that in the process of the formation of Christianity, the lives of saints were studied and professions similar to their occupations or abilities received them as patrons.

So Levi Matvey, being a tax collector during his lifetime, became the defender of employees of financial departments. Clara of Asiz had the gift of seeing and hearing the Christmas Mass in the church, even while lying sick in bed. Therefore, she is assigned the role of patron of television.

If necessary, take a look at the icons and pictures. Guardian angels, saints, and martyrs usually hold in their hands attributes that show their belonging to some type of activity.

Patrons of professions

You will be amazed to find out how many saints patronize certain types of activities. The bulk of these names relate to Catholicism, but there are also many Orthodox ones. Let's take a closer look.

All professions that involve traveling by land, be it a bicycle, a car or a bus, are patronized by the prophet Elijah. He is depicted in the Holy Scriptures as chariot of fire after he was taken alive to heaven.

Doctors are also patronized by Gabriel, as well as the Evangelist Luke. All of them were somehow related to treatment.

Even housewives have their own patrons. They are considered to be Martha, a disciple of Jesus Christ, and Anna, the mother of Mary, the Mother of God.

Evangelist Mark is the patron of all activities related to animals. Zoologists, biologists, veterinarians and other specialists can ask him for help.

Being a messenger in the Christian tradition, he helps diplomats, couriers, ambassadors, postmen and other figures associated with the delivery of something or the establishment of relationships. In Orthodoxy, this also includes media workers.

The patron saint of journalists in Catholicism is Francis de Sales, and the patron saint of publishers, booksellers, writers and composers is John the Evangelist.

Andrew the First-Called is called the patron of sailors and singers. It is not for nothing that his cross is depicted on the flag of the Navy of the Russian Federation.

Archangel Michael is associated with professions that relate to military affairs, law, and management. This includes, in fact, soldiers, police officers and other law enforcement officers.

You will laugh, but the Vatican has even identified the patron of Internet users. The patron saint of this activity is Isidore of Seville. During his lifetime he was an encyclopedist and, after faith, he placed knowledge above all else.

Patrons of countries and cities

Patron saints are not identified by the name of the locality. But, based on different Christian denominations, every city and country has a patron. Some even have several. The prefix to the name of a saint signifies the place of his birth, and not the point to which he favors.

Let's take a closer look. Since the missionaries tried to identify the defenders of the majority settlements, then we will focus on the most famous and significant cities and states.

The patron saint of Belarus is Euphrosyne of Polotsk.

Russia has several patrons when it comes to different faiths. Orthodox believe that Saint George the Victorious and St. Andrew the First-Called are patrons; Catholics consider Prince Vladimir, Basil the Great and Joseph the Betrothed.

Ukraine is patronized in Orthodoxy by the Apostle Andrew, and in Catholicism by Joseph of Polotsk.

The United States of America considers Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception its protector.

France relies on the help of two patroness. This is Anna, mother of Mary the Virgin, and Joan of Arc.

Great Britain is said to be under the protection of the Archangel Michael.

We have listed only a few countries from America, Western Europe and neighboring countries. Next, cartridges from some Russian cities and regions will be presented.

Icons of patron saints sometimes depict the location they favor. But this cannot always be determined by images. Let's look at who protects which city in the Orthodox tradition.

Moscow is favored by St. George the Victorious, he is even depicted on the coat of arms.

St. Petersburg is protected by the apostles Peter and Paul, as well as Alexander Nevsky.

The latter is also the patron saint of Transbaikalia, and the apostles Peter and Paul are also the patron saint of the entire Kamchatka region.

This topic is very extensive, but the scope of the article allows us to touch upon it only briefly. Next we will talk about holy helpers in various life adversities.

Patrons of the sick and assistants in treatment

In Christianity there is not only a patron of the dead, but also protectors from various ailments, as well as saints who help doctors with healing.

Let's meet the healers' assistants.

