Nerves are out of order what to do. With the help of sedatives. Remedies to quickly calm the nerves

I've been feeling terrible for 2-3 months now. Weakness, dizziness, I can not understand what is happening around me. I feel like a stranger. Often all sorts of sores, back, gastritis began to come out .. Wild nervousness, I constantly scream, I can’t calm down. Before all this, there was stress when I ran away from home. At 18 years old. My parents beat me badly, it was scary to stay there, because the older I got, the worse it got. They beat everyone that came to hand ... I won’t go into details .. I left when it was terribly stressful, up to hair loss, and they still fall out. It seems that after 2 months since I left, it became easier ... nervousness was gone .. But then another problem happened .. With ex girlfriend started talking, and she pulled me in not very good company. At that time, we lived together and rented an apartment (and I paid all the time, and she only for 1 month and lived for almost half a year for free. I constantly cursed with her because she didn’t find the right friends for herself, they are Armenians, Uzbeks and all sorts of things there .. .... I was almost raped several times .. Stress again ... Then I stopped communicating with her, those half a year that we lived together was just a nightmare. She pulled me to walk all the time, and I sat at home until I was 18. I walked very rarely. Well, at first I liked it .. it seemed like fun ... BUT everything only got worse .. I realized that my friend was sleeping with them .. with these Armenians., or rather, I even saw a couple of times ... Everything is very scary there .. Other people began to tell me terrible things about her, which I was convinced of, she smoked all sorts of rubbish, like hashish, plan, hydroponics and so on .. In general, I also suffered quite a lot there ... I stopped communicating with her .. with difficulty.. Thank God I remained a virgin. God forbid such a person as they are... it's scary . You don't wish it on your enemy.
My boss helped me. He is my dad's friend. Actually, I work in his office as a sales manager, hence the money, respectively. 3 years already..
It seems like all these terrible times have passed .. But now something is wrong with me again .. Weakness, headaches, dizziness, misunderstanding, I forget words when I work in the office, that is, I can’t tell a person about the product .. I’m scared .. Pills do not help .. I drank afobazole, phenazepam now I started drinking, and I drank grandaxin .. I don’t want to do anything, it seems that I’m tired .. but I don’t understand why ... suicidal thoughts often come .. I don’t have nerves I'm fine, for 2-3 months now I've just been yelling at everyone as if I'm not normal, I don't know why I then drink valerian in buckets .. I'm shaking like crazy ... what should I do?? I think to go to a psychologist, but I can’t decide who, if I don’t do anything, I feel that I will die soon. Parents do not support at all, when I left for the first half of the year we did not communicate, I did not call them because I was afraid, and they because of the principle. I was the first to reconcile .. now we communicate somehow .. they only ask me for money .. as before .. They don’t work themselves .. God, how difficult it is .. I don’t have enough space to describe everything here .... Tears on eyes roll...
What should I do????

Natali, age: 05/19/2014


Natalie, you strong girl, smart girl! Go to the temple, find a good confessor, it may not be possible to find such a person right away, but try, consult, tell what torments you, learn the spiritual laws of life and struggle, pray, participate in the sacraments. Pray in your own words, if you do not know prayers, buy a prayer book. For your courage, purity and patience, the Lord will not leave you. What thoughts ... Think about who inspires you? Obviously not a Guardian Angel. A young girl, independent, her whole life ahead, her husband, children, pleasant discoveries, kind, bright people, there will definitely be joy. And you, having gone through the trials, will be able to appreciate everything, you will be able to be grateful. Take care of yourself, conscious people like you are a value, do not dare to destroy yourself.

Natalia, age: 35 / 05/23/2014

Natalie, I completely agree with the previous message! Only it is better for you not to drink anything without a doctor's prescription. Please go to an appointment with a general practitioner and an endocrinologist. Possible disruption of the thyroid gland due to severe stress. I hope you now live separately from your "girlfriend", who simply arranged her affairs at your expense. You need to find an adult person to whom you can speak out, they are priests and psychologists. Come to the priest and say: I really need to talk, please listen to me. And tell him everything. Simply because you will either never see him again, or maybe he will become your spiritual support. You'll feel better.

