What is the difference between rational use of natural resources from irrational. Nature management. Examples of rational and irrational use of natural resources. Need help learning a topic

- the type of human relationship with the environment, in which people are able to intelligently develop natural resources and prevent the negative consequences of their activities. An example of rational nature management is the creation of cultural landscapes, the use of low-waste and non-waste technologies. The rational use of natural resources includes the introduction of biological methods pest control Agriculture... Rational use of natural resources can also be considered the creation of environmentally friendly fuels, the improvement of technologies for the extraction and transportation of natural raw materials, etc.

In Belarus, the implementation of rational nature management is controlled at the state level. For this purpose, a number of environmental laws have been adopted. Among them are the laws “On the protection and use of the animal world”, “On waste management”, “On the protection of atmospheric air”.

Creation of low-waste and non-waste technologies

Low-waste technologies- production processes that ensure the fullest possible use of the processed raw materials and the resulting waste. At the same time, substances are returned to the environment in relatively harmless quantities.

Part of the global problem of solid waste disposal is the problem of recycling secondary polymer raw materials (especially plastic bottles). In Belarus, about 20-30 million of them are thrown away every month. To date, domestic scientists have developed and applied their own technology, which makes it possible to process plastic bottles into fibrous materials. They serve as filters for cleaning contaminated Wastewater from fuels and lubricants, and are also widely used at gas stations. Filters made from secondary raw materials are not inferior to analogs made from primary polymers in terms of their physicochemical characteristics. Moreover, their cost is several times lower. In addition, the resulting fiber is used to make machine wash brushes, packing tape, roof tiles, paving slabs, etc.

The development and implementation of low-waste technologies is dictated by the interests of environmental protection and is a step towards the development of non-waste technologies. Waste-free technologies imply a complete transition of production to a closed resource cycle without any impact on the environment.

Since 2012, the largest biogas plant in Belarus has been launched at the Rassvet SEC (Mogilev Region). It allows you to recycle organic waste (manure, bird droppings, household waste etc.). After processing, a gaseous fuel is obtained - biogas. Thanks to biogas, the farm can completely abandon heating greenhouses in winter period expensive natural gas. In addition to biogas, environmentally friendly organic fertilizers... These fertilizers are devoid of pathogenic microflora, weed seeds, nitrites and nitrates.

Another example of a waste-free technology is the production of cheeses at most dairy enterprises in Belarus. In this case, the fat-free and protein-free whey obtained from the production of cheese is completely used as raw material for the bakery industry.

The introduction of low-waste and non-waste technologies also presupposes a transition to the next step in the rational use of natural resources. This is the use of unconventional, environmentally friendly and inexhaustible natural resources.

For the economy of our republic, the use of wind as alternative source energy is especially important. A wind power plant with a capacity of 1.5 MW is successfully operating on the territory of the Novogrudok district of the Grodno region. This capacity is quite enough to provide electricity to the city of Novogrudok, where more than 30 thousand inhabitants live. In the near future, more than 10 wind farms with a capacity of over 400 MW will appear in the republic.

For more than five years, a geothermal station has been operated at the Berestye greenhouse complex (Brest) in Belarus, which does not emit carbon dioxide, sulfur oxides and soot into the atmosphere. In the same time given view energy reduces the country's dependence on imported energy. Belarusian scientists have calculated that due to the extraction of warm water from the bowels of the earth, savings natural gas is about 1 million m3 per year.

Greening agriculture and transport

The development of clean fuels for transport is as important as the creation of new automotive technologies. Today, there are many examples when alcohol and hydrogen are used as fuel in vehicles. Unfortunately, these types of fuel have not yet received mass distribution due to the low economic efficiency of their use. At the same time, the so-called hybrid vehicles are increasingly being used. Along with an internal combustion engine, they also have an electric motor, which is intended for movement within cities.

