Indoor tangerine, tangerine tree (care instructions). Mandarin at home: growing from seeds How tangerine is pollinated at home

To plant such on their windowsill seems to be an impossible task for many. We are constantly frightened that the family needs unique care that will consume all our time and finances. Indeed, some of these plants require careful supervision, but this does not particularly concern the tangerine. This fruit is quite unpretentious and hardy enough for our climate. Therefore, after reading our article, choose the best cultivation method for you and feel free to start planting the overseas fruit. And how to choose and grow a tangerine from a stone at home, we will tell you below.

Choosing a place for a mandarin

If you do decide to grow a tangerine, the first step is to choose a place for the tree. Indoor can grow both on the windowsill and on the balcony. To date, breeders have bred a lot dwarf plants, but also ordinary trees tangerine can be shaped as desired.

A place for planting a tree at home is chosen in the same way as on. The plot must be well lit with little direct sunlight... With insufficient light, the tangerine will slow down its growth and may not bloom at all. Therefore, to grow a tangerine, choose the southern part of the room, but so that at noon the tree can be slightly shaded.


To keep tangerine in the room, it is necessary to maintain a certain temperature. IN summer period optimal temperature indicators when growing a tree, must be +20 ... + 25 ° C... When the plant begins to bloom or buds appear on it, it is advisable to warn them against falling flowers by lowering the temperature not higher than +20 ° C.

In winter, to improve future flowering, citrus tangerine is better leave without much movement... Temperature in winter period content can range from +5 ° C to + 10 ° C. Observing such temperature conditions, you can easily grow a tangerine from a bone at home.

Mandarin is very important point with its growth. With insufficient light tree lags behind in development and there is a great risk of getting a modest bloom. In the summer, a young tangerine can be gradually displayed on open airso that the plant gradually gets used to the environment. But at noon you will have to hide it from direct sunlight.

In winter, when the daylight hours are rather short, the tangerine should be placed in the brightest place in the room. It happens that a young tree may not have enough lighting. Here a phytolamp will come to the rescue, which is screwed into a regular table lamp or a chandelier. Start off you need to highlight the tangerine gradually, otherwise, with a sharp change in the duration of daylight hours, the plant may lose its foliage.

Air humidity

Mandarin does not tolerate dry air. Therefore, to maintain sufficient humidity, it is recommended to place containers of water around the container. As the temperature rises, the plant needs to be additionally moistened, sometimes several times a day. In winter, it is better to apply spraying, but only as it dries.

Choosing dishes or container for planting

It is recommended to choose dishes for planting mandarin based on its size... Remember, for the best growth of the tree, it will need to be replanted every year. Do not choose a large pot right away, as too much space can lead to root rot.

The best tangerine containers are small wooden boxes or pots from natural materials... Do not forget about the good when landing. Pebbles, expanded clay, leftovers from broken ceramic dishes, and even polystyrene are perfect for this role. Mandarin does not like stagnant moisture in the soil, which can also lead to root rot.

Important! Inspect the stem and leaves of the tree every week for bacteria or pests.

Soil for tangerine

As with outdoor cultivation, indoor tangerine does not love acidic soils ... Therefore, choosing ready mix for planting in the store, pay attention to the substrate.

If you do not trust purchased substrates, you can prepare the soil for planting yourself. To do this, take sod and leafy soil, river washed sand and a little. Observe the proportions 1: 1: 0.5. From these components, a light, air-permeable soil is obtained, which the mandarin loves so much.

Planting, breeding and transplanting a mandarin

When home cultivation citrus tangerine, there are several ways of its reproduction: cuttings, grafting and the most popular method today - a stone. But how to properly plant and grow a tangerine from a stone so that the tree bears fruit?

First of all, you need to understand that when using this method, you should expect the result no earlier than six years later. Even more difficult way reproduction - cuttings, since when using it, it is extremely rare to grow a tangerine at home.

At the same time, mandarin inoculation is considered one of the proven options. At home it is grafted onto orange or grapefruit seedlings. In addition, many gardeners are interested in how long a tangerine grows? This citrus tree is very durable and with proper care will live for more than thirty years.

Mandarin roots are actively growing every year, which is why the plant needs an annual transplant... After 5-6 years, they are transplanted less often - once every two years. The transplant must be carried out in the spring, before the active growth of the rhizome, and each time a flowerpot or pot is chosen slightly larger than the previous one. The best way for a tangerine will be a transshipment method of transplanting: try not to destroy the formed earthen lump.

Important!It is impossible to rinse the roots of the plant. Rinsing is allowed only when they become infected.

