How to adjust the closer so that the door does not slam. Design mounting options. Design features of door closers

The oldest door mechanism that completed the slamming of the door was a cobblestone tied to a jamb on a twine. Then humanity, unwilling to bother itself, replaced the cobblestone with a spring, the ends of which were attached to the box and to the canvas. The spring, imparting momentum not only to the door, but also to not too nimble spins, to this moment performs the function of the main element in most modifications door closers. Only her work became smooth and controlled due to the introduction special devices. That's why home master you need to know how to install an improved mechanism, and how to adjust the door closer, if you decide to equip your property with automation for lazy users with your own hands.

Video instruction for home masters

Types of door closers and installation methods

The installation of a mechanical device that smoothly closes the door reduces the load on the fittings, protects the hinges and the structure itself from premature wear. You can equip them with both the front door and the interior door, and the door between the house and the bath extension or garage.

Differences in the method of installation determined the classification of door closers, which are divided into:

  • overhead mechanisms installed on a box beam or on a canvas, or in door hinges instead of a rod;
  • floor structures, the laying of which is carried out during the installation of the floor covering and is usually designed in advance;
  • hidden devices located either in a box with sufficient power, or in a canvas. To equip this type of mechanism, it is necessary to mill cavities, which should not be undertaken without experience.

The simplest and most accessible for an inexperienced performer will be the overhead installation of a door closer, the process of which in most cases is described in detail by the manufacturer. Caring manufacturers now apply to their products not only detailed description, but also a template exactly following the contour of the mechanism with a clear marking of points for fastening. Almost all actions are carried out according to the standard algorithm, but there are nuances that should not be forgotten.

Attention. Before equipping the door with a device, it must be repaired and the fittings adjusted. The canvas should not “shuffle” on the floor, hang crookedly on the hinges. The course of the loops should not be heavy.

Construction mounting options

Mechanisms with levers or sliding channels can be mounted both on the inside and on the outside of the interior door structure. It is undesirable to install the device only on the outer side of the entrance doors due to the negative influence of characteristic changes in atmospheric temperature.

The fact is that the smoothness of the spring control lever provides a variable flow of engine oil from one cavity to another. And it becomes more viscous and thick in frosts, and more liquid in the heat. Therefore, due to temperature fluctuations, the operation of the device will have to be adjusted more often than indicated by the manufacturer, which ultimately reduces the working life of the system.

You can choose from three common mounting schemes:

  • The standard setting predetermines the fixation of the main working body on the canvas. The lever with this arrangement is attached to the lintel of the door frame.
  • The upper scheme dictates the fastening of the mechanism on the lintel - the upper box beam, and the lever shoe is screwed to the door leaf.
  • Parallel arrangement is like standard version, but the lever is not mounted perpendicularly, but in parallel with the help of a mounting bracket.

The installation scheme of the door closer depends on the location of the hinges. That is, from the direction of movement of the canvas when opening / closing. If the door is opened "on itself", then the installation of the device is carried out as standard on the canvas, and the lever is attached to the box beam. The option "on your own" obviously involves the upper fastening of the device to the lintel with the fixation of the lever on the canvas.

There are also non-standard cases, such as, for example, insufficient height of the door clearance. But cunning developers have found a way out of structurally difficult situations by offering mounting brackets and plates to home and professional craftsmen.

The installation of a door closer in such cases is carried out in parallel in two ways:

  • the lever is fixed in parallel by placing its shoe on the mounting bracket fixed on the box;
  • the main body of the closer is attached to the box beam using a mounting plate.

Briefly about guide rail closers

Devices with a sliding arm attract with an optimized design that practically does not disturb the decor of the interior. Among the advantages is the ability to upgrade the device with an electromagnetic lock or a fire alarm. Such closers function with great effort, and there is no way to control their work, but equipping with an elastic limiter-insert will allow you to set the required opening angle of the sash. Most modifications are installed according to schemes similar to the perpendicular version described above. But universal models with sliding duct rod can be mounted on both sides.

Attention. The installation of channel (slider) closers from the side, the reverse side of the location of the door hinges, dictates the equipment of the device with a door leaf opening angle limiter. It can be replaced by a specialized stopper built into the slider.

Door closer installation algorithm

After deliberately choosing the right location and determining the scheme, further actions are performed in an almost identical sequence:

  • we apply the template included in the package and glue it with adhesive tape to the installation site;
  • through the “kern” points indicated by the manufacturer, the places of future holes for fasteners, there should be 2 for the lever and 4 for the device;
  • it is advisable to drill mounting holes in advance;
  • we fix the lever first, followed by the body;
  • After fixing the device and the lever, we will install the second half of the rod on the axis of the closer and perform an adjustment in length. The lever must be strictly perpendicular to the closed door leaf.