Currently, there are three enterprises in Belarus that produce biodiesel fuel for internal combustion engines. These are OJSC Grodno Azot (Grodno), OJSC Mogilevkhimvolokno (Mogilev), OJSC Belshina (Bobruisk). These enterprises produce about 800 thousand tons of biodiesel fuel per year, most of which is exported. Belarusian biodiesel fuel is a mixture of petroleum diesel fuel and a biocomponent based on rapeseed oil and methanol in a ratio of 95% and 5%, respectively. This fuel can reduce carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere compared to conventional diesel fuel. Scientists have found that the production of biodiesel fuel allowed our country to reduce the purchase of oil by 300 thousand tons per year.

It is also known that solar cells are used as a source of energy for transportation. In July 2015, a Swiss manned aircraft equipped with solar panels, for the first time in the world spent more than 115 hours in a non-stop flight. At the same time, he reached an altitude of about 8.5 km, using exclusively solar energy during the flight.

Gene pool conservation

The types of living organisms on the planet are unique. They store information about all stages of the evolution of the biosphere, which is of practical and great cognitive importance. There are no useless or harmful species in nature, all of them are necessary for the sustainable development of the biosphere. Any extinct species will never appear on Earth again. Therefore, in conditions of increased anthropogenic impact on the environment, it is extremely important to preserve the gene pool of the existing species of the planet. For this purpose, the following system of measures has been developed in the Republic of Belarus:

  • creation of protected areas - nature reserves, national parks, wildlife sanctuaries, etc .;
  • development of a system for monitoring the state of the environment - environmental monitoring;
  • development and adoption of environmental laws providing for various forms responsibility for negative impact on the environment. Responsibility concerns the pollution of the biosphere, violation of the regime of protected areas, poaching, inhumane treatment of animals, etc.;
  • breeding of rare and endangered plants and animals. Relocating them to protected areas or to new favorable habitats;
  • creation of a genetic data bank (plant seeds, reproductive and somatic cells of animals, plants, fungal spores capable of reproducing in the future). This is relevant for the conservation of valuable plant varieties and animal breeds or endangered species;
  • carrying out regular work on environmental education and the education of the entire population, and especially the younger generation.

Rational nature management is a type of relationship between a person and the environment, in which a person is able to intelligently develop natural resources and prevent the negative consequences of their activities. An example of rational nature management is the use of low-waste and non-waste technologies in industry, as well as the greening of all spheres of human economic activity.

Nature management. Examples of rational and irrational use of natural resources.

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1. Nature management. Examples of rational and irrational use of natural resources.

2. General economic and geographical characteristics of countries Western Europe.

3. Determine and compare the average population density of the two countries (at the teacher's choice) and explain the reasons for the differences.

The whole story human society is the story of his interaction with nature. For a long time man has been using it for his own economic purposes: hunting gathering, fishing, as natural resources.

Over the course of several millennia, the nature of humankind's relationship with the environment has undergone major changes.

Stages of society's influence on the natural environment:

1) about 30 thousand years ago - gathering, hunting and fishing. Man adapted to nature, and did not change it.

2) 6-8 thousand years ago - the agricultural revolution: the transition of the main part of humanity from hunting and fishing to the cultivation of land; there was a weak transformation of natural landscapes.

3) the Middle Ages - an increase in the load on the land, the development of crafts; required a wider involvement in the economic cycle of natural resources.

4) 300 years ago - the industrial revolution: the rapid transformation of natural landscapes; an increase in the scale of human impact on the environment.

5) from the middle of the XX century - the modern stage of the scientific and technological revolution: fundamental shifts in the technical base of production; there are abrupt shifts in the "society - natural environment" system.

Today, the active role of man in the use of nature is reflected in the use of natural resources as a special sphere of economic activity.

Nature management - a set of measures taken by society with the aim of studying, protecting, developing and transforming the environment.

Types of nature use:

1) rational;

2) irrational.

Rational use of natural resources - attitude to nature, ĸᴏᴛᴏᴩᴏᴇ means, above all, concern for maintaining ecological balance in the environment and completely excludes the perception of nature as an inexhaustible storehouse.

This concept presupposes an intensive development of the economy - "in depth", due to a more complete processing of raw materials, reuse of production and consumption waste, the use of low-waste technologies, the creation of cultural landscapes, the protection of animal and plant species, the creation of reserves, etc.

