Mosquito bite in a child. How to anoint red spots on the face, arms and legs from mosquito bites? Mosquito repellents for children. Remedy for mosquito bites

Mosquito bites are easy to spot. In the first minutes after injury, pain is felt, then itching appears. In some people, in addition to these signs, swelling and hyperemia occur. These symptoms are characterized by a local reaction to mosquito bites. A few hours later, a person is mainly concerned about severe itching, leading to scratching, and when an infection is introduced, to the development of a purulent process in the wound.

A local reaction to mosquito bites can be complicated and general. In addition to changes in the skin, a person with high sensitivity to the effects of insect saliva may have a rise in body temperature, chills, and weakness. In severe cases, shortness of breath develops, swelling of the bite site increases, and tachycardia is recorded.

Such signs are especially dangerous in children under one year old and younger age, in these cases, the most reasonable thing is to quickly show the child to the doctor.

You can independently cope with local reactions to a mosquito bite, that is, with itching, swelling, pain, irritation. In order for all these manifestations to disturb, it is least desirable to treat them as early as possible, and for this you can use both pharmaceutical preparations and self-prepared solutions, ointments, improvised means.

We eliminate the consequences of a mosquito bite in folk ways

After mosquito bites, itching and swelling are the most disturbing, therefore, most folk methods are aimed specifically at eliminating these symptoms. The severity of the consequences mosquito bites depends on their number, the more of them on the body, the more they cause discomfort to both the adult and the child. After mosquito bites, the first thing to do is to wash the injured area. It is best to use a soapy solution or plain cool water for this. This procedure will slightly reduce swelling, reduce itching and wash away particles of dirt from the skin. If there are a lot of bites on the body, then it is advisable to take a shower, or even better lie down in a warm bath with the addition of a few spoons apple cider vinegar, sea ​​salt or mint tincture. After that, you can anoint the place of intense itching and swelling with the following means:

It is necessary to smear mosquito bites until all disturbing symptoms completely disappear. The skin of a child especially needs to be treated, children often comb the wounds and thus introduce an infection into them. If there are a lot of mosquito bites and they all itch a lot and give the child a lot of discomfort, then you can take an antihistamine at night. Usually use such means as Suprastin, Diazolin, Tavegil, but only strictly in the age dosage.

Pharmaceutical preparations used after insect bites

In pharmacies, you can find a lot of products designed to relieve irritation from the skin after bites. These are various ointments, lotions, pencils. They contain mainly plant components, anti-inflammatory and antihistamines. When buying a drug, be sure to see if it can be used to treat children. Especially carefully the choice of pharmaceutical products should be approached if the child is not even a year old. The most popular drugs for the effects of mosquito bites are:

After insect bites, in some cases, a severe allergic reaction develops. If you see that the general well-being of you or your child is deteriorating, drowsiness, weakness, shortness of breath appear, swelling increases and other signs of deterioration appear, then it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible. Severe allergic reactions are removed only by a properly selected therapy regimen, external agents in this case play a secondary role.

Since many people may experience an acute reaction to mosquito bites, then accordingly you need to know what measures to take when you feel worse. In addition to painful sensations, bacterial infection of the skin can often occur, since bloodsuckers are an active carrier of many diseases and infections. In this article, we will tell you how to smear mosquito bites on a child and an adult, as well as in what situation a certain remedy is best suited.

Pharmaceutical products are the most effective method elimination of an exacerbated reaction of the human body to mosquito or mosquito bites.

Of course, the use of ready-made medicines should help, but first you need to stop itching. The bitten area may turn red and cause severe itching, but scratching the wound can only aggravate the situation.

Therefore, to begin with, rinse the places where the skin is reddened with warm water and blot with a dry cloth or towel. You can not rub the body, as this will only increase the desire to scratch and irritate the skin even more. Only after that it will be possible to anoint the mosquito bite with a special remedy: ointment, cream, lotion.

Since an acute reaction to bites is manifested in a child, parents often ask the question, how to smear the skin from mosquito bites?

It is best to use an ointment or gel for bites, since they are based on fatty components, which allows you to maintain the effective effect on the skin for a much longer period than lotions or sprays.

