DIY cabinet doors. Ideal for a built-in wardrobe. Installation of profiles and frames

Functional and beautiful furniture - the guarantee of comfort and coziness in every home, therefore, the choice of such interior items must be approached carefully. But what to do if the store did not find a cabinet suitable for the design or size? Then the assembly of the wardrobe can be done independently. But for this you need to learn how to make doors for a wardrobe with your own hands, and then install them.

A sliding wardrobe is a system, the acquisition of which will make it possible to successfully plan the space of a room, emphasize the features of the interior, and solve the issue of storing personal belongings. As soon as such furniture appeared on the domestic furniture market, buyers immediately fell in love with it for a huge number of advantages.

Many do not dare to assemble the cabinet on their own, but in fact it is not so difficult if you prepare and divide the work into stages. You should start by purchasing the necessary materials, the volume of which depends on the chosen size of the structure. Therefore, the first thing to decide is what material to use and what size the structure will be.

The following materials are used to create compartment furniture:

  • Chipboard - belongs to the category of common and affordable materials for the manufacture of doors for a wardrobe. Chipboard is varied in color scheme, practical, easy to cut. If you decide to assemble a sliding wardrobe with your own hands without experience in such matters, opt for chipboard;
  • MDF is a more expensive material than chipboard, but it differs in higher operational characteristics... MDF is afraid of moisture, under the influence of which the film can lag from the base, which will significantly worsen appearance furniture. But in general, the wardrobe with 2 doors from MDF looks very dignified;
  • solid wood is a durable, incredibly beautiful, wear-resistant option. But it is not cheap, and to work with natural wood can only be an experienced master of furniture. If you are a beginner, it is better to choose a material that is easier to work with - chipboard or MDF.

The dimensions of a particular cabinet are selected for the room in which it is planned to be installed. Take a look around and measure to find out which length, width and height of furniture will be most successful. The height of such furniture may vary.

Models custom sizes are made to order or independently. Experts insist that in small rooms the closet should be made as high as possible. This will allow you to fit the maximum number of things into it.

Facade options

Drawing and detailing

Today, sliding wardrobes are popular among residents of small-sized city apartments and owners of spacious country cottages, because they have high functionality, practicality, serve long timewithout breaking, retain their external attractiveness for a long time. You can fit such an interior item into almost any room in size and style. And in order to spend the minimum amount of money on this, make the furniture yourself. How to make doors for a sliding wardrobe and what is required to start assembling sliding wardrobe doors? Drawings and drawing details of the future design with an indication of where this or that fastening will be performed will significantly speed up the work.

Preparation of parts

To save money, many people are interested in whether it is possible to do without the help of experienced furniture makers and how to make do-it-yourself wardrobe doors. To begin with, the preparation of the installed parts is carried out. After the most relevant material (chipboard, MDF or natural wood) has been selected, accessories are purchased, you can proceed to work. You will need to create reliable frame from pre-prepared parts:

  • two side walls;
  • cap;
  • bottom.

Shelves and storage systems will subsequently be installed inside the structure.

A sheet of selected material is cut using special equipment, which cuts out the described details of the future cabinet with high precision. If a special tools for this there is no, you can order material cutting from professionals. After cutting, the parts are processed, covered with end plates to make them more aesthetically pleasing. Next, we will tell you how to assemble doors and get a complete piece of furniture at a minimum cost.

Sash construction without filling

Profiles can be different, therefore they must be measured individually


When the details of the future design are prepared, you can begin assembly. How to assemble a wardrobe without mistakes? For this, a detailed diagram assembly and installation of doors on a sliding wardrobe. Then, using a drill, you need to arrange holes in the sidewalls, roof and base. Its individual parts are connected into a single frame using special fasteners. To raise the maximum level permissible load on the cabinet, the joints of the base and the top cover with the sidewalls of the structure are reinforced with special metal corners. The back of the furniture is closed with a thin sheet of chipboard, and supports are attached to the base.

You will also need holes for pins in the side walls of the furniture. This will be required for the subsequent installation of the shelves inside the product. If necessary, storage systems for a certain kind of things are mounted inside the structure: vertical bars with hangers, a trouser, and the like. If the assembly stage is completed, proceed to the most difficult part. It is the installation of doors that will be the most responsible process in all work.