So, as the Orthodox believe, the martyr Boniface of Tarsus and John of Kronstadt help to cope with alcoholism. Catholics turn to Urban of Langres on this matter.

Pregnant women pray to the Great Martyr Anastasia or Silvia of Rome, depending on the denomination.

Simeon of Verkhoturye will help you cope with leg diseases, and for any ailments associated with your hands, believers turn to the “Three-Handed” icon, which depicts the Mother of God.

In principle, the Moor of Glanfey is considered the patron saint of all the sick in Catholicism.
They say the Archangel Gabriel helps with the eyes, and Francis of Sales is considered the patron saint of hearing problems.

Job the Long-Suffering is “responsible” in Catholicism for curing depression.

As it turns out, there is more than one patron of the dead. They are divided by age. The patrons of infant mortality are Jadwiga of Silesia or Matilda of Saxony, and the patrons of untimely death are the Archangel Michael.

If it is difficult for a person to understand the nature of the pain or the origin of the illness, there are saints who are believed to help with healing in general. This is the Great Martyr Panteleimon in Orthodoxy and Juliana of Nicomedia in Catholicism.

Helpers in difficult situations

As the proverb says, you shouldn’t swear off scrip and prison. Let's see what saints help people who have encountered troubles along the path of life.
In such situations, the patron is not determined by date of birth, but a candle is lit for someone who helps in such a misfortune.

So, it is believed that Kaztan Tiensky helps Catholics find a new job, and Ksenia from St. Petersburg helps Orthodox Christians.

Agnell in Catholicism, in Orthodoxy - Boris and Nevsky, Nil Sorsky and the Mother of God support and help those affected by the war to recover.

Those captured are patronized by Peter of Athos and Simeon the God-Receiver.
If nostalgia has crept into your soul and your heart is filled with longing for your family and loved ones, they pray to John Kushchnik.

The Mother of God (icon “Savior of the Drowning”) and Iakinthos from Krakow protect from death on the water. Rescue in a shipwreck is protected by Yudok.

The patron saint of children is Sergius of Radonezh. They pray to him if the offspring have poor academic performance.

If you feel despair, they say a candle will help.
Of course, this is a matter of faith, especially in our enlightened age, but there are situations when this remains the only way out. As the saying goes, “there are no atheists in foxholes.”

Disaster Protection

Natural disasters come suddenly, and the power of the elements frightens and delights.

Christianity believes that some saints help people, protect them from the wrath of nature and avert destruction.

Let's find out who they pray to in different faiths in similar situations.

During an earthquake, there is unlikely to be time to determine who your patron saints are by date of birth. Therefore, the holy fathers recommend turning in this case to Gregory the Wonderworker.

When a volcano erupts nearby, you should quickly move away. But later it won’t hurt to light a candle to Agathia of Sicily so that this doesn’t happen again.

In the Middle Ages, when there was a strong storm, they prayed to Judok, Walburg, Urban of Langres or Erasmus of Formia.

To avoid a lightning strike, they turned to Wirth of Rome and Magnus of Fussen.

Ermengild is considered a protector during thunderstorms, drought and floods.

It is noteworthy that mainly Catholicism has patrons and saviors from various disasters. The Orthodox turned to defenders only in two cases. In severe frosts - to the holy fool Procopius of Ustyug, and during a fire - to the recluse Nikita of Novgorod or to the icon “The Burning Bush”. Apparently, the rest of the cataclysms did not bother our people much.

Patrons of educational institutions

Often the name of a large educational institution, especially in the Middle Ages, was crowned with the name of the patron saint. The patron's name was used to judge the status of a school or university.
Separately, all schools in Catholicism are patronized by Thomas Aquinas, and universities by Contardo Ferrini.

And here the supporters of the Catholic confession were more prominent. The Orthodox mainly recognize only that the Apostle Andrew is the patron saint of the University of Patras in Greece.

In Western Europe, many universities have acquired holy protectors.