Ekaterina, age: 05/28/2014

Natalie, I myself experienced a state similar to the one in which you are now. I remember how hard it was. It seemed like it would never go away, that I could no longer live like a normal person. I was tormented by internal doubts, fears, suicidal thoughts also came. It was hard not only to do something, but even to speak and think. The future was frightening, the present was frightening, and the past was tormented by bad memories.
But by the grace of God it all passed. It turned out that I had severe depression. To overcome it, I needed medical assistance, incl. medical. Now I live a full life.
I advise you:
1. Trust in God, ask for His help;
2. Do not self-medicate. Contact your doctor. Only not to the psychologist, and at least to the psychotherapist. I think the most a good option- a psychiatrist working in a public hospital and conducting an appointment in a private center (you need to contact a private center). Know that depression will definitely go away if it is treated.
3. It would be very good if there was a person to whom you could tell everything and who would support you (relative, close friend, priest ...).


Don't forget to tell your friends

Whatever you are calm person In life, there is no way to do without stressful situations. From time to time you have to get nervous, either at work, or in the family, or in public transport, some “nice” fellow traveler will bring you to a breakdown ... In a word, nerves, nerves and again nerves! How to protect yourself from all this, how to insure yourself from negative factors that poison everyday life? You say that pharmacies are full of sedatives? But why poison yourself with chemicals? There are very simple tips how to bring your nervous system in order. Read, memorize and use them in stressful situations.

5 tips to get your nerves in order

1. Learn to be aware of your excitement. The very first thing you need to be aware of is your state when you experience anxiety. Anxiety begins to decrease when a person has a sound understanding of their emotions. The brain switches to fighting panic, and the excitement recedes.

2. Deep breath. Slow and deep breaths (preferably a few) make the body more easily respond to stress. At nervous person the heart beats faster, breathing becomes frequent, all together leads to a panic state, from which it will not be possible to get out quickly. Breathe in deeply and slowly through your nose a few times to help you calm down.

3. Focus on the present. Learn to control your thoughts. If a nervous state sets in, and you begin to mentally fly away into a troubled past or an unsettling future, try to return to the present - calm and safe. Thoughts have the ability to create feelings of fear and danger. If you learn to stabilize them and keep them under control, you will return the nervous system to normal.

4. Concentrate on what is subject to. Whatever the situation, the brain expects you to control. Learn to only pay attention to what you can control. Never scroll through the deplorable options in your brain, do not think about the worst outcome. A sense of control, even if it is illusory, will help to avoid worries and panic. It is not for nothing that self-confident people in stressful situations not only mentally, but also aloud repeat in a firm voice: “Everything is under control!”

5. Learn to make your own decisions. In a stressful situation, you need to switch the brain to rational environment. Make him think and make decisions. As a result, you will be able to resist the surging wave of unwanted emotions. Your personal self-esteem will rise and your mood will improve from the fact that you are able to find a way out of a difficult situation yourself.

These tips are not hard to follow. Just a few steps and your nerves are in order again!

Do you often notice irritability, anger, aggression and apathy behind you? Most likely, the reason for this is nervous overwork. If you want to put your nerves in order, then in this publication we want to give you recommendations on how to calm them down.
The content of the article:

How to determine that an unequal system is not in order

If you have problems with the nervous system, then a number of signs may indicate this.
Feelings of anxiety and restlessness
If you are constantly worried about something, you do not leave a feeling of anxiety, and there is no reason for this, then it is possible that your nervous system is not in order. This can be expressed in the fact that you constantly have a feeling of anxiety: have you closed the door, have you forgotten your phone, start at loud sounds, etc.
When absolutely everything is indifferent to you, you are not interested in anything and do not want anything - this is another sign of problems with the nervous system. An example of this is indifference to everything that used to interest you. You do not want anything and you are not happy with anything that used to cheer you up. You answer any questions with excuses and want to protect yourself from any information.
Another factor that may indicate disorders of the nervous system is uncertainty. You are constantly not confident in yourself and do not believe in your strength, if you have any choice before you, then you do not know what to choose and doubt for a very long time.
Do you experience a feeling of irritability towards everything that surrounds you? “A clear sign of nerve problems. You are annoyed by the behavior or actions of other people, and you think that they are constantly doing everything wrong, you are annoyed by different sounds, signs, advertising in a word, absolutely everything.
Have you noticed that you have become very hot-tempered? For any harmless word or joke said to you, you show a negative reaction and start to quarrel, or someone accidentally hurt you and you start a scandal.
bad dream
Poor and restless sleep may indicate disorders of the nervous system. You toss and turn for a long time and cannot fall asleep, often wake up at night and have nightmares.