Vegetative breeding methods

As we mentioned above, reproduction of a tangerine at home, using the usual planting of cuttings, is almost impossible. Therefore, in order to grow a prolific tree, mandarin cuttings are grafted to any other citrus plant.

To do this, you need a bush from one to two years old and a stalk of your choice. We take a citrus seedling and make a T-shaped incision at a distance of 10 cm above the soil. Then, slightly pressing down the tip of the knife, we get a recess into which we insert our handle.

After that, you need to coat the cut with garden varnish and rewind with PVC film or electrical tape. After the mandarin inoculation, you need to place them in or just cover plastic bag... You can air it once a day, watching if the peephole has appeared after vaccination.

Usually the cutting is grafted within a month, after which the greenhouse is removed and the electrical tape is weakened. After rooting, you can completely get rid of the over-tightened film. Growing tangerines in this way of reproduction, you have every chance of getting sweet and juicy fruits.

Did you know? For better tangerine growth, spray the leaves daily with warm water from a spray bottle.

Seed method

The easiest way to grow a tangerine is to plant a seed, and you already know about this. Therefore, buy several fruits in advance that were stored correctly, without freezing and direct sunlight, and choose a dozen seeds from them. Then, rinse them thoroughly. running water and place on a windowsill or other flat surface to dry.

When the seeds are dry, they must be soaked for further germination: we take a cotton cloth and wrap the seeds in it. The fabric should be damp for several days, but not float in water.

After the seeds swell and the sprouts begin to hatch, you can transplant them into the prepared soil. As soon as you plant a tangerine seed and the seedling grows a little, it must be transplanted into a container with a volume of about 4 liters.

Important! Be sure to take several grains at once for planting, as some of the tangerine seeds usually do not germinate.

Plant care

If you no longer have any questions on how to plant a tangerine, then all that remains is to provide it with proper care and wait for the fragrant fruits. For good tree growth do not forget about sufficient humidity in the summer... Give more light, but shade in the sun, as mandarin leaves are easily burned.

Some varieties of indoor tangerines can bloom for up to a whole year, but to ensure their comfortable growth, cut off most of the flowers and ovaries. If you do not want to give the tangerine tree a special look, then you only need to remove dried or very elongated branches.

Proper cultivation of tangerine trees and shrubs at home. Cultivation and reproduction methods citrus tree houses.

Mandarin is a shrub that is always green all year round. Comes from the fruit family and the citrus genus. The form of life is a shrub, in the form of a tree.

Home tangerine is subject to plant in greenhouse and home conditions: windowsill, balcony, greenhouse. Breeders have bred a huge variety of this plant. A tangerine like this is an effective pot display.

Photo: tangerine tree at home

Homemade tangerine has very tasty and aromatic fruits, they grow on the tree for more than two months. Such a plant attracts and gives pleasure, both with its flowering and the unsurpassed smell of its own flower.

The bonsai mandarin is a rare and skillful piece. Mandarin fruits grow without pollination, the stage of maturity begins at the end of the year.
The most famous and beloved varieties for growing tangerines in the house include:

  • Shiva is a Mikan. Early and fast growing species
  • Mirkot is a compact variety with sweet fruits ripening in summer
  • Winshiu - unpretentious plant from a Japanese variety, branches well and bears fruit in the third year
  • Clementine - the variety bears fruit for the second year already, at home. Refers to a hybrid of mandarin and orange. The fruits have a shiny skin, are slightly flattened, and their number per crop reaches five dozen.

How to plant a tangerine at home?

Ancient China was the first to start cultivating mandarin duck. Today, such a plant can be purchased in flower shops.

  • If the purchase of a plant occurred in such a store, it is better to transplant it immediately. To do this, buy a substrate specifically for citrus fruits, where the acidity is 5.5 -7. It is also possible to make your own soil. To do this, it is necessary to mix sod and leafy soil with manure humus and river sand, where the proportion looks like this - 1: 1: 1: 0.5
  • Look closely at the pot in which the plant was brought from the store; its next residence should be no more than three centimeters earlier. All these actions will actively stimulate the tangerine to grow.

One of the first steps belongs to the choice of the Mandarin residence in your apartment.

  • Proper lighting is one of the most important keys to your pet's growth. This rule also applies if the tangerine is planted in open ground in a country house or greenhouse. Direct sunlight should hit the plant, but without much persistence. sunlight will give the leaves juiciness and greenness, the lack will only lead to fading and thin new shoots
  • The window on which the tangerine will be grown should be located on the east or south-east side. If the growing season is summer, it is necessary to gradually accustom the plant to direct rays, sometimes take it out to the balcony or street
  • If the time of the initial cultivation is winter, put the tangerine in the most illuminated place, if there is not enough light, get artificial lighting. It is possible to use a photo of a light bulb for this purpose.
  • The optimal temperature regime for indoor tangerine remains + 25 degrees, if the period of budding and flowering passes, keep temperature regime around twenty degrees
  • Rest mode in winter time observed at the level of five, ten degrees. A plant that is perfectly rested in winter will bear fruit and flowers much better.

