DIY budget greenhouse made from window frames. How to make a greenhouse from window frames with your own hands

A greenhouse is a great option for organizing healthy eating all family. And who will take care of him, if not her head? Using a greenhouse on the site makes it possible to grow fresh vegetables and herbs almost all year round; it creates the microclimate necessary for plants, which promotes their growth.

Greenhouses made from window frames: what are they good for?

Greenhouses from window frames, which are easy to construct with your own hands. The material is very affordable, so this is a fairly profitable option to acquire a greenhouse.

Wood is a strong and durable material that proper care can last quite a long time. High-quality processing and care makes the tree not vulnerable to precipitation and sunlight. In addition, natural wood is a breathable material, which is important in the construction of a greenhouse. Glass transmits light well and effectively protects the greenhouse space from the penetration of cold air.

A greenhouse made from window frames is good because it can be used for any kind of ventilation (if the frames have working windows), regardless of the front door.

Advantages of greenhouses made from window frames

Some positive points using a greenhouse made from window frames:

  • Economical. It is justified by the fact that the purchase of building materials requires significantly less financial costs than other types of greenhouses.
  • Practicality. Window frames are practical in that, as a rule, they are already covered with all the necessary protective layers of paint and other mixtures, so they are reliably protected from natural influences.
  • Environmental friendliness. Wood - natural material, which is most harmonious for the greenhouse.
  • Durability depends on the type of wood from which the frames are made. On average, the service life of a greenhouse made from window frames is no more than 5 years, although this also depends on climate zone, and also from care.
  • Heat capacity. No matter how old the window structures are, they retain heat perfectly. Thanks to the unhindered penetration of sunlight into the greenhouse from the window frames, it warms up naturally.
  • Good lighting. Glass has high light transmittance, which allows the sun to illuminate the greenhouse space as well as open-air beds.

If the crops being grown are very sensitive to ultraviolet radiation, it is better to stick a tinted film on the inside of the greenhouse windows.

  • Strength. Natural wood itself is a very durable material. And processing of raw materials before use only increases this property.

If you received window frames without glass, you can use cellular polycarbonate instead - there will be practically no difference in characteristics. You can also use polyethylene.

Construction of a greenhouse from window frames: preparatory work

Before you build a greenhouse from window frames on your site with your own hands, you need to prepare:

  1. Choosing a location. in the sunniest place on the site, not covered by trees and buildings.
  2. Selection of soil. There should be no clay layer in the soil on which crops are grown. If there is no such soil on your site, prepare it yourself for the greenhouse. A pit is dug across the entire area of ​​the greenhouse, the depth of a spade bayonet or a little more. The soil “pie” consists of gravel, sand and soil cleared of roots, stones and weeds.
  3. . Its detailed compilation, taking into account all the parameters, makes it possible to accurately calculate the amount of materials needed for construction and avoid mistakes during its construction. If you have window frames different sizes, thanks to the drawing, you can draw up a preliminary diagram of their placement, which will greatly facilitate the assembly of the structure.
  4. Preparing window frames. If you plan to use old frames (most often, greenhouses are built from them), then before installation they should be carefully inspected for damage. All fittings, glass (for safety) and old paint must be removed from old frames; rotten elements should be replaced with new ones. Then the wood is treated with antiseptics, the opening elements of the frames that are not planned to be used are secured with self-tapping screws or sealed with sealant, and the frames are painted.


When the foundation is ready, you can begin building the walls.

  • Frame. Before installing window frames, it is necessary to build a frame, the volume of which is formed by vertical posts. For the frame, boards are used, the thickness of which is equal to the thickness of the frames; they should be fastened according to the drawing. Such docks will still be needed to install the harnesses.
  • Installation of frames. The frames are attached to the posts with the long side using self-tapping screws. The resulting cracks can be foamed, but polyurethane foam tends to collapse under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, so it is better to use silicone or another substance for this purpose. On the inside, supports made of fine-section timber can be attached to the frames for greater stability.

Roofing device

The type of roof is selected at the planning and drawing stage. If the frames are not enough for a gable roof, you can make a single-pitch one. Frames are attached in a standard way, just like on the walls. For the ridge of a gable roof, you can use wood or plastic.

Greenhouse glazing

At the last stage of constructing a greenhouse from window frames, the previously removed glass is secured using glazing beads.

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Fresh and organic vegetables are always welcome “guests” on our table. Owners of summer cottages make a lot of effort to grow “their” cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers. However, hard work alone is not enough. After all, to obtain high yields, it is necessary to create suitable conditions for seedlings to grow and develop. Therefore, a greenhouse is an excellent solution - you can build a structure with your own hands from inexpensive and accessible materials.

Today, many people in their homes are removing old window frames, replacing them with convenient and practical double-glazed windows. But such frames can be given a “second life” by using them to build a greenhouse or greenhouse. So, today we will look in detail at how to build a “house for vegetables” without significant costs.

