Mandarin tree: care at home. Planting seeds in the ground. How to grow a tangerine at home from an ordinary bone

It would seem to grow Exotic fruits always not easy. But modern flower growers know that the main thing is knowledge of basic agricultural practices. Everything else is the skills acquired during the cultivation of certain plants. The same should be said about indoor tangerine. You can grow it from ordinary seeds. But in order to house tree quickly began to develop, you will need to master a rather important technique. This is a mandarin graft at home.

Indoor mandarin is a well-bearing plant. But to wait until the sprouts not only hatch from the seeds, but also get stronger, reach the optimal size for the ovary of the fruit, you will have a long time. Approximately 6-8 years later tangerine tree without vaccination will begin to bear fruit. Why wait if the process can be accelerated? To do this, it is imperative to master the technique of grafting a plant. With a competent approach to this procedure, the tree will begin to bear fruit already 2–4 years after planting.

In order for the grafting of the tangerine tree to be effective, it is necessary to start it no earlier than April - May. During this period, the plant comes to life, and sap flow is activated. Interestingly, the bark at this time is easily separated from the wood, and this will greatly facilitate the process for you. A mandarin grafted in the spring will get stronger much faster.

What you need

How to plant mandarin at home? To begin with, you need to carefully prepare for this process: acquire useful tools, eg. In order for the vaccination to be successful and without unnecessary worries, you will need to apply a budding knife, a graft (that is, a branch from an already developed and well-bearing plant) and a rootstock (a seedling that was obtained by growing mandarin from seeds), a garden variety, as well as insulating tape. Consider another important point: it is not recommended to vaccinate if your house plant not yet two years old.

Step-by-step instruction

Mandarin must be grafted without fail, and experienced growers understand this very well. But the lesson you have to do is rather painstaking, so the result will be the higher, the deeper you delve into the key rules. First of all, mark the height on the seedling (6–7 cm from the ground). You will then need to thoroughly clean it of any contaminants. When the seedling is prepared, there is no dirt and dust on it, you can proceed to direct grafting.

First, make a small incision, which will resemble the letter T in shape. Try not to touch the wood, so as not to damage the plant itself. After the incision is made, lightly press the tip of the knife on the bark to form a small hole inside. There and put the rootstock. After that, cover it tightly, grease liberally with garden pitch and then wrap everything on top insulating tape. When all the stages of mandarin grafting have been completed, you just have to wait for the results and continue to care for the houseplant.

How to understand if it was possible to instill

You can determine whether the homemade tangerine vaccination was effective after 2-3 weeks. In the event that you notice that the stalk has turned black or even dried up, then the procedure was not successful. Consider your possible mistakes and then try again. If the stalk turns yellow, this good sign. It is recommended to slightly loosen the bandage, and after some time it can be completely removed. Watch the cutting a little more to control the process of its development. Having done everything necessary correctly, you will soon appreciate the long-awaited result, and the grown indoor tangerine from the stone will bear fruit much earlier.

Mandarin from the stone can be grown at home, and the plant will be quite prolific, thanks to the vaccination you have carried out. For this you need to follow basic rules and provide a complete care for the grafted seedling at the end of the procedure.

For example, when a young shoot begins to grow from a grafted bud, it is recommended to cut the trunk obliquely. Be sure to grease the cut with garden pitch. If desired, the shoot can be tied up so that the crown is formed correctly in the future. Follow the basic recommendations for growing tangerines, and the vaccination will be effective. The main advantage of this procedure lies in the fact that you will be able to collect ripe fruits much earlier than if you had done without grafting indoor mandarin. Take care of your home tangerines, vaccinate according to the rules.

Tangerine tree: home care

Citrus fruits can be easily cultivated and propagated in a private house or apartment. Growing tangerine at home is not too difficult if you stick to it. proper agricultural technology. These trees take root well and do not require special care, while delighting with their green foliage and delicious floral aroma.

