Return to your original job. How to get back to your old (former) job

It happens that employees of the enterprise decide to quit and look for another source of income for themselves. If not located best option, then the question arises as to whether it is worth returning to the previous place of work after dismissal. It could be the best option, but everything will not go without difficulties. They lie in wait for both the employee and the employer.

Return result for employee

There are various reasons for leaving. For example, there are cases of dismissal and admission the next day to the same organization, when the head, without thinking, signs the application, after which he regrets his decision. If we talk about the conscious departure of an employee for any personal reason, then the situation is different.

When an employee decides to return to his former enterprise, he expects not only positive, but also negative points. Strengths such a solution:

  1. A person knows where he is going: the usual team, rules and foundations.
  2. No need to build new relationships with the team and the leader.
  3. The goals and objectives of the company are clearly understood.
  4. The level of income is predictable and known.

Of the significant disadvantages, one can single out the fact that colleagues will change their attitude towards the “prodigal” employee. They may perceive the dismissal as a betrayal. In addition, the return affects the professional and personal development, as a person returns to his "comfort zone".

Most likely, trust in yourself will need to be earned again. Many employees dream of quitting, but no one admits it. The return of a previously retired employee may be perceived by colleagues as a sign of weakness. I didn’t manage to find myself in something new - I asked for it back, and they accepted it.

Rules for a successful comeback

In order for the return to be the most successful, it is worth working on yourself. Here are some recommendations:

The employee must evaluate whether it is worth returning to old work after dismissal, if the reason for his departure remains. For example, if the departure was provoked by tensions in the team, and the staff has not changed in any way after a while, then there is no point in returning to work.

Employer Perception

A manager who decides to hire a previously retired employee must soberly assess the situation. It is recommended to consider the pros and cons of such a return . The plus points include:

There are also significant disadvantages that should not be ignored.. For instance:

Actions of the leader before admission

The manager is advised to carefully consider the decision to re-hire a departed employee, as this can be fraught with trouble for his business. To prevent possible problems Before taking, you should do the following:

Sometimes we regret decisions taken, for example, about dismissal own will and move to another company. Some, without much thought, ask to be taken back, while others doubt and pass. Will it be possible to take the former promising position? Will the attitude of superiors and colleagues change?
Rjob figured out when to return and how to do it right.

Here I am! Didn't you wait?

On their own more or less clear. A change of professional interests, a desired position, a good income, the promise of dizzying prospects - all this makes us think about finding a new employer. But why after a short time some go to confess to the former boss and ask to return everything to normal?

“The most common situation is an employee is poached high salary. However, later the specialist discovers a number of conditions that do not suit him. Let's say the company is not ready to shift his schedule to earlier hours so that he has time to pick up the child at Kindergarten. Or we are talking about a narrow specialist who is used to working with clearly defined tasks. And the staff of the new employer does not know how to formulate conditions, and the employee is forced to work also as a task manager, - comments Zulfiya Yupashevskaya, Head of Human Resources at BDO Unicon Outsourcing. “Sometimes people deliberately take a break to study, sometimes they leave to try themselves in a new capacity, and then come back.”

There are plenty of reasons to return to your old job. The main thing is to correctly explain what happened to the ex-boss, who can either give you a second chance or answer with a decisive refusal.

Alla Zaripova, Business Development Director at Iceberg Analytic, managed to convince the boss to re-employ her after she was fired.

“The decision to re-admit was made at the level of the head, so the difficulties with personnel service did not occur. Colleagues took my return well, as the team was friendly, and no one doubted my professional reputation. I didn’t notice any deterioration in work after returning, ”recalls Alla Zaripova.

Based on his experience, the expert advises to honestly tell the former boss why the new job did not suit you.

In most cases, the return of a subordinate is in the hands of managers - the rest of the employees will understand that the company in which they work is competitive, and it makes no sense to look for a more advantageous option on the side.

Relationship between boss and colleagues

Far-sighted bosses hire a specialist for the second time, realizing that having been on the other side of the barricades and returning to his native land, he is unlikely to want to change jobs again.

“I don’t think the employee who left was at fault. We all have the right to try something new in life: to study, to leave for another company for a more interesting position, to master other areas of activity. If something didn’t work out for a specialist in a new place, we take him back and understand that his motivation is now higher. He "went to the side" and made sure that we are better. If he left us to gain additional knowledge and wants to return, that’s great, we need such people all the more, ”says Zulfiya Yupashevskaya.

Head of the HR-analytics project of the holding Valeria Evdokimova emphasizes the fact that the employer will be disposed towards a subordinate who will justify the reason for his departure, focusing on positive aspects - the desire to gain experience, try himself in a different status. But criticizing the former leaders and complaining about the imperfections of the new ones is clearly not worth it.

However, not all bosses are loyal to the returnees. There are those who perceive dismissal on their own as a betrayal. Especially if the specialist "switched over" to competitors. but Roman Alekhin, founder of the Ortho-Doctor group of companies, on the contrary, believes that it is necessary to take such workers back, because they can bring new knowledge and information with them.

