Orange grown from the stone at home. Orange tree - house orange

It is quite possible to grow a real orange tree from a seed. Of course, it will not be enough to put the seeds in a pot and wait for germination. Orange will require a lot of time and patience before it will please you with its fruits. It should be noted that this type of citrus is considered the most unpretentious among the rest. For planting fit the bones of fresh fruit. But still, many gardeners prefer growing trees from young seedlings. The main methods of orange propagation are from seeds and cuttings. For cultivation, a greenhouse is perfect, which with French translates as "winter orange garden".

Varieties of orange

All oranges can be divided into two large groups: sweet and sour (bitter) varieties. There are three types that are most often found on sale.

orange fruit

  1. Sweet. Portuguese or Chinese fruit. The most common variety.
  2. Sour. A hybrid of pomelo and mandarin. Has a bitter taste. Another name for it is Pomeranian.
  3. Bergamot. A hybrid of orange and citron. It has a pronounced bitter-sour taste.

All oranges are tasty and equally healthy. They contain a large amount of vitamins, trace elements and amino acids. Oranges are a real storehouse of vitamin C, which is responsible for immunity.

There are several other varieties that differ in appearance and taste.

  • "Washington Nevil". Sweet and sour fruit with a thick skin. Many mistakenly believe that the United States is the birthplace of this variety. The Washington Nevil is actually from Brazil. The fruits of this variety ripen without stones.
  • "Valencia"- Spanish variety of oranges. His hallmark is a thin peel of a bright orange color with small red patches. The flesh has a similar color. The taste of orange is sweet.

Variety Valencia

  • "Blondo commune"- Sicilian variety. Ranked first among the consumed varieties of oranges in Sicily. At present, he gave primacy to the two previous varieties. Has many bones.
  • "Oval". The name speaks for itself. The fruits of an orange resemble an oval in shape, and the taste is not much different from the Valencia variety.
  • "Tarocco" - early ripe variety originally from Sicily. The harvest season is from November to January. Tarocco oranges are distinguished not only by their pleasant taste, but also by the unusual color of the pulp. She is blood red.

Variety Tarocco

  • "Sanginello". Oranges with a bitter taste. Their homeland is Sicily.

Abkhazian and Moroccan oranges also compete with the above varieties.

Planting an orange tree

The most common way to grow an orange is to plant the seed in the ground. But first, this land needs to be prepared. You will need:

  1. One piece of leafy soil (rotted leaves).
  2. One part sand.
  3. One part of humus.
  4. Three pieces of turf.

Consider the landing process:

  • Mix all the components and the soil for the future citrus is ready. The land for planting an orange should be rich in trace elements, so the best option will become a purchase ready mix in shops. You can buy land marked "Lemon" or "Rose", they are perfect for growing an orange.
  • Drainage should be laid at the bottom of the pot. Expanded clay or small pebbles are suitable for this.

Planting an orange seed

  • The stone for planting must be fresh, that is, only removed from the fruit. It needs to be buried 2 cm into the ground. Then sprinkle with earth and compact a little.

Attention! best time for planting an orange is spring.

  • Immediately after planting, the bone should be watered with boiled, filtered or settled water.
  • Cover the pot with polyethylene, so you create the effect of a mini-greenhouse.
  • Place the pot on a windowsill and keep it out of direct sunlight. To do this, cover it with paper. At night, the film must be removed in order to ventilate the seedling.
  • After 20-25 days, a sprout will appear.
  • Oranges love moist soil, so they need to be sprayed daily. And water as needed, but in no case do not fill with water.
  • After a year, the seedling can be transplanted into a pot that has a larger diameter.

orange tree care

The main requirements for the care of an orange include watering and pruning. Watering should be periodic, drying out or waterlogging of the soil should not be allowed.

As for pruning, it must be done annually. In the second year of life, the crown of the young seedling is cut off, leaving only 20 cm. After that, the tree should be thrown away side shoots but they will need to be removed. So you can form skeletal branches. When the tree begins to bear fruit, fruit branches are pruned as needed. It should be borne in mind that an excessive number of fruits on a branch leads to the depletion of the plant.

Watering the orange tree should be moderate, without overflow.

