Greenhouse made of old window frames. Do-it-yourself greenhouse from window frames: materials, construction, stages of work, drawings, video instructions

For any avid summer resident or suburbanite, a greenhouse is necessary thing. Modern market offers a huge variety of materials for its construction. But, choosing an inexpensive option, you will have to collect by the next season new greenhousebecause it is short-lived. And high-quality raw materials, for example, polycarbonate or metal-plastic, are not always affordable. But there is a way to solve this problem. Modern gardeners build greenhouses from old double-glazed windows. It turns out cheap and reliable. Mount the greenhouse from window frames with your own hands is not difficult at all. Minimum carpentry skills will suffice.

Pros and cons of window frame greenhouses

The undoubted advantage of such a material is that it can be built very quickly. Almost any person can handle the job. Another advantage of a window greenhouse is that it is budgetary, but not inferior in quality to greenhouses made of expensive materials. It is sealed and transmits light well, windows can be opened for ventilation.

Disadvantages are inherent in those greenhouses that are made of wooden frames with glass. Every year, such a structure requires repair, due to the fact that the tree dries up. In addition, you need to be very careful with this design. Glass - fragile materialwhich loses its aesthetics over time appearance... It is necessary to constantly wash the windows so that the light can easily penetrate into the room. And also such a design requires a concrete base.

The foundation is needed for several reasons:

  • wooden frames in contact with the ground, they can quickly rot;
  • the soil tends to "move", which can damage fragile glass.

In addition, the base will slightly raise the ceiling of the future greenhouse, and it will be much more convenient to be in it.

Photo gallery: homemade double-glazed greenhouses

The greenhouse from old windows looks very aesthetically pleasing
Metal greenhouse plastic windows allows you to create optimal conditions for plants
Greenhouse from old windows is inexpensive
You can always additionally decorate the greenhouse
A greenhouse made of old windows can be small or large
Installation of a greenhouse from window frames will not take much time

Step-by-step instructions for installing a greenhouse from window frames

All work on the installation of a greenhouse from window frames with your own hands consists of several stages. It is very important to keep their order.


Most likely, all greenhouse frames will be different sizestherefore standard design is not suitable in this case. In order for the walls to turn out smooth, you first have to assemble a mosaic of window frames on the ground. After that, you need to measure the resulting modules and write them down. Draw a diagram on paper where you mark the location of all frames. Design the foundation, frame and roof of the greenhouse separately.


The structure itself is not at all heavy, so a strip base will be enough for it. To install it you need:

  1. Drive in the pegs along the perimeter of the greenhouse and stretch the rope between them.
  2. Dig a trench 35–40 cm wide and deep.
  3. Level the bottom, tamp, cover it with waterproofing, for example, roofing material.
  4. Fill up with a 5–7 cm layer of sand, moisten it, level and tamp.
  5. Lay a layer of medium gravel.
  6. Assemble the formwork so that the height of the concrete base is at least 40 cm above the ground.
  7. Lay a reinforcing net (with a reinforcement section of 8 mm or more).
  8. Make cement-sand mixture in a ratio of 1: 3 and fill it.
  9. To avoid the formation of air pockets, seal the cement with a metal rod.
  10. Check the foundation with a level.
  11. Wait for the concrete to harden. In this case, for the first few days it must be moistened and covered with polyethylene. When everything is set, you can dismantle the formwork.

Important! You can start building the foundation knowing the exact dimensions of the future greenhouse, otherwise you risk making the foundation too small or too large.

For the construction of a greenhouse, you can also make a columnar foundation.

Preparatory work

First of all, you need to acquire enough frames. The windows of your apartment alone are definitely not enough. Alternatively, you can contact a company that replaces windows. The number of frames that you need will be sold for a symbolic price.