Greenhouse from old frames: pros and cons

Before starting construction of a greenhouse, you should consider both the advantages and disadvantages of such a project. First, about the advantages:

  • Affordable project cost. It is enough to collect the required number of unnecessary window frames left after the renovation, and you are provided with the basic material. This is much cheaper than using new blocks to build a greenhouse.
  • Quick installation. After the foundation has been poured and dried, all that remains is to assemble the frames into one whole - and the greenhouse, built with your own hands, is ready. This stage will only take a few days, but you should carefully prepare for it.
  • Set of available tools. A hammer and nails are all you need.

Helpful advice: if possible, it is better to use a power tool - a jigsaw and a screwdriver. If your household does not have these useful things, you can easily rent them.

“Disadvantages” of a greenhouse made from old window frames:

  • Constant maintenance of the structure. Old wood dries out, and cracks form through which moisture and other unfavorable factors from the environment can penetrate.
  • Limited service life. If old window blocks, then their service life is quite short. True, such a “house” for vegetables and seedlings will definitely serve for 5 - 7 years.

Note! Old window frames - suitable material for the construction of a greenhouse for a “home” plot. However, for growing, for example, cucumbers on an “industrial” scale, it is better to choose metal profiles or steel pipes. Of course, this will cost much more, but the design will also be more reliable.

Greenhouse made from window frames for dummies

Before you begin construction, you should consider important details. For example, is it necessary to make a wooden frame or can you skip this stage? This will depend on the thickness and configuration of the assembled window units. With a significant thickness of the frames, it will be possible to do without a frame completely.

We stock up on materials:

  • Rubble and sand- for the foundation of a future building. Of course, you can build a greenhouse from window frames without a foundation, but the reliability will be questionable.
  • Boards and beams of different sections- for wall studs 50 x 100 mm, for corner studs - 100 x 100 mm.
  • Fittings- nails, door and window hinges, locks and handles on the door, steel cornice, antiseptic wooden surfaces. When constructing a roof from steel sheets, you will have to purchase this material as well.
  • Old frames.

Required tools:

  • hammer
  • screwdriver - possibly electric
  • a circular saw
  • chisel
  • wood drills
  • level
  • square
  • roulette
  • piece of cord
  • polyurethane foam
  • screws

DIY greenhouse - drawings

Any construction begins with the design of the future structure. However, in our case, you just need to assemble a structure from ready-made modules. We carry out the following preparatory work:

  1. We lay out the window frames on a flat piece of ground, choosing parts for the sides and ends. We achieve the most perfect compatibility"puzzles".
  2. We measure and record the results of the layout.
  3. We make a detailed drawing on paper indicating all the parameters and dimensions of the parts.
  4. We are preparing three more drawings - the foundation, frame and roofing part of the future greenhouse made from window frames.

How to build a greenhouse from window frames with your own hands - step-by-step guide (with photos and videos)

So, after acquiring and preparing all necessary tools you can start working.

Step #1. Choosing a place for a greenhouse

The site for the building should be chosen taking into account the fact that the plants will require maximum accessibility sunlight. Therefore, there should be no permanent buildings or tall trees blocking sunlight.

If you are planning to build a greenhouse using film frames, you should choose a site that is not exposed to strong winds. Otherwise, the microclimate of the structure may be disrupted, which will adversely affect the plants inside. However, even a glazed greenhouse is not recommended to be placed in a windy area to avoid stress.

The soil must be dry and dense, since in a wet and swampy environment subsidence and subsequent deformation of the wooden structure are possible.

Step #2. Foundation for a greenhouse

The selected area needs to be cleared - remove debris, uproot roots, weeds and stumps.

We transfer the dimensions of the future greenhouse to the site and drive small stakes around the perimeter, between which we stretch a cord or rope. Now in each corner and near the sides you need to dig small holes up to 0.5 meters deep - at the level of soil freezing. Pour crushed stone into the holes (about 10 cm) and compact it.

Now the next step is formwork - we insert an asbestos-cement pipe (diameter 10 - 15 cm) into each hole, level it, and insert reinforcement. The structure should be strengthened in position with bricks and then filled with concrete. We assemble the lower crown of timber on the foundation and fasten it with iron plates.

If you plan to build a greenhouse from window frames without a foundation, then you can simply make a frame from timber and lay it on the ground. For waterproofing purposes, you can use roofing material in which the beams are wrapped (pictured).

As a rule, concrete dries completely after a couple of weeks. After this, the plane under the greenhouse along the entire perimeter of the foundation can be laid out with bricks. This creates a flat surface, which greatly facilitates subsequent assembly.

Step #3. Assembling a greenhouse frame from window frames

The assembly of the structure is carried out in the following sequence: installation of pillars and a frame made of timber, to which we attach the window frames.

Important! If you plan to use timber rather than boards for the frame, be sure to take into account their thickness. After all, a beam that is too thin simply will not support the weight of the entire structure and can fall apart at any moment like a house of cards.

First, measure the width of the window frames. Along the perimeter of the foundation, we measure segments whose length exceeds the width of the frames by 5 - 7 cm and mark these places. At these points we fix the posts made of timber of the same height. Then we pull the thread over the pillars according to the level in order to correct the tops. If there are protruding parts, you need to cut them down.