Attention. The adjusting screws should be directed towards the hinge bar of the box.

fasteners in complete set attached by the manufacturer, you do not need to buy or change it to other hardware. It is important not to deviate one iota from the instructions, and success is guaranteed.

Structural adjustment

After connecting the thrust and the main working body into a single mechanism, it remains to find out how to adjust the door closer. This procedure is usually carried out by adjusting two adjustment screws. Two screws are needed in order to set the speed of the web in two modes:

  • by the position of the first screw we set the closing speed in the range of 180-15º;
  • with the second screw we “program” the speed in the range of 15-0º.

The required speed is set by turning the screws along and against the thread. You probably won't have to do more than one turn.

Attention. You can not adjust the speed of the canvas too hard. Two turns will lead to leakage, loss of the screw with oil leakage.

If the door was equipped with closers with additional functions, such as:

  • BC (abbreviation BackCheck) - a damper that resists too sharp efforts in the range of 70-110º;
  • FOP (from Hold-Open) - web retainer in open position;
  • DC (in abbreviation Delayed Closing) - a prolonged moment of movement in the zone 110-70º,

After making sure that the speed characteristics correspond to the desires, and the movement ends with the required “click” or “boost”, we close the axis of the closer with a decorative cap.

Now the work can be considered completed and you can start using the automatically closing door. The closing mechanism will function properly if children do not swing on the doors, if the normal operation of the closer is not interfered with by supporting devices and unreasonable hands, always striving to slam or slow down. Subject to the rules of operation, the device will last a long time.

Quite often doors various types equipped with a guide. This small device adds comfort when closing. The door does not slam and does not remain ajar. However, over time, it may be necessary to adjust the closer. The more often the door is opened, the sooner you will need to perform this action. This is an easy process.

Adjusting the door closer, the instructions for which are discussed below, are quite doable on your own. At the same time, the device will be used for a long time and efficiently.

The principle of operation of the closer

Installing a closer on the door allows you to reduce the load on the hinges and fittings when opening and closing. The mechanism of this device is simple. Its versatility allows the door closer to be used on almost any type of door.

When opened, the force is transmitted through the piston to the spring. It is in a chamber filled with oil or gas. At the moment of opening, the spring is compressed. In this case, the contents of the camera flows into the freed space. After the pressure on the system is released (at the moment of closing), the substance returns to the primary chamber through the channels of the hydraulic or pneumatic system.

This process is fairly easy to set up. The patency of the channels is controlled by screws. Thanks to them, the door closer is adjusted. The manufacturer's instructions indicate where these screws are located. Almost all types of devices are easy to find.

Varieties of installation on the door

There are several types of closers. They differ in their design and installation method. Overhead mechanisms are considered the simplest, as well as devices that are installed in (instead of content).

More complex closers are mounted when arranging the flooring. Their installation can be scheduled before the start of the repair. Another type of mechanism is closers hidden in the box or door leaf. The instructions for their installation and operation require a rather large thickness of the entire system. Therefore, such a closer for interior doors is rarely used. More often, this mechanism regulates the closure of input varieties.

If you want to install a closer on the door with your own hands, you should give preference to simple overhead models with a sliding rod. They are made from the same pattern.

Important facts about choosing a device

Choosing a closer for metal door, interior or other varieties, a number of operating conditions should be considered. First of all, it is necessary to evaluate the dimensions and its weight. Further determined at opening and closing. With the same web mass, a more powerful door closer will require a wide door.

To make it easier for the buyer to navigate in the process of choosing the right type of mechanism, the EN1154 classification was developed. It includes 7 device groups. EN1 are designed for the lightest doors.

Also, when choosing, take into account climatic conditions. Standard devices are operated in the temperature range from -35 to +70 ºС. If winters are colder, this should be taken into account and preference should be given to special mechanisms. the characteristics of which are necessarily indicated by the manufacturer, can function even in severe frosts.

Device thrust

There are 3 main types of construction of overhead closers. They can have a sliding, lever rod, as well as a latch to stop the web in one position. When choosing one or another variety, the dimensions, weight of the door, the design of the building, as well as operating conditions are taken into account. An important role is played by the taste preferences of the user.

The sliding rod is characterized by hidden structural elements. Not every owner is satisfied with protruding lever mechanisms. Especially if they select a door closer for interior doors.

Adjustment principle

In order for the installation of the closer on the door to meet expectations, special attention should be paid to the adjustment. Such devices most often have two or three settings. This allows you to bring the operation of the mechanism as close as possible to the operating conditions of the door.

The first setting is carried out immediately after the closer is installed. In the process of opening and closing the door, the elements of the system will require additional settings. Initially, you need to adjust the speed of closing the door. V cold period it has to happen quickly. Interior doors require slow closing.

Then the strength of the clasp is adjusted. It should be sufficient so that the door does not remain open. But a strong catch can quickly disable fittings and hinges.

