Official business style of speech. Composition: History of official business style and genres of business speech

Federal Agency for Education
State educational institution
higher professional education

Department of Documentation


Moscow 2010

Table of contents

Introduction 3
      X-XII centuries
      XIV-XVI centuries
      The beginning of the XVIII century - "Peter's era"
      The end of the 18th century - "Catherine's Golden Age"
      19th century
      20th century

4 4
Conclusion 24
List of used literature 25

Language as a social phenomenon performs various functions associated with a particular area of ​​human activity. An important social function of the language is the message inherent in the official business style.
The official business style stood out earlier than other written styles because it served the most important areas of public life: foreign relations, securing private property, etc. The need to write down laws, contracts, records of debts began to form a special "language", which, having undergone many changes, still retains its main distinctive features.
This term paper is a study of the formation business style Russian literary language from the time of the appearance of writing in Russia to the present, as well as an overview of the features of modern formal business style Russian language.
The relevance of the course work lies in the fact that the history of the development of the business style of the Russian language is traced in detail and in detail, on each historical stage the features of the formation and change of word formation and word usage of the official business style - style are noted business correspondence as one of the most important genres of modern document management.

1.1 X-XII centuries
The first business documents appeared in Russia after the introduction in the tenth century. writing. The annals record the first written texts of treaties between the Russians and the Greeks, dating back to 907-971. In the XI century. the first code of laws appears Kievan Rus"Russkaya Pravda" is the main legal monument of Kievan Rus, by which one can judge the development of legal and socio-political terminology at that time.
The emergence of the oldest written code of laws is usually attributed to the reign of Prince Yaroslav the Wise, who in 1016, wanting to reconcile with the Novgorodians, unjustly offended by the prince's squad, which consisted of hired Varangians, left his charter as an assurance that he would rule in accordance with his will " the best husbands" of Novgorod. This is the traditional explanation of how the first part of the monument appeared - Yaroslav's Truth.
Subsequently, the code was supplemented by articles introduced in the second half of the 11th century, the so-called Pravda of the Yaroslavichs, compiled at a meeting of the princes Izyaslav, Svyatoslav and Vsevolod with the boyars close to them around 1070. And, finally, in the first decades of the 12th century. the lengthy edition of Russkaya Pravda included the articles of Vladimir Monomakh's Rules. Thus, the written fixation of legislation designed to justify and protect the feudal system in Kievan state, took place for a long time, naturally reflecting somewhat different stages of language development 1 .
The language of Russkaya Pravda already contains the characteristic features of a business style: the use of specific terms (vira - fine, listen - witness, mined - property, etc.), the presence of complex sentences and non-union chains.
The oldest document is also "The letter of the Grand Duke Mstislav Volodymyrovich and his son Vsevolod of 1130". The initial formula of this charter "Se az" ("Here I am") becomes from that time an indispensable element of ancient Russian letters. The letters end with a special construction, which indicates who witnessed the transaction and who signs the letter with his signature.
Consider the language of private correspondence of the time of Kievan Rus, the language of Novgorod letters on birch bark. Birch bark letters are among the most ancient monuments of Russian writing; according to archeology, they date back to the 11th century. Some letters begin with the words: "order from NN to NN". A frequently encountered stencil beginning of a letter can be considered the formula: "Kissing from NN to NN." No less characteristic examples of the application of "literary etiquette" are found in the endings of letters. Typical in the endings of letters are phrases with various forms of the verb bow, for example: "and we bow to you"; "I bow to you"; "and I bow to you." Also in the letters there is a bright and concise ending: "and on that tobe tsolom." This speaks of the general high cultural level of the inhabitants of ancient Novgorod in the 11th-12th centuries. and at the same time confirms the inseparable connection between the language of Old Russian business writing and book speech.
The given examples prove that such well-established phrases, traditional formulas for the beginning and ending of writing belong to the literary epistolary style that originated in Russia already in the most ancient era, characterize the speech culture of the writers, their ability to master the processed forms of the long-established literary and written language. 2

1.2 XIV-XVI centuries
A new stage in the development of the Russian national and literary-written language begins in the second half of the 14th century. and is associated with the formation of a centralized state around Moscow - the Moscow principality.
Local chancelleries receive the name orders, and scribes of grand ducal and local offices are called clerk, bastard. Cases in these institutions were managed by clerks, who developed a special "order syllable", close to the colloquial speech of the common people, but keeping in its composition separate traditional formulas and turns.
Such words and expressions as petition, to beat with a forehead(to ask for something). It has become generally accepted that the petitioner at the beginning of the petition list all the numerous titles and titles of the high-ranking person to whom he addressed the request, and be sure to name full name and patronymic of this person. On the contrary, the petitioner had to invariably write about himself only in a pejorative form, without adding a patronymic to his name and adding to it such indications of real or imaginary dependence, such as slave, slave, serf. 3
In this historical period, the word charter in the meaning of business paper, document. Complex terms appear in which the noun is determined by adjectives: literacy, spiritual(will), contractual letter, folding letter, ascribed letter, branch letter(establishing the boundaries of land grants), etc. Not limited to the genre of letters, business writing develops such forms as court records, questioning records.
By the XV-XVI centuries. includes the compilation of new sets of judicial decisions, for example, the Sudebnik of Ivan III (1497), the Pskov Judicial Charter (1462-1476), in which, based on the articles of Russkaya Pravda, the further development of legal norms was recorded. Terms reflecting new social relations appear in business writing (younger brother, older brother, boyar children), new monetary relations that developed in the Moscow period (bondage, money etc.). 4 The development of abundant social terminology, brought to life by the complication of socio-economic relations, is associated with a direct impact on the literary and written language of the folk colloquial speech element.
The language of business monuments of the XV-XVII centuries. - despite the relatively close proximity of the language of monuments of this type to colloquial speech, even such of them as interrogative speeches experienced the continuous and powerful influence of the written spelling tradition, dating back to the ancient Slavic writing of the 10th-11th centuries. Not a single written source could be free from such traditional influence. Ancient Russia during all periods of historical development.
The enrichment and increase in the number of forms of business writing indirectly influenced all genres of written speech and, ultimately, contributed to the overall progressive development of the literary and written language of Muscovite Russia. This language was more and more imbued with the speech features of business writing.
From the 15th century information about who wrote the text becomes the norm, and from the 17th-18th centuries. - Mandatory details of a business letter. State command language of the 15th–17th centuries. for all the lexical diversity, it is a more normalized, reference language than live colloquial speech. He introduces a number of command formulas into use, which become clichés and clericalism (to bail, this is given in that, to confront, put on trial, inflict reprisals, etc.). There were more and more documents. Extensive office work pre-Petrine Russia required the development of unified approaches to the design and processing of documents. The process of unifying the language of documents, which began in Kievan Rus, was further developed.
Thus, in the period from the 15th to the 17th centuries, in the era of the formation of the Russian centralized state, a state system was formed with an extensive system of functions serviced through various groups of documents. At this time, a special administrative institution was born - orders, and they included institutions serving written business communication - the office, mail, archive (which determined the era of order clerical work). The activities of these tools had to be based on a certain system of working with documents, and such a need necessitated the development of regulatory and methodological acts containing recommendations on the execution of documents, including those of a linguistic nature. Thus, a system for working with documents, a system of rules for their execution, begins to take shape.

