Lunar horoscope of all zodiac signs. Moon sign compatibility: mutual understanding with a partner for life

The zodiac in astrology is the belt of twelve constellations through which the Sun passes during the year. We all have long been accustomed to calculating our character, our fate and forecasts for the near future, depending on the sign under which we were born. It turns out that not only the Sun, but also the Moon “travels” in the signs of the zodiac. But it is in each sign for a much shorter period of time, only 2-3 days. The daily horoscope of a person depends on what sign the Moon is in today, and moon sign by date of birth affects our character.

Moon in the signs of the zodiac Moon in the sign of Aries

In the house of Mars - the god of war and struggle. On the throne of the Sun - the lord of creativity, energy, light, joy, consciousness. In the element of Fire. Emotions and behavior. When the Moon enters Aries, the active principle takes precedence...

Moon in Taurus

In the house of Venus - the goddess of love, beauty and finance. On the throne of the Moon, which is associated with tenderness, motherhood, the subconscious. In the element of the Earth. Emotions and behavior. When the Moon enters the sign of Taurus, the peaceful,...

Moon in the sign of Gemini

Visiting Mercury - the god of trade and science. In the element of Air. Emotions and behavior. Emotions are quick, light, changeable, superficial. Most of the attention is from material things, the body, emotions (as was the case with the Moon in ..

Moon in Cancer

The moon is at home. On the throne of Jupiter. In the element of Water. Emotions and behavior. When the Moon enters the sign of Cancer, she finds herself in her own house making the work of the subconscious more active. She protects traditions, home, family. V..

Moon in Leo

In the house of the Sun - the god of love, joy, creativity, awareness. On the throne of Pluto - the god of magic, sexual, transformational energies, influence on others, power. In the element of Fire. Emotions and behavior. When the Moon enters the sign..

Moon in Virgo

In the abode of Mercury - the god of science and trade. In the element of the Earth. Emotions and behavior. When the Moon enters Virgo, a concrete and pragmatic approach takes precedence. Much more attention is paid to the little things. This -..

Moon in Libra

In the house of Venus - the goddess of love, beauty and wealth. On the throne of Saturn - the god of law, responsibility and strength. In the element of Air. Emotions and behavior. When the Moon enters Libra, we again begin to look for elegance and...

Moon in the sign of Scorpio

In the house of Mars - the god of masculinity and war; in the house of Pluto - the god of death and rebirth, magic, sexual energy, passion. On the throne of Uranus (in exaltation) - the god of providence, change. In the element of Water. Emotions and behavior...

Moon in Sagittarius
Moon in Capricorn

In the house of Saturn - the god of time, patience, asceticism and trials. On the throne of Mars - the god of will, swiftness, courage. In the element of the Earth. Emotions and behavior. The emotional background during this period is one of the most stable... go →

In astrological culture, the concept is taken as the basis that all planets influence a person. solar system. Moreover, the planets closest to the earth (stars or satellites) have the greatest influence. The moon has the greatest effect on the child - especially if it is stronger than the natal sun.

The moon represents what is in your comfort zone: feelings, instincts, emotionality, openness, callousness. It is very good if your natal sun and moon work together - such a person feels whole.

Fill out the form of the lunar horoscope and determine on which lunar day you were born - interpretation lunar day is below.

Year: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

1st day As a rule, they live to a ripe old age, especially if in their individual horoscope there is no bad influence of the following planets: Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto, sometimes Neptune. They are a little children all their lives: like a child, they are always waiting for something, dreaming. They begin to act very energetically and brightly. Capable of accomplishing a feat.

2nd day Grow safely. They have a strong physical component. They don't need any special diet. Rarely are they full. They have a worldly mind. Attached to loved ones and property. In a good case, this turns into devotion and thriftiness. In a bad situation, it can turn into greed and predatory.

Day 3 In the absence of strong positive aspects, especially from the side of strong and lucky planets, especially Jupiter and Venus, do not differ in longevity. They can become good athletes, military men, and also succeed in any area where pressure and determination are needed.

Day 4 May grow up to be big egoists or even egocentrists. Parents will have to apply all their strength and skill to direct them on the right path. They are carriers of some kind of cosmic secret: from childhood they are not entirely clear to others. As well as to ourselves. But if they manage to solve their inner mystery, they become amazing people.

Day 5 Transform food into physical and astral energy. Bogatyrs, saints can be born, but, without serious outside help, they are short-lived. Partially, they can be helped by a good configuration in the birth chart with a strong Jupiter, Venus or the Sun. Distinctive feature people of this day - fussiness, they do not get fat.

Day 6 They will live a long and fruitful life, leaving behind a tangible mark. Those born on this day are conductors, transformers of cosmic energy. Have a rich inner world. Fantasists and dreamers. They really don't like pressure. Freedom is valued in relationships.

Day 7 Will be in good health. These people are weathercocks, superficial and indefatigable collectors of gossip. They either grow up to be good speakers, public figures ... or gossips and very superficial people.

8th day A child born on this day is not destined for external beauty, therefore, he can attract the attention of his superiors, the outside world and the public only with his mind and knowledge, as well as diligent work, conscientiousness and goodwill. These people are often very original. There are great artists. They have the ability to be reborn.

Day 9 Live a long and fruitful life. Often they are unhappy: they need to constantly cleanse themselves, get rid of toxins, both physical and astral. There are weak health, but if they perceive it as a challenge. If they fight for internal and external purity, then their problems will become a new step in development.

Day 10 They acquire new sources of energy for themselves, many turn to them for help, as a source of strength. They often have a close relationship with their parents. They receive strength from them and repay their debts. They will love trips and hiking trips, business trips and travel. Those of them who follow the lower path are selfish, superficial, often suffer from cancerous tumors, men - diseases of the prostate gland.

11th day Will be endowed with good mental abilities, live a happy, fruitful life and live to a ripe old age. They are very strong, talented, witty, and at the same time - almost unpredictable.

Day 12 On this lunar day, the merciful are born, often very good people. A lot of suffering can fall on their lot. But they are also given the strength to pass through them. Subsequently, they may limp either due to a congenital physical defect, as a result of an accident, or due to an illness.

Day 13 Very good students. Often have unusual abilities. They can live to a ripe old age.