At the Bologna Academy of Arts - Ekaterina Bolonskaya.

Edeltrude is considered the patroness of Cambridge, and Fredeswinda in Oxford.

For more success considers four saints to be his patrons. These are Catherine from Alexandria, Nicholas from Myra, Ursula from Cologne and Charlemagne.

So some elders educational establishments have cartridges. The problem is that, according to the canons, they protect the universities themselves, and do not help students study. So in exams you will still have to rely only on your intellect or a friendly cheat sheet.

Defenders of ruling dynasties

As usual, we will talk mainly about the Catholic denomination.

Apparently the desire to become a universal church and the love of wealth and luxury influenced the fact that almost every social, natural and other phenomenon, as well as various spheres of life, had its own patron saints. After all, only in this case can one influence tithes, offerings and gifts to temples.
So, which saint became the royal protector?

Ferdinand of Castile is considered the patron saint of all heads of state, regardless of region or continent.

Next comes a certain specific feature. Everyone has cartridges ruling house, in particular French, English and German. And also separately for people who have different titles, such as king, princess and others.

So, the monarchs are patronized by Louis, Edward the Confessor and Henry of Bavaria, respectively.

The kings are helped to withstand the burden placed on them by Edgar the Peaceful and Dagobert.

Queens - Jadwiga of Poland and Matilda of Saxony.

The empresses are protected by Helen Equal to the Apostles.

Adelaide of Burgundy favors the princesses, and the counts are patronized by Charles the Good.

The patron saints of the family of the reigning monarchs of Great Britain are Edward the Confessor and the Archangel Michael, as the protector of England.

The Germans were favored by Maximilian, and the Dauphins of France by Petronilla.

Thus, many ruling families had not only their own confessors and advisers from the clergy, but also patron saints.

Patrons of animals

Cattle breeding has long been one of the most important human occupations. It was this activity that helped move from random luck during the hunt to planned food. Therefore, people were constantly concerned about the health and performance of their pets.

Here we will mention Orthodox and Catholic patrons of animals.

So let's start with the birds. Domestic ducks, geese and other flying creatures have a protector in the person of the Great Martyr Nikita among the Orthodox and Martin of Tours in Catholicism.

Pigeons are patronized by David of Wales, and swans by Hugh of Lincoln.

All horned animals are patronized by Guido from Anderlecht.

In Orthodoxy, Mamant from Caesarea is considered the patron of goats and sheep, but Catholics do not believe that goats can have a patron. Therefore, according to their tradition, St. George the Victorious only protects sheep.

How to recognize your patron saint

Today, most people are beginning to seek faith again. Some return to Christianity. In this religion, it is customary to celebrate Angel Day, that is, the date when one or another saint is honored.

The easiest way to determine the name of the patron saint is by the name of the child. Firstly, at baptism a new name is given (if the one given at birth does not belong to the Christian tradition, or the parents wanted to give a second one), but the old one can also be preserved.

What to do? Mainly determined Even if you don’t remember the name with which you were baptized (not preserved), find the closest Christian one. If there are several of them, choose the one that is more pleasant to you.

So, now we open the calendar and look for which patron suits you by date of birth. This is not the exact date on which you were born, but the closest day on which a saint with that name is venerated.

For example, you celebrate your birthday on September 2, and the nearest date when a patron with the same name is mentioned is December 11. It turns out that you have two celebrations. In September - Birthday, in December - Angel Day.

On such days, it is traditional to give children icons and pictures. A guardian angel does not have to be depicted there, but it would not be superfluous.

So, you and I have learned to identify our patron, and also recognized the holy protectors in different areas life.

But there is another patron - a saint, in whose honor the Christian’s baptized name was named. Many Orthodox Christians wonder how to recognize their saint and when to pray to him.

Guardian Angel and Patron Saint - is there a difference?

Often the concepts of Guardian Angel and Patron Saint are confused. But, in fact, this is wrong.

