Wall decoration with mirrors. Mirror decor

A bathroom is a room in which everyone spends a lot of time. It should be not only functional and practical, but also beautiful. Today, designer items have gained widespread popularity. But handmade decor is especially appreciated. You can create beautiful and stylish bathroom decorations from scrap materials. This allows you to decorate a room with minimal cost... This article will tell you how to decorate a mirror yourself.

Implementation of large-scale construction works the bathroom can be provided by professionals. But decorating the room is quite possible to do on your own. Today, homemade interior items are especially popular. Unique decorations give the room a special style and charm.

You can decorate the bathroom using an old mirror, which has been gathering dust for a long time on the balcony or in the pantry.

An old mirror can become a stylish and original bathroom accessory. Decorating should start with working on the moisture resistance of the mirror. It should be taken into account that the mirror will be exposed to changes in the level of humidity and temperature on a daily basis. It is important that the decor of the mirror is resistant to moisture and steam, then the mirror will serve for many years.

What you need to do to protect the mirror from moisture:

  • The surface of the mirror must be treated with a special compound that retains the original mirror finish.
  • Ramu and reverse side the item can be treated with waterproof varnish or paint.
  • To decorate the mirrors, use materials that will not deteriorate from moisture and steam.

Decorating a mirror yourself is a rather painstaking process. It requires care, accuracy and perseverance. But after completing all stages of work, the bathroom will be decorated with unique interior items that will delight the eye every day. You can decorate the mirror in different techniques using a wide variety of materials.

Tips: how to decorate a frameless mirror with your own hands

If there is a mirror without a frame in the house, you can put it in full order and decorate the bathroom with it. It is fashionable to buy a frame for a mirror, or you can make it yourself. It can also be hung without a frame. For example, using liquid nails... But then it is better to decorate the mirror itself with style - it will look much better decorated.

You can decorate a bathroom with a mirror with or without a frame. The main thing is that the mirror is in harmony with the general interior of the room.

The frame for the mirror can be made from regular plywood. To do this, you need to decide on the shape of the frame and cut it out of a piece of plywood. It is important that the frame is slightly more mirror- this will ensure a reliable and correct fastening... The edges of the frame can be decorated with decorative elements cut from the same piece of plywood or any other material that suits the style. You can also decoupage the frame.

Self-design of the frame:

  • Acrylic paints. The edges of the mirror can be painted with acrylic paints. The motive can overlap with wallpaper or interior items.
  • Textile. The edges of the mirror can be covered with fabric. It is important that it is moisture resistant.
  • Beads. Multi-colored beads can be laid out with beautiful geometric or floral patterns.
  • Bugle. It will shimmer beautifully and play with the light.
  • Pasta. Fancy shapes of pasta on the mirror, glued and painted with paints from an aerosol can give the mirror an original look.

A frameless mirror can be decorated with a variety of materials found in the home. After completing the decor, it is important, if possible, to varnish the decorated surface so that it is not exposed to moisture. The decor of the mirror should be in harmony with the general decor of the room, then the bathroom will look stylish and original.

DIY bathroom mirror decoration options

You can repair an old mirror using various decorative elements... They can be purchased in specialized hardware stores, or you can find them on your farm. You can beautifully decorate both the mirror itself and its frame. Buttons, old jewelry, rhinestones, bugles, beads, etc. can be used as decorative elements.

It will be interesting to look at a mirror made in nautical style... For its decoration, you can use shells, corals, shells.

Such materials perfectly interact with moisture, which ensures a long service life for the mirror and its decor. Fixing these materials is quite simple. For this, liquid nails or a moisture-resistant type of any glue are suitable.

Decor options:

  • Textile... The frame for the mirror can be made of plywood. Chipboard or laminate. But you can cover the finished frame with a water-repellent fabric.
  • Decoupage... The surface to be decorated must first be cleaned and painted. You can glue it over with special decoupage napkins and varnish. It is better to apply up to ten coats of varnish, then the surface will not be afraid of moisture.
  • Painting... It is better to choose acrylic paints - they are easy to work with, they dry quickly and are resistant to moisture.
  • Mosaic... Leftovers ceramic tiles can be laid out in the form of a mosaic.

When choosing materials for decoration, it is important to remember that they must be durable and moisture resistant. Mirrors decorated with such materials can be hung even in the bathroom, even in the bathhouse. When decorating yourself, it is important to pay attention to the method of attaching the decorative elements. To do this, you can use liquid nails or waterproof glue.

Instructions: how to update an old mirror with your own hands

There is no limit to creativity. Framing mirrors is a very interesting and exciting process. Creating a new decor element with your own hands inspires and makes you more confident in your strengths and abilities. You can save the old mirror by giving it a new look.