Calculate required amount the material is simple enough. You can find out the missing quantity by simple mathematical operations of addition and subtraction. Subtract the material you already have from the total perimeter of the greenhouse, and the area that is missing will remain. Future greenhouse walls need pre-treatment:

  1. Remove all hardware (hinges, handles, etc.) from the frames.
  2. Remove the old paint layer from them. It can be done grinder, a scraper, or other similar tools.
  3. Treat the tree with an anti-rotting compound and paint.
  4. In order not to damage the glass when working with a hammer, dismantle them for a while.
  5. Process all holes (vents) as much as possible silicone sealant... Leave a few for ventilation.

Path between the beds and the fence

In greenhouses, it is advisable to build a good path between the beds. For its creation, materials such as brick are suitable, paving slabs, paving stones. They should be laid on a sandy cushion in a small trench. You can use sand and gravel flooring as a walkway.

Polymer tapes are often used as fences, in which there are plastic rods that are dug into the ground. They will last a long time, are easy to assemble, do not rot, and are easy to clean. But you can use bricks, slate or wooden planks.

It is very easy to install the frame:

  1. To the roofing material laid on the foundation, it is necessary to attach a strapping of beams with anchors. Fasten all elements with steel corners.
  2. Install vertical supports (corner and intermediate).
  3. Mount the temporary fixation before the top strapping is made.
  4. Make the top harness and remove the temporary elements.
  5. Build a gable roof frame. To do this, you need to install 2 vertical posts, a ridge and rafter legs... Fasten all elements with self-tapping screws and steel corners.
  6. Attach the frames to the frame through the holes that were used to install windows in the apartment.

If the roof is made of window frames, then you need to start laying it first to avoid damage to the glass walls in the event of a tool falling.

You can do and combined option greenhouses. For example, drive the walls out of window frames, and cover the roof with another material (polycarbonate, polyethylene).

Video: building a greenhouse with your own hands

If you correctly plan and build such a greenhouse, then you will get a durable, good, bright and spacious place for growing vegetables. Without spending a lot of money and effort, your greenhouse will look no worse than expensive ready-made structures.

After installing plastic windows, a completely logical question arises: what to do with old windows? And the answer is quite simple. if you have suburban areathen the most optimal solution will be the construction of a greenhouse from window frames.

The dimensions of the structure are determined based on:

  • dimensions of each frame;
  • their total number;
  • the size of the inside of the greenhouse.

The ideal option is to use window frames that are the same dimensions. This is the only way to create an even and symmetrical structure, where there will be no cracks. The length of a greenhouse made of old window frames is determined by adding the widths of all used windows.

It is recommended to apply the design diagram on paper, where to display the location of all aisles and beds. The width of one bed is usually 0.8-1.2 m. If you make a bed too wide, it will be difficult to handle. Passages between the beds are made within 0.5-0.6 m.

Location of the structure

After the dimensions of the greenhouse have been determined, you should think about its correct placement Location on. For normal plant growth, a greenhouse from window frames should be located:

  • on a flat area;
  • in a place normally illuminated by sunlight;
  • in an area protected from strong winds;
  • away from tall buildings and trees.

If you plan to build a window frame greenhouse consisting of a gable roof, then the best location for the long section of the structure is on the east and west sides.

Particular attention should be paid to the soil composition of the site. For greenhouse perfect solution - black earth fertile soil with admixtures of sand. If the soil on the site is clay, then for growing plants in the greenhouse, you will need to additionally prepare it:

  • fill in gravel;
  • cover the gravel with a layer of sand up to 10 cm;
  • lay out fertile black soil;
  • add compost or mineral fertilizers.

You also need to know about the water table. This is due to the fact that a greenhouse made of window frames is quite heavy. When groundwater is located at a depth of 1.5 m, it is not recommended to engage in the construction of such a structure.

Foundation device

An important role in the process of making a greenhouse from window frames is played by right choice foundation (even if the structure is located on stable ground). Basically, the purpose of the foundation is to protect:

  • plants from negative impact external environment;
  • the greenhouse itself from premature subsidence from the load coming from the heavy frames.

Experts say that the presence of a foundation will lead to a thermal energy saving of 10-15%. This, in turn, will lead to a decrease in the cost of heating the structure, and crops will be grown at a stable temperature regime.