Assembly diagram

Installation of profiles and frames

If you have completed the assembly of the sliding wardrobe doors, you can proceed to the installation of the profiles and frame of the structure along which they will move. sliding canvases... but a prerequisite is exposing door leaf exactly on the level, otherwise, during the subsequent operation of the wardrobe, problems will arise, and the level of comfort for the user will be low.

Having measured the length of the cabinet from the inside, using a metal hacksaw, cut a profile of the same size and fix it on the top and bottom covers using a screwdriver and self-tapping screws.

In order to prevent damage to the profiles, during the organization of the holes, experts recommend using any convenient support. For example, you can use a table or chair for this purpose. And the holes made should be carefully sanded with sanding paper. The holes should be organized on the profile with a pitch of 50 mm, this rule should not be violated, so that there are no problems with the operation of the structure in the future.

To securely fix the lower profile, it is worth organizing similar holes for self-tapping screws, but you should not rush to fix the guide inside the structure. It is important to choose the right place for its attachment. It is shifted into the cabinet by 20 mm, since the depth of the furniture will decrease by the width of the compartment doors. Sometimes it happens that the doors are set too deep. This spoils the appearance of the furniture, reduces its aesthetic qualities and comfort.

You will also need to mount the latches so that the doors stop in the closed position and there is no gap with the sidewall. The stopper is installed in the groove of the lower rail. To mount the retainer in required place, the compartment doors are tightly closed, after which a wheel center mark is made on the lower rail. A stopper is inserted here, which can be easily moved with a flat screwdriver.

To install the mirror in the profile, a silicone seal is used

The mirror is inserted into the profile frame

Three holes are made in vertical longitudinal guides

Profile drilling

Frames are fastened together with self-tapping screws

The lower profile fasteners are also fasteners for the lower rollers

Fixing rollers

Guides for the door leaf are fastened with self-tapping screws with press washers

Door fastening

Next, we will describe in detail how the door of the wardrobe compartment is installed with our own hands. The order of the step-by-step assembly of doors and the correctly selected tools are largely determined by the type of door being manufactured and the specifics of its fastening to the furniture body. It can be one of two models:

  • suspended;
  • rail.




If you made a decision to make hinged doors, then the experts recommend starting the installation of doors on the wardrobe with their own hands by studying the specifics of working with such systems. The 2-door wardrobe with hanging canvases has a special compartment mechanism, which is not mounted inside the structure, but is superimposed on the facade. It consists of two guides, but the highest load falls on the top rail. Hanging mount sliding systems allows you to disguise from the eyes behind the doors the ends, roofs of side facades. As a result, the structure after installing the cabinet doors looks incredibly laconic, elegant, beautiful.

Hanging door fixing


The description of the installation of rail structures with your own hands differs from the description of the stages for suspended ones. The peculiarity lies in the fact that the rails are mounted inside the cabinet frame. At the same time, the lower one should be hung a little with an offset inside the cabinet, since it will have the highest load.

You need to hang rollers on the canvas, with the help of which it will move in the rail. Next, the canvas must be very carefully inserted one by one into the pre-installed guides. To do this, start upper part the doors in the guides, after which we put the lower part of it.

To check the doors for perfect vertical alignment, use a spirit level. If you carry out the work carefully, the need for adjustment at a later time will disappear.

Experts insist that rail doors on the cabinet should not be placed at a corner, as this can provoke deformation of the profile. Whichever design is chosen, do not forget that limiters will definitely be required. Such a detail must be attached to the cabinet door.

The video provides instructions phased implementation work experienced craftsman, which will once again demonstrate how to put doors on a wardrobe. After reviewing it, you will know exactly how to install the wardrobe door, and the instructions with the photo will help to facilitate this process.

Roller mount

Do-it-yourself accordion door - a universal designThe doors between the rooms perform many functions: they zone the space, allow you to relax in one room, receive guests in another, and study in the third. Doors are very important point, since their absence can disrupt spatial harmony. Do-it-yourself accordion door will save on purchase finished structure, as well as to carry out exactly the design that corresponds to the ideas of the owners about the ideal interior door.

Do-it-yourself accordion door: step by step instructions

Every year new types of structures appear on sale, which surprise with their practicality and aestheticism. An interior door should first of all perform a delimiting function, only then can it be called full and functional. In stores today, you can pay attention to accordion doors - they are very convenient to use, save space and at the same time successfully delimit it.

