Is it possible to prune a young pear tree in summer? Detailed diagram of pear pruning in spring

In order for pear trees to delight you with an excellent harvest every year, they need to be pruned correctly. Don't know how to do this? We'll tell you.

It is not difficult to follow the basic rules of pruning. The main thing is to follow the proven algorithm and then juicy and ripe pears will always be on your table.

Rule #1

Pruning is carried out annually. In order for the tree to develop and grow to its full potential, pruning must be done every year. This will speed up the formation of the crown and fruits.

On the left - pruning a one-year pear seedling, on the right - pruning an adult tree

Rule #2

The height of the trunk must be at least 60 cm and no more than 90 cm. It is determined by pruning in the first year. If the seedling is cut at a height of more than 1 m, the crown will be set too high, which will subsequently complicate harvesting.

At the same time, branches located too low will not allow you to comfortably cultivate the soil under the tree, and in this case the crop will lie practically on the ground.

Pears need proper care. The yield of trees depends on this.

Rule #3

Vertical escape and removal of tops

Rule #4

When pruning, you need to make the crown as transparent as possible.

When the crown is not thickened, the fruits are sufficient quantity light, which allows them to ripen faster and accumulate precious vitamins.

Rule #5

Strong growths must be transferred to well-developed lateral branches, observing the principle of subordination. It lies in the fact that the most powerful shoots should be located at the bottom, and the weaker ones above.

Formation of the correct crown shape

Rule #6

Skeletal branches growing upward should be cut to the outer bud directed to the side.

This will help make the escape more horizontal in the future.

Rule #7

The presence of competitors in the crown should not be allowed. All strong shoots located next to the central conductor or appearing on skeletal branches should be cut out or weakened, cutting off up to 3-5 buds.

Rule #8

The branches are pruned not into a ring, but into a well-developed side shoot. Unlike the apple tree, the pear tree has good shoot-forming ability.

If you cut a shoot into a ring or leave a small knot, tops will appear in this place.

By following all these rules, you can grow a beautiful and fruitful pear orchard. Have a good harvest!

In spring, gardeners begin to ask questions about garden care. It is not enough to whitewash the trunks with lime, make a hole for watering and feed the trees with fertilizers for guaranteed harvest. Fruit trees need to be pruned regularly, and it is impossible to cope with this task without certain knowledge.

Pruning a pear, apple or cherry tree allows the crown to receive light and air, which makes it easier for the plant to feed. Some gardeners are sure that there is no difference between pruning a pear and an apple tree, but this statement is false. There are noticeable differences between the two events.

Why prune pears?

Beginning gardeners doubt whether pear trees need to be pruned at all. The answer to this question is unequivocal - it is necessary procedure. A properly pruned fruit tree will amaze you with the quality of the resulting harvest. First of all, pear pruning is needed precisely to increase fruiting.

When pruning the branches of a young pear, you must begin the correct formation of the crown. This will allow the leaves to absorb more sunlight, which will speed up the process of photosynthesis. The second goal is to form a strong main trunk and branches so that they do not break under the weight of the filled fruit.

Pruning helps a neglected old fruit tree that long years was without care. The rejuvenating event of cutting off dry, diseased branches will revive the old pear tree, and next year she will thank you with a bumper harvest. Remember, before you pick up a saw or pruning shears, you need to know all the rules for the procedure. This depends on several factors:

  • pear age;
  • time of year;
  • type of tree;
  • goals.

Pruning season

Most agronomists agree that pear trees should be pruned in the spring. This best time years to prune trees because the sap flow is still weak.

The plant will more easily tolerate the appearance of cuts. The leaves that are responsible for photosynthesis have not yet awakened on the pear. The event can be held if you are sure that there will be no spring frosts in the near future.

In warm regions this is early to mid-March, but in colder cities you should wait until early April. Spring is the best time to form the crown of a young pear.