If you constantly experience a feeling of anger, then this is a direct sign of problems with the nervous system. The manifestation of anger can be expressed in any situation, for example, when something does not work out for you, when they start to argue with you, etc.

How to quickly calm your nerves

How to calm nerves at home
There are many ways to calm your nerves. If you do not know how to calm your nerves, then the most the best way to do this is to be alone in a quiet and peaceful environment so that no one disturbs you. To do this, it is best to turn off the phone and other means with the outside world.
Create a favorable atmosphere in the apartment. This will help you music, calming the nerves and pleasant aroma in the room. As for music, tune the radio to a wave that broadcasts calm relaxing music, or download songs of this genre to your computer. As for the aroma, aroma candles or an aroma lamp will help to create it. Try to lie down, relax and don't think about anything.
Try to do what brings you joy. Someone likes to play musical instrument, someone likes to sing, someone knits, and someone likes to make something. In a word, do your favorite thing, which always calms you and brings you joy. If nothing comes to your mind, then just go outside and walk, because Fresh air favorably affects the body, and during a walk you can be alone with your thoughts.
Healthy and full sleep helps not only to relax physically, but also mentally. Scientists have proven that the human brain is able to "digest" problems in a dream. Waking up, perhaps you will look at all the problems from the other side and be able to calmly solve them.
How to calm your nerves before bed
Accept hot bath with lots of fragrant foam. A hot bath is very relaxing not only physically, but also mentally. Take a glass of wine and fruit with you, turn on some soothing music and immerse yourself in the bathroom. Nervous tension will pass almost immediately, and calm music will relax and help you not to think about anything.
How to calm your nerves at work
Sit in comfortable armchair, lean back, put your hands on the armrests and close your eyes. Relax all your muscles and don't think about anything. Take a deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth, all this should happen calmly and smoothly. Do this 10 times and then just sit in this position for 10 minutes.

Remedies to calm the nerves

Medicines will help calm the nerves quickly. If you do not know what to drink to calm your nerves, then consult a pharmacist. As a rule, they recommend good sedatives that are suitable for absolutely everyone and have a general calming effect.
Pills to calm the nerves
Most effective medicines that help calm the nerves are the tablets: Persen, Novo-Passit and Valerian. As for the drops, here you can name: Valocordin, Corvalol and Novo-Passit. The products are absolutely harmless, and do not cause addiction, and most importantly - they are made from natural ingredients.
Herbs that calm the nerves

Instead of medicines you may prefer folk remedies namely herbs.
Most effective tool to quickly calm the nerves is an infusion of mint. To prepare the infusion, you will need a tablespoon of dry mint leaves, which must be poured with a glass of boiling water, after which we leave the drug to infuse for 40 minutes. Take 2 times a day, morning and evening.
In addition to mint infusion, it helps to calm the nerves very well - soothing herbal collection, which is sold in every pharmacy. Calming collection is taken 3 times a day. This herbal collection includes the following set of herbs: valerian, peppermint, motherwort, oregano, St. John's wort and hawthorn. Depending on the manufacturer, some herbs may be substituted.
What foods calm the nerves
The best foods to help you calm down are fruits. Fruit contains vitamin C, which helps reduce stress hormones. Oranges and papaya are two types of fruits that contain large quantity vitamin C.
Fat-free yogurt and milk will also help calm the nerves. These products contain amino acids, which calm the nerves.
In addition to fruits, foods containing magnesium are also useful for calming the nervous system: green vegetables, sweet potatoes, beans, etc.
Of course, here it is necessary to mention the wonderful calming properties of tea.
Cereal bread, oatmeal, pasta and cereals - help to find a sense of calm, relieve tension and stress.

How to calm the nerves? The state of nervous tension is familiar to everyone, only someone feels and notices it, and someone gets used to it and lives in such a permanent frozen nervous lump all his life, solves issues, builds the future, naturally complaining about inefficiency and many problems. Most reliable way put the nervous system in order - to establish that area of ​​​​life that causes increased nervous excitement or to solve one problem that prevents it from functioning normally. The method is excellent, effective and should definitely be strived for, but it is also long-term and demanding. high degree awareness. In the meantime, while you are moving along the path of eliminating the cause of stressors, learn to take care of yourself and reduce the level of nervousness on the spot, albeit with temporary methods that do not eliminate the problem, but help to survive the crisis.