An orange seedling should be fed no earlier than 6 months after planting. You can buy suitable fertilizers at any specialized flower shop.


At home, an orange can be grown in two ways: by cuttings and from seeds (pits).

cutting not so easy to get in the middle latitudes of our country. You can ask friends who grow this citrus fruit from friends, bring it from vacation in the subtropics, or buy it in specialized greenhouses.

Suitable cuttings with a diameter of 0.5 cm and a length of 10-15 cm. The cut is made under the kidney and above it, below and above. At least 4 buds and 3 leaves are left on the stem. The stalk is treated with a tool that stimulates root growth. After that, it must be placed in water for several days, and then planted in containers with soil. The rooting process can take from one to one and a half months. Only after the cuttings take root, they can be transplanted by transshipment into pots.

orange stalk

planting an orange from the bone a more complex process, but a tree grown in this way has strong genetics and carries different characteristics than the parent. In cuttings, there is a complete transfer of the donor's genetic material. An orange grown from a stone will begin to bloom only after 8-10 years. Cuttings reduce this period by half.

Diseases and pests

Orange trees are subject to attack by many pests, and are also affected by some diseases.
So, the main misfortunes when grown in apartment conditions are scale insects and spider mites.

In addition, citrus seedlings can be affected by fungi and viruses. The most unpleasant is gommoz.
Pests and diseases can be controlled with insecticides and fungicides. The affected areas are removed and smeared with garden pitch. In the most advanced cases, the affected seedling is recommended to be burned.

Orange is a healthy citrus fruit. It reduces blood pressure and is a good prevention of the development of cancer. Strengthens the immune system and lowers blood cholesterol levels. Protects against infections and promotes weight loss. These are not all of his positive qualities.

It is not surprising that many people want to grow this fruit. by the most affordable option will be the cultivation of an orange from the stone. This culture cannot be called unpretentious, but it will not cause any special difficulties either. Patience, constant care and the desire to grow exotic will give a positive result, but, unfortunately, not as soon as we would like.

Planting an orange from the stone: video

How to plant an orange from the seed: photo

I really love southern plants - tropical, subtropical, as well as everything that grows in a warm, humid climate. I especially like the southern fruits - not those that are sold in stores, but those that, like light bulbs, glow through the foliage of trees.

Well, what could be more beautiful than lemons, oranges, grapefruits or mangoes that can be picked from a tree? That's right, nothing.

Therefore, I have a tropical room in my apartment. You may not believe me, but both lemons and oranges can not only be grown from a seed, but even made to bear fruit. And in winter, look at the blizzard raging outside the window, sitting under the balls of orange oranges hanging on a tree.

I think we have a lot of lovers of tropical fruits who would not refuse to pick them directly from a branch. Therefore, I decided to tell you how to grow an orange from a seed. I assure you, it is not difficult at all, even a beginner can handle it.

WITH planting material no problem - just take the seeds from the fruit purchased at the store and eaten at home.

By the way, not all oranges are suitable for growing at home, so it is advisable to collect the seeds different varieties. It is best to grow at home oranges from Egypt and South Africa. They sprout better and adapt more easily.

Incidentally, of all citrus oranges considered the most undemanding plants and are the easiest to grow. With a lemon, for example, you will have to mess around longer - soak the seeds, cover with a film, moisturize. You can simply stick an orange seed into the ground flower pot after which it usually germinates.

However, if you want to achieve not only the appearance of a beautiful bush at home, but also the flowering of an orange tree, and in the future, the appearance of fruits on it, then you need to follow some conditions and know some subtleties.

These conditions boil down to the following:

  • the bones do not need to be dried. It is advisable not to even store them, but to plant them raw;
  • the bone must first be prepared;
  • the soil must be either special, for citrus fruits, or simply dig up land under any oak in the forest;
  • pot is best to take ceramic.

Now let's talk about these tricks in a little more detail.

Planting material preparation

So, you ate a couple of oranges. What to do next? Very simple - just pull the bones out of them and put them in water. You can wet two cotton pads and place the bones between them overnight. It is best to take several seeds from different fruits, in case not all of them sprout.

If you decide to soak the bones in water, then you need to take settled water, and not ordinary tap water, from the tap. Keep the bones in the water for about twelve hours.