The choice of the type of base should be guided by practical functions. Of course, you can use a ready-made metal foundation, which is matched to certain dimensions of the greenhouse. Installation of such a product is carried out under the support pillars. The lack of a metal foundation is a low level of protection.

The best option for a greenhouse made of window frames (pictured) is concrete. The width of the foundation is from 0.1 m, the depth is 0.7-0.9 m. If the greenhouse is created in an area with severe frosts, then the base deepens to the level of freezing of the soil and is additionally insulated with expanded polystyrene.

When installing the foundation, the weight of the greenhouse must be evenly distributed. This is the only way to avoid the ingress of cold air into the structure. The space between the base and the greenhouse frame is sealed with bitumen and silicone sealant.

Frame preparation

This process involves the implementation of the following actions:

  • removing old metal elements (hinges, latches, handles);
  • removal of old paint;
  • wood processing with an antiseptic;
  • removal of all glasses (when attaching frames to the frame with nails).

If self-tapping screws are used to fix the window frames, then there is no need to remove the glass. To prevent the glass from falling out in the future, you should check the old glazing beads and, if necessary, replace with new ones.

All vents that are used to ventilate the plants are tightly closed. The minimum height of the walls of the structure is 1.7-1.8 m.

Wireframe creation

Now let's move on directly to how to make a greenhouse out of frames. At the initial stage, a wooden frame is built, which makes the greenhouse as stable as possible. For these purposes, you can use both a bar (section 5 * 5 cm) and ordinary boards (4 cm thick).

The most economical option is to use planks to which old windows will be attached. Moreover, the width of the boards usually coincides with the dimensions of standard frames.

The greenhouse frame consists of three main parts:

  • bottom strapping;
  • racks;
  • top rack.

The frame device provides for the following actions:

  • the foundation is covered with waterproofing material;
  • boards are laid along the perimeter of the base (two pieces);
  • racks of timber are attached to the boards, which have the same height;
  • the number of racks is determined based on the number of window frames;
  • racks must be placed in the corners of the greenhouse and in places where the frames will be attached;
  • the upper part of the racks is fastened with a bar, which is the basis for the roofing material;
  • if necessary, grooves are made in the upper part of the timber for laying the rafters.

Installation of frames

Fixing frames to the frame can be done using:

  • wire or clamps;
  • nails and beams;
  • screws and metal corners.

The use of wire (clamps) is less costly and easy way fastening windows to the frame. The only caveat is that you should correctly determine the location of the mounts. The greenhouse should not disintegrate under the influence of factors environment... A wire is pulled around adjacent frames and bars and twisted with pliers.

When fixing windows with nails, the timber is applied immediately to two frames. Then several nails are nailed into each of the frames through the timber.

Self-tapping screws and metal corners are the most reliable way fixing old windows to wooden frame... Thanks to their use, maximum structural stability is achieved:

  • a corner is applied to the adjoining frames on both sides;
  • a marker marks the points of drilling holes for the corner;
  • holes are drilled for self-tapping screws;
  • corners are fixed with self-tapping screws.

Do-it-yourself installation of a greenhouse from window frames begins from a predetermined angle. The frames are attached as tightly as possible to each other. IN end wall a door opening is made, for the manufacture of which you can use boards (if you cannot find the old door).

Sometimes you can face the problem of not enough window frames. Don't despair. There are two solutions to this problem:

  1. The front side is finished with polycarbonate.
  2. The back wall of the structure (usually made from the northern part) is hammered with plywood or boards.

All gaps between the frames are sealed with polyurethane foam or thermal insulation material... There should be no drafts in the greenhouse.

If in the process of work the glass accidentally broke, then:

  • new glass is cut;
  • the edge of the frame is covered with sealant (or window putty);
  • glass is laid on a sealant;
  • a glazing bead is stuffed, on which an antiseptic and paint is applied.