Day 14 As a rule, fate will patronize them. They have a calling. They are characterized by longing for authority, adaptability, the ability to disguise themselves, intelligence and cunning, the ability to captivate. They are ready for a feat, internally pure, rather sterile, very squeamish.

Day 15 Often they are too amorous, which can cause them to suffer greatly both morally and financially. Amenable to all astral and carnal temptations. Often very talented.

Day 16 Will have good health and live a long fruitful life. They love White color and purity, tending to blue and silver. They don't judge others. Their symbol is a stairway to heaven, indicating a difficult path of ascent. At the first stage of their spiritual advancement, they hear nothing; at the second and third stages, an understanding of the language of plants and animals comes. They have a strong imagination. They are wicked dreamers. They love nature very much. They achieve a lot in their lives and enjoy well-deserved respect.

Day 17 Be happy and prosperous. They are in dire need of their other half. They have a great need for a true spouse or lover - a source of energy of paired polarity, otherwise they will be miserable and weak in life. If they find, they become very wise and strong people.

Day 18 high way. These are creative personalities, capable of self-sacrifice, of a feat, while they can remain modest and inconspicuous, healers. They will be hardworking and efficient. As a result, prosperity awaits them, even wealth. Those born on this day with the talent of an actor (often a comedian) see the world upside down and bring everything to the point of absurdity. Often they become entangled in their illusions and begin to show no mercy to either the right or the wrong. They need to fight selfishness.

19th day Grow normally and safely. At the lowest level, insidious, cunning, flattering people are born, skillfully weaving their webs, either losers or lone creators, not understood by the world. But if they conquer vices and pride, they will gain wisdom and longevity. At the highest level, these are people with high moral qualities, selfless, modest, bringing goodness and light.

Day 20 They live in constant expectation of flight, are very prone to astral travel. The best people of this day are ascetics who sacrifice themselves for the cause. At a low level, fate rewards those born on this day with an evil and uncompromising character, with which parents have to fight already from the cradle. Such people become false teachers, dictators, but often this creative people. They tend to tower over those around them, in both good and bad ways.

Day 21 They will be distinguished by diligence, efficiency, patience, restraint, self-control. may be in their the lowest version indomitable proud, in a blind impulse to the goal, not noticing anything, trampling on others. In the highest version, these are pure and honest knights, strong in spirit, defenders of justice. They are noted for diligence and efficiency, patience and restraint.

Day 22 They will be gifted, honest and active people, but often they are characterized by some cynicism. They will live to a ripe old age. In the highest manifestation, they are the keepers of wisdom, traditions, capable of penetrating the meaning of all things, comprehending any science. At the bottom - conservatives, marked by a lack of dynamics in the worldview, convinced of their monopoly on the truth.

Day 23 They will not be distinguished by external beauty, so much in their lives will depend on the knowledge gained, human kindness and their attitude to the world around them. The people of this day are characterized by tenacity, a stranglehold; any business is brought by them to the absolute. Everything shows maturity and completeness.

Day 24 The best people born on this day are creative personalities, possessing great energy, however, at times they want to withdraw into themselves, close themselves from people (plunge into hibernation). Kind, on the one hand, and selfish, greedy, envious on the other. As a rule, people of this day are gourmets.

Day 25 Since childhood, these are wise, unhurried, even if sleepy people, but capable of transforming; often seen prophetic dreams. They will become the favorites of Fortune, happiness will accompany them until death.

26th day They will be happy, prosperity or even wealth awaits them, if pride and arrogance are defeated in themselves.

Day 27 They can be lucky and happy, or too soft-bodied and weak-willed. Parents will have to deal with the upbringing and strengthening of their will with early years. They live in a state of constant change and fluctuation. Often these can be travelers with an eternal thirst for knowledge, vagabonds, mystics, dreamers, healers. At the highest level of development, these are people capable of perfect love, on the lower - egoists and loafers. The task of these people is to show willpower in order to weed out the lower world and master the cosmic consciousness.

Day 28 They are very different. Until the end of their lives, they will be provided with everything, although they will be incorrigible lazy people. At a low level, they are unable to separate good and bad. They are characterized by cynicism, lack of emotions, attachments. At the highest level, these are people with the sun in their blood, altruists, to whom others are drawn. They bring goodness and light into the world. These are people of high moral character. People born on this lunar day need to work with dreams.

Day 29 May have many problems. They fight with someone all their lives. As a rule, centenarians, but losers. They can only give one piece of advice: go through all the illusions and temptations, fill all sorts of bumps and try to get out of the test with dignity.

Day 30 May be physically handicapped. Their health will have to be dealt with long and seriously. People of this day are beautiful, kind, wise, reveal themselves early, follow their ideal, monogamous. Gifted with the highest cosmic love, these people went through the whole circle of incarnations. This is one of their last incarnations at this level - they will most likely not be born on Earth again.

In this article:

If we consider the compatibility of a man and a woman in terms of stars, constellations, zodiac signs, then do not forget about important point. The position of the moon at the time of birth. Along with the classical signs of the zodiac, there are also Lunar. They affect our destiny in an incomprehensible way. The Moon is one of the most powerful energy objects in the near Cosmos. Be sure to find out your lunar zodiac sign.

Astrologers advise you to always consider moon compatibility if you are seriously busy looking for a partner for life.

this compatibility guarantees you complete understanding, a successful marriage. What else is needed for happiness? Sun compatibility gives us a chance to find our ideal love. Do not neglect the advice of astrologers, they will help you find the harmony of life.

The moon influences our lives

The influence of the Moon and the Sun on our lives is undeniable. The moon governs the tides in the world's oceans, affects the well-being of a person. This is a huge source of energy. It is believed that the moon is female symbol giving support to women. Her soft energy has always been associated with femininity. In many religions of the world, the male god is the Sun, and his goddess consort is the Moon.

Since ancient times, women have used moon water for healing, love spells, and various magical rituals. The moon influences female cycle. But that's not all. Most importantly, it determines the characteristics and traits of a person's character. At the time of birth, the position of all the stars and planets is taken into account to draw up a horoscope. In addition to the classic signs of the zodiac, there are also lunar. They are associated with the position of the moon on the day and hour when a person is born.

The same situation is with the Sun. The sun and its energy influence the life of a man. Both of these luminaries help us to better consider our partner or select a person for the greatest compatibility.