A Guardian Angel is one thing, and a Saint is another. It is also incorrect to call name day the day of an angel, although this habit is common among people.

The angel may also have his own name, but people are not allowed to know it.

Everything depends on the Providence of God, which we are not given the opportunity to fully understand.

Guardian Angel Sculpture

How to find your saint

So, how to recognize your Patron? To do this, you need to use the Orthodox church calendar.

The date of birth of the person is taken. After this date, saints who bore the same name as his are searched for. The closest saint after the birthday will be the Patron of this person.

Advice! For greater convenience, you can resort to the Internet and type in a search engine the request: “A site where you can find out your patron saint.” The provided sites will automatic forms, in which all you have to do is type your name and date of birth and press a button.

Other saints who have the same name will be called saints of the same name. They will also provide spiritual support to a person throughout life, but the closest one is still the Patron. He is the spiritual force closest to man, on a par with the Guardian Angel.

The memorial day of a particular saint may not coincide with the person’s birthday. Therefore, you should especially celebrate both your birthday and the day of remembrance of your patron.

Choosing a Patron by baptized name

In pre-revolutionary Russia, babies were usually given the name of the saint on whose day they were born. This custom seems more correct from a spiritual point of view.

But the history of the state developed in such a way that this custom was forgotten, and parents in most cases began to exercise their right to give their child any name they liked. At the same time, not only Orthodox, but also heterodox names were often used, which in Orthodox calendar No. Also during the Soviet period, specially invented communist names were sometimes used. Therefore, if the child was baptized, it was under a different name.

Important. The Constitution declares complete freedom for a citizen to profess any religion or not to profess any.

Accordingly, the majority of babies born in our country are still baptized in Orthodox Church, and they are given Orthodox names. But the custom of giving a name in accordance with the calendar remained unrevived.

By law, parents have the right to give their child any name. It leads to widespread certain names, such as Alexander, Dmitry, Sergei, while some others became almost forgotten.

Attention. If for some reason the parents gave the child a non-Orthodox or generally non-Russian name, then performing the Sacrament of Baptism is permissible only with Orthodox name.

Thus, a person often has two names - civil and baptized.

Moreover, the baptized name is usually chosen to be close in sound to the passport name. For example, Alice can be called Alina by baptism, Zhanna - Joanna, Christina - Christina, and the like. But you can go another way - look at church calendar, which Orthodox saint is honored on the child’s birthday, and give him this name.

What to pray to your patron

You can pray to your patron for any material, physical and spiritual needs - in sorrows, illnesses, failures, ask for his help.

Prayers to some saints:

But don’t forget to thank him during periods when everything is going well. Also, if a person has sinned before God and feels unworthy to contact Him directly, then he can ask for the intercession and intercession of a saint.

But one should not think that only his patron will help a given person among the saints, and others will not listen to his prayers. No, baptized Orthodox Christian can turn to any of the saints for help.

Which saint should I turn to in a specific need?

The Orthodox Church maintains the tradition of turning to various saints for certain specific needs. Yes, when serious illnesses they pray to Panteleimon the Healer, for success in studies - to St. Sergius of Radonezh, when searching new job- Saint Mitrofan of Voronezh, during dangerous journeys - Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, in sorrows and grievances - the Mother of God in front of the icon of the Joy of All Who Sorrow, and so on.

Advice! More precise information about this can be found in the detailed Orthodox prayer books.

All saints pray for people.

But it would be a mistake to believe that a saint can only help in one specific area. No, for any need you can pray to any saint.

The decisive factor in the effectiveness of prayer is the faith of the person praying, the purity of his intentions and repentance for sins.

So, you can pray for success in school not only St. Sergius Radonezh, but also to St. Nicholas. About finding a job - not only to Mitrofan of Voronezh, but also to Blessed Matrona of Moscow. And so on.