Roof decking

The best solution for a greenhouse made of window frames will be the device of a gable roof, due to which the most uniform flow of sunlight occurs. For the manufacture of a gable roof, you can use:

  • old frames;
  • plastic wrap;

Old frames are used only in small quantities to create the roof. This is due to the fact that when the entire roof is covered, the greenhouse will overheat excessively. Which will negatively affect the normal development of plants.

The simplest and cheapest option would be to create a roof from a plastic film:

  • the film is attached to the frame with wooden slats and nails;
  • a mesh material is laid on top of the polyethylene (a nylon cord or the thickest fishing line).

The only drawback of this technology is the need to remove the film when winter comes. It will tear if exposed to snow, rain or strong wind.

The most suitable solution for a greenhouse roof made of old frames - the use of polycarbonate, which is characterized by optimal weight and increased reliability. it roof covering does not need to be dismantled for the winter, as it is resistant to snow and wind loads.

Installation of a polycarbonate roof consists of the following stages:

  • the timber is being laid, which connects the long sides of the structure;
  • the timber is placed in places where the rafters will be attached;
  • rafters under the same angle mounted on the top harness;
  • vertical racks are used to fasten the rafters to the timber;
  • the crate is created from boards;
  • polycarbonate is attached.

Bolts with wide washers are used to fix polycarbonate sheets. Polycarbonate should protrude 20-25 cm above the greenhouse wall.

During the operation of the greenhouse, it is necessary to take care of it from the window frames:

  • to extend the service life once every 3-4 years all wooden elements treated with an antiseptic and painted;
  • to increase the sun's rays, polycarbonate and windows are washed in the spring.

When installing a non-separable greenhouse, you can carry out and create a heating system.

Video about the installation of a greenhouse from window frames:

Polyethylene, polycarbonate and even metal-plastic - from which only greenhouses are built! Did you know that inexpensive, simple in its arrangement, but very reliable and in general good design can be built from old window frames left over, for example, after replacing wooden windows?

Next detailed instructions will help to carry out construction without any problems.

A finished greenhouse made of frames will weigh a lot, so a separate foundation must be made for it. We will build a full-fledged columnar type support.

First step. Clearing construction site... We remove garbage, uproot stumps and bushes, weeds, etc.

Step two. For convenience, we mark the site according to the size of the future greenhouse. We drive pegs into the ground around the perimeter and in the corners and pull the rope between them.

Step three. In the corners and with a three-meter step on each side of the greenhouse, we dig holes with a depth of half a meter. In an amicable way, the depth of each such hole should exceed the level of soil freezing.

Fourth step. We fill the bottom of the holes with an approximately 10-cm layer of gravel and carefully tamp it.

Fifth step. We make the formwork. It is needed if the posts will be filled with concrete. The easiest option is to install a hollow pipe with a diameter of 10-15 cm in each hole (pipes made of asbestos cement are suitable), level them, insert fittings, fix the structure (you can overlay bricks) and pour concrete.

Also, support pillars can be built from bricks or stones, using ordinary cement-sand mortar to fasten the elements.

Sixth step. We lay the timber on top of the supports. In the corners we fasten the bars with iron plates. We directly attach the timber to the supports in a suitable way, for example, with anchors.

Columnar foundation made of bricks

Building a greenhouse: a step-by-step guide

The structure under consideration can be built in different ways. First, we describe the procedure for erecting a structure, the roof of which will be made of polyethylene, and at the end we give a guide to building a more durable frame. It can be covered with polycarbonate or other material.

The first stage - we prepare the building material

We are preparing window frames for work. We remove handles, hinges and other existing accessories.

We clean old paint and we treat "bare" wood with antiseptic impregnation. At the same stage, it is recommended to temporarily remove the glasses so as not to damage them during the process of fastening the frame elements.

We carefully seal the vents that will not be used in the greenhouse in the future. You can even dismantle parts of the frames with vents, if you like.

The presence of several opening vents is a great advantage - you don't have to bother with arranging the ventilation system.

Second stage - laying the floor

We temporarily set the frames aside and arrange the floor. Our base is columnar, so there will be no difficulties with the creation of the floor.