Men and women meet, fall in love, but it doesn't always work out strong alliance. The thing is that they are endowed with different energies, which simply cannot exist in harmony. This leads to various unpleasant consequences:

  • frequent betrayals;
  • quarrels, scandals in fashion;
  • misunderstanding;
  • passion is replaced by apathy;
  • the mercantile interests of one and the pure love of the other.

It is impossible to deny the influence of the signs of the zodiac on our life and destiny, love, marriage, friendship. In every aspect of life, there is a part of the inexplicable. But, the answers to questions are hidden in horoscopes. Many do not believe in this, but in vain, because even if you study the simplest, classic horoscope of your zodiac, you will find a lot of correspondences to reality.

How to determine your Moon or Sun sign

First of all, you need to know the date of birth: day and month. For the classic calendar of zodiac signs, this is enough.

Very good. If you also know the time, but this is not always the case. It is generally accepted that if the exact time of birth is not known, the time is taken at 14:00. The more accurate the information, the more you can learn about the character of the man or woman you have chosen as partners. It is interesting to learn about yourself, first of all. Sometimes a horoscope gives answers to all your questions:

  • why work is not going well;
  • hard to build relationships
  • no friends;
  • frequent losing streak.

Table of classical astrology: signs of the zodiac

date Classic Zodiac elemental element
December 22 to January 20 Capricorn Land
January 21 to February 19 Aquarius Air
February 20 to March 20 Fishes Water
March 21 to April 20 Aries Fire
April 21 to May 21 Taurus Land
May 22 to June 21 Twins Air
June 22 to July 23 Crayfish Water
July 24 to August 23 a lion Fire
August 24 to September 23 Virgo Land
September 24 to October 23 scales Air
October 24 to November 22 Scorpion Water
November 23 to December 21 Sagittarius Fire

To go to lunar horoscope, first you need to deal with the classic.

  • Look for your date of birth, or the date of the man or woman you are interested in.
  • By date, the sign of the zodiac and the elemental element are determined.
  • When these data are known, you can proceed to the second stage.

The position of the moon in the constellations

Now, knowing your classical sign, you can find the position that the Moon occupied in relation to each of the constellations. Small example:

A person’s birthday is May 25, which means that he is Gemini by the sign of the zodiac, but according to lunar calendar will be Virgo. This should be taken into account, because now not only its compatibility as a Gemini is important, but also as a lunar Virgo. Sometimes, for a man or a woman, this becomes the decisive factor why the relationship did not work out.

Moon Compatibility

According to the classic horoscope, the couple has a complete coincidence, but only personally they have scandal after scandal, parting, betrayal. What is wrong? Can't believe the predictions of the horoscope or your eyes and feelings?

To believe or not to believe is up to you. But, in addition to classical compatibility, lunar compatibility is also important. To do this, find your lunar sign and the lunar zodiac sign of your partner.


Aries - Aries: This relationship develops very quickly, but ends just as quickly. The pairing problem.

Aries - Taurus: Relationships develop slowly. Taurus is in a hurry, but Aries will always slow down.

Aries - Gemini: if there are no common interests, this couple will not succeed.

Aries - Cancer: Cancer mood swings can ruin everything. Follow your emotions.

Aries - Leo: emotional struggle of strong signs. Who will emerge victorious - fate will decide.

Aries - Virgo: a nervous union in which Virgo can leave first. An undesirable partnership between a man and a woman.

Aries - Libra: Passionate relationships that are addictive. It is better if the partners are over 30 years old.

Aries - Scorpio: both are jealous and do not trust each other. The union breaks up easily.

Aries - Sagittarius: you can not limit the freedom of Sagittarius, otherwise you will lose him.

Aries - Capricorn: living together fails, too much confrontation.

Aries - Aquarius: Aries will be cooled by the Aquarius mentality.

Aries - Pisces: the romantic relationship of these signs is for everyone to enjoy. Nice couple.

Aries is a rational sign


Taurus - Aries: a sensual couple that is on a straight path to marriage. Good union.

Taurus - Taurus: kindred spirits and harmony in a couple. It can be hard, but these difficulties can be overcome together.

Taurus - Gemini: intellectual relationships lead to a break. Too much calculation and too little feeling.

Taurus - Cancer: not comfortable together. Striving for competition.

Taurus - Leo: strong personalities on the battlefield. It’s hard for them to live together, but if they overcome the first 5 years, then it’s easier.

Taurus - Virgo: all responsibility will fall on Taurus, this is especially unpleasant for a Taurus woman.

Taurus - Libra: the search for peace and harmony does not always yield results. The pair is 50% good.

Taurus - Scorpio: union of feelings, jealousy, passion. If you endure, you will be happy.

Taurus - Sagittarius: envy in a couple can ruin everything. Especially if for a man this is a mercantile union.

Taurus - Capricorn: mystical compatibility makes the couple very happy.

Taurus - Aquarius: too different to be happy together.

Taurus - Pisces: romance and love. In this pair, everything is harmonious.


Gemini - Aries: passionate relationships full of emotions. It can be hard if you want a quiet life.

Gemini - Taurus: perfect different people who have a hard time together. They don't understand each other. For these signs, it is better to be just friends or colleagues.

Gemini - Gemini: fragile relationship that is built on a common idea. When the idea is exhausted, everything will end.

Gemini - Cancer: both will have to change if there is a desire to stay together.

Gemini - Leo: An attractive couple that surprises everyone with their whirlwind romance.

Gemini - Virgo: An intelligent couple who fall in love quickly. But, some conversations for family life few.

Gemini - Libra: harmony and comfort. They are good together and always will be.

Gemini - Scorpio: union of equals. Men here get what they want, and women are ready to give.

Gemini - Sagittarius: freedom-loving signs. They cannot be together in an atmosphere of restrictions.

Gemini - Capricorn: Mercantile relations on the part of Capricorn can ruin everything.

Gemini - Aquarius: they have deep feelings and the ability to wait. Such an alliance will last.

Gemini - Pisces: warmth in communication allows Pisces to warm up. This is the kind of love that makes it possible to live a lifetime holding hands.

Gemini is smart and fickle


Cancer - Aries: not a very successful couple, because Cancer is too sensitive for such a union.

Cancer - Taurus: passion and love make them a good couple.

Cancer - Gemini: Cancer's sense of humor can ruin everything, because Gemini simply does not understand it.

Cancer - Cancer: very strong emotions and relationships full of romance.