Summer pruning is a controversial issue among experienced gardeners. It is not recommended to do this, because cutting off the branches will remove some of the green leaves responsible for feeding the tree.

Not allowed in summer global formation crowns Cosmetic intervention is permissible in June, when fast-growing shoots make it difficult to ventilate the crown. It is recommended to remove only young branches. Due to the rapid flow of sap in the trunk and branches, the formation of wounds can kill the tree.

In autumn, the tree needs sanitary pruning. This term refers to the removal of broken branches in which nutritious sap does not circulate.

Non-fruit-bearing branches, which take away the vitality of the tree and do not produce a harvest in return, must be removed.

The procedure is performed in early autumn or late summer. It is important that frost does not occur in the next 2-3 weeks after circumcision. Freezing temperatures can kill a tree.

Pruning a young tree

After planting, it is not recommended to perform formative pruning. Shortening seedlings ensures better development of the root system. The trunk should not be left higher than 50 cm from the ground. Next year the tree should grow and gain strength. In the second year of pear life, crown formation can begin.

As a rule, about 8 lateral branches are formed on a young tree. Four branches located at equal distances from each other should be left as skeletal ones. In this case, the conductor should be 20 cm higher. The two-year-old tree is pruned twice: in spring and autumn.

For the first 3 years, it is important to monitor the formation of tops. These are fatty shoots that grow in an upright position. They are difficult to notice. Having discovered such a formation, you need to get rid of it. They take away the vitality of the plant, resulting in shading of the tree crown.

For three years, pruning is carried out twice a year to form a lush and uniform crown. Every year, the growths are shortened by 20 cm. In the fourth year of life, you can move on to forming the second tier of the pear. Starting from the fifth year, the shortening of skeletal branches should become more and more moderate.

Anti-aging pruning

To save an old neglected tree, a certain scheme is needed. Thoughtless intervention can destroy the plant once and for all. Often, anti-aging pruning is needed when you become the owner of an old garden that has a lot of good plants, but they are not in the best condition.

Pears that were not provided proper care, grew tall and wide, but the harvest was small in number and of poor quality. For rehabilitation, it is necessary to return the crown to its optimal shape for fruit development.

Depending on the degree of neglect of the plant, it is necessary to thin out the crown. If the tree is very tall, you need to shorten the guide, mercilessly cut down dry, frozen and diseased branches, leaving strong young shoots. Remove any branches growing vertically.

You cannot cut down the branch “at the root”; make an indentation of 10 cm. After the procedure, do not forget to cover the “open wounds” with garden varnish. Global pruning of an old tree should be done in early spring, when it has not yet woken up and the sap has not run through its veins.

Pruning columnar pears

Columnar pear requires a special approach. It requires less pruning, since it does not have a crown that can thicken. After planting a columnar pear, you need to pinch off everything side shoots so that the main trunk gains strength. When the tree gets stronger, you can leave 2-3 side branches annually. This depends on the desired shape of the tree. If you want it to be as “slender” as possible, do not allow the branches to grow so that the pears are tied directly to the trunk.

The annual growth of the main conductor is about 15 cm. For the first five years, gardeners do not recommend shortening it, then you can pinch off the length by 3 buds. After shortening the main conductor, the growth of lateral shoots will increase. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the crop. If you notice that the size of the pears is becoming smaller and the quality of the fruit is worse, thin out the side shoots.

Remember correct pruning fruit tree is the key to a rich harvest. It is not enough to water and dig up trees. Without your intervention, they may stop bearing fruit, get sick and die. A plant is a living organism, and it will appreciate your care.

With the onset of spring, the busy season in the garden begins. Experienced gardeners know that it is important not to miss the very moment when it is necessary to prune fruit trees so that they produce good harvest. was no exception here. She loves timely and correct pruning. Such a tree will provide good yield, protection from diseases and pests, and will also contribute to the normal growth of the tree.