“I was returning an employee who was fired for going on a drinking binge and not showing up for work for a month. This person is in my company to this day, which makes me very happy - shares his experience Roman Alekhin. - Another case is when they go to competitors. I do not consider returning from them as something out of the ordinary. The fact is that for many subordinates my company is the first place of work, they have nothing to compare with. It happens that they move to other organizations, thinking that it is better there. And quite often they are disappointed, asking for a return. If I need an employee’s competencies, I hire him again.”

An important addition is that management will only give the go-ahead to such a specialist who left gracefully and did not cause damage to the company.

How to quit the right way

From which someday you will have to drink again. How you leave the company determines the chance of returning there if necessary.

Remember a few important rules:

  • Do not splash out negativity on colleagues and the manager, even if your indignation is justified.
  • Don't criticize your boss by talking to informal setting with co-workers. .
  • Before leaving, complete the work you have begun and help with advice to colleagues who will continue to carry out your tasks.
  • Leave your phone number with your co-workers and supervisor email in case they have questions and want to contact you.

Natalia Storozheva from the Perspektiva Business and Career Development Center advises to thank everyone for their cooperation and the experience gained.

“If the corporate culture allows, bring a cake, have a farewell party and wish everyone good work,” the expert recommends.

How to return and return

It is important for any leader to understand the true motivation of an ex-subordinate who asks to be accepted back. Does he really realize the mistake and wants to return to work productively, or is he planning to wait out the unfavorable moment and wave his hand to everyone again.

Roman Alekhin shares his way of testing subordinates: “An employee can return only if he writes his story in the live feed of our corporate portal, indicating the reasons for leaving and how he worked in other companies, makes a comparison between competitors and us, and also tells why wishes to return. When I see that he wants to join us not to sit out in search of a new place, I decide to return.

Valeria Evdokimova believes that the returnee will have to re-gain the trust of colleagues and management.

“To do this, you need to give your best, bring something new, beat the experience that he managed to get while working in another company. It is important that others clearly understand the motivation for his action, so I recommend that you state it reasonably and say it as it is, for example: “Yes, I worked in another company and realized that here I am most valuable as an employee, that I feel significant and get the opportunity to show my individuality. And in a large corporation, I am just an inconspicuous cog,” the expert advises.

But do not forget that there is always a risk of being accepted for a less paid position than before, because the place of the resigned is most likely already taken.

“It also happens in another way - a returning employee is offered a completely new and interesting position that arose while he was absent. Example: a highly qualified and valuable specialist by payroll. About a year ago, he returned, but already to the position of quality control manager in the same department,” reassuringly Zulfiya Yupashevskaya.

Return or not? It depends on the specific situation and your professional priorities. If you still decide to enter the same river a second time, then use the advice of our experts and go for it!

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Do you have career situations in which you need the help of professionals? Write to us - experts will answer the most interesting questions of readers! Today we were approached by Sergey, a marketing specialist from Moscow.

"A few months ago I quit my job previous place work, because, as it seemed to me, something was missing there. I wanted to update the functionality and, what to hide, earn more. As a result, I left for another company, where I was offered a higher salary and a position higher than in my previous job. I have been working in a new place for three months now, and every day I am convinced that I was mistaken: I want to return to the previous place, to the old team. I would even agree to come back with a demotion, but I don't know how to proceed. I left my old job without a scandal, everything seems to be fine with the management. What steps should I take?"

Lead Consultant at Penny Lane Personnel Recruiting Agency Ella Mikhailova believes that the return to former place work is normal. Very often, departed employees are taken back.

"If you successfully coped with your duties in the previous company, objectively proved your effectiveness, and if you did not find professional satisfaction and a comfortable income for which you left, it is definitely worth returning.

But in this case there are several important points: you should correctly argue your return and try to convince the former employer, whether it be an HR specialist or a manager, of your loyalty to the company and the desire to re-join your former team. In addition, you will certainly have to prove again with the results of your work that you really did not come back in vain.

On the other hand, the return is not the most good option for ambitious people, but this is also possible if there is an opportunity for career growth, a change in leadership or a change in the company's development strategy," the expert believes.

Here's the recruiting director. recruitment agency Positive Staff Irina Landysheva advises not to forget that each company has its own domestic politics towards retired employees. Many employers refuse to accept back employees who left the company in search of better career and material prospects, thereby demonstrating their disloyalty to the employer.

“If your former employer is one of those who believe that “entering the same river twice”, then you will not be able to return. If not, then you should contact one of your former colleagues and “test the soil”: there were whether there are similar situations when former employees return to the company, whether there are open vacancies in the department you are interested in. In case of a positive answer to these questions, you can ask a colleague to talk to the head of the department you are interested in and propose your candidacy for consideration.But in any case, a chance to return to the previous employer, unfortunately, is minimal, and we recommend that you consider other offers on the market in parallel," the expert says.

Imagine: you leave the company where you worked for some time with a light heart and in anticipation of a new one, and happily go to another job. However, after a few months, it turns out that the duties that the recruiter enthusiastically told you about at the interview you have different ones, the salary is lower and the team is not very good... And you have an idea to change the company again. And then the second one comes: “Maybe you should go back to your last job?” Is it worth it?