First we provide drainage. If the water stagnates, the woodwork will start to rot.

For arrangement drainage system we dig a trench with a depth of about 150 mm and fill it with fine gravel or gravel by about 5-7 cm. Another 3-5 cm of the height of the trench is filled with sand and carefully tamped.

Important! The filling must be done so that the finished surface has a slight slope in the direction of the previously equipped drain hole.

To decorate the greenhouse interior, we install plastic or wood borders on the sides of the aisles. Such an element of decor will simultaneously fulfill a functional task, preventing the earth from falling onto the path.

If you wish, you can decorate the floor using other materials. There are several options.

Stage three - building walls

First, we erect a frame for attaching frames. We use high quality wooden planks thickness of about 50 mm, approximately corresponding to the thickness of the window frames. From such boards we make the lower and upper strapping. When arranging the lower perimeter, we let the boards in 2 rows. This will make the finished greenhouse slightly taller.

We make vertical racks from a bar. The best option - elements with a section of 150x150 mm. Such beams are guaranteed to withstand the weight of the frames and related materials.

We attach the vertical posts to the support posts in a suitable way. We put the boards of the lower strapping between the posts. We fasten the boards to the racks with self-tapping screws. We attach frames with long sides to the racks and boards of the lower harness. We use self-tapping screws.

On the upper edges of the frames and racks, we lay the boards of the upper harness. We fix the same using self-tapping screws.

We fill the gaps between the frames and the frame elements with polyurethane foam. For greater stability, we nail the support bars to the inside of the frames.

Advice! To make the whole structure more stable, we include vertical supports in its composition. It is better to make them even when forming the frame. To do this, we dig holes, install props in them (a piece of wood that will be in the ground, we first wrap it with roofing material or we smear it) and pour cement or concrete. We fasten the props with the vertical support posts using nails.

Once again we check the structure for cracks. If any, we blow them out with polyurethane foam. Only the air vents can be left free.

We put back the removed glass. Instead of glasses, you can use other material, for example, polyethylene or cellular polycarbonate.

Important! If you plan to make a polycarbonate roof, it is better to insert the glass after the roofing is completed.

The fourth stage - we make the roof

Most often, summer residents cover greenhouses from frames plastic wrap... In such a situation, the load on the frame and base will not exceed allowable norms, and the greenhouse will last as long as possible.

We build a light crate along the upper perimeter of the greenhouse. It can be made from wooden slats, metal profile and even wire.

Having installed the crate, we stretch the film. It is most convenient to use special clamps and clamps to secure it.

Alternatively: a greenhouse with a polycarbonate roof

If your budget allows you to purchase cellular polycarbonate for your roof, you can do it. Keep in mind that such a design will require a fairly strong frame. For its manufacture, it is best to use profiled pipes, because a wooden beam is unlikely to withstand such a load.

For more convenience, from pipes you can immediately make support pillars and a greenhouse frame... To do this, do the following.

In this case, the door is also better made of polycarbonate, having previously made a metal or wooden frame for its installation.

Helpful advice! To make the greenhouse look more attractive, you can paint the outside of the greenhouse to your desired color. Paint the interior as desired.

Equip the finished greenhouse at your discretion. You can equip it with water supply and drainage systems, provide light and heating, install all kinds of racks, racks and other supports for beds, etc. In this moment, all decisions are yours, because only you can know how your greenhouse should be from old window frames.

Happy work!

Video - Greenhouse from old window frames

Our climate is changeable, highly dependent on the season, so some of our plants do not ripen or give a poor harvest. To combat this, people have come up with hotbeds and greenhouses. With their help, in some cases, you can get a harvest even in winter or collect two crops per year.

Materials used for greenhouses

How is a greenhouse different from a greenhouse? Mostly in size. A person enters the greenhouse himself, and only plants are in the greenhouse.

Despite what the industry offers various designs greenhouses, many will want to save money and make their construction from scrap materials. This will be discussed below.