Watch a video on how to identify the patron saint

SPHERE OF INFLUENCE: Didilia was visited mainly by women, for she was the goddess of motherhood. Those expecting a child asked her for a safe solution. The childless prayed for a baby. Mothers with many children wanted Didilia to teach them how to raise their children well and protect them from diseases.

HERA - in Greece she was revered as the supreme goddess, the Wife of Zeus, she was worshiped as an assistant to pregnant women and women in labor. Patronized childbirth.

ARTEMIS — Greek goddess hunting, healed wounds and helped during childbirth

ILITHYA is the Greek goddess of childbirth, to whom all pregnant women prayed.

GUANYIN is the Japanese goddess of mercy.

Often in paintings Guanyin is depicted with big amount both eyes and hands. This appearance is said to represent her desire to help other people. Compassionate and merciful, Guanyin also helps those who wish to become pregnant. The drawing of the goddess Guanyin was taken from the website


Around 3000 BC there lived an Egyptian doctor SEKHETYENANAH. He is the first physician whose name is documented. He is recorded in history as “who healed the king’s nostrils,” and on this occasion a monument was erected to him.

MERIT PTAH was a female doctor in Ancient Egypt who lived there at about the same time as the great Imhotep.

Hippocrates is the father of medicine, the founder of a rational approach to therapy. Left school on the island of Kos.

PATRONS OF MEDICINE IN CHRISTIANITY: It was believed that Saint Sebastian and Saint Roch could protect against the plague; against leprosy they turned to Saint Job, and against poisoning - to Anthony of Thebes.

Saint PANTELEMON- martyr and healer.

Lived in Nicodemus during the time of Emperor Maximilian. He devoted his entire earthly life to the sick and poor. He was the best student of the doctor Efrosin.

He treated for free everyone who turned to him and went to prisons to help alleviate the suffering of prisoners. On icons he is usually depicted with a casket and a spoon - he knew how much of which medicine to give to whom. Patron of doctors and pharmacists.

Reverend PAUL(was a doctor in the city of Corinth)

Even in his youth, he entered a monastery, worked a lot physically and spiritually, Paul of Corinth was considered a real ascetic. It cannot be said that he was a doctor by profession. He received the ability to heal illnesses as a gift from his God, as he humbly endured slander and accusations. He healed by laying on of hands.

The heavenly patron of doctors (especially therapists and chiropractors).


His ascetic, godly life was rewarded with the Great Gift of healing and insight. Euthymius not only treated the sick, he also cast out demons.

Heavenly patron of doctors. Neuropathologists and psychiatrists often pray to him.


All his life he served the sick and for his dedication he received the gift of healing. He laid his hands on the sick and they received healing.

They say that they pray to him when there is not enough breast milk.

New Martyr ELIZAVETA FYODOROVNA(princess) - came to Russia at the age of 20.

I went to God through serving people. She decided to create a monastery of mercy, an orphanage and also a charity home for the disabled, orphans and seriously ill people in Moscow. A hospital and pharmacy were established in the Marfa-Mariinsky Convent. Patronized a hospital for tuberculosis women. Heavenly patroness of nurses.

Evangelist LUKA (Apostle LUKE) - One of the founders of Christianity, the author of the Gospel, Luke was not a simple fisherman. He was also the ship's doctor. He had a good education. All his life he enriched his mind with knowledge. He learned the art of healing and was a good painter.

It is a great skill to help a sick person far from home. Heavenly protector of all doctors, especially those who are forced to travel.

Saint LUKE
. He was known in the world as the surgeon Valentin Feliksovich Voino-Yasenetsky. His father was a pharmacist and owned a pharmacy in Kerch. Laureate Stalin Prize 1946, became a Doctor of Theology in 1959. The most famous Russian and then Soviet surgeon, author of works on anesthesiology, scientist, Doctor of Medical Sciences. He spent about 11 years in exile. Canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church in 2000.

Considered the patron saint of doctors.

