Facts about raspberries. Raspberry history. Nourishing Hair Mask Recipe

Sweet and juicy berries Pink colour on a branchy shrub are familiar to everyone since childhood. Someone grew raspberries in the country, someone in the yard, and someone had to follow her to the market. But it was not easy not to try these alluring bright berries. Anyone who could observe it in its natural environment must have noticed: raspberries bear fruit not once, like most other berries, fruits and vegetables, but twice a year. But it's not the only one interesting feature plants.
All raspberry lovers will be interested to know the following facts:

  1. These berries and their properties were known as early as the 3rd century BC. Emperor Cato the Elder himself wrote about them as healthy and tasty fruits. But the official Latin name, which still lives, was given to the raspberry bush by Pliny the Elder - Rubus idaeus. The first word means "red", and the second comes from the name of the goddess Ida. In myths, she is known as the nurse of Zeus and it was thanks to her that raspberries turned red. She wanted to feed the baby with white berries, but she scratched herself on a thorny bush and covered them with her blood.
  2. The leader in the cultivation of raspberries is the Russian Federation. In Russia, almost half of all shrubs with these berries grow in the world.
  3. Raspberries are a very low calorie fruit. It is known that many berries are not recommended to be abused, especially on weight loss diets, due to their high sugar content. In raspberries it is only 11%. However, it has a huge amount of vitamins A, C and group B.
  4. Based on the information in the previous paragraph, it becomes clear why this berry is recommended for use with a cold. Raspberry is an excellent diaphoretic, reduces fever and helps even at high temperatures. The syrup from it is most often prescribed to children for two reasons: strong medicines can harm them, and berries are natural medicines, and the syrup is sweet and tasty - it does not look like bitter or sour pills.
  5. There are purple raspberries. It is obtained by crossing - artificial or natural - red and black subspecies. The scientific community first became aware of this possibility after an experiment in Geneva in 1896. But later the natural birthplaces of purple raspberries were found in North America, in places where bushes of red and black berries grew very close.
  6. It is one of the most prolific berries in the world. Thanks to pollination with the help of bees, it is possible to increase the yield of even one bush by 60%, and sometimes by 100%. By the way, you can buy raspberry seedlings in the online store yaskravaklumba.com.ua
  7. Raspberries are incredibly beneficial for facial skin. It contains about 22% essential oils, which allows the use of extracts from berries and leaves in cosmetology. But even the usual use of these fruits in food can significantly improve complexion and skin health.
Knowing all these facts, it is difficult to disagree - raspberries are an incredibly useful and interesting fruit. It is definitely worth it after reading the article to make yourself tea from its leaves and put a few spoons into it. raspberry jam.

Raspberry leaf tea

We are used to brewing dried raspberries or jam, getting healing drink. But tea can be made using the leaves of this plant. Why should they be mashed with your hands, achieving the release of juice. When they turn black, they can be sent to the oven or dryer to dry. Just be careful! On the leaves, or rather on the veins, there may be small spines, so it is necessary to knead carefully.

Healing berry

Many, despite abundance medical preparations, at the first sign of a cold, they reach for a jar of raspberry jam and do it right. This berry is able to cope not only with a cold, but also with the flu. Dried raspberries are used as an effective diaphoretic. The antipyretic properties of raspberries are provided due to the salicylic acid contained in it.

purple raspberry

For us, a red berry is more familiar. V Lately raspberries began to appear more often at gardeners and on the market yellow color(By the way, she is considered the less useful "red sister"). Through natural selection, raspberries are found in North America purple, which was the result of crossing black and red berries in places where these two species grow side by side. There are purple raspberries obtained by artificial means by breeders in 1893 (Geneva).

Raspberry against depression

The point is the copper contained in raspberries. This element helps the body cope with depression.

In addition, raspberries are also used for other medical and cosmetic purposes:

  • Support in good working condition of the heart and brain.
  • Prevention of kidney disease.
  • Improvement in anemia (due to iron content).
  • Skin tone support.


Botanists have their own view on the name of the fruit, for them it is a multi-drupe (or prefabricated drupe), consisting of a large number of microscopic fused fruits with pits. For us, a simple layman, it is and will remain a berry.