Growing mandarin at home from the stone

If you set out to grow a tangerine from a stone at home, all you need is to buy well-ripened, soft fruits of your favorite variety and select from them a dozen whole large seeds. Next, they must be laid out on cotton cloth or gauze, placed in a container and periodically moistened with water so that they swell slightly and hatch.


With the advent of the first sprouts, you can proceed to the planting stage. Many novice gardeners are faced with the question of how to grow tangerine at home correctly, and what are the main causes of plant death. The answer lies in the wrong selection of soil.

A citrus substrate, which is sold in specialized stores, is suitable as soil. But if this is not found, you can always cook it yourself, using in equal proportions:

  • leafy and ordinary humus;
  • sod land;
  • compost.

When planting plants, one should not forget about drainage from a special compactor (expanded clay). Having done everything according to the rules, after a couple of weeks, shoots will appear, but in the future you will have to be patient, since mandarin does not grow quickly at home. The content of this southern "resident" will be, albeit simple, but will require knowledge of some important points.

Tangerine tree photo at home, care features

Having grown a tangerine tree from a stone at home, it is necessary to provide it with the maximum comfortable atmosphere.


At the heart of caring for citrus is providing it with space and sufficient lighting. Daylight hours must be at least 12 hours. But growing tangerine home care such a plan is difficult to implement. In a situation where the desired lighting cannot be achieved, it is recommended to use special fitolamps that successfully replace natural sunlight.


When caring for tangerine trees, in the warm season, it is necessary to water them with filtered or boiled water so that the soil in the flowerpot remains slightly moist. V winter period watering should be reduced, but without allowing the soil to dry out.

Also useful for the leaves will be systematic spraying, compensating for excessive dryness of the air. When enabled heating appliances it does not hurt to use a humidifier or a wet towel left on the battery.

Transplant and fertilizer

The home care tangerine tree you are just starting out involves periodically repotting as it grows into a larger container. The ideal moment for the procedure: the end of February - the first days of March (the period of the beginning of the active growth phase). When transplanting a mandarin, try not to shake off the earthen ball so as not to damage the roots of the tree. Place the plant in a flowerpot in such a way that its root collar remains at the same level as it was before transplantation.

Home tangerine with a weak root system is better to leave for some time in the same land and reschedule the transplant, but be sure to change upper layer soil and drainage. And citrus fruits that are already bearing fruit must be replanted every 2-3 years.

Growth activation can be repeated several times a year, usually in spring and summer, which means that at this time it is especially important to pay attention to top dressing using mineral and organic fertilizers.

How to plant mandarin at home

Growing trees like tangerines at home from seed is only half the battle. So that citrus bears fruit and pleases you excellent harvest, is being vaccinated. It is best to do this in April or the first half of May, when the movement of juice through the plant is the fastest.

  • PVC tape;
  • grafting knife;
  • a special putty known as garden putty.

How to plant mandarin at home video and vaccination schedule

Planting a grown tangerine from a stone at home is quite simple. You don't need any special skill or talent here. First you need to mark on the seedling a height of about 6-7 centimeters from the ground and thoroughly clean the stem from dust and other contaminants.

Next, with a sharp knife, an incision is made 2.5 long and up to 1 cm wide in the shape of the letter “T”, which does not touch the wood itself. After that, the bark must be slightly pressed down with the tip of a knife, and the stock should be placed in the resulting hole. Then carefully cover it, generously grease it with garden pitch and wrap it with PVC tape. You can see all the steps in more detail in the video.

How to care for a mandarin at home after vaccination

Growing mandarin from the stone at home after vaccination requires special conditions. It is advisable to place it for a month in a small greenhouse, or create greenhouse conditions by covering the pot with a transparent plastic bag. Regular ventilation should be carried out in order to see the cherished moment of germination of the "eye".

