Growing spruce at home in a pot. How to grow spruce from seed: step-by-step instructions for gardeners. Home tree for every new year

At the end of April, you can start sowing. " We ate several seeds and planted them in tablets. Immediately you need to soak the seeds in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for half an hour, dry them and send them for stratification in the refrigerator for 2-3 months. The tree did not need it. Be sure to spray the Christmas tree at least once a day.

Also, do not forget that in nature, spruce is a large, powerful tree that cannot be locked in a pot forever. One-year-old seedlings usually reach a height of 15-25 cm, depending on the variety and growing conditions. It just so happened that we set ourselves the goal of growing a Christmas tree at home. Then, without steaming, they put in flower soil, usual and waited for the result! Thanks. I will report on the past summer) Green buds eventually covered the entire tree and developed into 4-6 cm branches.

As for watering, I came to the conclusion that the sump should always be with water. We watered the tree 3-4 times a week. I violated ALL the recommendations for caring for the spruce at home ... It's surprisingly simple how it still survives with me ... But I transplanted it due to the fact that insects were bred in the ground. And in the apartment bespontovo street trees grow, it is better to plant in the yard.

How to grow a Christmas tree in a pot?

In the warmth, the Christmas tree cannot "fall asleep", its natural cycle is disrupted, which leads to the appearance of uncharacteristic painful shoots or drying out. A two-three-year-old tree must be transplanted into its natural habitat, no matter how sorry it is to part with a pet. During the rest period, watering is reduced to once every 2-3 weeks (if the room temperature is +5 - + 10 ° C).

It is necessary to sow seeds to a depth of no more than 0.5 cm. in early spring under the snow). Usually this is a consequence of errors in care ( temperature regime, improper watering, sunburn). Affected branches are not restored.

How to grow a spruce at home

Must be added to upper layer soil ground from under coniferous trees. Up the tree has grown by 5 cm. A very long process. The pot was black, so it was hot. Branches without needles should not be cut, they are alive and will give new needles at the tip, and nothing will grow in place of the old ones. In September, the tree froze and began to cover its trunk with a reserve for the future, with kidneys. There is one small disappointment) We dreamed of a Christmas tree because of its smell.

Growing spruce from seeds

Hello. I have 2 Christmas trees, 10 cm each. For the winter, I want to dig them together with a handful into the ground in an unheated greenhouse. I put it in pots under the bushes for the winter. Normally, both trees and thuja survive.

It will grow at times faster! It is more interesting to grow lemons and tangerines in the apartment. It is important that the seeds are ripe, otherwise you will not succeed. The buds open in the warmth regardless of whether the seeds are ripe or not. Nuts need to be prepared in late autumn so as not to be mistaken.

Growing Christmas trees for sale at home

This is the lightest and quick way get a good varietal tree. If you still become the proud owner of a Christmas tree in a pot (you need to buy seedlings only in pots, with a closed root system), decide in advance on the planting site.

Planting spruce in the ground

A serious mistake during planting is the deepening of the root collar. Before filling the hole, add about 30% of river sand to the soil and mix. After planting, the seedling needs daily watering, sprinkling also accelerates the growth of the plant. Spruce saplings take root only in the second year. However, many gardeners use this method to grow good varietal trees. It is better to take a twig from the top of a young spruce. We only need a one-year-old stalk.

We deepen the seedlings by 5-6 cm and cover well. Nevertheless, I used this method and did not regret it at all. Choose convenient way how to grow a tree. Grow, let it bring joy to you and your loved ones.

Growing a Christmas tree at home is not at all easy, but today many are following this path, trying to protect millions of young trees from the ruthless custom. A step away from this graph and the tree immediately began to be capricious, i.e. threw needles. For those who decide to grow a Christmas tree at home, it is better to pay attention to such unpretentious and inexpensive species as common spruce or prickly spruce.

For growing in a pot as live christmas tree dwarf breeds are ideal spruce or fir... If you want a less traditional alive christmas tree in a pot , pay attention to the dwarf juniper, pine, cypress, yew (be careful, the plant is poisonous!), thaw and others conifers... Today, there are various types, varieties and colors of these conifers on sale. In this article, for convenience, we will call your growing coniferous tree live tree .

Buying live tree for growing in a pot, be sure to check the frost resistance of the tree, if most of the year your live tree will spend in the garden or on the balcony. Frost resistance live Christmas tree in a pot should be 1-2 zones higher than your region (plants in containers freeze faster than in open ground).

In winter living growing tree is at rest. Bringing live tree from the nursery (Christmas tree bazaar) home, leave it for a few days in a colder than room, acclimatization room (for example, in a greenhouse, garage or on a terrace). If you immediately add a living growing Christmas tree in a warm room, the tree can move in growth and freeze later, when taken out Christmas trees in the cold can cause problems.