After that, they can be taken out of a container of water or from wet disks and planted.

How to prepare the soil

Flower shops sell special soil for citrus plants- oranges, lemons and grapefruits grow very well in it. It is inexpensive, so there should be no problems with its acquisition.

If for some reason it was not possible to buy a special composition, then you can either cook it yourself, or simply collect land in the forest from trunk circle any large oak - in terms of composition, such soil will be very well suited for growing oranges.

You can even take the earth along with oak leaves - they will quickly rot in a pot.

In such soil, your seeds will sprout quickly, and the orange sprout will feel good and develop quickly.

Which pot to choose

In order to grow an orange tree from a stone, any container is suitable, but all flower growers advise choosing a ceramic pot. Clay containers are very good for growing exotic plants:

  • they absorb excess moisture and vice versa, give it away when the soil dries;
  • they do not let in the sun's rays, like plastic containers, so the roots of the plant do not overheat in the sun;
  • if the plant is on the windowsill, then the thick bottom of the ceramic pot protects the roots from moisture loss.

Therefore, choose a clay container so that your exotic plant felt good.

How to plant orange seeds

It would seem that there is nothing complicated in sticking an orange seed into the ground. However, when planting, you still need to follow some rules that will help your sprouts develop without problems:

  • each bone should be planted immediately in a separate pot, on which drainage must be placed. Of course, the seeds will sprout even in one container, but then you still need to plant them, and an orange does not tolerate manipulations such as picking or transplanting. Therefore, it is better to immediately provide each plant with a separate residence;
  • the seeds do not need to be deepened by more than 2 - 2.5 cm, oranges do not like deep planting and may simply not germinate. Carefully make a depression in the ground and lower the bone there with a sharp nose up or lay it on its side;
  • after sprinkling it with earth, lightly compact the soil with a spoon or just a finger and moisten the surface properly. You can pour it from a watering can, or you can sprinkle it with water from a spray bottle;
  • oranges do not need to be covered with a transparent film, like lemons, however, to improve germination, accelerate the appearance of shoots and prevent the soil surface from drying out, it is better to cover pots with planting material. The film will need to be lifted daily so that the earth in which the bones germinate breathe.
  • the surface of the soil should be moistened daily, this is mandatory and very important condition germination of bones. They will not grow in dry soil. If you neglect moisture, you will not wait for sprouts, even if all other conditions are met.

If you do everything right, sprouts will appear in about three weeks. Immediately after this, the film must be removed.

How to care for an orange tree

The rules of care are not complicated. First of all, it is necessary to provide the plant with conditions that are similar to those in which it grows in nature. The most important conditions are sunlight and moisture.

Despite the fact that the orange is a resident of the south, where there is a lot of sun, direct sunlight can destroy it. So give him permanent place on the western or northern windowsill. With such diffused light, the orange feels great at home. In this case, periodically the pot with the plant should be deployed.

They also love oranges. water procedures. They need to be watered often enough, but the plant should not be flooded. It is optimal to ensure that the earth in the pot is always moist, but not too damp. Oranges don't grow in swamps.

In hot summer days, as well as in those periods when central heating is working at home, the leaves of the plant must be sprayed with warm water from a spray bottle. You need to repeat this procedure several times a day, oranges love it very much.

Oranges do not tolerate transplanting well, so keep changing pots to a minimum. Young plants are transplanted once a year, no more often, increasing the pot as they grow. Adult plants need to be transplanted less often, once every three to five years.

An orange reaches a height of two meters, so he will need an appropriate pot.

However, it is impossible to immediately plant a seed in a large container, because in this case the root system of the orange will grow for a long time, and until its roots fill the container, the orange will not grow normally. Therefore, it will have to be transplanted, gradually increasing the volume of the pot.

Orange trees need to be fed, so periodically (about once every three months) fertilizer for citrus fruits, which are sold in flower shops, should be applied to the soil.

By the way, a growing orange tree must be pinched and shaped into a crown. Only in this case, flowers and subsequently fruits will appear on the side shoots.

How does an orange winter

Wintering for an orange tree is a very important period and must be experienced correctly. The fact is that not only the flowering of an orange depends on wintering, but also the appearance of fruits on it. Therefore, take this with all responsibility.