If everything went well, during this time the petiole should turn yellow and fall off. And when it dries up, but at the same time remains in the same place, the vaccination will most likely have to be repeated.


Growing tangerine at home, caring for it is not much more difficult than for any other citrus crop. Having considered the features of keeping and breeding these heat-loving trees, as well as making a little effort, even with the help of an ordinary seed, you can soon achieve excellent results.

Probably, many would like to have at home a lemon tree that blooms and bears fruit. But wait until it grows from the bone mature plant too long, and it will begin to bear fruit only after 8-10 years. Or maybe not start at all.

Another option is to purchase a varietal plant that begins to bloom and bear fruit at home much earlier, for example, like Pavlovsky for 3 years.

But what to do if it has already been planted, grown and develops beautifully, but does not bear fruit. In this case, varietal branches should be grafted onto such a wild citrus plant, then it will be possible to get fruits on them. Grafting lemon and tangerine at home is not such a complicated process., it is available even to a non-specialist, it is important to simply follow certain rules outlined below.

Grafting in horticulture

Grafting is a widely used method of propagating plants in horticulture., in the process of it, several parts of plants are combined (for example, the stems or leaves of another plant are grafted onto the stem of one plant), and these parts subsequently grow together and become one plant. As a result, it is sometimes even difficult for a non-specialist to see that a vaccination has taken place. This can only be understood by a scar or thickening on the cortex at the transition point.

That part of the plant that joins the whole (it can be a cutting or a kidney) is called a scion, in our case it is some kind of varietal lemon or tangerine. And the plant to which a part of another will join is a rootstock, that is wild plant with a good and strong root system.

With successful cuttings, the grafted branches will have color and fruits, like a varietal plant.

Subsequently, both parts grow together and become one plant, they begin to positively influence each other. The plant after grafting becomes more resistant to negative influences environment , improves it appearance, mechanical damage and wounds on the tree are eliminated.

A plant of the same species or closely related species may participate in the graft.
At this method there is whole line advantages:
This method is considered one of the most quick ways breeding;
- a significant approximation of the first flowering and fruiting;
- an opportunity for another citrus plant (for example,);
- more fruits High Quality, their number increases significantly;
- availability and simplicity of the method (subject to technology).

Basic rules for grafting indoor citrus fruits

In order to vaccinate correctly, it is important to follow some basic rules:

    . All your actions must be accurate, fast and confident. If done too slowly, the tissues of the plant will oxidize under the action of oxygen, and the graft may not take root. You should first work out the skill on the least valuable plants.

    All instruments used for vaccination, as well as hands, must be clean, it is better to use surgical gloves - the ingress of bacteria and fungi will lead to infection and death of the stock.

    Cuts on the scion and rootstock must be made smooth. Avoid contact of hands and any things with the cut.

    The place on the rootstock where the vaccination will be carried out, as well as all the cuttings, must be wiped with a damp cloth, and it is better to wash it with soapy water the day before and treat it with a fungicide.

    The most optimal time for grafting citrus plants is May and June. You should work on a rainy day, or in a damp room - the increased moisture content in the air increases the likelihood of success of the operation - it will have a beneficial effect on the scion and prevent it from drying out.

    After the vaccination, the plant must be placed in a mini-greenhouse; shelter under a transparent plastic bag, a glass jar or a cut plastic bottle is suitable for this at home or in the country. Creating such a wet "bath" will protect lemon Tree from drafts and from sharp fluctuations in temperature.

For successful inoculation, operations should be performed quickly and accurately, having all the necessary tools at hand.

The crown and the ground should always be wet, but it should not be watered, but sprayed with a spray bottle, a sign that it is time to repeat the spraying procedure is the absence of droplets on inner surface greenhouse. From time to time, you need to let the tree breathe and ventilate by removing the jar or bag. The main danger is that in such an environment mold can start and develop quickly, if this happens, then the plant should be treated with fungicides.