AGAPITE PECHERSKY- non-silver doctor (“unpaid doctor”)

On icons it is usually depicted against the background of gardens or medicinal plants.

Lived in Kyiv in the 11th century, was a student of Anthony of Pechersk. He was very good at diagnosing diseases and working on healing practices. He healed the future Grand Duke of Kyiv Vladimir Manomakh. Considered the patron saint of doctors.

KOSMA and DEMIAN- holy brothers, healers. Not everything is clear with these saints. Because there are already THREE!!! pairs of Kuzma and Demyana - Assian, Arabian and Roman. All three of these couples lived around the same time - in the 3rd-4th century, had the gift of healing and healed people. Moreover, they were treated not in one city, but went around towns and villages. So what prevents us from using Occam’s scalpel and realizing that this is ONE pair? ROC. She believes that since there is various options death, then the couples are different. Although, it can be assumed that the brothers had students who also preferred to travel in pairs and treat people under the same names. To this day they are remembered inseparably, they even have a surname - Kosmodemyansky.


During his lifetime he was a disciple of the Apostle John the Theologian. Served as bishops in the Church of Pergamon during the reign of Emperor Nero (approximately 54-68).

Have not found common language with the city fathers and was executed. His tomb became a source of healing for many who suffered. They say that Antipas helps best with acute toothache.

ARCHANGEL MICHAEL - patronizes ambulance drivers and radiologists.


GOD THOT is the ancient Egyptian god of knowledge and wisdom.

Somewhere 7000 years ago B Ancient Egypt The beginnings of medicine began to emerge. But medicine is a science, and who, if not the ruler of knowledge, should patronize it?

The Great Thoth was depicted with the head of the sacred bird of the Egyptians.

Thoth treated using both rational and mystical knowledge.

ISIS (ISIS) - Egyptian goddess of blooming health. Goddess of fertility, patroness of all children and their mothers. The personification of motherhood.

She performed an amazing operation - she extracted his true name from the chest of the Sun God - God Ra - and transplanted it into herself. She was also able to collect and resurrect Osiris. She was often depicted with her son Horus (known to us from the “eyes of Horus”). Horus is known from 4000 BC

She knew how to save people from being bitten poisonous snakes and scorpions.

Natta selected the information for the article.

At all times of the existence of the Church of Christ, there were holy doctors and healers - people who healed by invoking the name of Christ and His grace and their medical knowledge, including in the 20th century. Their medical specialty and secular authority did not prevent them from having a strong and deep faith. For them there was no contradiction between science and religion, faith and experience. Their life example is intended to serve as a model of service to God and people for doctors of the present time who are thinking about returning to the domestic traditions of Russian medicine.

May a prayerful appeal to the Holy Doctors help you, dear doctors, in the modern healing process and in finding your path to Christ.