1.3 The beginning of the XVIII century - "Peter's era"
The Petrine era in the history of Russia is characterized by significant reforms and transformations that affected statehood, production, military and naval affairs, and the life of the ruling classes of the then Russian society. So, the new administrative structure, the transformation of the Moscow State into Russian empire, brought to life the names of many new ranks and titles included in the "Table of Ranks", speech features of bureaucratic subordination: formulas for addressing lower ranks to higher ranks.
The development of military, and especially naval affairs, which was almost absent in Muscovite Russia, gave rise to many relevant manuals and instructions, military and naval regulations, saturated with new special terminology, new special expressions that completely replaced the words and expressions associated with the old Moscow military order. . Along with this, in order to meet the needs of the increasingly Europeanized nobility, various manuals were created that regulated the everyday life of the higher social classes.
In connection with the restructuring of public administration, with the development of industry and trade, the language of business correspondence is becoming much more complicated and enriched. It is moving further and further away from the old Moscow norms and traditions and is noticeably moving closer to the lively colloquial speech of the middle strata of the population.
Peter I, recommending to refrain from bookish Slavic sayings when translating from foreign languages, advised translators to take the language of the embassy order as a model: "You don’t need to put high Slavic words; use the words of the embassy order." 5
The renewal of the vocabulary of the Russian literary language in the Petrine era was especially evident in the sphere of administrative vocabulary. It is replenished at this time mainly by borrowings from German, Latin, partly French. About a quarter of all borrowings of the Petrine era falls precisely on the "words of the administrative language", which displace the use of the corresponding Old Russian names. An administrator, an actuary, an auditor, an accountant, a herald master, a governor, an inspector, a chamberlain, a chancellor, a landgewing, a minister, a police master, a president, a prefect, a ratman, and others appear. committees, offices, town halls, senate, synods and other administrative institutions that have replaced recent thoughts and orders, address, accredit, test, arrest, ballot, confiscate, correspond, claim, second-hand, interpret, ex-authorize, fine, etc. incognito, in envelopes, packages, various acts, accidents, amnesties, appeals, leases, bills, bonds, warrants, projects, reports, tariffs, etc. 6 The composition of this administrative vocabulary includes the names of persons by their ranks and positions, the names of institutions, names of various kinds business documents.
And in the "General Regulations" of the Petrine Collegiums, an already complete system of documenting norms was given. "General Forms", i.e. forms of documents, provided for the norms of registration, etiquette norms for addressing the addressee with an indication of the rank, title, rank, uniform norms for naming and self-naming. For violation of the rules of documentation, for the incorrect preparation of documents, the distortion of their meaning, punishment was provided for both "higher and lower ranks", and mandatory references to legislation were introduced when reporting on cases.
In the language of business writing of the Petrine era, old, traditional, and new elements coexisted, opposing each other. The former include Church Slavonic words and forms, as well as expressions from the old Moscow language of orders; to the second - foreign borrowings (barbarisms), vernacular, features of dialectal word usage, pronunciation and form formation. The vocabulary of the business language is increasingly moving away from colloquial, lively speech, a huge amount of foreign words.
During the administrative reform of Peter 1, the central government system was restructured (orders were replaced by collegiums), which marked the beginning of the era of collegial office work (1720-1802). During this period, a strict system of document management continued to improve, which meant the streamlining of business writing acts, the further officialization of the language. The normalization of documentary texts came from the state authorities and found its expression in numerous legislative acts, primarily in the "General Regulations of Collegia" (1720) - a set of rules containing an integral system of documenting norms, which served as an impetus for the emergence of modern forms of documents. In the course of the reform, the structure and form of traditional documents were improved and samples of new documents placed in "general forms" were developed - all this led to the unification of documents and the gradual elimination of the personal element in the practice of writing them. Also, the new rules introduced new etiquette norms for addressing the addressee, indicating the rank, title, rank.

1.4 The end of the 18th century - "The Golden Age of Catherine II"

The years of the reign of Empress Catherine II, which fell in the last third of the 18th century, were called by the Russian nobility the "Century of Catherine", the "golden age". (1762-1796). This time is the highest point in the development and flourishing of the economy and culture of the Russian nobility, its political domination. At the same time, this is the beginning of the crisis of the nobility in Russia, which is shaken by peasant uprisings. There were also echoes of the French bourgeois revolution in the late 1780s and 1790s. The social conditions for the functioning of the literary language are noticeably changing in comparison with the beginning and the first half of the century. The network of periodicals is expanding, book printing is developing.