Technology and methods of vaccination

One of the keys to a successful vaccination is the right set of tools.. For this procedure, you need to prepare a sharp blade or a handy knife with a thin, sharp blade that will make all the cuts, as well as a pruner. To process the plant after the grafting procedure, you will need a special tape to tighten the contact point, a garden pitch to process the incision. It is better to buy this in advance at the garden center.

good secateurs and sharp knife- a guarantee of a successful vaccination

To create optimal conditions for the plant to take root, prepare a plastic film in advance, you can just cut a transparent bag plastic bottle or a jar, they will be needed to create a mini-greenhouse. Decide what to cook based on the size of the plant.

Also have a clean, damp cloth ready to wipe the plants at the grafting site, and alcohol to clean the instruments before the procedure. Cleanliness is one of the main keys to success.

For grafting, it is best to take a cutting or bud from a tangerine or lemon tree that is one to two years old.
As a stock, it is best to consider strong and healthy, aged from a year or more; or is best suited for this role. If the vaccination will be carried out on an adult plant, it is important that the thickness of its stems and branches should be at least 5-7 millimeters.
Seedling lemons that were grown from seeds are best suited for rootstock, because they are the most resistant.
There are several methods of grafting: budding, copulation, split grafting.
Let's look at each of these methods.


It is believed that this method is the least traumatic for the plant and the easiest for beginners. Its meaning lies in the fact that on a rootstock tree you need to make an incision in the shape of the letter T, and insert a scion in the form of a kidney-eye into it.

Grafting a branch of a plant by budding

First you need to completely wipe with a damp cloth. blade or special knife make a T-shaped incision about 5-6 centimeters from the ground. Horizontally, the length of this incision should be 1 cm, and vertically - 2.5-3 cm. It is important to do everything carefully, without hitting the core. Carefully bend the edges of the vertical incision with the blade so that a small hole is formed at the top. Further, a scion must be introduced into this formed "pocket", the petiole should fit snugly against the wood.
At the end of the procedure, the procedure site is wrapped with a special grafting tape. Additionally, it is better to cover all sections with garden pitch.

To increase the survival rate of a grafted cutting, it is better to do not one vaccination, but two.
After grafting, the petioles turned yellow, did not turn black and look healthy - this means that they have taken root and the procedure was carried out correctly. A month after vaccination, the apical shoot from the rootstock is removed by about 10 centimeters.

An accustomed sprig of lemon, grafted by budding

In the same way, it is possible for a large shoot of a citrus tree of another species (for example, an orange). Then, if the bud takes root, your tree will be able to produce two types of fruits - lemons and oranges.


For the following method, the graft and citrus stock should be approximately the same diameter. Approximately identical oblique cuts are made on them, they should be even, without tubercles. In the middle of these sections, shallow (about 1 cm) vertical incisions are made. Then both sections must be connected in such a way that both sections fit well and fit into each other. The place of the procedure at the end is tightly wrapped with a grafting tape.

In the copulation method, the accuracy of hitting and tight alignment of the incisions is very important.

Vaccination by the same method can be done in a slightly different way. V upper parts rootstock and scion 2 cuts are made. After that, they need to be inserted into each other, trying to combine them with each other as much as possible. After completing these steps, the grafting site is wrapped with grafting tape or cloth. From above it needs to be wrapped plastic wrap to create greenhouse conditions.

The procedure for this vaccination method is as follows.
Wipe the injection site with a damp cloth. The stock is cut horizontally with secateurs at a distance of 5-10 cm from the soil. Further, in the middle of the stem, a cut about 2-3 cm deep is made with a sharp blade. After that, a scion is prepared: two wedge-shaped cuts 2.5-3 cm long are made on it. different sides, thus increasing the likelihood of survival). At the end, the vaccination site is tightly wrapped with grafting tape, and all cuts made must be treated with garden pitch.