If you need to keep the door open for some time or increase the intermediate closing time, you can use and adjust additional latches. This allows you to increase the comfort when using the door.

Adjustment instruction

Do-it-yourself door closer adjustment is carried out clearly in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Usually, the principle of setting is identical for everyone. There are two screws on the closer body. They can be untwisted, but not very much. After making two full turns, you can expect depressurization of the chamber and breakage of the device. It is impossible to repair it at home. Even half a turn of the screw significantly changes the speed of the door leaf. If it is turned counterclockwise, the leaf will close slowly.

First, the closing speed of the door is checked. If it is large, the screw is turned half a turn. Next, you may need to add a little speed. To do this, turn the screw reverse side a quarter turn.

To adjust the finish on the last 15 cm before closing, the speed is adjusted in the same way. To do this, unscrew the second screw. The procedure is similar to the previous step. Depending on the closer model, you can pay attention to the opening angle of the canvas, as well as average speed move.

A standard overhead type closer requires adjustment during its operation. This is felt when the seasons change in oil models. The contents of the chamber become thicker after severe winter frosts. Therefore, the mechanism of the front door has to be adjusted more often.

To avoid frequent system adjustments and acquire a durable device, it is worth purchasing a special type of mechanism for external doors. Inside they contain gas, not oil. This pneumatic closer for entry doors. Device adjustment is less frequently required. The gas does not change its properties during operation.

Additional functions of the closer are indicated by a specific marking. If there is no need for them, it is better to buy a simple overhead door closer. The price of such a device will be lower. Additional features increase the cost.

Model overview

Today, the market for devices for smooth closing the door is represented by domestic and foreign door closers. The most popular today are German (Dorma, Boda), Italian (Cobra, Cisa), Finnish (Abloy) devices. Domestic door closers are represented by Expostroymash Plus.

Today you can buy a quality door closer, the price of which is 1000-1200 rubles. However, the cost of devices of foreign companies, which are endowed with additional functions, can reach 3500-4000 rubles.

Particularly well in severe winters, the models of the Finnish company Abloy and the German GEZE and Dorma showed themselves. Domestic closers are not inferior in quality to European models, and their cost is much lower. You should not buy cheap devices from unknown manufacturers that do not have the appropriate quality certificates. Such mechanisms quickly fail, reduce the life of the door.

Terms of use

Devices of well-known brands withstand from 0.5 to 1 million operating cycles. This will require adjustment of the door closer. The manufacturer's instructions accurately describe this process.

Today, market leaders are ready to offer the consumer various models increased strength. They are most often filled with gas, not oil. Such mechanisms are able to withstand not only adverse conditions environment but also incorrect operation.

If the closer is in free access, it must be equipped with a special valve. It will prevent the device from intentional hacking attempts.

But cheap overhead oil closers are in dire need of compliance with the rules of operation. Such a mechanism does not allow you to hold or pull the door while it is closing. It is also not allowed to fix it (except for pneumatic models). Do not put foreign objects under the canvas. It is also strictly forbidden to hang or ride on the doors. Therefore, if there are small children in the house, this should be explained to them immediately.

In order not to have to change the device in a short time, you should choose the right and responsibly use the door closer. In this case, it will last a long time. From time to time, a simple adjustment of the door closer will be required. The manufacturer's instructions will allow almost every owner to perform it. This will give comfort when closing the door, as well as significantly increase its service life.

Modern doors are equipped with a special device that saves households from having to slam the door behind them. However, in this case, the door will not slam shut, but will smoothly close behind you without too much noise. We are, of course, talking about the door closer. This small device requires special attention to yourself, so it is so important to know how to properly adjust the door closer and carry out timely repairs.

Features of door closers

The problem of open doors can be easily solved by installing a door closer that controls the process of automatically opening and closing the door, closing it without additional force from a person. The need for closers is dictated by quite practical and functional arguments. Let's say you put a massive metal entrance door. The door leaf has a large mass, and if you do not specifically hold the door when closing, the leaf will hit the loot with great effort.

Door closers provide smooth closing of the door without unnecessary noise, set the speed of closing and opening the door in different areas, and also determine the effort that a person must make to open the door. The door closer is able to save heat or coolness in the room, as well as ensure the correct operation of the locking device. In addition, closers with the hold open function support the possibility of fixing the open door, which is very useful, since no objects will have to be placed under the open door.

Closers with a delay action mechanism allow the door to be left open for a certain time, after which the door will close normally. This type of device is considered convenient for doors in utility rooms (warehouses, utility rooms, pantries). This model is suitable for opening the door when carrying goods, then taking the load, bringing it into the building, and after this time the door begins to close itself without requiring mechanical effort.