  • Antipas the Hieromartyr(1st century, April 24) asked God for the grace to heal people for toothache .
  • (XIV century, February 23) healed during his lifetime for eye diseases . They pray to him to get rid of this disease.
  • youth(IV century, July 6, November 4). The sufferers received most of the healings from stomach pain, as well as from hernia. Christians received healing from the relics for serious illnesses.
  • (XI century, June 14). He did not require payment during treatment, which is why he was nicknamed the “free doctor.” He provided assistance to the sick, including the hopeless.
  • The monk (XVI century, September 12) was given the gift of healing - of his twenty-three miracles known from his life, almost half relate to healing the paralyzed sick. After his death they prayed to this saint about the gift of boy children.
  • Alypiy Pechersky The monk (XII century, August 30) during his lifetime had the gift healing leprosy .
  • Anikita martyr(IV century, August 25) given grace to heal from illnesses in general.
  • , performed many miracles in the city of Patras: the blind received their sight, the sick were healed.
  • (X century, October 23), who took upon himself the feat of foolishness, was honored the gift of insight and healing for those deprived of reason.
  • Anthony the Reverend(IV century, January 30) parted with worldly affairs and led an ascetic life in complete solitude in the desert. He should pray for patronage of the weak .
  • Anthony, Eustathius and John of Vilna (Lithuania) martyrs(XIV century, April 27) accepted holy baptism from Presbyter Nestor, for which they were subjected to torture - this happened in the 14th century. Prayer to these martyrs gives healing to leg diseases .
  • Great Martyr (IV century, January 4), a Roman Christian who retained her virginity in marriage due to illnesses that tormented her, helps women in labor in resolving difficult burdens.
  • (baptized Roman and David, 11th century, May 15 and August 6), the first Russian martyrs-passion-bearers, constantly provide prayerful assistance to their native land and to those suffering from illnesses, especially for leg diseases.
  • XVI century, August 15) helped people by preaching mercy. During the reign of Fyodor Ioannovich, the relics of St. Basil brought miracles of healing from illnesses, especially from eye diseases.
  • (XI century, July 28) during worldly life he almost went blind, but after baptism he recovered. They pray to this saint for healing from eye diseases.
  • Vasily Novgorodsky(XIV century, August 5) - archpastor, famous for the fact that during the anthrax epidemic, also known as the Black Death, which wiped out almost two-thirds of the inhabitants of Pskov, he neglected the danger of infection and came to Pskov to calm and console the inhabitants. Trusting the reassurance of the saint, the citizens humbly began to wait for the end of the disaster, which soon really came. The relics of St. Basil of Novgorod are located in the St. Sophia Cathedral in Novgorod. Prayer to Saint Basil is offered for deliverance from ulcers .
  • Saint Basil the New(10th century, April 8) bring prayer for healing for fever .
  • Saint Basil the Confessor(VIII century, March 13), together with Procopius the Decanomite, imprisoned for icon veneration, pray for deliverance from severe shortness of breath and bloating.
  • (IV century, May 29, June 28) - a saint who suffered during the time of Diocletian. They pray to him to get rid of epilepsy (epilepsy) .
  • (IV century, December 17) pray for salvation from serious illnesses .
  • (III century, January 3) during his life he suffered from addiction to drunkenness, but he was healed himself. The suffering pray to him healing from the passion of drunkenness and binges.
  • (XVI century, July 3, December 18) pray for deliverance for persistent headaches.
  • (IV century, November 8) pray for insight from blindness.
  • (XVI century, May 29) sufferers bring prayer to get rid of blindness .
  • (XVIII century, October 4) suffered from chest illness and died from this disease. After his death imperishable relics help sufferers who are especially exhausted from chest illness.
  • (III century, August 29) during his lifetime he was a healer who selflessly helped sick people get rid of their ailments. Prayer to this saint will help him get healing in a painful state.
  • (XV century, July 20), wife of Demetrius Donskoy, shortly before her death, she took monastic vows and received the monastic name Euphrosyne. Saint Eudoxia prayed for deliverance from paralysis and about the insight of the eyes.
  • (V century, February 2) healed the sick with prayer, cast out demons. They pray to him during famine, as well as during marital childlessness.
  • (IV century, January 12) during the leprosy epidemic, he ransomed lepers condemned by order of Emperor Constantine to death by drowning from the guards and kept them in a remote place. Thus, he saved those doomed from violent death. They pray to Saint Zotik for the healing of the sick leprosy.
  • Zechariah and Elizabeth the Righteous, parents of St. John the Baptist (1st century, September 18), help the suffering in difficult childbirth.