For your information:

· There are more than 2.5 thousand large reserves, reserves, natural and national parks in the world, which together occupy an area of ​​2.7% of the earth's land. Largest by area National parks are located in Greenland, Botswana, Canada, Alaska.

In the most developed countries the use of secondary raw materials in the production of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, glass, paper, plastics has already reached 70% or more.

Irrational use of natural resources is an attitude towards nature, which does not take into account the requirements of environmental protection, its improvement (consumer attitude towards nature).

This approach presupposes an extensive path of economic development, ᴛ.ᴇ. “Wider”, thanks to the involvement of more and more new geographic regions and natural resources in the economic circulation.

Examples of this attitude:


Desertification process due to excessive grazing of livestock;

Extermination of some species of plants and animals;

Pollution of water, soil, atmosphere, etc.

For your information:

· It is estimated that one person "produces" about 200 trees in his life: for housing, furniture, toys, notebooks, matches, etc. In the form of matches alone, the inhabitants of our planet burn 1.5 million cubic meters of wood annually.

· For each resident of Moscow, an average of 300-320 kg of garbage falls per year, in Western Europe - 150-300 kg, in the USA - 500-600 kg. Every citizen in the United States throws out 80 kg of paper, 250 metal cans, 390 bottles per year.

Today, most countries are pursuing environmental management policies; special bodies for environmental protection have been created; environmental programs and laws, various international projects are being developed.

And the most important thing that a person must learn in his interaction with the natural environment is that all continents of the planet are interconnected, disturbing the balance on one of them, the other also changes. The slogan “Nature is a workshop, and a person in it is a worker” has lost its meaning today.

Nature management. Examples of rational and irrational use of natural resources. - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Nature management. Examples of rational and irrational nature management." 2017, 2018.

It is clear that resources are indeed limited and it is necessary to treat them sparingly. With the irrational use of resources, it is necessary to talk about the problem of their limitedness, because if you do not stop the waste of the resource, in the future, when it is needed, it simply will not be there. But, although the problem of limited resources has been clear for a long time, in different countries you can see vivid examples of wasting resources. For example, in Russia currently public policy in the field of energy saving is based on the priority of the efficient use of energy resources and the implementation of state supervision over this process. The state insists on the obligatory accounting by legal entities of the energy resources produced or consumed by them, as well as accounting individuals the energy resources they receive. State standards for equipment, materials and structures, vehicles include indicators of their energy efficiency. An important area is the certification of energy-consuming, energy-saving and diagnostic equipment, materials, structures, vehicles and, of course, energy resources. All this is based on a combination of interests of consumers, suppliers and producers of energy resources, as well as on interest legal entities v effective use energy resources. At the same time, even by the example of the middle Urals, 25-30 million tons of standard fuel (tce) are consumed annually in the region, and about 9 million tf.e. are used irrationally. It turns out that it is mainly imported fuel and energy resources (FER) that are being spent irrationally. At the same time, about 3 million tons of fuel equivalent. can be reduced through organizational measures. Most energy saving plans pursue this very goal, but have not yet been able to achieve it.

Also an example is not rational use An open pit for coal mining near Angren can serve as mineral resources. In addition, at the previously developed deposits of non-ferrous metals Ingichka, Kuytash, Kalkamar, Kurgashin, losses during the extraction and processing of ore reached 20-30%. At the Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Combine, several years ago, such accompanying components as molybdenum, mercury, and lead were not completely smelted from the processed ore. V last years Due to the transition to integrated development of mineral deposits, the degree of non-production losses has significantly decreased, but it is still far from complete rationalization.

The government approved a program aimed at stopping land degradation, as a result of which the annual damage to the economy amounts to more than USD 200 million.

But so far the program is only being introduced into agriculture, and at present, the processes of degradation varying degrees affected 56.4% of all agricultural land. According to scientists, the processes of soil degradation have intensified in recent decades as a result of irrational use of land resources, a decrease in the area of ​​protective afforestation, destruction of anti-erosion hydraulic structures, natural disasters. Financing of the program for irrigation and drainage and erosion control works is envisaged to be carried out at the expense of extra-budgetary funds of interested ministries and departments, funds from the sale and purchase of public land, from the collection of land tax, at the expense of economic entities and the state budget. According to experts involved in agricultural support programs, the problem of soil degradation is getting worse every day, but the implementation of the state program is more than problematic in conditions of financial deficit. The state will not be able to collect the necessary funds, and economic entities of the agricultural sector do not have the funds to invest in soil protection measures.