When to start pruning pear trees

Pear is a demanding tree in all respects. She loves fertile and fairly moist soils, and also does not tolerate shade. It is better for the pear to grow on sunny side, in the shade it does not form buds. Therefore, pear pruning is primarily done to lighten the crown. The pear is very sensitive to temperature changes, so even a slight cooling in early spring can lead to the death of flowers and the entire crop.

It is important to start pruning pear trees in the spring, when severe frosts have already passed, but always before sap flow begins. Usually this is the end of March - beginning of April. It is not advisable to prune pear trees in the fall. This is due to the tree's sensitivity to frost.

To make tree pruning painless, you need to choose a high-quality pruner. It must be sharp. It is recommended to cover the sections with the drug “Rannet”. It can be used to treat all bark damage until it is completely healed.

If your pear is young, you need to trim it to form the correct crown. In the first year, the central trunk of such a pear is cut to one quarter of its length. This way you will stimulate the branching of the crown. The remaining side shoots should be cut off above the first bud. Also, in order not to overload the young tree with the harvest, it is necessary to remove some of the buds. In this case, the fruiting will be of better quality, and the pear will survive the winter more easily.

In a year, it will be necessary to shorten the top of the central trunk by 25 cm, and trim the branches by 5-7 cm. The pear looks like a Christmas tree; its upper branches should be shorter than the lower ones.

Features of pear pruning in spring

In order not to harm the tree, you need to know the basic rules and features of pruning in the spring. Many inexperienced gardeners are mistaken in thinking that pruning a tree does not bring any benefit to it. This opinion is absolutely wrong. Any fruit tree must be pruned to ensure it large quantity Sveta. After all, the branches inside the crown lack sun and heat. This causes a fall. In addition, an unpruned tree begins to get sick more often and cannot tolerate frost.

Proper pruning of a pear is carried out in several stages. There are three types of pruning: formative, sanitary and supportive.

Sanitary pruning is aimed at removing diseased and dried branches. This is done before the start of the growing season to provide new branches with more light.

The main pruning of pears is carried out from March to April. During this period, large branches are shortened so as not to overload them with the harvest. This is a maintenance pruning.

Experts advise using two methods: shortening the shoots and cutting into a ring. The first method accelerates the growth of side shoots and the awakening of buds below the cut. The second method is to trim the branch along a ring roller. Such sections are quickly covered with bark.

Whatever method you use, it is important not to leave stumps on the tree, and also to process the cuts so that pests do not get under the pear bark through them and the tree does not get sick.

How to speed up fruiting by pruning?

All fruit trees They begin to bear fruit 3-7 years after planting. Pears produce their first harvest only after 12 years. Therefore, all gardeners are concerned with the question: how to speed up the fruiting process?

Firstly, annual pruning will be the key to obtaining early harvest. By pruning branches, you provide the tree with light.

The growth of new shoots distracts the tree from bearing fruit, so in the second half of summer it is necessary to pinch out the growing points. Thanks to this procedure, flower buds are laid, which accelerates the fruiting of the pear.

Various sources advise breaking, cutting branches, crushing, ringing or pulling. But all these methods lead to the death of branches. There are effective ways to use early-fruiting varieties, intermediate insertion, etc.

The method of grafting cuttings with a fruit bud has proven itself well. For this, it is better to use 2-3 year old cuttings, since they already produce the first fruits 2-3 years after grafting. When carrying out this procedure, you need to ensure the cleanliness of the sections, quickly connect the grafting components and follow the tying rules.

High quality and timely care for a pear - the basis for obtaining a good harvest in the future. Therefore, it is important to know the basics of pruning this fruit tree.

Surely on yours summer cottage you grow not only garden crops— Fruit trees also grow well and bear fruit every year. Honorable place on the list fruit trees takes the pear. This beauty is valued not only for its delicate pulp, excellent taste and special aroma, but also has dietary properties. Pear will help get rid of digestive problems and normalize kidney function. The vitamins and microelements found in the sweet fruit will be an excellent vitamin supplement. Is it so difficult to grow a pear on your own? personal plot? Gardeners say that the tree is unpretentious and produces a good harvest of fruits if the pear is pruned in time in the spring.