Tangerine from a bone - reality

When growing a tangerine from a seed, it will require attention and patience from you only at the first stage, then this culture is easy to care for. Prepare a place to live for the plant. Which excludes the presence of a variety of poisonous neighbors.

A southern room without a neighborhood would be ideal. We take the material for planting from store tangerines. The number of seeds should be as large as possible, since most of the next shoots will die from the disease and will not survive the grafting stage. Growing tangerines from seeds takes place in several ways:

  • Take a piece of gauze small size, irrigate with water, wrap the bones. Water should be kept to a minimum to avoid rotting seeds. Experienced experts suggest using a solution of potassium permanganate for this process to disinfect seeds
  • For the absence of problems with gauze, it is possible to purchase a hydrogel in a specialized store. Its peculiarity is its excellent ability to retain moisture. Looks like a certain mass, into which the mandarin seeds are cured for pecking and the appearance of sprouts

It is possible to plant the bone immediately, in open ground. Most flower growers do this. If you have a lot of experience in growing plants and flowers, you can easily make sure that the bud does not dry out. The leaves will hatch here later than all types of cultivation, but the sprout will be very strong

Caring for indoor tangerine at home

When you see the first sprouts of your pet, you need to start feeding for the next two weeks. It must be carried out with the help of specialized organic and mineral fertilizers. Care consists in watering and irrigating the sprout and the constant addition of fertilizers.

Spraying the mandarin should be done every week to maintain high humidity tangerine. It is also possible to keep dishes filled with water next to the tree. Especially when the summer is hot, the plant needs moisture. In winter, watering should be done two to three times a week, depending on the drying time.

Top dressing of the plant - tangerine should be carried out in the period April-September, especially if it is a fruiting citrus. So it will be ensured sweet taste fruits.

How to plant mandarin at home?

Photo: tangerine plant

Full-fledged, delicious mandarin fruits can only be obtained as a result of proper care and grafting. Grafting begins in May-August. Since the sap flow at this time is especially active.

The effectiveness of the result after grafting depends on your ability to accurately and quickly carry out the appropriate procedures. Prepare in advance for the tangerine grafting stage:

  • Grown plant from seed, the trunk of which is at least six millimeters thick
  • Cutting from a fruiting plant, the branch of which is at least two years old
  • Garden knife
  • Elastic tape
  • Garden var

For grafting, make an incision at a height of ten centimeters where the stem of the rootstock is. It should look like a T, horizontally - see vertically -4 cm. The scion is prepared by removing thorns and leaf blades. Cut the bud very carefully and insert it into the cut, with a small layer of wood.

Where the vaccination was carried out, wrap with tape. Tangerine put in plastic bag or a jar. Only after a month you will burn to determine the degree of success of the vaccination. Take a few seedlings for grafting, because only half of them will be successful.

Train the plant by gradually removing the jar for grafting, then new escape strengthen and begin to grow. Cover the location of the shoot with a garden pitch.

If you follow the rules for growing and fertilizing tangerine, the leaves of the plant will be forever green. Leaves will turn yellow as a result of inappropriate behavior with the pet. Don't exaggerate with chemical fertilizers... If tangerine is not grown correctly, it will become covered with spots, leaves will fall off.

How to transplant a tangerine at home?

  • Transplanting the plant belongs to the correct care of the plant. Such an event is carried out if the tangerine has become cramped in the pot. Early plants and young people undergo a transplant every year
  • Tangerine trees from the age of seven years are transplanted every two years. To transplant a plant, you need to take a pot with a diameter of more than five centimeters from the present, so that the roots do not rot. The substrate should be picked up with a slight acidity, the bottom of the pot should be laid out with expanded clay, pieces of foam
  • The actual transplantation process is carried out not during the flowering of the plant, but in the spring, during the awakening of the mandarin. The soil is laid by irrigation after transplanting. Do not use fertilizer two weeks after transplanting, and four days before transplanting

Reproduction of homemade tangerine

Photo: tangerine at home

Reproduction tangerine plant occurs in two ways: grafting on the stock and rooting of the apical cuttings. This process is carried out at the very beginning of the summer period. It is imperative to use root-forming agents that will stimulate growth. Vaccination is the most effective and successful way reproduction.

Pruning homemade mandarin

Pruning is done to improve the formation of the crown of the desired shape, to stimulate fruiting. When the tree grows, there is a loss of compactness and attractiveness.

