Money tree: home care. How to plant a money tree to attract money

Do you prefer to live in harmony with nature and strive to make your home cozy with the help of indoor flowers? Pay attention to the unpretentious and graceful plant - fat woman. Its scientific name is crassula. According to Feng Shui, a flower is able to attract wealth, attract positive energy. No wonder it is called the “tree of happiness”.

money tree flower

As a rule, the plant has a tree-like trunk, small rounded, shiny, juicy leaves that look like green coins. Refers to succulents. With proper care, it often blooms, grows well and develops a crown. The plant is suitable for any modern interior, has a beneficial effect on people, releasing substances useful for the body. Flower Money Tree not considered whimsical - it tolerates drought well, does not suffer when kept in dark rooms. In the conditions of an apartment, it is desirable to form a fat woman, starting to do this when she is still small.

Money tree - signs and superstitions

A houseplant helps to exaggerate money, maintain financial stability. In order for the money flower to improve the financial situation of the owners, you need to activate it - before planting, be sure to put coins of various denominations on the bottom. It is necessary to talk with a fat woman, talk about windfall income and waste, so that it protects against further expenses. We decided to give someone a money tree - be sure to study signs and superstitions. Here are some of them:

  1. Strengthen the action, bring good luck will help paper bills placed under the pot on the windowsill. It is advisable not to spend them at least a year.
  2. To attract energy flows, the leaves of the fat woman can be decorated with coins, a chain golden color. After a while, the money should be removed and spent in a week.
  3. It is impossible for strangers to touch the tree.
  4. To call for help higher powers, periodically it is recommended to lightly shake the crassula by the trunk.
  5. If the leaves fall, it is bad omen. Big expenses are possible, or negative energy prevails in the house.
  6. It is important to repot the plant so that your money does not “wither” due to a cramped pot.

How the money tree blooms - photo

The described culture comes from South Africa, where it grows wild everywhere. In a climate in which there is a decrease in daylight hours in winter, a tree can stand long years without flowering. Culture loves light, warmth, its development directly depends on these two factors. When does the money tree bloom? Only with sufficient lighting. The photo shows: the flowers of the plant are chic, small, usually white, like stars.

How to care for a money tree

The fat woman does not cause much trouble to its owners, everyone can grow it. Caring for a money tree at home is simple. Some recommendations:

  1. Provide bright lighting, otherwise the plant will stretch, shedding leaves. It is advisable to put it on the south side of the house. In spring, the leaves should be shaded so that they get used to the heat after winter. Further, the plant can be under direct rays for a long time, but if it starts to turn red, it should be removed from the windowsill.
  2. In order for the crown to develop beautifully, grow evenly, it is important to turn the plant sometimes.
  3. Optimum temperature for a fat woman - from +20 to +30 degrees. To enter into a state of rest in winter, you should observe a temperature not lower than +12 and not higher than +14 degrees.
  4. In winter, you need to protect the tree from cold air, for example, when opening the window.
  5. It is undesirable to spray the monkey tree in order to avoid the development of fungal diseases.
  6. In summer, monthly top dressing is needed.

How to plant

The process shouldn't be difficult. For planting, you can root the shoot or use an adult tree purchased in a store, for example, Crassula purslane, silvery, club-like. Sunset and hottentot varieties are also very beautiful. Choose any type you like with a thick trunk - care is the same for everyone. How to plant a money tree? Fill the prepared pot with suitable soil, make a recess, lower the seedling, plant there. Next, close the roots, compact the substrate, report the ground and water.

How to transplant

The need to change the pot comes when the roots no longer have enough space, they braid the entire volume of the earthy coma. As a rule, adult species are transplanted every few years, young ones - as they grow, annually, picking up a larger pot than the previous one. Be sure to use drainage. How to transplant a money tree? Recommendations:

  • remove the flower from the old pot;
  • trying not to harm the roots, carefully remove the old substrate;
  • make a hole in the prepared pot, install the plant in it;
  • add soil, compress, pour water.

How to propagate

According to popular beliefs, it is advisable to grow the plant on your own so that it becomes a full-fledged family talisman. It is easy to propagate at any time of the year, taking out a small process. It will be possible to grow a flower from seeds, but this is a very long and difficult process. How does the money tree reproduce? Break off the stem, leave to air dry. The plant is poisonous to animals, so keep the leaf in a safe place. Next, the cutting should be placed in the substrate and wait for rooting, sometimes spraying.