Closers can be installed on ordinary interior and exterior heavy doors, taking into account the weight of the door and the width of the door leaf, as well as the need to adjust the door closer. The heavier your door, the more reliable and powerful the door closer should be for it. The simplest version of the mechanism is considered a spring. But such a “closer” works too sharply and is very noisy.

The ideal option is adjustable design, which is also based on a spring, but it is enclosed in a sealed housing in an oil composition. The principle of operation of a door closer is quite simple. To open the door, a person applies a certain force, which is mechanically transmitted to the door closer and accumulated by compressing the spring, which is built into the body of the door closer. Then this spring returns to its original position, allowing you to adjust the process of closing the door.

Types of door closers

By design, door closers are divided into lever options, which are equipped with a crank drive, and leverless models with a cam drive.

Inside the lever door closers there is a spring and a hydraulic system that is filled with oil. The hydraulic system acts as a shock absorber. When the door is opened, the spring is compressed, and the liquid is pushed out by the piston from one container to another. After that, the spring straightens, and the oil returns to the first container. Although the hydraulic spring is located in a sealed box, sometimes it starts to leak, which is the first signal for repairing the door closer.

Valves are located in the system that regulate the rate of fluid flow and the force at which it will move. They are responsible for the speed and smoothness of closing the door. The door closer device can be complicated by additional valves that provide different door closer functions. For example, holding the door open for a long time, or creating a latching function to activate the lock or better press the door to the loot.

According to the installation method, closers are divided into:

  • closers for surface installation, which are installed on top of the wall, door frame or door leaf, according to the door closer scheme;
  • for hidden installation, which are mounted inside the door; for floor installation when the closer is hidden in the floor.

If the overhead closer does not fit into the design of the room, you can always install an “invisible” device that will hide in the specified place and be practically invisible. But for overhead models, there are different decorating panels, or they can be painted in the chosen color.

Ways to install a door closer

Installing a door closer does not require special training, so you can easily cope with this task. As a rule, all the necessary parts and tools are included in the delivery. There are four ways to install the door closer, we will consider them in more detail.

  1. The easiest way to install a door closer is described in the instructions for it. It looks something like this: the lever arm is fixed to the body of the device, then, using the template that is attached to the instructions, the places for fastening the screws are marked, then the screws are screwed according to this markup. The main thing to remember is that you will also need to adjust the geze door closer.
  2. The second method of mounting a door closer implies the following. It is necessary to attach the door closer to the door in such a way that door hinges its adjusting screws were turned. Next, you need to fix the shoe of the device with screws that are included with the closer. Remember that the “arm” of the lever of the device must be of such a length that a right angle is obtained relative to the door. The shoulder is attached to the shoe with screws, after which again you will have to think about how to adjust the door closer.
  3. If you follow the third method of installing a parallel arm door closer, then you need to insert the device lever under the door bar, and then fold it outside the room. The door closer in this case is attached using a bracket, which is also included in the delivery. When installing the closer, make sure that the adjusting screws rotate from the hinges in the opposite direction. It is important not to confuse anything during the installation process, otherwise an incorrect installation will lead to the fact that it will not be possible to carry out the optimal adjustment of the door closer.
  4. There are closers that use an adjustable spring. Installing such devices is the easiest: you need to replace the hinge rod with a closer - and you're done. The main thing is that the product corresponds exactly to the weight of the door. If the door leaf is too heavy and you could not find a suitable closer for sale, you need to install not one, but several closers.

Do-it-yourself door closer repair

Proper operation of the door closer is the key to its conscientious and long work that does not require repair. In order for the door closer to work for a long time, you can not pull or hold the door, thereby helping it close faster or slower. It is not recommended to fix the door by placing various objects under it that prevent it from closing, as well as rolling and hanging or on the door (this applies to children).

To repair the door closer, you need to have at hand the entire necessary tool(hexagonal and spanners, pliers and a set of screwdrivers). Before proceeding with the repair of the device, an external inspection of the door should be carried out, since its distortions or damage will interfere with the normal operation of the door closer.

Serious damage to the closer, unfortunately, cannot be eliminated, since the tightness of the structure means that it cannot be disassembled into separate parts and subsequently assembled in accordance with the technology. However, in some situations it is possible to repair the door closer and adjust its operation on your own. Let's look at how to repair a door closer:

  1. Leakage of oil. Regardless of the fact that the hydraulic spring, which transmits the generated voltage to the levers, is in a one-piece sealed box filled with working fluid, its leaks still occur, most often in winter. If a leak appears, then this indicates a depressurization of the housing and the appearance of damage, from which oil flows out. As a result of this, the mechanism ceases to smoothly close the door, slams loudly and turns into an ordinary spring. If you were able to find the damaged areas in a timely manner, you need to seal them, which helps to extend the service life of the device. However, if the damaged area is too large, then it will not be possible to repair the door closer with your own hands and you will have to buy a new door closer.
  2. Breakage of the lever assembly. The most common is a violation of the integrity of the rods. However, this part of the mechanism is always visible, so its condition can be assessed visually. Large force impacts can disable it, causing breaks, bends, distortions or damage to the fasteners. You can fix not very serious flaws in the rod with ordinary welding. If the fastening connection breaks down, it is possible to carry out repairs by purchasing new original parts that are suitable in size, fastening method and shape of the landing part.