The process is carried out on young plants using sharp knife and secateurs. Branches from the first to the third order are subject to pruning. The fourth should not be touched, as they give fruits and flowers.

Video: How to grow a tangerine at home?

Video: How to plant a citrus tree correctly?

For feeding, you can use both dry additives and soluble ones. There is a root and foliar fertilization of citrus fruits. Both of these methods are quite important and useful for tangerines. At the same time, during root nutrition, phosphorus and nitrogen are often used. And for foliar (which, by the way, it is better to combine with spraying), use copper, manganese, boron, iron, magnesium and zinc. All of these ingredients should be used at the following dosage: copper sulfate - dose not more than 250 mg / l, potassium permanganate - about 200-300 mg / l, boric acid - 200-250 mg / l, iron vitriol - no more than 3 g / l, magnesium (or magnesium sulfate) - 10 g / l and zinc oxide - 5-7 g / l.

How often should you fertilize this citrus? Fresh soil nourishes the plant for about 3 months on average. But there are various subtleties. If fertilized with incompletely rotted manure, then it is worth adding nitrogen-containing elements. But it is worth remembering that the plant must receive all the necessary components, since the lack of one element cannot be replaced by an overabundance of any other component. With this condition, it is worth using not individual components, but mixtures. The list of required components includes: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, iron, oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, calcium, magnesium and others.

You need to feed the tangerine, focusing not only on the indicated tips on the packages, but also on the condition of the plant itself.

Phosphate fertilizer. There are several ways to feed a plant with phosphorus. The first is the most convenient - sprinkle the surface of the earth with superphosphate and then fluff the soil and sprinkle the phosphate with earth. The next method of such replenishment is to mix superphosphate with a manure mixture and apply it to the ground. And the most difficult thing is mixing phosphate with water. It is difficult because superphosphate is practically insoluble in water. Therefore, per liter of water, you need to take 50 g of superphosphate, boil this solution for about 30 minutes, and then drain and dilute it 10 times with water.

Nitrogen fertilizer. Nutrition with nitrogen minerals can be produced, for example, with saltpeter (0.5%): 2-3 tablespoons per 15 liters of water. You can also feed with a mixture ammonium nitrate and potassium soda. Dissolve 1-2 tablespoons of ammonium nitrate and 1 tablespoon of salt in 10 liters of water. It is best to initially mix saltpeter and salt in a liter of water and then pour into the rest of the water.

How to improve yields?

We are constantly receiving letters in which amateur gardeners are worried that due to the cold summer this year there is a poor harvest of potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, and other vegetables. Last year we published TIPS on this matter. But unfortunately, many did not listen, but some still applied. Here is a report from our reader, we want to advise plant growth biostimulants that will help increase the yield up to 50-70%.

Read ...

Top dressing with calcium. This is a fairly simple way to fertilize tangerines. For adding calcium, it is best to take already used lime or plaster. It is best to apply these substances under the roots of the plant, into the soil.

Fertilization with organic substances. This fertilization is a natural substance, namely manure. Initially, the manure must be filled with water and left for 5-10 days to ferment. After that, it must be diluted with water. If this cow dung, then you need to dilute 10-15 times, if bird droppings, then 15-20 times. Then you need to add 2-3 g of superphosphate and 1-3 g of potassium salt to the finished slurry. You can also feed it with non-stray manure. Manure is used to accelerate citrus growth. Organic fertilizer is used in summer. Also, in summer, slurry is best combined with nitrogen-potassium fertilizer. In this case, nitrogen with potassium is applied every 10 days, and slurry 5 days after nitrogen. If you use only manure, then you need to do this 1-2 times a month.

It is important to remember that you need to feed the plant depending on the season and weather conditions... Active fertilization starts in March and ends around September. In winter, plants can be fertilized once a month, and if they saturate the soil well, then until January you can not feed the plant at all. It is necessary to introduce various substances only into damp ground.

To saturate the soil with various useful substances they also use tincture of tea or makhorka, castor oil, solution ferrous sulfate... Also sprinkled with rust and horn shavings.

It was mentioned above in the article that you need to feed the soil and the plant not only on a schedule or depending on the season, but it is also extremely important to focus on the state of the citrus itself. In this case, you need to pay attention to the age of the plant. So on young leaves, the manifestation of poisoning or deficiency will be one, and on adults and old ones, it will be completely different.

How to understand what a young plant is missing

If there is not enough iron, then on the leaves of the mandarin (regardless of the color of the leaf itself), a network of veins will stand out brightly. It will be bright green, especially the central core. If there is a lack of iron, the growth of the plant will be suspended.