Garden centers, online shops for gardeners, Christmas tree plantations and some Christmas tree markets offer the following types live trees (growing Christmas trees):

Live tree in a pot ... Before the purchase growing christmas tree in a pot gently pull the rooted tree out of the pot to inspect the root system. The roots, like the tree itself, should look fresh and the soil in the pot should be moist. Such trees, if they were grown according to all the rules, are ideal for further maintenance as live Christmas tree in a pot... You can immediately transplant such live tree in a larger size pot with good soil... Grow live tree in a big heavy pot preferable because they are more stable, in them more soil and it stays moist longer. These factors are extremely important in conditions warm room, where live growing Christmas trees spend Winter Holidays.

Live tree with an earthen lump... Such live trees were specially grown and packed by the manufacturer with the expectation of transportation to the buyer with minimal stress to the tree. The roots of such live trees kept wet, a clod of earth protected by burlap or garden material... At home, carefully remove the protective material and place live tree with a lump of earth in a big pot with good soil. The chance of survival growing trees with an earthen ball is quite high if the plant is properly kept in the nursery and garden center.

Young small growing live trees open-rooted... Before Christmas and New Year, in cool (not cold) regions, such live trees and firs usually sold directly on Christmas tree plantations, where they will be dug for you or offered to you to dig it yourself (on self-service plantations). Make sure to live tree was dug out with as large an earthen clod as possible, and upon arriving home, immediately transplant live tree in big pot filled with high-quality fertile soil. Keep in mind that only very young people can easily take root in pots. live trees or other conifers.

Living tree in a pot: home care

After transplant live Christmas tree in new pot soak the whole pot in a large container of water for several hours (for example, in a large sink) so that the earthy clod live tree completely wet. Then drain excess water through the drainage holes. Now you can put a pot with a live tree into a large beautiful pots. If the planter allows, place a layer of gravel or drainage granules on the bottom and pour in water, which will evaporate and slightly raise the humidity level around live tree.

Now you can install live christmas tree to the designated place in the room. Do not put it a living growing Christmas tree near a heat source (fireplace, stove or radiator)!

Living Christmas tree in a pot plentiful regular watering will be required indoors. Do not fertilize live tree during New Year's Holidays at home: fertilization and heat will cause unwanted growth of new shoots, which can then freeze in the cold.

For decoration living growing christmas tree use low power string lights to avoid damaging the tree.

After the end of the winter holidays, reschedule live Christmas tree in a pot to the cold, where she will constantly be, through rooms with intermediate temperatures for acclimatization (similar to how growing tree in a warm room from the cold).

Living tree in a pot: care after the holidays

Further care a living growing tree not much different from caring for any other crop in pot.

When the roots of the tree fill the container, it is time to repot your coniferous tree in a larger container. A growing live Christmas tree should be transplanted in cold period years when the tree is dormant.

The soil for a live tree and other conifers should be taken acidic, peat-based.

In the spring when live tree starts up actively, the tree should be fed with full fertilizer.

Branches Christmas trees and other conifers can be "trained" by tying or supporting with sticks in the desired position, in which they later get used to growing. "Training" is a good way out for those who are afraid or do not want to engage in pruning live tree.

Living tree: formative pruning

Correct form cutting living growing christmas tree will help to create a lush tree of harmonious shape. Pruning live tree and other conifers should be done before new growth begins, in early spring, in dry weather. Inspect carefully before trimming live tree to understand exactly how new growth occurs. The natural shape of the crown of coniferous trees is harmonious in itself, therefore, when pruning live tree stick to this natural shape. Purpose of trimming live tree: Shorten unnecessarily long bare branches to stimulate branching and a fuller crown. Prune branches live tree immediately after the joint, from which further branching will go.

Do not prune weak or diseased trees. Always trim coniferous trees only to green needles, and not to brown branches: the inner stiffened part of the branches of many conifers no longer gives new shoots.

How to care for a live Christmas tree in a pot, where to store, how to transplant, where to transplant and whether it is worth doing.

Last year we were presented with a live New Year tree in a pot. The tree was about 40 cm. The pot was small, but the roots were not visible, and the tree was entwined with a New Year's garland on batteries. She was carried, and she was all overflowing.

I did not think about replanting her, as there is a lot of warning negative information on the Internet. And I didn't have time to look after her. But, after standing on my windowsill in the kitchen for 10 days, she released young light green shoots. To be honest, I didn't know what to do with it, I watered it a little, but the pot was so small that the water immediately flowed out and maybe that's why it began to turn yellow at the ends of the shoots, however, the sun was shining directly on it through the window. Deciding that this is still not indoor plant, and street, I took it out to the balcony and sprinkled the pot with snow.

Our winter was warm, when the snow fell, I sprinkled the Christmas tree with new snow, then the snow melted and by itself slightly moistened the ground under the Christmas tree. Spring has come. As it turned out, the balcony is not a place where trees can grow. My balcony faces east and after lunch the spring sun scorches young needles, watering is also a problem, well, I don't want to go out onto the balcony in early spring and garden, besides, the pot is just a kid's for such a Christmas tree. And in the spring, at the end of March, I gave the tree to private house... She was taken out of the pot and dropped off next to the house. And, lo and behold! The Christmas tree began, and now it has been standing in this place for almost a year. That is, it was planted last spring in March 2015, and now it is January 2016. She grew 7 cm. Here is our Christmas tree.

