Communication with submarines on ultra-long waves. How does radio communication between the earth and submarines occur?

Communications with submarines

Acoustic transmission

    Sound can travel quite far in water, and underwater speakers and hydrophones can be used for communication. In any case, the naval forces and USSR, And USA installed acoustic equipment on seabed areas that were frequently visited by submarines and connected them submarine cables with ground communication stations.

    One-way communication in a submerged position is possible through the use of explosions. A series of explosions following at certain intervals propagate through the underwater sound channel and are received by hydroacoustics.

Radio communications in the very low frequency range

Radio waves very low range (VLF , VLF, 3-30 kHz) can penetrate seawater to depths of up to 20 meters. This means that a submarine located at shallow depths can use this range for communication. Even a submarine located much deeper can use buoy with antenna on a long cable. The buoy may be located at a depth of several meters and, due to its small size, cannot be detected sonars enemy. One of the first VLF transmitters, " Goliath", was built in Germany in 1943, after the war it was transported to the USSR, in 1949-1952 it was restored in the Nizhny Novgorod region and is still in use.

In Belarus, under Vileyka, there is a megawatt VLF transmitter for communication with submarines of the Russian Navy - 43rd communications center.

Aerial photograph of an ELF transmitter (Clam Lake, Wisconsin, 1982)

Radio waves extremely low frequency (ELF , ELF, up to 30 Hz) easily pass through the Earth and sea water. Construction of an ELF transmitter is an extremely difficult task due to the enormous wavelength. Soviet the ZEUS system operates at a frequency of 82 Hz (wavelength - 3656 km), American"Seafarer" ( English navigator) - 76 Hz (wavelength - 3944.64 km). The wavelength in these transmitters is comparable to the radius of the Earth. It is obvious that the construction of a dipole antennas half the wavelength (length ≈ 2000 km) is an unrealistic task at the moment.

Instead, you should find a region of the Earth with a sufficiently low conductivity and drive 2 huge electrodes into it at a distance of about 60 km from each other. Since the Earth's conductivity in the area of ​​the electrodes is quite low, the electric current between the electrodes will penetrate deep into the Earth's interior, using them as part of a huge antenna. Due to the extremely high technical complexity of such an antenna, only the USSR and the USA had ELF transmitters.

The above described circuit is implemented on the ZEUS transmitter located on Kola Peninsula in Severomorsk-3, east of Murmansk in the area with coordinates 69, 33 69° N. w. 33° east d. /  69° N. w. 33° east d. (G) (O)(the fact of the existence of a Soviet ELF transmitter was made public only in 1990). This antenna circuit has extremely low efficiency - its operation requires the power of a separate power plant, while the output signal has a power of several watts. But this signal can be received virtually anywhere globe- even a scientific station in Antarctica recorded the fact that the ZEUS transmitter was turned on. [ source not specified 575 days ]

The American Seafarer transmitter consisted of two antennas at Clam Lake, Wisconsin(With 1977) and at Sawyer Air Force Base in Michigan(c 1980). Was dismantled in September 2004. Until 1977, the Sanguine system was used, located in Wisconsin.

Navy Great Britain attempted to build their own transmitter in Scotland, but the project was curtailed.

Due to the large size of such a device, transmission from a submerged boat to land is not possible. The communication code is kept secret, but it can be assumed that due to the low transmission frequency (a few bytes per minute), only simple commands like “Surface and listen to the command via satellite communication” are transmitted via ELF communication. However, the receiving antennas for ELF communications are by no means small - the boats use manufactured towed antennas.

Radio communication via repeaters


If the submarine is on the surface, it can use the normal radio range, like other seagoing vessels. This does not mean using the usual shortwave band: most often it is communication with the military communication satellite. In the USA, such a communication system is called a “satellite subsystem for exchanging information with submarines” ( English Submarine Satellite Information Exchange Sub-System, SSIXS), part of the maritime ultra-high frequency satellite communications system ( English Navy Ultra High Frequency Satellite Communications System, UHF SATCOM).


In the 1970s, a submarine modification project was developed in the USSR project 629 to use them as signal repeaters and ensure communication of ships from anywhere in the world with the command of the Navy. Three submarines were modified under the project.