The lack of manganese is similar. The veins will also be bright green, but the tissue between them will turn yellow, and then completely turn into dead.

Sulfur. Starting from the veins, the entire leaf becomes either pale green or pale yellow in color. It will not turn completely yellow, but some yellowness will appear. The absence of sulfur does not lead to tissue death.

Lack of calcium. The lack of this substance is more dangerous for the plant. In the absence of calcium, the mandarin leaf first becomes discolored, and then the upper edge begins to curl down. Further, the top and edges of the leaf begin to die off, which can lead to foliage falling off.

Boron shortage leads to various modifications of foliage. Particularly noticeable factors are the deformation of the sheet plate and of various kinds color changes, usually at the top of the leaf.

If the citrus lacks copper, then the plant begins to wilt. The leaf becomes unnatural dark green... And the shape of the leaf becomes not symmetrical. The central vein may also change, it becomes arched. And on the fruits, tar-like smudges may appear.

An adult plant may lack completely different elements.

How to grow a gorgeous citrus tree?

Lack of substances in old tangerines

Nitrogen. With chlorosis, a yellowish-green speck appears on the plant, which eventually spreads to the entire leaf. And the shoots are shortened.

Lack of phosphorus. At the same time, the leaf remains green, but ceases to be glossy. What's more remarkable is that young foxes become very narrow. Also, the flowering is weak and, as a result, the tangerine has a low yield and thick peel. And the fruits also become sour.
If zinc is lacking, the leaves become paler and the veins brighter. At the same time, they become smaller.

Poisoning or overabundance of elements

Poisoning is possible with any of the elements: nitrogen, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, manganese, boron, etc.

For the normal existence of the plant and for it to give good harvest, while the taste of tangerines was balanced, you need to take proper care of the plants.

Citrus tree fertilizer

And a little about the secrets of the Author

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Tangerine tree belong to the citrus family. It is evergreen and does not shed foliage even in winter. Today, many species of this plant are known that can successfully grow and bear fruit at home.

The most popular of them are:

  1. Konhinhin- most popular varietygrown on an industrial scale. In nature, it can reach up to 3-4 m in height. But at home, this species is too whimsical and, with proper care, can grow only up to 1 meter.
  2. Inshiu- a popular and unpretentious look. Easily tolerates temperatures as low as -5 degrees. The fruit is very sweet and fragrant with virtually no pits. Ideal for home cultivation.
  3. Tangerinediffers in elongated fruits and with a plump skin. Tangerines are very sweet and tasty, but they have a specific pungent smell that not everyone likes.

In addition, breeders have bred many hybrid species that are more hardy and unpretentious, and therefore caring for them will not be difficult.

Popular tangerine tree hybrids include:

  1. Klimentin.Its leaves are narrow and elongated, and the fruits are bright and juicy. Especially given grade prized for its taste and aroma.
  2. MinneolaIs a hybrid obtained by crossing grapefruit and tangerine, so the fruit has a bitter taste. The size of the fruit can be different, the color is bright, red-orange. The skin is dense and difficult to remove.
  3. Tangorait is distinguished by large fruits, which can reach a diameter of up to 15 cm. They taste very sweet and juicy. In addition, there are several varieties, with a variegated color not only of leaves, but also of fruits.
  4. Ellendaleunpretentious plant that gives large harvest in the form of very sweet fruits. But it is quite difficult to find a seedling of this hybrid.

Tangerine tree care

In order for the tangerine tree not only to please with its foliage and flowers, but also to bear fruit, it is necessary to properly care for it and create comfortable conditions.

To do this, it is necessary to take into account such important factors, such as lighting, air humidity, feeding, etc.

1. Location

It's easy to guess that bright lighting is especially important for the tangerine tree. This is especially true in cold period years, so place the pot in the southern part of the apartment.

Southwest or southeast sides are also great. But do not forget to shade the plant during the heat so that it does not get burned.

During the period when the weather outside the window is warm enough, it is better to place the tree on the balcony or veranda. If you live in a private house, then you can dig in the plant right from the pot.

Before you transfer the tangerine tree to the sun, it needs time to get used to the direct rays. For this purpose, the pot is placed in partial shade and only after a while is transferred to the site.

2. Temperature conditions

It is very important to provide the tangerine tree with an optimal temperature regime.

In summer, it is worth keeping the temperature within 15-18 degrees, and in winter - 12 degrees. If you do not observe the temperature regime, then you can never wait for the fruit to appear.

3. Air humidity

The humidity level must be high enough. To achieve this, the plant is regularly sprayed several times a day. This must be done both in summer and in winter. It is also recommended to place a small bowl of water near the pot.

If the air humidity is too low, they will spread very quickly various pestssuch as the scabbard, spider mite etc.