It is simply necessary to care for a tree: timely pruning, watering, fertilizing and grafting - all these activities will help you in the future to have a good harvest, even from one tree. Most inexperienced and novice gardeners believe that pear trees can be pruned according to the rules for pruning apple trees. In general, the operating principle is the same, but there are some differences.

About the time

Why is it necessary to prune a tree? spring period? Many summer residents ask this question. The answer is simple: if you cut off the branches of a pear in the fall, then with the onset of cold weather the tree may freeze and even die. There are certain rules for pruning pears and autumn period, but not for the purpose of forming a tree crown, but to get rid of damaged and dry branches.

It is important to have time before the moment when the buds begin to bloom on the tree; in this case, you can form the crown of the plant so that in the future the tree will be compact. But this is not the only goal that needs to be fulfilled - the pear begins to bear fruit well if the plant receives a lot of light and air, and each branch can withstand the load of filling fruits.

You can't prune a pear summer period, so as not to deprive the tree of nutrition, because along with the extra branches, the leaves will also be cut off.

It is best to start pruning at a young age and, if possible, do this manipulation every year to form a strong crown. An annual plant will not need pruning, since the pear does not yet need to form an open crown, the plant is only gaining strength.

Pruning a young pear in spring

Saplings that have reached the age of 2 years can already be pruned.

Rules for pruning young trees:

  • you need to measure the distance from the ground level (half a meter) and cut the branch;
  • the main or central trunk needs to be shortened by 1/4;
  • neighboring branches can be cut not at the same distance, but by forming a “ring” from them;
  • leave 4 side branches, which are the base of the trunk, the rest can be cut off;
  • if you see that an ovary has formed on the shoots, then these branches need to be tilted down and left in a “horizontal” position;
  • all other branches need to be bent and tied with a rope to the trunk.

A year later, with the onset of spring, it is necessary to prune the pear again, only now you need to pay attention to the second-order shoots and cut the branches so that they do not cover or interfere with the growth of the main central shoots.

If new branches have grown inside the crown and they interfere with normal growth and light penetration, they must also be removed.

Pruning pears in spring diagram:

There is nothing difficult in doing this work, the main thing is to prepare necessary tool and choose the right time. To form the correct crown of a tree, you will need special garden shears - young branches lend themselves well to trimming with this tool.

It is advisable for every novice summer resident to have his own set of tools: you will need a pruning shears and garden shears for cutting young and dry branches, as well as a garden saw and lopper for working with adult plants.

In order for the tool to cope with the assigned tasks, it is necessary to keep the cutting part clean, promptly free it from dust and dirt, and sharpen it in a timely manner. If the blade is dull, the cut will be unsightly and torn - this not only makes the work more difficult, but also harms the tree.

Choosing the weather in order to prepare a tree is one of the basic rules, following which you can achieve good results. If the timing is poorly chosen, then by pruning the pear branches, the plant may die or be damaged with the onset of severe frosts.

Before you start forming a pear crown in the spring, you need to wait until the weather is stable. When the average daily air temperature begins to rise every day, it’s time to get to work.

Every year you will have to devote less and less time to pruning the plant, because the growth of young shoots will be slowed down. To renew the tree and start the rejuvenation processes, once every 2-4 years you need to prune the inside of the crown, shortening the shoots in a circle. You can remove damaged and weak branches. Experienced gardeners recommend not removing branches, leaving stumps - it is best to use a saw and cut the branch down to the base, under the ring.

This part of the work should be done as carefully as possible so as not to harm the young tree. A deep wound on a pear takes a long time to heal, which means that all the plant’s strength will go only to this, and we need the pear to develop normally and bear fruit. If you cut a thick branch, then the cut area must be covered with garden pitch or use special paint and paint over the wound.