Bees work for the benefit of the raspberry harvest

During the collection of nectar, bees provide an increase in the yield of bushes by 60-100%. Since the flower of the plant is turned down, rain is not a hindrance for feeding insects.

Just an interesting fact

The whole universe is covered with the same chemical compound which gives the raspberry its original taste. According to scientists, the universe (assuming it could be licked or bitten off) tastes like raspberries.

Common raspberry (lat. Rúbus idaeus) is a deciduous shrub and belongs to the class of dicotyledonous plants, the order Rosaceae, the pink family, the rubus genus.

Common raspberry - description and characteristics.

Raspberry is perennial with a very developed and winding rhizome, on which many adventitious roots are formed. Above-ground shoots are erect, 1.5 to 2.5 meters high, green in the first year of vegetation, with a barely noticeable bluish bloom, grassy and covered with thin thorns. By the second year of life, raspberry shoots become stiff, acquiring a bright brown color. After a period of fruiting, they die, but a new shoot-stem grows from the same root bud in the spring.

On the stem of common raspberry there are complex oval leaves, consisting of 3-7 dark green ovoid leaves, each of which is pubescent with hairs below and has a whitish tint. Raspberry flowers are white, with many stamens and pistils, with a subtle honey aroma, collected in miniature racemose inflorescences that are located on the tops of the shoot or in the axils of the leaves.

The fruit of the common raspberry.

Sweet and very fragrant raspberries are numerous, small-sized drupes fused into a complex fruit. Interestingly, the color of the fruit can vary from light pink and burgundy to yellow, orange and even almost black.

Where does raspberry grow?

This semi-shrub is distributed almost throughout Europe and in the countries of America. In Russia, common raspberries are found in middle lane and in the south, in the cold climate of Siberia and the Urals, and also grows in the mountainous areas of Kazakhstan, Bashkiria and Kyrgyzstan.

Raspberry is often called a pioneer plant because of its unpretentiousness to soil indicators: it is the very first to appear on the site of burnt forest clearings, it feels comfortable both in dry zones and along the edges of swamps.

Wild (forest) raspberries are mentioned in chronicles dating back to the 3rd century BC. As a garden culture, they learned about this plant only in the 16-17 centuries.

Types, varieties, classification of raspberries.

A huge number of raspberry varieties can be divided into the following groups:

  • according to the size of the berries (large, medium, small);
  • by color (yellow, red, black, orange);
  • by maturity (early, mid-early, mid-season, mid-late, late-ripening);
  • by resistance to cold (winter-hardy, not winter-hardy).

Separately, it is necessary to highlight the standard and repair raspberries.

standard raspberry- a feature of the species is thick, powerful, branched erect shoots, after pinching, resembling a small tree, most often not requiring a garter.

Repair raspberry- a type of raspberry that bears fruit in summer and also in autumn.

Below are some varieties of raspberries:

Varieties of yellow raspberries.

Sweet yellow

mid-early, productive variety raspberries gives 3.5 - 4 kg per bush. Elongated berries, weighing 3-6 g, are distinguished by a pale yellow color and a bright aroma, ripened fruits do not crumble for a long time.

Golden autumn

Middle late remontant variety raspberry differs in golden-yellow color of fruits with a slight pubescence. Raspberries are sweet, large, have a bright aroma, are well transported.

Morning dew

Remontant raspberry variety with golden yellow fruits. The shoots of this variety are hard, about 1.5 meters in height, covered with large quantity spikes. The berries are large, have a spherical shape, hard, weight up to 5 kg. Grown mainly on household plots and some plantations. Raspberry variety "Morning Dew" is suitable for transportation.

yellow giant

semi-repaired, winter-hardy variety yellow raspberries, fruiting until frost. Possesses high yield(up to 6 kg per bush) and unusually large, very sweet berries, weighing up to 8-10 g.

orange wonder

The remontant raspberry variety got its name due to the non-standard, golden-orange hue of the fruit. Raspberries are large, weighing 5-6 g, there are specimens weighing up to 10 g. The berries are characterized by sweetness with a slight sourness and a delicate aroma. The variety has an excellent yield, it does not tolerate severe frosts and heat.

Standard raspberry varieties.