Russia's forest resources account for a fifth forest resources planets. The total stock of wood in the forests of Russia is 80 billion cubic meters. meters. Environmentally sound development of the economy and society largely depends on the level of safety and completeness of the implementation of the richest potential biological resources... But forests in Russia are constantly suffering from fires and damage from harmful insects and plant diseases, which is mainly a consequence of low technical equipment and limited funding of the state forest protection service. The volume of reforestation work has been reduced in recent years and in a number of regions no longer comply with forestry and environmental standards.

Also, with the transition to market relations the number of forest users has significantly increased, which in a number of places has led to an increase in violations of forest and environmental legislation in the use of forests.

A fundamentally important property of biological resources is their ability to reproduce themselves. However, as a result of the constantly increasing anthropogenic impact on the environment and overexploitation, the raw potential of biological resources is decreasing, and the populations of many plant and animal species are degrading and endangered. Therefore, to organize the rational use of biological resources, it is necessary, first of all, to provide environmentally sound limits for their exploitation (withdrawal), which exclude the depletion and loss of the ability of biological resources to reproduce themselves. In addition, prices for forest resources are extremely low in Russia, so forests are cut down and are not considered a great value. But by cutting down all the forest wealth, we risk losing huge money to buy wood in other countries, as well as destroying the natural air purifier. Fedorenko N. On the Assessment of the Efficiency of Using the National Resources of Russia. // Economic Issues. -2005-№8-p. 31-40.

Nature management- 1) the use of the natural environment to meet the ecological, economic, cultural and health-improving needs of society; 2) the science of the rational (for the relevant historical moment) use of natural resources by society - a complex discipline that includes elements of natural, social and technical sciences.

Nature management is subdivided into rational and irrational.

With the rational use of natural resources, the most complete satisfaction of the needs for material benefits is carried out while maintaining the ecological balance and the possibility of restoring the natural resource potential. The search for such an optimum of economic activity for a specific territory or object is an important applied task of the science of environmental management. The achievement of this optimum is called "".

Irrational use of natural resources leads to ecological degradation of the territory and irreversible depletion of the natural resource potential.

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"Rational and unsustainable use of natural resources"

Presentation prepared

biology teacher

MOU "School No. 5" of Vsevolozhsk

Pavlova Tatiana Alexandrovna

  • Nature management is a set of measures taken by society to study, develop, transform and protect the environment.
  • Nature management is the activity of human society aimed at satisfying its needs through the use of natural resources.

  • According to the available estimates of leading international organizations, there are about 10 thousand large protected natural areas of all kinds. At the same time, the total number of national parks approached 2000, and biosphere reserves - to 350.
  • Taking into account the peculiarities of the regime and status of environmental institutions located on them, the following categories of these territories are usually distinguished: state natural reserves, including biosphere reserves; National parks; natural parks; state nature reserves; natural monuments; dendrological parks and botanical gardens; health-improving areas and resorts.

Rational and not

Nature management

Rational use of natural resources

Nuclear energy.

At major accident the scale of radioactive contamination is so great that the legitimacy of the risk of further expansion of the NPP construction becomes doubtful. Moreover, with an increase in the number of nuclear power plants, the degree of risk also increases. The problem of radioactive waste disposal is of no less concern. Thus, an increase in energy consumption and its production globally can cause the following dangerous consequences:

· Climatic changes due to the greenhouse effect, the likelihood of which increases due to the growing accumulation of carbon dioxide in the planet's atmosphere emitted by power plants;

· The problem of neutralization and disposal of radioactive waste and dismantled equipment of nuclear reactors after the end of their service life;

An increase in the likelihood of accidents in nuclear reactors;

· Growth of areas and levels of acidification of the environment;

· Air pollution in cities and industrial areas as a result of burning fossil fuels.