Stages of building your own greenhouse:

  • collection of material (frames) for the greenhouse;
  • choosing a place for a greenhouse;
  • choice of greenhouse design;
  • installation of the foundation;
  • walling;
  • roof erection.

During the construction of professional greenhouses developed at institutes, they study which materials are best to use. Here, attention is paid to the translucency of the material, which rays the material passes through, and which it absorbs, and the like. However, in private households, you don't really have to choose the material.

Polycarbonate is best, but it is quite expensive. They are more accessible frame with glass. The fact is that people from time to time make repairs in their apartments, while they often change the windows, throwing out old frames in a landfill.

Framed glass is very suitable for greenhouses, they used to be made from it. The disadvantage of glass is that it can break. In small farms, this risk is reduced.

The film is also often used for greenhouses and greenhouses, but it is short-lived.

What are window frames

For a greenhouse, you will need quite a few frames, so most likely they will not be the same size. This must be taken into account. In addition, the frames may be without glass or with a damaged frame. In the first case, instead of glass, you can mount something else in the frame, for example, a film. In the second case, the defect is most easily repaired with polyurethane foam. Polyurethane foam useful in the case when it will be necessary to close up large gaps.

The frames themselves are now wooden. This is very good, as the wood is easy to assemble - the frames can be simply knocked down or nailed to a single rail. In the future, we can expect the appearance of plastic and metal frames. Installation of such frames is somewhat different than wooden ones, but it is also simple. The metal in the frames is most likely thin, so self-tapping screws for metal are suitable for fastening.

A feature of frames with inserted glasses is that the glasses in the frame move freely. That is, glass is not afraid of expansion due to temperature fluctuations.

Choosing a place for a greenhouse

There is important illumination buildings. In addition, you can rotate the structure itself relative to the sun in the most acceptable way. Otherwise, it tastes like the owner.

In some cases, the greenhouse is attached to the wall of the house, it turns out something like winter garden... Illumination in this case is less than separately standing building (since light does not penetrate from all directions). However, there are advantages here as well. The greenhouse protects the building from external influences, receives heat from the house and itself prevents heat leakage.

The greenhouse should be such that you can walk freely in it. Most often they are made rectangular with the expectation of the width of the beds. Usually in the middle there is a path along which a person walks, and on either side of the path there are two beds or double beds. It's comfortable.

To save material, greenhouses are sometimes made in the form of a semicircle when viewed from the front. However, such a structure cannot be built from frames. If you do of them, then this is most likely rectangular parallelepiped, Which is mounted on top of the roof.

Some greenhouse developers pay attention to the need to ventilate the greenhouse, for which they make vents. There is a need for this. If you want to control the microclimate, then you will make the greenhouse itself airtight with the possibility of adjustable ventilation. Otherwise, it is better for tightness special attention do not pay, that is, leave small gaps.

It must be understood that heat is collected under the roof. For a more even heating, there must be a high altitude or good ventilation. On the other hand, the smaller the room volume, the better it warms up. Since the weather is different, then perfect design you won't get it. Essential to install ventilation. For this purpose, you can make two entrances to the greenhouse opposite each other (from the ends).

Additionally, you can provide for heating greenhouses. Here you need to proceed from your wishes.

Step by step guide on building constructions


The foundation is usually installed under the capital structure. Moreover, the depth of its inception reaches one and a half meters (or more), which is due to the depth of freezing of the soil. The task of the foundation in this case is to avoid heaving of the soil under the walls of the house under the influence of cold temperatures.

In the case of a greenhouse, there is no need to install a deep foundation, since the structure is lightweight and flexible enough. In this case, the purpose of the foundation is to isolate the wood of the frames from moisture and earth.


As a rule, the frames are wooden. They are often doubled. Such frames must be disassembled into two, because Greenhouses made in a single layer of glass. Also, these designs are usually beveled. So that it does not interfere with the docking of the frames, they are deployed as needed.

You can simply knock down the wooden frames with nails. But if a more capital structure is required, then all frames of one side are attached to a single bar (rail, etc.). The bar must be fixed from above and below. You can attach another one in the middle. If it passes inside the greenhouse, then it will be possible to tie plant stems to it.