What else needs to be taken into account when pruning a young pear in spring? Perhaps the only thing is that after you have completed the work, it is not recommended to help the tree recover after cutting down the branches, so you should not add nitrogen supplements, since all efforts will be aimed at quickly dealing with the fresh wound. By the way, it is best to make the cut even to prevent the bark from lifting.

How to prune a young pear in the spring, you can watch this video:

Rules for pruning an adult plant

As we have already found out, pear trees need to be trimmed only in the spring; in the fall, you can perform sanitary cleaning and in the second half of September, free the tree from damaged and dry branches. Cut branches should be burned or taken away from the garden area.

Annual shoots can be shortened slightly (by only 1/3 of the total length) to prepare the pear for the new season. Just remember to leave a few young buds at the bottom so that new branches can form on them.

At this point, autumn pruning is completed, and now you can familiarize yourself with the rules for preparing an adult tree for the new season. Due to inexperience, many summer residents are often afraid to cut off an extra branch from a tree so as not to cause harm and let the process take its course. The pear grows greatly, it is very difficult to harvest, and every year the fruits become less and less.

How to trim correctly:

  1. The first to be removed are the shoots extending from the trunk. The cutting angle should be 90°. After completing this work, you can begin to restore order to the shoots located parallel to the main trunk, which grow upward.
  2. According to the rules of pruning, it is necessary to trim off excess branches so that there are no stumps. But that’s not all - do not grab extra branches, otherwise the deep cut will take a long time to heal.
  3. If the branch exceeds the diameter of 3 cm, then you first need to saw it a little from the bottom, and then saw it from the top. This way, the tree bark will remain intact (if you cut only from the top, the branch will fall under its weight and the bark will be damaged), and you will get the job done faster.
  4. We treat the cut areas with garden varnish. If this is not done, the tree secretes sap, becomes weak, and the sap also attracts insects.
  5. It is impossible to apply fertilizer immediately after pruning the branches, since the tree receives all the necessary nutrients from the powerful root system.
  6. Do not rush to prune too early, wait until the weather is warm to avoid harming the fruit tree.

You can see how to prune a pear in spring in this diagram, additional information you will find in the video.

When forming the crown of an adult tree, it is necessary to remove excess mass annually so that the tree receives enough air and light. When this part of the work is completed, you can begin to trim the young branches growing parallel to the trunk. The general principle of circumcision young tree and looks like an adult. Depending on the number of young shoots, it is necessary to prune them by 1/3 so that the new branch begins to grow and form faster.

The first harvest of pears, depending on the variety, can be obtained in the 3rd year, but there is also a tree variety that begins to bear fruit only in the 12th year of life. Can you imagine how long gardeners have to wait to evaluate the result of their painstaking work?

To bring the fruiting time closer, it is necessary to thin out the crown, then the pear branches will begin to receive more air and reach towards the light source. This way the tree will “switch” to fruiting and will not direct all its energy to the growth of young shoots. To achieve this, you can pinch the growing point on a young shoot, and therefore speed up the formation of new fruits. How to cope with this work and prune a pear in the spring, watch the video:

Getting to know the types of pruning

Keeping your garden in order is not easy; you need to constantly pay attention to one plant or another. As soon as the pests have been controlled, it’s time to replant the strawberries or start pruning the trees. In this matter you need not just wield garden tool, but also adhere to a certain technique. Then the work will be completed faster, and there will be much less hassle with the tree in the future.

Rules for pear pruning:

  1. We form the crown of the tree in the first pruning, based on the diagram.
  2. The next cut is a control cut. After the growing season, it is necessary to remove all affected and dry branches.
  3. We keep the crown in order - in the middle and end of March it’s time to start working and cut off large branches so as not to overload the tree with fruits.