Mosquito bite cream should have a complex effect on the skin. Only such a tool will be considered the best. It is very important not only that there are no traces of the insect, but also that the itching stops. It is also necessary to prevent inflammatory processes that could be caused by bacterial infection, severe itching, and ensure the healing of the epithelium.

Here are some of the most popular drugs used for skin irritation:

To prevent bloodsuckers from biting you or your children, try to use repellents or repellents. Preventing such situations is much easier than eliminating the consequences if a person has sensitive skin.

Before anointing your child with mosquito bites, make sure that he is not allergic to certain components in the pharmacy medicine.

Video "Pharmacy funds"

From the video you will learn what is better to use against bites.

Folk recipes

Since prepared preparations do not always lie at home, therefore, you can also use folk recipes to make it easier for young children. If you are looking for something to lubricate reddened skin to eliminate itching, you can use the mass of products or products that you can find at home. Among the folk remedies that are used to eliminate an acute reaction to an insect bite, you can find: ammonia, baking soda, lemon juice(or lime) toothpaste, essential oils, Activated carbon(woody) and many others. Juices from fruits and vegetables (onions, potatoes, parsley) also help well. Previously, our ancestors used sour cream to relieve irritation.

At least one of these products should be in your home. By preparing a mixture or solution with the appropriate component in the base, you can smear mosquito bites for both adults and children. Very often, adults use baking soda for insect bites. Take 2-3 teaspoons of soda, and then add a little water (no more than a spoon). After thorough mixing, a wet mixture will be obtained, which will need to be lubricated with skin areas with pronounced redness. When the baking soda dries, this layer can be washed off with warm running water, but then do not touch the skin in this place. The procedure can be repeated several times a day.

A mosquito bite usually resolves within 3-4 days if not irritated by scratching or rubbing.

From mosquito bites to a child, essential oil can be applied to the skin. It is best to take essential oils that help soothe the skin, have a refreshing effect, cooling the blisters, and also remove irritation. Most often, eucalyptus, mint, tea tree and lavender oils are used for such purposes. If you apply one of the oils on the skin, then relief will come within 5-10 minutes. The main thing then is not to rub the skin, and it is advisable not to wear clothes that would cover this place. Essential oils are a good remedy and also keep a pleasant and fresh smell in the house.

The hyperemic area of ​​the skin can be anointed with a solution of water with vinegar or ammonia. The main components will ease the feeling of itching, and will also have a bactericidal effect, killing most of the pathogenic organisms.

Also, the place of a mosquito bite can be smeared with lemon juice. It also kills bacteria, providing an antimicrobial effect, and reduces the intensity of irritation on the body.

You can use ice to cool the skin on the irritated area, as cold always reduces discomfort, including pain and itching.

Funds for children

There is special means from mosquitoes for children, which can be designed for a certain age.

Cream or ointment (gel) for mosquito bites - "Fenistil", "Psilo-balm", "Moskitol", "Our mother". Among the sprays, "Off after bite" is in demand.

Video "Folk methods"

From the video you will learn about effective folk methods fighting mosquito bites.

“Ah, red summer, I would love you if it weren’t for mosquitoes and flies,” once the great Russian poet Alexander Pushkin sighed, dipping his pen into an inkwell.

Mosquitoes, flies, wasps, gadflies, bees and other "bloodsuckers" can greatly poison the life of any summer resident or lover of outdoor recreation. Fortunately, today many means have been invented that repel light-winged biting creatures - hunters for human blood. Before you go to enjoy the joys of relaxing in the bosom of nature, you need to take with you a supply of creams and gels that make you “unattractive” to the ubiquitous insects.

But what if you didn’t manage to use the saving cream in time, and one of the buzzing “blood drinkers” nevertheless stuck its little sting into you? The bite site instantly swells up, severe itching appears, and when a bee or wasp stings, it also causes soreness. In order not to comb the wound and minimize the possibility of infection penetrating into it, you need to lubricate the affected area with some kind of gel or cream that alleviates the effects of a “mosquito attack”.

The arsenal of such means today is great. Let's see what can be applied to adult patients stung (bitten) by a representative of the blood-sucking family.

First aid for adults

According to reviews experienced summer residents, a very good "medicine" is gel "ExPRESS BITE". Already from the name it is clear that it is designed specifically for emergency assistance with insect bites. It is produced in the form of an applicator in small bottles of 15 ml. This volume allows you to take the product with you on any trip: it can easily fit in a jeans pocket and in a handbag.