Grafting by split method, you can take several rootstock cuttings

If you want to graft with a scion as a cutting grown from a seed, then the process will be a little different. It is important that he is healthy and well matured.

In this method, the scion is inserted under the bark of the rootstock.
First, the stem of the stock is stripped of bark at a height of approximately 10 cm from the ground. Then you need to cut the stump in half so that you get a split 3 cm deep, a graft shoot containing several buds is inserted into this cut. It is necessary to pay attention to at least one of the sides of the bark of the stock and scion coincide with each other.
The grafting site is tightly wrapped with grafting tape, and then with polyethylene. died, you can try to get vaccinated again. Vaccination is a rather laborious method and requires a certain skill. But with due effort, in the end you will get a healthy and fruitful lemon tree.

Note that Pavlovian lemons and tangerines do not require vaccination, they develop well and bear fruit on their own roots and are well adapted to growing at home. At the same time, if you have a lemon tree grown from a seed, the so-called "", there is an article about this on our website: then grafting branches of a varietal plant onto it will allow you to get fruits from it.

Everyone who has seen homemade tangerines with friends dreams that they also have citrus at home. mustache tree with fragrant flowers. Many are stopped by the fear that there is not enough strength and knowledge to properly care for such an exotic pet.

Indeed, some citrus indoor plants require specific growing conditions, but not mandarin, caring for it is quite simple: it is unpretentious and hardy to live on ordinary windowsills of Russian apartments.

Everyone can grow a tangerine from a seedling purchased at a flower shop, since this is already a grafted fruit-bearing tree.

If you cannot afford to allocate money from the household budget to buy a plant, then you can grow a tangerine at home on your own. To do this, you need to have only a few seeds taken from ordinary fruits.

Homemade citrus fruits: decorative mandarin

A few years will pass, and you will be full of pride from a slender tree with very beautiful shiny leaves. Citrus aroma will spread throughout the apartment, which will give your home extra coziness and comfort.

Mandarin tree - from the rue family spherical shape, the leaves are evergreen, are replaced every four years, the flowers are white, smelling good.

This propagates citrus tree seeds or vegetatively. Most often, many at home have indoor tangerines grown from seeds. But this is just decorative. indoor plant, which improves the interior of the apartment, but is absolutely not fruitful or has very small inedible fruits.

On farms, fruit citrus fruits are always obtained by grafting in order to get delicious fruits. You will have to do a similar operation if you decide to enjoy juicy vitamins. If you just want to try your hand at growing citrus plants on your own, then you will absolutely succeed.

Make room for them on the south side if you have poisonous plants, then they are not best neighbors for indoor citrus fruits, move them to another window sill.

How to grow a tangerine at home from an ordinary bone

seed soaking

Everyone who has experienced growing seedlings from seeds knows that they must swell. We take a few tangerine seeds and soak them in gauze for several days. There should not be too much water, let the fabric be slightly damp, and you will simply add water as needed.

If you plan to have only one homemade tangerine, anyway, let there be 10-15 seeds: not all will germinate, some will die from diseases, and someone will die “the death of the brave” when you try to plant the plant yourself for the first time.

There is no desire to deal with gauze - a hydrogel sold in specialized stores will help you. Professionals involved in landscape design, ordinary amateur gardeners use it whenever possible, as it is a wonderful protection for plants from heat.

Hydrogel is akin to drip irrigation, but in our case it will not be added to the soil, but will serve instead of gauze, as it retains moisture excellently. The bones must be kept in the middle of the gel so that they do not dry out.

Landing in the ground

The hatched seeds are transplanted into a pot or a regular seedling box. Some do not wait until the bones swell, but immediately plant them in the ground. The sprout appears a little later, but it looks no worse than the one that grew from the soaked seed.

What soil is required to get a tangerine at home? Do not use peat: often sour, quick-drying, not having special nutritional properties. It is found in almost all mixtures sold in stores, so you will have to prepare the soil for growing citrus fruits yourself:

  • sod land - 3 parts;
  • leaf ground - 1 part;
  • decayed cow dung- 1 part;
  • sand - 1 part;
  • a small amount of clay.