Pruning an old pear

It is not always possible to plant a young orchard and maintain it in order. What if you got a plot with old fruit trees? Get rid of many popular varieties You don’t want fruit trees, so you can solve the problem differently and prune the old tree. This procedure is quite troublesome and serious, so you need to prepare a tool, a ladder, a rope and invite an assistant. Together it will be easier for you to cope with the unloading of an adult tree.

First of all, you need to remove the upper part of the crown, not sparing the young shoots. After all, the pear is considered a long-liver in the garden, so why do we need just an old tree that produces small fruits? After all, our task is to improve their quality and increase productivity. Therefore, an old tree can even be cut in half! Don’t be afraid to spoil it, the pear will withstand rejuvenation and will soon restore fruiting.

After trimming the trunk from above, it’s time to start trimming the branches from the bottom - at the bottom you can leave 2 rows of thick branches (“skeleton” - up to 7 pcs.). Maintain a distance of 1 m between each tier of branches. If this is not possible, then partially cut off the middle branches, leaving only those that are perpendicular to the main trunk.

Don’t forget to thin out the crown, ridding the old tree of shoots located or crossed inside. Don’t be afraid to get rid of thick trunks; they will no longer benefit the tree.

If the height of the tree is small (within 4-5 m), then it is easier to harvest, since the upper branches will bend down under the weight of the ripened fruits. The result of your work can be assessed in a year, when the plant recovers from pruning and produces many large, juicy and fragrant fruits.

There is no person who does not know the taste of a pear. These juicy and sweet fruits will not leave anyone indifferent. And what compotes and preserves can be made from them!

Nowadays pear can be found in almost any garden plot.

This tree, like any plant in the garden, requires some care. In order for it to produce a good harvest year after year, you need not only watering and fertilizers, but also proper pruning.

Since the pear is a light-loving crop, it is necessary to monitor the density of its crown.

What does proper pear pruning give you:

  • abundant regular fruiting;
  • further development of culture;
  • creating a strong skeleton;
  • convenience during harvesting;
  • good access when spraying.

The crown needs to be formed so that several fruiting branches remain on each skeletal branch.

If pruning is done irregularly or incorrectly, then the crown will become denser, as the tree will begin to devote all its strength to growing young shoots. This will lead to reduced yields and reduced fruit size.

Another plus of timely pruning of branches: pear tree quite high and pruning branches will stop its growth upward. Thanks to this, other garden trees and shrubs will get more sunlight.

Trimming a pear, instructions for beginners:

When is the best time to prune tree shoots and branches?

You can prune a pear in spring, summer, autumn, and even winter. Pruning at certain times of the year serves its purposes.

Summer care

Summer is done exclusively by emergency . It happens that in the spring, when pruning, several branches were looked at, and they began to develop intensively, shading the fruits that had already appeared on other, pruned branches. In this case, summer pruning is possible.

A day after the “operation”, it is necessary to cover the cut with garden varnish or a special putty, which is sold in any gardening store.

Also at this time young shoots are pinched. It is much easier to remove them now, before they become woody; in addition, thanks to this pruning, the transformation of leaf buds into fruit buds occurs.

Is it possible to prune branches in winter?

There are some benefits to winter pruning.. It lies in the fact that at this time of year, when it is frosty outside, all plants, including pears, are in “sleeping mode.”

Therefore, wounds are much easier to bear, healing occurs faster, and in the absence of sap, the wood becomes more pliable.

The most optimal month for winter pruning is February. The most optimal temperature– no higher than -15.

Spring pruning scheme

Spring pruning of pears is considered the most important for the plant., it guarantees a good harvest. In spring, as is known, bud formation occurs. This requires sunlight.

If in some place the crown is thickened, then a darkening will be created, accordingly, flower buds there will be no fruit there, which means there will be no fruit.

To avoid this, pruning should begin with a one-year-old seedling when its height reaches 50-60 cm.

You need to trim the top by about a quarter of the length, which will stimulate the lower branches to grow and form a proper crown. The branches in the neighborhood are cut into rings.

