Summary of extracurricular activities "I am a researcher. Observation and observation." Summary of a lesson in nature on the topic: "Observing a hamster

Preschoolers Attending Senior DOW group(5–6 years old), can not only fulfill the task set by the teacher, but also formulate it independently. Goal setting is directly related to cognitive activity, during which a variety of questions arise. Observation is one of the most effective ways knowledge, which allows you to gain knowledge from the outside world, as well as establish relationships between the object of research and the outside world.

Theoretical aspects of the organization of observations in the senior group of the preschool educational institution

Observation is difficult cognitive activity, allowing to recognize the properties and qualities of objects and phenomena, to highlight their individual, characteristic or essential features, to establish connections and relationships in which they are located.

Gogoberidze A.G., Solntseva O.V.

Objects of observation in senior group new objects and phenomena become. The methodology for organizing and conducting observations is becoming more complicated. Due to this, more complex knowledge is formed in preschoolers. The main difference between observation and other methods of cognition is the ability to independently obtain information through sensory perception: with the help of sight, hearing, smell, touching an object, etc.

Pupils of the senior group are already able to independently formulate observation tasks

Goal and tasks

The purpose of observation is the formation of ideas about any object or phenomenon. For example, the establishment of qualities or properties, the structure of an object, the recognition of seasonal phenomena, etc. This goal can be realized through the following tasks:

  • educational - assimilation of knowledge about the object of observation;
  • developing - the development of observation, creativity, independence, initiative, etc .;
  • educational - the formation of a respectful attitude towards nature, understanding the role of man in modern world, a positive attitude towards their own and others' work.


When preparing an observation plan, the teacher should think about including the following techniques in it:

  • Methods for setting goals and motivating pupils: calling to consider something new and interesting together, commenting on actions and the process of observation by the teacher.
  • Techniques for engaging in work: creating a problem situation, asking questions, physical activity (for example, asking to show how a tree sways in the wind), activity analysis.
  • Methods for organizing the activities of children: scoring a task, posing a question.
  • Assessment techniques: praise, analysis of difficult points, joint performance assessment.

In the spring, preschoolers can be offered observation of the first sprouts in a flower bed.

Types of observations in kindergarten

A large number of observation types stand out. A number of the most important criteria are distinguished:

  • By the duration of the event:
    • episodic, or short-term,
    • long (consisting of episodic).
  • By location:
    • in specially organized (for example, in a living corner or in a flower garden),
    • in natural conditions (near a lake, in a park, in a forest, etc.).
  • By the way of occurrence:
    • planned (planned and prepared by the teacher),
    • spontaneous (arising at the initiative of the children, for example, if they saw a caterpillar and observe it under the guidance of a teacher).
  • According to the novelty of tasks:
    • primary (acquaintance with a new object, for example, a rabbit),
    • repeated (observing this object and obtaining new information, for example, training in caring for a rabbit),
    • comparative (for example, comparing a rabbit and a hamster),
    • final (systematization of all knowledge gained about the rabbit).
  • Purpose:
    • recognizing (their goal is to find out what kind of object is subject to observation, to highlight it specific traits, in a word, to get an answer to the question "Who is this?" or "What is this?"),
    • recreating (the purpose of such observations is to recreate an object from memory, for example, to recognize an animal by its tracks in the snow or a plant by its leaves).
  • By object of observation:
    • observation of inanimate objects, natural phenomena (sky, wind, rain, etc.);
    • observation of objects of living nature (trees, grass, etc.);
    • vehicle surveillance (for example, a truck driving up to a fence kindergarten);
    • observation of animals (on the street or in a living corner);
    • observing the work of people (in kindergarten, for example, how the nanny pours soup, on the territory near the institution where the janitor removes snow or leaves, on excursions to the store or to the post office, etc.).

Meeting a Rabbit - An Example of Initial Observation

Observation can be carried out both with all pupils and with a separate subgroup of children. It depends on the purpose and content of observation, the characteristics of the object and the tasks facing the teacher.

What classes can you observe

Observations can be carried out in the following classes:

  • the world around you, for example, getting to know the work of a janitor or a salesman;
  • environmental education: observation of plants, animals or natural phenomena;
  • development of speech, for example, observing an animal and discussing its actions, habits, etc.;
  • rule learning session road traffic: while observing vehicles and pedestrians;
  • observation can also precede lessons in modeling, drawing or application: first, children observe an autumn tree with colorful leaves, and then draw or construct it.

Organization of observations in the senior group of kindergarten

When organizing monitoring, the following rules should be observed:

  • The object of observation must be visible to all children (therefore, it is important to think over the number of pupils who can simultaneously observe the object). Each child should be able to touch, listen, examine the object of observation more closely (if required). Along the flower garden, for example, you can arrange all the children of the group, but near the cage with a rabbit - no more than 5-6 people.
  • The word should not replace perception. This means that the teacher's comments should not be ahead of events occurring with the object of observation (for example, if there is a long-term observation of a planted plant, then the teacher should not describe the process of how seedlings and first leaves will appear; report that from under a sprout can hatch from the ground after it has already begun to appear, etc.).
  • Perception of an object should not last long. Observation is a very difficult activity. The maximum duration of an intensive load on a 5–6 year old child should not exceed 10 minutes.
  • Observation must be built in accordance with a clear structure.

Observation structure

Observation consists of 3 stages:

  1. Elementary. At this stage, you need to set up children for the upcoming work. The beginning should not be too bright and unusual, otherwise strong emotions will interfere with concentration, and the very observation against the background of a spectacular start may seem boring and uninteresting.
  2. Basic. Here the conceived content of observation is realized, the independent activity of children is organized. May include play, survey, labor actions, physical activity.
  3. At the final stage, the results are summed up, the knowledge gained in the lesson is generalized. One more important aspect this stage is emotional. Children after class should be in high spirits, they have a desire to observe various objects over and over again.

For creating Have a good mood at the end of the observation lesson autumn trees you can invite children to make a "rain" of leaves

Observations file

In the card index, all lessons are divided by topic. The creation of a card index of observations makes it possible to obtain convenient material for use in practice. For each subject, you should make your own card index and title it accordingly ("Card index of observations on the development of speech", "Card index of observations on traffic rules", etc.). However, in some subjects, for example, environmental education, the material can turn out to be very large, and it will be difficult to navigate in the file cabinet. In this case, it is better to make several materials on different topics e.g. observing the plants on the windowsill, observing the changing seasons, etc.

  • You can include activities on the following topics in your walking nature observation card index:
    • "Watching the chamomile"
    • "Watching pigeons"
    • Watching the Wind.
  • The following topics can be included in the seasons observation card index:
    • "How birch changes at different times of the year",
    • "Watching the weather"
    • "Watching the sun"
    • "How the river changes in winter."
  • The following topics can be included in the kindergarten animal observation card index and the plants in the kindergarten building:
    • "Observing a planted plant"
    • "Observation of animals",
    • "How the plant drinks", etc.
  • The transport monitoring file may include:
    • "Observation of a passenger car",
    • "Observation of a construction crane",
    • Truck Watching.
  • In the card index of observations of human labor, you can include:
    • "Observing the work of the janitor",
    • "Observing the work of cooks in the kitchen",
    • "Observing the work of the librarian during the excursion to the library."

In the process of observing the work of the janitor, the children develop a desire to help an adult

Examples of observation cards compiled by preschool educational institutions for pupils of the senior group:

  • Card file of observations in nature.
  • Card file of observations during a walk (Gromova A.V.).
  • Card file of observations in autumn (Ermakova G.P.).
  • Observations in May.
  • Card file of observations in the senior group (Tereshchenko T.S.).

Observation summary

Before conducting a lesson on observing an object or phenomenon, you need to draw up a detailed summary of it.... It should include:

  • goal;
  • tasks;
  • list of required materials;
  • description of the course of the lesson.

Synopsis "Observing the spring sun"

Purpose: to replenish children's knowledge of the sun.

  • Educational: to expand the understanding of the sun and its properties in the spring.
  • Developing:
    • develop the ability to observe and compare;
    • develop imagination;
    • develop the ability to highlight the essential characteristics of the object of observation;
    • develop the ability to express your opinion.
  • Educational:
    • foster a respectful attitude towards peers;
    • to cultivate the desire to work, the ability to complete the work begun.


  • clouds,
  • yellow pencils,
  • sunglasses,
  • wooden and metal objects,
  • blanks - paper suns.

At the end of the observation, you can invite the children to color the suns

Course of the lesson:

  1. Q: Do you guys know what time of year it is? (Spring). Right. What spring months do you know? Let's guess riddles about them.
    She makes riddles about every month.
    V .: Well done! Today we will talk about the sun, it is so beautiful in spring. Want to know something interesting about the sun?
  2. Q: Let's all go to the windows where the sun is shining and close our eyes.
    Children come up to the windows, turn their faces to the sun, and close their eyes.
    Q: How do you feel? (Warmly).
    You can help them with additional questions: Are your cheeks cold standing by the window? Does the sun caress your face with rays?
    Q: That's right, the sun warms us with its rays, because it is very hot. And when the sun gets hotter? In winter or spring? That's right, in the spring, do you know why? Because our planet Earth rotates and exposes the sun to different sides. Now spring has come, the sun is warming more, which means that the earth has turned to the sun in our side. Let's take different items and put them on the windowsill.
    Children lay out wooden and metal objects on the windowsill (spoons from different materials, wooden Toys, metal bells, etc.).
    V .: While things are resting there, let's see who was "awakened" by the sun on the street. Look, buds appear on the trees, leaves are waking up, thawed patches appear, the earth is throwing off the snow blanket and is going to wake up the grass. What's that dripping from the rooftops? That's right, the snow and icicles are melting. It's time to see how our items are on the window. Let's touch them. Which ones got hotter?
    Children discuss with the teacher how the objects got hot (dark and metallic objects are stronger than light and wooden ones).
    Q: Now let's put on our sunglasses. Only in them you can look at the sun. Why do you think? That's right, it's very bright.
  3. V .: Look, I also have suns, but they are not bright at all. Let's color them in.
    Children paint blanks of suns.
    V .: Well done, guys! How many suns we have now! Take them in hand, we will play.
    The game "Suns".
    How the sun shines brightly, and the rays play. (Children walk in circles with suns in their hands). But suddenly it got dark, clouds appeared. (Children hide the suns behind their backs and run away from the clouds that the teacher is holding in their hands). Whoever is caught becomes the "lord of the clouds." The game starts again.
    V .: Well done, guys. Did you enjoy watching the sun? What do you remember the most from today's lesson? Well done, we will definitely continue our acquaintance with the sun, and now you can play your favorite toys.

Abstract "Truck observation"

Objective: to expand knowledge about freight transport.

  • Educational:
    • consolidate knowledge about trucks and their functions;
    • to acquaint with some of the rules of the road;
    • to acquaint with the profession of a driver.
  • Developing:
    • develop creativity;
    • develop imagination;
    • develop the ability to highlight important characteristics.
  • Educational:
    • foster a positive attitude towards work;
    • instill the skills of mutual assistance.

Necessary materials:

  • toy trucks,
  • scoops.

The course of the lesson (observation takes place while walking).

Q: Guys, can you hear how loud something is buzzing? What is it? (Children make assumptions). Let's see. (They go to the fence where the truck is).

Look guys, what kind of car. Do you know what it is called? That's right, it's a truck. Why is it called that? That's right, because she carries loads. Let's see what the truck is going to do now. (Watching the action).

What happened? How the machine unloaded the sand (or unloaded / loaded food, etc.). Who is driving the truck? What is the driver doing? (Answers of children). Well done boys. Now let's become drivers ourselves for a while. We will carry sand to the "construction site".

Play in the sandbox with toy trucks.

Q: One of the drivers has a broken car, what should I do now? (Children suggest options.) Well done, we fixed the car. And now our trucks are going to the garage. (Children are driving trucks on the asphalt; a pedestrian crossing is drawn in front).

See, what are these stripes? Crosswalk? And what should the driver do? Why does he need to let pedestrians pass?

Well done boys. Now let's draw trucks with crayons on the asphalt.

During the game, children take on the role of truck drivers

Timed observation plan

As in any other lesson in the preschool educational institution, observation time is limited, so all stages must be carefully planned.

  1. The initial stage lasts 3-5 minutes;
  2. Main - up to 25 minutes;
  3. Final - 5-7 minutes.

Temporary pedestrian surveillance plan

  • Introduction: questions or riddle, poem about pedestrians, invitation to watch - 4 minutes.
  • Main part:
    • exit to the pedestrian part, passage along it - 3 minutes;
    • reminder and discussion of the rules for driving on the sidewalk - 5 minutes;
    • discussion of a pedestrian crossing (how to find out how to cross the road, etc.) - 5 minutes;
    • transition to pedestrian crossing and return to the territory of the kindergarten - 3 minutes;
    • game based on traffic rules - 5 minutes.
  • The final part - summing up, staging with the participation of fairy-tale characters on how to behave on the road - 5 minutes.

A fun completion of the lesson can be a game of repeating the rules of traffic rules.

Time plan for bird watching

  • Introduction: bird riddles, invitation to watch - 3 minutes.
  • Main part:
    • bird watching - 10 minutes;
    • discussion of voices and plumage of birds observed by children - 5 minutes;
    • treating the birds: filling the feeders with grains and crumbs - 3 minutes.
  • The final part: summing up, the game " Migratory birds" - 5 minutes.

Photo Gallery: Birdwatching

Having poured the grains into the feeder, the children wait for the birds to arrive. During the lesson, you can watch how the birds peck the grains. One of the tasks may be to determine which bird the tracks belong to.

Observation cycle

Long-term observations are good in that they can track successive changes (for example, in nature) that are accessible to the perception of children. Such long-term observations occur in the form of a cycle that includes a series of observations of the object. For example, a cycle of observing trees can consist of the following components (we will give only a small part of a possible list):

  • a walk in the autumn forest;
  • aspen observation;
  • birch observation;
  • observation of leaf fall;
  • observation of spruce in winter;
  • observation of spring trees;
  • observation of blooming bird cherry;
  • comparison of a tree and a bush.

Each observation included in the cycle has its own purpose, but the purpose of the entire cycle must also be determined. In the course of the observation cycle, children receive knowledge in doses, which means that they are assimilated better and are built into an integral system.

Photo gallery: onion observation cycle

The first lesson of the cycle is devoted to planting onions.Children need to be given the opportunity to take Active participation in progress: water, loosen the ground, and not just observe The completion of the cycle of classes can be the creation of such a picture illustrating each of the activities

Video: watching the rain in kindergarten Video can’t be loaded: Watching the Rain from a Window (Afternoon) (

Prospective planning of observations in the senior group of the preschool educational institution

Planning is the preliminary elaboration of the details of future activities. With its help, the educator can think over the main questions regarding the course of work with pupils.

Planning includes the following points:

  • setting goals and objectives;
  • development of rules;
  • thinking over the sequence of actions;
  • forecasting results.

When making a plan, the caregiver should consider climatic features region of residence of children

A long-term plan is a list of planned observations with prescribed goals and approximate content. When drawing up an observation plan, it should be borne in mind that conditions may change (for example, the weather will deteriorate and it will not be possible to go out for a walk), so there is no need to set strict deadlines.

To correctly compose long-term plan, the teacher needs:

  1. Define a list of tasks.
  2. Build a sequence in which knowledge should be acquired.
  3. Determine the topic of classes, their goals and content.

When planning, it is desirable to indicate the object, purpose and type of observation.

Children 5-6 years old are very curious, they are interested in everything new and unusual. They can already establish connections between objects and phenomena, set a task for themselves and fulfill it. If these features are taken into account when organizing observation, then it will be perceived by the pupils not as a boring occupation, but as participation in the study of the amazing world around them.

Synopsis of an observation lesson in nature in the older group, topic: "Nettle"


To acquaint children with the plant, its features.
To acquaint with scientific and popular names.
Develop thinking, delving into the meaning of words.
Foster curiosity, interest in native nature.

Observation progress:

A green bush is growing
If you touch it, it will bite you.

What kind of grass is this biting? (Answers of children). This is nettle.
The name "nettle" comes from the words sprinkle, speckled and is associated with the main symptom of nettle - to burn, leaving red specks on the skin.
Popular names: stinging, burning, stinging nettle (Ukraine), strekuchka, strekusha). Why do you think nettles got such names? (Answers of children). For its ability to burn.

Why does nettle sting?

Nettles always grow near houses, under fences, along forest paths. Therefore, we all know how unpleasant her burns are: it hurts, then a small blister appears, which begins to itch. Why does this unpleasant sensation arise? The leaves and stems of the nettle are covered with many stinging hairs. They contain stinging cells containing a corrosive liquid. When we touch a leaf, a hair pierces the skin top part the hair breaks off, and the contents of the stinging cell enters the wound.

Likes to grow in shady, humid places. It grows in crops and gardens, littering them. Therefore, nettle is considered a malicious weed, trying to get rid of it in any way.

Nettle is a plant rich in vitamins.

Nettle is specially grown in some countries. Green cabbage soup with nettle, leaf salads are useful and tasty. Nettle leaves cease to be stinging if you pour boiling water over them. Cut and withered nettles do not burn either.
Nettle was the first to come to the rescue of people in hungry years.

Nettle is also a very valuable pet food. Nettle-fed cows produce more milk and best quality... Chickens, geese, ducks, turkeys lay more eggs.

Nettle leaves are able to preserve perishable foodstuffs. Fish and meat will be better preserved if wrapped in nettle leaves.

Old nettle fibers can be used to make coarse fabrics for sacks and ropes. Nettle fibers are very durable. So the description in the tale of H. H. Andersen "The Wild Swans" of how Elsa weaved her brothers shirts from nettles, which seems like a beautiful fairy-tale fiction, may be true.

Harmless vegetable dye is obtained from nettle. From the roots of the nettle they make yellow, and from the leaves - green paint.

V folk medicine use leaves, roots with rhizomes, fruits. Nettle is able to stop bleeding, treat some diseases. Nettle is also used in hair shampoos. Hair washed with nettle grows better, shines, gets rid of dandruff.

A weed plant that does not have beautiful bright colors, and how it bestows upon a person! It feeds, heals, and paints. Mother Nature is wise, every herb is needed for something. And we, people, should be wise - be able to respect and protect every creation of nature.

Questions to consolidate the material:

1. Remember the meaning of the name "nettle".
2. Remember popular names of this plant.
3. Where does the nettle grow?
4. Why does nettle sting?
5. How do people use nettles (for pets and birds, for cooking, for preserving food, for healing, for hair, for making dyes and fabrics)?
6. Why is nettle considered a weed?

senior group

Program tasks: To acquaint children with a new animal - a hamster, features of its appearance (oval movable muzzle, semicircular ears, small tail, short legs; soft, fluffy fur on the body, etc.). Observe the behavior of the animal. Teach children to be kind, to sympathize with animals living in a cage, to take a caring attitude towards them. Continue to foster interest and love for animals, a desire to observe and care for them. Strengthen the ability to convey the shape of vegetables (carrots), using the techniques of rolling and pulling.

Vocabulary work: to intensify the use of words in speech: variegated, fur, mince, rodent.

Preparation for the lesson: Put the table, arrange chairs around it. Prepare hamster food and cover it with a napkin. Do not feed the hamster in the morning so that he is more active in class.

Course of the lesson.

Children, listen to the riddle:

I'm a stock left animal:

In the bag behind the cheek

I carry grains

To your pantry.

That's right, it's a hamster. Today in the lesson we will meet a new animal - a hamster. (I remove the screen).

See what kind of hamster the children gave us preparatory group... Hamsters come from southern country Syria, where there are never cold, snowy winters. In their homeland, hamsters build a hole up to 2 meters deep and live there in families. During the day they hide in a burrow from the heat, and at dusk they leave it, feed and make supplies for the winter. In the wild, they sleep in winter, but sometimes they wake up to feed on what they have prepared and fall asleep again. People liked this animal and decided to tame it. The hamster was taken away - far from his native place. In our area, they cannot live without human care. To brighten up the life of hamsters, we must feel sorry for them, not offend them, constantly take care of them, feed them on time with what they love. In captivity, they are kept in cages.

Look, children, here our hamster lives in a cage. Pay attention to the mesh in the cage. What is she like? (Thick, iron).

Do you think you can keep a hamster in cardboard box or a wooden box?

Why not? (Gnaws, because hamsters are rodents, they have sharp teeth).

Children, look in the cage the hamster has a house, the hamster likes to hide in it, and next to the house there is a pantry where he brings food supplies. As well as feed the hamster, he cannot live without supplies. That's what an interesting hamster.

Now children, let's look at a hamster. (I take the hamster in my hands).

Look what a cute little face he has. What shape is it? (oval).

What is the color and shape of the eye? (Eyes like beads, black, round).

Look, children, there are ears near the hamster's mouth.

And what is the shape of the antennae of the hamster? (Semicircular ears).

And what does the hamster have in the back? (Little ponytail).

Children, tell me what is the shape of the hamster's torso, how long are the legs? (The body is oval, legs are short).

What is the entire body of the hamster covered with? (With wool).

What color is the fur?

Christina, go pet the hamster. Ironing should be done carefully from head to tail. What kind of coat is soft or not? (soft, fluffy).

Look, children, how does the hamster move? (Runs fast, minces with his legs).

Physical education "Hamster, hamster, hamster ..." (sit down)

Children, what does a hamster like to eat? (Dry grains different plants, vegetables, fruits, herbs, dry bread).

Hamsters also drink water.

Now let's feed the hamster. (I give the hamster some grain.)

Tell, children, how does he eat? (Gnaws, he has sharp teeth).

Yes, they sit on their hind legs and keep food in their front legs. They put the grains in their mouths and gnaw them with their teeth. No wonder hamsters are called rodents. They have large cheek pouches in their mouths. When the hamster is full, he tightly fills the cheek pouches with grain and transfers them to the pantry, where he empties it. Our hamster is full, and now he wants to rest in his house. (I put the hamster in the cage).

Children, and you know that the hamster loves vegetables, especially carrots. And since he is stocking up, he needs a lot of carrots. Let's make a carrot for the hamster. (Children get up, go to the tables, sit down and start sculpting carrots). The finished carrots are placed on plates and placed near the cage.

That's how many carrots we got, now the hamster will have enough for the whole winter. And so that the hamster does not get bored, let's sing a song to him. (Children are singing a song to the hamster while standing).

1. I asked my mother everything

Buy me a puppy

And my mother bought me

Funny hamster

Hamster, hamster

Good-natured fat man.

2. He pokes his nose everywhere

And runs around

The hamster is probably looking for

Your hole, your home.

3. I will put bedding

In the kitchen to the corner

Let it rest there

My affectionate animal.

Children sit on high chairs.

Children, look, and our animal is full and resting.

Tell me, what animal did we meet in class today? (With a hamster).

What have you learned about hamsters? (Where they live, what they eat, etc.).

Yes, today at the lesson we got acquainted with the hamster, learned how to feed it and where to keep it. Now the hamster will live with us in a corner of nature, and you will take care of him.

Open educational activities

Topic: Bird Watching Walk


- to form the primary ideas of children about wintering birds;

- teach children to independently conduct birdwatching.


Expand the knowledge of children about birds wintering in our city;

Form research skills (collection necessary information, generalization of the knowledge gained);

To develop observation, thinking, attention in children;

Foster a respectful attitude and a sense of compassion for birds.

Material and equipment: bird feeders, bread crumbs, seeds.

Preliminary work: talking, watching birds on a walk, feeding birds, reading fiction, viewing illustrations, making feeders by parents.

Walking course

Educator: Guys, today we will go on an excursion with you to conduct our observations of ----. For whom, you will find out by guessing the riddle.

Who will be born twice:

smooth for the first time,

and the second time is soft. (Bird)

So who will we be watching with you? (children's answers).

That's right, on the excursion we will observe birds and learn the techniques of observing them.

Educator: Birds inhabit all corners of our planet. They can be found high in the mountains, and in the icy circumpolar desert, and in waterless sands, and over the vast expanses of the ocean. Unlike many other animals that often lead a secretive lifestyle, birds are always with us. They delight us with their swift, light flight, beautiful singing, and varied plumage colors. People have long been accustomed to the neighborhood of birds, accustomed to seeing and hearing them near them.

Children go for a walk with the teacher. The teacher pays attention to the weather, that in autumn and winter it is cold and hungry for small birds.

Paying attention to the behavior of birds (birds do not sing, do not chirp, rarely fly).

Educator : Children, tell me, is it easy to find food for birds in winter? Why? (Because the winter day is short, everything is covered with snow, it is difficult to find food during snowfalls, blizzards, severe frosts). Only people can help - feed them.

The teacher offers to guess the riddle:

I'm sitting on boredom

“Kar! Kar! ”- I shout.


Jump from the branch.

Peck do not be shy!

Who is this ... (Sparrow)

The children answer in unison. Right!

The teacher explains that people hang out bird feeders in winter so that the birds do not starve, they feed them.

You have already said how difficult it is to find food in winter. How can we help the birds?(We can feed them.)

How can we feed the birds?(Answers of children: millet, millet, oats, wheat, sunflower seeds, rowan berries, hawthorn berries, maple seeds, ash, nuts, bread, bread crumbs).

Educator: I must say that birds in winter time not very picky about food and eat what they find. Therefore, some food from our table (bread crumbs, seeds, etc.) is suitable for feeding birds in winter.

Do we have a feeder on the site?

The teacher invites the children to save the birds from hunger and play a game.

Game "Rescuers". The teacher invites the children to hang up the bird feeders.

The teacher offers to feed the birds, and asks questions, who flew in, what the birds are doing.

He tells the children that the birds are very shy and can only be observed from afar.

A bird has sat down on a branch, the teacher draws the attention of the children to what the bird has; beak, plumage, tail, legs. The bird flies, chirps, sings, jumps. The teacher invites the children to name the parts of the bird's body.

Work with clarity.


Look and tell me who you see here on the branch?(Birds).

On what grounds did you determine this?(Beak, feathers).

Tell me what the birds are doing?

What birds do you recognize?

What kind of birds they are.(Wintering).

Why do we call them that?

Do birds sing in winter? (Yes, but there is no such polyphony).

Which bird is chirping?(Sparrow).

Which bird is bursting (chirping)?(Magpie).

Which bird croaks? (Crow)

What birds winter in our city? (Answers of children)

The teacher invites children to play an outdoor game "Crow and Sparrow".

One of the children is chosen by a raven, and the other children are chosen by a sparrow. Children imitate the characteristic movements of the bird. At the command of the teacher, the sparrows fly, chirp, peck food.

When a raven arrives, the sparrows fly away to their nests.


What did we do with you today?

What birds did you meet on the excursion? What were they doing?

Are there many birds in winter in our city?

Do birds sing in winter?

What do birds eat in winter?

What birds did you recognize, by what signs?

How did you like our walk?


PURPOSE - to acquaint children with working professions, emphasizing the importance of work for all. Show the tools of labor, various operations and their appropriate sequence to achieve the goal.

CONVERSATION: The janitor gets up at dawn, cleans the porch in the yard. The janitor will clean up the debris and sweep the paths.

Draw the attention of children to the janitor. Ask why the profession of a janitor is needed, what tools are used in the work. Outline with the children what needs to be done to make the plants feel good, to help them prepare for winter: weed, cut dry branches.

A little bum on a long leg dances right on the path, cleans everything up. And my name is ... (broom).

Twisted, tied, impaled, and dancing down the street (broom).

Tooth rather than bite. (Rake).

LABOR: Collect large rubbish.

P / N: "On a flat path." Walking on a confined surface while maintaining balance. "Spring".

INDIVIDUAL WORK. DIDACTIC GAMES. "What is he doing?" "Do it yourself".

INDEPENDENT GAME ACTIVITY. Collect small pebbles in a basket.

FINGER GYMNASTICS "Friendly guys".


PURPOSE - to teach to distinguish and name types of public transport. Observe traffic regulations. Distinguish between the main parts of passenger cars.

CONVERSATION: Move away! I am machine! And there is a spring inside me! And in the morning she is always wound up for the whole day.

Consider a car parked nearby. Determine the color, count the wheels. Explain what the spare wheel is for. Asking why headlights are needed. Calculate how many doors and why so many. Remember what public transport they know. With the children, clarify where the cars go. How to cross the street. Which side of the car is the steering wheel. Introduce the profession of a driver. How is this profession different from others? What is the need for a driver? Should the driver follow the traffic rules? Why?

LABOR: Clear paths for cars.

P / N: "Train", "Traffic light". Walk along a curved path (walking on a limited surface).

INDIVIDUAL WORK. DIDACTIC GAMES. "Guess from the description." "How is the car humming?"

INDEPENDENT GAME ACTIVITY. "Lay out of stones" - lay out a typewriter out of stones. Drawing in the sand.



PURPOSE - to teach to distinguish flowering plants from non-flowering plants. Teach to admire the beauty of flowering plants.

CONVERSATION: My garden withers every day, it is dented, broken and empty. Though the nasturtium is still flourishing, the fire bush in it ...

Emphasize on autumn flowers on a flower bed, find out what flowers are familiar to children, introduce them to new flowers. How to treat plants (do not tear, do not trample). To consolidate the concepts of "color", "height", "length". To highlight common and different traits between grass and flowers: there are inflorescences, grass and flowers are lower than trees. How to care for blooming and not flowering plants? Asters bloom on the flowerbed: blue, red, white. They are beautiful, adorable, lovely, do beautiful plot kindergarten.

LABOR: Cleaning the area from dry branches.

P / N: "Find where it is hidden." Jump higher. Development of movements in jumping, walking on a log straight and sideways.





PURPOSE - to consolidate knowledge about the properties of ice.

CONVERSATION: In our muddy reservoir of all fish - schools; the choice is simply enormous; great bite, guys!

Spring is victorious every day cold winter... The first victory of spring is a field victory. Thawed patches appear, coltsfoot blooms, dark snow. The second victory of spring is the river one. The snow flows down the stream into the ravines and under the ice into the river. Water rises in rivers and breaks the ice. And huge ice floes rushed downstream, crashing into each other. When ice breaks and rivers overflow, the air temperature drops sharply. And in stagnant bodies of water, snow lasts longer, since the water does not flow, does not move. The ice does not break, but gradually melts.

RESEARCH ACTIVITIES. Measure the thickness of the ice with an ice meter (continue observing the ice melting in the reservoir on subsequent walks).

LABOR: Cleaning the site from debris and snow.

P / N: "The wolf in the moat." "From bump to bump." Long jump.

INDIVIDUAL WORK. DIDACTIC GAMES. "Reach out, make no mistake." "You will go to the left."




PURPOSE - to form ideas about appearance magpie, her characteristic features, habits; educate the need to take care of wintering birds.

CONVERSATION: I fly everywhere, I know everything in the world. I know every bush in the forest: maybe that's why they call me the forest newspaper.

What does a magpie look like? What does she eat? How does it chirp? Magpie has many nicknames: magpie - white-sided, magpie - chirp, magpie - thief. "Belobok" - because on the sides of the magpie's feathers are completely white. The head and wings are black. The tail is also black, the nose is very beautiful, with a greenish tint, long and straight, like an arrow. The magpie is called "dragonfly" because it flies from place to place, loudly chirping "ha-ha-ha!" With loud alarming chirping, magpies warn local inhabitants of the danger. And she was nicknamed "the thief" because she loves everything bright and shiny. Magpies feed on caterpillars, midges, bugs and mosquitoes. In addition to insects, magpies peck berries and fruits, plant seeds. In autumn, magpies gather in small flocks, fly through gardens and parks, treat themselves to rowan, hawthorn and sea buckthorn berries. She does not fly from us in winter, but moves closer to people.

LABOR: Harvesting vegetables.

P / N: "The Wolf and the Goats", "Aircraft". Jumping on two legs.


"The fastest". Look and do.

INDEPENDENT GAME ACTIVITY. Drawing in the sand. Laying out silhouettes from pebbles.



PURPOSE - to acquaint with the concept of "city"; to give an idea why hail is observed in nature; activate attention, memory.

CONVERSATION: White peas flew from the sky. The chicken got scared, the cat ran away. I wanted to try white peas, but for some reason it melts in my palms.

When the earth heats up warm air rises together with water vapor. It is always cold high above the ground, so the water droplets turn into pieces of ice. Hail usually comes with rain, some pieces of ice have time to melt, while others, the largest, fall to the ground. This is how we observe this natural phenomenon.


Observe and determine where the pea ice does not melt longer: on the road, under bushes, etc.

LABOR: Cleaning of cut branches of bushes and trees.

P / N: "Birds and fox." Run up and catch. Jumping from stumps.

INDIVIDUAL WORK. DIDACTIC GAMES. "Who's forward." "Learn by description."


INDEPENDENT ACTIVITY. Games with portable material.