We take the timber and lay it horizontally on the “tops”. Thus, “cells” for window frames are obtained. Now you need to install the frames, not forgetting the door and window, and securely strengthen all the parts.

Using polyurethane foam, we seal the gaps between the modules and the pillars. Professionals advise puttingtying or painting dry foam, which will avoid drying out.

Step No. 4. Making a roof

The roof can be single-pitch or gable - let's focus on the first option. First, we lay the boards on the wall frame under the support of the rafters. At the same time, it is important not to forget to mark the slots for installing the inclined beams of the greenhouse roof from the frames.

We place racks in each corner of the side wall - this creates a slope. Between the posts we place a block onto which we fix the front roof board. Place the side boards into the roof and attach them to the front board with screws. We make grooves under the rafter boards in the outer board, for which we use a template (the letter “P”, cut taking into account the width and height of the nest).

Now we pull the cord and check that all the rafter beams are in the same plane. Place on top roof covering- it is advisable to make it from cellular polycarbonate, glass or film.

Each of these materials has its own advantages and disadvantages. If you build a greenhouse from frames under film, then such a structure will not place excessive load on the foundation. True, polyethylene needs to be periodically watered with water to knock down dust and dirt. Many people prefer polycarbonate as a coating. All that remains is to attach the door and ventilation window and the structure is ready.

Greenhouses made from window frames: photo

There are many different greenhouses - small, large, lean-to, gable, arched. The photo shows different variants designs.

As you can see, a do-it-yourself greenhouse made from window frames is not such a difficult construction (even for “dummies”). Here it is important to carefully study all the details and carefully take measurements. And, of course, stock up on patience and tools - and things will definitely work out! After all, such a greenhouse can be equipped with a heating system, water supply, light and other amenities. Good luck with your work!

Spacious, "growth" greenhouse for growing early vegetables and seedlings is the dream of every gardener. Unfortunately, most often this desire does not coincide with the financial capabilities of the owners suburban areas- high prices for factory products, as well as the cost of building materials, can cool the ardor of even the most avid summer residents. To avoid unnecessary expenses and get a reliable and durable structure, just pay attention to the old window frames - perfect solution for making a greenhouse with your own hands.

Window frames as a building material: pros and cons

What home craftsmen come up with, breathing a second life into seemingly useless and unnecessary things. Today it is impossible to say who first came up with the idea of ​​building a greenhouse from used window frames, but the genius and simplicity of this solution deserves respect and admiration. Old windows are practically ideal option, because they have whole line advantages over other building materials:

  • tightness ensured by the design features of the frames;
  • high degree of light transmission due to the large glazing area;
  • mechanical strength;
  • rigidity;
  • the presence of vents for ventilation;
  • installation speed;
  • the possibility of building a greenhouse without the involvement of assistants;
  • ease of repair in case of damage;
  • low cost.

Demand plastic windows simplifies the search for material for greenhouse construction

Although the use of window frames has so many undeniable advantages, this material should not be idealized. The weight of a wooden frame is, in fact, small, but when assembled with glass, the structure becomes heavy and requires a solid foundation - otherwise, ground movement can cause the structure to shift and damage the glass. Over time, the joints between individual elements dry out and require sealing, and the wood itself needs protection from harmful effects warm and humid environment, so be prepared for some repair work at the beginning of each season. However, these shortcomings are not so significant as to refuse such a simple and accessible way construction.

Design and design features

Like other similar structures, a greenhouse made from old windows is installed on a solid wooden or concrete base. The choice of foundation depends entirely on the frequency of use of the structure, the structure of the soil, the topography of the site and other natural factors. On strong earthen soils, it is sufficient to use 50–60 mm thick hardwood boards as support, while sandy or sandy loam soil, as well as the risk of flooding by groundwater, will require thorough concrete work.

In some cases, without durable concrete base not enough

Of course, individual window frames can be attached directly to each other, but to get a strong one, reliable design, you must first assemble the frame from wooden slats with a cross section of at least 50x30 mm. This solution will significantly increase the rigidity of the structure, which means that the risk of damage to windows when frames are deformed during installation and during operation will be reduced. Another factor in favor wooden frame is the ease of installation of doors and a significant simplification of the roof structure, so it is not worth giving up a strong frame in order to save money - in the future this decision will justify itself many times over.

Greenhouse frame construction from used windows

Some home craftsmen also use window frames as roofing material, arguing that the light transmission of the greenhouse increases and the structure becomes truly monolithic. However, this is not recommended for several reasons:

  • moisture flowing into cracks and gaps between the glass provokes increased rotting of the wood;
  • possibility of roof damage from hail;
  • low structural stability under snow load;
  • an increase in roof mass reduces the stability of the greenhouse;
  • It is impossible to predict how old window frames will behave over time, so such a roof is considered potentially dangerous.

At the same time, for the construction of not a greenhouse, but a greenhouse, the use of window frames as roofing material is more convenient and practical.

One of the greenhouse options for a suburban area

An important issue that should be decided at the design stage is the type of roof. Gable or arched structures Although they are more complex, they perfectly withstand winter drifts - snow rolls perfectly along their inclined surfaces. As for a pitched roof, it is much easier to install and requires less building materials, but you will have to pay for it by reducing the reliability of the structure.