  • Jonah, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Rus', saint, wonderworker (XV century, June 28) during his lifetime had the gift of healing toothache . They pray to him to get rid of this scourge.
  • (1st century, January 20, July 7) helps with unbearable headache.
  • Jacob Zheleznoborovsky(XVI century, April 24 and May 18) pray for healing leg diseases and paralysis.
  • (VIII century, December 17) for slander, his hand was cut off. His prayer before the icon of the Mother of God was heard, and his severed hand grew together in a dream. As a sign of gratitude to the Virgin Mary, John of Damascus hung a silver image of a hand to the icon Mother of God, which is why the icon received the name “”. John of Damascus was given grace to help in hand pain and hand injury.
  • Saint Julian of Keomania(1st century, July 26) during his lifetime he healed and even resurrected infants. On the icon, Julian is depicted with a baby in his arms. The prayer to Saint Julian is offered at baby illness.
  • Venerable Hypatius of Pechersk(XIV century, April 13) during his lifetime he was a healer and especially helped heal women’s bleeding. They also pray to him for mother’s milk for babies.
  • (XIII century, November 1), Bulgarian, spent sixty years in solitude in the Rylskaya desert. They pray to Saint John of Rila for healing from dumbness and helping children suffering weakness of mind .
  • (XVII century, January 26). Irinarch spent sleepless nights in retreat, so it is recognized that prayer to Saint Irinarch helps with persistent insomnia.
  • , parents of the Virgin Mary (September 22), had no children until old age. They made a vow, if a child appears, to dedicate it to God. Their prayers were heard, and at an old age they had a child - Holy Virgin Maria. Therefore, during marital infertility The prayer should be addressed to Saints Joachim and Anna.
  • (III century, November 14), two brothers studied the art of medicine and treated, without demanding payment from the sick, except for faith in Jesus Christ. They helped with many diseases, treating eye diseases and smallpox. The main commandment of the unmercenaries: “Freely you have received (from God) - freely give!” Wonderworkers helped not only sick people, but also healed animals. They pray to the unmercenaries not only in case of illness, but also for the protection of those entering into marriage - so that the marriage will be happy.
  • Cyrus and John unmercenary martyrs(IV century, February 13) during their lifetime they healed unselfishly various diseases, including smallpox. Patients received relief from ailments and celiac diseases. They should read the prayer in a sick state in general.
  • (XVIII-XIX centuries, February 6) widowed early. Grieving for her husband, she gave away all her property and took a vow of foolishness for Christ’s sake. She had the gift of clairvoyance and miracles, especially healing the suffering. She was revered during her lifetime as a healer.
  • Lawrence the Roman Martyr(III century, August 23) during his lifetime was endowed with the gift of giving sight to blind people, including those blind from birth. He should pray for healing from eye diseases.
  • (I century, October 31) studied the art of medicine and helped people with illnesses, especially ophthalmic
  • revered as a renowned miracle worker. Through prayers to him, people receive help and healing, and he especially helps the suffering oncological diseases.
  • Nikita, Bishop of Novgorod, Saint(XII century, February 13). He became famous for his miracles, especially in bringing sight to the blind. People with poor eyesight can get help by turning to this saint.
  • Panteleimon the Great Martyr and Healer(IV century, August 9) studied healing as a young man. He treated unselfishly in the name of Christ. He owns the miracle of resurrecting a dead child who had been bitten poisonous snake. Healed
  • Pimen of Pechersk the Many-Sick, Venerable(XII century, August 20), suffered from childhood various diseases and only at the end of his life did he receive healing from his illnesses. They pray to the Monk Pimen for healing from a long-term painful condition.
  • Proclus the martyr(II century, July 25) was considered a healer of eye diseases. Proclus dew They treat eye diseases and provide intramural care.
  • (III century, November 10) is considered a healer of various ailments, especially eye diseases. Also heals head diseases, migraines.
  • (XVIII century, September 25) treated for prolonged blindness, appearing sick in a dream. They also resorted to his help in diseases but g - the saint himself made the trek on foot from Russia to Siberia with sore legs.
  • (February 16) on the fortieth day from the Nativity of Christ, he received the infant Christ from the Virgin Mary in the temple with joy and cried out: “Now, Master, you release your servant in peace, according to your word.” He was promised repose after he accepted the holy baby into his arms. They pray to Righteous Simeon for healing sick children and patronizing healthy ones.