Cancer - Leo: It all depends on the mood of Cancer. The lion will be ready to submit to his temper. A good union for a Cancer woman.

Cancer - Virgo: too different, but if they are together, then everything will work out.

Cancer - Libra: Libra is too hard to make decisions. Be calm, your partner will not let you down.

Cancer - Scorpio: a successful union for a man. In it, he will be able to realize his best features.

Cancer - Sagittarius: the same rhythm of life gives a good chance for the success of this couple.

Cancer - Capricorn: eternal values ​​\u200b\u200bare the same for them. For these zodiac signs, the most important thing is the weather in the house.

Cancer - Aquarius: a cold relationship built on material values.

Cancer - Pisces: these water signs are in complete harmony.

a lion

Leo - Aries: a bright couple, ready for anything for the sake of their love. Successful union.

Leo - Taurus: a connection based on feelings. There are conflicts due to mistrust.

Leo - Gemini: public figures who cannot sit at home. Together they are good.

Leo - Cancer: Cancer's depressive tendencies are not to Leo's liking. There may be a quick breakup.

Leo - Leo: no good combination, because the Lions are used to being the first in everything. And so you have to constantly fight for power at home.

Leo - Virgo: the lion does not share Virgo's hobbies, and she criticizes him. The union will not last long.

Leo - Libra: they know how to love each other and this is the most important thing.

Leo - Scorpio: the lion will be very jealous in this union, although in vain.

Leo-Sagittarius: A very active couple, their relationship is full of enthusiasm and fun.

Leo - Capricorn: a sophisticated union that spiritually enriches both.

Leo - Aquarius: it's too hard for Leo with Aquarius, because it's not easy different tempers but a different outlook on life and problems.

Leo - Pisces: a very successful couple, because they know how to appreciate each other for good.

Leo is gorgeous and generous


Virgo - Aries: Virgo can not calmly look at the mistakes of Aries. She wants to re-educate him.

Virgo-Taurus: good focus on relationships. This couple will be successful.

Virgo - Gemini: their life is one big intellectual conversation. It brings incomparable pleasure to both.

Virgo - Cancer: Virgo is too critical in such relationships, wants to fix everything.

Virgo - Leo: a good combination of zodiac signs. The two of them are better off than with anyone else.

Virgo - Virgo: do you think that they are not compatible? Quite the opposite. This union is blessed by the Stars.

Virgo - Libra: harmonious love and complete understanding in a couple. They need to be together.

Virgo - Scorpio: a very passionate couple. They must solve all their problems in bed.

Virgo - Sagittarius: Sagittarius can teach Virgo a lot, for example, it is easier to look at life.

Virgo - Capricorn: if they manage to find a common language and goals, then their life will be full of pleasant surprises and happiness.

Virgo - Aquarius: good combination for people who are ready to be independent.

Virgo - Pisces: cyclical relationship, because none of them can decide on something more serious.


Libra - Aries: very impulsive couple. Scandals are replaced by passionate sex.

Libra - Taurus: not everything will work out right away, but there is a chance.

Libra - Gemini: love as a friendship. With a partner, you can talk about everything.

Libra - Cancer: they both looked for harmony in life, but they will only find it next to each other. This is a good union of different signs.

Libra - Leo: Libra gives Leo the opportunity to express themselves. In any case, this is a harmonious couple.

Libra - Virgo: good compatibility In young age.

Libra - Libra: They have a similar worldview, so living together is not difficult at all.

Libra - Scorpio: they have similar goals: love, marriage, children.

Libra - Sagittarius: Sagittarius is too direct. It's hard for a Libra.

Libra - Capricorn: such a couple can exist for a long time on mutual respect.

Libra - Aquarius: do not think that this union is even a little bit passionate. They are together, but cold.

Libra - Pisces: here is both romance and love of life. They were lucky if they managed to meet.

Libras are friendly and generous


Scorpio - Aries: not a good couple because of their personalities. There will be no peace in the house.

Scorpio - Taurus: completely different goals make this couple unhappy.

Scorpio - Gemini: A jealous couple that won't last long together.

Scorpio - Cancer: they dream of ideal partners and meet. For these signs of the zodiac, such a union will be wonderful.

Scorpio - Leo: an emotional couple who suffer from their own passion. A little calm, do not overdo it in expressing emotions.

Scorpio - Virgo: they appreciate each other for good qualities.

Scorpio - Libra: an attractive couple, because Libra's manners are so pleasing to the scorpio. They are happy together.

Scorpio - Scorpio: a difficult couple. Together they are harder than it might seem. Why suffer like this, look for another couple.

Scorpio - Sagittarius: respect each other, and only then - love.

Scorpio - Capricorn: a good union, but there is too little passion and emotion in it. It gets boring.

Scorpio - Aquarius: hard for them because of the constant jealousy and suspicion. And in vain, no one wants to cheat on a partner.

Scorpio - Pisces: a romantic union of two lovers of sensual relationships.


Sagittarius - Aries: Sagittarius is too impatient, and Aries wants a calm relationship without rush.

Sagittarius - Taurus: strong signs do not always get along together. You need to rethink your values, otherwise your couple will collapse.

Sagittarius - Gemini: very high compatibility. They are drawn to each other, so do not even try to stand between them.

Sagittarius - Cancer: you need to improve all the time, otherwise your couple will wallow in negative emotions.

Sagittarius - Leo: they are very interesting together, it never gets boring. The couple is very active, so you need to wait for the imminent wedding.

Sagittarius - Virgo: there can be no love forever, because the virgin criticizes everything. Sagittarius will go to a less demanding partner.

Sagittarius - Libra: a harmonious union that gives inspiration to both. Good astrologer predictions.

Sagittarius - Scorpio: A union based on love and devotion simply cannot fail.

Sagittarius-Sagittarius: Sagittarius has the opportunity to find out what it's like to live with him.

Sagittarius - Capricorn: with Capricorn is safe and comfortable. If Sagittarius suddenly wants this, then the couple is perfect.

Sagittarius - Aquarius: they feel special, misunderstood. In such a pair, the union is based on the struggle with the world.

Sagittarius - Pisces: Romance with Pisces is possible in travel. Get ready for the road, the most violent feelings in your life are waiting for you.