An arched roof copes best with snow and rain

To connect individual frames and building elements to each other, you can use furniture corners and metal strips, which are fastened with self-tapping screws. Of course, preference should be given to parts made of galvanized metal - we should not forget about high humidity, which provokes rapid corrosion of fasteners.

Corners and metal perforated strips from the nearest building materials store are suitable for attaching window frames.

Most likely, the frames intended for the construction of a greenhouse will differ in size. To simplify the work, you will need to take the dimensions of the windows and number them, and then make a small sketch indicating the sizes and installation locations of individual mounting blocks. Of course, it is better to use windows of the same height - in this case it will be easier to install them, and the greenhouse will turn out not only even and symmetrical, but also beautiful.

When drawing up a working drawing, be sure to take into account the recommended sizes of beds and passages between them

The length of the structure can be any - it all depends on personal preferences, availability of space and building materials. But when calculating the width, it is necessary to take into account the location and number of beds, as well as the paths between them. To make it convenient to work in the greenhouse, its passages are taken equal to 0.5 m - this will allow you to move around with a small wheelbarrow. The width of the beds must be at least 1 m, otherwise the plants will not have enough space for normal growth.

Tip: a larger greenhouse can be built from the same amount of material if it is built as an extension to one of the outbuildings located on the site.

Getting ready for construction

At the very first stage, they select a place for the greenhouse, clear the site, and also prepare Construction Materials and tool.

Choosing a place

The success of the entire event depends on how correctly the location for future construction is chosen. Firstly, the structure should be illuminated by sunlight for as long as possible, so shaded areas near tall buildings or trees are not worth considering. Secondly, it is better to install the greenhouse in places with minimal traffic atmospheric layers- reducing the wind load affects the stability of the structure and reduces heat losses. Thirdly, the fertility and condition of the soil must be taken into account. On bulk and unstable soils, it will be necessary to equip a columnar or strip foundation, otherwise the walls will warp, and the glass in the frames will crack.

The construction site should not be located in lowlands. Even if it is possible to avoid flooding or silting of the beds, the high groundwater level will have a detrimental effect on the plants.

Before starting to arrange the foundation for a greenhouse, stumps are removed at the construction site, the area is cleared of debris, and cleared of weeds and bushes.

Scheme for choosing a location for installing a greenhouse or greenhouse

What you need to build a greenhouse

Depending on the chosen greenhouse design, in addition to the window frames themselves, the following materials will be needed for construction:

  • roofing felt;
  • sand and crushed stone;
  • cement;
  • steel pipes with a diameter of at least 100 mm;
  • hardwood boards 50–60 mm thick;
  • timber 50x50 mm;
  • slats 20x40 mm;
  • metal corners;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • polyethylene film or polycarbonate sheets;
  • protective and antiseptic agents for wood processing.

You can’t do without polyurethane foam when building a greenhouse from window frames - it reliably seals all joints and gaps

It is better to prepare the tools in advance, otherwise the process of pleasant creation may turn into a tedious search. Here's what you might need while working:

  • an angle grinder (“grinder”) with a cutting disc for working on metal;
  • sledgehammer;
  • shovel and bayonet;
  • containers or stretchers for carrying bulk materials;
  • wood hacksaw;
  • a set of screwdrivers or a screwdriver;
  • hammer;
  • drill with a set of drills for wood and metal;
  • roulette;
  • building level;
  • pencil.

If you plan to install the greenhouse on a solid foundation, then you should take care in advance about how the concrete solution will be prepared - you will need a metal vat or a concrete mixer.

Preparing window frames

To build a spacious greenhouse you will need a lot of window frames, so it is better to look for materials for construction in advance. Of course, you can ask friends and acquaintances about their availability, but it is best to look through newspapers for free advertisements or contact one of the installation companies plastic double glazed windows- there you can buy old windows for a nominal fee.

You can use a hair dryer to remove old paint.

Before starting construction, future Wall panels should be prepared. This will increase their service life and make the structure more attractive. To tidy up old window frames, you need to:

  • dismantle fasteners and fittings (handles, latches, latches, hinges, etc.);
  • with help grinding machine or scrapers to remove any remaining old paint. In some cases, you can use a special remover, for example, the compositions “Antikras-Sprint”, “Zebra SP-6”, “Household” and others;
  • treat the frames with antiseptic agents that can protect the wood from fungi and insects;
  • Secure unused windows with self-tapping screws. Gaps on mating surfaces should be repaired using sealant or putty.

Some online resources suggest exposing glass from frames, arguing that it may be damaged during installation. We do not recommend doing this under any circumstances. Most likely, the glass will require replacement just after unsuccessful dismantling, especially if during its installation wooden glazing beads were used, mounted on ordinary enamel or oil paint.

Step-by-step instructions for building a lean-to greenhouse from window frames with your own hands (without a foundation)

We offer you an algorithm for building a spacious greenhouse from old window frames. To install it, you do not need to mount a solid concrete foundation, so installation can be completed within two weekends. The structure has a pitched roof and is distinguished by its simple and undemanding design - any home craftsman can replicate it.