To communicate with submarines, the Russian Navy (USSR) uses a relay aircraft Tu-142 MR (NATO classification - “Bear-J”). At the bottom of the fuselage there is a drum with an exhaust towed cable antenna, 8.6 km long, and an VLF transceiver high power– station R-826PL “Fregat”. In addition, the aircraft is equipped with a complex of short-wave stations for tropospheric communications - “BCSR-A” and additional equipment for encoding and automation of radio communications. The plane can stay in the air for up to 17 hours.


Communication sessions, especially when the boat surfaces, violate its secrecy, exposing it to the risk of detection and attack. Therefore, various measures are being taken to increase the secrecy of the boat, both technical and organizational. Thus, boats use transmitters to transmit short pulses in which the entire necessary information. Also, transmission can be carried out by a pop-up and sub-pop-up buoy. The buoy can be left by a boat at a specific location for data transmission, which begins when the boat itself has already left the area.

Indeed, in the age of the Internet, Glonass and wireless data transmission systems, the problem of communication with submarines may seem like a meaningless and not very witty joke - what problems could there be here, 120 years after the invention of radio?

And there is only one problem here - the boat, unlike airplanes and surface ships, moves in the depths of the ocean and does not respond at all to the call signs of conventional HF, VHF, DV radio stations - salty sea water, being an excellent electrolyte, reliably jams any signals.

Well... if necessary, the boat can surface to periscope depth, extend the radio antenna and conduct a communication session with the shore. Is the problem solved?
Alas, not everything is so simple - modern nuclear-powered ships are capable of staying underwater for months, only occasionally rising to the surface to conduct a scheduled communication session. The main importance of the issue is the reliable transmission of information from the shore to the submarine: will it really be necessary to wait a day or more to broadcast an important order - until the next scheduled communication session?

In other words, at the moment of the outbreak of a nuclear war, submarine missile carriers risk being useless - while battles are raging on the surface, the boats will continue to calmly write “figure eights” in the depths of the World Ocean, unaware of the tragic events occurring “above.” What about our nuclear retaliatory strike? Why do we need naval nuclear forces if they cannot be used in time?
How do you even contact a submarine lurking on the seabed?

The first method is quite logical and simple, at the same time it is very difficult to implement in practice, and the range of such a system leaves much to be desired. We are talking about underwater sound communication - acoustic waves, unlike electromagnetic waves, propagate in the marine environment much better than through the air - the speed of sound at a depth of 100 meters is 1468 m/s!

All that remains is to install powerful hydrophones or explosive charges at the bottom - a series of explosions at a certain interval will clearly indicate to the submarines the need to surface and receive an important code message via radio communication. The method is suitable for operations in the coastal zone, but it will no longer be possible to “shout” the Pacific Ocean, otherwise the required power of explosions will exceed all reasonable limits, and the resulting tsunami wave will wash away everything from Moscow to New York.

Of course, it is possible to lay hundreds and thousands of kilometers of cables along the bottom - to hydrophones installed in the areas where strategic missile carriers and multi-purpose nuclear submarines are most likely to be located... But is there another, more reliable and effective solution?

Der Goliath. Fear of heights

It is impossible to circumvent the laws of nature, but each rule has its exceptions. The sea surface is not transparent for long, medium, short and ultra-short waves. At the same time, ultra-long waves, reflected from the ionosphere, easily spread beyond the horizon for thousands of kilometers and are capable of penetrating into the depths of the oceans.

A solution has been found - a communication system on ultra-long waves. And the non-trivial problem of communication with submarines has been solved!

But why do all radio amateurs and radio experts sit with such a sad expression on their faces?

Dependence of the depth of penetration of radio waves on their frequency. VLF (very low frequency) - very low frequencies, ELF (extremely low frequency) - extremely low frequencies

Ultra-long waves are radio waves with a wavelength of over 10 kilometers. In this case, we are interested in the range of very low frequencies (VLF) ranging from 3 to 30 kHz, the so-called. "myriameter waves". Don’t even try to look for this range on your radios - to work with ultra-long waves you need antennas of amazing sizes, many kilometers long - none of the civilian radio stations operate in the “myriameter waves” range.