Sagittarius are cheerful and carefree


Capricorn - Aries: These zodiac signs can coexist peacefully in the same house. Without much passion, but fun.

Capricorn - Taurus: they are close in spirit, and love makes even closer.

Capricorn - Gemini: a dangerous relationship, because each of them is ready to commit treason.

Capricorn - Cancer: there is an attraction between them from the very beginning, which develops into passionate love.

Capricorn - Leo: in love, they can move mountains for each other. Lucky couple.

Capricorn - Virgo: little in common, but a lot of mutual claims.

Capricorn - Libra: this is a very successful union, because everyone finds in a partner what they have been looking for for a long time.

Capricorn - Scorpio: exciting passions and vivid declarations of love. This couple can overcome anything.

Capricorn-Sagittarius: They both value freedom, so don't try to keep your partner by your side for 24 hours.

Capricorn - Capricorn: they know how to appreciate each other, this is the main thing. The couple has excellent chances for a long, happy life.

Capricorn - Aquarius: sudden surprises and surprises await these two all their lives.

Capricorn - Pisces: Capricorn will be the victim here, and Pisces will simply use him.


Aquarius - Aries: they want to be together, but value independence. Only then is union possible.

Aquarius - Taurus: Taurus is a very stubborn sign, not always ready to cooperate. Maybe they're better off apart?

Aquarius-Gemini: an interesting couple that pulls everyone into their cycle of fun. Active relationships until old age.

Aquarius - Cancer: It is difficult for Cancer to make life-changing decisions. If Aquarius agrees to take it upon himself, everything will work out.

Aquarius - Leo: a brilliant couple, but Aquarius quickly gets bored with the glory of a partner. You have to think of something if you want to be together.

Aquarius - Virgo: if Aquarius does not want to live under the gun of constant criticism, then it is better to find another partner.

Aquarius - Libra: affectionate partners in this union can decide everything among themselves.

Aquarius - Scorpio: Scorpio is not comfortable, because Volodya is very cold, not emotional. You want to run away from such a union.

Aquarius - Sagittarius: this is love, because it helps both become better.

Aquarius - Capricorn: a serious attitude to life gives them a lot in common. Nice to see such a couple.

Aquarius - Aquarius: they are completely unpredictable, so you can expect from such a union either all-consuming love or cold contempt for each other.

Aquarius - Pisces: Pisces has only dreams of love on their minds. If Aquarius likes this, then you get a wonderful romance that can develop into something more.


Pisces - Aries: This craving is unstoppable. Between them is like a magnet that does not let both of them.

Pisces - Taurus: calm love of two adults. They can only achieve everything together.

Pisces - Gemini: they have a lot in common, but otherwise, the couple is unpredictable. Sometimes, they can't stand each other's spirits.

Pisces - Cancer: warm feelings between them arise immediately.

Pisces - Leo: in the relationship between them there is a lot of romance and tenderness. How long this will last depends only on the couple themselves.

Pisces - Virgo: opposites attract here, even despite Virgo's criticism.

Pisces - Libra: they are drawn to each other, but Libra spoils everything with their calculation many steps ahead. It doesn't work that way with fish.

Pisces - Scorpio: all this thanks to the incredible charisma of Scorpio.

Pisces - Sagittarius: A very exciting relationship for both. They are good with each other, and this is the most important thing.

Pisces - Capricorn: for those who are looking only for material values ​​in life, such a union is not suitable.

Pisces - Aquarius: this is a good union, but emotionally it is very difficult for them.

Pisces - Pisces: they are very similar, perhaps even in appearance. A very strong attraction and compatibility for a couple.

TO as you know, magical rituals and lunar cycles, as well as finding the moon in any sign of the zodiac, are interconnected. Consider what brings us the location of the night luminary in different signs of the zodiac, what do they mean lunar phases.

Since ancient times, man has been watching the sky trying to understand what is still revealed to his gaze. And of course the most prominent thing in the sky at night is the moon.

The moon owes its name to the Romans, in Greece it was called Selena, in Egypt Iyah, in China traditionally with the sign of yin (feminine).

Moon calendar. (Characteristic of lunar days)

It is known that biological rhythm of a person correlate with the lunar phases. The researchers confirmed the fact that lunar cycle affects the water exchange of all living things.

After examining the secret of dreams, American scientists concluded: the human biological clock is wound up not at 24, but at 24.5-25 hours, this is the duration of the lunar day.

Long-term predictions of life can be made based on lunar rhythms. Many people (especially women) noticeably manifest the so-called big lunar cycle - the Saros cycle: every 18.6 years, counting from birth, years of high emotional tension come, which are often accompanied by poor health and mark serious turns in life.

Small lunar cycles with a period of about 9 years (8.85 years) are less pronounced. Their change most noticeably affects a person aged 61-62, and as we know, this is a critical age, or rather one of them.

The duration of the lunar month is 29.6 days, from new moon to another new moon. The cycle is divided into four phases, the duration of which is approximately 7.5 days. The new moon each time begins in a different sign of the zodiac.

The full lunar cycle is divided into two main parts: from the new moon to the full moon - the growing moon; from a full moon to another new moon, a waning moon.

The two main parts are divided into two secondary ones. That is, there are four main lunar phases: when the moon is in conjunction with the sun - the new moon; when the moon forms a right quadrature with the sun - the first quarter; the moon in opposition to the sun is the full moon; the moon forms a left quadrature with the sun - the last quarter.

New moon

The conjunction of the sun and the moon is the new moon; beginning of the lunar month. This is the time of beginnings, the symbolic "conception" of the cycle: the moon begins to grow and remains in the light. On the first two days and the last two lunar months, the moon is not visible, it does not shine. This time is called the days of Hecate - the goddess of darkness, fatality and witchcraft. It is believed that the fate of a person born during this period will be filled with inexplicable strange events.

Dark days without a moon are emotionally manifested by a person's deep immersion in himself, secret fears. Awakens the subconscious dictates its will. The day of the second lunar month is so dangerous that any words are taken on faith, there is a danger of suggestion.

Waxing Crescent

The growing moon (young moon) is a good time for various undertakings: acceptance important decisions, make plans, start new businesses or change jobs.

Success and luck - both in personal life and in business - will surely accompany you in auspicious days growing moon. This means that the period of the young moon is suitable for magical actions aimed at growth, development, strengthening of some qualities ... For example, you can perform rituals or make a talisman, for a positive that will help you start over, bring a new feeling to life, achieve recognition and victory, prosperity and health.