Manufacturing industry as an environmental pollutant.

The specificity of the impact of the manufacturing industry on the environment lies in the variety of pollutants for the environment and for the person himself. The main channels of exposure are technogenic processing of natural substances and its changes during processing, reaction to the effects of technological processes (splitting, change in composition). In the process of production and consumption, the substance of nature is so modified that it turns into a toxic material that negatively affects both nature and humans.

A feature of the manufacturing industry is the similarity of the composition of pollutants emitted by enterprises. various industries production, but using similar materials, raw materials and semi-finished products.

Chemical industry.

The chemical industry is one of the dynamic manufacturing industries. It penetrated into all aspects of life: the production of medicines, drugs, vitamins, etc. All this contributed to an increase in the quality of life and the level of material security of society. However, the seamy side of this level is the growth of waste, poisoning of air, water bodies, soil.

There are about 80 thousand different chemicals in the environment. Every year in the world, 1-2 thousand new products of the chemical industry enter the trading network, which often have not passed preliminary testing. In the building materials industry, the greatest "contribution" to environmental pollution is made by cement, glass and asphalt concrete production.

In the process of glass production, among the pollutants, besides dust, lead compounds, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen fluoride, nitric oxide, arsenic - all these are toxic waste, almost half of which ends up in the environment.

Timber industry complex.

It is well known that the forest area is drastically reduced under the impact of the increasing demand for timber and arable land due to the growth of the total human population.

Types of violation of environmental friendliness of the use of forest resources:

· Violation of the current rules and norms of forest use;

The technology of skidding and hauling wood contradicts the protective functions of mountain forests (the use of caterpillar tractors), leads to the destruction soil cover, stripping off forest litter, intensification of erosion processes, destruction of undergrowth and young growth;

· Reforestation works do not keep pace with deforestation due to poor survival rate of plantings, as a result of carelessness.

Energy factor

The energy factor is of great importance due to the shortage of energy resources and the implementation of energy saving policies in the European regions of the country. In highly energy-intensive industries of the chemical industry and non-ferrous metallurgy (nylon and rayon silk, aluminum, nickel), fuel consumption significantly exceeds weight finished products, reaching 7-10 tons and more for each ton. The total energy costs for the production of such products are greater than those for raw materials and supplies. The share of the energy component is the largest, in addition to the electric power industry, in metallurgy, chemical and petrochemical industries. In ferrous metallurgy, pulp and paper industry, production of copper, lead, hydrolytic yeast, caustic soda and some other specific energy intensity of production is 1–3 tons of standard fuel, but the total demand for energy resources is very significant due to large production volumes. Therefore, the further development of energy-intensive industries is most effective in the eastern regions, primarily in Siberia, on the basis of the abundant and cheap energy resources available there.

Water factor

The water factor plays a significant and, in some cases, a decisive role in the location of enterprises in the chemical, pulp and paper, textile, ferrous metallurgy, and electric power industries. The costs of the entire range of water management measures (water supply, disposal and wastewater treatment) range from 1–2% to 15–25% of the cost of an enterprise under construction in water-intensive industries. As a result, they should be located in Siberia, on Far East, The European North, where the cost of 1 m3 of fresh water is 3-4 times less than in the regions of the Center and South of the European part.

Labor factor

The labor factor (the cost of living labor for the manufacture of products) remains important in the placement of mechanical engineering (in particular, instrument making), light industry, as well as the largest enterprises in other industries. Since labor costs per 1 ton of product and the share wages in the cost price do not give a correct idea of ​​the labor intensity of products, then when organizing the allocation of productive forces, taking into account the labor factor, it is advisable to focus on the absolute need of each enterprise for labor.

Land factor

The land factor becomes especially acute when allotting sites for industrial construction (their size for large enterprises reaches hundreds of hectares), in areas of intensive agriculture and cities in conditions of limited urban communications and engineering structures. The most rational option in this case is the group placement of enterprises in the form of industrial hubs.