The monstrous dimensions of the antennas are the main obstacle to the creation of VLF radio stations.

And yet, research in this area was carried out in the first half of the 20th century - their result was the incredible Der Goliath (“Goliath”). Another representative of the German “wunderwaffe” is the world’s first ultra-long-wave radio station, created in the interests of the Kriegsmarine. Goliath's signals were confidently received by submarines in the area of ​​the Cape of Good Hope, while the radio waves emitted by the super-transmitter could penetrate water to a depth of 30 meters.

Dimensions of the car compared to the Goliath support

The appearance of the Goliath is stunning: the VLF transmitting antenna consists of three umbrella parts mounted around three central pillars 210 meters high, the corners of the antenna are fixed to fifteen lattice masts 170 meters high. Each antenna sheet, in turn, consists of six regular triangles with a side of 400 m and is a system of steel cables in a movable aluminum shell. The antenna web is tensioned by 7-ton counterweights.

The maximum transmitter power is 1.8 Megawatts. Operating range 15 – 60 kHz, wavelength 5000 – 20,000 m. Data transfer rate – up to 300 bps.

The installation of a grandiose radio station in the suburb of Kalbe was completed in the spring of 1943. For two years, "Goliath" served in the interests of the Kriegsmarine, coordinating the actions of " wolf packs"in the vastness of the Atlantic, until in April 1945 the "object" was captured by American troops. After some time, the area came under the control of the Soviet administration - the station was immediately dismantled and taken to the USSR.

For sixty years the Germans wondered where the Russians hid the Goliath. Have these barbarians really let a masterpiece of German design go to waste?
The secret was revealed in beginning of XXI century - German newspapers came out with loud headlines: “Sensation! "Goliath" has been found! The station is still in working order!”

The tall masts of the “Goliath” shot up in the Kstovsky district of the Nizhny Novgorod region, near the village of Druzhny - it is from here that the captured super-transmitter broadcasts. The decision to restore Goliath was made back in 1949; the first airing took place on December 27, 1952. And now, for more than 60 years, the legendary “Goliath” has been guarding our Fatherland, providing communication with naval submarines moving under water, while at the same time being a transmitter for the Beta precision time service.

Impressed by the capabilities of the Goliath, Soviet specialists did not stop there and developed German ideas. In 1964, 7 kilometers from the city of Vileika (Republic of Belarus), a new, even more ambitious radio station was built, better known as the 43rd communications center of the Navy.

Today, a VLF radio station near Vileika, along with the Baikonur Cosmodrome, a naval base in Sevastopol, bases in the Caucasus and Central Asia, is among the active foreign military installations Russian Federation. About 300 officers and midshipmen of the Russian Navy serve at the Vileyka communications center, not counting civilian citizens of Belarus. Legally, the facility does not have the status of a military base, and the territory of the radio station was transferred to Russia for free use until 2020.

The main attraction of the 43rd communications center of the Russian Navy, of course, is the VLF radio transmitter “Antey” (RJH69), created in the image and likeness of the German “Goliath”. The new station is much larger and more advanced than captured German equipment: the height of the central supports increased to 305 m, the height of the side lattice masts reached 270 meters. In addition to the transmitting antennas, the territory of 650 hectares contains a number of technical buildings, including a highly protected underground bunker.

The 43rd communications center of the Russian Navy provides communications with nuclear boats, on combat duty in the waters of the Atlantic, Indian and northern parts Pacific Ocean. In addition to its main functions, the giant antenna complex can be used in the interests of the Air Force, Strategic Missile Forces, and Space Forces of the Russian Federation; Antey is also used for electronic reconnaissance and electronic warfare and is one of the transmitters of the Beta precision time service.

Powerful radio transmitters "Goliath" and "Antey" provide reliable communications on ultra-long waves in the Northern Hemisphere and over a larger area of ​​the Earth's Southern Hemisphere. But what if the submarine combat patrol areas shift to the South Atlantic or to the equatorial latitudes of the Pacific Ocean?

For special cases, the Navy aviation has special equipment: Tu-142MR "Eagle" repeater aircraft (according to NATO classification Bear-J) - component reserve control system for naval nuclear forces.

Created in the late 1970s on the basis of the Tu-142 anti-submarine aircraft (which, in turn, is a modification of the T-95 strategic bomber), the "Eagle" differs from its progenitor in the absence of search equipment - instead, in place of the first cargo compartment there is a reel with a towed 8600-meter antenna of the Fregat VLF radio transmitter. In addition to the ultra-long-wave station, on board the Tu-142MR there is a set of communications equipment for operation in conventional radio wave bands (in this case, the aircraft is capable of performing the functions of a powerful HF repeater even without taking off).
It is known that as of the early 2000s, several vehicles of this type were still included in the 3rd Squadron of the 568th Guards. mixed air regiment of the Pacific Fleet.

Of course, the use of relay aircraft is nothing more than a forced (backup) half-measure - in the event of a real conflict, the Tu-142MR can be easily intercepted by enemy aircraft, in addition, an aircraft circling in a certain square unmasks the underwater missile carrier and clearly indicates the position of the submarine to the enemy.

The sailors needed only reliable means for the timely delivery of orders from the military-political leadership of the country to the commanders of nuclear submarines on combat patrol in any corner of the World Ocean. Unlike ultra-long waves, which penetrate just a couple of tens of meters into the water column, the new communication system should ensure reliable reception of emergency messages at depths of 100 meters or more.

Yes...the signalmen were faced with a very, very non-trivial technical problem.


...In the early 1990s, scientists at Stanford University (California) published a number of intriguing statements regarding research in radio engineering and radio transmission. Americans have witnessed an unusual phenomenon - scientific radio equipment located on all continents of the Earth regularly, at the same time, records strange repeating signals at a frequency of 82 Hz (or, in a more familiar format for us, 0.000082 MHz). The indicated frequency refers to the range of extremely low frequencies (ELF), in this case the length of the monstrous wave is 3658.5 km (a quarter of the diameter of the Earth).

16-minute transmission of "ZEUS", recorded on 12/08/2000 at 08:40 UTC

The transmission speed per session is three digits every 5-15 minutes. Signals come directly from earth's crust– researchers have a mystical feeling as if the planet itself is talking to them.
Mysticism is the lot of medieval obscurantists, and the advanced Yankees immediately realized that they were dealing with an incredible ELF transmitter located somewhere on the other side of the Earth. Where? It’s clear where – in Russia. It looks like these crazy Russians have short-circuited the entire planet, using it as a giant antenna to transmit encrypted messages.

The secret ZEUS facility is located 18 kilometers south of the Severomorsk-3 military airfield (Kola Peninsula). On Google map Maps clearly shows two clearings (diagonally), stretching through the forest-tundra for two dozen kilometers (a number of Internet sources indicate the length of the lines at 30 and even 60 km), in addition, technical specifications, structures, access roads and an additional 10-kilometer clearing are visible west of the two main lines.

Clearings with “feeders” (fishermen will immediately guess what we are talking about) are sometimes mistaken for antennas. In fact, these are two giant “electrodes” through which an electric discharge with a power of 30 MW is driven. The antenna is the planet Earth itself.

The choice of this location for installing the system is explained by the low specific conductivity of the local soil - with a depth of contact wells of 2-3 kilometers, electrical impulses penetrate deep into the bowels of the Earth, penetrating the planet right through. The pulses of the giant ELF generator are clearly recorded even by scientific stations in Antarctica.

The presented scheme is not without its drawbacks - bulky dimensions and extremely low efficiency. Despite the colossal power of the transmitter, the output signal power is only a few watts. In addition, receiving such long waves also entails considerable technical difficulties.

Zeus signals are received by submarines on the move at a depth of up to 200 meters using a towed antenna about one kilometer long. Due to the extremely low data transfer rate (one byte per few minutes), the ZEUS system is obviously used to transmit simple coded messages, for example: “Rise to the surface (release a beacon) and listen to the message via satellite communication.”