Full moon

The full moon is the time to move from the accumulation of forces to their active use. Unspent energy can become uncontrollable, therefore it is easy to lose control over yourself.

Sensitive people better feel the approach of the full moon, starting to experience physical discomfort and mental anxiety. During this period, the number of accidents increases, the growth of crime, aggression goes free. This period is favorable for creative people.

The time of the full moon is considered the most mystical time. On the full moon at the zenith is the power of the moon, which means that the strength of each of the fair sex becomes incomparably greater. In ancient times, women knew about this and performed magical rituals on the full moon in order to receive the energy of the moon, increase material well-being, attract love and prosperity.

Waning moon

With a waning moon, the vitality of the body decreases, activity is lost, a person gets tired faster, and his reaction slows down, these days it is better to engage in already established, not requiring special efforts deed. It is believed that at this time the best is the best for magic, where the impact is directed to the destructive (harm, various damage), to any decrease, disappearance or separation. For example, getting rid of excess weight, pay off debts, fight bad habits.

Lunar eclipses

At least twice, every year, there is a lunar eclipse on the full moon. During an eclipse, you should not start something important, as it enhances the smallest negative vibrations. The consequences of cases that were nevertheless initiated during this period may also appear years later. Although in lunar eclipse there is also a positive: at this time you can easily get rid of bad habits, and the body quickly adapts to a new way of life.

The moon moves from sign to sign during the month, managing to cover the entire zodiac circle from new moon to new moon. If you coordinate your actions with the position of the moon in the sign, you can achieve significant success and avoid trouble.

Moon in Aries

During the passage of the moon of this sign, many people show such qualities as recklessness and haste, impulsiveness and impatience. At this time, there is a high probability of quarrels, discord in relationships, possible accidents (you should especially beware of sharp fires and sharp objects). You don't need to do things that require precision, as the probability of errors increases. These days it is better to plan a short-term business that requires the expenditure of physical energy. Surgical intervention in the area of ​​​​the eyes and head is not desirable.

Moon in Taurus

During this period, people become more calm and down to earth. It is good to deal with matters related to finance and property issues. These days it is better to buy durable things: real estate, furniture. A good time to receive guests, strengthen friendships. Cases where required, quick response, it is better to reschedule. In medicine, it is not desirable to perform operations on the throat, nose, ears, neck, larynx, trachea, frontal sinuses, thyroid gland.

Moon in Gemini

Favors for fleeting affairs, especially negotiations, business contacts, business trips and trips. Any kind of intellectual activity goes well: working with various papers, correspondence, passing exams, speaking in front of an audience.

A good time to collect any information, for all types of banking and financial transactions, the conclusion of contracts (especially short-term ones), for moving, moving to a temporary new position. The negative in these days lies in excessive nervousness, in increased internal anxiety. The respiratory organs become vulnerable, so it is better to postpone the operation.

Moon in Cancer

During these days, there is an exacerbation of maternal feelings and all female qualities (intuition, imagination and insight). At the same time, a person becomes more touchy and vulnerable; mood swings occur more frequently than usual. It is better not to lend money, or you will have to wait a long time for their return. It is good to do household chores, stock up for the future, take care of loved ones. Operations on the organs of the digestive system and in the chest area should be postponed.

Moon in Leo

These days are upbeat, joyful mood, creative upsurge, at this time it is good to organize holidays, celebrations and parties. During this period, it gravitates towards adventurous and risky enterprises, and therefore, it is better to postpone matters related to large sums of money. It is good to seek help or advice from superiors. It is better not to put a strain on the heart, or it can lead to heart failure or a heart attack.

Moon in Virgo

These days people are getting critical; daydreaming is replaced by concentration, the desire to put everything in its place, to put things in order. These days are good for accounting work, financial transactions, any calculations, as well as for a variety of painstaking work and household chores. Making monetary documents, working with securities, with bank accounts are favorable these days. There may be problems with the gastrointestinal tract, and therefore you should take a closer look at the diet.

Moon in Libra

This period is suitable for Have a good mood, a person becomes sociable, he enjoys entertainment and feasts. The work here is good, which is connected with the arrangement of the surrounding space, with partnerships and public relations. The negative of such a moon can manifest itself in indecision when making responsible decisions. At this time, the pancreas and kidneys are vulnerable. But this time is favorable for cosmetic procedures and plastic surgeries.

Moon in Scorpio

It leaves a mark of passion on everything. The person becomes more active; criticality, aggressiveness, impatience. Well suited occupation, intellectual work, creativity; time to develop unusual abilities. A good time to uncover various secrets, search for a previously lost thing. Better to avoid large crowds. Postpone surgery in the area of ​​the endocrine glands of the genital and genital organs.

Moon in Sagittarius

Increased optimism, heightened sensitivity to success, which often gives a tendency to exaggerate one's capabilities and strengths. The craving for risk, demonstration of one's own courage prevails. Learning and teaching will have an effect. The time is favorable for solving legal problems, filing applications, litigation, starting cooperation with foreign firms. Avoid hip surgery.

Moon in Capricorn

A decrease in emotional tone, a person becomes more restrained, not inclined to show feelings. There is an aggravation of such qualities as discipline, responsibility; attention is more directed to the material side, but still a bad period for banking operations.

The time is favorable for communication with influential people of the older generation, as well as for the sale and purchase of real estate, and construction. Not the best time move to a new job, apply to superiors, authorities, not the time for loans and loans. It is better to postpone treatment, prosthetics and extractions.

Moon in Aquarius

It makes a person sensitive, subconsciously he wants freedom. An increase in interest in innovation, unusual, unexpected ideas appear, these days are suitable for research and scientific activity. But this is not the best time to contact official authorities. Transfer operations in the area of ​​veins, shins and joints.

Moon in Pisces

Sensitivity increases, I want care and attention, sympathy and understanding. But in the same period, a person becomes more suspicious and distant. The sense of reality is weakening - it is better not to take on important matters. Go to the sauna, bath, swimming pool or relax near the water. Avoid surgery on the feet and toes. Refrain from alcoholic beverages, strong drugs.

Characteristics of lunar days

Any lunar day has its own specific characteristics and requires us to follow certain rules. Otherwise, the lunar energy will resonate with our energy and provoke ailments.