The applicator has pleasant aroma tea tree oils. It is inexpensive, but still has one small drawback: it needs to be applied to the skin several times - to achieve a lasting effect. Gradually, redness and swelling disappear.

Cream "Biocon bite-off": recommended by ozon users. The undoubted advantages of the drug:

  • - low cost;
  • - a small amount of consumption, as a result of which the cream lasts for a long time;
  • - pleasant sensations immediately after application.

You can store the product after opening the package for up to 18 months. Therefore, if you bought it in the spring, then until the end of the summer next year you can safely use it. As part of "Biocon ...":

  • - Shea Butter;
  • - essential oil of cloves;
  • - extract of a medicinal leech.

If you are counting on the help of this cream, remember the main rule: it should be applied to the skin immediately after the insect has “marked” a part of your body with its presence. Why? Cream manufacturers do not recommend lubricating severely damaged skin with it in order to avoid allergies, so you will have to be patient and not comb the bite site. But immediately after application, you will feel a clear relief.

Cream "Kontra" will make the two previous means of excellent competition. Its composition includes:

  • - panthenol;
  • - menthol;
  • - glycerin;
  • - wound healing components.

The cream is relatively cheap. It is packaged in fairly large tubes (about 100 ml), which means that you can take it with you when going on vacation with an impressive company: you can be sure that there will be enough money for everyone in excess.

The cream is easily and quickly absorbed, leaves no marks on clothes and skin. After application, a pleasant chill appears, and the redness quickly subsides. Itching goes away.

When choosing products, you can focus on those that contain a minimum of "chemistry" and a maximum of natural components. Usually they are much cheaper than industrial creams, but they are no less effective. Such, for example, is known to many from childhood balm " Golden Star» .

It is most often used at the first sign of a cold or flu. The essential oils that make up the balm do an excellent job with the initial stage of rhinitis. As part of the balm:

  • - mint;
  • - camphor;
  • - eucalyptus oil;
  • - menthol.

It turns out that the "Golden Star" has another secret: it will help with the bites of blood-sucking insects. First, it can be slightly lubricated open spaces beforehand, going to the forest or to the country: strong smells of esters repel mosquitoes. Well, if you are still bitten, apply a thin layer of balm to the bite site. Just do not rub it, otherwise a strong burning sensation may begin.

Be careful when applying the balm to your face: some people may experience active lacrimation and other allergic reactions. If you do not suffer from allergies, then the "Golden Star" will help you quickly get rid of pain, itching and swelling in the "wounded" place. A nice bonus from the "Gold Star" is a low cost.

Balms and gels with antibacterial effect

If you have been bitten severely, and you feel an unbearable itch, such that you still could not resist scratching the wound, use stronger remedies. By the way, they can also be used in cases where it was not possible to immediately disinfect the wound, and hours or days have passed since the bite.

It has an excellent wound healing effect "Baneocin". It comes in 2 forms: powder and gel. They need to sprinkle the wound (or apply a thin layer of gel), and then you can close the affected area with a bactericidal patch.

"Baneocin", which contains a local antibiotic, will help in advanced cases. Even if inflammation has begun around the wound, do not panic, but simply apply Baneocin several times a day.

This drug is also good because it is approved for use not only by adults, but also by children. Going on a hike, be sure to put it in the first aid kit - just in case.

Has a good antibacterial effect gel "Biopokrov". It is used:

  • - in case of damage to the skin during contact with household chemicals;
  • - for cuts;
  • - with insect bites.

The gel perfectly anesthetizes and eliminates itching. If you are prone to severe allergic reactions, take Biocover with you on a trip to the country. Among its “pluses” is the absence of the need to apply the gel to the skin several times a day.

It will be enough 1 "dose" every 2 days. The action of the gel lasts 48 hours. It does not contain aromatic fragrances and dyes, and therefore is safe for allergy sufferers.

good creams for kids

Children are a particularly “tidbit” target for bloodsuckers. While exploring the world, they may stumble upon vespiary, try to touch a bright bee or not notice a harmful gadfly while swimming in a pond. And the bites of the kids are especially hard.

To alleviate their condition, a whole arsenal of means has been invented.

Try any of the gels and creams below.