Since business written speech represents the official business style of speech, it is absolutely necessary to consider a number of its specific features.

The official business style stood out before other written styles due to the fact that it served the most important areas of public life: foreign relations, securing private property and trade. The need for written consolidation of contracts, laws, records of debts, registration of the transfer of inheritance began to form a special "language", which, having undergone many changes, retains its main distinctive features.

Business documents appeared in Russia after the introduction in the tenth century. writing. The first written documents recorded in the annals are the texts of treaties between the Russians and the Greeks in 907, 911, 944 and 971. And in the XI century. the first set of laws of Kievan Rus "Russkaya Pravda" appears - an original monument of writing, which makes it possible to judge the development of the system of legal and socio-political terminology at that time. After the Russkaya Pravda, the most ancient document is considered to be the “Charter of the Grand Duke Mstislav Volodimirovich and his son Vsevolod of 1130”.

The letters end with a special formula, which indicates who witnessed the transaction and who signs the letter with his signature.

From the 15th century information about who wrote the text becomes the norm, and from the 17th-18th centuries. - Mandatory details of a business letter. State-mandatory language of the 15th-17th centuries. for all the lexical diversity, it is a more standardized, reference language than live colloquial speech. He introduces into use a number of command formulas, which become clichés and clericalism (to bail, this is given in that, to confront, put on trial, inflict reprisals, etc.).

There were more and more documents. The extensive office work of pre-Petrine Russia required the development of unified approaches to the design and processing of documents. The process of unifying the language of documents, which began in Kievan Rus, was further developed.

And in the "General Regulations" of the Petrine Collegiums, an already complete system of documenting norms was given. "General Forms", i.e. forms of documents, provided for the norms of registration, etiquette norms for addressing the addressee with an indication of the rank, title, rank, uniform norms for naming and self-naming. The vocabulary of the business language is increasingly moving away from colloquial, lively speech, a huge number of foreign words (province, act, ballot, appeal, etc.) and terms penetrate into it.

In the 19th century, when the formation of a codified literary language was basically completed, its functional varieties - styles - began to actively form. Official correspondence documents were obtained in the 19th century. the widest distribution and quantitatively significantly surpassed other types of business texts. They were written on official letterhead, included a certain set of details,

The adoption in 1811 of the "General Establishment of Ministries" establishes as state form the process of unifying the language of business papers. The characteristic features of the clerical style are actively formed: the formal-logical organization of the text, the impersonal nature of the statement, syntactic bulkiness, the nominal nature of speech, morphological and lexical uniformity (the prevalence of nominative and genitive cases), standardization.

As a result of the reform of office work (rules for paperwork), the need arose to reform the clerical style, which began to be understood as a task of national importance.

In the XX century. unification of documents becomes irreversible. New rules for maintaining official documentation were developed: in 1918, a single form of business letter forms was introduced. In the 1920s, work began on the creation of new business writing standards, screen texts appeared.

new era in the process of standardization opened machine processing and computerization of office work.

The choice and consolidation in practice of one language variant out of several possible ones is economically justified, dictated by the requirements of the increasingly complex economic and socio-political life of society, and technological progress. The use of stable formulas, accepted abbreviations, uniform arrangement of material, document design is typical for standard and template letters, questionnaires, tables, analogue texts, etc., allows you to encode information, assigning certain language means to a typical situation. The so-called analogue texts, forms, forms, in which the stencil has the form of a formalized text, are subjected to special standardization.

The process of creating stencil texts consists in allocating permanent parts for a group of texts of the same type, containing previously known information, and spaces for entering changing information.

“A form is a kind of ideal basis for business paper; when filled out, this is the standard that it strives for and achieves. In the form, the rigidity of the form reduces to zero all the possibilities of several interpretations, ”rightly notes P.V. Veselov, one of the leading experts in the field of documentary linguistics.

The standardization of the language of documents has developed special types of text organization: stencil, questionnaire, table.

The questionnaire is a folded text in the form of nominations of generic correspondence. The table is an even more capacious organization of the document: constant information is placed in the headings of the graph and sidebar (row headings), and the variable is in the cells of the table.

These types of text organization can be used in various genres of business documentaries: questionnaire method it is possible to simulate personnel questionnaires, orders, reports, explanatory notes; the following types of documents can be presented in tabular form: staffing, staff structure, vacation schedule, personnel orders. Stencil are often contracts, business letters. Thus, stenciling determines a high degree of informative capacity of the text due to the folding of the statement and the possibility of deciphering (including with the help of machine processing), expanding it into a complete structure.

The process of standardization and unification covers all levels of the language - vocabulary, morphology, syntax, text organization - and determines the originality and specificity of the official business style. Even well-known types of texts (narrative, description, reasoning) are modified in a business style, turning into types of presentation of an affirmatively stating or prescriptive-stating nature. Hence syntactic monotony, lexical homogeneity of speech, high repetition of words.

Document typing allows you to model text of any kind according to the situation. At the same time, the constituent text operates with certain modules, standard blocks, which are clichéd parts of the text (in the texts of agreements, this is the representation of the parties, the subject of the agreement, the calculation procedure, the obligations and rights of the parties, the duration of the agreement.

These modules are invariably included in the texts of contracts (on the performance of work, on rent, on sale and purchase). The text of the initial module of the contract itself practically does not change (variation of the members of the proposal, synonymous replacements are allowed), the legal terms that define social roles contracting parties.

All features of the official business style, its symbolic nature are due to the action of the dominant and the function of duty, which ensures the legal and social regulatory significance of business texts.