Base installation

A properly arranged wooden base will last at least 10 years only if certain conditions for its protection are met. Otherwise, the wood will rot much faster - humid environment and contact with the soil do not contribute to the safety of the boards.

So, you will need a beam with a cross-section of at least 100x100 mm made of larch, oak, acacia and other sustainable types of wood. It must be treated with several layers of antiseptic agents and then tarred.

The place where the base will be laid must be prepared in advance. To do this, a trench up to 20 cm deep is dug along the perimeter of the structure, in which a sand and crushed stone cushion is installed. The drainage layer will remove excess moisture and promote durability wooden base. To achieve its maximum durability, the trench is covered with a layer of roofing felt and only after that the timber is laid.

The wooden base of the greenhouse is protected from moisture in any available way.

The individual elements are attached end to end using metal strips and corners, as well as using the “half-tree” method. To do this, indentations are made on the mating parts using a saw, hammer and chisel, after which they are connected to each other using nails or self-tapping screws. Usually, additional fastening no foundation to the ground is required - the mass of the window frames will be enough for the structure to successfully withstand the wind. However, for reliability, pipe sections 0.5–0.6 m long can be driven into the ground from the inside of each corner, attaching them to the beam using metal strips.

One of the ways to attach a wooden greenhouse base

For significant differences in elevation, as well as in lowlands, use columnar foundation. It is equipped using metal pipes large diameter or by pouring concrete blocks. Boards laid on such posts are secured using dowels or metal corners, and the gap between the base and the surface of the area is covered with clay and thoroughly compacted.


The assembly of the greenhouse begins with the construction of the frame. To do this, a lower frame made of timber is laid on the base. You can use any type of lumber, it is important that their cross-section approximately matches the thickness of the frames. Most often, they take inexpensive pine beams with a cross-section of 50x50 mm, the individual elements of which are fastened with furniture corners or the “half-tree” method.

The frame of the greenhouse made of window frames includes vertical posts and horizontal lower and upper trim

Vertical posts are installed at the corners of the frame, as well as every 2–3 m (the distance depends on the width of the window frames). Their length is chosen taking into account the height of the windows, as well as focusing on one’s own height - it must be comfortable in the greenhouse, otherwise work “for the soul” will turn into punishment. The greenhouse has a pitched roof, so the posts on one side should be 0.5–1 m higher - this will provide the roof with the required slope.

For a small greenhouse, vertical posts installed at the corners of the structure will be sufficient.

At one of the ends of the greenhouse, vertical posts are installed so that the resulting opening can serve door frame. Perhaps the width of the structure will not be enough to cover the remaining space with window frames. In this case, the space between the door and the corner posts is covered with plastic film.

From above, the vertical structural elements are connected to each other by horizontal strapping using the same screws and metal corners. Unlike greenhouses covered with plastic film, structures with walls made of windows do not require reinforcement of the frame. The structure will acquire the necessary rigidity after the wooden frames are installed in place. However, there is no need to rush to install them - you should first make the roof.

Frame assembly

Roof arrangement

The construction of a pitched roof for permanent structures is shown in the figure. In our case, there is no need to install additional racks and rafter legs - they, like ceiling beams, will be needed only in greenhouses more than 6 meters wide. In the greenhouse under consideration, the roof support in the lower part is the upper frame frame, so all that is needed is to attach the timber to the ends of the long posts and install the rafters. The best material for them it is not timber, but a board installed “on edge” measuring 50x100 mm. It will not allow the roof to sag even with a significant snow load.

Shed roof design

If the greenhouse will be covered with film, then the rafters should be sanded and then covered with fabric or foam rubber. They will protect the roofing material from damage.

The rafter legs are mounted to the horizontal frame in the places where the racks are installed, at a distance of no more than 1 m from each other. To fasten polycarbonate sheets perpendicular to the rafters, 20 mm thick slats can be laid, while polyethylene film does not require additional sheathing.

One of the ways to attach a rafter leg

We have already said above that it is not recommended to use window frames as a roof - film or polycarbonate is much safer, and they are also easier to install. When choosing polyethylene fabric, preference is given to heat-stabilized materials - they are practically not susceptible to the destructive effects of ultraviolet radiation. The best option is considered a special reinforced film for greenhouses. As a rule, such coverage is enough for 2-3 seasons.

It is convenient to use thin slats or window beads to attach the film.

Mount roll material with a little tension, so this work is best done together with a partner. To attach the film, wooden planks are used - they provide sufficient pressure and prevent damage to the polyethylene. An overlap is made on both sides of the greenhouse, which will be sufficient to eliminate the gaps between the frame framing and the longitudinal beams of the roof. The gable openings are also covered with polyethylene or triangular polycarbonate panels. By the way, the latter option is more preferable due to its durability - it will not be necessary to renew the coating for many years.

Fixing window frames and installing doors

After constructing the frame and roof, they begin to install the window frames, checking with the previously developed drawing. The windows are installed on the outside of the frame, after which they are fixed to the beams and to each other using nails, self-tapping screws, furniture corners and perforated metal strips. During installation, the frames are oriented so that the windows open outward. Excessive vibration that occurs during nailing of frames to the frame threatens to crack the glass. To reduce the impact load, through drilling is performed in the right places. Their diameter should be 0.5–1 mm smaller than that of the nails used - a slight tension will only benefit the connections.