Gel "Mommy care"- an invention of the Israeli industry. It helps not only from bites, but also from sunburn, from jellyfish burns. As part of the tool:

  • - aloe extract;
  • - oat extract;
  • - jojoba oil;
  • - Shea Butter;
  • - red algae extract.

The gel quickly relieves itching, soothes and restores damaged skin.

Mothers also praise "Anti BZZZ kids".

In the form it is a spray-milk with a convenient dispenser. It can be applied both before leaving for nature in order to avoid contact with insects, and after bites.

This tool is suitable for use by babies even up to 3 years.

Good Russian remedy - balm "My sun". The package weighs only 15 g, and therefore does not weigh down any luggage.

Are you going south, are you going to visit country cottage area or decide to go camping with the children during the summer holidays - be sure to take "My Sunshine" with you. Balm containing:

  • – extract of barley grain;
  • - Shea Butter;
  • - extracts of chamomile and plantain,

quickly soothe the tender skin of a child burning from a bite or burn. In addition, it is conveniently packaged - it comes in the form of a pencil. Approved for use by children from birth.

Our response to mosquitoes

You can use any of the above creams or balms. Pick the one that suits you in terms of price and composition and start collecting the bag. It would also be useful to take antihistamines with you - suprastin, claritin, cetrin or others. An allergic reaction can be quick and unpredictable, so it's best to "arm yourself in advance." And be sure to observe the bite site for several days, even if you smeared it with cream according to all the rules:

  • bites, especially on the legs, can become infected, and then there will be a danger of erysipelas - a life-threatening person and a disease contagious to others. Have you noticed that redness and swelling do not subside, but increase? Get to the hospital immediately! They will take action in time.

In our time, people live easier than in the Pushkin era: it is no longer necessary to burn fires to drive away annoying buzzing enemies. And the bite of a wasp is not terrible: he anointed it with cream - and everything went away. Perhaps if Pushkin had lived in the 21st century, he would not have written his reproachful lines about summer. And his favorite time would be "red summer", and not the "dull time" of autumn.

Let's appreciate the warm summer days and use them 100 percent: walk, go to the river, spend whole weeks in the country, not being afraid of flies, mosquitoes and wasps. And creams and gels will help us feel more confident and really enjoy the short northern summer.

An effective ointment for insect bites is designed to alleviate the effects of attacks by biting or stinging arthropods. However, it is impossible to consider each such remedy as a panacea and a 100% guarantee of getting rid of all unpleasant symptoms: the ointment will only reduce the reaction of the skin and tissues under it to foreign biological substances that enter the body when bitten.

For example, some creams have anti-inflammatory, disinfecting and soothing effects, while some other ointments and creams are more focused on preventing the development of an allergic reaction: they do not allow swelling to increase, they also help relieve itching from an insect bite and minimize the appearance of a rash.

Thus, when deciding how to smear insect bites, you should not count on the fact that any one remedy will be able to completely rid you of all unpleasant consequences– such medicines simply do not exist.

On a note

You should be especially careful when choosing a remedy if you decide to anoint an insect bite in a child, since many ointments are contraindicated for infants or children with very sensitive skin. In most cases, itching after bites is not dangerous at all, but some ointments that they try to calm it down may well lead to serious side effects.

But with bites that sting or poisonous insects(bees, wasps, hornets, predatory and, as well as spiders, centipedes, leeches) even a high-quality ointment, cream or balm from insect bites often has to be used in conjunction with other species medicines and drugs to combat the symptoms of intoxication. Ointments here, unfortunately, are often only able to mildly stop the effects of bites.

As for tick bites, it makes sense to use, first of all, those ointments that have a pronounced antiseptic effect - all other "advantages" of the drugs in this case are secondary (if brilliant green or alcohol is available, it is better to use them). However, even in this case, ointments, alas, are usually not able to protect the victim from borreliosis or encephalitis.

In any case, in order to achieve best result ointment, cream or gel for insect bites, for starters, you need to be able to choose the right one, which we will talk about later and in more detail ...

How to choose an ointment?

Preparations used after insect bites are manufactured in various forms release, differ in their composition, consistency and packaging.