Instead of nails, it is better to use wood screws. So there is less risk that the glass will break, and it is easier to fix a flimsy structure.

In the case of plastic windows, self-tapping screws and bolts are suitable. If you are attaching the plastic to the bar, then you can hammer in a nail. But will have to make a hole under it in advance.

If the frames are metal, then it is most likely thin steel or thin aluminum. Material like aluminum profilebut may be thicker. If the thickness is large, you will have to drill holes. For metal, self-tapping screws have a smaller pitch than for wood.

The most comfortable material is wooden frames. And they are easier to drill if necessary, and the fasteners are reliable.


Hardware are fasteners. Currently in stores you can find steel corners and plates different shapes... All of them have holes for nails (screws, etc.). In some cases, they are very convenient and well replace other types of connections.

If the connection is complicated and the wood (joint) is not easy to fit, it is better to use steel hardware.

Roof erection

The roof was not necessarily to do out of their frames. The fact is that glass is still a fragile material. It can be installed vertically, it will last a long time and is not dangerous. In the case of a roof, there is always a danger that hail will come and break the glass. There is also a danger that a lot of snow will collect on the roof, which will push the glass.

It is undesirable to make a roof of film or glass. Glass is dangerous, it can fall on your head, so making a flat roof of glass is highly undesirable. If you make a roof using a film, then, most likely, it will last no more than a season.

Roofs for greenhouses are made either straight-pitched (usually gable) or semicircular. If we ignore the hail, for the gable roofs frames are fine. A ridge is attached on top of such a roof so that water does not collect from above. The ridge is such a corner that covers the very top. Traditionally, roofs protrude slightly beyond the wall plane. it correct solution in case of winter - icicles will not crawl along the walls. The film can also be attached to a semicircular roof.

You saved on the walls, but for the roof itself, you can use polycarbonate. Polycarbonate allows you to make the roof straight and semicircular. In addition, it is quite rigid and lightweight, therefore it requires a minimum of a frame. This material is unbreakable and is great for roofing.

Wooden frames are great stuff for the construction of greenhouse walls. You will get it for free. A greenhouse from such frames can be assembled in a day. However, it is still advisable to use polycarbonate for the roof.

In contact with

The level of thriftiness of each summer resident is determined not only by ingenuity and wallet, but also by the ability to craft what is necessary for giving with his own hands. Today we will look at greenhouses made of old window frames - option with minimal cost, practical and convenient. Moreover, the materials for the production of such a greenhouse are always at hand.

Are you changing windows? Does a neighbor change windows? You see how windows are changed "wholesale" in kindergarten opposite or another institution? Here is the answer to the question of where to get window frames for building a greenhouse. Otherwise, you can always negotiate with your neighbors or even post an advertisement for the purchase of window frames inexpensively, with self-delivery or self-collection (many throw them away for free, and then they also offer money). That is, it is not difficult to find material for production, there would be a desire.

But, in addition to materials, you need to know and correct algorithm the creation of a greenhouse window frames.

Foundation or base

The base of the greenhouse is mandatory here, since the wooden frames have some weight, and if you add a greenhouse cover, expendable materials and so on, then its mass will increase even more. This means that in order to prevent and completely prevent the subsidence of the greenhouse and its destruction, as well as to provide the greenhouse with reliability and stability, it must be installed on the foundation.

The foundation for a similar greenhouse you can choose at your own discretion:

  • Brick... A reliable but expensive foundation, with proper installation, will serve a lot, but it can be damaged by waterlogging and temperature changes. Sturdy and sturdy, easily withstands wood construction;
  • A rock. An expensive, but extremely strong and reliable foundation, on which you can even install a polycarbonate greenhouse on a metal case. Easily transfers external influences and serves as a durable base. The price of this foundation can be significantly reduced if you use raw stone;
  • Tree... The foundation of wood is strong and stable, but short-lived. After 5-8 years, it will require replacement, but it is perfect for a greenhouse made of frames, since they themselves are unlikely to last more than 8 years;
  • Concrete. Strip foundation of cement mortar will serve as a reliable and durable foundation on which a greenhouse made of window frames can stand for decades.