For an orange, cold wintering is the most suitable, in which the air temperature should not rise above fifteen degrees (the lower temperature limit is five to six degrees, it should not fall below). It is clear that such conditions in ordinary apartment With central heating you won't be able to get it in the winter.

Therefore, move the plant to a suitable room, reduce watering and stop feeding it until spring. Then it will bloom in the spring.


So, if you want to grow an orange tree at home from ordinary bone remember the following rules:

  • plant raw and prepared seeds in special soil for citrus fruits, this way you will improve their germination;
  • plant seeds only in clay pots;
  • do not forget about the constant moistening of the soil in which the seed sprouts, a transparent film will help protect the soil from drying out;
  • provide a growing orange with watering, sunlight and top dressing;
  • in the warm season, take your plant outside (to the country terrace, balcony, etc.). Just make sure that your plant does not burn out in the sun.

If you comply with all these conditions, you will not only grow an orange tree, but in a few years beautiful flowers and then fruits.

Growing an orange tree at home is not easy. An inexperienced gardener is unlikely to cope with such a task, especially if he sets himself the goal of obtaining a fruit-bearing plant. However, with some effort and taking into account the recommendations given in this article, it is quite possible to succeed. If you have never “taken into the house” citrus fruits, try to first bypass a purchased orange tree. If the experiment succeeds, you can start trying to enrich your garden with a plant grown from a stone.

What kind of orange is grown in the house

From citrus fruits designed specifically for indoor cultivation Three are the most popular:

  1. Pavlovsky orange. It is low - a meter maximum. Quite fruitful, you can get additional specimens by conventional cuttings. However, the fruits ripen for a long time, up to nine months, during which the tree needs increased attention and careful care.
  2. Gamlin. It will be taller - it grows up to one and a half meters. The fruits are juicy, sweet-sour, there are few seeds in them. Harvest should be expected in late autumn.
  3. Washington Navel. The most beloved orange tree among home gardeners. Can grow up to two meters; below one mature plant can not be. An additional bonus - it smells charming during flowering, the hairstyle is able to bear fruit from the age of three. The fruits are quite large, up to a third of a kilogram.

It is advised not to buy a fruit-bearing orange tree: when changing residence, it may refuse to bear fruit for a couple of years. Let it already agree to “feed” you when it settles down.

How to choose the right place

In order for a homemade orange tree to agree to stay with you, you must first put it in a place that fully meets the needs of the plant. Light is needed - plentiful, but not too bright. The east and south sides are suitable if the tree does not stand close to the window. You can determine the desired distance by the state of the leaves. If the leaves begin to stretch and corrugate - you need to move closer, without waiting for the fall. If they begin to turn yellow, they should be moved a little further (although this rarely happens). Additional care should be taken to periodically turn the pot so that the orange tree is exposed to the light on different sides, and the crown forms harmoniously. And in the summer it would be nice to take it out into the garden or onto the balcony.


With regard to heat, you also need to be careful. If the temperature drops below 5 degrees, the orange tree may die. At high (25 and above), it will begin to grow actively, but will not even think of bearing fruit. It is desirable to maintain it in the range of 15-18 degrees. If ovaries have already appeared, vigilance can be weakened, just not to allow drying out. The southern tree will handle itself.

Accurate watering

In principle, the orange tree (photo) loves water. So in the heat you need to water and spray it daily. Water for these purposes should be not only settled, but also warm. However, heating it is not recommended. It is better to put it next to the pot ahead of time so that it is at the air temperature at the time of watering. During cold snaps and in winter, spraying stops, and watering is done in a day or two. With the volume of water like this: let less than more. The leaves twisted from water starvation will then straighten out, but the roots that have rotted from stagnant water cannot be saved.

A beautiful crown is not only for aesthetics

Since you have already understood the basic rules for growing an orange tree, now you need to figure out how to get it to bear fruit. And for this, the plant must have a formed crown suitable for reproduction. If this is not done, you can get a harvest only after a decade. Branches of the fifth order bear fruit. Therefore, in spring, branches longer than 10 centimeters are pinched and the lower leaves are torn off. So you get a branched tree with a uniform crown.