Raw material factor

The raw material factor determines the consumption of materials, that is, the consumption of raw materials and basic materials per unit of finished products. The industries with the highest indices of material consumption (more than 1.5 tons of raw materials per
1 ton of products) include ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy full cycle, pulp and paper, hydrolysis, plywood, cement, sugar industries. At the same time, special attention is required by enterprises remote from sources of raw material supply, enterprises with large-tonnage products (metallurgical, chemical, pulp and paper mills). When placing them, it is necessary to correctly determine the areas of consumption of finished products and the costs of their transportation.

Transport factor

The transport factor for Russia with its significant continental spaces is of particular importance. Despite the systematic decrease in the share of transport costs in the cost of industrial products, in a number of industries it remains very high - from 20% for ferrous metal ores to 40% for mineral construction materials. The transportability of raw materials and finished products depends on the material consumption of production, the transport capacity of the transported goods, the quality properties of raw materials and finished products from the standpoint of the possibility of their transportation and storage. With an index of material consumption of more than 1.0, production tends to the raw material bases, less than 1.0 - to the regions and places of consumption of finished products.

Agroclimatic conditions

Agro-climatic conditions play a decisive role in the distribution of agricultural activities of the population. The specialization and efficiency of the agricultural sector of the Russian economy is directly related to the natural soil fertility, climate, and water regime of the territory. The agricultural climate assessment is based on comparing the agro-climatic conditions of the territory with the requirements of various cultivated plants to their factors of life and has significant regional differences.

The ecological factors of the distribution of productive forces at the present stage of economic development play special role, since they are directly related to the careful use of natural resources and the provision of the necessary living conditions for the population. Significant economic losses from anthropogenic pollution of the natural environment, increasing negative consequences for the health of the population have led to the urgent need to constantly take into account the environmental factor in the location of production.

Features of social and historical development... These include: the nature of social relations, features modern stage development of the state, economic stability and political system, perfection legislative framework and etc.

The last decades have been marked by a noticeable change in the role of factors in the distribution of productive forces in a developed market environment. Thus, the process of Scientification (synthesis of science with production) led to the advancement of potential opportunities for establishing close ties along the lines of cooperation and the attraction of industrial enterprises to the largest scientific centers... However, due to the extremely high fuel, energy, raw materials and materials consumption Russian economy, the specifics of the sectoral structure of its economy and gigantic continental spaces, the new factors in the distribution of productive forces in our country have not yet acquired such great importance as in developed post-industrial countries.

Of the whole variety of factors in the location of the economy, some of them are characteristic of many sectors of the production complex (for example, gravitation towards the consumer) and the non-production sphere, while others are inherent in only one industry or group of industries (gravitation towards recreational resources).

However, each branch of the economy has its own set of factors of its location. Moreover, even factors common with other industries in each specific case are manifested with varying strength, and if for some industries a factor has a decisive influence on the placement of an industry, then in another industry it is of secondary importance.


· Each branch of the economy is characterized by its own set and combination of factors of its location;

· The combination and role of individual factors in the location of the economy in a certain area depends on the sectoral structure of the economy of the country or region.

At the same time, for most branches of the non-production sphere, consumer orientation is the most important factor in their location. And the higher the share of non-productive sectors in the economic complex of a country or region, the greater role in the location of the economy is played by attraction to the consumer. Insofar as industry structure Most countries of the world are evolving towards an increase in the share of non-production sectors and a decrease in the production sector, it can be stated that the increasing role of the consumer factor in the location of the economy is a global trend.

Traditional approaches

Territorial approach

For Russia, with its gigantic areas, the territorial approach is of great importance, the application of which makes it possible to regulate territorial and economic processes. The essence of this approach is to take into account the complex relationships between various objects and phenomena located in the same territory. In this case, the study is carried out at different spatial levels (ranks), the highest of which is global, followed by regional (subregional), national (country), district and local levels. The need to apply the territorial approach arises from the presence of the territorial organization of the country and the existing political and administrative structure of the Russian Federation. Huge scale In Russia, the variety of natural and social conditions characteristic of individual zones and regions implies taking into account regional characteristics when solving complex economic problems, especially the development of new territories. This approach was used in previous decades and found its manifestation in the development of such programs as the transformation of the Non-Black Earth Zone of Russia, the development of the BAM zone, the development of the economy and culture of the indigenous peoples of the North.