These options for the foundation, in principle, everyone can afford, but if suddenly the emphasis is seriously on budget greenhouse, it is better to choose a wooden bar, it will be quite enough.

Greenhouse frame

A greenhouse made of old frames is already a self-sufficient frame that only requires correct installation, fasteners and light sheathing for covering.

In order for the frame to be reliable, first of all, it needs to provide stability. To do this, the window frames are fixed on the foundation or base, and also fasten them together (about the installation process itself, a little lower). You can fasten the frames together using a corner and self-tapping screws, wooden beams and nails, wire and clamps. Depending on the desired durability and reliability, you can define the fastening methods yourself.

Let's talk a little more about them:

  • Fastening frames with metal corners and self-tapping screws... A fairly simple process that any person can do. During the installation of the greenhouse, you will only need to observe the level and dimensional placement of window frames on the base, as well as connect them to each other. By external or inner corner of adjacent frames, lay a metal corner with holes, and fix it to the frames themselves with self-tapping screws. This method very reliable and will provide stability;
  • Fastening with bars and nails... Here, everything is much simpler than the previous version. FROM inside, knock down the frames using medium-sized bars, for example, 30x30 mm. Simply put one bar to two frames, and drive several nails into each frame, through the bar;
  • Fixing clamps or wire... Honestly, this is the most economical way, which will not take a lot of time from the master. At the site of the intended mountings, you simply make a few turns steel wire, around the adjacent frames, and tighten it with pliers. This action can also be performed using steel or plastic clamps, which are clamped under tension.

We build a greenhouse from window frames - video

Greenhouse installation

It is quite simple to build a greenhouse from window frames, if you follow the basic rules of any, even the most minimal construction. Try to initially think over the entire scope of work. Do it step by step, be sure to complete each individual element of the construction, follow the rules for working with materials and take preliminary measurements and calculations seriously. In this case, you will receive a reliable building, ready to serve you for a very long time.

One of the obligatory moments in the construction of a greenhouse is its installation on the base. For this, it is not enough to fasten the components together; it is also necessary to firmly fix them with the help of special elements on the foundation. Most often, a metal corner is used for this - inexpensive and practical option fastening.

The corner is fixed to the base of the greenhouse by welding, bolts, anchors. Next, window frames are attached to it. This must be done sequentially, slowly, each time fixing the frame not only on the foundation, but also connecting it to the next frame (the methods are described just above). Thus, with a little effort, you can install the window frame greenhouse on the base, ensuring its stability and preventing it from sinking into the ground.

Covering greenhouses of window frames

The construction of a greenhouse made of old window frames is quite heavy, so we do not recommend increasing its weight with glass. Although many summer residents do just that, the calculation in this case goes to the greenhouse small area... It is best to cover the greenhouse with plastic wrap. To do this, you need a light sheathing along the top of the greenhouse perimeter. It can be made of steel wire, mounting profile or rails, that is, there is a great choice here.

After installing the lathing under the so-called "ceiling" of the greenhouse, you can safely stretch the film. It should be fixed using special clamps and clamps, or folk methods, creating independently eyelets (holes for fasteners).

At the end of the work on the foundation, the creation of the frame, the installation and fastening of the greenhouse, as well as the tension of the film cover on the frame, you must check the correctness of the construction. Of course, a greenhouse made of frames with your own hands could turn out to be very elegant and strong enough, but it must meet certain standards - stability, light transmission, airtightness, the ability to ventilate, and so on.

Having learned how to build a greenhouse out of frames, and having finished the job, you can safely start planting crops in the greenhouse from which you want to get a rich harvest. By the way, about the methods of growing many of them, proper care, feeding, pruning and harvesting, you can read the site in the materials of our site, which constantly provides its visitors with useful advice.