How to calm your nerves and relieve stress?

In order to know how to quickly calm the nerves - read about breathing practices and go to practical lesson dedicated to this (practiced in yoga studios, massage parlors and body-oriented therapists). Breathing affects the physical and emotional condition can regulate stress and anxiety levels. Organize the space in a way that is comfortable for you in order to get the maximum amount of rest, find time for self-care (it is not necessary to march through beauty salons and shopping malls, it is enough to give yourself a rest when you can not think and not do, which is extremely important in a state of stress). Taking care of your body will give you back some energy - massages, physical exercise and proper nutrition work wonders and dissolve stress in the air.

In the fast pace of life with maximum stress and information overdose, the knowledge of how to calm the nerves, relieve anxiety and should be present in the luggage of every person. As in any problem, before talking about solutions (treatment), it is worth saying a few words and prevention, because. it is usually easier to prevent a deplorable state than to get out of it later.

There is an opinion that ours are born from our response to the situation, i.e. not the situation itself is stressful, but only our reaction to it. Of course, there are cases where it is impossible to regulate your condition and choose to laugh at failure, instead of being nervous about it for hours. But most of the problems that create a chronic state of stress and undermine the nerves bit by bit are not very significant. You can experience a reprimand from your boss right up to the decision to quit, or you can step back and understand that he just blew his Bad mood and pity him. You can freak out because of the constant rains, or you can buy cool yellow rubber boots and jump through the puddles. By correcting your point of view in this way, looking for positive aspects in everything, you can save your nervous system.

If a jamb has happened somewhere with prevention or an event has happened that is really unsettling and now you are sitting and thinking how to calm your nerves, relieve anxiety and fear, it means that the protective functions of your psyche have suffered and you need to quickly regain your ability to think, which is paralyzed fear and anxiety. The best help in this matter is to focus on your body, starting with breath control, trying to make it as deep and slow as possible, if you can go from chest to abdominal. If you breathe for a certain time at a constant pace with such breathing, the production of adrenaline will stabilize and you will slowly stop shaking. After that (or during, focus on your own feelings), stretch the muscles of the body - twist the joints, stretch the muscles of the neck and arms with your hands. This practice is for physical way regulation, suitable if you are worried about the question of how to calm your nerves before the exam.

But this impact is aimed at point and single impact, after which it is necessary to analyze the situation in order to find the reasons that caused such a strong emotional reaction and work them out separately in a calmer environment, possibly with the help of a therapist.

How to calm the nerves in 1 minute?

People have different stress resistance, strength and stability of the nervous system - it depends on who and how is subject to stressful influences (speed of occurrence, duration, strength of nervous excitation). It is not always possible to retire, take a break and deal with your condition, and you should know how to calm your nerves quickly, even in a time-limited situation. Several options have been tracked and developed to help change nervous tension to a calmer response to the situation literally within a minute, which one is preferable to decide on the spot, starting from the situation, because the methods of how to calm the nerves before the exam and how to calm the nerves after an unpleasant conversation can vary significantly.

Working with visual reality helps to switch from an unpleasant factor and make its influence less destructive. Changing the visual picture is possible with a purposeful translation of the gaze to pleasant and soothing stimuli, or with the help of one's own and the presentation of harmonizing images (white light, waterfall). To work with your own resources, you should take a comfortable position, preferably sitting, in order to remove muscle tension as much as possible, normalize breathing, making it deep, even and rhythmic, and then draw in your imagination the most detailed pleasant picture. The images of water washing you from head to toe or putting a barrier between you and an unpleasant effect help well. Water can be replaced with white, sparkling light that fills every cell, banishing darkness and negativity.

The beneficial and calming effect of water extends beyond visualization techniques, you can use it physically. With limited time, you will need a crane with running water and closed door so that no one disturbs you at this moment. You should lower your palms under cool water and hold it under it for a while, noticing and concentrating on the sensations of the body from contact with the streams. Then you can massage the neck, shoulders, fingers, tubercles behind the ears with wet fingers. While in the bathroom, you can use a towel to relieve muscle-emotional tension, for this you need to make twisting movements, and the more effort you put into this kind of squeezing, the better. After you feel that this is the maximum tension of your hands - throw them in relaxation, repeat several times. Around the third repetition, when you relax your arms, you will feel emotional relaxation, which is explained by the connection between the physical and mental state.