Pruning “to the ring” is done clearly according to a peculiar influx, located at the very base of the branch. If you leave a large twig, it will lead to rotting, and if you remove the branch flush, the wound will take a very long time to heal.

The branches that serve as the basis of the trunk should be left; there should be no more than four of them.

As the tree matures, there are fewer and fewer young shoots on it. To correct this situation and increase the number of young shoots on an aging tree, it is necessary to regularly trim the crown to rejuvenate it.

Its goal is to remove weak and diseased old branches. The cuts must be covered with varnish or paint.

But you can’t be late with this either; it’s important to have time to prune before the circulation of tree sap begins.

After spring pruning You should not apply nitrogen fertilizers under the pear. This may negatively affect the taste of the fruit. After hibernation, the tree itself actively draws out all the beneficial substances from the ground.

Pear pruning:

How you can and should prune a pear in the fall to rejuvenate it

Need to treat autumn pruning with great care . With winter ahead, if too many branches are removed, the tree will have difficulty surviving the upcoming frosts.

The fact is that in September(namely, this is the best time for autumn pruning) tree sap continues to circulate, although it becomes slower.

The tree will begin to spend its reserves on winter period substances to “heal” the wounds left by pruning.

Scheme for correct autumn pear pruning:

  1. First, remove dry and diseased branches so that in winter, when they fall, they do not damage healthy branches.
  2. Find branches growing at right angles to the trunk and remove them too.
  3. Remove branches that interfere with the development of fruit bearings. The remaining branches that seem unnecessary should only be shortened in order to remove them next year.
  4. Do not leave large knots, but cut them “to the ring” (see above).

Young pear trees should be pruned every fall., or even twice a year, starting from the second year after planting. Reason: slow growth and poor tolerance to cold winter.

Mature trees early varieties When ripening, it is possible to prune from the second half of August to September 15-20. The procedure is the same:

  • removing damaged branches;
  • thinning the thickened crown;
  • removal of branches affected by the disease;
  • shortening shoots no older than one year.

At a later date, shortening is not recommended, as the possibility of freezing of the shortened branches increases, which will lead to a decrease in yield.

Autumn pruning of pears is the most effective method bring back a good harvest from an aging tree. This pruning can be called rejuvenating.

In addition, if previously it was not necessary to form the correct crown, then such pruning will provide an opportunity for thinning, which will lead to the appearance of young fruitful shoots.

If the pear is over 18 years old, then it is recommended to trim it once every five years.

How to form the crown of a columnar pear

Not so long ago it began to appear in Russian gardens columnar pear, which has already managed to win the hearts of our gardeners. She differs from her tall “sisters” in her ease of care.

The main advantages of the columnar pear:

  • always gives a rich harvest;
  • More trees can be planted on the same piece of land;
  • takes root well;
  • produces large fruits;
  • resistant to various diseases;
  • frost-resistant.

The disadvantages of this pear include the necessary regular pruning, as it is needed to maintain the specific shape and size of the tree. Another drawback is the short fruiting period (about ten years).

In the first year after planting The pear tree must not be allowed to bloom so that the seedling can gain strength for further growth.

Next year we need make sure that a maximum of two flowers remain in one inflorescence to prevent the young tree from being overloaded with fruits.

Advice for novice gardeners: before pruning, you need to pay attention to the apical bud. If it is healthy, then the tree has a central conductor.

If this bud is damaged, then other shoots appear. Of these, the strongest should be left, the rest should be removed.

Columnar pears should not be pruned frequently., in order to prevent increased formation of branches. The shoots of a young tree should not be pruned, but shortened, not forgetting to leave a pair of buds.

This needs to be done closer to autumn. The most important thing is to remove all side shoots growing to the sides. The central conductor can be cut off only in one case: if its development is insufficient. Then you should leave two or three buds.

Although pear trees require constant care and cause a lot of trouble with pruning, she gives all of herself without reserve with her divine fruits, giving the gardener joy and pleasure in the results of his work.