The economic necessity and the development of science and technology determine the ever-increasing unification and standardization of documents, on the one hand, and the trend towards simplification, purification from outdated clerical stamps and clichés of the language of business letters and, more broadly, business correspondence, on the other hand.

The language of business correspondence is the periphery of the official business style. Along with regulated letters, today the practice of business communication is increasingly included in non-regulated business letters, along with official ones - semi-official (congratulatory, advertising), in which the ratio of expression and standard changes from one side to the other.

Undoubtedly, the official business style, as well as the Russian language in general, has undergone significant changes. Its formation is closely connected with the formation and development of the Russian state, primarily because the sphere of regulation of legal and economic relations has created a need to single out a special functional variety of the literary language.

The regulation of relations between people, institutions, countries required written certificates, acts, documents, in which the features of the official business style gradually crystallized:

a) a high degree of terminating vocabulary:

Legal terms (owner, law, registration, ownership, acceptance of objects, privatization, ownership, redemption, personal file, etc.);

Economic terms (subsidies, costs, purchase and sale, budget, expense, income, payment, estimate, budget expenditures, etc.);

Economic and legal terms (loan repayment, sequestration, property rights, the period of sale of goods, quality certificate, etc.);

b) the nominal nature of speech, expressed in the high frequency of verbal nouns, which often denote an objectified action:

Loan repayment deferred payment in a high frequency of denominative prepositions and prepositional combinations: to, in relation to, due to, in connection with, in accordance with, on account, in the course of, in order to, as far as, along the line, after expiration, due to, subject to, in relation to, according to, according to, respectively (what), etc.;

c) the development of actual clerical meanings associated with the transition of participles in the class of adjectives and pronouns:

The real rules are these rules

This treaty is this treaty (cf .: real guy, real terror) in in due course- in a legal manner;

d) standardization lexical compatibility: the narrowing of the meaning of words explains the limitation of the lexical compatibility of words, the emergence of the so-called regulated compatibility:

Control is usually assigned, the deal is made, the price is set

Positions are constructive/non-constructive; activity - successful; necessity - imperative; discounts - significant disagreements - significant / insignificant, etc.;

e) standardization of syntactic units (sentences, phrases), which are not compiled, but as a formula are reproduced in the text of a document that fixes the corresponding situation of social and legal relations:

according to established order; in accordance with the agreement; in case of non-fulfillment of debt obligations;

The agreement comes into force from the date of signing;

f) the formal-logical principle of text organization, which is expressed in the division of the main topic into sub-themes considered in paragraphs and subparagraphs, into which the text is graphically divided and which are indicated by Arabic numerals:

I. Subject of the contract

1.1. The contractor assumes responsibility for supplying the customer central heating, water supply and sewage disposal.

1.2. The customer pays for the services provided in a timely manner;

g) lack of manifestation of an idiolect, lack of emotionality, a narrow range of speech expression.

Vinokur T.G. considers that in the business style “the speech action of one person has a quasi-individual linguistic content” due to the setting “speak (write) like everyone else” out of necessity;

h) the maximum degree of etiquette requirements, expressed in the abundance of etiquette signs, etiquette texts (congratulations, condolences, gratitude).

The official business style is characterized by the functions of expression of will, obligation, represented in texts by a wide range of imperativeness from the genres of orders, decrees, orders to requests, wishes, proposals expressed in petitions and business correspondence; function of fixing legal relations (agreement, contract); information transfer function (newsletters, reports, certificates).

Krasivova A.N. Business Russian language - M., 2001

1. Characteristics of the official business style: history of formation, linguistic and extralinguistic features

In the field of science, office work and lawmaking, in the means mass media and in politics language is used in different ways. Each of the listed spheres of public life is assigned its own subtype of the Russian literary language, which has a number of distinguishing features at all language levels - lexical, morphological, syntactic and textual. These features form a speech system in which each element is connected with others. This subtype of literary language is called functional style.

The official business style is assigned to the sphere of social and legal relations, which are realized in lawmaking, in the economy, in managerial and diplomatic activities. The periphery of the business style includes informative advertising, patent style and everyday business speech (statements, explanatory notes, receipts, etc.). Organizational and administrative documentation (ORD) is a type of business writing that most fully represents its specifics. Together with various types legislative speech (license, rules, charter, decree, etc.) ORD is the center of business writing, the core of the official business style.

A document is a text that controls the actions of people and has legal significance. Hence the increased requirement for accuracy, which does not allow for other interpretations, imposed on the text of documents. Only a written speech, prepared and edited, can meet this requirement. V oral speech it is almost impossible to achieve such a degree of accuracy due to its unpreparedness, spontaneity, variability. In addition to the requirement of denotative accuracy (a denotation is an object or phenomenon of the reality around us, with which a given language unit is correlated), the language of documents is subject to the requirement of communicative accuracy - an adequate reflection of reality, reflection of the author's thought in a speech fragment (sentence, text).

In documents, therefore, clichéd standard phrases are used:

The agreement comes into force from the date of signing.

Pursuant to order no.

The standardization of the language of business papers provides the degree of communicative accuracy that gives the document legal force. Any phrase, any sentence should have only one meaning and interpretation. To achieve such a degree of accuracy in the text, one has to repeat the same words, names, terms: In case of advance payment, the Customer is obliged, within three days from the date of payment, to hand over to the Contractor a copy of the payment document certified by the bank or notify him by telegram. If the Customer fails to comply with the requirements of this paragraph, the Contractor shall have the right, after ten days from the date of signing the contract, to sell the goods.