The gaps between the individual elements of the greenhouse are filled polyurethane foam. After hardening, excess polyurethane sealant is cut off flush with the frames, and then plastered or covered with thin wooden strips. This will protect the sealing layer from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation and excess moisture.

A greenhouse made from old window frames is ready for use.

The door frame is made from wooden beam and attached to the box using ordinary metal hinges in such a way that the door opens towards you when visiting the greenhouse. Considering the increased operational load, it is better to sew up the sashes not with film, but with a polycarbonate sheet. When building a large greenhouse, you can use a ready-made balcony door. Of course, in this case doorjamb must be reinforced, so it is made from a 50x100 mm board with a selected quarter.

Latch bolts and stops are mounted on the door and vents, which will allow them to be held in place. open position for ventilation of the internal space.

The success of a greenhouse mini-farm will depend both on the quality of the structure itself and on its internal filling. A properly equipped greenhouse will make it possible to work easily and conveniently, while maintaining positive mood. And this, as you know, is half the success in any business.

One of the most important stages in the construction of a greenhouse is the construction of beds. If the site is located on fertile soil and is not subject to flooding, then it is enough to install fences and pour a mixture of humus with peat and chernozem inside. If there is a danger of flooding, as well as in places with high level groundwater, paths and beds are made only after drainage is installed on the floor.

Arranging beds in a greenhouse

For these purposes, soil is removed to a depth of 20 cm, after which the floor is covered with a 10-centimeter layer of fine crushed stone or granite screenings. The remaining space is filled with sand and compacted thoroughly. After this, the beds are formed, installing border tape or strips along their perimeter flat slate by creating frames from boards or doing brickwork. Inner space covered with fertile mixture. Its thickness must be sufficient for growing selected garden crops, so this parameter is not standardized. For some, a layer of 20–30 cm is enough, while others prefer not to bend over, creating so-called raised beds up to 70–90 cm high.

The paths inside the greenhouse can be covered with crushed stone or sawdust - this will effectively remove moisture. The disadvantage of such a coating is that it creates difficulties when moving greenhouse equipment and complicates cleaning. It is best to spend a little money and lay out the paths with paving slabs, concrete or make a boardwalk. In the latter case, oak logs and hardwood boards are used. Before laying, the supporting elements of the structure must be tarred, and the platform itself must be treated with an antiseptic and coated with oil paint.

In a properly equipped greenhouse, work is a pleasure

To ensure that the greenhouse is not only a functional unit, but also has a finished appearance, all wooden parts should be painted inside and out. This will not only make the structure more attractive, but will also make it more durable.

Video: features of building a greenhouse from old windows

Building a greenhouse from old window frames is not difficult at all. For this you will not need either expensive materials or a specific tool - only your desire and imagination. By equipping it with a drip irrigation system, installing heating and lighting, you can achieve excellent results in growing early garden crops and get fresh vegetables on the table at any time of the year.

For any avid summer resident or suburban resident, a greenhouse is necessary thing. Modern market offers a huge variety of materials for its construction. But if you choose an inexpensive option, you will have to assemble a new greenhouse for the next season, because it is not durable. And high-quality raw materials, for example, polycarbonate or metal-plastic, are not always affordable. But there is a way to solve this problem. Modern garden bed lovers build greenhouses from old double-glazed windows. It turns out cheap and reliable. Installing a greenhouse from window frames with your own hands is not at all difficult. Minimal carpentry skills will be sufficient.

Pros and cons of window frame greenhouses

The undoubted advantage of such material is that it can be built very quickly. Almost anyone can cope with the job. Another advantage of a greenhouse made from windows is that it is budget-friendly, but not inferior in quality to greenhouses made from expensive materials. It is sealed and transmits light well; the windows can be opened for ventilation.

Disadvantages are inherent in those greenhouses that are made of wooden frames with glass. Every year such a structure requires repairs due to the fact that the wood dries out. In addition, you need to be very careful with this design. Glass - brittle material which loses its aesthetics over time appearance. It is necessary to constantly wash the windows so that light easily penetrates into the room. This design also requires a concrete base underneath.

The foundation is needed for several reasons:

  • wooden frames can quickly rot if they come into contact with the ground;
  • The soil tends to “move”, which can damage fragile glass.

In addition, the base will slightly raise the ceiling of the future greenhouse, and it will be much more convenient to be in it.

Photo gallery: homemade double-glazed greenhouses

A greenhouse made from old windows looks very aesthetically pleasing
Greenhouse from metal-plastic windows allows you to create optimal conditions for plants
A greenhouse made from old windows is inexpensive
You can always decorate the greenhouse further
A greenhouse made from old windows can be small or large
Installing a greenhouse from window frames will not take much time

Step-by-step instructions for installing a greenhouse from window frames

All work on installing a greenhouse from window frames with your own hands consists of several stages. It is very important to follow their order.


Most likely, all greenhouse frames will be different sizes, so standard design is not suitable in this case. In order for the walls to be smooth, you will first have to assemble a mosaic of window frames on the ground. After this, you need to measure the resulting modules and write them down. Make a diagram on paper, where you mark the location of all the frames. Design the greenhouse's foundation, frame, and roof separately.


The structure itself is not heavy at all, so a strip base will be sufficient for it. To install it you need:

  1. Drive pegs around the perimeter of the greenhouse and stretch a rope between them.
  2. Dig a trench 35–40 cm wide and deep.
  3. Level the bottom, compact it, cover it with waterproofing, for example, roofing felt.
  4. Pour a 5–7 cm layer of sand, moisten it, level it and compact it.
  5. Lay a layer of medium grade gravel.
  6. Install the formwork so that the height of the concrete base above the ground rises at least 40 cm.
  7. Place a reinforcing mesh (with a reinforcement cross-section of 8 mm or more).
  8. Do cement-sand mixture in a ratio of 1: 3 and fill it.
  9. To avoid the formation of air pockets, compact the cement with a metal rod.
  10. Check the foundation with a level.
  11. Wait until the concrete hardens. In this case, for the first few days it needs to be moistened and covered with polyethylene. When everything has set, you can dismantle the formwork.

Important! You can start building a foundation if you know the exact dimensions of the future greenhouse, otherwise you risk making the foundation too small or large.

To build a greenhouse, you can also make a columnar foundation.

Preparatory work

First of all, you need to get sufficient quantity ram. The windows of your apartment alone are definitely not enough. Alternatively, you can contact a company that specializes in window replacement. For a symbolic price they will sell the number of frames you need.

Calculate required amount The material is quite simple. By simple mathematical operations of addition and subtraction you can find out the missing quantity. Subtract the material you already have from the total perimeter of the greenhouse, and you will be left with the area that is missing. Future greenhouse walls need pre-treatment:

  1. Remove all fittings (hinges, handles, etc.) from the frames.
  2. Remove the old paint layer from them. It can be done grinder, scraper or other similar tools.
  3. Treat the wood with an anti-rot compound and paint.
  4. To avoid damaging the glass when using a hammer, remove it temporarily.
  5. Treat all openings (windows) as much as possible with silicone sealant. Leave a few for ventilation.

Path between beds and fencing

In greenhouses, it is advisable to build a good path between the beds. Materials such as brick, paving slabs, paving stones. They need to be laid on a sand cushion in a small trench. You can use sand and gravel flooring as a path.

Polymer tapes that contain plastic rods dug into the ground are often used as fencing. They will last a long time, are easy to install, do not rot, and are easy to clean. But you can use bricks, slate or wooden boards.

Installing the frame is very easy:

  1. It is necessary to attach a strapping of beams with anchors to the roofing felt laid on the foundation. Fasten all elements with steel corners.
  2. Install vertical supports (corner and intermediate).
  3. Install a temporary fixation until the top trim is completed.
  4. Make the top trim and remove the temporary elements.
  5. Build a gable roof frame. To do this you need to install 2 vertical posts, a ridge and rafter legs. Secure all elements with self-tapping screws and steel corners.
  6. Attach the frames to the frame through the holes that were used when installing windows in the apartment.

If the roof is made of window frames, then you need to start laying it first to avoid damage to the glass walls if the tool falls.

You can also do combined option greenhouses. For example, remove the walls from the window frames and cover the roof with another material (polycarbonate, polyethylene).

Video: building a greenhouse with your own hands

If you plan and build such a greenhouse correctly, you will get a durable, good, bright and spacious place for growing vegetables. Without spending a lot of money and effort, your greenhouse will look no worse than expensive ready-made structures.

Ready-made greenhouses made of cellular polycarbonate and ideal aluminum profiles They certainly look great. But their price is so high that even the most economical gardener may completely lose the desire to acquire such a miracle. And everyone who does their best builds their own greenhouses and greenhouses literally from scrap materials - it’s not beautiful, but it’s practically free and very practical. And in this regard, those who often visit the city are especially lucky: today the fashion for plastic windows is simply at its peak, and orderly rows of old and quite decent wooden frames, even with intact glass, appear near landfills every day. It’s enough to just go with a trailer to such places twice – and that’s it: building a greenhouse from window frames is not difficult. All that remains is to understand the intricacies of making a small foundation and erecting a frame - and you can assemble your greenhouse-architectural tetris from window frames of different sizes. And self-tapping screws and connecting compounds will be used: silicone sealant, cement and construction foam.

Stage I. Making the right foundation

If the greenhouse made from window frames will be located on clayey or marshy soil, it is necessary to make a cushion of gravel in advance, on top of which a layer of sand 10-15 cm high should be poured. After all, greenhouses and even a small greenhouse made from window frames are the heaviest, and they can easily sag on unstable soil. That is why it would be advisable to install pillars made of stone, brick, or even make them concrete at the corners of the greenhouse. In general, experienced experts advise starting the construction of a greenhouse from window frames only with the construction of the foundation - even if the future greenhouse will be located on “normal” soil.