For the sake of fairness, it is worth noting that such a scheme was first conceived in the United States in the years Cold War- In 1968, a secret Navy facility was proposed, codenamed Sanguine ("Optimistic") - the Yankees intended to turn 40% of the forest area of ​​​​Wisconsin into a giant transmitter consisting of 6,000 miles of underground cables and 100 highly secure bunkers to house auxiliary equipment and electricity generators. As conceived by the creators, the system was capable of withstanding a nuclear explosion and ensuring reliable transmission of a signal about a missile attack to all nuclear submarines of the US Navy in any area of ​​the World Ocean.

American ELF transmitter (Clam Lake, Wisconsin, 1982)

In 1977-1984, the project was implemented in a less absurd form in the form of the Seafarer system, whose antennas were located in Clam Lake (Wisconsin) and at the US Sawyer Air Force Base (Michigan). The operating frequency of the American ELF installation is 76 Hz (wavelength 3947.4 km). Seafarer transmitter power is 3 MW. The system was removed from combat duty in 2004.

Currently, a promising direction for solving the problem of communication with submarines is the use of lasers of the blue-green spectrum (0.42-0.53 microns), whose radiation overcomes the aquatic environment with the least loss and penetrates to a depth of 300 meters. In addition to the obvious difficulties with precise positioning of the beam, the “stumbling block” of this scheme is the high required power of the emitter. The first option involves the use of relay satellites with large-sized reflectors. The option without a repeater requires the presence of a powerful energy source in orbit - to power a 10 W laser, you will need a power plant with a power two orders of magnitude higher.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the Russian Navy is one of two fleets in the world that has a full complement of naval nuclear forces. Besides sufficient quantity carriers, missiles and warheads, in our country, serious research was carried out in the field of creating communication systems with submarines, without which naval strategic nuclear forces would lose their ominous significance.

"Goliath" during World War II

Boeing E-6 Mercury control and communications aircraft, part of the backup communications system for US Navy nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines (SSBNs)


The importance of the tasks performed by submarines determines the requirement for providing them with surface communications. The main direction of work is the creation of reliable, noise-proof equipment that meets modern conditions. To ensure the secrecy of submarine operations, organizational and technical measures are taken, including maneuvering types of communications, energy, time, frequency, etc. In the “shore-to-submarine” direction, the main means of communication remains ultra-long wave (VLW) communications in the range of 2-30 kHz. Signals at these frequencies can penetrate deep into the ocean up to 50 m.

To receive signals in the VLF, DV and SV ranges, submarines are used Various types antennas One of them, a stub cable, or “floating cable,” is a long conductor with positive buoyancy, isolated from the marine environment. When moving at depth, this cable is released from the submarine and, floating to the surface, receives radio signals.

Such an antenna is simple in design, but can be visually detected from aircraft or satellites, as well as by hydroacoustic surveillance equipment based on the noise that occurs when the cable moves in water. A serious disadvantage of the “floating cable” is the fact that it can only be used at low speeds, otherwise it will sink to depths where signal reception is impossible.

Another type - a “towed buoy” - is a streamlined compartment; a sensitive antenna is mounted in it, connected to the boat towing it with a cable through which the received signal is sent to the receiver input. The automatic depth control device maintains the specified depth at various travel speeds. However, when swimming at significant depths, a long cable is needed, and to avoid breaking it, as well as to reduce the level of acoustic noise, the speed is limited.

The second communication channel in the “shore-submarine” direction is ultra-low frequency communication (LVF), which makes it possible to resolve a number of the above restrictions.

VLF waves are capable of penetrating to great depths of the ocean. Using a towed antenna, a submarine can receive an VLF signal at a depth of several hundred meters and even under polar ice with an average thickness of about 3 m. It is no coincidence that the VLF communication system is considered today, but according to experts, the only way alerts submarines by alarm and serves to indicate their ascent to receive transmissions on the VHF or HF and VHF bands. It does not depend on the impact of nuclear explosions on the radio wave propagation medium and on intentional interference.

Its disadvantages include: low speed of information transmission (only 3 characters per 15 minutes), big sizes coastal antenna systems, energy-intensive power sources and their vulnerability to enemy nuclear strikes. In order to increase the survivability of VLF communications, the US Navy command is considering the possibility of using uncontrolled balloons as repeaters.

Abroad, it is believed that, despite the undoubted advantages, VLF communications do not provide high information speeds for transmitting and receiving messages while maintaining secrecy at the working diving depth.