The slender bush is highly decorative and has no thorns at all. The yield of one "raspberry tree" is more than 5 kg. A bright red berry with small seeds has a weight of up to 10 g. The aroma of raspberries is intense, but taste qualities unexpressed, so the Tarusa raspberry variety is more suitable for harvesting. Variety medium early term ripening, lowering the temperature below 25 degrees can be detrimental to young shoots.


Harvest grade of standard raspberry of average term of maturing, comes into fructification at the end of July. The berries are large, red, shiny, weighing from 12 to 15 g. The taste of raspberries is excellent, the berries are sweet, juicy, do not crumble even when fully ripe. The level of winter hardiness of the variety is 23-25 ​​degrees, drought resistance is high.


A stably fruiting variety of standard raspberries of medium ripening. The fruits are red, weighing up to 10 g, very tasty and fragrant, easily separated from the stem, but do not fall off for a long time. One bush can produce up to 4 kg of berries. The variety does not respond well to snow-white winters and sudden changes in temperature.

Black raspberry varieties.


An early ripe black raspberry variety has increased winter hardiness and unpretentiousness. The fruits are round, medium-sized, weighing 2-4 g, at first red, as they ripen, they become glossy, black. The berry is dense, sweet, with a slight sourness and a hint of blackberry. The yield of a raspberry bush is 3-4 kg.


Most popular variety black raspberries of a new promising selection. It is characterized by late ripening and gives exceptionally stable yields. Round raspberries weighing 3-5 g are black with a blue bloom, pleasant sweet taste and aroma. The Bristol variety does not tolerate extreme cold and is unstable to anthracnose - fungal disease stems.


A variety of black raspberries of early ripening. Berries weighing up to 2 g are dense, black in color, do not crumble when ripe. The taste is sweet and sour, the berries are perfectly stored without losing their taste and presentation. From one bush you can collect up to 5.5 kg.

Varieties of large-fruited raspberries.


Remontant high yielding variety raspberries are distinguished by large fruits weighing 5-8 g. Individual specimens weigh 15 g. The first crop is harvested in mid-July, the second from the end of August until frost. Under cover, ripening up to 2 weeks earlier is possible. Cone-shaped berries have a bright ruby ​​color, pleasant, sweet and sour taste and excellent presentation.


An early, winter-hardy, productive raspberry variety with velvety, red conical berries, weighing from 4 to 12 g. The yield reaches 8 kg per bush. The variety is characterized custom shape fruits prone to deformation. Patricia raspberry berries have an excellent taste, but they do not tolerate transportation and storage.


Mid-season raspberry variety with berries, weighing 7-12 grams, in some cases 15 grams. Oblong fruits of burgundy-orange color have a glossy sheen, velvety pubescence and a rich, sweet and sour taste. The variety is characterized by increased winter hardiness, tolerates frosts down to -35 degrees without damage.

The history of raspberries is interesting and fascinating. Most amazing facts and interesting legends we will reveal in a short publication about raspberries and their origin, types, benefits and properties. Let's talk about folk amulets with raspberries and give a recipe for a nourishing hair mask.

July is berry month. The abundance of raspberries in forests, gardens and on the shelves of markets calls for enjoying the sweet fragrant berry in full. Someone makes jam, someone freezes, someone bakes pies:

    Many simply eat raspberries, plucking them straight from the bush, while inhaling the fresh fresh air at the grandmother's in the village or on own dacha. Juicy, ripe, fragrant, it is so good and attractive that it is impossible to resist.

The first mention of raspberries dates back to the first century AD. e. Apparently, for this reason, the berry is often called divine.

Why are raspberries red? The old legend of the sweet berry

On the high mountain Olympus the gods lived quietly, hidden from the eyes of mortals by fluffy clouds. Little Zeus played with pleasure in his cradle, but if he didn’t like something, he shouted so that a loud echo appeared in the mountains. The sound was so strong that the inhabitants of Olympus could not hear each other.

Then one kind nymph went to the prickly thickets of wild raspberries to gather berries and present them to the baby. Ida, the daughter of the ruler of Crete, had the hope that the baby, after tasting the delicacy, would stop screaming. She plucked the berries, but she scratched herself at the same time. Her beautiful white clothes were stained with blood along with the berries that the nymph pressed to her chest. Since then, raspberries, according to history, have become red.