1 lunar day. Symbol - lamp

On this day, avoid a lot of contacts and group activities. It is better to retire, analyze your actions and outline a plan of action for the future. It is good to forgive your ill-wishers on this day. Your thoughts should be directed only to good deeds. You should not overwork, drink alcohol, eat spicy and sour foods. People born on the first day of the moon are big dreamers. They always expect something unrealizable from life, and this sometimes pushes them to commit bright extraordinary deeds.

2 lunar day. Symbol - cornucopia

At this time, you need to stick to a diet and not be nervous. It is very useful to smile, to give people warmth and attention. It is necessary to fight with internal greed and predatory instincts. It is helpful to start a cycle of exercise or start learning a new discipline. Good, wealthy people are born on this day.

3 lunar day. Symbol - leopard

Time of active output of energy. Introverts have a hard time on this day, as they are subjected to astral aggression from the outside. It is useful to do martial arts. It is good to sharpen knives and work on metal. It is very useful to take a steam bath in the bath and thereby cleanse yourself. This day people of extreme professions are born.

4 lunar day. Symbol - tree

Confusing, difficult day. It carries the dual characteristics of good and evil. The task of man is to recognize evil. For this, it is better to be alone. On this day, you can not cut down trees and pick flowers. People born on this day are carriers of sacred knowledge.

5 lunar day. Symbol - unicorn

On this day, the food consumed is completely burned and absorbed by the body. Therefore, people who are born on the fifth lunar day can eat a lot and still not gain weight. On this day, it is good to cry, as harmful substances come out with tears. People on the fifth lunar day should carefully monitor the information received, travel more, fuss less.

6 lunar day. Symbol - crane

Working time with cosmic energy. Useful breathing exercises that help improve health. In addition, the day is favorable for rejuvenating procedures, love and finding peace of mind with the help of melodic music. On this day, the converters and interpreters of cosmic energy and heavenly signs are born.

7 lunar day. Symbol - scepter

At this time, you can’t lie and swear, in general it’s better to be silent more, otherwise problems with the lungs may arise. You have to be fair and incorruptible. Things must be done promptly and be sure to finish. You can not eat chicken meat, beat dishes, tear paper and remove teeth. People born on this day can be guides higher powers, keepers of secret information.

8 lunar day. Symbol - Phoenix

This is the day of repentance and purification by candle fire. It is favorable to be on the road, but one must beware of diseases. Dreams are prophetic. It is good to fast, to carry out bowel cleansing procedures and to prepare medicines. People who are born on the 8th day of the moon are endowed with high intuition and a craving for the study of chemistry. Some are addicted to alcohol or drugs.

9 lunar day. Symbol - bat (Days of Hekate)

A very dangerous day. The time of revelry of dark forces, deceptions, seductions, delusions, severe poisonings and the manifestation of hidden vices. On this day, you can not start and carry out important business, negotiate or educational conversations. It is best to relax in nature, near water and a cleansing fire. On this day, it is very important not to return evil for evil. People who were born on the 9th lunar day have a hard time going through life, they constantly need to protect themselves from evil influences and carry out cleansing procedures.

10 lunar day. Symbol - fountain

Time to discover new opportunities in yourself with the help of ancestors. View family albums, analyze tribal traditions. On this day, it is good to combine active work housework in the first half of the day with rest in the afternoon. People who are born on this day are energetically very strong. They are impossible to break.

11 lunar day. Symbol - crown

This day is associated with the most powerful energy - the energy of Kundalini. It is essentially sexual, and only advanced yogis are able to know its secret and sublimate it into spiritual energy. On this day, it is good to fast, engage in cleansing procedures and read mantras. You can not use piercing and cutting objects and come into contact with insects. People born on this day have remarkable physical and spiritual strength and often find themselves in extreme situations.

12 lunar day. Symbol - heart

It is good to give alms and take care of the destitute. On this day, it is useful to pray, to engage in meditation, which improves the functioning of the heart center. To swear, to allow yourself liberties, to cry, it is better not to eat coarse food. It is useful to drink juices and pure spring water, as well as to make gifts. Compassionate, compassionate people are born on this day.

13 lunar day. Symbol - wheel

The day is intended for the manufacture of amulets, amulets, talismans, for communication with the spirits of ancestors. Anti-aging procedures and yoga therapy will be most welcome. It is useful to take homeopathic remedies and you can not deny yourself food, as it is perfectly absorbed. This day, excellent occultists and talented followers of their teachings are born.

Day 14 Symbol - trumpet

It's good to start new things. Physical activity is useful, but it is better to refuse magical practices. If the business you take on does not work out, you may be seized by longing. To get rid of depression, you can do a small but very dynamic set of physical exercises. Eat more salty foods this day, don't look in the mirror, and don't wear perfume. It is good to remove toxins from the body. People of this day are endowed with talents, able to adapt to any circumstances, smart, cunning, but disinterested and ready for exploits.

15 lunar day. Symbol - Serpent-tempter (Days of Hekate)

Time of carnal temptations. Alas, on this day, many succumb to earthly temptations, as a result of which the astral body. It is important to fight evil spirits and the manifestation of base instincts. This day it is useful to eat viburnum, beans, barley, spicy and lean hot food. People who were born on the 15th day of the moon easily succumb to carnal temptations and poorly to suggestion.

16 lunar day. Symbol - butterfly

Day of universal harmony of soul and body. General strengthening physical exercises are very useful. We must try to refrain from the manifestation of emotions, foul language, keep calm, be polite, reasonable and moderate in everything. It is necessary to exclude sexual contacts, the use of animal food and mushrooms. Offending a bird on this day is considered a sin. bad sign- dirty clothes. People who were born on this day are pure in thought, able to seriously engage in wise sciences, they are romantics and dreamers.

17 lunar day. Symbol - bunch of grapes

A day of accumulation of energy and joy of being. Favorable for marital relations, love and sex. But do not lose your head and caution: this day brings many surprises. It is good to enter into marriages, they will hold on to love for a long time. People born on this day especially need a partner - a spouse or lover. Not finding it, they lose their vitality.

18 lunar day. Symbol - mirror

The day is passive, hard for some people. A person who does not want to fight his low instincts is overcome by nightmares, seductions, and secret obstacles appear. It is necessary to work with your bad and impure thoughts, it would be good to look at yourself from the outside, to give up illusions and base instincts, vanity and selfishness. Drinking and smoking are contraindicated, bowel cleansing and fasting are useful. On this day, people are born with the talent of an actor, mostly a comedian.