There are many workshops on decorating mirrors on the Internet. For this, materials of various kinds are used: beads, beads, buttons, wood, acrylic paints, metal, fabric, paper, etc.

It is important to choose a comfortable and well-lit place for decorating a mirror. Before starting work, you need to cover the work surface protective film... The result will depend on creativity and creativity master.

Tips for updating your mirror:

  • Before starting work, carefully prepare the work surface.
  • Decide on the type of decorative elements and decor style.
  • If necessary, make a frame.
  • In the process of work, use waterproof bonding materials.
  • At the end of the work, it is important to thoroughly varnish the product.

Mirror restoration - fascinating process... It does not require special knowledge and skills; it is fashionable to acquire them in the course of creative work. A self-decorated mirror will become original and stylish decoration bathroom.

Ideas on how to decorate a mirror (video)

The bathroom, although it has practical significance, should be cozy and stylish. A mirror is an indispensable attribute of a bathroom. Many homes have old mirrors that collect dust on balconies and closets. An old mirror can be given a second life by doing a simple or sophisticated decor do it yourself.

We live in an era of formation and popularization author's design premises of any type. Standard finishes of apartments and household items are no longer fashionable. The presence of hand-made objects in the room - pots, vases, lamps and chandeliers is considered real chic. Well, the mirror in beautiful frame created by the owner of the house is a real masterpiece!

DIY designer frame for a mirror - the advantages of this mirror design are obvious - you can choose the size of the frame and its design in accordance with general style interior, and the mirror will not resonate with the environment, will become its integral part.

What materials can be used

Do-it-yourself decor of any interior item is a game of fantasy and imagination. But in this matter it is very easy to "overdo" and overdo it, being carried away by creativity. It is better to use one type of material for finishing and decorating mirrors. For example, if you decide to make a frame from the remnants of ceiling plinths, then you do not need to add parts from a different material to the structure. They may be structurally incompatible and difficult to connect and the structure may be heavy.

The frame for the mirror can be of a familiar design, or it can be made in the form of stucco molding from any available materials, in the form of a mosaic directly on the surface of the mirror itself. There are a lot of design options for this item, and the most important thing is to choose one of the ways.

How and from what to make a frame for a mirror

Before starting work on the author's frame for a mirror, you need to carefully think over all the steps, prepare everything you need during work - materials, accessories, tools, measure the mirror and, of course, make a sketch of the future masterpiece. To create a sketch, you need a pencil, an eraser, a ruler, a triangle and a piece, a drawing paper of the appropriate size. Drawing and drawing are best created in life size and “in color” so that you can “try on” it on the mirror.

For work, you will need a table and tools - a file or a knife, nippers and a hammer, glue, paints, brushes, finishing elements (beads, shells, buttons, mosaic glasses), if they are supposed to be used, construction stapler or small carnations. Small parts should be laid out in containers so that they do not crumble and do not interfere with creation, and for brushes it is best to prepare a glass or jar with solvent so that they do not dry out.

Advice! To create a frame, the remains of construction or finishing materials- drywall, facing tiles, plinth, rail.

In design studios, you can see mirror frames made of the most unusual materials - clothespins, cutlery, knitting needles, inexpensive jewelry, tiles with images of family members printed on its surface, from fragments of broken china, plastic, packaging from discs, candies or cigarettes, from sequins and disposable spoons, newsprint or magazine paper, dried flowers. The flight of imagination in how to decorate a mirror with your own hands is absolutely unlimited, as long as the materials are combined and look harmonious with the interior of the room.

Ceiling plinth frame

Very often, after renovation, trim skirting boards, wallpaper and other finishing materials remain in the house. The zealous and creative owners never throw away this "rubbish", but create real masterpieces from it, which one can boast and be proud of. For example, a frame for a mirror made of ceiling plinths turns out to be very beautiful, and it is very easy to make it.

This material is very inexpensive and durable, it is easy to cut and stick together, in most cases ceiling plinth already beautifully decorated. In addition, it can be painted with almost all types of paints and even "aged".

To work with the skirting board, you will need a jigsaw or an ordinary file, a ruler and a pencil, acrylic paint, a brush, glue, putty, preferably gypsum. To protect the desktop, it is necessary to prepare a covering material - it can be old newspapers or wallpaper scraps.

From the plinth, you need to prepare the frame parts in accordance with the dimensions of the mirror. You can pre-attach the mirror to the plywood base or thick cardboard... It is much easier to attach the frame to the base than to the glass surface. The details of the frame must match not only in size, the pattern on the plinth must be adjusted so that the lines of one part smoothly merge into the lines of the other.