4. Lighting

Throughout the year, the lighting should be bright, but at the same time, direct sunlight should not fall on the tree. On too hot days, it must be shaded so that burn spots do not appear on the leaves.

5. Spraying

The tangerine tree must be sprayed all year round 2-3 times a day. This is especially true if the plant is located in a room with central heating... For spraying, use settled water room temperature.

6. Watering

For watering a tangerine tree, you can use only warm, settled water. In summer, watering should be abundant, and in winter it is better to reduce it to 2 times a week.

7. Top dressing and fertilization

From April to September, the tangerine tree must be actively fed. For this, complex fertilizers, both mineral and organic, are used.

Better to give preference to special fertilizers for citrus plants. Top dressing is added every week, after watering the tree.

In winter, feeding can be completely stopped or reduced to a minimum.

Fertilization for citrus plants is so important because it is this factor that affects the taste of the fruit. If you feed in a timely manner in the summer, then the tangerines will not taste bitter.

8. Pruning and pinching

In order for the tree to have a neat appearance, and the fruits to appear as soon as possible, it is sometimes necessary to cut it off. Get rid of weak and diseased twigs mercilessly. In addition, you can trim off excess branches to give the crown the desired shape.

Pinch the top shoots in time. Thanks to this, the tangerine tree will begin to branch more actively.

9. Transfer

Like other indoor plants, the tangerine tree must be repotted periodically:

  1. Young specimens - once a year.
  2. Fruiting trees - once every 2-3 years.

The transplant is carried out in March, while the plant has not yet begun to actively grow. If this procedure is carried out later, it can adversely affect the condition of the tree.

In the case when young specimens have not yet completely filled the pot with their root system, then only the drainage and upper layers of the substrate can be changed.

When transplanting, do not destroy the earthen lump very much and handle the roots carefully so as not to damage them. Also, make sure that the root collar is above the ground at the same level as in the old pot.

The soil for a tangerine tree may differ depending on its age. For young plants, use the following mixture:

  1. Leaf snake.
  2. Sand.
  3. Humus.
  4. Sod land.

All components must be used in a 1: 1: 1: 2 ratio.

The substrate for an adult tree differs in that it is necessary to take not 2 parts of the sod land, but 3. In addition, it is advisable to add a small amount of oily clay.

10. Diseases and pests

The tangerine tree is very vulnerable to pests such as spider mites and scale insects.

After the procedure, the soil should be sprinkled abundantly with ash. If necessary, after a week, all actions are repeated.

There is also a more radical pest control method. The tree can be treated with special preparations that are sold in ordinary flower shops.

In order to enhance the effect, you can cover the plant with polyethylene and leave it under such a cap for a couple of hours. Remember that the fruits after such processing should not be eaten for at least a week.


A tangerine tree can even be grown from a seed, but this method not very common. The fact is that fruits from such a plant can be expected for more than one year, since it begins to bear fruit after 10, or even 15 years.

Even if you're lucky, the resulting tangerines may turn out to be bitter in taste. You can, of course, carry out budding or vaccination from another citrus plant, but even in this case, the result may not be as expected.

The easiest way to propagate a tangerine tree is by cuttings. Root cuttings in a pot covered with a jar. Young plant will begin to bloom and bear fruit in a year.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Why do leaves fall from a tangerine tree?

When the leaves fall off occasionally and in small quantities, this natural process... If the foliage began to turn yellow and fall off intensively, then this may indicate that the plant does not have enough lighting, it is not watered correctly (overdried, poured), or there was a significant temperature difference when the tree was transferred to winter mode.

The leaves turned brown. What is the reason?

As a rule, the leaves of the tangerine tree become brown color due to excess fertilizer.

To prevent the appearance of pests, you must adhere to all the rules for caring for the plant. You also need to periodically process the leaves. soap suds... But be careful not to let soapy water get into the substrate. To prevent this, it is enough to cover the pot with plastic.

Homemade mandarin tree in indoor conditions cultivated as often as an orange or lemon. True, for these purposes it is best to choose dwarf forms or plants from the unshiu varietal group. All fruits of this group do not contain seeds, and their skin is very thin and practically devoid of bitterness. Therefore, such a crop can be consumed without preliminary purification. Learn how to care for indoor tangerines and try growing a citrus tree on your windowsill.

Mandarin belongs to the Rutaceae family. Homeland - Southeast Asia.

Mandarin got its name because its exquisite fruits were the privilege of Chinese emperors - mandarins. Mandarin also plays an important role in the ancient oriental art of Feng Shui. The tangerine tree symbolizes good luck in receiving money, and also has the ability to activate existing savings.