19 lunar day. Symbol - spider

At this time, we are obsessed with empty ideas, prone to self-deception, subject to other people's influence. It is good to engage in various practices that are aimed at self-improvement, to cultivate in oneself positive emotions and qualities, strive for spiritual purity, get rid of pride, envy, wicked thoughts, lies. A good day for repentance and forgiveness. Anything new should be handled with care. You can't borrow or lend money. Good organizers and politicians are born on this day.

20 lunar day. Symbol - eagle

A wonderful, unusual day that can bring a lot of interesting things into your life. The day of making important decisions that can change lives. It is necessary to avoid overestimating one's strengths and capabilities, to fight pride. Otherwise, you risk losing more than gaining. The energy of the day helps to get rid of bad habits. This day, leaders are born who are able to convince and lead others.

21 lunar days. Symbol - temple

At this time, hidden reserves are revealed, potentials are increasing. Therefore, he is rich in records and discoveries. There is self-confidence, there is perseverance and determination. On this day, you need to communicate, make friends, avoid loneliness. If today you were deceived or something was stolen, the truth will soon be revealed. The vows made on this day have special power. People born on this day are often Don Quixotes - defenders of justice, sometimes proud.

22 lunar day. Symbol - elephant

The day is full of information. Everywhere you can see the signs with which you will find answers to your questions. Intuition sharpens. Those born on this day live to a ripe old age. They become teachers, philosophers, preachers.

23 lunar day. Symbol - turtle (Days of Hekate)

This difficult day is characterized by the manifestation of aggression, violence, destruction, irreversible change. You can not conflict and quarrel, it is better to avoid places of large crowds of people. On this day, we are characterized by laziness and apathy, we find ourselves in hopeless situations, and things do not want to go smoothly. Do not cling to the old, familiar. Change is inevitable. If you take them calmly, the day will surprise you with new discoveries. A person born on this day is characterized by tenacity, a stranglehold. Any business is brought to perfection.

24 lunar day. Symbol - bear

Neutral day. Suitable for conception, treatment, health promotion. It is good to work on the ground on this day, to walk barefoot. In relations with other people, manifestations of force and rudeness should be avoided. There may be conflicts with superiors. On this day, strong people are born, often thoughtful, "out of this world", endowed with talents in various fields.

25 lunar day. Symbol - shell

The day is good for travel, moving, trade and court cases. Haste is contraindicated. Possible lethargy and aggravation chronic diseases. This day you need to rely not on reason and logic, but on your inner voice and intuition. On this day, any coincidence or unexpected incident can be regarded as a sign. You can't pierce your ears. Born on this day, they are known as sages, philosophers and eccentrics. They lead a secluded life.

26 lunar day. Symbol - toad

Difficult, critical day. It is recommended not to succumb to negativity, to avoid fuss and idle talk, to refrain from vigorous activity. It is good to cultivate tolerance in oneself, not to judge others and not to wish evil. Your assessments will not be objective today. People who were born on the 26th day are called upon to make vows and promises all their lives, to lead an ascetic lifestyle. You can't call their path easy.

27 lunar day. Symbol - trident

A day requiring a rational and efficient distribution of forces. Sharpened sensitivity and intuition. Illuminations are possible. Favorable for acquiring new knowledge and skills. It will be beneficial to communicate with people who have extensive practical experience. People born on this day live in a state of constant change and fluctuation. These are travelers, vagabonds, dreamers, healers.

28 lunar day. Symbol - lotus

This harmonious day, charging us with positive energy, is suitable for vigorous activity. Many will feel empowered. In no case should they be wasted on quarrels and anger. Those born on this day can solve dreams.

29 lunar day. Symbol - octopus (Days of Hekate)

On this day, the influence of instincts and emotions increases, people become subject to illusions and deception. The first half of the day is more favorable than the second. You can mitigate the negative impact of this day with the help of spiritual practices and an ascetic lifestyle. Abstinence and fasting are recommended. The day is final. It can be used to judge how you lived a month. Failures and difficulties indicate that you did not use the opportunities provided to you. Fatigue speaks of wasted energy. A person born on this day has a complex character, excellent intuition, poor health.

30 lunar day. Symbol - golden swan

This is a bright, harmonious day, it is a pity that it does not happen every month. At its core, this is a day of cleansing and renewal. It is characterized by a joyful, festive mood that arises by itself. On this day, it is good to observe nature, do charity work, and give alms. This day noble, beautiful, wise people are born, capable of understanding and compassion. They find their way and their calling early. They know how to be happy.

Anton Lukyanov

People born under the Moon in the sign of Leo are very emotional, it is easier to turn to their heart than to their mind. They absorb information quickly if their senses are affected, otherwise their interest in the subject will quickly disappear.
A distinctive feature of the lunar Leo is the unwillingness to obey someone else's opinion and imposed rules. These people are receptive to the new, but do not tolerate pettiness and narrow thinking. They prefer to be in the center of attention, like to play a significant role in society, they are often interested in art.
Many lunar Leos have a great sense of humor and endearing personal charm, they radiate an energy of optimism that is transmitted to those who communicate with them. Sociable, sincere and open, they have the gift to improve the mood of people.

Lunar Lions successfully manifest themselves in collective projects, because they know how to inspire people and direct their activities in the right direction. If a problem arises along the way, the lunar Lions immediately begin to look for a solution, and do not sit idly by. Possessing congenital leadership qualities they often understand and realize their life mission.
Sometimes the lunar Leo becomes overly ambitious and domineering, this happens if the Moon in the individual birth horoscope has negative aspects with other planets. In this case, the lunar Leo prefers only to give orders, and not to execute them. The main weakness of these people is vanity. They need an audience and constant attention, although they are rarely deprived of it, since the Moon provides them with the love of others.
In the sphere of personal relationships, the lunar Lions show romanticism and loftiness of feelings, they tend to exaggerate the merits of their chosen one and not see the shortcomings. When a partner does not live up to their expectations, they experience deep disappointment. Since the lunar Lions feel the need for universal admiration, they do not refuse flirting, but at the same time they themselves are quite jealous and often treat their loved ones as their own property.