The detail of the presentation in the official business style is combined with the analytic expression of actions, processes in the form of a verbal noun:

Emphasized logic, unemotionality of presentation with a standard arrangement of text material on a sheet also very significantly distinguish written business speech from oral speech. Oral speech is most often emotionally colored, asymmetric according to the principle of text organization. The emphasized logicality of oral speech indicates the formality of the communication environment. Business verbal communication should proceed against the background positive emotions- trust, sympathy, goodwill, respect.

The information in the document is carried not only by text fragments, but also by all elements of the text design that are mandatory - details. For each type of document, there is a set of details provided for by the state standard - GOST.

A prop is a mandatory information element of a document, strictly assigned to a specific place on a form, sheet. Name, date, registration number, information about the compiler, etc. constantly located in the same place - the first three at the top, and the last one at the bottom of the sheet after the signatures.

The number of details varies and depends on the type and content of documents. The sample key establishes the maximum composition of the details and the order in which they are located. These include:

1. State Emblem of the Russian Federation.

2. The emblem of the organization and enterprise.

3. Image of government awards.

4. Code of the enterprise, institution or organization according to the all-Russian classifier of enterprises and organizations (OKPO).

5. Code of the document form according to the all-Russian classifier of management documentation (OKUD).

6. Name of the ministry or department.

7. Name of the institution, organization or enterprise.

8. Name structural unit.

9. Post office index, postal and telegraph address, teletype, telephone, fax number, bank account number.

10. Name of the document type.

14. Place of compilation and publication.

15. Signature of restriction of access to the document.

16. Addressee.

17. Stamp of approval.

18. Resolution.

19. Title to the text.

20. Mark of control.

22. Mark about the presence of the application.

23. Signature.

24. Stamp of approval.

26. Print.

27. A mark on the certification of copies.

28. Surname of the performer and his phone number.

29. A note on the execution of the document and sending it to the case.

30. A mark on the transfer of data to a machine medium.

31. Mark of admission.

Thus, a high degree of unification, standardization as a leading feature of syntax, a high degree of terminating vocabulary, consistency, unemotionality, the information load of each element of the text, attention to detail are characteristic of the language of documents and distinguish it from oral spontaneous business dialogic speech.

The history of the formation of the official business style.

· Business documents appeared in Russia after the introduction in the tenth century. writing. The first written documents recorded in the annals are the texts of treaties between the Russians and the Greeks in 907, 911, 944 and 971. And in the XI century. the first set of laws of Kievan Rus "Russkaya Pravda" appears - an original monument of writing, which makes it possible to judge the development of the system of legal and socio-political terminology at that time. In the language of "Russkaya Pravda" it is already possible to distinguish the features of word usage and organization of speech, which are among the characteristic features of business style. This is a high terminology, the predominance of composition over subordination in complex sentences, Availability complex structures With coordinating conjunctions"and", "yes", "same", as well as non-union chains. Of all the types of complex sentences, constructions with a conditional clause (with the conjunction asche - if) are most widely used: In Russkaya Pravda, terms are already used that indicate the development of legal relations in Ancient Russia: head (killed), golovnik (murderer), posluh ( witness), vira (fine), obtained (property), veno vopi koe (bride price), kuna (money). Legal terms represent the most important lexical layer of the language of ancient documents.

· After "Russkaya Pravda" the most ancient document is "The Diploma of Grand Duke Mstislav Volodymyrovich and his son Vsevolod of 1130". The initial formula of this letter "Se az" ... ("Here I am") becomes from that time obligatory element(props) of ancient Russian letters: "Behold, the great prince Vsevolod gave me to St. George (Yuryev Monastery) the Terpugsky churchyard of Lyakhovichi with land, and with people, and with horses, and forest, and boards, and traps for fishing ..." (" s "Letters of the Grand Duke Vsevolod Mstislavovich to the Yuryev Monastery 1125-1137"). The letters ended with a special formula, which indicates who was a witness to the transaction and who seals the letter with his signature.

· And in the "General Regulations" of the Peter's Collegiums, an already complete system of documenting norms was given. "General Forms", i.e. forms of documents, provided for the norms of registration, etiquette norms for addressing the addressee with an indication of the rank, title, rank, uniform norms for naming and self-naming. The vocabulary of the business language is increasingly moving away from colloquial, lively speech, a huge number of foreign words (province, act, ballot, appeal, etc.) and terms penetrate into it.

· In the 19th century, when the formation of a codified literary language was basically completed, its functional varieties - styles - began to actively form. Official correspondence documents were obtained in the 19th century. the widest distribution and quantitatively significantly surpassed other types of business texts. They were written on official forms, included a certain set of details. Since 1811, after the adoption of the General Establishment of Ministries, the characteristic features of the clerical style were actively formed: the formal-logical organization of the text, the impersonal nature of the statement, syntactic cumbersomeness, the nominal nature of speech, morphological and lexical uniformity (the prevalence of nominative and genitive cases), standardization. As a result of the reform of office work (rules for paperwork), the need arose to reform the clerical style, which began to be understood as a task of national importance.

In the XX century. unification of documents becomes irreversible. New rules for maintaining official documentation were developed: in 1918, a single form of business letter forms was introduced. In the 20s of the twentieth century. work began on the creation of new business writing standards, screen texts appeared

Official business style as a language of documents

A new era in the standardization process was opened by machine processing and computerization of office work. The choice and consolidation in practice of one language variant out of several possible ones is economically justified, dictated by the requirements of the increasingly complex economic and socio-political life of society, and technological progress. The use of stable formulas, accepted abbreviations, uniform arrangement of material in the preparation of a document is typical for standard and template letters, questionnaires, tables, analogue texts, etc., allows you to encode information, assigning certain language means to a typical situation. For example, the need to take part in an exhibition of goods involves filling out an application made by an exhibition organization in a typographical way in the form of a questionnaire. The so-called analogue texts, forms, forms, in which the stencil has the form of a formalized text, are subjected to special standardization.