Drinking sweet water (preferably plain water with sugar or honey) helps to relieve acute stress or is even used by witnesses of accidents, fires and other unforeseen situations.

These methods will help reduce the critical level of nervous tension, which will make it possible to control your behavior and analyze the situation logically. It is also necessary to support your body and cope with the consequences of a nervous situation after the event has passed, but these are longer methods.

How to calm nerves at home?

To normalize your emotional state, you can do a lot in the walls of your own home. common and effective method is a bath. It is worth clarifying a few details to increase the impact: the water should be warm, preferably with aromatic soothing salts and aromatic oils, you should take such a bath for no more than twenty minutes, and then go to bed. It can be like a one-time procedure, but if you take a monthly course, you will strengthen the nervous system and prevent further nervous exhaustion.

How can you calm your nerves at home? Incorporate music into your daily routine that can play in the background in your home or on your headphones as you move around the city. Just to restore nerves, music is worth picking up - for this you can use special selections of music therapy, relaxation collections, classics, good recordings of natural sounds. An important point is listening to soothing music constantly, in a certain course (for example, an hour in the evening for a month, or in the morning on the way to work) - the main thing is that there should be a system and consistency in this, and not random use.

Diversify your tactile sensations, because it is their lack or monotony that impoverishes the body's resources. It is good to communicate with animals, play, stroke, walk barefoot at home, which will add stimulation and activation to points that are a mirror image of many organs. Try dipping your fingers into various grains and foods while cooking, feeling their texture, and simply sorting through the beans is a very meditative exercise.

By the way, waking up half an hour earlier and devoting this time to meditation, you will feel how you have become calmer about troubles. Choose what you like best - already recorded texts, just music or yoga classes. In addition to relaxation and soothing meditative activities, active physical activity has an excellent effect on relieving nervous excitement - running, strength exercises and swimming help relieve stress accumulated during the day, and punching a pear or engaging in another type of struggle helps to cope with aggression that has not been splashed out. Walk more, if there is no time for a purposeful walk, then at least diversify the work-home route.

How to calm the nerves, if everything pisses you off? Find activities that fill you with energy (hobbies, charity, exciting research) and devote your free time to these activities, instead of sticking to social networks. In addition to developing your own personality and possible financial improvement, you get a positive emotional charge and a sense of meaningfulness of what is happening and your own non-empty existence.

With shattered nerves, you can drown out excessive excitation with sedatives, sleeping pills, without going into the details of the occurrence and course of such a condition. We do not take into account extreme cases of violation nervous activity when it is impossible to do without medical intervention, and we suggest that you first try psychological methods on the use of hidden resources.

How to calm the nerves, relieve anxiety and fear? With stress and nervous tension, muscle spasm and hypertension occur, this happens due to the blocking of the body's natural reaction to factors that exceed the norm. AT natural conditions two reactions - either attack or flight, and with any of the reactions natural systems the body triggers a reaction in the muscles to perform the desired action. Since in society we stop and suppress most of these reactions, and the muscular reaction is running, an overstress is formed, which can then be manifested by tightness, stoop. You can feel it well at the peak of the stress reaction, when it is impossible to make a person relax by any effort of will. It is through the removal muscle tension there is also a removal of the psychological.

Start with breathing to saturate the body with oxygen and normalize the experience of emotions. With strong experiences, breathing goes astray, some stop breathing altogether or breathe in fits and starts. The primary task is to restore the respiratory rhythm so that the inhalation smoothly flows into the exhalation and this process is continuous. Watch for smoothness and depth of inspiration. After breathing is established, do a little exercise - its goal is not to improve physical fitness, but to work out and feel every muscle and joint. Accordingly, the joints need to be scrolled, and the muscles need to be pulled. After stretching, you will be able to localize tension in a specific area or even several, after which they should be kneaded. Perhaps, with strong physical clamps, it will be painful or unpleasant for you to knead some parts of the body, but you should continue to massage until the discomfort disappears and the muscles become soft. At the end of such a warm-up, shake your whole body well, trying not to control your movements and not think about how you look, but to shake the relaxed body as much as possible.

For less critical moments, meditation and yoga are suitable with targeted immersion in those moments that usually cause a stressful reaction in order to work out the origins and find inner possibilities and ways of resolution. You can take a course of psychotherapy and develop your own strategies for overcoming nervous tension, as well as options for building space in such a way as to get into less unnerving situations.