Do-it-yourself door closer adjustment

Significant loads during intensive use of the door closer often provokes discord of the entire system. Therefore, it is recommended to carefully monitor and service it several times a year, especially when the weather changes. But if the system still started to malfunction, then you should find out how the door closer is adjusted.

The closer adjustment procedure includes several points, the main of which is a change in the speed of movement. In case of too slow opening of the door leaf, it is necessary to adjust the level of spring compression using the appropriate fixing nut. The door travel speed is set by rotating the first valve (counterclockwise and clockwise).

You can turn the first valve no more than 2 turns, which is stipulated by the manufacturers of door closers. The second valve is responsible for the closing - the gap when the door is in a state of 10 - 15 degrees until it is completely closed. More expensive models they also have a third valve in their design, which is necessary to adjust the door closing speed at an angle of 80-90 degrees.

If specialized oil is used in the closer body, then with the onset of winter you may notice that the closer speed drops in the cold season, and in summer the mechanism, on the contrary, accelerates. This is explained by the fact that the viscosity of a liquid depends on temperature. Therefore, with the onset of winter cold, it is necessary to additionally adjust the door closer by adjusting the first valve.

Often there is a need to delay the open door in this position for a while. An increase in the delay of the door leaf before closing can be achieved by tightening the special latch more tightly. This manipulation is usually performed when the door is open at about 95 - 100 degrees. The open position of the door is also controlled by a specific door closer option.

If the door needs to be kept open for a long time - to move furniture or ventilate the room, then you should use the hold-open closer function. Such a device is equipped with a lever for fixing the door in the open position. You should open the door 90-95 degrees and tighten the latch. After such manipulations, the door will close normally if you open it at a smaller angle than 90 °. If you open the door wider, it will lock and stay open until you pull it towards you, thereby releasing the lock.

In some cases, it may be necessary to change the opening angle of the door. If necessary, you can change the opening angle of the door using a special valve, which should be turned clockwise or counterclockwise. The main thing when adjusting the closer is not to disrupt the functioning of the system: the screw must not be turned more than 2 full turns, it is undesirable to tighten the screw to the stop, it is forbidden to completely unscrew the nuts and adjusting screws.

If you tried all the above tips on how to set up a door closer, but nothing helped, then perhaps the whole problem lies in the wrong installation. Check the vertical installation of the door and the correct installation of the door closer. Check the placement of the nut that adjusts the tension of the spring, remember that it should be opposite door hinge. The lever must be of such length that it is located at a right angle to the door frame. If there is the slightest suspicion that you installed the door closer incorrectly, it is recommended to remove it and install it in accordance with all the rules.

Thus, without much expense, having a screwdriver and 5 minutes of free time at your disposal, and knowing the technique of how to adjust the door closer, you can set up this mechanism yourself. The main thing at the same time to remember some features of the work that allow you not to disrupt the correct functioning of the system.

A door closer is a mechanism that is designed to securely close entrance doors. It presses the web to the seals along the contour or creates the necessary force, sufficient to trigger the latch of the lock. The door can close abruptly and with a sound, or smoothly and without making sounds, it can also be suspended.

In case of complex breakdowns, adjusting the door closer on your own is ineffective. Experts recommend doing repair work or replace it.

If there are problems with the set device settings, the parameters are adjusted. This procedure is performed if the mechanism turned out to be tight opening, as well as when the door closes quickly and abruptly or for a long time.

How to

Adjustment of the door closer, the instructions of which provide the requirements for the installation and configuration of the mechanism, consists of the following steps:

  • Block closing speed adjustment.
  • Setting the parameters for pressing the canvas to the box (finishing).
  • Intermediate stroke adjustment.

The procedure requires a minimum of tools - a screwdriver.

How can you do it yourself

In order to understand how to adjust the door closer, you need to understand the design features of the device.

The mechanism consists of the following components and parts:

  1. spring;
  2. linkage;
  3. axial gear clutch;
  4. gear or cam mechanism;
  5. needle bearing;
  6. wind brake adjustment valve or damper;
  7. protective cover;
  8. lever arm;
  9. sealing rubber;
  10. adjusting screws;
  11. fasteners.

When working, it is necessary to adhere to the strict rules of the installation and adjustment instructions for the device, which boils down to spring tension.