Beautiful small tree, annually blooming and fruiting, will certainly delight the eyes of the owners and surprise guests with an exotic look.

There is very little information about the origin of the mandarin. It is believed that his homeland is China or Japan. It was brought to Europe from South-East Asia only in the last century, but it quickly spread throughout the Mediterranean. Now tangerine plantations are especially large in Japan, China, countries Southern Europe and South America... More than 6 million tons of mandarin fruits are harvested annually. In terms of production volume among citrus fruits, mandarin ranks second after orange.

Tangerines grow on low trees with a spreading crown. Their leaves are very smooth, shiny, green at any time of the year. The fruits ripen quite quickly, they can be harvested already in November. Mandarins give the most big harvest among citrus fruits. IN good years 5-6 thousand fruits are harvested from one tree per season.

In the subtropical regions of the Russian Black Sea region, tangerines can be grown, but there is no free area for laying large plantations here. Mandarins are found only in the individual gardens of local residents. This citrus comes to Russian cities mainly from neighboring countries: Abkhazia and Adjara.

Below is what a mandarin tree looks like and how to grow a houseplant at home.

What a mandarin tree looks like (with photo)

Mandarin is a perennial evergreen tree with a compact, well-leafy crown. In indoor conditions, it grows up to 1 m. Leaves are leathery, dark green, lanceolate. The flowers are white, with a wonderful aroma, with a diameter of 2.5-4 cm.It blooms in the spring, the fruits ripen in the fall

As shown in the photo, the fruits of the mandarin tree are spherical, slightly flattened, with a diameter of 4 to 8 cm, with a thin orange skin that easily separates from the pulp:

The peel is rich in glands that abundantly produce essential oil, the trickles of which are easy to see when the peel is crushed. The pulp is sweet, yellow-orange. The mass of one fruit is from 30 to 100 g. Fruits are without seeds or with few seeds.

Outwardly, the tangerine tree looks like a lemon, only their leaves are slightly dull at the top. The main difference lies in the structure of the fruit. They are flattened or slightly pear-shaped, yellow, orange or orange-red (tangerines). The peel of the fruit is easily separated from the pulp, which, in turn, is easily divided into slices. The pulp is rich in sugars (up to 7.4%), vitamins C and P. It is the earliest of all citrus fruits grown in the room.

Mandarin (Citrus reticulata) also called the noble citrus (C. nobilis) for its delicious taste.

But still, the main difference between mandarin and other congeners is the ability of the peel to easily lag behind the fruit. In some varieties of fruits (plump tangerines), the peel does not touch the pulp at all, since there is a layer of air between the peel and the pulp of the fruit. The selection of tangerines has already in ancient times turned into a "conveyor line" in agriculture... So many varieties of tangerines have been bred that some have been described as different types citrus fruits. The variety of varieties of cultivated plants is called polymorphism in science. The polymorphism of mandarin is explained by the importance of this citrus in agriculture in various eastern countries, especially in China, where mandarin is the main citrus crop (tangerine variety). In Japan, the varieties of the Satsuma group that have conquered the world have been bred, of which in Russia we love the variety Unichiu - seedless tangerine.

Although mandarin is traditionally considered a New Year's fruit, it is indispensable in spring, during the period of vitamin deficiency. Indeed, tangerines store more vitamin C than, for example, apples and potatoes.

Tangerine peels make good tea - not only tasty, but also healthy, since even the dry tangerine peel contains essential oils. These essential oils act like inhalation, forcing you to cough up and have antimicrobial effects. Tangerine peels dried, crushed, mixed with tea (1 tablespoon per 200 g of black tea) and the resulting mixture is used as ordinary tea.

When describing a tangerine, it is worth noting that its peel contains a lot essential oilsused in food Industry, in medicine and cosmetics.

Unshiu indoor tangerine variety

A large group of varieties is united under the name "unshiu", which means "seedless". Scientists assume that these most frost-resistant citrus fruits were selected more than 500 years ago in Japan from plants imported from China.

This is a small tree with spherical crown and drooping branches without thorns. Leaves are hard, dark green, slightly corrugated, elongated, with a sharp tip. The petiole is long, grooved. Flowers are white, small, appear in May. The fruits are mostly flat-round, weighing 50-80 g, without seeds, since they are formed without pollination. Ripe fruits, if not removed from the tree in time, coarse and fall off. The peel is dark orange, rich in oily glands, easily separated from the pulp. The pulp is juicy, soft and tasty. From one unshiu tangerine tree, you can get 30-50 fruits, which are formed on last year's and new branches.

IN recent times the interest of indoor gardening lovers was attracted by another variety of unshiu - the family dwarf tangerines from the so-called Vasya group.