Such manipulations are carried out in the spring. Actions must be performed above the kidney, so that it is outside. Special attention given to shoots weakened, strongly elongated and growing inside the crown. And if the orange tree has grown strongly, above a third of a meter, with a weak development of lateral branches, the top is mercilessly cut off.


Rule to transplant houseplants does not apply annually to the orange tree. It should be relocated about once every three years. Young specimens can be transplanted after two, but not more often. This is done by transshipment, without crushing the roots. Particular attention is paid to drainage - its layer must be thick enough. And the movement must take place before the orange tree (photo) blooms. Moreover, this process is unacceptable when it already “feeds” the fruits.

Stimulation of fruiting

In order for an orange tree at home to bring you a crop, you will have to give it extra time. Without care on your part, its fruits will be small and bitter. There are two ways to improve their quality:

  1. graft. If there is another tree that has already given fruit, small identical pieces are carefully cut out of the bark of both and swapped. So that the damaged place does not rot, it is wrapped with cellophane. The operation is quite dangerous for plants. If you are afraid of not coping - call a professional for help;
  2. wintering in extreme conditions. Fruiting will begin somewhat later than with grafting, but much faster than without it. The orange tree is taken out into the cold (not excessive, so as not to freeze), stop watering and feeding. In such harsh circumstances, it must withstand at least a month. In the spring, he is again surrounded by care. Already in the third year after hardening, it will give flowers.

If the capricious nevertheless deigned to bloom, it can be pollinated - with an ordinary brush. However, if there are a lot of flowers, and the extra ones are plucked, then the fruits will appear even without pollination.

The bone will come in handy!

If you are suspicious of the specimens offered in flower shops, you can try growing an orange tree from a stone. To do this, go to the nearest supermarket and buy a ripe, rich color fetus. Its bones cannot be stored after being eaten, they must be planted immediately. The pot for the future tree is taken clay. Since it is not a fact that the selected bone will sprout, several should be placed in the container at once. In case of increased success, the trees can be planted in separate "apartments" later. The land is bought special, for citrus fruits - or it is assembled independently, from medium-sized sand, humus, leafy soil and turf - it is taken in three parts, all other components one at a time. The seed from which the orange tree should grow is immersed in the soil by two centimeters, after which the surface is sprayed with water, and the pot is covered with glass or wrapped in polyethylene. For a week, the container is placed in darkness and heat, and then moved to the windowsill (again, warm). Until sprouts appear, the shelter is not removed.

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What are the requirements for growing an orange at home

Having an orange at home is the dream of many housewives. Observing the requirements for plant care, growing a wonderful orange tree at home is not difficult. Of course, when growing it, you need to carefully follow certain rules. But as a result, a magnificent exotic homemade orange will delight you and your family for years to come.

Growing an orange crop at home will not be difficult if you follow all the rules.

Orange, like all citrus fruits, is a very useful plant. The use of its fruits increases immunity, enriches the body with vitamins. At home, an orange tree, unlike a lemon, is unlikely to produce large and tasty fruits, as when grown in open ground. But the air purified by him from harmful substances will be very useful.

Providing proper care, you can grow an orange tree up to 1.5 m tall. Room orange is evergreen tree with a spreading crown. During the flowering period, small white flowers spread a pleasant delicate delicate aroma in the house. Those wishing to grow this plant should be aware that it is quite capricious and requires personal care.

Orange care:

Culture is best grown on the sunny side, on the window.

  1. This is a very photophilous plant. It is better to put it near the southern windows. But in order not to burn the leaves, in the heat you should still avoid direct sunlight. To get a uniform spreading crown, periodically turn the pot towards the sun different sides. The sun acts very favorably on the orange tree during flowering and fruiting. In the summer, it is permissible to take it out into the street.
  2. Do not forget that the orange tree is a guest from the south, absolutely intolerant of the cold. Air below +5 degrees will be critical! The temperature for him is decisive. At high temperatures (+25 degrees), the tree stretches to growth, blooms poorly and bears fruit. But at + 15-18 degrees, the orange feels comfortable: the leaves have a juicy green color, abundant flowering gives a good harvest.
  3. Periodically cut off elongated and weak shoots. To reduce the load on the tree, thin out its crown.
  4. Orange does not like dry soil, and you must provide it with abundant moisture. In summer and spring, water once a day at night, and in autumn and winter - 2 times a week. Also spray the plant every day. Once a week, carefully loosen the soil. With the beginning of active growth in the spring, feed with fertilizers.