Intensive work is underway in other non-traditional areas. In particular, the prospects for optical (laser) communication are being studied, the fundamental advantage of which is the ability of electromagnetic waves in this range to penetrate into the ocean to a considerable depth. It is believed that in most areas of the World Ocean, with the help of sensitive sensors on the hull of a submarine, it is possible to receive an optical signal at a depth of 500-700 m. It is believed that it is preferable to use a laser placed on an satellite.

One of the disadvantages of optical communications is the need to accurately know the location of the addressee to aim the beam, which is overcome by sequential transmission of the same message to different areas, although this increases the time it takes to reach the addressee. In the future it is planned to use powerful lasers for circular transmissions to all areas where submarines are likely to be located.

Despite the advantages of laser communication channels, practical implementation they are delayed due to the relatively high cost.

Foreign experts note that communication between the shore and the boat can be accomplished using acoustic means. Sound waves travel thousands of miles, but take a long time to transmit information over long distances. In addition, the signal is easily detected by the enemy and suppressed by electronic warfare. It is believed that one of the methods of hydroacoustic communication may be the operation of stationary receivers and low-power acoustic transmitters on underwater buoys connected by cable to the shore.

Scientists also see potential opportunities for communication with submarines underwater in the use of neutrino rays (electrically neutral elementary particles). They are capable of passing through the earth at the speed of light with very little loss of energy. Using special photomultipliers, it is possible to receive on the submarine light pulses resulting from collisions of neutrinos with the nuclei of sea water molecules. It is believed that such a completely secret means of communication will be effective at great depths, where interference sunlight and cosmic rays are minimal. However, the creation of a neutrino generator currently requires such material costs that it is practically difficult to implement.

For communication in the direction “coast - submarine”, simultaneously with the VHF range, transmissions are made on short and ultra-short waves. To receive in these ranges, the submarine must surface to periscope depth and raise the mast antenna. In this case, secrecy is lost. Therefore, such a connection is used only in cases emergency according to scheduled sessions. At the same time, it is noted that VHF and HF communications in a nuclear war will be the most durable, stable and reliable, since coastal nodes with massive and complex antenna fields of ELF and VLF systems can be destroyed.

Transmissions in the “submarine – shore” direction are carried out at periscope depth on HF and VHF through an satellite or an intermediary (ship, plane). In this case, a mast antenna is used, which can be easily detected by radar, and the emitted signal of this range can be found. To ensure secrecy, the equipment of ultra-short-term transmissions (STS) was initially used, and now the technique of wideband modulation (WMM). It makes it difficult to detect and intercept transmissions due to the fact that the energy of the desired signal is distributed over a very wide frequency range.

Shpm communication also allows for reception and transmission at high information speed, which also reduces the likelihood of a submarine's direction finding.

Its fundamental disadvantage remains the need to surface to deploy antennas.

In the directions “Submarine – Submarine” and “Submarine – Surface Ship”, hydroacoustic communication is used. Since the main tactical requirement for submarines is covert navigation at depth, the ability to communicate with them modern means very limited.

It is believed that the achievements of the ShPM technology, as well as the use of frequency hopping in high-frequency signals against a background of interference, guarantee that the submarine’s transmission will not be detected by the most developed electronic reconnaissance network, which will greatly increase secrecy and, consequently, the effectiveness of submarine forces. And finally, only the integrated use of all types and means of communication can ensure its reliability.

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In most cases, the simplest solution is sufficient: float to the very surface of the water and raise the antenna above the water. But this solution is not enough for a nuclear submarine - these ships were developed during the Cold War and could remain submerged for weeks or even months, but nevertheless they had to quickly launch ballistic missiles in the event of a nuclear war.

Communication with submarines underwater is carried out in the following ways.

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    ✪ Submarine design

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Acoustic transmission

Soviet system"ZEUS" operates at a frequency of 82 Hz (wavelength 3656 km), the American "Seafarer" (with English  -  “navigator”) - 76 Hz (wavelength 3944.64 km). The wavelength in these transmitters is comparable to the radius of the Earth. Until 1977, the Sanguine system, located in Wisconsin, was used. Frequency - 76 Hz or 45 Hz. The British Navy attempted to build its own transmitter in Scotland, but the project was abandoned.