On the body of the closer, when setting up, they find 2 adjusting screws that are responsible for the speed of movement of the web and the speed of closing. The first screw regulates the main travel of the door from a full opening of 180° to 15°, and the second one regulates its final closing. Some models also have a third screw to change the total force.

The procedure is performed as follows:

  • Remove the cover from the mechanism.
  • Find the control valve. Refer to the diagram in the instructions for the door mechanism.
  • Turn screw No. 1 counterclockwise to adjust the smooth closing of the doors, clockwise for a quick one. In this case, it must be borne in mind that more than 2 revolutions from the zero position cannot be done.
  • To delay the open door leaf for a certain amount of time, you need to tighten a special lock. Such actions are performed when the block is opened at 95-100 °.
  • If the canvas needs to be kept open for a long time, use the "Hold-open" function. To do this, open the door 90-95° and tighten the lever lock.
  • Check the correct installation of the mechanism.


When adjusting the door closer with your own hands, considerable attention is paid to such parameters as:

  1. closing force;
  2. closing speed;
  3. opening speed;
  4. maximum opening angle.

Closing speed is how fast or slow the doors close. The closing force allows you to adjust the device so that at the last 7-15 ° the speed increases and the lock snaps into place.

For protection door block against damage during sudden openings, adjust the opening speed. To this end, on entrance doors buildings install closers with a braking function, such as a "wind brake".

Retract adjustment

The setting of the door closer for the installation of a door closer ensures that the leaf adheres to the frame, allows you to leave a small gap before slamming, i.e. does not completely close the door structure. By adjusting, you can adjust the slow closing of the block, reducing the strength of the cotton.

Using screw number 2, you can adjust the speed at which the structure will slam shut. When 10-15° remains before the door leaf closes, the deceleration will work.

Features of some models

The most common door closers among users are Dorma TS-68, Diplomat, GEZE TS 4000. Each model has its own regulation features for such devices.

"Dorma" TS-68 is a classic top-mounted model. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that the mechanism is equipped with a special lever for changing the door locking force.

The model "Diplomat" is characterized by simple installation and maintenance of the mechanism. Adjustment of the door closer includes the steps of spring tension and opening-closing adjustments. In some modifications of the "Diplomat" there is no rebound setting. The devices operate on the principle of hydromechanics.

"GEZE" TS 4000 is a popular model of the upper door mechanism among users. The closer can adjust the opening damping, set the thermostable closing speed at the front and the final rebound by means of a link arm.

Many of us remember simple devices that were previously used to ensure independent and tight closing of entrances, gates, entrances to the entrance, etc. For this, ordinary springs, counterweights with cables and block systems were used, and often craftsmen adapted even rubber bands or pieces of old tires for such purposes. Today, such problems are solved much easier and more efficiently, since there is always the opportunity to buy a door closer - their range on sale is very wide.

Buying such a mechanism is only half the battle, since you still need to mount it correctly. You can, of course, turn to the services of the masters, however, if you carefully figure out how to install the closer on the door, it turns out that such work can be done independently.

General information about the device door closers

A door closer is a mechanical device that accumulates potential energy when a door is opened, which is then used to close it tightly. The "accumulator" is most often a powerful spring.

The transfer of force to the spring and vice versa, to the door leaf, can be carried out according to one of two schemes:

1. Closers with internal hydraulic circuit and rack and pinion power transmission.

  • When the door is opened, the gear mounted on the axis of the lever, turning, transmits translational motion through the piston rack ( top part figure), and that, in turn, compresses the spring.
  • When the opening external force is removed, the spring tends to return to its original position (in the figure - from below). She pushes the piston, causing the gear to rotate, which transmits force to the lever system of the closer.

Smooth operation is ensured by a system of cavities and channels through which oil flows, which fills the entire body of the closer. By changing the internal clearance of the channels, you can fine-tune the smoothness of the entire mechanism.

Such a scheme is the most widespread, especially on closers with lever transmission of force.

Video: device and installation diagrams for a closer with a rack and pinion mechanism

2. Cam closers

On the axis of the lever there is a cam of a complex eccentric shape (“heart-shaped”), supported on both sides by rollers. When the door is opened, the protruding part of the cam compresses the spring, which, on its return stroke, causes the cam to turn in the opposite direction, which leads to a smooth closing of the door. Torque adjustment is carried out by changing the geometry of the eccentric profile.

Such a scheme is more often used in closers with a channel arrangement of thrust or in concealed placement mechanisms.

The next parameter for the classification of door closers is the place of their installation. The vast majority of devices are designed for surface mounting at the top. However, sometimes for reasons of non-aesthetics or the impossibility of installing the mechanism from above (for example, glass doors, or in cases where the closer, by its appearance, violates the intended design of the room), other schemes can be used - concealed installation in the floor, in the frame or in the door leaf.