Every 2-3 years, as the plant grows, an increasingly larger pot is required. In order to move the delicate root system, use the transshipment method. This means that the orange tree must be moved to a new container with the same clod of earth on the roots. Then just add soil depending on the size of the pot. Remember to provide good drainage to prevent stagnant moisture.

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Breeding methods:

Watering room orange must be carried out very carefully, do not overfill.

  1. Cuttings. An important advantage of the method is the preservation of varietal characteristics. To obtain a cutting, use the branches of this and last year, covered with bark. With a sharp knife cut a cutting 8-10 cm long with 5 leaves just below the bud at the bottom and 5 mm above the bud at the top. Remove the leaf from the lower bud. Plant the finished cuttings in a mini-greenhouse in sandy soil. Place the greenhouse in a well-lit area out of direct sunlight and keep the soil slightly moist. After about a month, rooted cuttings can be transplanted into an individual pot. Do this carefully so as not to damage the delicate roots.
  2. Planting seeds. Even a novice gardener can use this method. Plants grown from seeds are less demanding for care, grow quickly, but begin to bear fruit only at 8-15 years of age. Be aware that such a tree may not borrow the varietal characteristics of the parent. Use seeds for planting from indoor orange. Store bought fruit seeds are not suitable for growing indoors. The bones must be fresh, that is, just taken out. You need to plant them in a mixture of humus and sand to a depth of 1 cm. Cover the container with foil and place in dark place. With moderate watering, the first shoots will appear in about a month. When the first two leaves grow, transplant the sprout into a pot.
  3. Graft. It allows you to get a faster harvest, so the graft should be taken from a fruit-bearing tree. The disadvantage of this method is that it can only be used during the period of active sap flow. Use a razor-sharp knife to cut the cutting. You can graft on a lemon or orange tree 2-3 years old. Cut off its crown at a height of 10 cm from the ground. Split the trunk into two halves and insert the stalk with oblique cuts. Choose a graft with 3 buds. Align the two branches and wrap the grafting site with foil. To retain moisture, cover the plant with a film and place in a bright place. After about 3 weeks, it will be clear whether the cutting has taken root or not. If he did not turn black, then everything worked out.

Many housewives are faced with yellowing foliage. Sometimes an orange can completely shed its crown. Watch the tree. Perhaps you overdo it with watering or fertilizing. Or your orange does not have enough light or it is standing in a draft.

Be attentive to the plant, and your handsome man will give joy for many years!

Nowadays, you can buy a lot in stores. There is no shortage. Even a tangerine or orange tree with fruits is not uncommon. But such beauty is not cheap. And sometimes you really want to have something exotic at home. Let's not deny ourselves the pleasure and learn how to grow an orange tree from a seed! Our rubric "" will help us with this.

What does it take to grow an orange tree from a seed?

You will need:

  • orange pips;
  • A small piece of gauze, cloth or cotton;
  • A plastic cup;
  • Plastic bags;
  • Land;
  • Water;
  • The sun;
  • your patience and diligence.

Choose round, not flat orange pits and wrap them in a damp cloth or cotton. Put the resulting bundle in a plastic cup, cover with a bag. It turned out to be a kind of greenhouse.

Place the mini greenhouse in a warm and well-lit area. Do not let the fabric dry out, water it every 2-3 days. Roots should appear in 3-6 weeks.

We plant the bone in the soil when the root grows at least 1 centimeter. Dig a small hole about 1.5 cm deep. Gently place the stone there with the root down, do not damage the root. The container can be left the same in which the root sprouted.

When the orange sprouts, put it on sunny side and spray it. This plant loves moisture.

Soon the second pair of leaves will appear, which means it's time to transplant the plant. Transplant your orange tree into a large container once every half a year.

The tree will grow fairly quickly. Moisten the soil regularly and spray the leaves of the plant.

When the tree grows up, you need to pinch off 2-3 leaves at the top. This is necessary so that the trunk begins to give twigs, and not just stretches up. If there are several processes, pinch off the top of all.

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