Among these funds, the following three main groups can be distinguished:

  • gels - as a rule, these are funds for water based containing various pharmaceutical substances and (or) natural medicinal components;
  • creams - usually these are preparations based on natural or synthetic fats or oils, also containing certain medicinal additives;
  • balms are therapeutic agents, which are usually based on plant extracts and natural resinous substances.

On a note

A high-quality insect bite balm primarily promotes the speedy regeneration of tissues at the site of the bite, and therefore is used mainly after attacks by stinging insects.

It should be noted that there are other types of remedies used after insect bites: aerosol preparations, pencils, patches, etc.

Most effective form ointments for insect bites are considered creams, since it is they, due to their fatty component, that ensure the rapid transport of medicinal components through the skin.

However, products released in other forms are not far behind in this regard, especially if there is a well-balanced formulation. So, for example, after insect bites, the following drugs work quite well:

  • Levomekol;
  • Advantan;
  • Akriderm;
  • Menovazin;
  • Hydrocortisone ointment.

Bites of different insects sometimes require a specific approach to treatment. In turn, each of the means also has its own special specifics and is most effective in a particular case.

So, for example, if you are bitten by mosquitoes or bed bugs, then the primary task of the ointment is to relieve swelling of the tissues and contribute to the rapid disappearance of itching.

At the same time, after the bites of stinging insects, ointments of a slightly different direction should be used - primarily those that prevent the development of an allergic reaction and help reduce pain.

On a note

Ointment with famous name"Rescuer", often used for insect bites, is the least suitable for this purpose. The task of this drug is to disinfect skin lesions and promote the rapid healing of wounds, scratches, ulcers and bruises. With the bites of stinging insects, this ointment only allows you to quickly restore tissue affected by inflammation, but it is not able to minimize all other symptoms.

If the insect bite is very painful, the damaged area can be smeared with Menovazin, which will create a feeling of coolness and significantly reduce pain. If inflammation or swelling occurs, Levomekol or Advantan should be used.

Levomekol is especially good if you need to smear insect bites in a child who has already managed to scratch them before the appearance of pustules. In the same case, Panthenol is also used.

Finally, if an insect bite has caused a powerful allergic reaction with a rapidly growing swelling and rash, the skin areas covered by them should be lubricated with hydrocortisone ointment. However, this tool has enough contraindications, so you need to use it with great care, and it is best to consult a doctor first.

Perhaps the most versatile remedy used against the bites of a wide variety of insects is Fenistil gel. You should definitely have it in the first aid kit for going out into the countryside and by all means take it with you on trips abroad. You can read more about this drug below.

What is important to do before applying the ointment

In the case of insect bites, Levomekol is used, as a rule, as an anti-inflammatory agent. Therefore, it makes sense to apply it after an unsuccessful "acquaintance" with such arthropods as wasps, hornets, bees, tropical ants, scorpions and spiders. It is their attacks that usually end with an impressive tumor, edema, hemorrhage, and sometimes even tissue necrosis.

If in these cases you anoint the wound with Levomekol, then it will provide accelerated tissue repair at the site of the bite and relieve inflammation.

The cost of the ointment is also pleasing - only about 100 rubles per tube of 40 grams.

Advantan for insect bites

For insect bites, Advantan ointment is usually used as an antiallergic agent. If you immediately anoint the affected area with it, then sometimes it is quite possible to do without the appearance of severe edema and urticaria, even after the bites of insects such as paper wasps and bedbugs. When attacked by larger arthropods, the drug can also help - it helps to localize inflammation and prevent the development of an allergic reaction.

It is useful to choose one of the forms of the preparation for yourself in advance: a fat-based ointment, an emulsion or a water-based gel. Such a variety of release forms allows you to focus on the type of product that is most suitable for each specific skin type.

The effect of all three forms of this drug is approximately the same, but on oily skin, the insect bite site is best to anoint with an emulsion, for dry skin choose an ointment, and for normal skin - Advantan gel with a balanced ratio of water and fat.

However, despite all positive sides of this remedy, it also has one indisputable minus - hormonal effects. That is why it is not recommended to treat large areas of skin with Advantan - in order to avoid the appearance of more serious problems.

The price of Advantan is approximately 400 rubles for 20 grams of emulsion or 15 grams of cream.


Akriderm is a remedy for symptomatic treatment. It is used, as a rule, for various skin lesions and severe dermatitis.