After the glue has dried at the joints of the frame, you need to cover its surface with putty to hide the traces of gluing and "clarify" the drawing. After the filler is completely dry, you can start painting. There are a lot of ways to finish such a frame - you can highlight the pattern on the plinth with a contrasting color, you can artificially age the frame with paint, or you can paint it in one color, in a classic style.

Mosaic frame

Mosaic making is an amazingly fascinating kind of handicraft and art. A mosaic frame for a mirror is sophistication, uniqueness and practicality in one bottle. The advantages of this mirror design are the simplicity of work, the low cost of materials, because you can create a mosaic even from fragments of broken dishes. Shards of dishes, and fragments of tiles, jewelry, colored glass are also suitable for work.

The mirror is attached to the base, it can be a sheet of plywood or chipboard. The base should be larger than the plane of the mirror. Mosaic elements will be attached to the protruding part of the wooden base using glue and a glue gun.

In addition to a special pistol, you will need pliers to form parts of the mosaic, and a special grout, which will fill the gaps between the fragments. You will also need a spatula for applying grout, a soft sponge to remove its marks from the surface of the frame, and, of course, imagination and a little patience.

Unusual design ideas for a frame for a mirror

Not everyone likes the simplicity of the mirror design. Many seek and find non-standard solutions the design of this piece of furniture. For example, they decorate frames of an unusual shape with rhinestones, country-style coins, vintage or Provence.

To decorate a mirror in the style of America in the 60s, small pieces of colorful textiles, cereals or pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, which are glued to a wooden or plastic base, are suitable.

Advice! The frame, pasted over with figures of fish, shells and colored pebbles, will remind you of a vacation by the sea. But in order to "hold" such heavy objects on the base, you need to use a "serious" adhesive base, paint primer or double-sided tape.

Serious materials also require a serious approach to working with them. Unusual shape jewelry will require a longer time investment. The voids between the elements must be filled with a sealant or putty so that dust does not accumulate between them. And the care of such a frame will be more difficult, because many materials cannot be washed with water and detergents.

The number of mirrors in each house is different, but it is impossible to imagine a situation without them at all. The functionality of this piece of furniture is beyond doubt. But in terms of aesthetics, not all mirrors look as good as possible. Therefore, if the house has a mirror in old frame or without it, it is worth trying to fix it. We share simple but effective ideas for transforming a mirror.

1. In a ceramic environment

If renovation is planned in the bathroom, then the mirror can be mounted directly into the ceramic tiles. Attach it to the wall with a suitable glue, then proceed with the tile or mosaic installation.

2.With memories of summer

Use small river or sea pebbles to decorate the mirror. It can be glued directly to the mirror with silicone glue. If this option is not suitable, cut out from thick cardboard the base on which the mirror is glued, and the upper part with a hole for it. Glue the upper part with stones, and then glue both parts together.

3. Original plastic frame

Conventional disposable plastic spoons become excellent material for decorating a mirror with your own hands. To make the frame look even more effective, we recommend covering them with acrylic paints.

4. For the most economical

The frame for the mirror, which can be made in just a matter of minutes, is made from ordinary wooden clothespins. They can be pre-painted. Just clip the clothespins to the mirror.

5. In stained glass style

A similar mirror reminiscent of stained glass techniques, easy to do by yourself. To draw dark lines on its surface, use special paint for glass or black tape.

6. Futuristic mirrors from the future

A single base can be used to fix multiple mirrors. For example, a wooden one. Just glue the mirrors with silicone glue.

7. Return to nature

Short branches will be an excellent material for decorating mirrors, especially if you paint them in bright color... They can be glued directly to the perimeter of the mirror or to the frame.

8. In a nautical style

The frame for the mirror, made of thick rope, will perfectly fit into the interior in a nautical style. Additionally, it can be decorated with shells or pebbles.

9. Spring is coming

Artificial flowers will help create a delicate frame for the mirror. Also, the composition can be supplemented with green leaves and fruits. Everything you need for such a mirror decor with your own hands can be purchased at a floristry store.

10. Beads and shells

The combination of beads and shells in the mirror decor creates an unforgettable effect. Such an interior detail will look harmonious in the room of a beautiful lady of any age.

11. A new look at the familiar tree

For the manufacture of such wooden frame you need a thick branch. It will need to be cut into thin sections, which are then used as decoration.

12. Available decor from paper

The most affordable and democratic option for DIY mirror decor is the use of paper strips. Glue strips of paper to the cardboard base, and on top of them is a mirror.