The territorial approach identifies ways of rational distribution of production in the country and its regions, ensuring the integrated development of individual territories on the basis of their rational specialization, optimal dynamic spatial proportions of production and distribution of products, improving settlement systems, protecting nature and improving the environment. At the same time, the ultimate goal of using the territorial approach in the study of the distribution of productive forces is the most effective development of the economy in the interests of society as a whole.

A complex approach

An integrated approach means establishing the optimal interconnection between the elements of the economy of a certain territory, in which the main economic function (specialization) of the region is successfully carried out on the basis of the rational use of its natural, scientific, production, technical and socio-economic potential.

An integrated approach assumes a balance of economic and social aspects of the functioning of the economy, the proportionality of the development of specialized, auxiliary and service industries, material production and the non-production sphere by coordinating the activities of enterprises and organizations of various departmental subordination located in the district.

Historical approach

The historical approach reveals the patterns of development of various territorial objects, processes and phenomena, the peculiarities of their emergence and functioning at different time stages, makes it possible to trace the tendencies of their development.

Typological approach

The typological approach is used in territorial studies of various objects when comparing classifications (groupings) and typologies. This approach is associated with the development of such typologies that notice quantitative differences spatial objects, and the search for characteristic features and fundamental criteria for these typologies.

New approaches

Systems approach

The systematic approach involves considering each object (phenomenon, process, complex) as complex education consisting of various elements (structural parts) interacting with each other. The application of this approach is most expedient when studying objects with various internal and external relations(territorial production complexes, transport system).

Ecological approach

The ecological approach involves the identification and study of the links that exist between the studied object and its environment. According to Academician I.P. Gerasimov, it should include monitoring environmental changes, predicting the consequences of the impact of economic activities on the environment, optimizing the environment in the created natural and technical systems.

Constructive approach

The constructive approach is associated with a change in spatial objects, phenomena and processes from the point of view of the possibility and feasibility of their use in human life and economic activity. This approach is a kind of tool for building the optimal territorial organization of society and the basis for the development of applied regional research (regional planning, long-term forecast of socio-economic development, etc.).

Behavioral approach

The behavioral approach is used to study the behavior of people in space, which is determined by the characteristics of the perception of the environment by various social, professional, gender and age, ethnic and other groups of people and manifests itself in population migrations, the planning structure of settlements, the territorial organization of places of employment, etc.

Problem approach

The problematic approach focuses research on the analysis and solution of any problem - a subjective category (as it is formulated by people) and acting as a barrier to achieving the set goal. The goal of the development of a society is a social benchmark (result) that must be achieved and in accordance with which the society organizes its resources. Accordingly, a problem is understood as a concentrated expression of the contradictions of spatio-temporal development, which is important for the distribution of productive forces.

Nature management is the activity of human society aimed at satisfying its needs through the use of natural resources.

Rational and irrational use of natural resources is distinguished.

Irrational use of natural resources is a system of nature management, in which readily available natural resources are used in large quantities and not fully, which leads to a rapid depletion of resources. In this case, a large amount of waste is generated and the environment is highly polluted.

Irrational use of natural resources is characteristic of an economy that develops through new construction, development of new lands, the use of natural resources, and an increase in the number of workers. Such an economy initially yields good results at a relatively low scientific and technical level of production, but quickly leads to a decrease in natural and labor resources.

Rational use of natural resources- this is a system of nature management, in which the extracted natural resources are sufficiently fully used, renewable natural resources are restored, production wastes are fully and repeatedly used (i.e., waste-free production is organized), which can significantly reduce environmental pollution.

Rational use of natural resources is characteristic of an intensive economy that develops on the basis of scientific and technological progress and good organization of labor with high labor productivity. An example of rational use of natural resources can be waste-free production, in which waste is fully used, as a result of which the consumption of raw materials is reduced and environmental pollution is minimized.

One of the types of waste-free production is the repeated use in the technological process of water taken from rivers, lakes, boreholes, etc. The used water is purified and re-involved in the production process.