For the townspeople, such manipulations are unrealistic, so try to buy neutral, nutritious "Rose" or "Biohumus" soil. According to reviews on the Internet, it is well suited for citrus cultivation. In extreme cases, you can take ordinary earth and mix with a small amount of ash, superphosphate and organic fertilizer.

At the bottom of the pot, do not forget to put expanded clay or pebbles for drainage. When will the first leaves appear? citrus houses begin to grow actively three weeks after planting.

Indoor citrus fruits: care, nutrition, protection

As soon as the first sprouts appeared, they should be fed every two weeks with mineral and organic fertilizers.

It's great that there are special fertilizers for caring for citrus plants. First, the tree is watered, and then fertilizer occurs.

Such a houseplant should be transplanted in the spring every year, trying to keep the whole earth around the roots. When the tangerine tree at home reaches eight years, the transplant is done in a year.

Mandarin loves the sun, a window on the south side is an ideal place for him, but so that in winter the temperature does not fall below 14 degrees. Every week, indoor tangerine should be sprayed, high humidity it is vital for him, so let there always be dishes with water next to the pot.

In summer, a tangerine tree should be watered several times a day very abundantly, in winter - up to three times a week as the soil dries with water room temperature. Active feeding of fruit citrus occurs from April to September, from which the fruits will grow sweeter.

Many young indoor citrus fruits die from pests that are practically invisible to humans: red spider mite, citrus whitefly, scale insects.

If you look closely, you can see that the plant is entwined with the smallest cobweb, which is detrimental to it. Review seedlings regularly to detect problems early.

There are preparations "Aktellik", "Fitoverm", designed to thoroughly wash all the sheets from above and below with their solution. Follow the attached instructions, spraying is not effective, so only washing, which is repeated several times a week later.

How to grow a fruiting tangerine

Mandarin from the stone in nature begins to bear fruit after 4-5 years. This will be the so-called wild game, which has tasteless fruits. Mandarin grafting is an acceleration of fruiting, obtaining appetizing fruits. It is done during the period of sap flow: April, early May, August. In other months, success is impossible, good result also depends on quick, careful actions during inoculation in a clean environment.

What should be prepared for grafting a tangerine tree:

  • rootstock - this is your plant grown from seed, with a trunk no thinner than 6 mm (like a pencil, approximately);
  • scion - a fresh stalk or eye, taken from a fruiting citrus, from a branch not older than two years;
  • garden pitch;
  • elastic band;
  • budding grafting knife.

On the stem of the stock at a height of 10 cm, an incision is made in the shape of the letter T: horizontal - 1 cm, vertical - 2-4 cm. The graft is prepared: spikes, leaf blades are removed. A kidney with a small layer of wood is carefully cut off and inserted into the incision. The place of "operation" is carefully wrapped with tape. The plant after grafting is placed under a jar or plastic bag, to create required humidity and microclimate.

Only in a month it will become clear whether the budding has turned out or not. Let there be several experimental samples, since it will no longer be possible to redo it - the period of sap flow has passed. It is best to start the experiments in the spring, if there is no success, repeat at the end of the summer.

As you saw that the bud has sprouted - the sprout is accustomed to the air outside the jar. The ventilation gradually increases, the winding is removed. Another month later, when new escape is already growing well: the stem of the stock is carefully cut with a knife obliquely 3 mm higher from the base of the shoot and covered with garden pitch. A stick is installed in a pot to teach a tangerine tree to grow vertically at home. That's all! Good luck to you, do not forget to water, fertilize and spray your citrus tree.

Despite the fact that mandarin is a rather whimsical citrus crop, subject to the temperature and light conditions, it can be grown at home.