Radio waves infra-low frequencies or infra low frequencies (INCH, ILF 300-3000 Hz) have more compact antenna elements, but less penetration into the depths of the sea and earth.

Radio waves very low frequencies or very low frequencies (VLF, VLF 3-30 kHz) have even more compact antennas compared to previous bands, but can penetrate seawater only to depths of up to 20 meters, overcoming the surface (skin) effect. A submarine located at shallow depths can use this range for communication. A submarine located much deeper could use a buoy with an antenna on a long cable. The buoy can be located at a depth of several meters and, due to its small size, cannot be detected by enemy sonars. The world's first VLF transmitter, "Goliath", was built in Germany in 1943, transported to the USSR after the war, restored in the Nizhny Novgorod region in 1949-1952 and is still in use today. In Belarus, near Vileika, there is a megawatt VLF transmitter for communication with submarines of the Russian Navy - the 43rd communication node.

Radio waves low frequencies or low frequencies (LF, LF 30-300 kHz) can also be used to communicate with underground or offshore facilities. The American Seafarer transmitter operated at 76 kHz and consisted of two antennas at Clam Lake, Wisconsin (since 1977) and at Sawyer Air Force Base in Michigan (since 1980). It was dismantled in September 2004.

Disadvantages of radio communications in the indicated ranges:

  • The communication line is one-way. A submarine cannot have its own transmitter on board due to the enormous antenna size required. Even the receiving antennas for ELF/VLF communications are by no means small: boats use manufactured towed antennas ranging in length from hundreds of meters.
  • The speed of such a channel is extremely low - on the order of several characters per minute. Thus, it is reasonable to assume that the messages transmitted contain general instructions or commands for the use of other types of communication.


If the submarine is on the surface, it can use the normal radio range, like other seagoing vessels. This does not mean using the usual shortwave band: most often it is communication with the military to use them as signal repeaters and ensure that ships from anywhere in the world communicate with the naval command. Three submarines were modified under the project.

Similar equipment is installed on the air command post - the Il-80 aircraft.

In the US Navy, for communication with submarines in the VLF range, the E-6 Mercury aircraft is used (created on the basis of the passenger Boeing 707, towed antennas with a length of 7925 m (main) and 1219 m (auxiliary) are used). Actually, this aircraft is not a pure relay of combat control signals for SSBNs, but serves as a command post for controlling strategic nuclear forces. The crew, in addition to the 5 people directly operating the machine, also includes 17 operators. The government air command post E-4A (based on the Boeing 747) also has a VSD station and a towed cable antenna approximately 8 km long.


Communication sessions, especially when the boat surfaces, violate its secrecy, exposing it to the risk of detection and attack. Therefore, various measures are being taken to increase the secrecy of the boat, both technical and organizational. Thus, boats use transmitters to transmit short pulses in which all the necessary information is compressed. Also, transmission can be carried out by a pop-up and sub-pop-up buoy. The buoy may or may not be left by the boat at a specific location for data transmission, which begins when the boat itself has already left the area.

Acoustic transmission

  • Sound can travel far enough in water that underwater speakers and hydrophones can be used for communication. In any case, both the USSR and US navies installed acoustic equipment on the seabed of areas that were frequented by submarines, and connected them with submarine cables to land-based communications stations.
  • One-way communication in a submerged position is possible through the use of explosions. A series of explosions that follow at certain intervals propagate through the underwater sound channel and are received by hydroacoustics.

Radio communications in the very low frequency range

Radio waves very low range (VLF, VLF, 3-30 kHz) can penetrate seawater to depths of up to 20 meters. This means that a submarine located at shallow depths can use this range for communication. Even a submarine located much deeper can use a buoy with an antenna on a long cable. The buoy can be located at a depth of several meters and, due to its small size, is not detected by enemy sonars. The world's first VLF transmitter, "Goliath", was built in Germany in 1943, transported to the USSR after the war, restored in the Nizhny Novgorod region in 1949-1952 and is still in use today.

Radio waves extremely low frequency (ELF, ELF, up to 30 Hz) easily pass through the Earth and sea water. Building an ELF transmitter is an extremely difficult task due to the enormous wavelength and extremely low efficiency. The Soviet ZEUS system operates at a frequency of 82 Hz (wavelength - 3656 km), the American Seafarer (eng. navigator) - 76 Hz (wavelength - 3944.64 km). The wavelength in these transmitters is comparable to the radius of the Earth. It is obvious that building a half-wavelength dipole antenna (with a length of ≈ 2000 km) is an unrealistic task at the moment.

Instead, you should find a region of the Earth with a sufficiently low specific conductivity and bury 2 large electrodes into it at a distance of about 60 km from each other. Since the Earth's conductivity in the area of ​​the electrodes is quite low, the electric current between the electrodes will penetrate deep into the Earth's interior, using them as part of a huge antenna. Due to the extremely high technical complexity of such an antenna, only the USSR and the USA had ELF transmitters.

The above-described scheme was implemented on the ZEUS transmitter, located on the Kola Peninsula in Severomorsk-3, east of Murmansk in the area with coordinates 69 , 33 69° N. w. /  69° N. w. 33° east d.(G) (O) (the fact of the existence of a Soviet ELF transmitter was made public only in 1990). This antenna circuit has extremely low efficiency - its operation requires the power of a separate power plant, while the output signal has a power of several watts. But this signal can be received virtually anywhere in the world - even scientific station

in Antarctica recorded the fact that the ZEUS transmitter was turned on.

The American Seafarer transmitter consisted of two antennas in Clam Lake, Wisconsin (since 1977) and at Sawyer Air Force Base in Michigan (since 1980). It was dismantled in September 2004. Until 1977, the Sanguine system, located in Wisconsin, was used.

The British Navy attempted to build its own transmitter in Scotland, but the project was abandoned.

Due to the large size of such a device, transmission from a submerged boat to land is not possible. The communication code is kept secret, but it can be assumed that due to the low transmission frequency (a few bytes per minute), only simple commands like “Surface and listen to the command via satellite communication” are transmitted via ELF communication. However, the receiving antennas for ELF communications are by no means small - the boats use manufactured towed antennas.


If the submarine is on the surface, it can use the normal radio range, like other seagoing vessels. This does not mean using the usual shortwave band: most often it is communication with a military communications satellite. In the USA, such a communication system is called a “satellite subsystem for information exchange with submarines” (eng. Submarine Satellite Information Exchange Sub-System , SSIXS), part of the maritime ultra-high frequency satellite communications system. Navy Ultra High Frequency Satellite Communications System , UHF SATCOM).

Auxiliary submarines

In the 1970s, the USSR developed a project for modifying Project 629 submarines to use them as signal repeaters and ensure communication between ships from anywhere in the world with the Navy command. Three submarines were modified under the project.


To communicate with submarines, the Russian Navy (USSR) uses the Tu-142 MR relay aircraft (NATO classification - “Bear-J”). In the lower part of the fuselage there is a drum with an 8.6 km long towed cable antenna and a high-power VLF-band transceiver - the R-826PL Fregat station. In addition, the aircraft is equipped with a complex of short-wave stations for tropospheric communications - “BCSR-A” and additional equipment for encoding and automation of radio communications, including the Orbita-20 digital computer. To protect the crew from electromagnetic radiation, metal shielding meshes are installed on all windows, with the exception of the three windshields of the pilots. The aircraft can remain in the air without refueling for up to 17 hours.


Communication sessions, especially when the boat surfaces, violate its secrecy, exposing it to the risk of detection and attack. Therefore, various measures are being taken to increase the secrecy of the boat, both technical and organizational. Thus, boats use transmitters to transmit short pulses in which all the necessary information is compressed. Also, transmission can be carried out by a pop-up and sub-pop-up buoy. The buoy can be left by a boat at a specific location for data transmission, which begins when the boat itself has already left the area.

see also



  • About American ELF transmitters (English)
  • ZEVS, The Russian 82 Hz ELF Transmitter (English)
  • Extremely Low Frequency Transmitter Site - Clam Lake, Wisconsin
  • Submarine communications,, June 30, 2008

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