The cost of accordion doors in stores can be called quite high, so making doors with your own hands is considered a good and economical option.

Folding doors can be made and installed by yourself, provided that all tools and materials are prepared in advance. Before manufacturing, you should decide on the material for the door, as well as the fittings. Collecting the door leaf is not very difficult when there is step-by-step instruction from a professional.

Folding accordion door scheme

Step-by-step instructions for assembling the canvas:

  • Make markings on the prepared material. Two panels are cut out of it. Depending on individual preferences, one panel can be made larger than the other, or you can give them the same dimensions.
  • The ends of the panels, after they are cut, should be carefully processed. A plastic edge is glued to the edge of the panel and greased with glue. In order for the materials to stick well together, use a special roller. The structures are allowed to dry for half a day.
  • Mark the places where the fittings and other elements of the door structure will be located.
  • Two axles made of metal are installed on the panel. The axles are fixed at the bottom and top.
  • Prepare holes for inserting the roller runner.
  • Connect the panels with hinges. In this case, the handle on the door is mounted on the panel, which is located last.

Making a door doesn't take long if you prepare for the assembly process in advance. Everything must be at hand. The master must carefully study the instructions. In case of any question. You should seek help from a professional - otherwise the door can be damaged even during the manufacturing process.

Benefits of a screen door

Modern door structures are distinguished by their functionality and practicality. The mechanism of the screen door consists of structures that are folded and connected by hinges and hinges. Such doors do not fold wide open, which significantly saves space in the room.

The door leaves move smoothly and quietly, which ensures convenient use doors.

A very important point - right choice fittings - it must be of high quality, otherwise problems with opening and closing doors cannot be avoided. This view design has advantages and disadvantages. Before buying or constructing such doors, it is important to decide for yourself which doors and materials to choose for them, to calculate all the pros and cons.

Screen door saves space in the room

Design advantages:

  • Saving space;
  • Convenient zoning of rooms;
  • Relatively cheap cost;
  • Static;
  • Silence.

This design can be easily manufactured and installed by yourself - which will save money on its purchase. Of the shortcomings, it can be noted that the structure is not very strong when compared with ordinary doors. If handled carelessly, it can quickly deteriorate. Such doors are usually made of not very dense material, which means that it does not protect against the penetration of extraneous sounds.

DIY folding cabinet doors

The closet in the apartment has an important function. Sometimes its design cannot be called convenient. For example, when the closet is in a room with a small area, and its doors are wide open. Folding wardrobe doors are in vogue today - they conquer consumers with their practicality and ease of use.

If you want to install sliding doors in the cabinet, but do not want to buy new ones, you can come to a decision self-made doors.

To make doors, you will need a minimum set of materials and tools. To do this, you can get hinges, wooden bars, hardboard, chipboard, varnish. In order to calculate the dimensions of future doors correctly, it is important to first measure the cabinet itself.

Do-it-yourself folding doors for the cabinet are quite simple to make

Crafting tips:

  • Pay attention to the leaf width - it should not exceed 400 mm.
  • You can connect the doors with each other using piano hinges.
  • Flaps need to be done on rack frame - then they will be light.
  • The frame can be pasted over with hardboard.
  • The sashes themselves can be pasted over decorative wallpaper or paint and then varnish.

You can make the doors yourself, but it is important to note that one inaccurate movement can lead to the structure not working. To be sure of the correctness of your actions, you need to study information about folding doors, read the advice of professionals who are engaged in their manufacture long years... It is important to be confident in the success of the end result.

Accordion door repair: what to look for

If handled not very carefully, the accordion door may break. Sometimes you can repair the door yourself, but for this you need to know the mechanism through which the door functions. The mechanism is the basis, without which the door of any kind cannot function.

The accordion door mechanism includes an upper rail and fasteners that support the leaves.

The upper part of the opening consists of a specific aluminum or steel rail. From the outside, the doorway is decorated with wood, veneer, laminate or just varnish. Not so long ago, the sliding part of the doors was made from a ball and a metal rod, which quickly fell into disrepair during use. Modern manufacturers install bearings.

You can repair the accordion door yourself

What the accordion door consists of:

  • It can consist of two or more leaves.
  • Sashes usually connect stripes made of fabric or leather strips.
  • Each leaf is attached to the rail independently.
  • The sashes can have different design: paneled, panel, glass, plastic or aluminum.
  • Sash sizes are usually the same size.