13. Kitchen decor

Cutlery that has not been used for a long time will become an unusual material for mirror decoration. A conventional plate can be used as the basis for this composition. Both the mirror and the cutlery are glued to it.

14. Mirror for needlewomen

Those who are fond of sewing or embroidery will definitely like a mirror decorated with spools of thread. Just glue the colored coils around the perimeter of the mirror.

15. Bright frame from old magazines

Read magazines can be useful when decorating a mirror. Cut the page into two or three pieces, and roll each piece into a tube. All that remains is to glue the paper tubes to the mirror or frame.

16. New life of an old T-shirt

Cut the jersey T-shirt into several fairly wide strips and braid them into a braid. Then glue it around the perimeter of the mirror, leaving the edges free, and hang it on the wall.

17. Edible decor

Fruits of legumes, cereals, pasta can be made an unusual material for decorating a mirror with your own hands. Apply a generous layer of glue to the flat frame and sprinkle edible decor on top of it. After drying, we recommend covering the decorative composition acrylic varnish.

18. Useful buttons

Buttons that could not be used for their intended purpose can become material for mirror decoration. Just glue them to the mirror or its frame.

19. For lovers of an active lifestyle

Old rackets can also act as mirror frames. Finding a ready-made suitable mirror can be problematic. But you can cut the appropriate size and shape in a workshop that specializes in working with glass.

20. More shine

Decorative glass pebbles are used to decorate a regular frame. You can buy them in stores that specialize in the sale of pet supplies. They are most often used to decorate aquariums.

When the issue of decorating the living space is resolved, it is time to take care of its small inhabitants. For instance,

Every day countless times we meet our reflections in mirrors. We get used to mirrors as a given and forget that they can also be a non-trivial and noteworthy decorative element.

How to decorate a mirror with your own hands

It is not necessary to look for a designer to decorate the mirror: many ideas are easy to implement on your own. All you need is imagination, materials at hand, neatness and a lot, a lot of glue.

For starters, you can try to decorate the mirror surface itself. The best assistant in this matter will be acrylic paints: they fit perfectly on the surface, dry quickly, and are also quite environmentally friendly. They do not fade over time, retaining the brightness of the color for a long time.

Acrylic paints will stick well even on the bathroom mirror, despite high humidity in the room. In addition to the main color scheme, there are also glitter paints that can be applied over the usual ones, giving the patterns a festive mood.

In addition to acrylic paints, stained glass paints are suitable. When dry, they become transparent and create the effect of colored glass, which is especially pleasing to the eye in a well-lit room.

Before applying a drawing, you need to outline the contours of future images with thin lines so that the paint does not spread beyond them.

If you are unsure of your artistic abilities, it is better not to paint the surface yourself, but to purchase decorative stickers. When applying them to the surface, carefully smooth the image so that it does not bubble.

You should not place images in the center of the mirror if you still plan to use it for its intended purpose. It is better to place them near the edge: this way you will liven up the familiar look and avoid excesses.

Remember to thoroughly rinse the mirror surface before starting any work. detergent and degrease it with alcohol. Dust constantly accumulates on the surface, and because of it, drawings and stickers can be poorly applied.

If the mirror has an inconspicuous frame, you can decorate it, focusing on the frame. All sorts of little things are suitable for this: buttons, sparkles, beads, small shells, rhinestones, plant seeds.

Shells are perfect for decorating a bathroom mirror. It is no coincidence that designers prefer marine theme when creating decor items for the bathroom: everything here reminds of the sound of the waves and the sandy beach. After application, shells can be painted with the same acrylic paint to match the new frame with colors interior.

If you choose beads for decoration, it is better to take several different types... For example, bugles resembling an oblong faceted tube will go well with shallow felling.

Plant seeds, twigs, dried flowers and leaves will help to organize a small island of nature in the middle of a bustling city, which is what eco-style strives for.

Stale scraps of fabric are also useful for decoration: they can be used to fit the mirror frame. Even napkins and magazine clippings can be helpful when used with decoupage techniques.

Another beautiful option frame design - mosaic. Of course, you can try to look for colored glass left over from broken things at home, but in hobby and art stores there are pieces of glass already cut into neat plates specifically for creating mosaic images. They are safe to use, which is not the case for untreated shards.

Even if the mirror does not have a frame, you can make a frame yourself - for example, using a piece of plywood. Cut a circle, rectangle or square out of it, depending on the shape you choose.

Place a mirror over it to make sure the frame is wide enough. The mirror can be glued to the surface using silicone sealant which has good water resistance and heat resistance.

The resulting frame can be decorated various materials using a glue gun.