So, a good foundation for a greenhouse can be a strip, 10x10 cm timber and sleepers.

How to make a foundation from timber

First you need to remove all the fertile soil layer and compact it next layer soil if it turns out to be loose. Next, all work should be carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. A layer of sand or crushed stone is placed and poured cement mortar by 15 cm.
  2. You need to lay bricks or stones on the resulting “cushion” and fill it with cement mortar again.
  3. A new layer of stones or bricks is laid so that they completely cover the seams of the bottom row.
  4. On top of everything you need to lay 2 layers of waterproofing roofing felt.

How to make a strip foundation

It is better to build a greenhouse from window frames on a solid strip foundation. In its manufacture, you should also remove the top fertile layer of soil and dig a trench. If the soil under the top layer turns out to be weak and crumbling, then formwork will be necessary, but in a denser one you can do without it. And making formwork is not difficult - just put old boards along the walls of the trench and cover them with film to prevent concrete from adhering to them.

There is another way - a rubble concrete strip foundation. To do this, you need to lay large stones at the bottom of the dug trench and fill the space between them with smaller ones or crushed stone. Then fill everything with concrete and repeat the whole procedure again.

Stage II. Preparation of building material

Window frames must be prepared before installation. All hinges, handles and latches must be removed. old paint In general, it is advisable to remove it and treat the exposed wood with a special antiseptic.

If during the work the frames will be attached to the frame with nails, then it is better to remove the glass first and carefully position it. After all, on the glass itself there may be microcracks invisible to the eye, which from the vibrations of a hammer can easily turn into large cracks. But those windows that will not be used in the greenhouse should be sealed, carefully sealing all the cracks - after all, you can make a greenhouse from window frames without any windows at all, like.

Stage III. Laying the floor in a greenhouse

For the floor in the greenhouse, you need to dig a space at least 15 cm deep. The entire base should ultimately be well leveled and compacted. You can pour concrete into the floor directly over this compacted earth for extra strength.

So, it is necessary to pour fine gravel onto the prepared base, in a layer about 10 cm thick. Next, the gravel is covered with plastic or roofing felt - this will be an excellent barrier to dampness and undesirable growth of weeds underfoot. On top of everything you need to pour 5-10 cm of good construction sand and compact it again. To ensure that the floor in the greenhouse is compacted well, you can use a vibrating plate. And finally, it’s better to lay the bricks closer together on the floor and fill them up construction sand so that all the cracks are filled.

Stage IV. Construction of frame and roof

The basis for a greenhouse made of window frames can be a frame made of boards of the same thickness as the window frames - 4-5 cm. In general, the frame will consist of an upper and lower frame plus posts. It is more expedient to make the bottom trim from two boards, because The height of window frames usually does not exceed 160 cm. The long sides of the frames will be located on the racks, due to which the gaps between them will be covered. It is advisable to attach the frames to the racks themselves with self-tapping screws, and to strengthen the frames in the frame, you can nail support bars to the inside of the racks. Moreover, the support bars can be safely made from boards of a slightly smaller cross-section.

In those parts of the greenhouse where there are not enough frames, polycarbonate sheets can be used. The best roof for a greenhouse made from window frames is gable and completely covered with polycarbonate. If a greenhouse is being built, then the roof can be made from them.

The height of the walls of such a greenhouse should be at least 170-180 cm. But the height of the greenhouse itself will depend on the angle of inclination of the roof slopes, which in turn is determined by the material used - for film it should be larger so that it does not sag, for polycarbonate - less. To prevent the film on the roof of the greenhouse from sagging at all, you can pre-stretch a nylon cord under it - a fine mesh, or initially purchase a reinforced film.

In order to build walls from window frames, you must first install vertical supports at the base. Using D-shaped notches in the cement, they need to be fixed, and wooden strips create a plane for installing the walls. The wooden sticks themselves should be nailed to the supports. And in order for the greenhouse roof to have the slope necessary for drainage, it is better to trim the upper edges of the supports.

Regardless of how exactly the old windows will be attached to the frame - with large screws or nails - between the frames themselves, it is imperative to seal all the cracks with polyurethane foam. Only then will a homemade greenhouse made from old window frames be truly reliable and durable.

Once the frame for the walls is ready, it's time to move on to the roof - nailing the strips in the same way. The roof of such a greenhouse can be made into a traditional gable roof, especially if old windows are used for its manufacture, or a single-pitch roof. The second option is much more economical and easier, and in winter the light film roof can be removed completely, if the greenhouse is not used in severe frosts - then there is no risk of collapse due to a ton of snow on it.

Now you can nail the windows themselves to the frame. If nails are used, it is advisable to nail them in as often as possible to make the walls strong.

But the roof can be covered with film, polycarbonate, and partially with windows - but not completely, otherwise it will be difficult to avoid overheating in the greenhouse later. Of course, a greenhouse made from photo window frames is far from being as beautiful as those made from expensive polycarbonate, but in terms of functionality and durability it is in many ways superior to any semi-plastic structure.

So, the greenhouse is ready - all that remains is to install shelving and supports for the plants. Warm, environmentally friendly and durable - for practically pennies.