The process of creating stencil texts consists in allocating permanent parts for a group of texts of the same type, containing previously known information, and spaces for entering changing information. As a rule, these are nominations, dates of execution, signing of a document, indication of cost, quantity, form of delivery of goods (equipment), scope of work, etc.

Template texts with permanent and changing parts are called blanks. "The form is a kind of ideal basis for business paper, in the completed form this is the standard to which it aspires and which it achieves. In the form, the rigidity of the form nullifies all the possibilities of several interpretations," rightly notes P.V. Veselov, one of the leading experts in the field of documentary linguistics.

The standardization of the language of documents has developed special types of text organization: stencil, questionnaire, table.

The questionnaire is a folded text in the form of nominations of generic correspondence.

The table is an even more capacious organization of the document: constant information is placed in the headings of the graph and sidebar (row headings), and the variable is in the cells of the table.

These types of text organization can be used in various genres of business documentaries: the questionnaire method can be used to simulate personnel questionnaires, orders, memorandums, explanatory notes; the following types of documents can be presented in tabular form: staffing, staff structure, vacation schedule, personnel orders. Stencil are often contracts, business letters.

Stencilling, thus, causes a high degree of informative capacity of the text due to the folding of the statement and the possibility of deciphering (including with the help of machine processing), expanding it into a complete structure.

The process of standardization and unification covers all levels of business language documents - vocabulary, morphology, syntax, text organization - and determines the originality and specificity of the official business style. Even well-known types of texts (narration, description, reasoning) are modified in a business style, turning into types of presentation of an affirmative-stating or prescriptive-stating nature. Hence syntactic monotony, lexical homogeneity of speech, high repetition of words.

Typification of business documents allows you to model the text of any variety, situation. At the same time, the constituent text operates with certain modules, standard blocks, which are clichéd parts of the text (in the texts of agreements, this is the representation of the parties, the subject of the agreement, the calculation procedure, the obligations and rights of the parties, the duration of the agreement).

Joint-stock company open type"Vnukovo Airport", hereinafter referred to as ___________ Customer, represented by General Director V.V. Baranov, acting on the basis of the Charter, on the one hand, and the firm "Networks and Systems", hereinafter referred to as the Contractor, represented by Director M.V. Petrov, acting on the basis of the Charter, on the other hand, have concluded an agreement among themselves on the following ...

A lease agreement is concluded between Closed Joint Stock Company Wholesale Market Samara, hereinafter referred to as the Lessor, and Ares LLP, hereinafter referred to as the Lessee.

These modules are invariably included in the texts of contracts (on the performance of work, on rent, on sale and purchase). The text of the initial module of the contract itself practically does not change (variation of the members of the proposal, synonymous replacements are allowed), the legal terms that define the social roles of the contracting parties change:

Contract for the performance of work - Customer - Contractor (Contractor)

sale and purchase agreement - Seller - Buyer

· lease agreement - Landlord - Tenant.

All features of the official business style, its symbolic nature are due to the action of the dominant and the function of duty, which ensures the legal and social regulatory significance of business texts.

Economic necessity, the development of science and technology determine the ever-increasing unification and standardization of documents, on the one hand, and the trend towards simplification, purification from outdated clerical stamps and clichés of the language of business letters and, more broadly, business correspondence, on the other hand.

Language of business correspondence

The language of business correspondence is the periphery of the official business style. Along with regulated letters, today unregulated business letters are increasingly entering the practice of business communication, along with official ones, semi-official (congratulatory, advertising), in which the ratio of expression and standard changes in one direction or the other. Undoubtedly, the official business style, like the Russian language as a whole, has undergone significant changes. Its formation is closely connected with the formation and development of the Russian state, primarily because the sphere of regulation of legal and economic relations has created a need to single out a special functional variety of the literary language.

The regulation of relations between people, institutions, countries required written evidence, acts, documents, in which the features of the official business style gradually crystallized. So, the official business style is distinguished by:

High degree of terminating vocabulary:

o legal terms(owner, law, registration, property, acceptance of objects, transfer of objects, act, privatization, fall, lease, redemption, personal file, etc.);

o economic terms (subsidy, costs, sale and purchase, budget, expense, income, payment, estimate, budget items, budget expenditures, etc.);

o economic and legal terms (loan repayment, sequestration, property rights, the period of sale of goods, quality certificate, etc.);

The nominal nature of speech, expressed in the high frequency of verbal nouns, which often denote an objectified action:

o loan repayment - pay off a loan

o resolving the issue - resolving the issue

o use credit - use credit

o shipment of goods - to ship goods

o deferred payment - defer payment

in a high frequency of denominative prepositions and prepositional combinations: to, in relation to, by virtue of, in connection with, in accordance with, on account of, in, course, in order to, as far as, along the line, at the address, after the expiration, due to , if available, with assistance, provided, in relation to, according to, according to, respectively (what), etc.;

The development of actual clerical meanings associated with the transition of participles into the class of adjectives and pronouns:

o real rules

o this contract

o current rates

o Appropriate measures

o proper handling

o with inadequate quality

o in due course

Standardization of lexical compatibility: the narrowing of the meaning of words explains the limitation of the lexical compatibility of words, the emergence of the so-called regulated compatibility:

o control is usually assigned

o deal - is concluded

o payment - made

o invoice - issued (or paid)

o price - set

o right - granted

o Positions are constructive / non-constructive; activity - successful; necessity - imperative; discounts - significant; disagreements - significant/insignificant, etc.;

standardization of syntactic units (sentences, phrases) that are not compiled, but as a formula are reproduced in the text of a document that fixes the corresponding situation of social and legal relations:

o in the prescribed manner; in accordance with the agreement;

o in order to provide technical assistance; in case of non-fulfillment of debt obligations;

o The contract comes into force from the date of signing;

o Complaints are filed in the manner prescribed by law;

o Delivery is made by road transport;

The formal-logical principle of text organization, expressed in the splitting of the main topic into sub-topics, considered in paragraphs and sub-paragraphs, into which the text is graphically divided and which are indicated by Arabic numerals:

o 1. Subject of the contract

o 1.1. The contractor assumes responsibility for supplying the customer with central heating and water supply.

o 1.2. The customer pays for the services provided in a timely manner;

lack of emotionality, a narrow range of speech expression;

The maximum degree of etiquette requirements, expressed in the abundance of etiquette signs, etiquette texts (congratulations, condolences, gratitude).