Land for the money tree

Crassula loves loose soil - it's easier to plant it in ready composition bought in flower shops. The soil can be prepared independently, observing the recommended proportions. What kind of land is needed for a money tree? Approximate proportions for ideal soil: 3 parts of hardwood, 1 part of peat, sod land, coarse sand. As the tree grows, the number of ingredients can be changed, for example, take not 1, but 2 parts of soddy soil. Brick crumb is suitable as a baking powder.


In order for Crassula to have a healthy, attractive appearance, she needs to pick up right size pot. Otherwise, the tree will develop slowly or stop growing. The pot for the fat woman should be wide, low. The optimal volume is a little more than a crown. mature plant it is advisable to plant once a year, if necessary, forming it.

How to water a money tree

Many people ask flower growers how to care for a fat woman at home. The condition for normal growth is regulated watering. Crassula needs water, but if you overdo it, you can ruin her. The plant easily tolerates the drying of the earth. How often to water a money tree? In winter, you need 1 time per week, in spring, in summer - as soon as the soil dries. It is necessary to water with separated water.

How to crop

The tree is easy to shape, and this property should be used to obtain beautiful shape. How to cut a fat woman? Use sharp scissors or pruners, do the work in stages, giving the plant a chance to recover. To give the desired shape, pruning should be done over one of the brown stem rings. The procedure should be carried out during the growth of crassula.

How to form a crown

If the plant is not taken care of, the tree will randomly grow upwards, forming a shapeless bush. To avoid this, in early spring It is recommended to shorten old shoots, and pinch off new ones. You can trim with miniature tweezers or by hand. How to pinch a money tree? Choose a stem, remove leaves so that no more than 3-4 pairs remain on the branch. The method is suitable for young plants, for adults it is worth using pruning.

What to feed

In the wild, the fat woman grows in stony, sandy soil, therefore it is unpretentious in content. How to fertilize a money tree at home? Crassula should be fed only during the growth period, using universal additives for succulents for this. They contain all the substances necessary for development: potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen. In the summer, top dressing should be done monthly, the rest of the time you can do without them.

Why do the leaves of the money tree fall?

Any kind of plant requires careful care, otherwise it begins to lose its attractiveness. A common problem is leaf fall. As a result of this, the fat woman becomes shabby, stunted, a plaque may appear. Why does the money tree shed its leaves? Possible reasons:

  1. Irregular watering. If the soil is allowed to dry out, the plant can be reanimated, but when overflowing, the fat woman often sheds healthy leaves and quickly dies. The last problem can be solved by making drainage.
  2. Lack or excess mineral fertilizers. In the first case, it is necessary to use a suitable fertilizer, in the second case, transplanting a fat woman into fresh soil.
  3. Soil freezing, watering cold water. Worth returning comfortable conditions the plant recovers quickly.
  4. Diseases. Crassula can pick up fungal diseases infested with pests. To save her, it is recommended to use chemical drugs, for example, Fitoverm.
  5. Natural aging. If Crassula grows for many years, sooner or later its leaves will begin to fall off. The only salvation in this case is to update the tree.

Why the money tree does not grow

A plant belonging to the Crassulaceae family is very popular among flower growers because it looks great, has medicinal properties, with proper pinching, growing, it acquires the desired shape, lends itself to reproduction. Flowering crassula is a rarity, but this does not spoil the attitude towards the plant. Some are wondering why the money tree does not grow? Common Causes:

  • pests appeared;
  • the plant does not like the pot (too big or small);
  • overfilling / underfilling;
  • lack of nutrients;
  • lack of light;
  • sudden changes in temperature;
  • direct rays of the sun.


How to make a money tree bloom

If you decide to plant a crassula, propagate from a leaf, do not expect the plant to bloom immediately. To achieve this, daily care and attention are needed. How to make a money tree bloom in order to see the spectacle in person, not in the photo? Recommendations for action:

  • water when the soil dries out with room soft water;
  • feed every month (fertilizers for cacti are suitable);
  • take out on open air in summer, but avoid temperature extremes;
  • do not forget to transplant into a larger pot;
  • often wipe the leaves from dust.


Money is a very important thing. Especially when they are not Erich Remarque

Let's forget the word "no". In attracting finance, the most important thing is the attitude, the desire to see them, to love them. Are you ready to become wealthy? So, it's time to meet the Feng Shui money tree.

The archaic Chinese teaching will share with you a piece of its thousand-year experience in mobilizing wealth, tell you the secrets of how to plant and where it is better to put a tree to attract material well-being.