To date, there is a lot of information on how to grow a homemade tangerine, but growing decorative tree and a tree that bears edible fruit occurs in different ways. In the first case, you can grow citrus from the seed, in the second, you should use the grafting method.

Fresh seeds are suitable for germinating seedlings. Before planting, the bones are wrapped in wet gauze and kept in this state for 5 days, periodically wetting the gauze. After the seeds hatch, they are planted in a small pot with light, nutritious soil. special soil mixture for citrus fruits, you can buy it at the store, or cook it yourself.

How to plant a homemade tangerine

In order to get a tangerine from the stone, bearing high-quality fruits and to speed up the onset of fruiting, seedlings grown from seeds are grafted onto the cuttings of a fruit-bearing tree. The most common way to plant a homemade tangerine is described below. Grafting is carried out during the period of sap flow, when the bark easily moves away from the wood. Before carrying out this work, you should prepare a stock, scion, budding knife, electrical tape, garden pitch. A 1-3 year old seedling, or is used as a stock. It should be noted that orange seedlings are more resistant to drought and give good growth, but it is quite difficult to graft mandarin on orange. The graft (stalk) is cut from a 1-2-year-old branch of a fruit-bearing cultivated plant immediately before vaccination. 2-4 buds should remain on the handle. The thorns and leaves are removed, the petioles from the leaf are left next to the buds. On a rootstock at a height of 10 cm from the soil, an incision is made in the form of the letter "T", where the width horizontal bar is 1 cm, vertical - 2.5 cm. A bud with a small layer of wood is carefully cut from the scion and carefully inserted into the incision. This place is then treated with garden pitch and wrapped with tape. The grafted plant is placed under glass jar or polyethylene to create a greenhouse effect.

With a successful vaccination, the petioles will soon turn yellow and fall off, if unsuccessful, they will turn black, dry out and continue to hold firmly on the branch. After the first bud blooms on the rootstock and a new shoot forms, the branch is cut 3 mm above the bud, the cut is treated with garden pitch.

Caring for decorative home and indoor tangerines: how to care

A grafted indoor tangerine needs regular care, which includes spraying the crown, timely watering, fertilizing, and periodic transplanting.

The amount of water for irrigation and their frequency depend on the size of the tree, the size of the container and the air temperature in the room where the citrus is grown. How larger leaves tangerine, the more moisture evaporates from their surface, the more often the tree needs watering. Watering is recommended in the morning. In winter, when the plant is at rest, the amount and volume of watering is reduced. Monitor the condition of the earthy coma: it should not be too wet or too dry. At an air temperature of 12-15 ° C, watering is carried out once a week with a small amount of water.

In addition to watering, this crop needs daily spraying of the crown. Dry air and extreme heat adversely affect the condition of the leaves and the tree as a whole, causing various diseases and appearances. In the heat, it is useful to bathe the tree in the shower with water at room temperature.

How to grow a homemade tangerine

When caring for homemade mandarin, it is necessary to apply additional bait with mineral and organic fertilizers, since the soil is quickly depleted with frequent watering, as nutrients are washed out of it. Top dressing can be carried out with dry or soluble fertilizers. Mineral fertilizers for mandarin, they must necessarily contain nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, which contribute to the full development and fruiting of citrus. dissolved in settled water at room temperature, after which the plant is watered, and at a low concentration, the leaves are sprayed. Increase the number of feeds in early spring(up to 2 times a week) during the development of vegetative and generative buds. Dry fertilizers are applied to the soil, where they gradually dissolve.

Infused cow dung is used as organic fertilizer. Mineral and useful to alternate.

To grow a tangerine with a lush beautiful crown at home, you need to pinch the tops of its branches. Dwarf varieties do not need formative pruning, it is only necessary to periodically remove elongated and dried branches and leaves.

Knowing how to properly care for decorative mandarin and applying this knowledge in practice, it is possible to obtain about 40-60 fruits from one adult plant annually.