In turn, overhead closers with a top location are divided into two types:

  • Mechanisms with articulated (lever) traction, consisting of two knees. Advantages - simplicity and reliability of the design, good transmission of force, large potential settings and additional features. The disadvantage is that the protruding lever system may not be to everyone's taste for aesthetic reasons. In addition, it is more prone to vandalism.

Closer with guide channel - slider system

  • Closers of the slider system - with a sliding channel. The free end of the lever is provided with a roller and moves in a closed box-shaped channel. Advantages - aesthetics, less susceptibility to vandalism, the possibility of placing a door opening limiter in the channel. The absence of protruding parts allows you to install such closers on doors, closely spaced to the walls. Disadvantages - more significant efforts are required to open the doors (spring compression), limited adjustments and additional functionality.

What to consider when choosing a closer

If there is a desire to equip the door in your apartment or house with a door closer, you need to decide on its “size” before purchasing this mechanism. Under this concept lies the classification according to the European standard EN 1154. So, there are seven gradations of door closers according to the magnitude of the closing force, which are selected based on the size and weight of the door leaf:

Standard gradation of "sizes" of the door closer

  • When choosing the right model, you need to focus on the maximum rate of your doors. For example, if the canvas is 900 mm wide, but at the same time weighs 70 kg, then you will need to purchase a door closer with an EN -4 size.
  • For maximum convenience consumers, the developers of such mechanisms often provide for a certain range of their capabilities. For example, in the technical documentation, the limits "EN -2 ÷ EN -4" may be set. The specific amount of effort in this case will be determined only by the features of the installation of the closer.
  • In those rare situations when the efforts of one closer may not be enough, they resort to installing them in pairs.
  • It is worth purchasing the model that best suits the existing doors. Understating the characteristics will lead to a quick failure of the door closer. Too much big size- these are unnecessary difficulties with the normal opening of doors.
  • If you plan to install a door closer on the street or in unheated room, it is necessary to clarify whether such an opportunity is provided for a particular model. The problem is a significant change in the viscosity of the oil in hydraulic system during thermal fluctuations. Usually, the product data sheet indicates the permissible operating temperature range.
  • You can immediately evaluate functionality selected model. The basic adjustments of most closers include changing the spring force, speed and closing force of the door in the sector from 180 to 15º and in the final section (finishing) - from 15 to 0º. In addition, other options can be provided:

- A special adjustable hydraulic damper will help prevent sudden opening of doors with excessive force or in a draft or gusty wind. He will keep the door from breakage, from impact on adjacent walls, will not allow accidental injury.

- Often, the operating conditions of the premises require leaving the door open for a long time. This will require a closer with a locking mechanism in the open position.

- There are situations when after each tearing off the doors and before they close, a certain pause is required, about half a minute (for example, warehouses, pantries, utility rooms). This possibility can also be implemented in door closers with a closing delay function.

- If the doors are equipped with an elastic seal, or they are equipped with latches, the function of precise control of the speed and closing force will be useful.

- If the doors are double doors, then an additional mechanism may be needed to coordinate the uniform closing of both leaves.

- For "cold" doors, it is better to purchase a door closer with a "thermal damper" system, which, in response to changes in external temperature, expands or narrows, compensating for changes in the viscosity of the oil in the hydraulic system.

An approximate procedure for installing a door closer

Since the most common in apartments are closers with a hydraulic rack system and a lever mechanism, the installation process will be considered using their example. By by and large. Installation of closers with a slider system is not particularly different, and in some cases it is even an easier task.

  • First of all, you should decide on the installation scheme, which depends on the direction of opening the doors:

- If the door opens towards the door closer, then its body will be attached to the door leaf, and the lever system - to the door frame.

- When the door is opened outward, away from itself, the scheme changes to the opposite - the body is on the jamb, and the bracket of the lever system or the sliding channel is on the door.

In both cases, the adjustment screws on the closer body must point towards the hinges.

  • The kit of almost any modern door closer necessarily includes a template made in life size, which greatly simplifies the process of carefully marking the attachment points of both the body and the lever bracket.

Typically, templates are available for all intended installation methods - left and right doors opening outward or inward.

In addition, if the closer has the ability to work in several standard classes according to EN, then this will also be indicated on the template. There are different lines of its application to the corner of the door (as in the example shown), or the centers for drilling mounting holes for each level (size) are indicated on it in different colors.

So, if the master has decided on the required size and location of the parts, you can proceed to the installation.

  • The template with maximum accuracy is attached with strips of adhesive tape to the door leaf along the indicated lines. A center punch marks the centers of the holes to be drilled.

  • An electric drill drills holes of the diameter required by the installation instructions.

  • The fasteners included in the delivery set (self-tapping screws) fasten the body of the closer. In this case, you should once again check the correct orientation of the adjusting screws.

  • The next step is to install the bracket (foot) with an adjustable knee of the lever system.

If the parts of the lever mechanism in the delivery set are interconnected, then this hinge must be temporarily disassembled - its final assembly will be carried out when adjusting the closer.

One more nuance. The bracket may not be symmetrical, so its location should be checked against the required closing force of the door. In the case under consideration (in the figure), two positions are shown - for EN -2 and for EN -3 and 4.

- In the case when the priority is smooth closing of the door without knocking, and the door itself is not equipped with a latch or seal, the adjustable knee of the lever is placed perpendicular to the surface of the door, and the rigid lever is at an angle to it. The connection is made with complete closed door. The length of the adjustable lever can be easily changed by screwing or unscrewing the screw part of it by a few turns.

Requires door closure

If an accentuated finishing force is required to close the door (a lock with latch or sealant), then the scheme changes somewhat. The rigid lever in this case should be perpendicular to the door leaf, and the length of the adjustable knee is adjusted to this location. Thus, the closer spring initially becomes slightly loaded, which will increase the force when the door is fully closed.

  • After adjusting this "triangle", a hinge is assembled between both knees.

In fact, this is where the standard installation procedure for the closer ends and you can proceed to the adjustment. However, as practice shows, the design of the door can present certain "surprises", which will require the use of special mounting strips (plates) or corners:

  • Too deep a doorway makes it impossible to place the lever bracket directly on the door frame. In this case, it is installed on the mounting bracket.

Reverse situation - the door closer body is installed on the mounting bracket

  • "Mirror" situation, when the closer body itself requires installation on the mounting bracket .

  • The design of the door leaf does not make it possible to install the closer body on its surface (for example, high glass). In this case, the mounting plate is first attached, and then, to it, the case itself.

  • The door leaf protrudes somewhat beyond the frame, or the space above it does not allow the bracket to be attached to it. To align the housing and the mounting of the levers on the same level, to create conditions for reliable fastening, you will need to install a mounting plate.

  • Complex curly shape door frame does not provide a flat platform for mounting the closer body. The output is pre-installation of the mounting plate.

Mounting brackets or plates are usually not supplied with the door closer, but are usually sold in a fairly wide range for most models.

Find out interesting interior solution, from our new article -

Adjustment of the installed closer

After installing the closer, it is required to make the necessary adjustments so that its operation is most comfortable for the owners.

The closing speed of the door is adjustable in two ranges. Location and marking of set screws different models may vary significantly - this should be clarified in the instructions attached to the product. The principle of regulation is approximately the same.

  • First, by turning the corresponding screw, the closing of the door to the closed state is adjusted. Strength and speed established"close" directly depend on the mass and design of the door, its equipment with a lock with a latch (for example, on entrances with combination locks, the latch can be quite tight), installed around the perimeter of the opening of the sealing contour. In any case, the speed of the door in the finish section should not differ too much from the movement in the initial sector.

  • Then set the most acceptable speed from the fully open position to an angle of approximately 15º (before finishing). The door should move smoothly, without jerks and stops.

  • The adjusting screws rotate very smoothly, in a small sector - this is quite enough. Excessive tightening or unscrewing of the screws can lead either to breakage of the mechanism or to depressurization of the case with oil flowing out of it.
  • If there is a need to increase the closing force, it is possible to increase the preload of the closer's working spring with a special screw.

As already mentioned, some closer models have additional functions. The instructions for installation and operation of a specific product will indicate the rules for adjustment, which must be strictly followed.

Video: an example of adjusting a door closer

  • In no case should the door closer be considered as a limiter for the maximum opening of the door - the lever mechanism will not last long with this approach. For this purpose, it is better to use shock-absorbing door stops mounted on the floor or on the wall. The exception is some models with a slider arrangement of the lever - sometimes it is possible to install a limit opening limiter in the guide chute.
  • It is forbidden to block the door with the door closer in the open position with the help of heavy objects placed in the way of the leaf or by tying it by the handle. If there is a need to keep the entrance open for a long time, it is necessary to disconnect the lever system for this time.
  • Do not try to forcefully increase the speed of closing the door manually - this will cause rapid wear of the mechanism.
  • It is forbidden to hang on the doors, allow children to ride them, hang a significant load on the handles.
  • The closer will function correctly if the door structure itself is not defective. Even before installation, you should check the absence of looseness or sagging in the hinges, warps of the web, the correct fit of the locks and latches, constantly monitor this during operation.
  • If the closer has to be installed outdoors, it should be protected from rain and direct sunlight. Machines installed in such "cold" conditions will require seasonal adjustment twice a year.
  • It is necessary to carry out regular (at least once a year) lubrication of the pivot points of the lever mechanism with grease.

Find out, and installation instructions, from our new article.

If the owners observe the operating rules, the closer must conscientiously work out the period guaranteed by the manufacturer.