In all variety flora there is one small tree that has an impact on cash flows. This is what can change your life financial plan. Meet: Crassula tree, also known as Cotyledon, Bear's Ear, Crassula or Feng Shui Money Tree.

Fat woman. Unpretentious plant, with a flexible character, easy care. small size, with original leaves, small, fleshy, shaped like coins.
But just putting the purchased plant on the window is not good. In order for the luck of the money tree to be revealed to the owner, you need to learn more about Crassula.

How to plant a live talisman

Feng Shui recommends not buying a ready-made plant (you can’t buy it for money at all). It is necessary that the money tree absorb your energy in order to feel the sincere care of the owner. According to the rules of Feng Shui, you need to plant a fat woman yourself:

  1. Break off a leaf or stalk from an adult tree (it would be ideal if you do this secretly, without asking permission).
  2. Before planting the stalk of the money talisman in the ground, hold the shoot in a glass of water for several days (so that it sprouts roots).
  3. Stock up on the pot ahead of time. It should be wide, shallow. According to the rules of Feng Shui, the color of money is the suit of metal and earth. The whole range of brown, black. Red or burgundy. Silver or gold.
  4. Important tip: Before planting, activate the pot. Place a few coins in the bottom of the pot. It is best to use the money of the country in which you live. It is desirable that there be six of them (to awaken the magic of numbers).
  5. To plant a plant, buy land in advance (ordinary soil for cacti). But it is better to make it yourself (mix coarse sand, peat, turf, leafy soil in a ratio of 1x0.5x1x1).

Where to put a tree according to the rules of Feng Shui

The southeast side of the apartment is responsible for the growth of financial well-being. . You can determine it using a conventional compass.

Chinese teaching allows you to divide into sectors not only the whole house as a whole, but also individual rooms. You can designate an area of ​​\u200b\u200bfinancial well-being in any suitable room.

The southeastern area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment or central room is an ideal place for the money tree to live.

We make out the sector of wealth

First of all, free this zone from unnecessary things - the energies of finance need to circulate freely, without obstacles.

Decorate the place where the Fat Woman will stand in green, purple or blue-blue tones.

  • Tree. We need a tree in this sector. Can be put wooden furniture, stand or table on which the talisman will be located.
  • Water. According to Feng Shui, water (or its images) contributes well to the revitalization of the financial zone. You can put a small home fountain there (water flow will help the growth of financial flow) or an aquarium with cute goldfish. Have you decided to limit yourself to water paintings? Know that water images should not be aggressive (typhoons, floods, powerful waterfalls will simply “wash away” future money).
  • Wind. It is necessary that the tree of wealth feel the movement of air and strengthen its own flows. It is best to hang "wind music" in that area. Please note that no metal objects should be there (in the design of the musical-air talisman, too).

It would be ideal to put the pot on a red napkin with the feng shui hieroglyph of wealth. Decorate the tree with red ribbons, hang a few Chinese coins on the trunk or twigs. The fat woman does not tolerate dust - wipe her leaves more often, and the entire monetary sector.

Valuable tips from the Feng Shui master in the video

We grow a talisman of wealth

ProcedureWhat does the plant want?Advice
WateringThe money plant doesn't like to drink a lotWater the soil only when it is dry (best in the evening)
top dressingWill gladly accept classic fertilizers for succulentsAdd nutrients to the pot after each watering
TemperatureDoes not tolerate extremes (heat, cold, drafts)Plain average temperature comfortable for the person. It is necessary to put the pot away from batteries, cold glass
ClimateThe fat woman feels good with high humidityFrom the dryness of the air will help get rid of the presence of nearby water source(or just spray the leaves more often with water)
LightingPrefers diffused light (not scorching)The ideal place for a tree is a window. Otherwise, add additional light sources. Do not forget to regularly turn the plant in different parts towards the light.

But the main condition is to surround your precious pet with sincere warmth, care and affection. Touch its leaves more often, stroke, talk, talk about how the day went, consult. Revive it! And shield the money plant from your bad mood. The fat woman feels everything! From irritability, bad thoughts of the owner of the talisman, she can wither away.

It will take a little time, and you will feel how she will react to you. When money is lost, wither a little. When Crassula begins to grow violently, the financial flow rushes to you. And sometimes (unfortunately, very rarely) the money tree blooms. This is cause for joy! Huge luck and a sharp financial take-off awaits you very soon.

If you think that wealth is for the elite, you are wrong! Opening a financial channel, attracting finances is quite accessible to any person. A fat woman or a money tree will help you with this. The main thing is to put it in the right sector of the living space - in the southeast zone.