How to calm your nerves and relieve stress? The advice of psychologists in this regard is as follows: you should take care of your nerves regularly, and not just when it's covered. Do not overwork, organize high-quality and productive weekends, sleep in enough and in comfortable conditions. Define your weak spots and sources of stress, stay away from those you can't influence and sort out those relationships or processes that are important but not satisfying. Remove unnecessary discomfort from life in the form of rubbish in the apartment, shoes that rub, uncomfortable clothes and ticking clocks. The fewer small annoying factors in your life, the stronger the nerves and the more likely it is not to break loose at a crucial moment. To live emotions, include sports or just regular walks in your life, wash dishes with cheerful music, dance, and do not hold back tears. Do everything to throw out your feelings - you can write, sing, draw, tell your best friends or random fellow travelers - the main thing is not to keep it to yourself.

Observe adequacy and measure in everything, watch your reactions, listen to your feelings. If yoga does not help, the bath does not work, the pressure has risen from the nerves and the hands are shaking, if this condition does not go away for many days, then stop tormenting aromatherapy and ruining the body. If symptoms do not go away, intensifying, you should consult a doctor and use the help of possibly herbal tinctures, possibly medications, depending on your condition. Nerves are not just a bad mood, overexertion affects the entire body and many organ systems, and a nervous breakdown leads to hospitalization and a long recovery.


Enjoy life in modern world- a whole science that is not taught in school. Such a course is not included in the compulsory university curriculum, as, for example, a course in philosophy. And in order to learn inner peace, many take time, and some begin to learn this only when stress becomes chronic.

How not to fall victim to time troubles and critical situations, says

How to be calm

Sometimes it happens that we simply do not accept our anxiety if it lasts for a long time, and in this state we resolve all issues. On the way we break a bunch of firewood, which we ourselves then “stumble over”.

The easiest way to calm the nerves is, of course, to put in order the area of ​​​​life, because of which the stressful state followed. But this, as you know, is not done quickly.

The first thing you should do is accept your nervous state and assure yourself that you will definitely deal with all your difficulties, but gradually and after you calm down, pull yourself together.

Decide for yourself that the breakdown or stress you are currently experiencing is a severe cold and you need a “sick leave”. Only when you are “cured” will you have the strength to change anything. In a word, allow yourself to take a break from everything and free up time for calming down. Otherwise, everything else will be simply useless, because mentally you will always be with your stress, so no other ways can get rid of it.

15 ways to stop being nervous

If you need to calm down urgently, one of the methods we offer will definitely help you. You can use them both together for severe stress, and separately.

  • 1. Practice breathing

Breathing affects our mood and health like nothing else. And if we were more observant, we could notice that in different emotional states we breathe very differently. In order to calm down, it is enough to take control of your breathing and perform simple techniques. Having done it once, you can get rid of short-term tension, doing it regularly, you can really “pat up” your nervous system.

Deep breathing: straighten your back, straighten your shoulders, inhale deeply and exhale slowly completely, stretching the exhalation and making it longer than the inhalation. After exhaling, take a short pause.
Breathing technique from yoga “kapalabhati”. It focuses attention on the exit, which helps to calm the nervous system (while inhaling, on the contrary, helps to increase tone). How to practice correctly this species breathing, see the video:

Be careful with breathing exercises(do not do it for a long time or stop if you feel discomfort), do not get carried away with them if you have not practiced anything like this before.

  • 2. Formulate a mental attitude
Without the right attitude, everything else is just short-term methods that will end in a clearly allotted time. But if you add them philosophical view for life, then you will definitely succeed in calming your nerves. Such attitudes, passed through myself and experienced, such as “everything is for the better”, “I can’t control everything and therefore let go”, “everything will be decided over time”, “I still can’t influence it, so I’ll be calm”, “ I can always ask for help.”

In a word, you need to find some kind of calm mentally, and even such simple installations that you need to believe in will help you a lot. If you adhere to a certain belief system, for example, a certain religion or belief system, then it will be even easier for you: you will definitely find the answer there, what is happening and what to do. Usually, simply knowing what's going on and why it's happening is enough to give you peace of mind.

  • 3. Take a shower or bath

Contact with water is one of the most simple ways calm the nerves and wash away the energy burden of stress. Taking a warm shower, especially before bed, will help you clean up. It is better not to indulge in contrast showers or douches, as they, on the contrary, have an exciting effect on the nervous system.