Functions of formal business style

The official business style is characterized by the functions of expression of will, obligation, represented in texts by a wide range of imperativeness from the genres of orders, decrees, orders to requests, wishes, proposals expressed in petitions and business correspondence; function of fixing legal relations (agreement, contract); information transfer function (newsletters, reports, certificates).

2. The main genres of written business speech: linguistic and compositional characteristics

Vocabulary of the language of business documents

Grammar of the language of business documents

Syntax of the language of business documents

· Business letters

Types of business letters

One of the actual genres of written business speech has now become a contract. An agreement is a document that establishes the legal relations of legal entities (counterparties) or individual with a legal entity. The nature of the transaction, conditions, terms, rights and obligations of the parties are certainly reflected in the relevant clauses of the contract and constitute a set of information that provides the document with legal force. From the point of view of text organization, these items are modules - text fragments with typical headings, represented by a set of standard phrases. There should be at least seven such models:

1. Representation of the parties.

2. Subject of the contract.

3. Obligations of the parties.

4. Conditions and procedure for settlements.

5. Responsibility of the parties.

6. Duration of the contract.

7. Legal addresses and payment details of the parties.

8. In addition to the above, the following items are introduced into the text of the agreement, if necessary:

9. Controversial issues.

10. Cost of the contract.

11. Additional terms ( special conditions).

12. Responsibility of the parties (sanctions).

13. Settlement procedure (payments and settlements).

14. Force majeure circumstances (force majeure).

15. Guarantees of fulfillment of obligations (quality of goods).

16. Order of delivery and acceptance of works.

17. The procedure for resolving disputes (arbitration), etc.

You should pay attention to the fact that the title of the document contains the keyword "contract":

Supply contract

contract agreement

Rent contract

Service Agreement

Contract for the supply of electricity

The title is thus a phrase with a noun in the prepositional case with the preposition "o" ("about") or the noun "contract" with genitive case dependent word

Room lease contract.

Purchase and sale contract.

It is incorrect to use any other case form, for example:

Contract for the supply of electricity or

Contract of sale.


Limited Liability Partnership - the production enterprise "Master-93", hereinafter referred to as the "CONTRACTOR", represented by the director Mikhail Vasilyevich Ganyushev, acting on the basis of the charter, on the one hand, and BLOCK LLP, hereinafter referred to as the "CUSTOMER", in represented by Director Gerasimov Oleg Alekseevich, acting on the basis of the charter, on the other hand, have concluded this agreement as follows:


1.1. The Customer instructs, and the Contractor assumes obligations for the manufacture and installation of a mobile book and photo exhibition in accordance with the requirement of register No. 68, Art. 3-12 within 25 business days from the date of receipt of payment to the account of the Contractor.


2.1. The customer undertakes:

make payment for the services of the Contractor in accordance with clause 3.1 of this agreement;

provide assistance to the Contractor in the fulfillment of his obligations.


3.1. The total amount under this agreement is 34,000 (Thirty-four thousand) rubles.

3.2. Payment is made in advance or 100% within 5 days from the date of signing the contract.


4.1. In case of late payment for the Contractor's services (including advance payment), the Customer shall pay the Contractor a penalty in the amount of 0.2% of the contract amount for each day of delay.

4.2. In case of untimely fulfillment by the Contractor of his obligations, he pays the Customer a penalty in the amount of 0.2% of the contract amount for each day of delay.


This agreement comes into force from the moment of signing by the parties and is valid until the parties fulfill their obligations.


All other conditions not stipulated by the contract are governed by the current legislation.

1. The Agreement is made in two copies, one of which is with the Contractor, the second - with the Customer.

2. Legal addresses and payment details of the parties:

Vocabulary of the language of business documents

1. High degree termination. characteristic feature Russian language of documents is, as already mentioned, a high degree of termination, and a huge layer adjoins the terms:

Nomenclature vocabulary:

o nomenclature of names: AOOT "Olimp"

o nomenclature of positions: sales manager, advertising manager,

o general manager, Commercial Director;

o nomenclature of goods: ZIL-130, gasoline A-76, etc.;

technical terms. In addition to legal, economic and legal-economic terms, a fairly large number of technical terms are used in the language of business papers:

o energy carriers, mineral resource base, auxiliary equipment,

o abbreviations:

o ACS - automatic system management;

o AIS - automatic Information system;

o Efficiency - efficiency factor;

o NRB - radiation safety standards.

abbreviations. In addition to terms, the names of well-known legal acts are abbreviated:

o CC - Civil Code;

o CC - Criminal Code.

o Nomenclature signs of the most diverse properties are being reduced; representing the names of organizations:

o IMF - International Monetary Fund;

o CBR - the Central Bank of Russia;

o indicating the form of ownership of the enterprise and included as a classifier in the names of enterprises:

o 000 - limited liability company;

o OJSC - open joint stock company;

o PE - private enterprise;

o MP - municipal enterprise;

o JV - joint venture.

o The range of positions is being reduced:

o IO - acting.