Good day, friends!

In this article, we will answer the question how to plant a money tree to attract money. It turns out to get material well-being You can use various symbols, the main thing is to believe in them. One of them is considered a money tree or, as the people call it, a fat woman.

The fat woman symbolizes a stable income and success in business, which is probably why many people try to grow a large and healthy plant.

See also Becoming a rich person is real, but you will have to work on your attitudes, which have been formed over the years.

Get such a talisman, if it takes root, then soon you will forget about the financial crisis and the constant lack of money.

An effective way to gain stability is independent cultivation money tree. Get a sprout of a common fat woman, she is not picky and does not need special care.

Water the money tree every few days, rejoice at each new leaf, because with their appearance they attract more money to your home. People believe that as the tree grows, profits gradually increase.

Feng Shui experts say that acquiring a mature tree will not bring positive results. Place the plant pot in the wealth zone, that is, to the southeast.

There are several ways that you can use individually or use all at once. Bury the largest coin in the flowerpot or put three coins under the plant pot.

When the plant gets stronger and leaves appear on it, you can decorate them with Chinese coins tied with red ribbons. Do not decorate a weak sprout with coins. According to the rules of Feng Shui, you should talk to a tree, charge it with positive emotions. Such a tactic will attract wealth and keep the tree from drying out.

The money tree talisman is sold in any souvenir shop. Such option is suitable for those who are unable to purchase living plant. Please note that an artificial tree does not have a strong energy.

It is impossible to confuse a fat woman with another plant. The money tree is characterized by a thick tree-like trunk and small round leaves. Many compare leaflets with green coins. Only a healthy tree can bring positive changes financially.

Experts are sure that the money tree feels the mood of its owners. If a person is in constant voltage and depression, the money tree can wither.

Anyone can plant and grow a plant, for this you do not need to be an inveterate gardener. The shoot is stuck into the prepared soil or is in a container of water for some time until it takes root.

Pay attention to the land for planting, give preference to a mixture of turf and leafy soil with the addition of coarse sand or humus. Expanded clay or small pebbles is laid out on the bottom of the pot. The shoot is planted in pre-moistened soil.

Despite the fact that the plant loves light, it must be protected from direct sunlight. The plant will grow even if it is regularly turned to sunny side. The fat woman withstands high temperatures in summer, but in winter time do not overheat. This means that it is better to place the money tree away from heating appliances, it does not feel good in the kitchen, where there are frequent temperature changes.

Water and light are essential for normal plant growth. important conditions. This does not mean that it needs to be filled. Stagnation of water in a pot leads to rotting of the roots, this provokes the death of the money tree. Wipe the leaves regularly from dust accumulating on them.

If conditions are favorable, the plant can be taken outside from time to time. plain water from the tap contains chloride substances, so it is not suitable for watering the fat woman.

Feeding affects appearance plants. This should be done from April to September once a month. The flower is easier to absorb liquid top dressing. Purchase mineral-based fertilizers. Feed the fat woman should be, after moistening the soil.

Money doesn't like being snubbed. A person who loves them and treats his savings with respect receives more and more pleasant surprises from life.

There are many rituals that attract money. Feng Shui experts advise keeping funds in red wallets. If savings are stored in caskets or envelopes, you need to put coins connected with a red ribbon there.

On the new moon, do rituals that attract material well-being. Money loves cleanliness, so the house must be kept in order. The money tree, an attribute of wealth and prosperity, should be located on the southeast side of the house.

As for the plant, it needs to be worked on. Let's start with planting, choose a wide pot in green or black. Planting of a plant is carried out on Wednesday on a growing moon.

Put 8 coins at the bottom of the flowerpot, pay attention that the amount is even. Coins are stacked face up. Read your favorite plot to attract money. Fill the earth and plant a plant up to 5 cm deep. You can strengthen the monetary energy if you tie a red ribbon to the tree.

When the work is completed, repeat the conspiracy to attract wealth three times. Do not put the plant next to cacti, this is a bad company to attract. money energy. The cactus is considered the guard of the house, it blocks any creative energy, even if it is.

From the first days, talk with the money tree about finances, share your plans with it. Flowers are receptive to the energy of the house. We hope that this article will help you and your friends find financial stability, who will be able to read the material on social networks.

Tune in positive result and believe in a better future!
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The fat woman or crassula has long been one of the most amazing, and according to Feng Shui experts, quite effective talismans that attract wealth to the house. However, for this to really "work", you need to grow the Crassula yourself. Therefore, many flower growers are interested in the question of how to properly plant a money tree and get the most out of it.