Where did the word "raspberry" come from and what does it mean

  • In honor of the good nymph Ida, Pliny named the sweet berry, having first discovered its thickets on about. Crete (Rubus (red) Idaeus). However, the Latin name does not decipher the name "raspberry".
  • In Slovenian "malina", in Russian raspberry. And it is translated from Slovenian as a mulberry. And now it only becomes clear that raspberries were named that way because of their similarity to mulberries, mulberries.
  • There is a version that in the name raspberry there is a root for naming shades of color:
  1. black (malinaz) - ancient Ind.;
  2. red (mulleuz) - lat.;
  3. yellow (melen) - Bret.

From time immemorial, raspberry delights children and adults with its sweet taste and pleasant aroma on everything the globe. few people are interested in the history of raspberries. It grows in the forests of America and Europe. But it began to be cultivated only in the sixteenth century.

In Russia, this happened only in the eighteenth century. Apparently, this is due to the fact that wild raspberries have been grown in Russian gardens since ancient times. It was first mentioned in chronicles in the ninth century. Its plantings are known in Moscow, Novgorod, Vladimir monastery and boyar gardens (seventeenth century). And no wonder: wild raspberries are more fragrant and sweet compared to their cultivated relative.

1. Until the Chinese brought their tea to Russia, the Slavs drank vvarets in the morning (a drink based on raspberries and cranberries).

2. The first raspberry garden was founded by Yuri Dolgoruky in the twelfth century. It was so impassable that wild bears began to walk there. Maybe since then, raspberries have been called bearberries.

Famous raspberry growing centers in Russia:

  • the village of Zaborie (near Domodedovo);
  • the village of Gorki (near the city of Klin);
  • the village of Nepetsino (near Kolomna);
  • Pirogovo village (near Mytishchi).

Berries, shoots, raspberry leaves, flowers were popular in folk medicine. She helped with colds, fever, stomach diseases and skin lesions. Why? It has a high content of salicylic acid. It is she who helps to cope with the heat. Aspirin is mostly made up of salicylic acid.

The benefits of raspberries

The benefits of raspberries are also recognized in official medicine.

Malina provides timely assistance:

  • used as an anti-inflammatory agent, antitussive;
  • eliminates inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • disinfects pustular rashes on the skin;
  • helps with angina;
  • reduces fever.

Decoctions of the leaves are washed with eyes for conjunctivitis, an ointment from the leaves helps with acne, a decoction of raspberry flowers relieves skin inflammation, raspberries are indicated for hypertensive patients and for atherosclerosis. The benefits of raspberries are enormous.

Raspberry juice, a decoction of the flowers of the plant tone the skin, eliminate wrinkles, relieve inflammation, even out the color.

Nourishing Hair Mask Recipe


  • raspberry juice - 100 ml;
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. l;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.

Mix the products and apply to clean, damp hair. Cover and hold for 20-30 minutes. Rinse afterwards with warm water. This mask perfectly strengthens the hair, nourishes it and fills it with a heady aroma. It's great to make such a mask before a date. Raspberry flavor will not leave indifferent any fan.

Raspberry harm

Of course, with caution, raspberries should be given to allergy sufferers and young children.

Those who have abnormal kidneys or have gastritis, ulcers, gout should eat raspberries after consulting a doctor.

How to prepare raspberries for the winter

To prepare raspberries for the winter, you need to select the most best berries, wash them and let the liquid drain. The berries can then be dried in the oven or frozen by placing in a container or plastic bag. Dried raspberries are stored in dark place, poured into glass jar with tight-fitting lid.

Raspberry leaves will also be an excellent preparation for the winter. They have much more ascorbic acid than in berries. And what aromatic tea is obtained from young raspberry shoots or plant leaves!

In order for raspberries to retain all the useful substances during the freezing process and not turn into porridge, it must be frozen in two stages. The first stage - up to minus twelve degrees, the second stage - up to minus eighteen. It is this raspberry that is sold in hypermarkets and that is why it does not lose its presentation.

However, the most useful - fresh raspberries, just picked. Don't put off for the winter what you can do now. And now is the time to buy fresh raspberries or pick them on your site, wash the berries and eat them with family and friends so as not to miss the summer. Because it will end so soon.