With insect bites, Akriderm is used as a drug to relieve itching and get rid of a rash at the site of the tumor, so mosquitoes also show themselves best.

An important advantage of this tool is the "delicacy" of its action - Akriderm can be safely used even for children.

The price of the drug fluctuates around 450 rubles for a tube of 30 grams.

Treatment of insect bites with Menovazin

The drug "Menovazin" is intended primarily to have an analgesic effect, since the main "working" substance in it is menthol. With this tool, you can confidently smear the bites of bees, wasps, large wild bugs, because even after the onset of inflammation, it will provide a feeling of coolness at the site of the bite, reduce itching and pain.

Menovazin is inexpensive - about 30 rubles per 40 ml.

Panthenol and its properties

Panthenol-based products are produced by many pharmaceutical companies in several dosage forms. And often the buyer pays for the advertised name, and not for the much cheaper active ingredient.

The Panthenol cream itself costs from 100 rubles per 50 ml, but various combined preparations based on the same active substance are offered by pharmacies for completely different money - from 350-500 rubles for the same volume.

For insect bites, Panthenol is most rationally used in the form of a cream or ointment: in this case, it provides skin restoration in places of inflammation, itching and rapid healing of wounds.

Hydrocortisone ointment

Hydrocortisone ointment is a hormonal agent, so when using it, you need to carefully read the instructions and be sure to take into account the existing contraindications.

With insect bites, the ointment blocks the occurrence of an allergic reaction and the release of histamine in the body. This remedy can be used to prevent the development of anaphylactic shock with the bites of stinging insects, spiders and scorpions.

The price of hydrocortisone ointment is approximately 50 rubles per 5 grams.

Other ointments for treating bites

All of the above remedies for insect bites are sold exclusively in pharmacies and therefore may not be available in some cases. Fortunately, they can be easily replaced with drugs that are close in action, in the range available in supermarkets and household chemical stores.

Yes, drugs are widely available on the market. trademarks Mosquitall, Gardex, Off, Taiga, among which there are products for children. For example, Gardex children's insect bite cream acts very delicately and quickly relieves itching in case of mosquito bites, and Taiga brand products, in addition to getting rid of bite symptoms, also allow you to protect yourself from insect attacks.

In the vast majority of cases, for the treatment of insect bites, fat-based products should be chosen, which have an additional anti-allergic effect. Stopping allergies in the "global" sense is much more important for the body than, for example, relieving itching or getting rid of pain. Ointments designed to deal with discomfort should be used either in cases where there is no allergy itself, or in addition to an antiallergic agent.

And finally, there are numerous products on the market designed to repel insects and prevent them from biting at all. They are effective in case of protection against attacks by mosquitoes, fleas or bedbugs, but, unfortunately, they are not able to scare away an angry hornet or a bee. When choosing such a remedy, you should look for the names “DEET” or “permethrin” in its composition. If the proposed repellent ointment contains essential oils as the main active ingredient, then there will be practically no expected effect from it.

Oh, red summer, I would love you if it were not for the heat, and dust, and mosquitoes, and flies!

A. S. Pushkin.

Summer outdoor recreation is often overshadowed by the attack of blood-sucking insects. Mosquitoes are widespread throughout Russia, and in the northern regions they are integral part community of blood-sucking insects, called - midges. How dangerous are they, can they be carriers of diseases, and what helps against mosquito bites?

Why are mosquito bites dangerous?

More than 90 species of mosquitoes live in Russia. IN middle lane most common:

  • malarial mosquitoes (genus Anopheles);
  • spring mosquitoes of the genus Ochlerotatus;
  • and autumn peeping mosquitoes (Culex).

Mosquitoes are two-winged insects. Their males are completely harmless and feed on plant nectar, but females need protein to continue the race, which they receive from the blood of animals and humans.

The female mosquito consumes blood only once, after which it lays eggs and dies. The bite itself can be painless, but usually a person experiences discomfort, similar to an injection. The insect chooses areas with delicate skin and closely spaced blood vessels. It pierces the skin and capillary wall with a proboscis and injects saliva containing anticoagulants - substances that prevent blood clotting. Poisoning from mosquito bites is impossible, because mosquitoes do not have poison.