2. High frequency. The homogeneity of the stylistic coloring of the vocabulary of business written speech is also achieved due to the high frequency of the so-called procedural vocabulary (this is a vocabulary with a generalized meaning), which represents a specific action, object or sign in the official legal interpretation in the text of the document:

violation of labor discipline (it can be late, absenteeism, appearing at work in a state of intoxication, etc.),

disruption of the delivery schedule (delay in transit, untimely shipment of goods, etc.),

bear responsibility (subject to fines, pecuniary penalties, criminal prosecution, etc. in case of violation)

The presentation procedure is connected not only with the preference for generalized semantics, but also with the preference for generic lexemes over species ones:

· production - books, booklets, boards, nails;

premises - room, apartment, hall;

building - barn, house, stall, etc.,

with an inclination towards dissected concepts of both actions and objects:

make a calculation - calculate

trade process - trade

cash - money

Terms and procedural vocabulary make up the basic, style-forming vocabulary of the language of documents, which in certain genres makes up from 50 to 70% of all word usage.

The most important feature procedural vocabulary is that the words are used in the text in one possible meaning. The unambiguity of contextual use is due to the subject of the document:

The parties undertake to provide mutual barter supplies...

With all the ambiguity, the word "parties" is read only in the legal aspect - "legal entities concluding a contract."

A high degree of generalization and abstractness of the main style-forming vocabulary (termination, provision, loss, calculation, work, disagreement, product, name, etc.) in business writing is combined with the specific meaning of nomenclature vocabulary.

Nomenclature vocabulary with its specific denotative meaning, as it were, complements high level generalization of terms and procedural vocabulary. These types of words are used in parallel: in the text of agreements - terms and procedural vocabulary, in annexes to agreements - nomenclature vocabulary. In questionnaires, registers, specifications, applications, etc. the terms seem to get their decoding.

In the texts of documents, the use of swear words and generally reduced vocabulary, colloquial expressions and jargon is not allowed, however, professional and slang words fall into the language of business correspondence: personnel officer, payroll, cape, work in progress, etc. The use of such vocabulary in business letters is just as inappropriate as the use of clericalism in everyday conversation, since its use is reserved only for the oral sphere of communication and it cannot meet the requirement of accuracy.

Grammar of the language of business documents

The grammatical norms of business style, representing the language of documents, include the unification of the grammatical structure of a phrase, word form. The selected option is assigned as a reference for each compositional part of the text. For example, in the text of the order, each item begins with the addressee in the dative hope - "to whom?", And then "what to do?":

28.5 words. In general, the offer scientific text contains about one and a half times more words than a sentence artistic text. Official business style Among the book styles of the language, the official business style stands out for its relative stability and isolation. Over time, it naturally undergoes some changes due to the nature of the content itself. But many...

comic effect. Let us dwell in more detail on certain aspects of colloquial speech. The study of styles To identify the frequency of figurative and expressive means in various functional styles of the Russian language, we will consider examples of texts of each of the styles separately and analyze them. The analysis consists in identifying tropes and figures in all styles and comparing their number in relation to ...

Business documents appeared in Russia after the introduction in the tenth century. writing. The first written documents recorded in the annals are the texts of treaties between the Russians and the Greeks in 907, 911, 944 and 971. In the XI century. the first set of laws of Kievan Rus "Russkaya Pravda" appears - an original monument of writing, which makes it possible to judge the development of the system of legal and socio-political terminology at that time. In the language of "Russkaya Pravda" it is already possible to distinguish the features of word usage and organization of speech, which are among the characteristic features of business style. This is a high terminology, the predominance of composition over subordination in complex sentences, the presence of complex structures with coordinating conjunctions "and", "yes", "same", as well as non-union chains. Of all the types of complex sentences, constructions with a conditional clause (with the union if - if) are most widely used:

In Russkaya Pravda, terms are already used that testify to the development of legal relations in Ancient Russia: head (murdered), golovnik (murderer), posluh (witness), vira (fine), mined (property), veno vopi koe (bride price ), kuna (money). Legal terms represent the most important lexical layer of the language of ancient documents.

After "Russkaya Pravda" the most ancient document is the "Charter of Grand Duke Mstislav Volodimirovich and his son Vsevolod of 1130". The initial formula of this charter "Se az" ... ("Here I am") becomes from that time an obligatory element (props) of ancient Russian letters: "Behold, the great prince Vsevolod gave me to St. with people, and with horses, and a forest, and boards, and traps on Lovat ... "(from" Letter of the Grand Duke Vsevolod Mstislavovich to the Yuriev Monastery 1125-1137 ").

Letters ended with a special formula, which indicates who was a witness to the transaction and who sealed the letter with his signature.

In the "General Regulations" of the Petrine Colleges, an already complete system of documenting norms was given. "General Forms", i.e. forms of documents, provided for the norms of registration, etiquette norms for addressing the addressee with an indication of the rank, title, rank, uniform norms for naming and self-naming. The vocabulary of the business language is increasingly moving away from colloquial, lively speech, a huge number of foreign words (province, act, ballot, appeal, etc.) and terms penetrate into it.

In the 19th century, when the formation of a codified literary language was basically completed, its functional varieties - styles - began to actively form. Official correspondence documents were obtained in the 19th century. the widest distribution and quantitatively significantly surpassed other types of business texts. They were written on official forms, included a certain set of details.

Since 1811, after the adoption of the "General Establishment of Ministries", the characteristic features of the clerical style have been actively formed: the formal-logical organization of the text, the impersonal nature of the statement, syntactic cumbersomeness, nominal character of speech, morphological and lexical monotony (the prevalence of nominative and genitive cases) , standardization. As a result of the reform of office work (rules for paperwork), the need arose to reform the clerical style, which began to be understood as a task of national importance.

In the XX century. unification of documents becomes irreversible. New rules for maintaining official documentation were developed: in 1918, a single form of business letter forms was introduced. In the 20s. 20th century work began on the creation of new business writing standards, screen texts appeared.

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