Raspberry species

There are raspberries of different colors:

  • red;
  • yellow;
  • black;
  • purple.

Yellow raspberries are less useful compared to red ones. And black and purple was obtained in America, but was not widely used. It is more susceptible to disease than red raspberries.

folk wisdom

To protect the house from evil, it is enough to plant raspberry bushes in the corners of the garden and under each window. The plant is able to preserve the good that is in the house and protect the family from damage and the evil eye.

It is good for pregnant women to carry raspberry leaves with them to maintain strength, energy and save from the evil eye.

To save the family, you need to cook raspberry jelly by adding any sour berry (currant, cherry, cranberry) to it. In the process of cooking, you need to repeat three times in a whisper: “We were apart, now we will be together.” Drink jelly together, without treating anyone. Don't even give it to kids. Such a tool will help return the husband to the family.

The people believed that prosperity, love and kindness would live in a house where the aroma of raspberry jam or tea with raspberries hovers.

Plant raspberries, pick delicious berries, cook fragrant jam, enjoy tea and raspberry pies and may your family be happy and prosperous.

Cook with us, live in peace.

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Raspberries - delicious berry. For many of us, it grows in the country or in a village house with grandparents. But the virtues of raspberries are not limited to the pleasant taste alone - it is also extremely useful, and it is not for nothing that people in Russia have used it in folk medicine for centuries, simple but effective.

Facts about raspberries

  • Raspberries contain vitamins of groups A, B and C, iron, potassium, magnesium, zinc, calcium, as well as three types of alcohols.
  • Raspberries are actively used in medicine - dried fruits are used to remove from the body harmful substances, and fragrant raspberry syrup improves the taste medicines. Adherents traditional medicine raspberries are recommended for patients with flu and colds, suffering from fever and inflammation.
  • Raspberry flowers look down, so the rain does not prevent the bees from collecting nectar from them. From the nectar extracted from a hectare of forest raspberries, 70 kg of honey is obtained, and from a similar number of garden bushes - 50 kg.
  • Dried raspberry leaves can be a complete substitute for tea.
  • Russia holds the world championship in growing this berry. It is followed by Serbia and the United States by a wide margin.
  • Thieves and other dishonest subjects call brothels “raspberry”, and in Russian folklore “raspberry” is usually called a cloudlessly beautiful and sweet life.
  • According to legend, in ancient times in Crete, a young princess, who decided to treat baby Zeus with sweet raspberries, scratched her hand. So the once white berries of this plant turned red.
  • Raspberries are mentioned in the chronicles of the ancient Romans, which date back to the third century BC.
  • At the end of the 19th century, Swiss scientists developed a variety of raspberries with purple fruits by crossing shrubs with red and black berries.
  • Beauticians claim that this berry has a beneficial effect on complexion and skin condition. She is even credited with the ability to smooth wrinkles and rejuvenate the body as a whole.
  • Leader in quantity useful substances considered black raspberries, which were bred and grown in the United States. It is also known that red fruits are healthier than yellow ones.
  • Raspberry is mentioned in Russian fairy tales more often than any other berry.
  • Thanks to bees collecting nectar from raspberry bushes, their yield increases by 60-100%.
  • Asia is considered the birthplace of raspberries, although this shrub is so unpretentious that it grows on almost any soil.
  • From one raspberry bush, you can collect up to one and a half kilograms of fruit.
  • Raspberry stalks, on which berries appear in summer, die off with the onset of cold weather, and in spring new ones grow in their place.
  • Yuri Dolgoruky ordered to break the first garden in Russia, planted with raspberry bushes. The garden was so large that wild animals, including bears, roamed its paths.
  • Raspberries grown in the garden are larger than forest raspberries, but inferior to it in terms of healing properties.
  • Raspberry leaves are used to treat respiratory diseases, gastritis and enteritis. Fruits are recommended for people who have problems with the heart and blood vessels, including those who have had a heart attack or stroke, as raspberries help normalize blood pressure.
  • Raspberries are recommended to eat to strengthen the immune system and improve metabolism.
  • Medicines from raspberries help get rid of acne and burns.
  • Raspberries were brought to Europe in the 16th century, and became widespread in Russia a century later.