If the door is broken and slightly damaged, you can repair it yourself. If one sash breaks, it can be replaced. It is impossible to repair the structure only if the door has been significantly damaged.

How to make an accordion door with your own hands (video)

Sliding doors are becoming more and more popular today. This is not to say that they have become generally available, since in stores their cost can vary and be overwhelming for many. A homemade accordion door is not much different from a purchased one. Therefore, it is quite possible to do it yourself, following the advice and instructions of professionals.

Similar materials

A wardrobe is an integral part of the interior, a functional component of any apartment, house, office space... When choosing it, many prefer the design of sliding doors, with their help you can save usable space, accommodate large items and objects, independently design dimensions, individually simulate the number, dimensions, functionality of shelves and partitions.

Original wardrobe decorated with fresco

As practice shows, the design of sliding doors is used for wardrobes, separation of spaces, niches of rooms, closets, hallways, and interior sliding doors are installed. Of interest is how to install the doors for the wardrobe with your own hands, since everything is more or less clear with the installation of its insides.

You do not need to have great construction skills to mount, design, assemble doors for a sliding wardrobe with your own hands. If you decide to do this, you will receive a number of benefits.

  1. Save money on paying for furniture assembler, measuring designer, sales manager.
  2. You can choose yourself necessary materials, accessories for installation.
  3. Pick up individual design facades.
  4. Use usable space efficiently.
  5. Save time as you don't have to wait for the assembler to be released. Often from order to day direct assembly takes about two weeks.
  6. You will gain invaluable experience in installing sliding doors and apply it in other rooms, in the country, with relatives.

The only drawback of the compartment doors is that they cannot be moved. However, the fact that their doors do not need to be opened ninety degrees, which significantly saves usable space, allows you to carefully think over the installation site in a rational way that you will never want to move them.

Determining the design and construction

Each house has its own world, the room has its own design. When choosing a canvas for a wardrobe, facing materials, you need to choose an individual design, their unique design.

Significantly, the choice of canvas design is influenced by the filling of rooms with furniture, style, repair, wallpaper color, furniture fittings, curtain material, room illumination, room functionality: bedroom, living room, nursery, hallway, kitchen, balcony, office, dressing room, pantry, warehouse.

For the living room, the facade is made of glossy, wood materials, warm, light, dark tones... Doors can be made with combined materials: gloss is combined with matte inserts, wood, mirror, glass. The color is matched to the color of the furniture.

Living room interior with combined wardrobe

For the bedroom, shades of light, warm tones are suitable: white, beige, milky shades, colors ivory, gray, various shades of wood. Often, inserts from a mirror, a pattern on a glossy base, frosted glass with an ornament along the area of \u200b\u200bthe door or a small part are installed in the bedroom.

Large wardrobe in a classic bedroom

For a nursery, the sliding wardrobe is bright saturated colors with images of animals, cartoon characters. It is not recommended to insert mirrors in the children's room, in order to avoid that it breaks. It is not recommended to use gloss, on such material traces of children's pens may remain, which must be constantly removed.

Bright wardrobe with favorite characters for the children's room

Mirrored wardrobe for a large hallway

For interior sliding doors, preference is given to materials from solid wood, Chipboard.

Suspension system interior doors compartment

Drawings of flowers, plants, trees are added to the design of the canvas, personal photos, animal stickers.

Door designs are different:

Calculating door sizes

Calculation of wardrobe doors

To install doors, you need to measure:

  • the height of the room from floor to ceiling,
  • the length along which the doors will be installed.

If the height of the room is more than 280 centimeters, then the operation of the cabinet with high, heavy doors will become very inconvenient, mechanisms with wheels will wear out quickly, which can lead to unpleasant consequences: door falling out, jamming, skewing. At this height, it is recommended to divide the cabinet vertically into the main and auxiliary, which serves as a mezzanine.

For example, the height of the room \u003d 300 centimeters, then the main cabinet will be 240 centimeters high, the auxiliary one - 60 centimeters.

When the width of the cabinet has been determined, you need to determine how many doors you need to install. For ease of use, it is recommended to install sash widths from 60 to 90 centimeters.