How to properly plant a fat woman

There are the following ways of planting crassula:

  • Seeds. This is the longest and most laborious way of growing. In addition, the money tree blooms very rarely, so it is quite difficult to get seed material.
  • cuttings.
  • Leaves.

When planting a plant in the last two ways, there are no special difficulties. . Even a beginner can do it.

Landing Rules

You can plant a money tree at home as follows:

  • Pour a thin layer of expanded clay or other drainage on the bottom of the pot.
  • Fill the container with soil up to half.
  • Place one or more shoots in a pot and, holding each of them, carefully add the soil mixture, while slightly pressing the seedling at the roots. Thus, all the shoots are planted in turn, leaving a small distance between them.
  • Water plants with settled water.

We grow crassula from a leaf

This method is considered more time consuming compared to growing a fat woman from a process. In addition, it requires more time and costs.

When is the best time to transplant peonies: in autumn or spring

Cultivation and care

Crassula is a rather unpretentious plant and does not require any special care. However, certain cultivation rules still exist. By observing them, you can achieve good growth and development of the fat woman, as well as protect the flower from possible problems in the form of insect damage and various diseases.

Watering. V summer period the plant is watered as the soil dries, but no more than 1-2 times / week. If you suddenly missed watering, you should not worry, because the money tree, like all succulents, tolerates drought very well. In winter, the fat woman does not need to be watered, especially if it is kept in a cool room. In such cases, only light moistening of the earthy coma is allowed every 1-1.5 months. Do not flood the plant - this can lead to root rot.

How to transplant a cactus into another pot

Location. Crassula is a light-loving flower, however, you should not place it in direct sunlight, otherwise burns may appear. Therefore, on such days, the plant must be provided with shading. The tree can be placed on the western or eastern windowsill.

In the absence of such an opportunity, the pot with the plant is placed on the south side, but a little further from the window. If you place the crassula on the north window, then the stems of the flower can stretch out a lot from the lack of lighting. Taking into account the recommendations of Feng Shui experts, it is best to place a pot with a fat woman in the southeastern part of the apartment, which will help you gain material well-being. In winter, during the dormant period, the temperature in the room where the crassula is located should be about 8-13 degrees, otherwise the flower will begin to stretch.

Application of fertilizers. Top dressing is carried out only during the period of active growth, that is, from March to October. A good option would be to use mineral complex fertilizers for succulents and cacti. Fertilizers are applied at intervals of 13-17 days.

In summer, crassula can be taken out to the terrace, balcony or front garden. But do not forget to shade the plant! To get a thick powerful trunk and a lush crown, pinch the top. Trimming is done with a sharp knife or scissors. Fresh cuts are sprinkled with pre-crushed charcoal. The cut branches are used for propagation.

Strongly overgrown downward root system can cause weakening of the flower, the plant will start to hurt, and its leaves and shoots will become smaller and thinner. Therefore, when transplanting a fat woman, it is recommended to shorten the roots, which helps to activate the growth of lateral roots. So that the bush does not look one-sided, it needs to be rotated periodically different sides to the light.

Crassula leaves have a leathery surface, on which dust easily adheres. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically wash the plant under a cool shower or wipe the foliage with a damp sponge.

Potential Growing Problems

The florist may face the following problems:

The choice of covering material for the winter for warming plants

Crassula pests

Pests do not really like the leaves of this plant. However, sometimes they can still eat them.

Mealybug. If you notice the appearance of a white coating that looks like lumps of cotton wool, then most likely your pet was attacked. To help the plant, it is necessary to carry out the following activities: place the flower under a warm shower and wash off the pest; wash the crassula with a thick foam made from laundry soap, using a small brush, then rinse the foliage thoroughly clean water; carry out the treatment with infusion of tobacco or garlic, you can also use a decoction of cyclamen tubers.

For preventive purposes, such treatments should be carried out 3-4 times / month. If you ignore the appearance of a worm and do not take any action to destroy it, then soon the plant will begin to weaken, its growth will slow down, the foliage will fall off, and the flower itself will be affected by soot fungus. You can distinguish a mushroom from a mealybug by grinding white coating between fingers. The appearance of a moldy smell indicates a fungal infection.

spider mite. Getting rid of this pest is much more difficult. Mite damage can be identified by the threads of the web and small yellowish spots on the foliage. Appearance spider mite due to exposure to too dry and warm air, so regular spraying will help to avoid such a problem.