Anticoagulants cause swelling and redness of the skin at the puncture site, itching. If you comb the bite site, mosquito saliva will spread into the surrounding tissues and the reaction will only intensify.

Mosquito bites can cause trouble if there are a lot of them. Also, young children do not tolerate them well because of the itching that occurs.

A more serious danger is allergic reactions and various transmissible diseases (contagious diseases transmitted by blood-sucking insects).

In central Russia, diseases transmitted by mosquito bites are isolated cases.

Allergy to mosquito bites

Allergic reactions to a mosquito bite occur less frequently and are not as strong as from an attack by stinging insects - bees, wasps. Signs of developing allergies are:

  • swelling of the skin in places of bite;
  • temperature rise;
  • headache;
  • nausea.

In exceptionally rare cases, allergy from mosquito bites can cause urticaria, vasomotor rhinitis, and bronchospasm.

Mosquitoes as disease vectors

Infectious diseases that are transmitted through mosquito bites are found mainly in southern countries, predominantly in the tropics. They can be of two types:

  • diseases in which mosquitoes serve as mechanical carriers of pathogens;
  • diseases in which the pathogen needs to live a certain time in the body of a mosquito.

The latter are the most dangerous, but the development of infection requires a sufficiently long cycle in a mosquito and the creation of a natural focus of wild warm-blooded animals, which is possible only in hot countries. The infection is transmitted with the saliva of the female at the time of feeding on blood. In Russia, only three diseases have been registered, while in the countries of the tropical zone there are several dozen. Therefore, when going on an exotic trip, do not forget to clarify which vaccinations are recommended for prevention.

How to treat mosquito bites

In our climate, the biggest nuisance from mosquito attacks is itching and swelling.

How to get rid of itching from a mosquito bite? There are several simple recipes.

How to smear mosquito bites so that they do not itch? The pharmacy sells many remedies for insect bites in the form of ointments, balms, lotions, sprays and sticks. Such means include "Asterisk", "Vitaon", "Psilo-balm".

Antihistamine or anti-inflammatory ointments can be used: Sinaflan, Advantan, Fenistil-gel.

What to do if a mosquito bites in the eye? Rinse the eyes with cool clean water and drip eye drops with anti-inflammatory action, for example, "Sulfacyl-sodium" ("Albucid").

And if a mosquito has bitten on the lip, what to do in this case? To reduce itching, a piece of ice is applied to the damaged area.

If you have an allergy - take a pill "Suprastin", "Tavegil" or others antihistamines: "Zirtek", "Claritin", "Telfast". If you develop extensive swelling, difficulty breathing or fever, consult a doctor.

Folk remedies for mosquito bites

Get rid of itching after mosquito bites will help folk remedies:

You can use essential oils. Tea tree oil, mint, lemon, rosemary will soothe the skin. Some essential oils: eucalyptus, geranium, juniper - have an insect repellent effect.

How to treat mosquito bites in children

Mosquitoes cause particular inconvenience to children. Children's skin is very delicate and reacts violently even to minor damage. How to smear mosquito bites in a child? Use alcohol, ice cubes, lotion. For children over two years old, the Golden Star balm is suitable. It is very important to distract the baby and convince him not to comb the itchy place.

How to smear mosquito bites on a child up to a year old? Try to get by with folk remedies. It is not recommended to use strong antihistamine and anti-inflammatory ointments, but if necessary, consult a pediatrician.

Allergy in children to mosquito bites occurs no more often than in adults. An infant needs medical advice. Older children in mild cases can be given: "Suprastin", "Diazolin", "Fenkarol". With the spread of edema, severe urticaria, respiratory disorders, you need to call an ambulance.

Folk remedies for mosquito bites for children

As folk remedies for mosquito bites for children, use:

  • soda in the form of a solution or gruel;
  • tea tree oil;
  • sour cream or yogurt;
  • mint toothpaste.

A good way to relieve itching from mosquito bites in a child are lotions from the gruel of dandelion leaves, plantain, basil.

To summarize - mosquito bites are practically safe, but they cause a lot of discomfort and can ruin outdoor recreation, especially if you have small children with you. To relieve itching and swelling at the bite site, use simple means: alcohol, lotion, baking soda. Various pharmaceutical balms and ointments for insect bites work well. Going to tropical countries take precautionary measures infectious diseases that can be transmitted by mosquito bites.