Mandarin Kovano-wasse, imported from Japan back in 1930, is considered to be its original ancestor.

Now there is already a whole list of dwarfs that are extremely interesting for home citrus growing. Among these tangerines grown indoors, there are several imported "foreigners":

Nagahashi unshiu

Sugiama unshiu

Tyahara unshiu



As well as the forms and varieties bred by our breeders:

Kartuli saadreo


Abkhazian early maturing


Very sweet bright orange fruits of these varieties indoor plants tangerines, almost the size of an orange, ripen several weeks earlier than unshiu. The harvests of the trees are surprisingly generous, but the main thing is that when growing at home, these tangerines fit freely even on the smallest window. In nature, the height of these low-growing trees is about one and a half to two meters, and even less on the windowsill - practically does not exceed 40-50 centimeters. Fruiting indoor flower mandarin begins in the first - second year of life. A real find for lovers!

Indoor tangerine varieties are also suitable for cultivation - ‘Cawanowa’ (‘’) and ‘Miagawawase’ (‘Miagawawase’).

Growing a tangerine indoor tree: caring for a flower at home (with video)

Under indoor conditions, growing tangerines is difficult, since the plants do not experience enough light and heat during the ripening period, they cannot accumulate enough sugars, and their taste qualities go down. Mandarin is the most cold-resistant citrus plant. On demand for warmth, tangerine occupies an intermediate position between lemon and orange. Demanding for moisture from spring growth to fruit filling.

Lighting. For home care, indoor tangerine needs a bright, sunny room. In the spring, with the onset of warm days, the plant is best taken out into the air. Citrus is sensitive to changes in lighting, so it should not be rearranged from place to place, otherwise it stops growing until it adapts to new lighting conditions.

Temperature. In winter, it should be kept at a temperature of 4-6 ° C in a bright room. When growing and caring for tangerines at home, drafts should be avoided.

Substrate. Sod and leafy land, humus, peat and sand in equal proportions. Sod land can be taken twice as much as leaf land.

The substrate is prepared from sod and leafy soil, humus and sand (2: 1: 1: 1).

Watering. In summer, abundant watering is recommended, in winter it is extremely moderate. It should be watered as the coma dries up with settled water at room temperature. As the overdrying of the earth, the same excess moisture in winter with a lack of light causes leaves to fall.

Humidity. A home-grown mandarin plant requires regular spraying.

Top dressing: From April to September, a weekly top dressing is carried out with complex mineral fertilizer.

Starting from April and ending with August, 2 times a week, citrus fruits are given weak fertilizing, alternating dressings mineral fertilizers with organic fertilizing.

Transfer. When caring for a tangerine tree at home, young plants are transplanted after 1 - 2 years, and then after 3 - 4 years, old tub plants - every 5 or even 8 - 10 years.

Reproduction. Cuttings root hard, in special heated greenhouses, so we recommend buying plants in specialized stores.

Watch the video "Growing a Indoor Mandarin" for a better understanding of how to care for this plant:

Mandarin tree rejuvenation

The life of a mandarin fits into the terms of a human life. By the age of 25-30, the tangerine reaches its prime. At 50, he begins to age. He dies at the age of 70–75. But it also happens that a tree dies in its prime. The lush crown suddenly begins to dry, the growth of new branches stops, the fruits become smaller, and they become less and less, - in the end, the tree has to be cut down. Is it possible to save a tree that has the most root system amazed by an incurable disease? It turns out you can!

Researcher at the All-Union Institute of Wet Subtropics N.V. Ryndin, together with a gardener-practitioner Henrikhson, performed in the spring of 1934, interesting experience... Having selected thirty trees in the tangerine of the Sukhum Botanical Garden, the root system of which was half-destroyed, N.V. Ryndin performed a kind of rejuvenation operation on each of them.

You need to know that the tangerine, like any other fruit tree, is grafted to the wild. The dichok serves here as a pump that feeds cultivated plant life-giving juices of the earth. The destruction of the "pump" inevitably leads to the death of the entire plant. The operation performed by NV Ryndin consisted in trying to change the "pumps".

A new young wild was planted under the diseased tree. The top of the game was cut off, in a diseased tree, just above the affected part of the trunk, an incision was made, the cut off top was inserted into this incision, after which the junction was smeared and bandaged, as with a conventional graft.

The whole calculation boiled down to the fact that a diseased tree, having received such an original prosthesis, will begin to use it first as an additional "pump", and later as a trunk (main trunk).

Thirty operations with sick tangerines were a success. Almost all of the new wilds grafted onto old trees and began to "work" on them. In the most severe cases, two wild animals were vaccinated at once: later it will be possible to see which "leg" to leave the tangerine, and which "to remove".