It should not be forgotten that the vast majority of employers prejudiced are referred to as "fugitive" employees: they are often perceived as real traitors to the company, its values ​​and corporate culture. But not only bosses, but also colleagues look askance at the "returner": a whisper behind your back is guaranteed. In addition, sometimes it happens that they agree to accept a “prodigal” employee only on certain conditions: all responsible work is removed from him, but there is a lot of “churn” and wages are paid in a smaller amount. Now think, do you need this “happiness”?

Of course, only one of the possible scenarios is described, but, unfortunately, the most common one. The situation in this case can be aggravated if the employee dares to go to competitors. In the corporate code of some companies, there is even a strict ban on accepting such “runners” back. Even if you are lucky and there is no such clause in the charter, then the attitude towards you will be at least distrustful. Consequently, you will have to reaffirm your professionalism in the eyes of management and colleagues, and even with more diligence and diligence than before: the reputation has already been tarnished.

Most main question, which you must decide before leaving for your old job - what specifically didn’t suit you? Salary, responsibilities, team, management, schedule? .. If you react to this frivolously, then you run the risk of "getting on a rake" a second time. It makes sense to return to the old place if the cause of discontent has been eliminated. For example, you didn’t like the boss, but after a personnel reshuffle, the person with whom you had a good relationship; or the team has been updated by half; the management, having appreciated your new experience, is ready to increase the salary by 20 - 30% and more ...

Of course, if you were offered more in the old place, then you should not rush headlong to your previous place of work. Better to take a break and look around. It may well turn out that the offers on the labor market are no less interesting, and they pay even more there.

What is another disadvantage of returning to the old place? It is always a repetition of the past. If you are oriented for further development and self improvement the choice must be made in favor of the future.

In any case, the question “Should I return to my old job a second time?” always solved individually: it is very difficult to foresee all the little things and details and give some kind of universal advice. That is why, when leaving the company, do not slam the door: maybe circumstances will turn out so that you have to return.

According to statistics, every third worker receives an offer from a "former" employer, and more than half of the companies are ready to take back old employees. Such an invitation flatters employees, but does not always turn out to be a positive outcome.

Why they call back, let's see.

HR specialists admit that it is easier for a company to accept an existing employee than to look for a new one. Former employee has already been tested by time - the employer is confident in his skills and performance, knows about his shortcomings and positive qualities.

In addition, you do not have to spend time getting acquainted with organizational issues and adapting to the team. The old employee in a couple of days will feel at ease and almost immediately begin to work in full force. However, there are many BUT..

Sometimes cause sentences about the return may be the fact that the company cannot find a replacement for the departed staff. Then the employee is trying to "lure" a higher position or higher pay.

In any case, such an invitation is considered a compliment for the resigned person, because it means that the company needs him, and he is a valuable unit.

Another thing is when an employee himself asks the employer to take him back after a series of failures. The feeling of such an initiative is unpleasant and even humiliating, because it means that things did not go as well as planned.

Everyone around will know about the failure of the returned employee, and this feeling will press and interfere for a long time full-fledged work. Therefore, we recommend calling a past employer only in the most extreme cases.

When to Think

Returning to the company is not always a step back - sometimes it can be your ticket to the future, or at least a good help for the present.

Offer favorable terms

If you left a job because of low pay or lack of advancement, but this time the company plans to give you a boss and a high salary, then it makes sense to consider the offer.

Weigh all the pros and cons

  • Is the new salary worth the nerves that the tyrant boss took away from you?
  • Will there be room for growth in this company after a new position?
  • Will you be able to work again in those conditions from which you once consciously left?

The company has changed

They fired quarrelsome colleagues, gave them their own office, introduced a modern software, opened a canteen... If the company eliminated the inconveniences due to which they had to leave the old workplace, is also a good reason to think about returning.

If at the same time your financial situation does not improve, then think about what reason can bring you back. A pleasant team, a voluntary medical insurance policy, or maybe a lesser workload?

You shouldn't leave with new work, if the conditions on it are absolutely similar to the old place - re-entry v work book raises questions, so it is better to avoid them if there is no special reason for the mark to appear.

You are in the wrong position

They wrote an application, but the job search dragged on for six months, the refrigerator is empty and there is nothing more to save? Then an offer from a former employer is your lifeline.

Let it be a temporary measure, and when something worthy turns up, you can quit again. However, this time it is better not to go into the void - it is extremely rare for employees to be returned twice.

How to behave at an interview with a former employer

- Do not remember the old days - a lot could have changed since leaving, so do not create uncomfortable situations where they can answer you: "This is no longer relevant."

- Talk about new experiences with interest, but without enthusiasm - show that your experience in another company will be useful, but do not overdo it so that you do not get the impression that you want to go back.

- Enter into trust - an employee who left once can repeat it again, so tell us what is interesting about the old job and why you want to return to it.

- Ask about the important - in order not to step on the old rake, find out everything that worries you: has the team changed, has the social package changed, etc.

It's embarrassing to come back...

In fact, there is nothing "shameful" in the return. Even if you returned after a failure, there is still nothing to be ashamed of, because life is unpredictable, and any person can face such a choice.