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And if you have the opportunity to sit in the bath with your favorite aromas and with your favorite music, without thinking about anything, then be sure to do it. It is advisable to put on clothes made of soft, natural fabrics or go to bed after taking a warm shower.

  • 4. Organize your comfort
Comfortable conditions - a comfortable place to sleep, fresh linens, clean room calm the nervous system and help you relax and, at a minimum, it is easier to fall asleep and rejuvenate.
  • 5. Find “time for yourself”
Postpone at least for a while all the questions that concern you, do not try to control everything. Set aside time just for yourself. This does not mean that you should go to salons and please yourself in every possible way (although, of course, you can). Making time for yourself in times of stress is just letting yourself forget that you have to do something else: fix your personal life, solve problems at work and/or with your parents/family, look for a job, pay your rent, etc.

With strong and constant stress on the nervous system, it’s good to go to a sanatorium or resort - where you can do nothing and worry about nothing.

  • 6. Massage your head and face
A large number of nerve endings are concentrated on the head, and many people unconsciously, nervously, run through their hair and do a light massage. Do it consciously: “walk” your fingers like a comb over the scalp from the forehead to the back of the head. Rub your cheeks and forehead with massage movements, rub your temples in a circular motion away from you.
  • 7. Eat sweets
In times of nervous tension, you can eat sweets "legally" - isn't that soothing? It is said that sweet foods are necessary for the production of certain hormones in the body, which allow you to overcome tension. Remember that sweet food is not only cakes, buns and sweets, but also dried fruits, candied fruits, dark chocolate.

In a word, do not get carried away and do not seize stress, otherwise, due to excessive passion for sweets, you may soon have a new reason for worry.

  • 8. Get moving
Any physical activity (especially targeted) will help improve blood circulation, which will additionally supply your organs with the necessary substances. In addition, this way you will get rid of the clamps, and this will allow energy to move better through your body.

You can walk, dance, do yoga, do exercises or stretch. But do not strain too much, your task is only to shake yourself up a little. Listen to yourself, if now you want to lie down more calmly, then it is better to postpone all motor activities until you have the strength for them.

  • 9. Rearrange
They say that if you rearrange 27 objects in the environment that surrounds you, this will help the energy around you to circulate more freely, which will have a beneficial effect on your emotional state. In general, any activity related to ordering - sorting out clothes, books, cleaning the room will help you calm down. In addition, putting things in order in the outer space will psychologically set you up for the inner order.
  • 10. Draw, color
Drawing has long been known for its healing and calming effect. But if for some reason you cannot draw even the simplest things, buy a children's coloring book and colored pencils and just color the pictures.
  • 11. Use aromatherapy

Essential oils of lavender, lemon balm, geranium, mandarin, orange, basil, chamomile, patchouli, ylang-ylang, bergamot will help you stabilize your emotional state. You can either simply inhale them using an aroma lamp, or take baths with them or do massages and rubbing. Before using, check the dosage of the oil, as an excessive amount can bring exactly the opposite effect.

  • 12. Sleep and eat right
In general, sleep and proper nutrition are the key to the absence of stress for any person, but during nervous tension they are especially necessary. Get enough sleep for the amount of time your body rests. Eat healthy foods that, if not calm you, then, in any case, will not cause additional excitement.

A person who is accustomed to constantly keep everything under control, even a small nervous stress after a certain time (when the stability limit is over) can greatly knock down.

  • 14. Take a sedative
  • Modern science offers many types of sedatives - and tablets, and drops, and infusions, and teas, and herbs. Note that there are preparations created exclusively on herbs, and there are actually herbs themselves, and all this in the form of a course will be useful and healthy person for complete stabilization of the nervous state. Soothing herbs include valerian, St. John's wort, peppermint, lavender, chamomile.

    However, try not to abuse this kind of calming the nerves, since the phrase “calm as an elephant” was not at all unreasonable, and over time, a sedative can dull not only nervous reactions that are undesirable for you, but also necessary ones, which is unlikely to make your life easier and better.

    • 15. Consult a specialist
    If none of the recommendations helped you, it makes sense to contact a psychologist or psychotherapist. The doctor will talk to you, run tests, work with you stressful situations and their causes, as well as how to deal effectively with nervous disorders.