Depending on the dimensions and geometry of the opening, compartment doors can have 2, 3, 4, 5 door leaves

For example, cabinet width \u003d 280 centimeters, then the sash width will be 70 centimeters, 4 pieces. Do not forget to add a so-called gap of 3 - 5 centimeters to each flap, so that when completely closed cabinet there were no cracks.

The optimal ratio of door width to height should be taken into account. The ratio should not be more than 2 to 1, and less than 4 to 1.

For example, height \u003d 200 centimeters, then its width cannot be less than 50 centimeters (4: 1) and more than 100 centimeters (2: 1).

Necessary materials

Composition of the aluminum system of profiles for compartment doors

After the design, material, construction, size, installation location are determined, we proceed to the assembly itself. To do this, you need to purchase the necessary materials:

  • door leaf,
  • metal rails (upper and lower guide),
  • rollers for the rolling door mechanism (lower, upper),
  • buffer tape, softening shocks when sliding doors,
  • silicone seal,
  • profiles,
  • vertical frames (profiles),
  • special adhesive film that protects against fragments if it is accidentally broken.

Structural elements of which the lower support compartment door consists

Required tools

You will need auxiliary tools:

  • screwdriver,
  • self-tapping screws,
  • electric jigsaw,
  • a hammer,
  • screwdrivers,
  • hexagon,
  • drill,
  • building level,
  • roulette,
  • pencil,
  • scissors,
  • stationery knife.

Assembling the frame with your own hands

Coupe door installation scheme

Initially, let's proceed directly to the assembly of sliding doors. The sequence is as follows.

Installation and adjustment

The final stage is decoration

Sliding wardrobe sash design without filling

When the doors of the sliding wardrobe are installed, their image can be interestingly decorated. The decor of doors is often resorted to when the situation changes, the interior, in order to hide damage or scuffs.

Consider the options:

  1. Vinyl stickers. They can be the size of the entire door or be located in interesting geometric prints, a strip in the middle, top, bottom, a pattern in the corners, chaotically scattered pattern elements around the perimeter of the entire cabinet.

    A simple hallway idea - using stickers to decorate the wardrobe

  2. Full color posters. There is a huge selection of posters with a wide variety of drawings and paintings with views of nature, flowers, copies of famous paintings, views of beautiful cities, personal photographs.

    Poster for wardrobe doors "Lilac lavender"

  3. Matting. Suitable for glass, mirror, glossy surfaces. It is carried out using a stencil, special paste and a spatula.

    Artistic matting (sandblasting) for compartment doors

  4. Airbrushing. This technique is used to apply a picture of any complexity to the cabinet. This is perhaps the most unusual composition for interior decoration, it looks expensive, luxurious, rich, exclusive.

    Airbrushing on the doors of the wardrobe

  5. Colored and stained glass films. The simplest, most economical option for decorating furniture. With its help, you can paste over any furniture, giving it an individual, unique style.

    Colored films for glass decoration of compartment doors

Thus, there is nothing complicated in the design and assembly of a wardrobe with your own hands - especially if you like to learn something new, to equip your home in accordance with your desires and ideas.

Imagine how nice it is for any woman to receive a handmade gift from her beloved son, husband, son-in-law. The long-awaited, coveted wardrobe in the corridor or bedroom will be appreciated by every member of the family, because everyone will use its functionality.

The process of creating a cabinet can be long, but the result will definitely please for many years. Don't be afraid to experiment, grab the tools, the materials you need and go for it. If you feel that you cannot or are afraid to spoil the purchased materials, it is better to turn to professionals.

Video: How to assemble coupe doors with your own hands

Sliding wardrobes are widespread due to the ergonomic design of sliding doors, which makes it possible to install spacious storage systems even in a small area and in narrow openings.

Such a piece of furniture is quite expensive and not everyone can afford it. If the house has a niche or a solid frame of an old three-leaf wardrobe, you can improve them by making the doors for the wardrobe with your own hands.

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Sash design

In order to understand how to make doors on a wardrobe with your own hands, you need to study their design.

Like any door, the product basically consists of a canvas (filler), which can be represented by a solid wood slab, MDF, chipboard, glass, mirror.

Sliding doors must be equipped with special metal profiles that are designed for each position:

  1. The lower horizontal profile is equipped on one side with a filling groove and on the other for installing a support roller.
  2. The upper horizontal profile has grooves for the blade and the guide or carrier roller.
  3. The vertical handle profile has a protruding part for easy use of the door and a groove for filling.
  4. If the door leaf needs to be folded from several elements, an intermediate profile with two identical filling grooves is used.

The width of the grooves assumes the use of material with a thickness of 4-10 mm. A thinner sheet is inserted using a rubber or silicone sealing gasket.

To ensure the movement of the sliding wardrobe doors, rollers are installed in the horizontal profiles: at the top - guides that stabilize the position of the canvas relative to the vertical, at the bottom - the main supporting ones, on which the weight of the entire product lies.

Profiles are available for sale in meters. Roller mechanisms can be purchased as a set with fasteners. In addition, you will need upper and lower guides, into which the rollers of the finished sash are directly inserted.

Components and materials

To make a compartment door, you first need to decide on the filling. Most often it is a mirror or glass treated self-adhesive film... Looks good laminated chipboard, which is inexpensive and mimics the surface of any material. It is capable of correct installation and edge processing to last for many years. When it comes to glass products, their cutting to size is carried out exclusively by specialists on the equipment intended for this, chipboard can be cut at home with a simple hand saw.

In addition to the door leaf, you will need:

  • top and bottom guides;
  • upper horizontal profile;
  • lower horizontal profile;
  • vertical handle bars;
  • a set of two rollers (guides and support) for each door.

To restrict the movement of the door, it is advisable to use a retainer (stopper). In addition, it will hold the canvas in a predetermined position when the door is closed.

So that the homemade doors of the wardrobe do not damage the side walls of the niche or to muffle the impacts of wooden surface frame, a shock-absorbing tape is glued to the outer ends.

In order to assemble and install compartment doors, you will need measuring tool, a jigsaw with a blade or a hacksaw for metal, a screwdriver or drill, a screwdriver and a hex wrench (often included in a set with rollers), a file.

Size calculation

To implement the project for the manufacture of compartment doors, first draw drawings and diagrams of the future product. It is necessary to start by measuring the opening in which they will be installed and drawing basic parameters on the drawing.

Accuracy is important already at this stage, since in the future all calculations will be based on the length and width of the opening. If mistakes were made, it will be possible to make the door itself, but it will be impossible to install or use them.


It is easy to calculate the height of the door: we subtract 40-45 mm from the inner height of the cabinet or the opening and get the desired figure. The same value indicates the length of the side profiles.

And with calculations of the width of the door leaf, everything is more complicated. First you need to decide how many elements the facade will consist of.

Not to create high loads on rollers, the optimal sash width should be 50-80 cm. The heavier the filling, the narrower the doors should be made.

Since in closed form only one handle should be visible, while the entire filling does not overlap, the width of the vertical bar is subtracted from the total width, and the resulting figure is divided in half. If there are 3 leaves, double the width of the handle is added, and the number is divided by 3.


In order to calculate the dimensions of the door leaf, you must first measure the width of the vertical and horizontal strips (outer and inner, since they are separated by a jumper). Since the filling is inserted into the inner groove and does not affect the dimensions in any way, we take into the calculations only the dimensions of the outer part.

We subtract two widths of the horizontal profile from the height of the canvas, and twice the size of the horizontal elements from the width. The resulting numbers can already be used if the filling is made of plywood or chipboard.

Mirror doors have a 1 mm thick gasket. This distance must be subtracted from each side.

If the filling consists of several parts, the thickness of the connecting profile is taken into account - 1 mm for each dividing line.


The vertical profiles are equal to the height of the door. The horizontal bars are placed between the handles. To calculate their length, it is necessary to subtract their double width from the width of the sash. The manufacture of doors for a sliding wardrobe involves one handle on each side.

The length of the horizontal lower profile is equal to the distance between the front corners of the niche at the floor, the upper one at the ceiling. A slight reduction in dimensions by a few millimeters is allowed for ease of installation.

The guide profiles must be strictly aligned horizontally, so first we check the ceiling and floor match. Aligning the plane can reduce the width, which will affect the calculations.

Installing the guides

Before making the doors for the wardrobe, materials are purchased and parts are prepared for assembly on the basis of calculations and drawings.

The manufacture of each door implies a frame metal strips and their fastening with self-tapping screws, guides and support rollers are fixed along the edges of the sash using special parts included in the kit.

For the functioning of the compartment doors, the upper and lower guide rails are installed.

Top guide

Do-it-yourself equipment with sliding doors of a built-in wardrobe begins with the installation of an upper guide rail. It is aligned with the front corner of the niche and screwed tightly with self-tapping screws.

If the fixation is made on a concrete surface, first the holes are drilled with a perforator and only then the bar is screwed with a dowel.

Bottom guide profile

Installation of the lower guide is as follows:

  1. A plumb line is lowered from the upper, already installed bar. Then a line is drawn that will mirror the upper edge of the niche.
  2. From this line, measure 20-22 mm deep into the structure. Install the bottom bar.
  3. With this displacement, the guide is fixed to the surface.

There is another way to position the bottom rail correctly, but it requires an assistant. For its implementation, the upper rollers of the finished web are installed in the upper guide. Through building level or a plumb line, set it exactly vertically and place the lower profile on the lower rollers. Celebrate its location. Then the door is removed and the element is fixed.

The design of compartment doors is in demand not only in wardrobes. Sliding doors perfectly separate the space in the bedroom, organize a convenient e or built-in niche, and can even serve as an interior door.

And so, equipping the house, you thought, is it possible?

Of course you can, and this will not require as much money and labor investment as it might seem at first glance. The master's work is afraid!

To make doors to the wardrobe with your own hands, first of all, you need a prepared opening where these doors will be installed. All edges of the opening must be strictly vertical or horizontal, check again with the level.

So, we have an opening. We measure it. The finished door should be installed so that the upper roller is completely hidden by the upper track (i.e. the upper framing profile is recessed into the upper track by about half the height), and the lower roller is visible by 0.5 ÷ 1 cm.

Doors - compartments are installed with an overlap, so their width is calculated by the formula: (opening width + profile width * n) / N; where n is the number of overlaps, N is the number of doors (taken by the selection method so that the width of the doors is within 60 ÷ 90 cm).
From these considerations, we determine the dimensions of the doors. , so as not to spoil it with sloppy cuts and chips, we cut it in the store, we buy it there metal profiles for systems - coupe (tracks, framing profiles, upper and lower rollers).
We measure and cut the framing profiles. We make vertical profiles to the full height of the door. Upper and lower - shorter than the horizontal size of the door by 2 widths of the vertical profile groove (usually 14 mm). Adjust the fill sizes accordingly.

If the filling is composite, then make doors to the wardrobe with your own hands, the fill assembly is performed first. We connect the individual parts with an intersectional profile (install the thin filling through a silicone seal, see photo). If the profile sits tightly on a thick chipboard, you need to chamfer it.

Important! A door made of solid chipboard to the entire height of the cabinet (especially with a large chipboard thickness) can bend during operation under its own weight. To prevent this from happening, it is better to make the door composite or provide cross cuts with inside to a depth of half the thickness of the chipboard.

Moving on to the door frame. We start at the bottom. We put on the horizontal bottom profile for the filling (if the filling thickness is less than 10 mm, use a sealant) so that the filling edges remain free for the width of the vertical profile groove. For thick filling, we “stuff” the profile with a mallet through the board so that the profile sits equally and tightly along its entire length. If the thickness of the chipboard does not allow you to put a profile on it, remove the chamfer from the chipboard. We put on the upper horizontal profile in the same way.

Moving on to the vertical profiles. We cut off the profile to the size of the door, then we drill holes: one at the top - 7 mm from the edge, and two - 7 mm and 42 mm. We put them on in the same way as horizontal ones. We tighten the door. We start from the top. We tighten with the screws that come with the upper rollers. We screw in the screw with a hex wrench half the thread. Place the top roller in a vertical profile. The roller is mounted from the end of the handle so that one platform is under the screw head and the other is above the screw. After full fit the roller we tighten the screw with a wrench.

Important! We select the type of rollers depending on the type of vertical profile.

Important! In theory, this does not happen, but in practice it occurs: sometimes the upper roller is so tightly inserted into the profile that it interferes free movement doors. In this case, you can carefully bend the bar with the second roller so that it becomes at a slight angle.

We pull the bottom of the door in the same way through the upper hole without a roller. Place the lower roller in the track and fasten it with a screw through the lower hole. Screw the screw in half the thread and leave it in this position until the final adjustment.

As you can see make doors to the wardrobe with your own hands not difficult at all. That's all, you can proceed to. And then execute.

Good luck to you and see you on the blog.