Fortunately, unexpectedly for myself, I managed to fulfill all the conditions for caring for a Christmas tree in a pot.

Recommendations for choosing and caring for a Christmas tree in a container, tub or pot

  • You need to buy in a reliable garden center or store. Because, Christmas trees grow directly in pots or tubs, so they root system is formed in the limited space of the pot and, when transplanted, an earthen lump with all the roots retains its integrity.
  • A growing Christmas tree can stay warm in the house for no more than 2 weeks.
  • Moderate watering, without drying out or flooding.
  • After 10-14 days, the forest beauty should be taken out to the balcony, terrace or yard, and the pot and some of the branches should be covered with snow, the most reliable covering material for all times.
  • Fir-trees are planted in acidic soil.
  • They are planted no deeper than the root collar.
  • When planting, take into account the orientation of the tree.

Our Christmas tree was planted like this:

They dug a hole for the green guest much more than the earthen lump itself potted tree, expanded clay and broken brick were poured at the bottom of the pit (do not forget that spruce grows on stony soil), then they mixed fertilizer for conifers (bought in the garden center) with the ground and poured broken brick on top. Then they carefully took the tree out of the pot and placed it in the hole.

And when burying, they took the trouble not to cover it with earth above its root collar. In other words, they buried it exactly the same depth along the trunk as how deep it was buried in the pot.

The only mistake the new owner of the green treasure made was the orientation of the tree in space. He said that he "changed the orientation of the tree" :). Turns out Christmas trees have fluffier needles on the south side, and this fact must also be taken into account when landing. But our Christmas tree was not offended and began to grow with the fluffy side to the east. Such a clever girl.

Storing the green guest on the balcony until spring will incredibly decorate the balcony, you can continue to decorate the Christmas tree on the street.

The story of one New Year's Living Tree

But I found this story of a Christmas tree in a pot on the website

A professional florist's advice on how to care for a Christmas tree and other conifers bought in a store in pots.

Winter holidays are approaching.

And, of course, not a single New Year is complete without the forest beauty of the spruce, which brings all children into indescribable delight, and helps adults to return for a few days to the distant country of childhood, where a fairy tale lives and the most cherished desires come true.

Shortly before the New Year, felled Christmas trees appear on sale, but after installing a coniferous tree at home, after a week it begins to crumble, even if it is in a bucket of wet sand.

And the holidays last much longer and I want the Christmas tree to delight us all this time.

This is really possible if you get a live Christmas tree in a pot of soil. In Europe, such Christmas trees have long become popular, although they are more expensive than felled ones. Here are some tips on how to maintain a potted Christmas tree to make it feel comfortable in your home.

Before you finally install the spruce in the room, you need to gradually accustom it to home warmth... To do this, keep it in a cold garage or on a glassed-in balcony for several days. But just place the pot on a piece of wood, not cement.

And in case of frost, it is advisable to wrap the pot with something warm, because the ground can freeze along with the roots. It is warm in the ground in winter, and in a small pot it can freeze.

When you bring the tree into the room, place it away from heating appliances... It is advisable to put an electric humidifier in the room or, at least, a vessel with water, because coniferous beauty needs humid air.

You can decorate the Christmas tree only with the lightest New Year's toys.

Water the tree in a pot sparingly, as the soil dries out (about 2 times a week), avoiding either drying out or waterlogging of the substrate.

It is also necessary to regularly spray the tree. It is better to use water for spraying and irrigation thawed or at least settled, at room temperature.

But even in such conditions, it is not advisable to keep the Christmas tree in the room for more than 3 weeks, because most of all, the coniferous beauty suffers from dry air. Unfortunately, as much as we want, the tree cannot become a houseplant.

To grow it, you need cooler light conditions and moist fresh air.

You can, of course, try to settle her on a glazed loggia, only if you do not have sunny side... But still, there is no guarantee that it will take root there. It is better to plant the tree in the ground on a frost-free day, for example, in the country house or in the yard (if you have your own private house).

When planting in the ground, do not deepen it much - you need to leave the root collar at the same level as in the pot. When planting, in any case, do not disturb the earthen lump, ate, and so they do not tolerate a transplant.

But if you still want to decorate your own Christmas tree every New Year, you can purchase one of conifers, which are easiest to adapt at home.

Such plants are: cypress, thuja, araucaria and some others. As a Christmas tree, give preference to araucaria, as it comes from the subtropics and also looks more like a Christmas tree.

In any case, you decide which tree will decorate your house on New Year's Eve.

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Comments (1)

Irina 01/26/2017 11:33

I quote Olga: